/* * Irresistible Gaming (c) 2018 * Developed by Lorenc * Module: cnr\features\vehicles\vehicle_modifications.pwn * Purpose: custom vehicle components (objects) for player vehicles */ /* ** Includes ** */ #include < YSI\y_hooks > /* ** Definitions ** */ /* ** Variables ** */ #define MAX_PIMPS ( 10 ) #define MAX_COMPONENT_NAME ( 32 ) #define CATEGORY_SPOILERS ( 0 ) #define CATEGORY_HOOD ( 1 ) #define CATEGORY_BAGS ( 2 ) #define CATEGORY_LAMPS ( 3 ) #define CATEGORY_WHEELS ( 4 ) #define CATEGORY_BULLBAR ( 5 ) #define CATEGORY_FRONT_BUMPER ( 6 ) #define CATEGORY_REAR_BUMPER ( 7 ) #define CATEGORY_VENTS ( 8 ) #define CATEGORY_NEON ( 9 ) #define CATEGORY_MECHANIC_ITEMS ( 10 ) #define CATEGORY_MILITARY_ITEMS ( 11 ) #define CATEGORY_MISCELLANEOUS ( 12 ) #define PREVIEW_MODEL_COMPONENT ( 10 ) // some random number #define COMPONENT_EDIT_TYPE_X 0 #define COMPONENT_EDIT_TYPE_Y 1 #define COMPONENT_EDIT_TYPE_Z 2 #define COMPONENT_EDIT_TYPE_RX 3 #define COMPONENT_EDIT_TYPE_RY 4 #define COMPONENT_EDIT_TYPE_RZ 5 #define TIMER_UPDATE_RATE 50 enum E_CAR_MODS { E_CATEGORY, E_LIMIT, E_MODEL_ID, E_NAME[ MAX_COMPONENT_NAME ], E_PRICE }; enum E_PIMP_DATA { bool: E_CREATED[ MAX_PIMPS ], E_OBJECT[ MAX_PIMPS ], E_MODEL[ MAX_PIMPS ], Float: E_X[ MAX_PIMPS ], Float: E_Y[ MAX_PIMPS ], Float: E_Z[ MAX_PIMPS ], Float: E_RX[ MAX_PIMPS ], Float: E_RY[ MAX_PIMPS ], Float: E_RZ[ MAX_PIMPS ], E_SQL_ID[ MAX_PIMPS ], bool: E_DISABLED[ MAX_PIMPS ] }; new g_vehicleComponentsCategories[ ] [ MAX_COMPONENT_NAME ] = { "Spoilers", "Hood", "Bags", "Lamps", "Wheels", "Bullbar", "Front Bumper", "Rear Bumper", "Vents", "Neon", "Mechanic Items", "Military Items", "Miscellaneous" }, g_vehicleComponentsData[ ] [ E_CAR_MODS ] = { // Spoilers { CATEGORY_SPOILERS, 0, 1023, "Fury", 8000 }, { CATEGORY_SPOILERS, 0, 1001, "Win", 9000 }, { CATEGORY_SPOILERS, 0, 1000, "Pro", 10000 }, { CATEGORY_SPOILERS, 0, 1016, "Worx", 10000 }, { CATEGORY_SPOILERS, 0, 1058, "Alien - Stratum", 10000 }, { CATEGORY_SPOILERS, 0, 1014, "Champ", 11000 }, { CATEGORY_SPOILERS, 0, 1003, "Alpha", 12000 }, { CATEGORY_SPOILERS, 0, 1002, "Drag", 13000 }, { CATEGORY_SPOILERS, 0, 1015, "Race", 14000 }, { CATEGORY_SPOILERS, 0, 1060, "X-Flow - Stratum", 14000 }, { CATEGORY_SPOILERS, 0, 1049, "Alien - Flash", 14000 }, { CATEGORY_SPOILERS, 0, 1162, "Alien - Jester", 18000 }, { CATEGORY_SPOILERS, 0, 1164, "Alien - Uranus", 19000 }, { CATEGORY_SPOILERS, 0, 1147, "Alien - Elegy", 22000 }, { CATEGORY_SPOILERS, 0, 1050, "X-Flow - Flash", 23000 }, { CATEGORY_SPOILERS, 0, 1138, "Alien - Sultan", 25000 }, { CATEGORY_SPOILERS, 0, 1158, "X-Flow - Jester", 27000 }, { CATEGORY_SPOILERS, 0, 1163, "X-Flow - Uranus", 28000 }, { CATEGORY_SPOILERS, 0, 1146, "X-Flow - Elegy", 30000 }, { CATEGORY_SPOILERS, 0, 1139, "X-Flow - Sultan", 35000 }, // Hood { CATEGORY_HOOD, 0, 1011, "Race Scoop", 13000 }, { CATEGORY_HOOD, 0, 1004, "Champ Scoop", 15000 }, { CATEGORY_HOOD, 0, 1005, "Fury Scoop", 16000 }, { CATEGORY_HOOD, 0, 1012, "Worx Scoop", 23000 }, // Bags { CATEGORY_BAGS, 0, 11745, "Bag", 15000 }, { CATEGORY_BAGS, 0, 1279, "Tent Pack", 17000 }, { CATEGORY_BAGS, 0, 1550, "Money Bag", 35000 }, { CATEGORY_BAGS, 0, 1210, "Money Case", 25000 }, { CATEGORY_BAGS, 0, 1575, "Grey Drug Bag", 15000 }, { CATEGORY_BAGS, 0, 1576, "Orange Drug Bag", 15000 }, { CATEGORY_BAGS, 0, 1577, "Yellow Drug Bag", 15000 }, { CATEGORY_BAGS, 0, 1578, "Green Drug Bag", 15000 }, { CATEGORY_BAGS, 0, 1579, "Blue Drug Bag", 15000 }, { CATEGORY_BAGS, 0, 1580, "Red Drug Bag", 15000 }, // Lamps { CATEGORY_LAMPS, 0, 1013, "Round Fog", 15000 }, { CATEGORY_LAMPS, 0, 1024, "Square Fog", 25000 }, // Wheels { CATEGORY_WHEELS, 0, 1025, "Offroad", 25000 }, { CATEGORY_WHEELS, 0, 1080, "Switch", 25000 }, { CATEGORY_WHEELS, 0, 1077, "Classic", 30000 }, { CATEGORY_WHEELS, 0, 1073, "Shadow", 35000 }, { CATEGORY_WHEELS, 0, 1079, "Cutter", 35000 }, { CATEGORY_WHEELS, 0, 1085, "Atomic", 35000 }, { CATEGORY_WHEELS, 0, 1096, "Ahab", 35000 }, { CATEGORY_WHEELS, 0, 1078, "Twist", 40000 }, { CATEGORY_WHEELS, 0, 1081, "Grove", 40000 }, { CATEGORY_WHEELS, 0, 1084, "Trance", 45000 }, { CATEGORY_WHEELS, 0, 1075, "Rimshine", 45000 }, { CATEGORY_WHEELS, 0, 1074, "Mega", 45000 }, { CATEGORY_WHEELS, 0, 1076, "Wires", 50000 }, { CATEGORY_WHEELS, 0, 1098, "Access", 55000 }, { CATEGORY_WHEELS, 0, 1097, "Virtual", 65000 }, { CATEGORY_WHEELS, 0, 1082, "Import", 75000}, { CATEGORY_WHEELS, 0, 1327, "Large Wheel", 80000 }, { CATEGORY_WHEELS, 0, 1083, "Dollar", 100000 }, // Bullbar { CATEGORY_BULLBAR, 0, 1123, "Bullbar Chrome Bars", 30000 }, { CATEGORY_BULLBAR, 0, 1100, "Chrome Grill", 35000 }, { CATEGORY_BULLBAR, 0, 1125, "Bullbar Chrome Lights", 37000 }, // Front Bumper { CATEGORY_FRONT_BUMPER, 0, 1155, "Alien - Stratum", 15000 }, { CATEGORY_FRONT_BUMPER, 0, 1160, "Alien - Jester", 20000 }, { CATEGORY_FRONT_BUMPER, 0, 1166, "Alien - Uranus", 20000 }, { CATEGORY_FRONT_BUMPER, 0, 1153, "Alien - Flash", 25000 }, { CATEGORY_FRONT_BUMPER, 0, 1157, "X-Flow - Stratum", 25000 }, { CATEGORY_FRONT_BUMPER, 0, 1171, "Alien - Elegy", 25000 }, { CATEGORY_FRONT_BUMPER, 0, 1181, "Slamin - Blade", 25000 }, { CATEGORY_FRONT_BUMPER, 0, 1185, "Slamin - Remington", 25000 }, { CATEGORY_FRONT_BUMPER, 0, 1190, "Slamin - Tornado", 25000 }, { CATEGORY_FRONT_BUMPER, 0, 1165, "X-Flow - Uranus", 30000 }, { CATEGORY_FRONT_BUMPER, 0, 1169, "Alien - Sultan", 30000 }, { CATEGORY_FRONT_BUMPER, 0, 1173, "X-Flow - Jester", 30000 }, { CATEGORY_FRONT_BUMPER, 0, 1152, "X-Flow - Flash", 35000 }, { CATEGORY_FRONT_BUMPER, 0, 1172, "X-Flow - Elegy", 35000 }, { CATEGORY_FRONT_BUMPER, 0, 1170, "X-Flow - Sultan", 40000 }, { CATEGORY_FRONT_BUMPER, 0, 1174, "Chrome - Broadway 1", 45000 }, { CATEGORY_FRONT_BUMPER, 0, 1176, "Chrome - Broadway 2", 45000 }, { CATEGORY_FRONT_BUMPER, 0, 1117, "Chrome - Slamvan", 50000 }, { CATEGORY_FRONT_BUMPER, 0, 1182, "Chrome - Blade", 50000 }, { CATEGORY_FRONT_BUMPER, 0, 1188, "Slamin - Savanna", 50000 }, { CATEGORY_FRONT_BUMPER, 0, 1189, "Chrome - Savanna",50000 }, { CATEGORY_FRONT_BUMPER, 0, 1191, "Chrome - Tornado", 50000 }, { CATEGORY_FRONT_BUMPER, 0, 1179, "Chrome - Remington", 55000 }, // Rear Bumper { CATEGORY_REAR_BUMPER, 0, 1154, "Alien - Stratum", 15000 }, { CATEGORY_REAR_BUMPER, 0, 1159, "Alien - Jester", 15000 }, { CATEGORY_REAR_BUMPER, 0, 1168, "Alien - Uranus", 15000 }, { CATEGORY_REAR_BUMPER, 0, 1175, "Slamin - Broadway", 15000 }, { CATEGORY_REAR_BUMPER, 0, 1150, "Alien - Flash", 18000 }, { CATEGORY_REAR_BUMPER, 0, 1149, "Alien - Elegy", 19000 }, { CATEGORY_REAR_BUMPER, 0, 1140, "X-Flow - Sultan", 20000 }, { CATEGORY_REAR_BUMPER, 0, 1178, "Slamin - Remington", 23000 }, { CATEGORY_REAR_BUMPER, 0, 1156, "X-Flow Straum", 25000 }, { CATEGORY_REAR_BUMPER, 0, 1161, "X-Flow - Jester", 25000 }, { CATEGORY_REAR_BUMPER, 0, 1183, "Slamin - Blade", 25000 }, { CATEGORY_REAR_BUMPER, 0, 1186, "Slamin - Savanna", 25000 }, { CATEGORY_REAR_BUMPER, 0, 1167, "X-Flow - Uranus", 25000 }, { CATEGORY_REAR_BUMPER, 0, 1193, "Slamin - Tornado", 25000 }, { CATEGORY_REAR_BUMPER, 0, 1151, "X-Flow - Flash", 28000 }, { CATEGORY_REAR_BUMPER, 0, 1148, "X-Flow - Elegy", 29000 }, { CATEGORY_REAR_BUMPER, 0, 1141, "Alien - Sultan", 30000 }, { CATEGORY_REAR_BUMPER, 0, 1177, "Slamin - Broadway", 35000 }, { CATEGORY_REAR_BUMPER, 0, 1180, "Chrome - Remington", 50000 }, { CATEGORY_REAR_BUMPER, 0, 1184, "Chrome - Blade", 50000 }, { CATEGORY_REAR_BUMPER, 0, 1187, "Chrome - Savanna", 50000 }, { CATEGORY_REAR_BUMPER, 0, 1192, "Chrome - Tornado", 50000 }, // Vents { CATEGORY_VENTS, 0, 1142, "Left Oval Vents", 4000 }, { CATEGORY_VENTS, 0, 1143, "Right Oval Vents", 4000 }, { CATEGORY_VENTS, 0, 1144, "Left Square Vents", 6000 }, { CATEGORY_VENTS, 0, 1145, "Right Square Vents", 6000 }, { CATEGORY_VENTS, 3, 914, "Large Air Vent", 250000 }, // Neon { CATEGORY_NEON, 0, 18647, "Red Neon", 200000 }, { CATEGORY_NEON, 0, 18648, "Blue Neon", 200000 }, { CATEGORY_NEON, 0, 18649, "Green Neon", 200000 }, { CATEGORY_NEON, 0, 18650, "Yellow Neon", 200000 }, { CATEGORY_NEON, 0, 18651, "Pink Neon", 200000 }, { CATEGORY_NEON, 0, 18652, "White Neon", 200000 }, // Military Items { CATEGORY_MILITARY_ITEMS, 0, 1654, "Dynamite", 8000 }, { CATEGORY_MILITARY_ITEMS, 0, 19590, "Sword", 14000 }, { CATEGORY_MILITARY_ITEMS, 0, 19832, "Ammo Box", 20000 }, { CATEGORY_MILITARY_ITEMS, 0, 2040, "Ammo box closed", 20000 }, { CATEGORY_MILITARY_ITEMS, 0, 2041, "Ammo box open", 20000 }, { CATEGORY_MILITARY_ITEMS, 1, 964, "Army crate", 40000 }, { CATEGORY_MILITARY_ITEMS, 0, 11738, "Medikit", 135000 }, // Mechanic Items { CATEGORY_MECHANIC_ITEMS, 0, 18644, "Screwdriver", 1500 }, { CATEGORY_MECHANIC_ITEMS, 0, 18633, "Wrench", 2500 }, { CATEGORY_MECHANIC_ITEMS, 0, 18635, "Hammer", 2500 }, { CATEGORY_MECHANIC_ITEMS, 0, 1650, "Gas Can", 5000 }, { CATEGORY_MECHANIC_ITEMS, 0, 19621, "Oil Can", 7500 }, { CATEGORY_MECHANIC_ITEMS, 0, 19816, "Oxygen Tank", 20000 }, { CATEGORY_MECHANIC_ITEMS, 0, 19921, "Toolbox", 23000 }, { CATEGORY_MECHANIC_ITEMS, 1, 19917, "Engine", 65000 }, { CATEGORY_MECHANIC_ITEMS, 1, 920, "Generator", 80000 }, { CATEGORY_MECHANIC_ITEMS, 0, 19631, "Sledge Hammer", 90000 }, // Miscellaneous { CATEGORY_MISCELLANEOUS, 0, 19309, "Taxi White", 2000 }, { CATEGORY_MISCELLANEOUS, 0, 19310, "Taxi Black", 4000 }, { CATEGORY_MISCELLANEOUS, 0, 18632, "Fishing Rod", 8000 }, { CATEGORY_MISCELLANEOUS, 0, 19624, "Suitcase", 15000 }, { CATEGORY_MISCELLANEOUS, 0, 19314, "Bullhorn", 15000 }, { CATEGORY_MISCELLANEOUS, 0, 18646, "Police Light", 25000 }, { CATEGORY_MISCELLANEOUS, 0, 19280, "Floodlight", 30000 }, { CATEGORY_MISCELLANEOUS, 0, 19419, "Police Light Strip", 45000 }, { CATEGORY_MISCELLANEOUS, 0, 19320, "Pumpkin", 45000 }, { CATEGORY_MISCELLANEOUS, 0, 19306, "Red Flag", 50000 }, { CATEGORY_MISCELLANEOUS, 0, 19307, "Blue Flag", 50000 }, { CATEGORY_MISCELLANEOUS, 0, 19086, "Chainsaw Dildo", 69696}, { CATEGORY_MISCELLANEOUS, 0, 11704, "Devil Mask", 75000 }, { CATEGORY_MISCELLANEOUS, 2, 2985, "Mounted Minigun", 80000 }, { CATEGORY_MISCELLANEOUS, 0, 19315, "Deer", 133769 }, { CATEGORY_MISCELLANEOUS, 0, 1609, "Turtle", 250000 } //{ CATEGORY_MISCELLANEOUS, 1, 19601, "Snow Plough", 1500000 } }, g_vehiclePimpData[ MAX_PLAYERS ] [ MAX_BUYABLE_VEHICLES ] [ E_PIMP_DATA ] ; /* ** Forwards ** */ forward OnUpdateVehicleComponents( playerid ); /* ** Hooks ** */ hook OnDialogResponse( playerid, dialogid, response, listitem, inputtext[ ] ) { if ( ( dialogid == DIALOG_COMPONENTS_CATEGORY ) && response ) { SetPVarInt( playerid, "components_category", listitem ); return ShowPlayerVehicleComponents( playerid, listitem ); } else if ( dialogid == DIALOG_COMPONENTS ) { SetPVarInt( playerid, "components_item", listitem ); if ( response ) { ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_COMPONENTS_RESPONSE, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, ""COL_WHITE"Pimp My Ride", "Purchase Component\nPreview Component", "Select", "Back" ); } else { return cmd_garage( playerid, "vehicle pimp" ); } } else if ( dialogid == DIALOG_COMPONENTS_RESPONSE ) { new iItem = GetPVarInt( playerid, "components_item" ), iComponent = GetPVarInt( playerid, "components_category" ); if ( response ) { switch( listitem ) { case 0: { for( new i = 0, x = 0; i < sizeof( g_vehicleComponentsData ); i++ ) if ( g_vehicleComponentsData[ i ] [ E_CATEGORY ] == iComponent ) { if ( iItem == x++ ) { if ( !IsPlayerInAnyVehicle( playerid ) ) return SendError( playerid, "You need to be in a vehicle to use this command." ); if ( GetPlayerCash( playerid ) < g_vehicleComponentsData[ i ] [ E_PRICE ] ) return SendError( playerid, "You need %s to purchase this vehicle component.", cash_format( g_vehicleComponentsData[ i ] [ E_PRICE ] ) ); if ( GetPlayerState( playerid ) != PLAYER_STATE_DRIVER ) return SendError( playerid, "You need to be a driver to use this command." ); new ownerid = INVALID_PLAYER_ID, vehicleid = getVehicleSlotFromID( GetPlayerVehicleID( playerid ), ownerid ) ; if ( vehicleid == -1 ) return SendError( playerid, "This vehicle isn't a buyable vehicle." ); if ( playerid != ownerid ) return SendError( playerid, "This vehicle does not belong to you." ); if ( GetVehicleCustomComponents( ownerid, vehicleid ) >= GetPlayerPimpVehicleSlots( ownerid ) ) return SendError( playerid, "You cannot purchase more than %d vehicle components.", GetPlayerPimpVehicleSlots( ownerid ) ); new slotid = GetVehicleComponentSlot( ownerid, vehicleid ); if ( slotid == -1 ) return SendError( playerid, "You cannot add more than %d components to your vehicle.", MAX_PIMPS ); // make sure the person is above the limit if ( g_vehicleComponentsData[ i ] [ E_LIMIT ] != 0 ) { new instances = 0; for( new p = 0; p < MAX_PIMPS; p++ ) if ( g_vehiclePimpData[ playerid ] [ vehicleid ] [ E_CREATED ] [ p ] && g_vehiclePimpData[ playerid ] [ vehicleid ] [ E_MODEL ] [ p ] == g_vehicleComponentsData[ i ] [ E_MODEL_ID ] ) instances ++; if ( instances >= g_vehicleComponentsData[ i ] [ E_LIMIT ] ) return SendError( playerid, "You can place a %s a maximum of %d time(s).", g_vehicleComponentsData[ i ] [ E_NAME ], g_vehicleComponentsData[ i ] [ E_LIMIT ] ); } new Float: X, Float: Y, Float: Z; GivePlayerCash( playerid, -g_vehicleComponentsData[ i ] [ E_PRICE ] ); StockMarket_UpdateEarnings( E_STOCK_VEHICLE_DEALERSHIP, g_vehicleComponentsData[ i ] [ E_PRICE ], 0.025 ); g_vehiclePimpData[ ownerid ] [ vehicleid ] [ E_CREATED ] [ slotid ] = true; g_vehiclePimpData[ ownerid ] [ vehicleid ] [ E_DISABLED ] [ slotid ] = false; g_vehiclePimpData[ ownerid ] [ vehicleid ] [ E_MODEL ] [ slotid ] = g_vehicleComponentsData[ i ] [ E_MODEL_ID ]; g_vehiclePimpData[ ownerid ] [ vehicleid ] [ E_X ] [ slotid ] = 0.0; g_vehiclePimpData[ ownerid ] [ vehicleid ] [ E_Y ] [ slotid ] = 0.0; g_vehiclePimpData[ ownerid ] [ vehicleid ] [ E_Z ] [ slotid ] = 1.0; g_vehiclePimpData[ ownerid ] [ vehicleid ] [ E_RX ] [ slotid ] = 0.0; g_vehiclePimpData[ ownerid ] [ vehicleid ] [ E_RY ] [ slotid ] = 0.0; g_vehiclePimpData[ ownerid ] [ vehicleid ] [ E_RZ ] [ slotid ] = 0.0; format( szNormalString, sizeof( szNormalString ), "INSERT INTO `COMPONENTS` (`VEHICLE_ID`,`MODEL`,`X`,`Y`,`Z`,`RX`,`RY`,`RZ`) VALUES (%d,%d,0.0,0.0,1.0,0.0,0.0,0.0)", g_vehicleData[ ownerid ] [ vehicleid ] [ E_SQL_ID ], g_vehicleComponentsData[ i ] [ E_MODEL_ID ] ); mysql_function_query( dbHandle, szNormalString, true, "OnPlayerCreateVehicleComponent", "ddd", playerid, vehicleid, slotid ); GetVehiclePos( g_vehicleData[ ownerid ] [ vehicleid ] [ E_VEHICLE_ID ], X, Y, Z ); SetVehiclePos( g_vehicleData[ ownerid ] [ vehicleid ] [ E_VEHICLE_ID ], X, Y, Z + 0.05 ); g_vehiclePimpData[ ownerid ] [ vehicleid ] [ E_OBJECT ] [ slotid ] = CreateDynamicObject( g_vehicleComponentsData[ i ] [ E_MODEL_ID ], 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, .worldid = GetVehicleVirtualWorld( g_vehicleData[ ownerid ] [ vehicleid ] [ E_VEHICLE_ID ]) ); AttachDynamicObjectToVehicle( g_vehiclePimpData[ ownerid ] [ vehicleid ] [ E_OBJECT ] [ slotid ], g_vehicleData[ ownerid ] [ vehicleid ] [ E_VEHICLE_ID ], 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ); return SendServerMessage( playerid, "You have bought a "COL_GREY"%s"COL_WHITE" for "COL_GOLD"%s"COL_WHITE".", g_vehicleComponentsData[ i ] [ E_NAME ], cash_format( g_vehicleComponentsData[ i ] [ E_PRICE ] ) ); } } } case 1: { for( new i = 0, x = 0; i < sizeof( g_vehicleComponentsData ); i++ ) if ( g_vehicleComponentsData[ i ] [ E_CATEGORY ] == iComponent ) { if ( iItem == x++ ) { return ShowPlayerModelPreview( playerid, PREVIEW_MODEL_COMPONENT, "Component Preview", g_vehicleComponentsData[ i ] [ E_MODEL_ID ], .bgcolor = 0xFFFFFF70 ); } } } } } else { return cmd_garage( playerid, "vehicle pimp" ); } } else if ( ( dialogid == DIALOG_COMPONENT_MENU ) && response ) { new ownerid = INVALID_PLAYER_ID, vehicleid = getVehicleSlotFromID( GetPlayerVehicleID( playerid ), ownerid ) ; if ( vehicleid == -1 ) return SendError( playerid, "This vehicle isn't a buyable vehicle." ); if ( playerid != ownerid ) return SendError( playerid, "This vehicle does not belong to you." ); for( new i = 0, x = 0; i < MAX_PIMPS; i++ ) if ( g_vehiclePimpData[ ownerid ] [ vehicleid ] [ E_CREATED ] [ i ] ) { if ( listitem == x++ ) { return ShowPlayerVehicleComponentMenu( playerid, ownerid, vehicleid, i ); } } } else if ( ( dialogid == DIALOG_COMPONENT_EDIT ) && response ) { new ownerid = INVALID_PLAYER_ID, i = GetPVarInt( playerid, "components_editing" ), vehicleid = getVehicleSlotFromID( GetPlayerVehicleID( playerid ), ownerid ) ; if ( vehicleid == -1 ) return SendError( playerid, "This vehicle isn't a buyable vehicle." ); if ( playerid != ownerid ) return SendError( playerid, "This vehicle does not belong to you." ); switch( listitem ) { case 0: // Disable { if ( ( g_vehiclePimpData[ ownerid ] [ vehicleid ] [ E_DISABLED ] [ i ] = !g_vehiclePimpData[ ownerid ] [ vehicleid ] [ E_DISABLED ] [ i ] ) == false ) { new Float: X, Float: Y, Float: Z; // Recreate object g_vehiclePimpData[ ownerid ] [ vehicleid ] [ E_OBJECT ] [ i ] = CreateDynamicObject( g_vehiclePimpData[ ownerid ] [ vehicleid ] [ E_MODEL ] [ i ], 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, .worldid = GetVehicleVirtualWorld( g_vehicleData[ ownerid ] [ vehicleid ] [ E_VEHICLE_ID ] ) ); // Attach object to vehicle AttachDynamicObjectToVehicle( g_vehiclePimpData[ ownerid ] [ vehicleid ] [ E_OBJECT ] [ i ], g_vehicleData[ ownerid ] [ vehicleid ] [ E_VEHICLE_ID ], g_vehiclePimpData[ ownerid ] [ vehicleid ] [ E_X ] [ i ], g_vehiclePimpData[ ownerid ] [ vehicleid ] [ E_Y ] [ i ], g_vehiclePimpData[ ownerid ] [ vehicleid ] [ E_Z ] [ i ], g_vehiclePimpData[ ownerid ] [ vehicleid ] [ E_RX ] [ i ], g_vehiclePimpData[ ownerid ] [ vehicleid ] [ E_RY ] [ i ], g_vehiclePimpData[ ownerid ] [ vehicleid ] [ E_RZ ] [ i ] ); // Reposition vehicle GetVehiclePos( g_vehicleData[ ownerid ] [ vehicleid ] [ E_VEHICLE_ID ], X, Y, Z ); SetVehiclePos( g_vehicleData[ ownerid ] [ vehicleid ] [ E_VEHICLE_ID ], X, Y, Z + 0.05 ); SendServerMessage( playerid, "You have successfully enabled your vehicle component" ); } else { DestroyDynamicObject( g_vehiclePimpData[ ownerid ] [ vehicleid ] [ E_OBJECT ] [ i ] ); g_vehiclePimpData[ ownerid ] [ vehicleid ] [ E_OBJECT ] [ i ] = -1; SendServerMessage( playerid, "You have successfully disabled your vehicle component" ); } mysql_single_query( sprintf( "UPDATE `COMPONENTS` SET `DISABLED`=%d WHERE `ID`=%d", g_vehiclePimpData[ ownerid ] [ vehicleid ] [ E_DISABLED ] [ i ], g_vehiclePimpData[ ownerid ] [ vehicleid ] [ E_SQL_ID ] [ i ] ) ); return ShowPlayerVehicleComponentMenu( playerid, ownerid, vehicleid, i ); } case 1: // Edit { if( g_vehiclePimpData[ ownerid ] [ vehicleid ] [ E_DISABLED ] [ i ] ) { SendError( playerid, "This component is disabled, enable it first." ); return ShowPlayerVehicleComponentMenu( playerid, ownerid, vehicleid, i ); } SetPVarFloat( playerid, "component_pos_x", g_vehiclePimpData[ ownerid ] [ vehicleid ] [ E_X ] [ i ] ); SetPVarFloat( playerid, "component_pos_y", g_vehiclePimpData[ ownerid ] [ vehicleid ] [ E_Y ] [ i ] ); SetPVarFloat( playerid, "component_pos_z", g_vehiclePimpData[ ownerid ] [ vehicleid ] [ E_Z ] [ i ] ); SetPVarFloat( playerid, "component_rot_x", g_vehiclePimpData[ ownerid ] [ vehicleid ] [ E_RX ] [ i ] ); SetPVarFloat( playerid, "component_rot_y", g_vehiclePimpData[ ownerid ] [ vehicleid ] [ E_RY ] [ i ] ); SetPVarFloat( playerid, "component_rot_z", g_vehiclePimpData[ ownerid ] [ vehicleid ] [ E_RZ ] [ i ] ); ShowPlayerHelpDialog( playerid, 0, "~g~/px - ~w~X axis~n~\ ~g~/py - ~w~Y axis~n~\ ~g~/pz - ~w~Z axis~n~\ ~g~/rx - ~w~X rotation~n~\ ~g~/ry - ~w~Y rotation~n~\ ~g~/rz - ~w~Z rotation~n~\ ~g~Press Y - ~w~Save~n~\ ~g~Press N - ~w~Cancel~n~\ ~g~Hold SPACE - ~w~Faster edit" ); SendClientMessage( playerid, -1, ""COL_GREY"[GARAGE]"COL_WHITE" You have started editing the component." ); SetTimerEx( "OnUpdateVehicleComponents", TIMER_UPDATE_RATE, false, "d", playerid ); } case 2: // sell { new pimpid; for( ; pimpid < sizeof( g_vehicleComponentsData ); pimpid++ ) if ( g_vehicleComponentsData[ pimpid ] [ E_MODEL_ID ] == g_vehiclePimpData[ ownerid ] [ vehicleid ] [ E_MODEL ] [ i ] ) break; new sellPrice = floatround( g_vehicleComponentsData[ pimpid ] [ E_PRICE ] * 0.5 ); ShowPlayerDialog( playerid, DIALOG_COMPONENTS_SELL, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, ""COL_WHITE"Sell Components", sprintf( ""COL_WHITE"Are you sure you want to sell your "COL_GREY"%s "COL_WHITE"for "COL_GOLD"%s?\n", g_vehicleComponentsData[ pimpid ] [ E_NAME ], cash_format( sellPrice ) ), "Sell", "Back" ); } } } else if ( dialogid == DIALOG_COMPONENTS_SELL ) { new ownerid = INVALID_PLAYER_ID, i = GetPVarInt( playerid, "components_editing" ), vehicleid = getVehicleSlotFromID( GetPlayerVehicleID( playerid ), ownerid ) ; if ( vehicleid == -1 ) return SendError( playerid, "This vehicle isn't a buyable vehicle." ); if ( playerid != ownerid ) return SendError( playerid, "This vehicle does not belong to you." ); if ( ! response) { for( new y = 0, x = 0; y < MAX_PIMPS; y++ ) if ( g_vehiclePimpData[ ownerid ] [ vehicleid ] [ E_CREATED ] [ y ] ) { if ( listitem == x++ ) { return ShowPlayerVehicleComponentMenu( playerid, ownerid, vehicleid, i ); } } } else { new pimpid; for( ; pimpid < sizeof( g_vehicleComponentsData ); pimpid++ ) if ( g_vehicleComponentsData[ pimpid ] [ E_MODEL_ID ] == g_vehiclePimpData[ ownerid ] [ vehicleid ] [ E_MODEL ] [ i ] ) break; if ( g_vehicleComponentsData[ pimpid ] [ E_MODEL_ID ] != g_vehiclePimpData[ ownerid ] [ vehicleid ] [ E_MODEL ] [ i ] ) return SendError( playerid, "You cannot sell this component as it no longer exists." ); new sellPrice = floatround( g_vehicleComponentsData[ pimpid ] [ E_PRICE ] * 0.5 ); GivePlayerCash( playerid, sellPrice ); DestroyDynamicObject( g_vehiclePimpData[ ownerid ] [ vehicleid ] [ E_OBJECT ] [ i ] ); g_vehiclePimpData[ ownerid ] [ vehicleid ] [ E_OBJECT ] [ i ] = -1; g_vehiclePimpData[ ownerid ] [ vehicleid ] [ E_CREATED ] [ i ] = false; mysql_single_query( sprintf( "DELETE FROM `COMPONENTS` WHERE `ID`=%d", g_vehiclePimpData[ ownerid ] [ vehicleid ] [ E_SQL_ID ] [ i ] ) ); SendServerMessage( playerid, "You have sold your "COL_GREY"%s"COL_WHITE" for "COL_GOLD"%s"COL_WHITE".", g_vehicleComponentsData[ pimpid ] [ E_NAME ], cash_format( sellPrice ) ); } return 1; } return 1; } /* ** SQL Threads ** */ hook OnVehicleComponentsLoad( playerid, vid ) { if ( !IsPlayerConnected( playerid ) ) return 0; if ( !g_vehicleData[ playerid ] [ vid ] [ E_CREATED ] ) return 0; new rows, fields, i = -1, cid ; cache_get_data( rows, fields ); if ( rows ) { while( ++i < rows ) { for( cid = 0; cid < MAX_PIMPS; cid++ ) if ( !g_vehiclePimpData[ playerid ] [ vid ] [ E_CREATED ] [ cid ] ) break; if ( cid >= MAX_PIMPS ) continue; if ( g_vehiclePimpData[ playerid ] [ vid ] [ E_CREATED ] [ cid ] ) continue; g_vehiclePimpData[ playerid ] [ vid ] [ E_CREATED ] [ cid ] = true; g_vehiclePimpData[ playerid ] [ vid ] [ E_SQL_ID ] [ cid ] = cache_get_field_content_int( i, "ID", dbHandle ); g_vehiclePimpData[ playerid ] [ vid ] [ E_MODEL ] [ cid ] = cache_get_field_content_int( i, "MODEL", dbHandle ); g_vehiclePimpData[ playerid ] [ vid ] [ E_X ] [ cid ] = cache_get_field_content_float( i, "X", dbHandle ); g_vehiclePimpData[ playerid ] [ vid ] [ E_Y ] [ cid ] = cache_get_field_content_float( i, "Y", dbHandle ); g_vehiclePimpData[ playerid ] [ vid ] [ E_Z ] [ cid ] = cache_get_field_content_float( i, "Z", dbHandle ); g_vehiclePimpData[ playerid ] [ vid ] [ E_RX ] [ cid ] = cache_get_field_content_float( i, "RX", dbHandle ); g_vehiclePimpData[ playerid ] [ vid ] [ E_RY ] [ cid ] = cache_get_field_content_float( i, "RY", dbHandle ); g_vehiclePimpData[ playerid ] [ vid ] [ E_RZ ] [ cid ] = cache_get_field_content_float( i, "RZ", dbHandle ); g_vehiclePimpData[ playerid ] [ vid ] [ E_DISABLED ] [ cid ] = !!cache_get_field_content_int( i, "DISABLED", dbHandle ); DestroyDynamicObject( g_vehiclePimpData[ playerid ] [ vid ] [ E_OBJECT ] [ cid ] ); g_vehiclePimpData[ playerid ] [ vid ] [ E_OBJECT ] [ cid ] = -1; if ( g_vehiclePimpData[ playerid ] [ vid ] [ E_DISABLED ] [ cid ] == false ) { g_vehiclePimpData[ playerid ] [ vid ] [ E_OBJECT ] [ cid ] = CreateDynamicObject( g_vehiclePimpData[ playerid ] [ vid ] [ E_MODEL ] [ cid ], 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, .worldid = GetVehicleVirtualWorld( g_vehicleData[ playerid ] [ vid ] [ E_VEHICLE_ID ] ) ); AttachDynamicObjectToVehicle( g_vehiclePimpData[ playerid ] [ vid ] [ E_OBJECT ] [ cid ], g_vehicleData[ playerid ] [ vid ] [ E_VEHICLE_ID ], g_vehiclePimpData[ playerid ] [ vid ] [ E_X ] [ cid ], g_vehiclePimpData[ playerid ] [ vid ] [ E_Y ] [ cid ], g_vehiclePimpData[ playerid ] [ vid ] [ E_Z ] [ cid ], g_vehiclePimpData[ playerid ] [ vid ] [ E_RX ] [ cid ], g_vehiclePimpData[ playerid ] [ vid ] [ E_RY ] [ cid ], g_vehiclePimpData[ playerid ] [ vid ] [ E_RZ ] [ cid ] ); } } } return 1; } thread OnPlayerCreateVehicleComponent( playerid, vehicleid, slotid ) { g_vehiclePimpData[ playerid ] [ vehicleid ] [ E_SQL_ID ] [ slotid ] = cache_insert_id( ); return 1; } /* ** Callbacks ** */ public OnUpdateVehicleComponents( playerid ) { // just incase, to avoid bugs if( ! GetPVarType( playerid, "components_editing" ) ) return EndPlayerEditComponent( playerid ); new ownerid = INVALID_PLAYER_ID, vehicleid = GetPlayerVehicleID( playerid ), slotid = GetPVarInt( playerid, "components_editing" ), v = getVehicleSlotFromID( vehicleid, ownerid ) ; if ( v == -1 || playerid != ownerid || ! g_vehiclePimpData[ ownerid ] [ v ] [ E_CREATED ] [ slotid ] || g_vehiclePimpData[ ownerid ] [ v ] [ E_DISABLED ] [ slotid ] ) return SendServerMessage( playerid, "Vehicle component editing was cancelled." ), EndPlayerEditComponent( playerid ); new LR, KEYS, Float: VALUE = -1.0 ; GetPlayerKeys( playerid, KEYS, tmpVariable, LR ); if( KEYS & KEY_YES ) { SendClientMessageFormatted( playerid, -1, ""COL_GREY"[GARAGE]"COL_WHITE" You have saved the component you were editing." ); return EndPlayerEditComponent( ownerid, v, slotid, true ); } else if ( KEYS & KEY_NO ) { SendClientMessage( playerid, -1, ""COL_GREY"[GARAGE]"COL_WHITE" You have cancelled editing the component." ); return EndPlayerEditComponent( ownerid, v, slotid ); } if ( LR > 0 ) VALUE = 0.01; else if ( LR < 0 ) VALUE = - 0.01 ; if ( VALUE != -1.0 ) { // hold space to edit components faster if ( KEYS & KEY_HANDBRAKE ) VALUE *= 3; switch( GetPVarInt( playerid, "component_edit_type" ) ) { case COMPONENT_EDIT_TYPE_X: SetPVarFloat( playerid, "component_pos_x", GetPVarFloat( playerid, "component_pos_x" ) + VALUE ); case COMPONENT_EDIT_TYPE_Y: SetPVarFloat( playerid, "component_pos_y", GetPVarFloat( playerid, "component_pos_y" ) + VALUE ); case COMPONENT_EDIT_TYPE_Z: SetPVarFloat( playerid, "component_pos_z", GetPVarFloat( playerid, "component_pos_z" ) + VALUE ); case COMPONENT_EDIT_TYPE_RX: SetPVarFloat( playerid, "component_rot_x", GetPVarFloat( playerid, "component_rot_x" ) + ( ( VALUE * 360 ) / 100 ) * 10 ); case COMPONENT_EDIT_TYPE_RY: SetPVarFloat( playerid, "component_rot_y", GetPVarFloat( playerid, "component_rot_y" ) + ( ( VALUE * 360 ) / 100 ) * 10 ); case COMPONENT_EDIT_TYPE_RZ: SetPVarFloat( playerid, "component_rot_z", GetPVarFloat( playerid, "component_rot_z" ) + ( ( VALUE * 360 ) / 100 ) * 10 ); default: return EndPlayerEditComponent( playerid, v, slotid ); } new Float: tmpPosX = GetPVarFloat( playerid, "component_pos_x" ), Float: tmpPosY = GetPVarFloat( playerid, "component_pos_y" ), Float: tmpPosZ = GetPVarFloat( playerid, "component_pos_z" ), Float: tmpRotX = GetPVarFloat( playerid, "component_rot_x" ), Float: tmpRotY = GetPVarFloat( playerid, "component_rot_y" ), Float: tmpRotZ = GetPVarFloat( playerid, "component_rot_z" ) ; AttachDynamicObjectToVehicle( g_vehiclePimpData[ ownerid ] [ v ] [ E_OBJECT ] [ slotid ], g_vehicleData[ ownerid ] [ v ] [ E_VEHICLE_ID ], tmpPosX, tmpPosY, tmpPosZ, tmpRotX, tmpRotY, tmpRotZ ); } return SetTimerEx( "OnUpdateVehicleComponents", TIMER_UPDATE_RATE, false, "d", playerid ); } /* ** Functions ** */ stock EndPlayerEditComponent( playerid, vehicleid = -1, slotid = -1, bool: save = false ) { if ( save ) { new Float: tmpPosX = GetPVarFloat( playerid, "component_pos_x" ), Float: tmpPosY = GetPVarFloat( playerid, "component_pos_y" ), Float: tmpPosZ = GetPVarFloat( playerid, "component_pos_z" ) ; g_vehiclePimpData[ playerid ] [ vehicleid ] [ E_RX ] [ slotid ] = GetPVarFloat( playerid, "component_rot_x" ); g_vehiclePimpData[ playerid ] [ vehicleid ] [ E_RY ] [ slotid ] = GetPVarFloat( playerid, "component_rot_y" ); g_vehiclePimpData[ playerid ] [ vehicleid ] [ E_RZ ] [ slotid ] = GetPVarFloat( playerid, "component_rot_z" ); // the X is the distance from 0.0 if ( floatabs( tmpPosX ) / 2 > 2.5 ) { SendServerMessage( playerid, "The object breaches the X axis limit for this vehicle. It has been moved." ), tmpPosX = 0.0; } if ( floatabs( tmpPosY ) / 2 > 2.5 ) { SendServerMessage( playerid, "The object breaches the Y axis limit for this vehicle. It has been moved." ), tmpPosY = 0.0; } if ( floatabs( tmpPosZ ) / 2 > 2.5 ) { SendServerMessage( playerid, "The object breaches the Z axis limit for this vehicle. It has been moved." ), tmpPosZ = 0.0; } g_vehiclePimpData[ playerid ] [ vehicleid ] [ E_X ] [ slotid ] = tmpPosX; g_vehiclePimpData[ playerid ] [ vehicleid ] [ E_Y ] [ slotid ] = tmpPosY; g_vehiclePimpData[ playerid ] [ vehicleid ] [ E_Z ] [ slotid ] = tmpPosZ; format( szNormalString, sizeof( szNormalString ), "UPDATE `COMPONENTS` SET `X`=%f,`Y`=%f,`Z`=%f,`RX`=%f,`RY`=%f,`RZ`=%f WHERE `ID`=%d", g_vehiclePimpData[ playerid ] [ vehicleid ] [ E_X ] [ slotid ], g_vehiclePimpData[ playerid ] [ vehicleid ] [ E_Y ] [ slotid ], g_vehiclePimpData[ playerid ] [ vehicleid ] [ E_Z ] [ slotid ], g_vehiclePimpData[ playerid ] [ vehicleid ] [ E_RX ] [ slotid ], g_vehiclePimpData[ playerid ] [ vehicleid ] [ E_RY ] [ slotid ], g_vehiclePimpData[ playerid ] [ vehicleid ] [ E_RZ ] [ slotid ], g_vehiclePimpData[ playerid ] [ vehicleid ] [ E_SQL_ID ] [ slotid ] ); mysql_single_query( szNormalString ); } DeletePVar( playerid, "components_editing" ); DeletePVar( playerid, "component_edit_type" ); DeletePVar( playerid, "component_pos_x" ); DeletePVar( playerid, "component_pos_y" ); DeletePVar( playerid, "component_pos_z" ); DeletePVar( playerid, "component_rot_x" ); DeletePVar( playerid, "component_rot_y" ); DeletePVar( playerid, "component_rot_z" ); if ( vehicleid != -1 && slotid != -1 ) { AttachDynamicObjectToVehicle( g_vehiclePimpData[ playerid ] [ vehicleid ] [ E_OBJECT ] [ slotid ], g_vehicleData[ playerid ] [ vehicleid ] [ E_VEHICLE_ID ], g_vehiclePimpData[ playerid ] [ vehicleid ] [ E_X ] [ slotid ], g_vehiclePimpData[ playerid ] [ vehicleid ] [ E_Y ] [ slotid ], g_vehiclePimpData[ playerid ] [ vehicleid ] [ E_Z ] [ slotid ], g_vehiclePimpData[ playerid ] [ vehicleid ] [ E_RX ] [ slotid ], g_vehiclePimpData[ playerid ] [ vehicleid ] [ E_RY ] [ slotid ], g_vehiclePimpData[ playerid ] [ vehicleid ] [ E_RZ ] [ slotid ] ); } HidePlayerHelpDialog( playerid ); return 1; } stock GetVehicleComponentSlot( playerid, vehicleid ) { for( new id = 0; id < MAX_PIMPS; id++ ) { if ( g_vehiclePimpData[ playerid ] [ vehicleid ] [ E_CREATED ] [ id ] == false ) { return id; } } return -1; } stock ShowPlayerVehicleComponents( playerid, categoryid ) { erase( szLargeString ); for( new i = 0; i < sizeof( g_vehicleComponentsData ); i++ ) if ( g_vehicleComponentsData[ i ] [ E_CATEGORY ] == categoryid ) { format( szLargeString, sizeof( szLargeString ), "%s%s\t"COL_GOLD"%s\n", szLargeString, g_vehicleComponentsData[ i ] [ E_NAME ], cash_format( g_vehicleComponentsData[ i ] [ E_PRICE ] ) ); } return ShowPlayerDialog( playerid, DIALOG_COMPONENTS, DIALOG_STYLE_TABLIST, sprintf( "Pimp My Ride - %s", g_vehicleComponentsCategories[ categoryid ] ), szLargeString, "Purchase", "Back" ); } stock DestroyVehicleCustomComponents( playerid, vehicleid, bool: destroy_db = false ) { for( new slotid = 0; slotid < MAX_PIMPS; slotid++ ) { g_vehiclePimpData[ playerid ] [ vehicleid ] [ E_CREATED ] [ slotid ] = false; DestroyDynamicObject( g_vehiclePimpData[ playerid ] [ vehicleid ] [ E_OBJECT ] [ slotid ] ); g_vehiclePimpData[ playerid ] [ vehicleid ] [ E_OBJECT ] [ slotid ] = -1; } if ( destroy_db ) { mysql_single_query( sprintf( "DELETE FROM `COMPONENTS` WHERE `VEHICLE_ID`=%d", g_vehicleData[ playerid ] [ vehicleid ] [ E_SQL_ID ] ) ); } } stock ReplaceVehicleCustomComponents( ownerid, v, bool: recreate_obj = false ) { for( new slotid; slotid < MAX_PIMPS; slotid++ ) if ( g_vehiclePimpData[ ownerid ] [ v ] [ E_CREATED ] [ slotid ] && !g_vehiclePimpData[ ownerid ] [ v ] [ E_DISABLED ] ) { // Recreate object if ( recreate_obj ) { DestroyDynamicObject( g_vehiclePimpData[ ownerid ] [ v ] [ E_OBJECT ] [ slotid ] ); g_vehiclePimpData[ ownerid ] [ v ] [ E_OBJECT ] [ slotid ] = CreateDynamicObject( g_vehiclePimpData[ ownerid ] [ v ] [ E_MODEL ] [ slotid ], 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ); } // Attach object to vehicle AttachDynamicObjectToVehicle( g_vehiclePimpData[ ownerid ] [ v ] [ E_OBJECT ] [ slotid ], g_vehicleData[ ownerid ] [ v ] [ E_VEHICLE_ID ], g_vehiclePimpData[ ownerid ] [ v ] [ E_X ] [ slotid ], g_vehiclePimpData[ ownerid ] [ v ] [ E_Y ] [ slotid ], g_vehiclePimpData[ ownerid ] [ v ] [ E_Z ] [ slotid ], g_vehiclePimpData[ ownerid ] [ v ] [ E_RX ] [ slotid ], g_vehiclePimpData[ ownerid ] [ v ] [ E_RY ] [ slotid ], g_vehiclePimpData[ ownerid ] [ v ] [ E_RZ ] [ slotid ] ); // Update virtual world - There was an error appearing here, so make sure object is valid. if ( IsValidDynamicObject( g_vehiclePimpData[ ownerid ] [ v ] [ E_OBJECT ] [ slotid ] ) ) Streamer_SetIntData( STREAMER_TYPE_OBJECT, g_vehiclePimpData[ ownerid ] [ v ] [ E_OBJECT ] [ slotid ], E_STREAMER_WORLD_ID, GetVehicleVirtualWorld( g_vehicleData[ ownerid ] [ v ] [ E_VEHICLE_ID ] ) ); } } stock GetVehicleCustomComponents( playerid, vehicleid ) { new count = 0; for( new i = 0; i < MAX_PIMPS; i++ ) if ( g_vehiclePimpData[ playerid ] [ vehicleid ] [ E_CREATED ] [ i ] ) count ++; return count; } stock ShowPlayerVehicleComponentMenu( playerid, ownerid, vehicleid, i ) { new pimpid; for( ; pimpid < sizeof( g_vehicleComponentsData ); pimpid++ ) if ( g_vehicleComponentsData[ pimpid ] [ E_MODEL_ID ] == g_vehiclePimpData[ ownerid ] [ vehicleid ] [ E_MODEL ] [ i ] ) break; if ( !( 0 <= pimpid < sizeof( g_vehicleComponentsData ) ) || g_vehicleComponentsData[ pimpid ] [ E_MODEL_ID ] != g_vehiclePimpData[ ownerid ] [ vehicleid ] [ E_MODEL ] [ i ] ) return SendError( playerid, "You cannot sell this component as it no longer exists." ); new sellPrice = floatround( g_vehicleComponentsData[ pimpid ] [ E_PRICE ] * 0.5 ); SetPVarInt( playerid, "components_editing", i ); return ShowPlayerDialog( playerid, DIALOG_COMPONENT_EDIT, DIALOG_STYLE_TABLIST, "Vehicle Components", sprintf( "%s Component\t\nEdit Component\t\nSell Component\t"COL_GOLD"%s", g_vehiclePimpData[ ownerid ] [ vehicleid ] [ E_DISABLED ] [ i ] ? ( "Enable" ) : ( "Disable" ), cash_format( sellPrice ) ), "Select", "Cancel" ); } stock ShowVehicleComponentCategories( playerid ) { static szCategory[ sizeof( g_vehicleComponentsCategories ) * 12 ]; if ( szCategory[ 0 ] == '\0') { for( new i = 0; i < sizeof( g_vehicleComponentsCategories ); i++ ) { format( szCategory, sizeof( szCategory ), "%s%s\n", szCategory, g_vehicleComponentsCategories[ i ] ); } } return ShowPlayerDialog( playerid, DIALOG_COMPONENTS_CATEGORY, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "Pimp My Ride - Categories", szCategory, "Select", "Cancel" ); } hook OnPlayerEndModelPreview( playerid, handleid ) { if ( handleid == PREVIEW_MODEL_COMPONENT ) { SendServerMessage( playerid, "You have finished looking at this vehicle modification preview." ); ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_COMPONENTS_RESPONSE, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, ""COL_WHITE"Pimp My Ride", "Purchase Component\nPreview Component", "Select", "Back" ); return Y_HOOKS_BREAK_RETURN_1; } return 1; } /* ** Commands ** */ CMD:px( playerid, params[ ] ) { if ( GetPVarType( playerid, "components_editing" ) == 0 ) return SendError( playerid, "You're not editing a vehicle." ); SetPVarInt( playerid, "component_edit_type", COMPONENT_EDIT_TYPE_X ); return SendClientMessageFormatted( playerid, -1, ""COL_GREY"[GARAGE]"COL_WHITE" You're now editing the X axis of the component." ); } CMD:py( playerid, params[ ] ) { if ( GetPVarType( playerid, "components_editing" ) == 0 ) return SendError( playerid, "You're not editing a vehicle." ); SetPVarInt( playerid, "component_edit_type", COMPONENT_EDIT_TYPE_Y ); return SendClientMessageFormatted( playerid, -1, ""COL_GREY"[GARAGE]"COL_WHITE" You're now editing the Y axis of the component." ); } CMD:pz( playerid, params[ ] ) { if ( GetPVarType( playerid, "components_editing" ) == 0 ) return SendError( playerid, "You're not editing a vehicle." ); SetPVarInt( playerid, "component_edit_type", COMPONENT_EDIT_TYPE_Z ); return SendClientMessageFormatted( playerid, -1, ""COL_GREY"[GARAGE]"COL_WHITE" You're now editing the Z axis of the component." ); } CMD:rx( playerid, params[ ] ) { if ( GetPVarType( playerid, "components_editing" ) == 0 ) return SendError( playerid, "You're not editing a vehicle." ); SetPVarInt( playerid, "component_edit_type", COMPONENT_EDIT_TYPE_RX ); return SendClientMessageFormatted( playerid, -1, ""COL_GREY"[GARAGE]"COL_WHITE" You're now editing the X rotation of the component." ); } CMD:ry( playerid, params[ ] ) { if ( GetPVarType( playerid, "components_editing" ) == 0 ) return SendError( playerid, "You're not editing a vehicle." ); SetPVarInt( playerid, "component_edit_type", COMPONENT_EDIT_TYPE_RY ); return SendClientMessageFormatted( playerid, -1, ""COL_GREY"[GARAGE]"COL_WHITE" You're now editing the Y rotation of the component." ); } CMD:rz( playerid, params[ ] ) { if ( GetPVarType( playerid, "components_editing" ) == 0 ) return SendError( playerid, "You're not editing a vehicle." ); SetPVarInt( playerid, "component_edit_type", COMPONENT_EDIT_TYPE_RZ ); return SendClientMessageFormatted( playerid, -1, ""COL_GREY"[GARAGE]"COL_WHITE" You're now editing the Z rotation of the component." ); }