/* * Irresistible Gaming (c) 2018 * Developed by Lorenc Pekaj * Module: anticheat/hitpoints.inc * Purpose: server sided damage system */ /* ** Includes ** */ #include < YSI\y_hooks > /* ** Definitions ** */ #define AC_DEFAULT_TEAM ( 1337 ) /* ** Variables ** */ enum E_PLAYER_HITPOINTS { Float: E_POINTS, E_UPDATE_TIME, E_UPDATE_FAIL, bool: E_SYNCED }; static const s_ValidDamageGiven[] = { 1, // 0 - Fist 1, // 1 - Brass knuckles 1, // 2 - Golf club 1, // 3 - Nitestick 0, // 4 - Knife 1, // 5 - Bat 1, // 6 - Shovel 1, // 7 - Pool cue 1, // 8 - Katana 1, // 9 - Chainsaw 1, // 10 - Dildo 1, // 11 - Dildo 2 1, // 12 - Vibrator 1, // 13 - Vibrator 2 1, // 14 - Flowers 1, // 15 - Cane 0, // 16 - Grenade 0, // 17 - Teargas 0, // 18 - Molotov 0, // 19 - Vehicle M4 (custom) 0, // 20 - Vehicle minigun 0, // 21 1, // 22 - Colt 45 1, // 23 - Silenced 1, // 24 - Deagle 1, // 25 - Shotgun 1, // 26 - Sawed-off 1, // 27 - Spas 1, // 28 - UZI 1, // 29 - MP5 1, // 30 - AK47 1, // 31 - M4 1, // 32 - Tec9 1, // 33 - Cuntgun 1, // 34 - Sniper 0, // 35 - Rocket launcher 0, // 36 - Heatseeker 0, // 37 - Flamethrower 1, // 38 - Minigun 0, // 39 - Satchel 0, // 40 - Detonator 1, // 41 - Spraycan 1, // 42 - Fire extinguisher 0, // 43 - Camera 0, // 44 - Night vision 0, // 45 - Infrared 1, // 46 - Parachute 0, // 47 - Fake pistol 0, // 48 - Pistol whip (custom) 0, // 49 - Vehicle 0, // 50 - Helicopter blades 0, // 51 - Explosion 0, // 52 - Car park (custom) 0, // 53 - Drowning 0 // 54 - Splat }, Float: s_ValidMaxDamage[ ] = { 6.6, // 0 - Fist 6.6, // 1 - Brass knuckles 6.6, // 2 - Golf club 6.6, // 3 - Nitestick 6.7, // 4 - Knife (varies with back stab) 6.6, // 5 - Bat 6.6, // 6 - Shovel 6.6, // 7 - Pool cue 6.6, // 8 - Katana 27.1, // 9 - Chainsaw 6.6, // 10 - Dildo 6.6, // 11 - Dildo 2 6.6, // 12 - Vibrator 6.6, // 13 - Vibrator 2 6.6, // 14 - Flowers 6.6, // 15 - Cane 82.5, // 16 - Grenade 0.0, // 17 - Teargas 0.1, // 18 - Molotov 0.0, // 19 - Vehicle M4 (custom) 0.0, // 20 - Vehicle minigun 0.0, // 21 8.25, // 22 - Colt 45 13.2, // 23 - Silenced 46.2, // 24 - Deagle 49.5, // 25 - Shotgun 49.5, // 26 - Sawed-off 39.6, // 27 - Spas 6.6, // 28 - UZI 8.3, // 29 - MP5 9.9, // 30 - AK47 9.9, // 31 - M4 6.6, // 32 - Tec9 24.8, // 33 - Cuntgun 61.9, // 34 - Sniper 82.5, // 35 - Rocket launcher 82.5, // 36 - Heatseeker 0.1, // 37 - Flamethrower 46.2, // 38 - Minigun 0.0, // 39 - Satchel (apparently 20, not synced anyway) 0.0, // 40 - Detonator 0.4, // 41 - Spraycan 0.4, // 42 - Fire extinguisher 0.0, // 43 - Camera 0.0, // 44 - Night vision 0.0, // 45 - Infrared 6.6 // 46 - Parachute }, Float: s_WeaponRange[ ] = { 0.0, // 0 - Fist 0.0, // 1 - Brass knuckles 0.0, // 2 - Golf club 0.0, // 3 - Nitestick 0.0, // 4 - Knife 0.0, // 5 - Bat 0.0, // 6 - Shovel 0.0, // 7 - Pool cue 0.0, // 8 - Katana 0.0, // 9 - Chainsaw 0.0, // 10 - Dildo 0.0, // 11 - Dildo 2 0.0, // 12 - Vibrator 0.0, // 13 - Vibrator 2 0.0, // 14 - Flowers 0.0, // 15 - Cane 0.0, // 16 - Grenade 0.0, // 17 - Teargas 0.0, // 18 - Molotov 90.0, // 19 - Vehicle M4 (custom) 75.0, // 20 - Vehicle minigun (custom) 0.0, // 21 35.0, // 22 - Colt 45 35.0, // 23 - Silenced 35.0, // 24 - Deagle 40.0, // 25 - Shotgun 35.0, // 26 - Sawed-off 40.0, // 27 - Spas 35.0, // 28 - UZI 45.0, // 29 - MP5 70.0, // 30 - AK47 90.0, // 31 - M4 35.0, // 32 - Tec9 100.0, // 33 - Cuntgun 320.0, // 34 - Sniper 0.0, // 35 - Rocket launcher 0.0, // 36 - Heatseeker 0.0, // 37 - Flamethrower 75.0, // 38 - Minigun 0.0, // 39 - Satchel (apparently 20, not synced anyway) 0.0, // 40 - Detonator 0.0, // 41 - Spraycan 0.0, // 42 - Fire extinguisher 0.0, // 43 - Camera 0.0, // 44 - Night vision 0.0, // 45 - Infrared 0.0 // 46 - Parachute } ; static stock Float: p_PlayerHealth [ MAX_PLAYERS ] [ E_PLAYER_HITPOINTS ], Float: p_PlayerArmour [ MAX_PLAYERS ] [ E_PLAYER_HITPOINTS ], Float: p_LastDamageIssued [ MAX_PLAYERS ], p_LastTookDamage [ MAX_PLAYERS ], p_LastDamageIssuer [ MAX_PLAYERS ] = { INVALID_PLAYER_ID, ... }, p_LastWeaponIssuer [ MAX_PLAYERS ], p_LastDeath [ MAX_PLAYERS ], p_DeathSpam [ MAX_PLAYERS char ] ; /* ** Forwards ** */ forward OnPlayerDamagePlayer ( playerid, damagedid, Float: amount, weaponid, bodypart ); forward OnPlayerTakePlayerDamage ( playerid, issuerid, &Float: amount, weaponid, bodypart ); forward OnPlayerDeathEx ( playerid, killerid, reason, Float: damage, bodypart ); // Function (AC_UpdateKillerData) stock AC_UpdateDamageInformation( playerid, attackerid, weaponid ) { p_LastTookDamage[ playerid ] = GetTickCount( ); p_LastDamageIssuer[ playerid ] = attackerid; p_LastWeaponIssuer[ playerid ] = weaponid; } // Function (AC_GetPlayerHealth) stock Float: AC_GetPlayerHealth( playerid ) return p_PlayerHealth[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ]; // Function (AddPlayerHealth) stock AC_AddPlayerHealth( playerid, Float:amount ) { p_PlayerHealth[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ] += amount; p_PlayerHealth[ playerid ] [ E_SYNCED ] = false; return SetPlayerHealth( playerid, p_PlayerHealth[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ] ); } // Function Hook (SetPlayerHealth) stock AC_SetPlayerHealth( playerid, Float:amount ) { p_PlayerHealth[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ] = amount; p_PlayerHealth[ playerid ] [ E_SYNCED ] = false; if( amount <= 0.0 && AC_IsPlayerSpawned( playerid ) ) { if( ( GetTickCount( ) - p_LastTookDamage[ playerid ] ) > 2500 ) { p_LastDamageIssuer[ playerid ] = INVALID_PLAYER_ID, p_LastWeaponIssuer[ playerid ] = 47; } AC_SetPlayerSpawned( playerid, false ); CallRemoteFunction( "OnPlayerDeathEx", "ddfd", playerid, p_LastDamageIssuer[ playerid ], p_LastWeaponIssuer[ playerid ], 3.3, 3 ); } return SetPlayerHealth( playerid, amount ); } #if defined _ALS_SetPlayerHealth #undef SetPlayerHealth #else #define _ALS_SetPlayerHealth #endif #define SetPlayerHealth AC_SetPlayerHealth // Function Hook (SetPlayerArmour) stock AC_SetPlayerArmour( playerid, Float:amount ) { p_PlayerArmour[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ] = amount; p_PlayerArmour[ playerid ] [ E_SYNCED ] = false; return SetPlayerArmour( playerid, amount ); } #if defined _ALS_SetPlayerArmour #undef SetPlayerArmour #else #define _ALS_SetPlayerArmour #endif #define SetPlayerArmour AC_SetPlayerArmour // Function Hook (SetPlayerTeam) stock AC_SetPlayerTeam( playerid, teamid ) { if( teamid != AC_DEFAULT_TEAM ) { printf("[ACWarning] You cannot use SetPlayerTeam as you have hitpoint hack detection enabled (teamid %d, default %d).", teamid, AC_DEFAULT_TEAM ); } return SetPlayerTeam( playerid, AC_DEFAULT_TEAM ); } #if defined _ALS_SetPlayerTeam #undef SetPlayerTeam #else #define _ALS_SetPlayerArmour #endif #define SetPlayerTeam AC_SetPlayerTeam /* ** Callback Hooks ** */ hook OnPlayerConnect( playerid ) { if ( 0 <= playerid < MAX_PLAYERS ) { // Reset variables p_PlayerHealth[ playerid ] [ E_UPDATE_FAIL ] = 0; p_PlayerArmour[ playerid ] [ E_UPDATE_FAIL ] = 0; p_DeathSpam{ playerid } = 0; } return 1; } hook OnPlayerSpawn( playerid ) { // Health/Armour Hack p_PlayerHealth[ playerid ] [ E_UPDATE_FAIL ] = 0; p_PlayerHealth[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ] = 100.0; p_PlayerArmour[ playerid ] [ E_UPDATE_FAIL ] = 0; p_PlayerArmour[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ] = 0.0; SetPlayerTeam( playerid, AC_DEFAULT_TEAM ); // Set everyone the same team return 1; } hook OnPlayerTakeDamage( playerid, issuerid, Float: amount, weaponid, bodypart ) { new is_npc = IsPlayerNPC( issuerid ); p_LastTookDamage[ playerid ] = GetTickCount( ); p_LastDamageIssuer[ playerid ] = issuerid; p_LastWeaponIssuer[ playerid ] = weaponid; p_LastDamageIssued[ playerid ] = amount; //if( !( issuerid != INVALID_PLAYER_ID && IsPlayerInAnyVehicle( issuerid ) && GetPlayerVehicleSeat( issuerid ) == 0 && ( weaponid == WEAPON_M4 || weaponid == WEAPON_MINIGUN ) ) ) // return 0; // Allow hunter damage/sparrow if( !( issuerid != INVALID_PLAYER_ID && IsPlayerInAnyVehicle( issuerid ) && GetPlayerVehicleSeat( issuerid ) == 0 && ( weaponid == WEAPON_M4 || weaponid == WEAPON_MINIGUN ) ) && !is_npc ) { // Ignore unreliable and invalid damage if( weaponid < 0 || weaponid >= sizeof( s_ValidDamageGiven ) || s_ValidDamageGiven[ weaponid ] ) return Y_HOOKS_BREAK_RETURN_0; } if( AC_IsPlayerSpawned( playerid ) ) { if( issuerid != INVALID_PLAYER_ID && ! is_npc ) { if( OnPlayerTakePlayerDamage( playerid, issuerid, amount, weaponid, bodypart ) ) { new Float: tmp, Float: tmp_amount = amount; if( p_PlayerArmour[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ] ) { if( ( tmp = p_PlayerArmour[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ] - tmp_amount ) < 0.0 ) { tmp_amount -= p_PlayerArmour[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ]; p_PlayerArmour[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ] = 0.0; } else { p_PlayerArmour[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ] = tmp; tmp_amount = 0.0; } } if( ( p_PlayerHealth[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ] -= tmp_amount ) < 0.0 ) { AC_SetPlayerSpawned( playerid, false ); CallRemoteFunction( "OnPlayerDeathEx", "ddfd", playerid, issuerid, weaponid, amount, bodypart ); } SetPlayerArmour( playerid, p_PlayerArmour[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ] ); SetPlayerHealth( playerid, p_PlayerHealth[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ] ); CallRemoteFunction( "OnPlayerDamagePlayer", "ddfdd", issuerid, playerid, amount, weaponid, bodypart ); } } else { new Float: tmp, Float: tmp_amount = amount; if( !( weaponid == 53 || weaponid == 54 || weaponid == 50 ) && p_PlayerArmour[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ] ) { if( ( tmp = p_PlayerArmour[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ] - tmp_amount ) < 0.0 ) { tmp_amount -= p_PlayerArmour[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ]; p_PlayerArmour[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ] = 0.0; } else { p_PlayerArmour[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ] = tmp; tmp_amount = 0.0; } } // printf("OnPlayerTakeDamage( %d, %d, %f, %d, %d ) %f", playerid, issuerid, amount, weaponid, bodypart, p_PlayerHealth[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ] ); if( ( p_PlayerHealth[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ] -= tmp_amount ) <= ( weaponid == 37 ? 0.99999 : 0.0 ) ) { // find any possible killers prior if( ( GetTickCount( ) - p_LastTookDamage[ playerid ] ) > 2500 ) { p_LastDamageIssuer[ playerid ] = issuerid, p_LastWeaponIssuer[ playerid ] = weaponid; } AC_SetPlayerSpawned( playerid, false ); if ( weaponid == 37 || weaponid == 51 ) SetPlayerHealth( playerid, -1 ); // Death bug fix CallRemoteFunction( "OnPlayerDeathEx", "ddfd", playerid, p_LastDamageIssuer[ playerid ], p_LastWeaponIssuer[ playerid ], amount, bodypart ); } } } return 1; } hook OnPlayerGiveDamage( playerid, damagedid, Float: amount, weaponid, bodypart ) { // Ignore unreliable and invalid damage if ( weaponid < 0 || weaponid >= sizeof( s_ValidDamageGiven ) || !s_ValidDamageGiven[ weaponid ] ) return Y_HOOKS_BREAK_RETURN_0; if( weaponid < 0 || weaponid >= sizeof( s_ValidMaxDamage ) || amount > s_ValidMaxDamage[ weaponid ] + 2.0 ) // 2.0 safety margin return Y_HOOKS_BREAK_RETURN_0; if( damagedid == INVALID_PLAYER_ID ) return Y_HOOKS_BREAK_RETURN_0; if( IsPlayerInAnyVehicle( playerid ) && GetPlayerVehicleSeat( playerid ) == 0 && ( weaponid == WEAPON_M4 || weaponid == WEAPON_MINIGUN ) ) return Y_HOOKS_BREAK_RETURN_0; if ( !IsPlayerNPC( damagedid ) ) { if( ! AC_IsPlayerSpawned( damagedid ) ) return Y_HOOKS_BREAK_RETURN_0; if( ( !IsPlayerStreamedIn( playerid, damagedid ) && ! ( GetTickCount( ) - AC_GetLastUpdateTime( playerid ) >= 2595 ) ) || !IsPlayerStreamedIn( damagedid, playerid ) ) return Y_HOOKS_BREAK_RETURN_0; //printf("OnPlayerGiveDamage( %d, %d, %f, %d, %d )", playerid, damagedid, amount, weaponid, bodypart ); //p_LastTookDamage[ damagedid ] = GetTickCount( ); //p_LastDamageIssuer[ damagedid ] = playerid; //p_LastWeaponIssuer[ damagedid ] = weaponid; //p_LastDamageIssued[ damagedid ] = amount; if( OnPlayerTakePlayerDamage( damagedid, playerid, amount, weaponid, bodypart ) ) { new Float: tmp, Float: distance = ac_GetDistanceBetweenPlayers( playerid, damagedid ), // Calc distance between players Float: tmp_amount = amount // this amount is extremely unreliable ; //printf("Proposed dmg %f kinda %f (min: %f, max: %f, rng: %f)", amount, tmp_amount, GetWeaponMinRange( weaponid ), GetWeaponMaxRange( weaponid ), distance ); if( distance > s_WeaponRange[ weaponid ] + 2.0 ) return Y_HOOKS_BREAK_RETURN_0; //printf(" INVALID RANGE %f (MAX %f)", distance, GetWeaponMaxRange( weaponid ) ), 0; if( p_PlayerArmour[ damagedid ] [ E_POINTS ] ) { if( ( tmp = p_PlayerArmour[ damagedid ] [ E_POINTS ] - tmp_amount ) < 0.0 ) { tmp_amount -= p_PlayerArmour[ damagedid ] [ E_POINTS ]; p_PlayerArmour[ damagedid ] [ E_POINTS ] = 0.0; } else { p_PlayerArmour[ damagedid ] [ E_POINTS ] = tmp; tmp_amount = 0.0; } } if( ( p_PlayerHealth[ damagedid ] [ E_POINTS ] -= tmp_amount ) < 0.0 ) { AC_SetPlayerSpawned( damagedid, false ); CallRemoteFunction( "OnPlayerDeathEx", "ddfd", damagedid, playerid, weaponid, amount, bodypart ); } SetPlayerArmour( damagedid, p_PlayerArmour[ damagedid ] [ E_POINTS ] ); SetPlayerHealth( damagedid, p_PlayerHealth[ damagedid ] [ E_POINTS ] ); CallRemoteFunction( "OnPlayerDamagePlayer", "ddfdd", playerid, damagedid, amount, weaponid, bodypart ); } } return 1; } // Functions (Player) stock AC_CheckForHealthHacks( playerid, iTicks ) { new Float: currentHealth, Float: currentArmour ; GetPlayerHealth( playerid, currentHealth ); GetPlayerArmour( playerid, currentArmour ); // Lag Calculations new Float: fHitDamage = p_LastDamageIssued[ playerid ], Float: fArmourDamage, Float: fHealthDamage ; if( fHitDamage > currentArmour ) { fArmourDamage = currentArmour; fHealthDamage = fHitDamage - currentArmour; } else fArmourDamage = fHitDamage; // Begin Health Hack Detection if( iTicks > p_PlayerHealth[ playerid ] [ E_UPDATE_TIME ] ) { new currentHealthInt = floatround( currentHealth, floatround_floor ); new healthShouldBeInt = floatround( p_PlayerHealth[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ], floatround_floor ); if( currentHealthInt == healthShouldBeInt ) p_PlayerHealth[ playerid ] [ E_SYNCED ] = true; if( !p_PlayerHealth[ playerid ] [ E_SYNCED ] ) { if( currentHealthInt > healthShouldBeInt ) { switch( p_PlayerHealth[ playerid ] [ E_UPDATE_FAIL ]++ ) { case 0 .. 9: SetPlayerHealth( playerid, p_PlayerHealth[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ] ); case 10: SendClientMessage( playerid, 0xa9c4e4ff, "You have been kicked as you are desynced from the server. Please relog!" ), KickPlayerTimed( playerid ), printf("[health] Player %d was desynced thus kicked.", playerid); } } } else { p_PlayerHealth[ playerid ] [ E_UPDATE_FAIL ] = 0; if( healthShouldBeInt > currentHealthInt ) p_PlayerHealth[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ] = currentHealth; if( currentHealthInt > healthShouldBeInt && currentHealthInt <= 255 && currentHealthInt > 0 ) SetPlayerHealth( playerid, p_PlayerHealth[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ] ); currentHealthInt = floatround( currentHealth, floatround_floor ); healthShouldBeInt = floatround( p_PlayerHealth[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ], floatround_floor ); new dmgOne = floatround( currentHealthInt - fHealthDamage, floatround_floor ); new dmgTwo = floatround( currentHealthInt - fHealthDamage, floatround_ceil ); if( !( currentHealthInt == healthShouldBeInt || dmgOne == healthShouldBeInt || dmgTwo == healthShouldBeInt ) ) { SetPlayerHealth( playerid, p_PlayerHealth[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ] ); //printf("[health][%d] %d seems to health hack (server health: %d and client health: %d, health dmg: %f, armour dmg: %f).", playerid, playerid, healthShouldBeInt, currentHealthInt, fHealthDamage, fArmourDamage ); } } p_PlayerHealth[ playerid ] [ E_UPDATE_TIME ] = iTicks + 1000; } // Begin Armour Hack Detection if( iTicks > p_PlayerArmour[ playerid ] [ E_UPDATE_TIME ] ) { new currentArmourInt = floatround( currentArmour, floatround_floor ); new ArmourShouldBeInt = floatround( p_PlayerArmour[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ], floatround_floor ); if( currentArmourInt == ArmourShouldBeInt ) p_PlayerArmour[ playerid ] [ E_SYNCED ] = true; if( !p_PlayerArmour[ playerid ] [ E_SYNCED ] ) { if( currentArmourInt > ArmourShouldBeInt ) { switch( p_PlayerArmour[ playerid ] [ E_UPDATE_FAIL ]++ ) { case 0 .. 9: SetPlayerArmour( playerid, p_PlayerArmour[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ] ); case 10: SendClientMessage( playerid, 0xa9c4e4ff, "You have been kicked as you are desynced from the server. Please relog!" ), KickPlayerTimed( playerid ), printf("[armour] Player %d was desynced thus kicked.", playerid); } } } else { p_PlayerArmour[ playerid ] [ E_UPDATE_FAIL ] = 0; if( ArmourShouldBeInt > currentArmourInt ) p_PlayerArmour[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ] = currentArmour; if( currentArmourInt > ArmourShouldBeInt && currentArmourInt <= 255 && currentArmourInt > 0 ) SetPlayerArmour( playerid, p_PlayerArmour[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ] ); currentArmourInt = floatround( currentArmour, floatround_floor ); ArmourShouldBeInt = floatround( p_PlayerArmour[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ], floatround_floor ); new dmgOne = floatround( currentArmourInt - fArmourDamage, floatround_floor ); new dmgTwo = floatround( currentArmourInt - fArmourDamage, floatround_ceil ); if( !( currentArmourInt == ArmourShouldBeInt || dmgOne == ArmourShouldBeInt || dmgTwo == ArmourShouldBeInt ) ) { SetPlayerArmour( playerid, p_PlayerArmour[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ] ); //printf("[armour] %d seems to armour hack (server armour: %d and client armour: %d, health dmg: %f, armour dmg: %f).", playerid, ArmourShouldBeInt, currentArmourInt, fHealthDamage, fArmourDamage ); } } p_PlayerArmour[ playerid ] [ E_UPDATE_TIME ] = iTicks + 1000; } } hook OnPlayerDeath( playerid, killerid, reason ) { if ( ! IsPlayerNPC( playerid ) ) { new server_time = gettime( ); // Anti-fakekill switch( server_time - p_LastDeath[ playerid ] ) { case 0 .. 3: { if ( p_DeathSpam{ playerid } ++ == 3 ) { CallLocalFunction( "OnPlayerCheatDetected", "ddd", playerid, CHEAT_TYPE_FAKEKILL, p_DeathSpam{ playerid } ); return Y_HOOKS_BREAK_RETURN_1; } } default: p_DeathSpam{ playerid } = 0; } p_LastDeath[ playerid ] = server_time; // Died in Vehicle if ( AC_IsPlayerSpawned( playerid ) ) { if( ( GetTickCount( ) - p_LastTookDamage[ playerid ] ) > 2500 ) { p_LastDamageIssuer[ playerid ] = INVALID_PLAYER_ID, p_LastWeaponIssuer[ playerid ] = 51; } CallRemoteFunction( "OnPlayerDeathEx", "ddfd", playerid, p_LastDamageIssuer[ playerid ], p_LastWeaponIssuer[ playerid ], 3.3, 3 ); } // Reset spawned variable AC_SetPlayerSpawned( playerid, false ); } return 1; } /* ** Functions ** */ stock ForcePlayerKill( playerid, killerid, weaponid ) { p_LastTookDamage[ playerid ] = GetTickCount( ); p_LastDamageIssuer[ playerid ] = killerid; p_LastWeaponIssuer[ playerid ] = weaponid; p_LastDamageIssued[ playerid ] = 100.0; SetPlayerHealth( playerid, -1 ); } /* ** Modules ** */ #if defined __ac__money #include "irresistible\anticheat\vending_machines.pwn" #endif