/* * Irresistible Gaming (c) 2018 * Developed by Lorenc * Module: cnr\vip\happy_hour.pwn * Purpose: coin generation ("proof of playing") mechanism */ /* ** Includes ** */ #include < YSI\y_hooks > /* ** Error Checking ** */ #if !defined __cnr__irresistiblecoins #endinput #endif /* ** Configuration ** */ #define DISABLE_HAPPY_HOUR // UNCOMMENT TO ENABLE FEATURE /* ** Variables ** */ #if !defined DISABLE_HAPPY_HOUR static stock bool: g_HappyHour = false, Float: g_HappyHourRate = 0.0, Text: g_NotManyPlayersTD = Text: INVALID_TEXT_DRAW ; #endif /* ** Hooks ** */ #if !defined DISABLE_HAPPY_HOUR hook OnScriptInit( ) { g_NotManyPlayersTD = TextDrawCreate(322.000000, 12.000000, "Coin generation increased by 5x as there aren't many players online!"); TextDrawAlignment(g_NotManyPlayersTD, 2); TextDrawBackgroundColor(g_NotManyPlayersTD, 0); TextDrawFont(g_NotManyPlayersTD, 1); TextDrawLetterSize(g_NotManyPlayersTD, 0.149999, 0.799999); TextDrawColor(g_NotManyPlayersTD, -16776961); TextDrawSetOutline(g_NotManyPlayersTD, 1); TextDrawSetProportional(g_NotManyPlayersTD, 1); return 1; } hook OnServerUpdate( ) { new Float: fLastRate; new playersOnline = Iter_Count(Player); // Happy Hour if ( ( g_HappyHour = playersOnline <= 20 ) == true ) { // Maximum of 25% decrease g_HappyHourRate = 0.25 - ( playersOnline / 80.0 ); // Only update colors if neccessary if ( fLastRate != g_HappyHourRate ) { TextDrawSetString( g_NotManyPlayersTD, sprintf( "Coin generation increased by %0.1f%% as there aren't many players online!", g_HappyHourRate * 100.0 ) ); TextDrawColor( g_NotManyPlayersTD, setAlpha( COLOR_RED, floatround( 200.0 - 10.0 * float( playersOnline ) ) ) ); TextDrawShowForAllSpawned( g_NotManyPlayersTD ); } // Update last rate fLastRate = g_HappyHourRate; } else { // Disable Color g_HappyHourRate = 0.0; TextDrawColor( g_NotManyPlayersTD, 0 ); TextDrawHideForAll( g_NotManyPlayersTD ); } return 1; } hook OnPlayerLoadTextdraws( playerid ){ if ( g_HappyHour ) { TextDrawShowForPlayer( playerid, g_NotManyPlayersTD ); } return 1; } hook OnPlayerUnloadTextdraws( playerid ) { TextDrawHideForPlayer( playerid, g_NotManyPlayersTD ); return 1; } #endif hook OnPlayerTickSecond( playerid ) { static iKeys, iUpDownKeys, iLeftRightKeys; // Increase Coins (1/20 = cred/min) if ( ! IsPlayerAFK( playerid ) && GetPlayerKeys( playerid, iKeys, iUpDownKeys, iLeftRightKeys ) && ! IsPlayerOnRoulette( playerid ) && ! IsPlayerOnSlotMachine( playerid ) && GetPlayerVehicleSeat( playerid ) <= 0 && !IsPlayerUsingAnimation( playerid ) ) { if ( iKeys != 0 || iUpDownKeys != 0 || iLeftRightKeys != 0 ) { // GetPlayerScore( playerid ) > 10 && new Float: iCoinGenRate = 35.0; // VIP check if ( p_VIPLevel[ playerid ] >= VIP_DIAMOND ) iCoinGenRate *= 0.75; // Reduce by 25% if Diamond else if ( p_VIPLevel[ playerid ] == VIP_PLATINUM ) iCoinGenRate *= 0.90; // Reduce by 10% if Diamond #if !defined DISABLE_HAPPY_HOUR // Happy Hour if ( g_HappyHour && ( 0.0 <= g_HappyHourRate <= 0.25 ) ) iCoinGenRate *= 1.0 - g_HappyHourRate; #endif GivePlayerIrresistibleCoins( playerid, ( 1.0 / iCoinGenRate ) / 60.0 ); // Prev 25.92 } } return 1; }