/* * Irresistible Gaming (c) 2018 * Developed by Lorenc Pekaj * Module: cnr\features\chuffsec.pwn * Purpose: robbable npc security truck implementation */ /* ** Error checking ** */ #if !defined __cnr__chuffsec #define __cnr__chuffsec #endif /* ** Includes ** */ #include < YSI\y_hooks > /* ** Definitions ** */ #define SECURE_TRUCK_DRIVER_NAME ( "ChuffSec" ) #define SECURE_TRUCK_DISTANCE ( 6.0 ) #define SECURE_TRUCK_RADIUS ( 4.0 ) #define COLOR_SECURITY 0xFF440500 #define PROGRESS_ROBTRUCK 2 /* ** Variables ** */ enum E_SECURE_OFFSET { Float: E_X, Float: E_Y, Float: E_Z, bool: E_LEFT, bool: E_ENABLED, Float: E_HP }; enum E_SECURE_VEHICLE { E_LOOT, bool: E_ROBBED, bool: E_OPEN, bool: E_BEING_ROBBED, E_MAP_ICON }; new Float: g_secureTruckOffsets[ ] [ E_SECURE_OFFSET ] = { { 0.6641840, -3.134811, -0.072469, false, true, 100.0 }, { 0.6666250, -3.096450, 1.2469670, false, true, 100.0 }, { -0.641235, -3.098449, 1.2477970, true , true, 100.0 }, { -0.637695, -3.136108, -0.079330, true , true, 100.0 } }, g_secureTruckData [ E_SECURE_VEHICLE ], g_secureTruckDriver = INVALID_PLAYER_ID, g_secureTruckVehicle = INVALID_VEHICLE_ID, Text3D: g_secureTruckVehicleLabel [ sizeof( g_secureTruckOffsets ) ] = { Text3D: INVALID_3DTEXT_ID, ... } ; /* ** Hooks ** */ hook OnScriptInit( ) { g_secureTruckVehicle = AddStaticVehicle( 428, 2000.0, 2000.0, 2000.0, 180.0, -1, -1 ); for( new i = 0; i < sizeof( g_secureTruckOffsets ); i++ ) { g_secureTruckVehicleLabel[ i ] = CreateDynamic3DTextLabel( "100%", setAlpha( COLOR_GREY, 0x90 ), g_secureTruckOffsets[ i ] [ E_X ], g_secureTruckOffsets[ i ] [ E_Y ], g_secureTruckOffsets[ i ] [ E_Z ], 25.0, INVALID_PLAYER_ID, g_secureTruckVehicle ); } ConnectNPC( SECURE_TRUCK_DRIVER_NAME, "secureguard" ); return 1; } hook OnPlayerUpdateEx( playerid ) { static Float: fX, Float: fY, Float: fZ; if ( IsPlayerConnected( g_secureTruckDriver ) ) { if ( IsSecurityDriverAFK( ) ) { if ( GetPlayerSurfingVehicleID( playerid ) == g_secureTruckVehicle || IsPlayerInVehicle( playerid, g_secureTruckVehicle ) ) { SendServerMessage( playerid, "You seemed to fly away with the security guard. You've been teleported to a spawn." ); CallLocalFunction( "SetPlayerRandomSpawn", "d", playerid ); } if ( g_secureTruckData[ E_MAP_ICON ] != 0xFFFF ) { SetVehicleParamsCarDoors( g_secureTruckVehicle, 0, 0, 0, 0 ); DestroyDynamicMapIcon( g_secureTruckData[ E_MAP_ICON ] ); g_secureTruckData[ E_MAP_ICON ] = 0xFFFF; } } else { if ( GetPlayerPos( g_secureTruckDriver, fX, fY, fZ ) ) { DestroyDynamicMapIcon( g_secureTruckData[ E_MAP_ICON ] ); // Should not look sketchy g_secureTruckData[ E_MAP_ICON ] = CreateDynamicMapIcon( fX, fY, fZ, 52, 0, -1, -1, -1, 300.0 ); } } } return 1; } hook OnNpcConnect( npcid ) { static npc_name[ MAX_PLAYER_NAME ]; GetPlayerName( npcid, npc_name, sizeof( npc_name ) ); if ( strmatch( npc_name, SECURE_TRUCK_DRIVER_NAME ) ) { g_secureTruckDriver = npcid; g_secureTruckData[ E_MAP_ICON ] = 0xFFFF; SetPlayerColor( npcid, COLOR_SECURITY ); PutPlayerInVehicle( npcid, g_secureTruckVehicle, 0 ); return Y_HOOKS_BREAK_RETURN_1; } return Y_HOOKS_CONTINUE_RETURN_1; } hook OnNpcDisconnect( npcid, reason ) { if ( g_secureTruckDriver == npcid ) { restartSecurityGuardProcess( .inform_npc = false ); g_secureTruckDriver = INVALID_PLAYER_ID; print( "Driver Crashed, Restablishing." ); ConnectNPC( SECURE_TRUCK_DRIVER_NAME, "secureguard" ); return Y_HOOKS_BREAK_RETURN_1; } return 1; } hook OnPlayerText( playerid, text[ ] ) { if ( IsPlayerSecurityDriver( playerid ) ) { if ( strmatch( text, "End Security Guard" ) ) { restartSecurityGuardProcess( ); return Y_HOOKS_BREAK_RETURN_0; } return Y_HOOKS_BREAK_RETURN_1; } return 1; } hook OnPlayerDriveVehicle(playerid, vehicleid) { if ( IsPlayerConnected( g_secureTruckDriver ) && vehicleid == g_secureTruckVehicle ) { SendError( playerid, "This vehicle cannot be accessed." ); SyncObject( playerid, 1 ); // Just sets the players position where the vehicle is. return Y_HOOKS_BREAK_RETURN_1; } return 1; } hook OnPlayerKeyStateChange( playerid, newkeys, oldkeys ) { new Float: X, Float: Y, Float: Z, Float: Angle; new player_vehicle = GetPlayerVehicleID( playerid ); if ( PRESSED( KEY_WALK ) ) { if ( CanPlayerExitEntrance( playerid ) && player_vehicle ) { new Float: fX, Float: fY; UpdatePlayerEntranceExitTick( playerid ); GetVehiclePos( g_secureTruckVehicle, X, Y, Z ); GetVehicleZAngle( g_secureTruckVehicle, Angle ); fX = X + ( SECURE_TRUCK_DISTANCE * floatsin( -Angle + 180, degrees ) ); fY = Y + ( SECURE_TRUCK_DISTANCE * floatcos( -Angle + 180, degrees ) ); if ( IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint( playerid, SECURE_TRUCK_RADIUS, fX, fY, Z ) && p_Class[ playerid ] != CLASS_POLICE ) { new every_thing_shot = allSecurityOffsetsShot( ); if ( every_thing_shot && g_secureTruckData[ E_OPEN ] == true ) { if ( IsSecurityDriverAFK( ) ) return 1; if ( g_secureTruckData[ E_BEING_ROBBED ] ) return SendError( playerid, "This truck is currently being robbed." ); if ( g_secureTruckData[ E_ROBBED ] ) return SendError( playerid, "This truck has been robbed." ); SetPlayerFacePoint( playerid, X, Y ); //SetPlayerPos( playerid, fX, fY, Z ); g_secureTruckData[ E_BEING_ROBBED ] = true; ApplyAnimation( playerid, "CARRY", "liftup105", 4.0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0 ); ShowProgressBar( playerid, "Robbing Truck", PROGRESS_ROBTRUCK, 4000, COLOR_GOLD ); } return Y_HOOKS_BREAK_RETURN_1; } } } return 1; } /* ** Commands ** */ CMD:chuffloc( playerid, params[ ] ) { static Float: X, Float: Y, Float: Z, szCity[ MAX_ZONE_NAME ], szLocation[ MAX_ZONE_NAME ] ; if ( IsSecurityDriverAFK( ) ) SendServerMessage( playerid, "ChuffSec is currently immobile and not making any deliveries at present." ); else { if ( GetPlayerPos( g_secureTruckDriver, X, Y, Z ) ) { Get2DCity( szCity, X, Y, Z ); GetZoneFromCoordinates( szLocation, X, Y, Z ); SendServerMessage( playerid, "ChuffSec schedules show that the security truck is located near %s in %s.", szLocation, szCity ); } else SendServerMessage( playerid, "ChuffSec is currently immobile and not making any deliveries at present." ); } return 1; } /* ** Functions ** */ stock IsPlayerSecurityDriver( playerid ) { new npc_id = IsPlayerNPC( playerid ); if ( strmatch( ReturnPlayerName( playerid ), SECURE_TRUCK_DRIVER_NAME ) && !npc_id ) { return 0; } return ( npc_id && playerid == g_secureTruckDriver ); } stock IsVehicleSecurityVehicle( vehicleid ) { return vehicleid == g_secureTruckVehicle; } stock restartSecurityGuardProcess( bool: inform_npc = true ) { g_secureTruckData[ E_LOOT ] = 0; g_secureTruckData[ E_ROBBED ] = false; g_secureTruckData[ E_BEING_ROBBED ] = false; g_secureTruckData[ E_OPEN ] = false; DestroyDynamicMapIcon( g_secureTruckData[ E_MAP_ICON ] ); g_secureTruckData[ E_MAP_ICON ] = 0xFFFF; for( new i = 0; i < sizeof( g_secureTruckOffsets ); i++ ) { g_secureTruckOffsets[ i ] [ E_LEFT ] = false; g_secureTruckOffsets[ i ] [ E_ENABLED ] = true; g_secureTruckOffsets[ i ] [ E_HP ] = 100.0; UpdateDynamic3DTextLabelText( g_secureTruckVehicleLabel[ i ], setAlpha( COLOR_GREY, 0x90 ), "100%" ); } if ( inform_npc ) SendClientMessage( g_secureTruckDriver, 0x112233FF, "[0x03] 300 SECOND START." ); } stock allSecurityOffsetsShot( ) { for( new i = 0; i < sizeof( g_secureTruckOffsets ); i++ ) if ( g_secureTruckOffsets[ i ] [ E_ENABLED ] ) return 0; return 1; } stock IsSecurityDriverAFK( ) { // Damn thing bugged with range of point new Float: Z; return ( GetPlayerPos( g_secureTruckDriver, Z, Z, Z ) && Z > 1000.0 ); }