/* PROJECT <> SA:MP Anticheat Plug-in LICENSE <> See LICENSE in the top level directory. AUTHOR(S) <> Lorenc_ (zeelorenc@hotmail.com) PURPOSE <> Providing datastructures for the internal SA:MP Server. Copyright (C) 2014 SA:MP Anticheat Plug-in. The Project is available on https://github.com/myudev/SAMPAC This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, see . */ #if !defined AC_HITPOINTS_INCLUDED #include < a_samp > #include < anticheat\global > #include < anticheat\player > // Forwards public OnPlayerTakePlayerDamage ( playerid, issuerid, &Float: amount, weaponid, bodypart ); public OnPlayerDeathEx ( playerid, killerid, reason, Float: damage, bodypart ); // Function (AC_GetPlayerHealth) stock Float: AC_GetPlayerHealth( playerid ) return p_PlayerHealth[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ]; // Function (AddPlayerHealth) stock AC_AddPlayerHealth( playerid, Float:amount ) { p_PlayerHealth[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ] += amount; p_PlayerHealth[ playerid ] [ E_SYNCED ] = false; return SetPlayerHealth( playerid, p_PlayerHealth[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ] ); } // Function Hook (SetPlayerHealth) stock AC_SetPlayerHealth( playerid, Float:amount ) { p_PlayerHealth[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ] = amount; p_PlayerHealth[ playerid ] [ E_SYNCED ] = false; if( amount <= 0.0 && p_acSpawned{ playerid } ) { if( ( GetTickCount( ) - p_LastTookDamage[ playerid ] ) > 2500 ) p_LastDamageIssuer[ playerid ] = INVALID_PLAYER_ID, p_LastWeaponIssuer[ playerid ] = 47; p_acSpawned{ playerid } = false; // They're dead! OnPlayerDeathEx( playerid, p_LastDamageIssuer[ playerid ], p_LastWeaponIssuer[ playerid ], 3.3, 3 ); } return SetPlayerHealth( playerid, amount ); } #if defined _ALS_SetPlayerHealth #undef SetPlayerHealth #else #define _ALS_SetPlayerHealth #endif #define SetPlayerHealth AC_SetPlayerHealth // Function Hook (SetPlayerArmour) stock AC_SetPlayerArmour( playerid, Float:amount ) { p_PlayerArmour[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ] = amount; p_PlayerArmour[ playerid ] [ E_SYNCED ] = false; return SetPlayerArmour( playerid, amount ); } #if defined _ALS_SetPlayerArmour #undef SetPlayerArmour #else #define _ALS_SetPlayerArmour #endif #define SetPlayerArmour AC_SetPlayerArmour // Function Hook (SetPlayerTeam) stock AC_SetPlayerTeam( playerid, teamid ) { if( teamid != AC_DEFAULT_TEAM ) printf("[ACWarning] You cannot use SetPlayerTeam as you have hitpoint hack detection enabled (teamid %d, default %d).", teamid, AC_DEFAULT_TEAM ); return SetPlayerTeam( playerid, AC_DEFAULT_TEAM ); } #if defined _ALS_SetPlayerTeam #undef SetPlayerTeam #else #define _ALS_SetPlayerArmour #endif #define SetPlayerTeam AC_SetPlayerTeam // Functions (Player) stock vCheckForHealthHacks( playerid, iTicks ) { new Float: currentHealth, Float: currentArmour ; GetPlayerHealth( playerid, currentHealth ); GetPlayerArmour( playerid, currentArmour ); // Lag Calculations new Float: fHitDamage = p_LastDamageIssued[ playerid ], Float: fArmourDamage, Float: fHealthDamage ; if( fHitDamage > currentArmour ) { fArmourDamage = currentArmour; fHealthDamage = fHitDamage - currentArmour; } else fArmourDamage = fHitDamage; // Begin Health Hack Detection if( iTicks > p_PlayerHealth[ playerid ] [ E_UPDATE_TIME ] ) { new currentHealthInt = floatround( currentHealth, floatround_floor ); new healthShouldBeInt = floatround( p_PlayerHealth[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ], floatround_floor ); if( currentHealthInt == healthShouldBeInt ) p_PlayerHealth[ playerid ] [ E_SYNCED ] = true; if( !p_PlayerHealth[ playerid ] [ E_SYNCED ] ) { if( currentHealthInt > healthShouldBeInt ) { switch( p_PlayerHealth[ playerid ] [ E_UPDATE_FAIL ]++ ) { case 0 .. 9: SetPlayerHealth( playerid, p_PlayerHealth[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ] ); case 10: SendClientMessage( playerid, 0xa9c4e4ff, "You have been kicked as you are desynced from the server. Please relog!" ), KickPlayerTimed( playerid ), printf("[health] Player %d was desynced thus kicked.", playerid); } } } else { p_PlayerHealth[ playerid ] [ E_UPDATE_FAIL ] = 0; if( healthShouldBeInt > currentHealthInt ) p_PlayerHealth[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ] = currentHealth; if( currentHealthInt > healthShouldBeInt && currentHealthInt <= 255 && currentHealthInt > 0 ) SetPlayerHealth( playerid, p_PlayerHealth[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ] ); currentHealthInt = floatround( currentHealth, floatround_floor ); healthShouldBeInt = floatround( p_PlayerHealth[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ], floatround_floor ); new dmgOne = floatround( currentHealthInt - fHealthDamage, floatround_floor ); new dmgTwo = floatround( currentHealthInt - fHealthDamage, floatround_ceil ); if( !( currentHealthInt == healthShouldBeInt || dmgOne == healthShouldBeInt || dmgTwo == healthShouldBeInt ) ) { SetPlayerHealth( playerid, p_PlayerHealth[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ] ); //printf("[health][%d] %d seems to health hack (server health: %d and client health: %d, health dmg: %f, armour dmg: %f).", playerid, playerid, healthShouldBeInt, currentHealthInt, fHealthDamage, fArmourDamage ); } } p_PlayerHealth[ playerid ] [ E_UPDATE_TIME ] = iTicks + 1000; } // Begin Armour Hack Detection if( iTicks > p_PlayerArmour[ playerid ] [ E_UPDATE_TIME ] ) { new currentArmourInt = floatround( currentArmour, floatround_floor ); new ArmourShouldBeInt = floatround( p_PlayerArmour[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ], floatround_floor ); if( currentArmourInt == ArmourShouldBeInt ) p_PlayerArmour[ playerid ] [ E_SYNCED ] = true; if( !p_PlayerArmour[ playerid ] [ E_SYNCED ] ) { if( currentArmourInt > ArmourShouldBeInt ) { switch( p_PlayerArmour[ playerid ] [ E_UPDATE_FAIL ]++ ) { case 0 .. 9: SetPlayerArmour( playerid, p_PlayerArmour[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ] ); case 10: SendClientMessage( playerid, 0xa9c4e4ff, "You have been kicked as you are desynced from the server. Please relog!" ), KickPlayerTimed( playerid ), printf("[armour] Player %d was desynced thus kicked.", playerid); } } } else { p_PlayerArmour[ playerid ] [ E_UPDATE_FAIL ] = 0; if( ArmourShouldBeInt > currentArmourInt ) p_PlayerArmour[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ] = currentArmour; if( currentArmourInt > ArmourShouldBeInt && currentArmourInt <= 255 && currentArmourInt > 0 ) SetPlayerArmour( playerid, p_PlayerArmour[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ] ); currentArmourInt = floatround( currentArmour, floatround_floor ); ArmourShouldBeInt = floatround( p_PlayerArmour[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ], floatround_floor ); new dmgOne = floatround( currentArmourInt - fArmourDamage, floatround_floor ); new dmgTwo = floatround( currentArmourInt - fArmourDamage, floatround_ceil ); if( !( currentArmourInt == ArmourShouldBeInt || dmgOne == ArmourShouldBeInt || dmgTwo == ArmourShouldBeInt ) ) { SetPlayerArmour( playerid, p_PlayerArmour[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ] ); //printf("[armour] %d seems to armour hack (server armour: %d and client armour: %d, health dmg: %f, armour dmg: %f).", playerid, ArmourShouldBeInt, currentArmourInt, fHealthDamage, fArmourDamage ); } } p_PlayerArmour[ playerid ] [ E_UPDATE_TIME ] = iTicks + 1000; } } /* @function ForcePlayerKill @description forces a kill on a player @return void */ stock ForcePlayerKill( playerid, killerid, weaponid ) { SetPVarInt( playerid, "KillerID", killerid ); SetPVarInt( playerid, "WeaponID", weaponid ); SetPVarInt( playerid, "CustomKill", 1 ); SetPlayerHealth( playerid, -1 ); } #define AC_HITPOINTS_INCLUDED #endif