/* * * * SECURITYGUARD01 - 04 = SF * SECURITYGUARD05 - 07 = LV * SECURITYGUARD08 - 10 = LS * */ #include < a_npc > #define IDLE_RECORDING ( "SECURITYGUARD_IDLE" ) #undef MAX_PLAYERS #define MAX_PLAYERS ( 126 ) #define strmatch(%1,%2) (!strcmp(%1,%2,true)) /* ** Variables ** */ new t_NPCUpdate = 0xFFFF; new bool: b_Paused = false; new bool: b_Provoked = false; new bool: b_Disabled = false; new bool: b_Idle = false; new bool: b_Robbed = false; new iRecentTrack = -1; new iIdleTS = 0; new iRestartTS = 0; /* ** Messages ** */ new g_LeavingMessages[ ] [ ] = { { "We've secured the security truck without any conflict." }, { "Time for our team to take a coffee break." }, { "Schedules have been met without conflict." }, { "Our team is now going off-duty." } }, g_JoiningMessages[ ] [ ] = { { "We are now sending a security truck to deliver cash." }, { "Our team has came back from their coffee break." }, { "A new schedule to deliver cash to ATMs has been made." }, { "Our team is now on duty and making deliveries." } }, g_RobbedMessages[ ] [ ] = { { "Our systems detect that our convoy have been intruded." }, { "We have lost connection with our scheduled security truck." }, { "Our security truck has went missing and failed its schedules." }, { "We have had our security truck towed away due to a robbery." } } ; /* ** Events ** */ public OnSecurityGuardUpdate( ); main( ) { } public OnNPCModeInit( ) { t_NPCUpdate = SetTimer( "OnSecurityGuardUpdate", 500, true ); return 1; } public OnNPCModeExit( ) { KillTimer( t_NPCUpdate ); return 1; } public OnNPCDisconnect( reason[ ] ) { resetNPCData( ); return 1; } public OnRecordingPlaybackEnd( ) { if( b_Idle ) { // Constant idle at 2K, 2K, 2K StartRecordingPlayback( PLAYER_RECORDING_TYPE_DRIVER, IDLE_RECORDING ); return 1; } SetMeIdleForRestart( ); return 1; } public OnNPCSpawn( ) { GenerateNewPlayback( ); return 1; } public OnPlayerText( playerid, text[ ] ) { return 1; } public OnClientMessage( color, text[ ] ) { if( !strcmp( text, "[0x00][NPC] TRUCK DISABLED." ) && color == 0x112233FF ) { if( !b_Disabled ) { b_Disabled = true; PauseRecordingPlayback( ); //SendChat( "I can't move my truck? What the hell..." ); } return 1; } if( !strcmp( text, "[0x01][NPC] PROVOKED." ) && color == 0x112233FF ) { if( !b_Provoked ) { if( b_Paused ) { b_Paused = false; ResumeRecordingPlayback( ); } b_Provoked = true; //SendChat( "What...? Gunfire? Oh. Shit!" ); } return 1; } if( !strcmp( text, "[0x02] RESTART." ) && color == 0x112233FF ) { b_Robbed = true; iIdleTS = gettime( ) + 10; return 1; } if( !strcmp( text, "[0x03] 300 SECOND START." ) && color == 0x112233FF ) { iRestartTS = gettime( ) + 300; return 1; } return 1; } public OnSecurityGuardUpdate( ) { new time = gettime( ); if( !( b_Disabled || b_Provoked || b_Idle ) ) { new hasAnyPlayersInfront = IsAnyPlayerInfrontOfMe( ) ; if( hasAnyPlayersInfront ) { if( b_Paused == false ) { PauseRecordingPlayback( ); b_Paused = true; } } else { if( b_Paused == true ) { ResumeRecordingPlayback( ); b_Paused = false; } } } else { if( time > iRestartTS && iRestartTS != 0 && b_Idle == true ) { GenerateNewPlayback( ); return 1; } if( time > iIdleTS && iIdleTS != 0 ) { SetMeIdleForRestart( ); return 1; } } return 1; } public OnNPCEnterVehicle( vehicleid, seatid ) { return 1; } public OnNPCExitVehicle() { return 1; } // Functions stock SetMeIdleForRestart( ) { if( b_Idle ) return; b_Idle = true; iIdleTS = 0; SendChat( "End Security Guard" ); if( !b_Robbed ) SendChat( g_LeavingMessages[ random( sizeof( g_LeavingMessages ) ) ] ); else SendChat( g_RobbedMessages[ random( sizeof( g_RobbedMessages ) ) ] ); StopRecordingPlayback( ); StartRecordingPlayback( PLAYER_RECORDING_TYPE_DRIVER, IDLE_RECORDING ); } stock resetNPCData( ) { b_Paused = false; b_Provoked = false; b_Disabled = false; b_Idle = false; b_Robbed = false; iRestartTS = 0; iIdleTS = 0; iRecentTrack= -1; } stock GenerateNewPlayback( ) { new szLocation[ 16 ], iRandom; find_track: if( ( iRandom = random( 11 ) ) == iRecentTrack ) { goto find_track; } SendChat( g_JoiningMessages[ random( sizeof( g_JoiningMessages ) ) ] ); format( szLocation, sizeof( szLocation ), "SECURITYGUARD%02d", iRandom ); StopRecordingPlayback( ); StartRecordingPlayback( PLAYER_RECORDING_TYPE_DRIVER, szLocation ); resetNPCData( ); // Reset data last, because bugs can incur. iRecentTrack = iRandom; // So unique plays each time. } stock IsAnyPlayerInfrontOfMe( ) { new Float: X, Float: Y, Float: Z; for ( new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++ ) { if ( !IsPlayerConnected( i ) || !IsPlayerStreamedIn( i ) ) continue; new iState = GetPlayerState( i ); if( iState == PLAYER_STATE_ONFOOT || iState == PLAYER_STATE_DRIVER ) { GetXYInfrontOfMe( 10.0, X, Y, Z ); return IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint( i, 10.0, X, Y, Z ); } } return 0; } stock GetXYInfrontOfMe( Float:distance, &Float: x, &Float: y, &Float: z ) { static Float: angle; GetMyPos( x, y, z ); GetMyFacingAngle( angle ); x += ( distance * floatsin( -angle, degrees ) ); y += ( distance * floatcos( -angle, degrees ) ); }