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* Irresistible Gaming (c) 2018
* Developed by Simon Campbell, edited by Lorenc Pekaj
* Module: colours.inc
* Purpose: colors and its functions
/* ** Colours ** */
#define COL_GREEN "{6EF83C}"
#define COL_LGREEN "{91FA6B}"
#define COL_RED "{F81414}"
#define COL_BLUE "{00C0FF}"
#define COL_LRED "{FFA1A1}"
#define COL_GOLD "{FFDC2E}"
#define COL_PLATINUM "{E0E0E0}"
#define COL_DIAMOND "{4EE2EC}"
#define COL_GREY "{C0C0C0}"
#define COL_PINK "{FF0770}"
#define COL_PURPLE "{885EAD}"
#define COL_WHITE "{FFFFFF}"
#define COL_ORANGE "{FF7500}"
#define COL_GANG "{009999}"
#define COL_YELLOW "{FFFF00}"
#define COL_BLACK "{333333}"
#define COL_BRONZE "{CD7F32}"
#define COLOR_GANGZONE 0x00000080
#define COLOR_RDMZONES 0x00CC0010
#define COLOR_GREEN 0x00CC00FF
#define COLOR_RED 0xFF0000FF
#define COLOR_BLUE 0x00C0FFFF
#define COLOR_ORANGE 0xEE9911FF
#define COLOR_POLICE 0x3E7EFF70
#define COLOR_GREY 0xC0C0C0FF
#define COLOR_PINK 0xFF0770FF
#define COLOR_WANTED2 0xFFEC41E2
#define COLOR_WANTED6 0xFF9233FF
#define COLOR_WANTED12 0xF83245FF
#define COLOR_FBI 0x0035FF70
#define COLOR_ARMY 0x954BFF70
#define COLOR_CIA 0x19197000
#define COLOR_FIREMAN 0xA8343470
#define COLOR_MEDIC 0x00FF8070
#define COLOR_CONNECT 0x22BB22AA
#define COLOR_TIMEOUT 0x990099AA
/* ** Functions ** */
stock setRed( color, red ) // Set the red intensity on a colour.
if ( red > 0xFF )
red = 0xFF;
else if ( red < 0x00 )
red = 0x00;
return ( color & 0x00FFFFFF ) | ( red << 24 );
stock setGreen( color, green ) // Set the green intensity on a colour.
if ( green > 0xFF )
green = 0xFF;
else if ( green < 0x00 )
green = 0x00;
return ( color & 0xFF00FFFF ) | ( green << 16 );
stock setBlue( color, blue ) // Set the blue intensity on a colour.
if ( blue > 0xFF )
blue = 0xFF;
else if ( blue < 0x00 )
blue = 0x00;
return ( color & 0xFFFF00FF ) | ( blue << 8 );
stock setAlpha( color, alpha ) // Set the alpha intensity on a colour.
if ( alpha > 0xFF )
alpha = 0xFF;
else if ( alpha < 0x00 )
alpha = 0x00;
return ( color & 0xFFFFFF00 ) | alpha;
stock stripRed( color ) // Remove all red from a colour.
return ( color ) & 0x00FFFFFF;
stock stripGreen( color ) // Remove all green from a colour.
return ( color ) & 0xFF00FFFF;
stock stripBlue( color ) // Remove all blue from a colour.
return ( color ) & 0xFFFF00FF;
stock stripAlpha( color ) // Remove all alpha from a colour.
return ( color ) & 0xFFFFFF00;
stock fillRed( color ) // Fill all red in a colour.
return ( color ) | 0xFF000000;
stock fillGreen( color ) // Fill all green in a colour.
return ( color ) | 0x00FF0000;
stock fillBlue( color ) // Fill all blue in a colour.
return ( color ) | 0x0000FF00;
stock fillAlpha( color ) // Fill all alpha in a colour.
return ( color ) | 0x000000FF;
stock getRed( color ) // Get the intensity of red in a colour.
return ( color >> 24 ) & 0x000000FF;
stock getGreen( color ) // Get the intensity of green in a colour.
return ( color >> 16 ) & 0x000000FF;
stock getBlue( color ) // Get the intensity of blue in a colour.
return ( color >> 8 ) & 0x000000FF;
stock getAlpha( color ) // Get the intensity of alpha in a colour.
return ( color ) & 0x000000FF;
stock makeColor( red=0, green=0, blue=0, alpha=0 ) // Make a colour with the specified intensities.
return ( setAlpha( setBlue( setGreen( setRed( 0x00000000, red ), green ), blue ), alpha ) );
stock setColor( color, red = -1, green = -1, blue = -1, alpha = -1 ) // Set the properties of a colour.
if ( red != -1 )
color = setRed ( color, red );
if ( green != -1 )
color = setGreen ( color, green );
if ( blue != -1 )
color = setBlue ( color, blue );
if ( alpha != -1 )
color = setAlpha ( color, alpha );
return color;