2018-12-23 10:29:27 +11:00

66 lines
1.9 KiB

* Irresistible Gaming (c) 2018
* Developed by Lorenc
* Module: server.pwn
* Purpose: server related definitions
/* ** Includes ** */
#include < YSI\y_hooks >
/* ** Definitions ** */
#define FILE_BUILD "v11.40.120"
#define SERVER_NAME "San Fierro Cops And Robbers (0.3.7)"
#define SERVER_MODE_TEXT "Cops And Robbers / DM / Gangs"
#define SERVER_MAP "San Fierro"
#define SERVER_LANGUAGE "English"
#define SERVER_WEBSITE "www.sfcnr.com"
#define SERVER_IP ""
#define SERVER_TWITTER "IrresistibleDev"
/* ** Comment line to disable feature ** */
#define SERVER_RULES_URL "files.sfcnr.com/en_rules.txt" // used for /rules (cnr\features\server_rules.pwn)
#define SERVER_TWITTER_FEED_URL "files.sfcnr.com/cnr_twitter.php" // used for /twitter (cnr\commands\cmd_twitter.pwn)
#define SERVER_CHANGES_FILE "updates.txt" // used for /changes (cnr\commands\cmd_changes.pwn)
/* ** Hooks ** */
hook OnScriptInit( )
SetGameModeText( SERVER_MODE_TEXT );
SetServerRule( "hostname", SERVER_NAME );
SetServerRule( "language", SERVER_LANGUAGE );
SetServerRule( "mapname", SERVER_MAP );
UsePlayerPedAnims( );
AllowInteriorWeapons( 0 );
EnableStuntBonusForAll( 0 );
DisableInteriorEnterExits( );
return 1;
/* ** Functions ** */
stock IsPlayerLeadMaintainer( playerid )
return GetPlayerAccountID( playerid ) == 1; // limits money, coin, xp spawning to this user
stock IsPlayerServerMaintainer( playerid )
account_id = GetPlayerAccountID( playerid );
return IsPlayerLeadMaintainer( playerid ) || account_id == 277833 || account_id == 758617; // same as lead maintainer, just cant spawn money/xp/coins
stock IsPlayerUnderCover( playerid ) // StefiTV852, Shepard23, JamesComey
account_id = GetPlayerAccountID( playerid );
return ( account_id == 917827 || account_id == 917829 || account_id == 921105 ) && IsPlayerLoggedIn( playerid );