/* * Irresistible Gaming (c) 2018 * Developed by Lorenc Pekaj * Module: cnr\experience.pwn * Purpose: player experience system 2.0 */ /* ** Includes ** */ #include < YSI\y_hooks > /* ** Definitions ** */ #define DIALOG_VIEW_LEVEL 5943 /* ** Macros ** */ #define IsDoubleXP() ( GetGVarInt( "doublexp" ) ) /* ** Constants ** */ enum E_LEVELS { E_POLICE, E_ROBBERY, E_DEATHMATCH, /*E_FIREMAN, E_PARAMEDIC, E_HITMAN, E_BURGLAR, E_TERRORIST, E_CAR_JACKER, E_DRUG_PRODUCTION, E_MINING, E_TRANSPORT*/ }; enum E_LEVEL_DATA { E_NAME[ 16 ], Float: E_MAX_UNITS, Float: E_XP_DILATION }; static const Float: EXP_MAX_PLAYER_LEVEL = 100.0; static const g_levelData [ ] [ E_LEVEL_DATA ] = { // Level Name Level 100 Req. XP Dilation (just to confuse user) { "Police", 7500.0, 20.0 }, // 7.5k arrests { "Robbery", 30000.0, 15.0 }, // 30K robberies { "Deathmatch", 75000.0, 10.0 } // 75K kills /* { "Fireman", 10000.0, 9.0 }, // 10k fires { "Hitman", 1500.0, 4.5 }, // 1.5k contracts { "Burglar", 2000.0, 7.5 }, // 2K burglaries { "Terrorist", 15000.0, 6.0 }, // 15k blown entities { "Car Jacker", 10000.0, 6.0 }, // 10k cars jacked { "Drug Production", 10000.0, 6.0 }, // 10k exports drug related { "Mining", 1500.0, 3.0 } // 1,500 mining ores */ } ; /* ** Variables ** */ static stock Float: g_playerExperience [ MAX_PLAYERS ] [ E_LEVELS ], PlayerText: p_playerExpTitle [ MAX_PLAYERS ] = { PlayerText: INVALID_TEXT_DRAW, ... }, PlayerText: p_playerExpAwardTD [ MAX_PLAYERS ] = { PlayerText: INVALID_TEXT_DRAW, ... }, PlayerBar: p_playerExpProgress [ MAX_PLAYERS ], p_playerExpHideTimer [ MAX_PLAYERS ] = { -1, ... } ; /* ** Important ** */ stock Float: GetPlayerLevel( playerid, E_LEVELS: level ) { return floatsqroot( g_playerExperience[ playerid ] [ level ] / ( ( g_levelData[ _: level ] [ E_MAX_UNITS ] * g_levelData[ _: level ] [ E_XP_DILATION ] ) / ( EXP_MAX_PLAYER_LEVEL * EXP_MAX_PLAYER_LEVEL ) ) ); } stock Float: GetPlayerTotalExperience( playerid ) { new Float: experience = 0.0; for ( new l = 0; l < sizeof ( g_levelData ); l ++ ) { experience += g_playerExperience[ playerid ] [ E_LEVELS: l ]; } return experience; } /* ** Hooks ** */ hook OnDialogResponse( playerid, dialogid, response, listitem, inputtext[ ] ) { if ( dialogid == DIALOG_VIEW_LEVEL && response ) { return cmd_level( playerid, sprintf( "%d", GetPVarInt( playerid, "experience_watchingid" ) ) ), 1; } return 1; } hook OnPlayerUpdateEx( playerid ) { if ( IsPlayerLoggedIn( playerid ) ) { new Float: total_experience = GetPlayerTotalExperience( playerid ); PlayerTextDrawSetString( playerid, p_ExperienceTD[ playerid ], sprintf( "%08.0f", total_experience ) ); } return 1; } hook OnPlayerLogin( playerid ) { mysql_tquery( dbHandle, sprintf( "SELECT * FROM `USER_LEVELS` WHERE `USER_ID` = %d", GetPlayerAccountID( playerid ) ), "Experience_OnLoad", "d", playerid ); return 1; } hook OnPlayerConnect( playerid ) { // progress bar for xp p_playerExpProgress[ playerid ] = CreatePlayerProgressBar( playerid, 47.000000, 263.000000, 82.500000, 7.199999, COLOR_GOLD, 100.0000, 0 ); // -2007060993 // title of progress bar p_playerExpTitle[ playerid ] = CreatePlayerTextDraw( playerid, 86.000000, 248.000000, "_" ); PlayerTextDrawAlignment( playerid, p_playerExpTitle[ playerid ], 2 ); PlayerTextDrawBackgroundColor( playerid, p_playerExpTitle[ playerid ], 255 ); PlayerTextDrawFont( playerid, p_playerExpTitle[ playerid ], 1 ); PlayerTextDrawLetterSize( playerid, p_playerExpTitle[ playerid ], 0.240000, 1.200000 ); PlayerTextDrawColor( playerid, p_playerExpTitle[ playerid ], COLOR_GOLD ); PlayerTextDrawSetOutline( playerid, p_playerExpTitle[ playerid ], 1 ); PlayerTextDrawSetProportional( playerid, p_playerExpTitle[ playerid ], 1 ); // general reward p_playerExpAwardTD[ playerid ] = CreatePlayerTextDraw( playerid,319.000000, 167.000000, "+20 XP" ); PlayerTextDrawAlignment( playerid,p_playerExpAwardTD[ playerid ], 2 ); PlayerTextDrawBackgroundColor( playerid,p_playerExpAwardTD[ playerid ], 255 ); PlayerTextDrawFont( playerid,p_playerExpAwardTD[ playerid ], 3 ); PlayerTextDrawLetterSize( playerid,p_playerExpAwardTD[ playerid ], 0.450000, 1.599999 ); PlayerTextDrawColor( playerid,p_playerExpAwardTD[ playerid ], COLOR_GOLD ); PlayerTextDrawSetOutline( playerid,p_playerExpAwardTD[ playerid ], 1 ); PlayerTextDrawSetProportional( playerid,p_playerExpAwardTD[ playerid ], 1 ); PlayerTextDrawSetSelectable( playerid,p_playerExpAwardTD[ playerid ], 0 ); return 1; } hook OnPlayerDisconnect( playerid, reason ) { for ( new l = 0; l < sizeof ( g_levelData ); l ++ ) { g_playerExperience[ playerid ] [ E_LEVELS: l ] = 0; } return 1; } /* ** Commands ** */ CMD:experience( playerid, params[ ] ) return cmd_level( playerid, params ); CMD:levels( playerid, params[ ] ) return cmd_level( playerid, params ); CMD:xp( playerid, params[ ] ) return cmd_level( playerid, params ); CMD:level( playerid, params[ ] ) { new watchingid; if ( sscanf( params, "u", watchingid ) ) watchingid = playerid; if ( !IsPlayerConnected( watchingid ) ) watchingid = playerid; new player_total_lvl = 0; szLargeString = ""COL_GREY"Skill\t"COL_GREY"Current Level\t"COL_GREY"XP Till Next Level\n"; for ( new level_id; level_id < sizeof( g_levelData ); level_id ++ ) { new Float: current_rank = GetPlayerLevel( watchingid, E_LEVELS: level_id ); new Float: next_lvl = floatround( current_rank, floatround_floor ) + 1.0; new Float: next_lvl_xp = ( g_levelData[ level_id ] [ E_MAX_UNITS ] * g_levelData[ level_id ] [ E_XP_DILATION ] ) / ( EXP_MAX_PLAYER_LEVEL * EXP_MAX_PLAYER_LEVEL ) * ( next_lvl * next_lvl ); player_total_lvl += floatround( current_rank, floatround_floor ); format( szLargeString, sizeof( szLargeString ), "%s%s Level\t%s%0.0f / %0.0f\t"COL_PURPLE"%0.0f XP\n", szLargeString, g_levelData[ level_id ] [ E_NAME ], current_rank >= 100.0 ? ( COL_GREEN ) : ( COL_GREY ), current_rank, EXP_MAX_PLAYER_LEVEL, next_lvl_xp - g_playerExperience[ watchingid ] [ E_LEVELS: level_id ] ); } SetPVarInt( playerid, "experience_watchingid", watchingid ); return ShowPlayerDialog( playerid, DIALOG_VIEW_LEVEL, DIALOG_STYLE_TABLIST_HEADERS, sprintf( "{FFFFFF}%s's Level - Total Level %d", ReturnPlayerName( watchingid ), player_total_lvl ), szLargeString, "Refresh", "Close" ); } /* ** SQL Threads ** */ thread Experience_OnLoad( playerid ) { new rows = cache_get_row_count( ); if ( rows ) { for ( new row = 0; row < rows; row ++ ) { new level_id = cache_get_field_content_int( row, "LEVEL_ID" ); // make sure we don't get any deprecated/invalid levels if ( level_id < sizeof ( g_levelData ) ) { g_playerExperience[ playerid ] [ E_LEVELS: level_id ] = cache_get_field_content_float( row, "EXPERIENCE" ); } } } return 1; } /* ** Functions ** */ stock GivePlayerExperience( playerid, E_LEVELS: level, Float: default_xp = 1.0, bool: with_dilation = true ) { if ( ! IsPlayerLoggedIn( playerid ) || ! ( 0 <= _: level < sizeof( g_levelData ) ) ) return 0; // dilation is there so people see +3 when they arrest ... could trigger dopamine levels instead of constantly +1 lol new Float: xp_earned = default_xp * ( IsDoubleXP( ) ? 2.0 : 1.0 ) * ( with_dilation ? ( g_levelData[ _: level ] [ E_XP_DILATION ] ) : 1.0 ); // when a player ranks up new next_lvl = floatround( GetPlayerLevel( playerid, level ), floatround_floor ) + 1; new Float: next_lvl_xp = ( g_levelData[ _: level ] [ E_MAX_UNITS ] * g_levelData[ _: level ] [ E_XP_DILATION ] ) / ( EXP_MAX_PLAYER_LEVEL * EXP_MAX_PLAYER_LEVEL ) * float( next_lvl * next_lvl ); if ( g_playerExperience[ playerid ] [ level ] + xp_earned >= next_lvl_xp ) { ShowPlayerHelpDialog( playerid, 10000, "~p~Congratulations %s!~n~~n~~w~Your %s Level is now ~p~%d.", ReturnPlayerName( playerid ), g_levelData[ _: level ] [ E_NAME ], next_lvl ); if ( !IsPlayerUsingRadio( playerid ) ) PlayAudioStreamForPlayer( playerid, "http://files.sfcnr.com/game_sounds/levelup.mp3" ); PlayerTextDrawSetString( playerid, p_playerExpTitle[ playerid ], sprintf( "%s Level %d", g_levelData[ _: level ] [ E_NAME ], next_lvl ) ); SetPlayerProgressBarValue( playerid, p_playerExpProgress[ playerid ], 100.0 ); } else { PlayerTextDrawSetString( playerid, p_playerExpTitle[ playerid ], sprintf( "%s Level %d", g_levelData[ _: level ] [ E_NAME ], next_lvl - 1 ) ); } // check if its over 100 anyway if ( ( g_playerExperience[ playerid ] [ level ] += xp_earned ) > g_levelData[ _: level ] [ E_MAX_UNITS ] * g_levelData[ _: level ] [ E_XP_DILATION ] ) { g_playerExperience[ playerid ] [ level ] = g_levelData[ _: level ] [ E_MAX_UNITS ] * g_levelData[ _: level ] [ E_XP_DILATION ]; SetPlayerProgressBarValue( playerid, p_playerExpProgress[ playerid ], 100.0 ); } else { new Float: progress = floatfract( GetPlayerLevel( playerid, level ) ) * 100.0; SetPlayerProgressBarValue( playerid, p_playerExpProgress[ playerid ], progress ); } // alert user KillTimer( p_playerExpHideTimer[ playerid ] ); PlayerTextDrawShow( playerid, p_playerExpTitle[ playerid ] ); ShowPlayerProgressBar( playerid, p_playerExpProgress[ playerid ] ); PlayerTextDrawSetString( playerid, p_playerExpAwardTD[ playerid ], sprintf( "+%0.0f XP", xp_earned ) ); PlayerTextDrawShow( playerid, p_playerExpAwardTD[ playerid ] ); p_playerExpHideTimer[ playerid ] = SetTimerEx( "Experience_HideIncrementTD", 3500, false, "d", playerid ); // save to database format( szBigString, sizeof( szBigString ), "INSERT INTO `USER_LEVELS` (`USER_ID`,`LEVEL_ID`,`EXPERIENCE`) VALUES(%d,%d,%f) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `EXPERIENCE`=%f", GetPlayerAccountID( playerid ), _: level, g_playerExperience[ playerid ] [ level ], g_playerExperience[ playerid ] [ level ] ); return mysql_single_query( szBigString ), 1; } function Experience_HideIncrementTD( playerid ) { p_playerExpHideTimer[ playerid ] = -1; HidePlayerProgressBar( playerid, p_playerExpProgress[ playerid ] ); PlayerTextDrawHide( playerid, p_playerExpAwardTD[ playerid ] ); PlayerTextDrawHide( playerid, p_playerExpTitle[ playerid ] ); return 1; } stock GetPlayerTotalLevel( playerid, &level = 0 ) { for ( new l = 0; l < sizeof ( g_levelData ); l ++ ) { level += floatround( GetPlayerLevel( playerid, E_LEVELS: l ), floatround_floor ); } return level; } /* ** Migrations ** */ /* CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS USER_LEVELS ( `USER_ID` int(11), `LEVEL_ID` int(11), `EXPERIENCE` float, PRIMARY KEY (USER_ID, LEVEL_ID), FOREIGN KEY (USER_ID) REFERENCES USERS (ID) ON DELETE CASCADE ); INSERT INTO USER_LEVELS (USER_ID, LEVEL_ID, EXPERIENCE) (SELECT ID as USER_ID, 0 as LEVEL_ID, ARRESTS * 20.0 AS EXPERIENCE FROM USERS); INSERT INTO USER_LEVELS (USER_ID, LEVEL_ID, EXPERIENCE) (SELECT ID as USER_ID, 1 as LEVEL_ID, ROBBERIES * 15.0 AS EXPERIENCE FROM USERS); INSERT INTO USER_LEVELS (USER_ID, LEVEL_ID, EXPERIENCE) (SELECT ID as USER_ID, 2 as LEVEL_ID, KILLS * 10.0 AS EXPERIENCE FROM USERS); DELETE FROM USER_LEVELS WHERE EXPERIENCE = 0; INSERT INTO USER_LEVELS (USER_ID, LEVEL_ID, EXPERIENCE) (SELECT ID as USER_ID, 3 as LEVEL_ID, FIRES * 9.0 AS EXPERIENCE FROM USERS); INSERT INTO USER_LEVELS (USER_ID, LEVEL_ID, EXPERIENCE) (SELECT ID as USER_ID, 4 as LEVEL_ID, CONTRACTS * 4.5 AS EXPERIENCE FROM USERS); INSERT INTO USER_LEVELS (USER_ID, LEVEL_ID, EXPERIENCE) (SELECT ID as USER_ID, 5 as LEVEL_ID, BURGLARIES * 7.5 AS EXPERIENCE FROM USERS); INSERT INTO USER_LEVELS (USER_ID, LEVEL_ID, EXPERIENCE) (SELECT ID as USER_ID, 6 as LEVEL_ID, (BLEW_JAILS + BLEW_VAULT) * 6.0 AS EXPERIENCE FROM USERS); INSERT INTO USER_LEVELS (USER_ID, LEVEL_ID, EXPERIENCE) (SELECT ID as USER_ID, 7 as LEVEL_ID, VEHICLES_JACKED * 6.0 AS EXPERIENCE FROM USERS); INSERT INTO USER_LEVELS (USER_ID, LEVEL_ID, EXPERIENCE) (SELECT ID as USER_ID, 8 as LEVEL_ID, (METH_YIELDED + (TRUCKED*0.33)) * 6.0 AS EXPERIENCE FROM USERS); */