/* * Irresistible Gaming (c) 2018 * Developed by Lorenc * Module: cnr\vip\redeem_code.pwn * Purpose: code redemption system for newly donating donors */ /* ** Includes ** */ #include < YSI\y_hooks > /* ** Error Checking ** */ #if !defined __cnr__irresistiblecoins #endinput #endif /* ** Definitions ** */ #define szRedemptionSalt "7resta#ecacakumedeM=yespawr!d@et" /* ** Variables ** */ enum E_DONATION_DATA { E_TRANSACTION_ID[ 17 ], E_NAME[ 24 ], E_AMOUNT[ 11 ], E_PURPOSE[ 64 ], E_DATE }; static stock g_redeemVipWait = 0; static stock g_TopDonorWall = INVALID_OBJECT_ID; stock Text: g_TopDonorTD = Text: INVALID_TEXT_DRAW; /* ** Forwards ** */ forward OnDonationRedemptionResponse( index, response_code, data[ ] ); /* ** Hooks ** */ hook OnScriptInit( ) { // Server Variables AddServerVariable( "donation_goal_amount", "250.0", GLOBAL_VARTYPE_FLOAT ); // Wall of Donors SetDynamicObjectMaterialText( CreateDynamicObject( 3074, -1574.3559, 885.1296, 28.4690, 0.0000, 0.0000, -0.0156 ), 0, "Thx Monthly Donors", 130, "Times New Roman", 64, 1, -65536, 0, 1 ); SetDynamicObjectMaterialText( ( g_TopDonorWall = CreateDynamicObject( 3074, -1574.3559, 885.1296, 14.0153, 0.0000, 0.0000, -0.0156 ) ), 0, "Nobody donated :(", 130, "Arial", 48, 0, -65536, 0, 1 ); // Latest Donor TD g_TopDonorTD = TextDrawCreate(320.000000, 2.000000, "Top Donor " SERVER_OPERATOR " - $0.00, ~w~~h~~h~Latest Donor " SERVER_OPERATOR " - $0.00"); TextDrawAlignment(g_TopDonorTD, 2); TextDrawBackgroundColor(g_TopDonorTD, 0); TextDrawFont(g_TopDonorTD, 1); TextDrawLetterSize(g_TopDonorTD, 0.139999, 0.799999); TextDrawColor(g_TopDonorTD, -2347265); TextDrawSetOutline(g_TopDonorTD, 1); TextDrawSetProportional(g_TopDonorTD, 1); return 1; } hook OnServerVariablesLoaded( ) { UpdateGlobalDonated( ); return 1; } hook OnDialogResponse( playerid, dialogid, response, listitem, inputtext[ ] ) { if ( dialogid == DIALOG_VIP && response ) { if ( strlen( inputtext ) != 16 ) { cmd_donated( playerid, "" ); return SendError( playerid, "The transaction ID you entered is invalid." ); } if ( g_redeemVipWait > g_iTime ) { cmd_donated( playerid, "" ); return SendServerMessage( playerid, "Our anti-exploit system requires you to wait another %d seconds before redeeming.", g_redeemVipWait - g_iTime ); } // HTTP( playerid, HTTP_GET, sprintf( "donate.sfcnr.com/validate_code/%s", inputtext ), "", "OnDonationRedemptionResponse" ); SendServerMessage( playerid, "We're now looking up this transaction. Please wait." ); return 1; } else if ( dialogid == DIALOG_DONATED ) { szLargeString[ 0 ] = '\0'; strcat( szLargeString, ""COL_WHITE"Thank you a lot for donating! :D In return for your dignity, you have received Coins.\n\n"\ ""COL_GREY" * What do I do with Coins?"COL_WHITE" You can claim the V.I.P of your choice via "COL_GREY"/irresistiblecoins market"COL_WHITE".\n" ); strcat( szLargeString, ""COL_GREY" * How many do I have?"COL_WHITE" You can see how many Coins you have via "COL_GREY"/irresistiblecoins"COL_WHITE".\n" \ ""COL_GREY" * I'm unsure, help?"COL_WHITE" If you have any questions, please /ask otherwise enquire " SERVER_OPERATOR " via the forums!\n\nThank you once again for your contribution to our community! :P" ); return ShowPlayerDialog( playerid, DIALOG_FINISHED_DONATING, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, ""COL_GOLD"SF-CNR Donation", szLargeString, "Got it!", "" ); } else if ( dialogid == DIALOG_FINISHED_DONATING ) { return ShowPlayerDialog( playerid, DIALOG_LATEST_DONOR, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, ""COL_GOLD"SF-CNR Donation", ""COL_WHITE"Would you like to be shown as the latest donor?", "Yes", "No" ); } else if ( dialogid == DIALOG_LATEST_DONOR ) { if ( GetPVarType( playerid, "just_donated" ) != PLAYER_VARTYPE_FLOAT ) return SendError( playerid, "Seems to be an issue where we couldn't find how much you donated. Report to " SERVER_OPERATOR "." ); new Float: fAmount = GetPVarFloat( playerid, "just_donated" ); DeletePVar( playerid, "just_donated" ); return UpdateGlobalDonated( playerid, fAmount, !response ); } return 1; } /* ** Callbacks ** */ public OnDonationRedemptionResponse( index, response_code, data[ ] ) { if ( response_code == 200 ) { if ( strmatch( data, "{FFFFFF}Unable to identify transaction." ) ) ShowPlayerDialog( index, DIALOG_NULL, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, ""COL_GOLD"SF-CNR Donation", data, "Okay", "" ); else { static aDonation[ E_DONATION_DATA ]; sscanf( data, "p<|>e", aDonation ); // printf("donation {id:%s, name:%s, amount:%s, purpose:%s, date:%d}", aDonation[ E_TRANSACTION_ID ],aDonation[ E_NAME ],aDonation[ E_AMOUNT ],aDonation[ E_PURPOSE ],aDonation[ E_DATE ]); if ( strfind( aDonation[ E_PURPOSE ], "San Fierro: Cops And Robbers" ) == -1 ) { ShowPlayerDialog( index, DIALOG_NULL, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, ""COL_GOLD"SF-CNR Donation", ""COL_WHITE"This donation is not specifically for this server thus you are unable to retrieve anything.", "Okay", "" ); return 0; } // SELECT * FROM `REDEEMED` WHERE `ID` = MD5('%s7resta#ecacakumedeM=yespawr!d@et') LIMIT 0,1 mysql_format( dbHandle, szNormalString, sizeof( szNormalString ), "SELECT * FROM `REDEEMED` WHERE `ID` = MD5('%e%s') LIMIT 0,1", aDonation[ E_TRANSACTION_ID ], szRedemptionSalt ); mysql_tquery( dbHandle, szNormalString, "OnCheckForRedeemedVIP", "is", index, data ); } } else { return ShowPlayerDialog( index, DIALOG_NULL, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, ""COL_GOLD"SF-CNR Donation", ""COL_WHITE"Unable to connect to the donation database. Please try again later.", "Okay", "" ); } return 1; } /* ** SQL Threads ** */ thread OnCheckForRedeemedVIP( playerid, data[ ] ) { static aDonation[ E_DONATION_DATA ], rows, fields ; cache_get_data( rows, fields ); if ( rows ) { static szName[ MAX_PLAYER_NAME ]; cache_get_field_content( 0, "REDEEMER", szName ); ShowPlayerDialog( playerid, DIALOG_NULL, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, ""COL_GOLD"SF-CNR Donation", sprintf( ""COL_WHITE"Sorry this transaction ID has already been redeemed by %s.", szName ), "Okay", "" ); } else { g_redeemVipWait = g_iTime + 10; sscanf( data, "p<|>e", aDonation ); mysql_format( dbHandle, szNormalString, sizeof( szNormalString ), "INSERT INTO `REDEEMED`(`ID`, `REDEEMER`) VALUES (MD5('%e%s'), '%e')", aDonation[ E_TRANSACTION_ID ], szRedemptionSalt, ReturnPlayerName( playerid ) ); mysql_single_query( szNormalString ); //printf( "%s\n%s | %s | %f | %s | %d", data, aDonation[ E_TRANSACTION_ID ], aDonation[ E_EMAIL ], floatstr( aDonation[ E_AMOUNT ] ), aDonation[ E_PURPOSE ], aDonation[ E_DATE ]); new Float: fAmount = floatstr( aDonation[ E_AMOUNT ] ), Float: iCoins = fAmount * ( 1 + GetGVarFloat( "vip_bonus" ) ) * 100.0 ; if ( p_Uptime[ playerid ] > 604800 ) { if ( fAmount < 1.99999 ) return SendError( playerid, "Thanks for donating! As this donation was under $2.00 USD, no coin has been issued." ); } else { if ( fAmount < 4.99999 ) return SendError( playerid, "Thanks for donating! As this donation was under $5.00 USD, no coins have been issued." ); } GivePlayerIrresistibleCoins( playerid, iCoins ); SetPVarFloat( playerid, "just_donated", fAmount ); SendClientMessageFormatted( playerid, -1, ""COL_GOLD"[VIP PACKAGE]"COL_WHITE" You have received %0.0f Coins! Thanks for donating %s!!! :D", iCoins, ReturnPlayerName( playerid ) ); format( szBigString, 256, ""COL_GREY"Transaction ID:\t"COL_WHITE"%s\n"COL_GREY"Donor Name:\t"COL_WHITE"%s\n"COL_GREY"Amount:\t"COL_WHITE"$%0.2f\n"COL_GREY"Total Coins:\t"COL_WHITE"%0.0f\n"COL_GREY"Time Ago:\t"COL_WHITE"%s", aDonation[ E_TRANSACTION_ID ], aDonation[ E_NAME ], floatstr( aDonation[ E_AMOUNT ] ), iCoins, secondstotime( g_iTime - aDonation[ E_DATE ] ) ); ShowPlayerDialog( playerid, DIALOG_DONATED, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, ""COL_GOLD"SF-CNR Donation", szBigString, "Continue", "" ); } return 1; } thread OnGrabLatestDonor( hidden ) { new rows = cache_get_row_count( ); if ( rows ) { static szName[ MAX_PLAYER_NAME ]; cache_get_field_content( 0, "NAME", szName ); new Float: last_donation = cache_get_field_content_float( 0, "LAST_AMOUNT", dbHandle ); new Float: total_donations = cache_get_field_content_float( 0, "TOTAL_DONATIONS", dbHandle ); new Float: funding_goal = GetServerVariableFloat( "donation_goal_amount" ); // make this optional if ( funding_goal > 0.0 ) { new Float: funding_goal_percent = total_donations / funding_goal * 100.0; // Prevents total revenue for the month being disclosed mathematically if ( funding_goal_percent >= 100.0 ) { TextDrawSetString( g_TopDonorTD, sprintf( "Latest Donor %s - $%0.2f, ~g~Month Is Fully %0.2f%% Funded!", szName, last_donation, 100.0 ) ); } else { TextDrawSetString( g_TopDonorTD, sprintf( "Latest Donor %s - $%0.2f, ~r~Month Is Only %0.2f%% Funded!", szName, last_donation, funding_goal_percent ) ); } } else { TextDrawSetString( g_TopDonorTD, sprintf( "Latest Donor %s - $%0.2f", szName, last_donation ) ); } // Play song! if ( ! hidden ) { GameTextForAll( sprintf( "~y~~h~~h~New Donor!~n~~w~%s", szName ), 6000, 3 ); // Play sound foreach(new p : Player) if ( !IsPlayerUsingRadio( p ) ) { PlayAudioStreamForPlayer( p, "http://files.sfcnr.com/game_sounds/donated.mp3" ); } } } else { TextDrawSetString( g_TopDonorTD, "Nobody Donated :(" ); } return 1; } thread OnUpdateWallOfDonors( ) { new rows; cache_get_data( rows, tmpVariable ); if( rows ) { new szString[ 600 ], iLine = 1, iPosition = 0; for( new row = 0; row < rows; row++ ) { new szName[ MAX_PLAYER_NAME ]; cache_get_field_content( row, "NAME", szName ); new iOldLength = strlen( szString ) + 4; // 4 is an offset if( iOldLength - iPosition > 24 ) { iPosition = iOldLength; strcat( szString, "\n" ), iLine ++; } // The wall of donors format( szString, sizeof( szString ), "%s%s, ", szString, szName ); } // The wall of donors formatting new iLength = strlen( szString ); strdel( szString, iLength - 2, iLength ); // Develop a size and format SetDynamicObjectMaterialText( g_TopDonorWall, 0, szString, 130, "Arial", floatround( 48.0 * floatpower( 0.925, iLine - 1 ), floatround_ceil ), 0, -65536, 0, 1 ); } else { SetDynamicObjectMaterialText( g_TopDonorWall, 0, "Nobody Donated :(", 130, "Arial", 48, 0, -65536, 0, 1 ); } return 1; } /* ** Commands ** */ CMD:redeemvip( playerid, params[ ] ) return cmd_donated( playerid, params ); CMD:donated( playerid, params[ ] ) { ShowPlayerDialog( playerid, DIALOG_VIP, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, ""COL_GOLD"SF-CNR Donation", ""COL_WHITE"Enter the transaction ID of your donation below.", "Redeem", "Close" ); return 1; } /* ** RCON Commands ** */ CMD:updatedonategoal( playerid, params[ ] ) { new Float: donation_goal; if ( ! IsPlayerAdmin( playerid ) && ! IsPlayerLeadMaintainer( playerid ) ) return 0; else if ( sscanf( params, "f", donation_goal ) ) return SendUsage( playerid, "/updatedonationreq [DONATION_GOAL_AMOUNT]" ); else if ( ! ( 0.0 <= donation_goal < 10000.0 ) ) return SendError( playerid, "Donation goal amount must be between $0 and $10,000." ); else { new Float: previous_goal = GetServerVariableFloat( "donation_goal_amount" ); UpdateGlobalDonated( .hidden = 1 ); SendServerMessage( playerid, "Updating donation goal from $%s to $%s!", number_format( previous_goal, .decimals = 2 ), number_format( donation_goal, .decimals = 2 ) ); UpdateServerVariableFloat( "donation_goal_amount", donation_goal ); } return 1; } CMD:updatedonortd( playerid, params[ ] ) { new targetid, Float: amount, reset; if ( ! IsPlayerAdmin( playerid ) && ! IsPlayerLeadMaintainer( playerid ) ) return 0; else if ( sscanf( params, "D(0)D(65535)F(0.0)", reset, targetid, amount ) ) return SendUsage( playerid, "/updatedonortd [RESET] [PLAYER_ID] [AMOUNT]" ); else { // Reset the top donor if ( reset ) { TextDrawSetString( g_TopDonorTD, "Nobody Donated :(" ); } // Update it incase UpdateGlobalDonated( targetid, amount ); SendServerMessage( playerid, "Updating latest donor now (player id %d, amount %f)", targetid, amount ); } return 1; } /* ** Functions ** */ static stock UpdateGlobalDonated( playerid = INVALID_PLAYER_ID, Float: amount = 0.0, hidden = 0 ) { if ( playerid != INVALID_PLAYER_ID && amount > 0.0 ) { format( szBigString, sizeof( szBigString ), "INSERT INTO `TOP_DONOR` (`USER_ID`,`AMOUNT`,`LAST_AMOUNT`,`TIME`,`HIDE`) VALUES(%d,%f,%f,%d,%d) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `AMOUNT`=`AMOUNT`+%f,`LAST_AMOUNT`=%f,`TIME`=%d,`HIDE`=%d;", p_AccountID[ playerid ], amount, amount, g_iTime, hidden, amount, amount, g_iTime, hidden ); mysql_single_query( szBigString ); } // top donor mysql_tquery( dbHandle, "SELECT `NAME`,`LAST_AMOUNT`,(SELECT SUM(`AMOUNT`) FROM `TOP_DONOR`) AS `TOTAL_DONATIONS` FROM `TOP_DONOR` LEFT JOIN `USERS` ON `TOP_DONOR`.`USER_ID`=`USERS`.`ID` WHERE `LAST_AMOUNT` > 0 AND `HIDE` < 1 ORDER BY `TIME` DESC LIMIT 1", "OnGrabLatestDonor", "d", hidden ); // wall of donors mysql_tquery( dbHandle, "SELECT `USERS`.`NAME` FROM `TOP_DONOR` INNER JOIN `USERS` ON `TOP_DONOR`.`USER_ID`=`USERS`.`ID` WHERE `HIDE` < 1 ORDER BY `AMOUNT` DESC, `TIME` DESC", "OnUpdateWallOfDonors", "" ); return 1; }