(/) Weed is no longer taxed when bought or sold. (Kova) (*) Quit to Avoid and AFK Wanted will now award the nearest LEO (75m On Foot, 150m In Vehicle). (Damen) (*) Passive Mode Players are no longer able to enter Business Vehicles. (Damen) (*) Passive Mode Players will now become wanted through association when interacting with wanted players. (Damen) (*) Law Enforcement Officers are no longer able to purchase or obtain chainsaws. (Damen) (*) When inside a player-owned Journey vehicle interior and the owner disconnects, you will be removed from the interior. (Damen) (*) Info pickup text typo fixed. (Damen) (*) /vipjob should no longer allow you to put in an incorrect job name and still take your money. (Damen) (*) You can no longer use player-owned vehicle or dirty mechanic commands to allow your vehicle to drive underwater. (Damen) (*) You can no longer relog to reset the Dirty Mechanic export timer restriction. (Damen) (*) Removes the ability to send IC to administrators who are spectating you. (Damen) (*) Removes the ability to farm IC by using animations. (Damen) (*) You can no longer use animations while wearing a parachute to avoid fake deaths. (Damen) (*) /spawn should now display beyond 60 homes. (Stev) (*) Business production label should now display the correct amount of money. (Stev) (*) Militia Ship should no longer be robbable through the wall. (Kova)