/* * Irresistible Gaming (c) 2018 * Developed by Stev * Module: cnr/features/duel.pwn * Purpose: player dueling system */ /* ** Includes ** */ #include < YSI\y_hooks > /* ** Definitions ** */ #define COL_DUEL "{B74AFF}" /* ** Variables ** */ enum E_DUEL_DATA { E_PLAYER, E_WEAPON[ 2 ], E_BET, Float: E_ARMOUR, Float: E_HEALTH, E_COUNTDOWN, E_TIMER, E_LOCATION_ID, E_ROUNDS, bool: E_CAC }; enum E_DUEL_LOCATION_DATA { E_NAME [ 22 ], Float: E_POS_ONE[ 3 ], Float: E_POS_TWO[ 3 ] }; new Float: g_DuelCoordinates [ 3 ] = { -2226.1938, 251.9206, 35.3203 }, g_WeaponList [ ] = { 0, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34 }, g_duelData [ MAX_PLAYERS ][ E_DUEL_DATA ], g_duelLocationData [ ][ E_DUEL_LOCATION_DATA ] = { { "Santa Maria Beach", { 369.75770, -1831.576, 7.67190 }, { 369.65890, -1871.215, 7.67190 } }, { "Greenglass College", { 1078.0353, 1084.4989, 10.8359 }, { 1095.4019, 1064.7239, 10.8359 } }, { "Baseball Arena", { 1393.0995, 2177.4585, 9.75780 }, { 1377.7881, 2195.4214, 9.75780 } }, { "Mount Chilliad", { -2318.471, -1632.880, 483.703 }, { -2329.174, -1604.657, 483.760 } }, { "The Farm", { -1044.856, -996.8120, 129.218 }, { -1125.599, -996.7523, 129.218 } }, { "Tennis Courts", { 755.93790, -1280.710, 13.5565 }, { 755.93960, -1238.688, 13.5516 } }, { "Underwater World", { 520.59600, -2125.663, -28.257 }, { 517.96600, -2093.610, -28.257 } }, { "Grove Street", { 2476.4580, -1668.631, 13.3249 }, { 2501.1560, -1667.655, 13.3559 } }, { "Ocean Docks", { 2683.5440, -2485.137, 13.5425 }, { 2683.8470, -2433.726, 13.5553 } }, { "Gacia Baseball Ground", { -2305.7549, 92.3505, 35.3516 }, { -2322.0908, 108.5021, 35.3984 } } }, bool: p_playerDueling [ MAX_PLAYERS char ], p_duelInvitation [ MAX_PLAYERS ][ MAX_PLAYERS ], g_DuelCheckpoint = -1 ; /* ** Hooks ** */ hook OnScriptInit( ) { CreateDynamicMapIcon( g_DuelCoordinates[ 0 ], g_DuelCoordinates[ 1 ], g_DuelCoordinates[ 2 ], 23, 0, -1, -1, -1, 750.0 ); g_DuelCheckpoint = CreateDynamicCP( g_DuelCoordinates[ 0 ], g_DuelCoordinates[ 1 ], g_DuelCoordinates[ 2 ], 1.5, 0, 0, -1 ); CreateDynamic3DTextLabel( ""COL_GOLD"[DUEL PLAYER]", -1, g_DuelCoordinates[ 0 ], g_DuelCoordinates[ 1 ], g_DuelCoordinates[ 2 ], 25.0, INVALID_PLAYER_ID, INVALID_VEHICLE_ID, 0, 0, 0, -1 ); return 1; } hook OnPlayerConnect( playerid ) { p_playerDueling{ playerid } = false; g_duelData[ playerid ][ E_PLAYER ] = INVALID_PLAYER_ID; g_duelData[ playerid ][ E_WEAPON ][ 0 ] = 0; g_duelData[ playerid ][ E_WEAPON ][ 1 ] = 0; g_duelData[ playerid ][ E_HEALTH ] = 100.0; g_duelData[ playerid ][ E_ARMOUR ] = 100.0; g_duelData[ playerid ][ E_BET ] = 0; return 1; } hook OnPlayerDisconnect( playerid, reason ) { forfeitPlayerDuel( playerid ); return 1; } #if defined AC_INCLUDED hook OnPlayerDeathEx(playerid, killerid, reason, Float: damage, bodypart) #else hook OnPlayerDeath(playerid, killerid, reason) #endif { forfeitPlayerDuel( playerid ); return 1; } hook SetPlayerRandomSpawn( playerid ) { if ( IsPlayerDueling( playerid )) { // teleport back to pb SetPlayerPos( playerid, g_DuelCoordinates[0], g_DuelCoordinates[1], g_DuelCoordinates[2] ); SetPlayerInterior( playerid, 0 ); SetPlayerVirtualWorld( playerid, 0 ); // reset duel variables p_playerDueling{ playerid } = false; g_duelData[ playerid ][ E_PLAYER ] = INVALID_PLAYER_ID; return Y_HOOKS_BREAK_RETURN_1; } return 1; } hook OnPlayerEnterDynamicCP( playerid, checkpointid ) { if ( GetPlayerState( playerid ) == PLAYER_STATE_SPECTATING ) { return 1; } if ( checkpointid == g_DuelCheckpoint ) { ShowPlayerDuelMenu( playerid ); return 1; } return 1; } hook OnDialogResponse( playerid, dialogid, response, listitem, inputtext[] ) { if ( ( dialogid == DIALOG_DUEL ) && response ) { erase ( szBigString ); switch ( listitem ) { case 0: ShowPlayerDialog( playerid, DIALOG_DUEL_PLAYER, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, ""COL_WHITE"Duel Settings - Select a Player", ""COL_WHITE"Please type the name of the player you wish to duel:\n\n"COL_GREY"Note: You can enter partially their names.", "Select", "Back"); case 1: ShowPlayerDialog( playerid, DIALOG_DUEL_HEALTH, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, ""COL_WHITE"Duel Settings - Health", ""COL_WHITE"Enter the amount of health you will begin with:\n\n"COL_GREY"Note: The default health is 100.0.", "Select", "Back"); case 2: ShowPlayerDialog( playerid, DIALOG_DUEL_ARMOUR, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, ""COL_WHITE"Duel Settings - Armour", ""COL_WHITE"Enter the amount of armour you will begin with:\n\n"COL_GREY"Note: The default armour is 100.0.", "Select", "Back"); case 3: { new iWeapon = g_duelData [ playerid ] [ E_WEAPON ] [ 0 ]; for ( new i = 0; i < sizeof( g_WeaponList ); i ++) { format( szBigString, sizeof( szBigString ), "%s%s%s\n", szBigString, iWeapon == g_WeaponList [ i ] ? ( COL_GREY ) : ( COL_WHITE ), ReturnWeaponName( g_WeaponList[ i ] ) ); } ShowPlayerDialog( playerid, DIALOG_DUEL_WEAPON, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, ""COL_WHITE"Duel Settings - Change Primary Weapon", szBigString, "Select", "Back"); } case 4: { new iWeapon = g_duelData [ playerid ] [ E_WEAPON ] [ 1 ]; for ( new i = 0; i < sizeof( g_WeaponList ); i ++ ) { format( szBigString, sizeof( szBigString ), "%s%s%s\n", szBigString, iWeapon == g_WeaponList [ i ] ? ( COL_GREY ) : ( COL_WHITE ), ReturnWeaponName( g_WeaponList [ i ]) ); } ShowPlayerDialog( playerid, DIALOG_DUEL_WEAPON_TWO, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, ""COL_WHITE"Duel Settings - Change Secondary Weapon", szBigString, "Select", "Back"); } case 5: { new iLocationID = g_duelData [ playerid ][ E_LOCATION_ID ]; for ( new i = 0; i < sizeof( g_duelLocationData ); i ++ ) { format( szBigString, sizeof( szBigString ), "%s%s%s\n", szBigString, iLocationID == i ? ( COL_GREY ) : ( COL_WHITE ), g_duelLocationData[ i ][ E_NAME ] ); } ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_DUEL_LOCATION, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, ""COL_WHITE"Duel Settings - Change Location", szBigString, "Select", "Back"); } case 6: ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_DUEL_WAGER, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, ""COL_WHITE"Duel Settings - Set A Wager", ""COL_WHITE"Please enter the wager for this duel:", "Select", "Back"); case 7: { g_duelData[ playerid ][ E_CAC ] = !g_duelData[ playerid ][ E_CAC ]; SendClientMessageFormatted( playerid, -1, ""COL_DUEL"[DUEL]{FFFFFF} You have %s "COL_GREY"CAC Only"COL_WHITE".", g_duelData[ playerid ][ E_CAC ] ? ( "enabled" ) : ( "disabled" ) ); ShowPlayerDuelMenu( playerid ); } case 8: { new pID = g_duelData [ playerid ][ E_PLAYER ]; if ( !IsPlayerConnected( pID ) ) { SendError( playerid, "You haven't selected anyone to duel!" ); return ShowPlayerDuelMenu( playerid ); } // if ( g_duelData[ playerid ][ E_CAC ] && ( ! IsPlayerUsingSampAC( pID ) && ! IsPlayerUsingSampAC( playerid ) ) ) // { // SendError( playerid, "You and your opponent must be using CAC to duel!" ); // return ShowPlayerDuelMenu( playerid ); // } p_duelInvitation[ playerid ][ pID ] = gettime( ) + 60; ShowPlayerHelpDialog( pID, 10000, "%s wants to duel!~n~~n~~y~Location: ~w~%s~n~~y~Weapon: ~w~%s and %s~n~~y~Wager: ~w~%s~n~~y~CAC: ~w~%s", ReturnPlayerName( playerid ), g_duelLocationData [ g_duelData[ playerid ][ E_LOCATION_ID ] ][ E_NAME ], ReturnWeaponName( g_duelData[ playerid ][ E_WEAPON ][ 0 ] ), ReturnWeaponName( g_duelData[ playerid ][ E_WEAPON ][ 1 ] ), cash_format(g_duelData[ playerid ][ E_BET ] ), g_duelData[ playerid ][ E_CAC ] ? ( "~g~Yes" ) : ( "~r~No" ) ); SendClientMessageFormatted( playerid, -1, ""COL_DUEL"[DUEL]"COL_WHITE" You have sent a duel invitation to %s for "COL_GOLD"%s"COL_WHITE".", ReturnPlayerName( pID ), cash_format( g_duelData[ playerid ][ E_BET ] ) ); SendClientMessageFormatted( pID, -1, ""COL_DUEL"[DUEL]"COL_WHITE" You are invited to duel %s for "COL_GOLD"%s"COL_WHITE", use \"/duel accept %d\".", ReturnPlayerName( playerid ), cash_format( g_duelData[ playerid ][ E_BET ] ), playerid ); } } return 1; } else if ( dialogid == DIALOG_DUEL_PLAYER ) { if ( !response ) return ShowPlayerDuelMenu( playerid ); new pID ; if ( sscanf( inputtext, "u", pID) ) return ShowPlayerDialog( playerid, DIALOG_DUEL_PLAYER, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, ""COL_WHITE"Duel Settings - Select a Player", ""COL_WHITE"Please type the name of the player you wish to duel:\n\n"COL_GREY"Note: You can enter partially their names.", "Select", "Back" ); if ( pID == playerid ) return ShowPlayerDialog( playerid, DIALOG_DUEL_PLAYER, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, ""COL_WHITE"Duel Settings - Select a Player", ""COL_WHITE"Please type the name of the player you wish to duel:\n\n"COL_RED"You can't invite yourself to duel!", "Select", "Back" ); if ( pID == INVALID_PLAYER_ID || !IsPlayerConnected( pID ) ) return ShowPlayerDialog( playerid, DIALOG_DUEL_PLAYER, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, ""COL_WHITE"Duel Settings - Select a Player", ""COL_WHITE"Please type the name of the player you wish to duel:\n\n"COL_RED"Player is not connected!", "Select", "Back" ); if ( IsPlayerDueling( playerid ) ) return ShowPlayerDialog( playerid, DIALOG_DUEL_PLAYER, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, ""COL_WHITE"Duel Settings - Select a Player", ""COL_WHITE"Please type the name of the player you wish to duel:\n\n"COL_RED"You are already in a duel!", "Select", "Back" ); if ( IsPlayerDueling( pID ) ) return ShowPlayerDialog( playerid, DIALOG_DUEL_PLAYER, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, ""COL_WHITE"Duel Settings - Select a Player", ""COL_WHITE"Please type the name of the player you wish to duel:\n\n"COL_RED"This player is already in a duel!", "Select", "Back" ); if ( GetPlayerWantedLevel( pID ) ) return ShowPlayerDialog( playerid, DIALOG_DUEL_PLAYER, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, ""COL_WHITE"Duel Settings - Select a Player", ""COL_WHITE"Please type the name of the player you wish to duel:\n\n"COL_RED"You can't duel this person right now, they are wanted", "Select", "Back" ); if ( GetDistanceBetweenPlayers( playerid, pID ) > 25.0 ) return ShowPlayerDialog( playerid, DIALOG_DUEL_PLAYER, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, ""COL_WHITE"Duel Settings - Select a Player", ""COL_WHITE"Please type the name of the player you wish to duel:\n\n"COL_RED"The player you wish to duel is not near you.", "Select", "Back" ); if ( IsPlayerJailed( pID ) ) return ShowPlayerDialog( playerid, DIALOG_DUEL_PLAYER, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, ""COL_WHITE"Duel Settings - Select a Player", ""COL_WHITE"Please type the name of the player you wish to duel:\n\n"COL_RED"You can't duel this person right now, they are currently in jail.", "Select", "Back" ); SendClientMessageFormatted( playerid, -1, ""COL_DUEL"[DUEL]{FFFFFF} You have selected {C0C0C0}%s {FFFFFF}as your opponent.", ReturnPlayerName( pID ) ); g_duelData[ playerid ][ E_PLAYER ] = pID; return ShowPlayerDuelMenu( playerid ), 1; } else if ( dialogid == DIALOG_DUEL_LOCATION ) { if ( !response ) return ShowPlayerDuelMenu( playerid ); if ( g_duelData[ playerid ][ E_LOCATION_ID ] == listitem ) { SendError( playerid, "You have already selected this location!" ); return ShowPlayerDuelMenu( playerid ); } SendClientMessageFormatted( playerid, -1, ""COL_DUEL"[DUEL]"COL_WHITE" You have changed the duel location to {C0C0C0}%s{FFFFFF}.", g_duelLocationData [ listitem ][ E_NAME ]); g_duelData[ playerid ][ E_LOCATION_ID ] = listitem; ShowPlayerDuelMenu( playerid ); return 1; } else if ( dialogid == DIALOG_DUEL_WEAPON ) { if ( !response ) return ShowPlayerDuelMenu( playerid ); if ( g_duelData[ playerid ][ E_WEAPON ][ 0 ] == g_WeaponList[ listitem ] ) { SendError( playerid, "You have already selected this weapon!"); return ShowPlayerDuelMenu( playerid ); } SendClientMessageFormatted( playerid, -1, ""COL_DUEL"[DUEL]"COL_WHITE" You have changed Primary Weapon to {C0C0C0}%s{FFFFFF}.", ReturnWeaponName( g_WeaponList[ listitem ]) ); g_duelData[ playerid ][ E_WEAPON ][ 0 ] = g_WeaponList[ listitem ]; ShowPlayerDuelMenu( playerid ); return 1; } else if ( dialogid == DIALOG_DUEL_WEAPON_TWO ) { if ( !response ) return ShowPlayerDuelMenu( playerid ); if ( g_duelData[ playerid ][ E_WEAPON ][ 1 ] == g_WeaponList[ listitem ] ) { SendError( playerid, "You have already selected this weapon!"); return ShowPlayerDuelMenu( playerid ); } SendClientMessageFormatted( playerid, -1, ""COL_DUEL"[DUEL]"COL_WHITE" You have changed Secondary Weapon to {C0C0C0}%s{FFFFFF}.", ReturnWeaponName( g_WeaponList[ listitem ]) ); g_duelData[ playerid ][ E_WEAPON ][ 1 ] = g_WeaponList[ listitem ]; ShowPlayerDuelMenu( playerid ); return 1; } else if ( dialogid == DIALOG_DUEL_HEALTH ) { if ( !response ) return ShowPlayerDuelMenu( playerid ); new Float: fHealth; if ( sscanf( inputtext, "f", fHealth ) ) return ShowPlayerDialog( playerid, DIALOG_DUEL_HEALTH, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, ""COL_WHITE"Duel Settings - Health", ""COL_WHITE"Enter the amount of health you will begin with:\n\n"COL_GREY"Note: The default health is 100.0.", "Select", "Back" ); if ( !( 1.0 <= fHealth <= 100.0 ) ) return ShowPlayerDialog( playerid, DIALOG_DUEL_HEALTH, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, ""COL_WHITE"Duel Settings - Health", ""COL_WHITE"Enter the amount of health you will begin with:\n\n"COL_RED"The amount you have entered is a invalid amount, 1 to 100 only!", "Select", "Back" ); SendClientMessageFormatted(playerid, -1, ""COL_DUEL"[DUEL]"COL_WHITE" You have changed Health to {C0C0C0}%0.2f%%"COL_WHITE".", fHealth); g_duelData[ playerid ][ E_HEALTH ] = fHealth; ShowPlayerDuelMenu( playerid ); return 1; } else if (dialogid == DIALOG_DUEL_ARMOUR) { if ( !response ) return ShowPlayerDuelMenu( playerid ); new Float: fArmour; if ( sscanf( inputtext, "f", fArmour ) ) return ShowPlayerDialog( playerid, DIALOG_DUEL_ARMOUR, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, ""COL_WHITE"Duel Settings - Armour", ""COL_WHITE"Enter the amount of armour you will begin with:\n\n"COL_GREY"Note: The default armour is 100.0.", "Select", "Back" ); if ( !( 0.0 <= fArmour <= 100.0 ) ) return ShowPlayerDialog( playerid, DIALOG_DUEL_ARMOUR, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, ""COL_WHITE"Duel Settings - Armour", ""COL_WHITE"Enter the amount of armour you will begin with:\n\n"COL_RED"The amount you have entered is a invalid amount, 0 to 100 only!", "Select", "Back" ); SendClientMessageFormatted( playerid, -1, ""COL_DUEL"[DUEL]"COL_WHITE" You have changed Armour to {C0C0C0}%0.2f%%"COL_WHITE".", fArmour ); g_duelData[ playerid ][ E_ARMOUR ] = fArmour; ShowPlayerDuelMenu( playerid ); return 1; } else if (dialogid == DIALOG_DUEL_WAGER) { if ( IsPlayerDueling( playerid ) ) // prevent spawning money return SendError( playerid, "You cannot use this at the moment." ); if ( !response ) return ShowPlayerDuelMenu( playerid ); new iBet ; if ( sscanf( inputtext, "d", iBet ) ) return ShowPlayerDialog( playerid, DIALOG_DUEL_WAGER, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, ""COL_WHITE"Duel Settings - Set A Wager", ""COL_WHITE"Please enter the wager for this duel:", "Select", "Back"); if ( ! ( 0 <= iBet < 10000000 ) ) return ShowPlayerDialog( playerid, DIALOG_DUEL_WAGER, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, ""COL_WHITE"Duel Settings - Set A Wager", ""COL_WHITE"Please enter the wager for this duel:\n\n"COL_RED"Wagers must be between $0 and $10,000,000.", "Select", "Back"); g_duelData[playerid][ E_BET ] = iBet; SendClientMessageFormatted( playerid, -1, ""COL_DUEL"[DUEL]"COL_WHITE" You have changed the wager to %s.", cash_format(g_duelData[playerid][ E_BET ])); ShowPlayerDuelMenu( playerid ); return 1; } return 1; } /* ** Commands ** */ CMD:duel( playerid, params[ ] ) { if ( !strcmp(params, "accept", false, 6)) { new targetid; if ( sscanf( params[ 7 ], "u", targetid ) ) return SendUsage( playerid, "/duel accept [PLAYER_ID]"); if ( !IsPlayerConnected( targetid ) ) return SendError( playerid, "You do not have any duel invitations to accept."); if ( gettime( ) > p_duelInvitation[ targetid ][ playerid ] ) return SendError( playerid, "You have not been invited by %s to duel or it has expired."); if ( IsPlayerDueling( playerid ) ) return SendError( playerid, "You cannot accept this invite as you are currently dueling."); if ( GetDistanceBetweenPlayers( playerid, targetid ) > 25.0) return SendError( playerid, "You must be within 25.0 meters of your opponent!"); new waged_amount = g_duelData[ targetid ][ E_BET ]; if ( g_duelData[ targetid ][ E_BET ] != 0 ) { if ( GetPlayerCash( targetid ) < waged_amount ) { SendClientMessageFormatted( targetid, -1, ""COL_DUEL"[DUEL]"COL_WHITE" %s has accepted but you don't have money to wage (%s).", ReturnPlayerName( playerid ), cash_format( waged_amount ) ); SendClientMessageFormatted( playerid, -1, ""COL_DUEL"[DUEL]"COL_WHITE" You have accepted %s's duel invitation but they don't have money.", ReturnPlayerName( targetid ) ); return 1; } else if ( GetPlayerCash( playerid ) < waged_amount ) { SendClientMessageFormatted( playerid, -1, ""COL_DUEL"[DUEL]"COL_WHITE" %s requires you to wage %s.", ReturnPlayerName( targetid ), cash_format( waged_amount ) ); SendClientMessageFormatted( targetid, -1, ""COL_DUEL"[DUEL]"COL_WHITE" %s has accepted the duel invitation but they don't have money to wage.", ReturnPlayerName( playerid ) ); return 1; } else { GivePlayerCash( playerid, -waged_amount ); GivePlayerCash( targetid, -waged_amount ); } } SendClientMessageFormatted( targetid, -1, ""COL_DUEL"[DUEL]"COL_WHITE" %s has accepted your duel invitation.", ReturnPlayerName( playerid ) ); SendClientMessageFormatted( playerid, -1, ""COL_DUEL"[DUEL]"COL_WHITE" You have accepted %s's duel invitation.", ReturnPlayerName( targetid ) ); p_playerDueling{ targetid } = true; p_playerDueling{ playerid } = true; g_duelData[ targetid ][ E_PLAYER ] = playerid; g_duelData[ playerid ][ E_PLAYER ] = targetid; g_duelData[ playerid ][ E_BET ] = g_duelData[targetid][ E_BET ]; g_duelData[ playerid ][ E_ROUNDS ] = 1; g_duelData[ targetid ][ E_ROUNDS ] = 1; new iLocation = g_duelData[ targetid ][ E_LOCATION_ID ]; ResetPlayerWeapons( targetid ); RemovePlayerFromVehicle( targetid ); SetPlayerArmour( targetid, g_duelData[ targetid ][ E_ARMOUR ]); SetPlayerHealth( targetid, g_duelData[ targetid ][ E_HEALTH ]); SetPlayerVirtualWorld( targetid, targetid + 1 ); SetPlayerPos( targetid, g_duelLocationData[ iLocation ][ E_POS_TWO ][0], g_duelLocationData[ iLocation ][ E_POS_TWO ][1], g_duelLocationData[ iLocation ][ E_POS_TWO ][2] ); ResetPlayerWeapons( playerid ); RemovePlayerFromVehicle( playerid ); SetPlayerArmour( playerid, g_duelData[ targetid ][ E_ARMOUR ]); SetPlayerHealth( playerid, g_duelData[ targetid ][ E_HEALTH ]); SetPlayerVirtualWorld( playerid, targetid + 1 ); SetPlayerPos( playerid, g_duelLocationData[ iLocation ][ E_POS_ONE ][0], g_duelLocationData[ iLocation ][ E_POS_ONE ][1], g_duelLocationData[ iLocation ][ E_POS_ONE ][2] ); // freeze TogglePlayerControllable( playerid, 0 ); TogglePlayerControllable( targetid, 0 ); // start countdown g_duelData[ targetid ][ E_COUNTDOWN ] = 10; g_duelData[ targetid ][ E_TIMER ] = SetTimerEx( "OnDuelTimer", 960, true, "d", targetid ); // give weapon GivePlayerWeapon( playerid, g_duelData[ targetid ][ E_WEAPON ][0], 5000); GivePlayerWeapon( targetid, g_duelData[ targetid ][ E_WEAPON ][0], 5000); GivePlayerWeapon( playerid, g_duelData[ targetid ][ E_WEAPON ][1], 5000); GivePlayerWeapon( targetid, g_duelData[ targetid ][ E_WEAPON ][1], 5000); // clear invites for safety for (new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i ++) { p_duelInvitation[ playerid ][ i ] = 0; p_duelInvitation[ targetid ][ i ] = 0; } return 1; } else if ( strmatch( params, "cancel" ) ) { if ( ClearDuelInvites( playerid ) ) { return SendServerMessage( playerid, "You have cancelled every duel offer that you have made." ); } else { return SendError( playerid, "You have not made any duel offers recently." ); } } return SendUsage( playerid, "/duel [ACCEPT/CANCEL]" ); } /* ** Functions ** */ static stock ClearDuelInvites( playerid ) { new current_time = gettime( ); new count = 0; for ( new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i ++ ) { if ( p_duelInvitation[ playerid ][ i ] != 0 && current_time > p_duelInvitation[ playerid ][ i ]) { p_duelInvitation[ playerid ][ i ] = 0; count ++; } } return count; } stock IsPlayerDueling( playerid ) { return p_playerDueling{ playerid }; } stock ShowPlayerDuelMenu( playerid ) { if ( p_Class[ playerid ] != CLASS_CIVILIAN ) return SendError( playerid, "You can only use this feature whist being a civilian."); if ( p_WantedLevel[ playerid ] > 0 ) return SendError( playerid, "You cannot duel whilst having a wanted level."); format( szBigString, sizeof(szBigString), "Player\t"COL_GREY"%s\nHealth\t"COL_GREY"%.2f%%\nArmour\t"COL_GREY"%.2f%%\nPrimary Weapon\t"COL_GREY"%s\nSecondary Weapon\t"COL_GREY"%s\nLocation\t"COL_GREY"%s\nWager\t"COL_GREY"%s\nCAC Only\t"COL_GREY"%s\n"COL_GOLD"Send Invite\t"COL_GOLD">>>", ( ! IsPlayerConnected( g_duelData[ playerid ][ E_PLAYER ] ) ? ( ""COL_RED"No-one" ) : ( ReturnPlayerName( g_duelData[ playerid ][ E_PLAYER ] ) ) ), g_duelData[ playerid ][ E_HEALTH ], g_duelData[ playerid ][ E_ARMOUR ], ReturnWeaponName( g_duelData[ playerid ][ E_WEAPON ][ 0 ] ), ReturnWeaponName( g_duelData[ playerid ][ E_WEAPON ][ 1 ] ), g_duelLocationData[ g_duelData[ playerid ][ E_LOCATION_ID ] ][ E_NAME ], cash_format( g_duelData[ playerid ][ E_BET ] ), ( g_duelData[ playerid ][ E_CAC ] ? ( ""COL_GREEN"ENABLED" ) : ( ""COL_RED"DISABLED" ) ) ); ShowPlayerDialog( playerid, DIALOG_DUEL, DIALOG_STYLE_TABLIST, ""COL_WHITE"Duel Settings", szBigString, "Select", "Cancel" ); return 1; } static stock forfeitPlayerDuel(playerid) { if ( !IsPlayerDueling( playerid ) ) return 0; ClearDuelInvites( playerid ); new winnerid = g_duelData[ playerid ][ E_PLAYER ]; if ( ! IsPlayerConnected( winnerid ) || ! IsPlayerDueling( winnerid ) ) return 0; // begin wager info new amount_waged = g_duelData[ playerid ][ E_BET ]; SpawnPlayer( winnerid ); ClearDuelInvites( winnerid ); // decrement rounds g_duelData[ playerid ][ E_ROUNDS ] --; g_duelData[ winnerid ][ E_ROUNDS ] = g_duelData[ playerid ][ E_ROUNDS ]; // check if theres a remaining round if ( g_duelData[ playerid ][ E_ROUNDS ] == 0) { if ( 0 < amount_waged < 10000000 ) { new winning_prize = floatround( float( amount_waged ) * 1.95 ); // We take 2.5% of the total pot GivePlayerCash( winnerid, winning_prize ); SendClientMessageToAllFormatted( -1, ""COL_DUEL"[DUEL]"COL_WHITE" %s(%d) has won the duel against %s(%d) for %s!", ReturnPlayerName( winnerid ), winnerid, ReturnPlayerName( playerid ), playerid, cash_format( winning_prize ) ); } else { SendClientMessageToAllFormatted( -1, ""COL_DUEL"[DUEL]"COL_WHITE" %s(%d) has won the duel against %s(%d)!", ReturnPlayerName( winnerid ), winnerid, ReturnPlayerName( playerid ), playerid ); } } return 1; } function OnDuelTimer( targetid ) { new playerid = g_duelData[ targetid ][ E_PLAYER ]; g_duelData[ targetid ][ E_COUNTDOWN ] --; if ( g_duelData[ targetid ][ E_COUNTDOWN ] <= 0) { GameTextForPlayer( targetid, "~g~~h~FIGHT!", 1500, 4 ); GameTextForPlayer( playerid, "~g~~h~FIGHT!", 1500, 4 ); PlayerPlaySound( targetid, 1057, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ); PlayerPlaySound( playerid, 1057, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ); TogglePlayerControllable( playerid, 1 ); TogglePlayerControllable( targetid, 1 ); KillTimer( g_duelData[ targetid ][ E_TIMER ] ); } else { format( szSmallString, sizeof( szSmallString ), "~w~%d", g_duelData[ targetid ][ E_COUNTDOWN ] ); GameTextForPlayer( targetid, szSmallString, 1500, 4 ); GameTextForPlayer( playerid, szSmallString, 1500, 4 ); PlayerPlaySound( targetid, 1056, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ); PlayerPlaySound( playerid, 1056, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ); } return 1; }