2019-04-10 13:27:53 -04:00

260 lines
12 KiB

* Irresistible Gaming (c) 2018
* Developed by Lorenc
* Module: cnr\features\visage\rewardspoints.pwn
* Purpose: rewards points system for gambling
/* ** Includes ** */
#include < YSI\y_hooks >
/* ** Definitions ** */
#define CASINO_REWARDS_DIVISOR 10.0 // 1000 points becomes 1 point
#define CASINO_REWARDS_COST_MP 1.0 // half of the price (since it costs (1/payout_percent) times more)
/* ** Variables ** */
E_NAME[ 32 ], Float: E_POINTS
static stock
g_casinoRewardsItems[ ] [ E_REWARDS_DATA ] = {
{ "10 Explosive Bullets", 12500.0 },
{ "Highroller Access", 200000.0 }
E_SHOP_ITEMS: g_casinoRewardsShopItems[ ] = {
Float: p_CasinoRewardsPoints [ MAX_PLAYERS ],
bool: p_IsCasinoHighRoller [ MAX_PLAYERS char ],
Text3D: p_RewardsLabel_4Drags [ MAX_PLAYERS ] = { Text3D: INVALID_3DTEXT_ID, ... },
Text3D: p_RewardsLabel_Caligs [ MAX_PLAYERS ] = { Text3D: INVALID_3DTEXT_ID, ... },
Text3D: p_RewardsLabel_Visage [ MAX_PLAYERS ] = { Text3D: INVALID_3DTEXT_ID, ... },
p_HighrollersBarrier [ MAX_PLAYERS ] [ 2 ]
/* ** Hooks ** */
hook OnDialogResponse( playerid, dialogid, response, listitem, inputtext[ ] )
if ( dialogid == DIALOG_CASINO_REWARDS && response )
if ( IsPlayerJailed( playerid ) ) return SendError( playerid, "You cannot use this while you're in jail." );
if ( listitem >= sizeof( g_casinoRewardsShopItems ) )
new rewards_item = listitem - sizeof( g_casinoRewardsShopItems );
new Float: rewards_points = g_casinoRewardsItems[ rewards_item ] [ E_POINTS ];
if ( p_CasinoRewardsPoints[ playerid ] < rewards_points )
return SendError( playerid, "You need %s rewards points for this item.", points_format( rewards_points ) );
switch ( rewards_item )
case 0:
p_ExplosiveBullets[ playerid ] += 10;
ShowPlayerHelpDialog( playerid, 3000, "Press ~r~~k~~CONVERSATION_NO~~w~ to activate explosive bullets." );
case 1: // highroller
if ( p_IsCasinoHighRoller{ playerid } ) return SendError( playerid, "You are already considered a casino highroller." );
mysql_single_query( sprintf( "UPDATE `USERS` SET `VISAGE_HIGHROLLER`=1 WHERE `ID`=%d", p_AccountID[ playerid ] ) );
DestroyDynamicObject( p_HighrollersBarrier[ playerid ] [ 0 ] ), p_HighrollersBarrier[ playerid ] [ 0 ] = -1;
DestroyDynamicObject( p_HighrollersBarrier[ playerid ] [ 1 ] ), p_HighrollersBarrier[ playerid ] [ 1 ] = -1;
p_IsCasinoHighRoller{ playerid } = true;
p_CasinoRewardsPoints[ playerid ] -= rewards_points;
mysql_single_query( sprintf( "UPDATE `USERS` SET `CASINO_REWARDS` = %f WHERE `ID`=%d", p_CasinoRewardsPoints[ playerid ], p_AccountID[ playerid ] ) );
SendServerMessage( playerid, "You have bought "COL_GREY"%s"COL_WHITE" for "COL_GOLD"%s"COL_WHITE" rewards points.", g_casinoRewardsItems[ rewards_item ] [ E_NAME ], points_format( rewards_points ) );
return ShowPlayerRewardsMenu( playerid );
for ( new i = 0, x = 0; i < sizeof ( g_shopItemData ); i ++ ) if ( IsCasinoRewardsShopItem( g_shopItemData[ i ] [ E_ID ] ) )
if ( x == listitem )
new Float: rewards_cost = ( float( g_shopItemData[ i ] [ E_PRICE ] ) * CASINO_REWARDS_COST_MP ) / CASINO_REWARDS_DIVISOR;
if ( p_CasinoRewardsPoints[ playerid ] < rewards_cost )
return SendError( playerid, "You need %s rewards points for this item.", points_format( rewards_cost ) );
// shop limits
if ( g_shopItemData[ i ] [ E_LIMIT ] == 1 )
if ( g_shopItemData[ i ] [ E_ID ] == SHOP_ITEM_DRILL ) {
if ( p_drillStrength[ playerid ] == MAX_DRILL_STRENGTH ) return SendError( playerid, "You have already purchased this item." );
p_drillStrength[ playerid ] = MAX_DRILL_STRENGTH;
} else if ( g_shopItemData[ i ] [ E_ID ] == SHOP_ITEM_MONEY_CASE ) {
if ( p_MoneyBag{ playerid } == true ) return SendError( playerid, "You have already purchased this item." );
if ( p_Class[ playerid ] != CLASS_POLICE ) SetPlayerAttachedObject( playerid, 1, 1210, 7, 0.302650, -0.002469, -0.193321, 296.124053, 270.396881, 8.941717, 1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000 );
p_MoneyBag{ playerid } = true;
new iCurrentQuantity = GetShopItemAmount( playerid, i );
new iLimit = g_shopItemData[ i ] [ E_LIMIT ] + ( 2 * p_VIPLevel[ playerid ] );
if ( iCurrentQuantity >= iLimit )
return SendError( playerid, "You cannot buy more of this item with your rewards points." );
SetPlayerShopItemAmount( playerid, i, iCurrentQuantity + 1 );
// deduct points
p_CasinoRewardsPoints[ playerid ] -= rewards_cost;
mysql_single_query( sprintf( "UPDATE `USERS` SET `CASINO_REWARDS` = %f WHERE `ID`=%d", p_CasinoRewardsPoints[ playerid ], p_AccountID[ playerid ] ) );
SendServerMessage( playerid, "You have bought 1x "COL_GREY"%s"COL_WHITE" for "COL_GOLD"%s"COL_WHITE" rewards points.", g_shopItemData[ i ] [ E_NAME ], points_format( rewards_cost ) );
return ShowPlayerRewardsMenu( playerid );
x ++;
return 1;
else if ( dialogid == DIALOG_CASINO_BAR && response )
if ( p_CasinoRewardsPoints[ playerid ] < 20.0 ) return SendError( playerid, "You need 20.0 casino rewards points to buy an item from the casino's bar." );
// what did they buy
switch ( listitem )
case 0: SetPlayerSpecialAction( playerid, 20 ), SendServerMessage( playerid, "You have bought a beer for "COL_GOLD"20.0 casino rewards points"COL_WHITE"." );
case 1: SetPlayerSpecialAction( playerid, 21 ), SendServerMessage( playerid, "You have bought a cigar for "COL_GOLD"20.0 casino rewards points"COL_WHITE"." );
case 2: SetPlayerSpecialAction( playerid, 22 ), SendServerMessage( playerid, "You have bought wine for "COL_GOLD"20.0 casino rewards points"COL_WHITE"." );
// update account
p_CasinoRewardsPoints[ playerid ] -= 20.0;
mysql_single_query( sprintf( "UPDATE `USERS` SET `CASINO_REWARDS` = %f WHERE `ID`=%d", p_CasinoRewardsPoints[ playerid ], p_AccountID[ playerid ] ) );
return 1;
return 1;
hook OnPlayerUpdateEx( playerid )
if ( ! IsPlayerSpawned( playerid ) )
return 1;
// Update casino labels
UpdateDynamic3DTextLabelText( p_RewardsLabel_Caligs[ playerid ], COLOR_GOLD, sprintf( "[CASINO REWARDS]\n\n"COL_WHITE"You have %s rewards points!", points_format( p_CasinoRewardsPoints[ playerid ] ) ) );
UpdateDynamic3DTextLabelText( p_RewardsLabel_4Drags[ playerid ], COLOR_GOLD, sprintf( "[CASINO REWARDS]\n\n"COL_WHITE"You have %s rewards points!", points_format( p_CasinoRewardsPoints[ playerid ] ) ) );
UpdateDynamic3DTextLabelText( p_RewardsLabel_Visage[ playerid ], COLOR_GOLD, sprintf( "[CASINO REWARDS]\n\n"COL_WHITE"You have %s rewards points!", points_format( p_CasinoRewardsPoints[ playerid ] ) ) );
// Remove invalid visage highrollers
if ( ! p_IsCasinoHighRoller{ playerid } && IsPlayerInHighRoller( playerid ) ) {
SetPlayerPos( playerid, 2597.8943, 1603.1852, 1506.1733 );
SendError( playerid, "You need to be a Highroller to access this area. Get access through Casino Rewards." );
return 1;
hook OnPlayerConnect( playerid )
// Create casino label
DestroyDynamic3DTextLabel( p_RewardsLabel_Caligs[ playerid ] );
DestroyDynamic3DTextLabel( p_RewardsLabel_4Drags[ playerid ] );
DestroyDynamic3DTextLabel( p_RewardsLabel_Visage[ playerid ] );
p_RewardsLabel_Caligs[ playerid ] = CreateDynamic3DTextLabel( "[CASINO REWARDS]", COLOR_GOLD, 2157.6294, 1599.4355, 1006.1797, 20.0, .playerid = playerid );
p_RewardsLabel_4Drags[ playerid ] = CreateDynamic3DTextLabel( "[CASINO REWARDS]", COLOR_GOLD, 1951.7191, 997.55550, 992.85940, 20.0, .playerid = playerid );
p_RewardsLabel_Visage[ playerid ] = CreateDynamic3DTextLabel( "[CASINO REWARDS]", COLOR_GOLD, 2604.1323, 1570.1182, 1508.3530, 20.0, .playerid = playerid );
// Create highroller objects
p_HighrollersBarrier[ playerid ] [ 0 ] = CreateDynamicObject( 19545, 2592.604980, 1610.016967, 1499.139038, 90.000000, 90.000000, 0.000000, .worldid = VISAGE_WORLD, .playerid = playerid );
p_HighrollersBarrier[ playerid ] [ 1 ] = CreateDynamicObject( 19545, 2592.604003, 1595.026000, 1499.140991, 90.000000, 90.000000, 0.000000, .worldid = VISAGE_WORLD, .playerid = playerid );
SetDynamicObjectMaterial( p_HighrollersBarrier[ playerid ] [ 0 ], 0, 11751, "enexmarkers", "enex", -9170 );
SetDynamicObjectMaterial( p_HighrollersBarrier[ playerid ] [ 1 ], 0, 11751, "enexmarkers", "enex", -9170 );
return 1;
hook OnPlayerDisconnect( playerid, reason )
p_IsCasinoHighRoller{ playerid } = false;
p_CasinoRewardsPoints[ playerid ] = 0.0;
DestroyDynamicObject( p_HighrollersBarrier[ playerid ] [ 0 ] ), p_HighrollersBarrier[ playerid ] [ 0 ] = -1;
DestroyDynamicObject( p_HighrollersBarrier[ playerid ] [ 1 ] ), p_HighrollersBarrier[ playerid ] [ 1 ] = -1;
return 1;
hook OnPlayerLogin( playerid )
if ( p_IsCasinoHighRoller{ playerid } ) {
DestroyDynamicObject( p_HighrollersBarrier[ playerid ] [ 0 ] ), p_HighrollersBarrier[ playerid ] [ 0 ] = -1;
DestroyDynamicObject( p_HighrollersBarrier[ playerid ] [ 1 ] ), p_HighrollersBarrier[ playerid ] [ 1 ] = -1;
return 1;
/* ** Commands ** */
CMD:casino( playerid, params[ ] )
if ( strmatch( params, "rewards" ) ) {
if ( ! IsPlayerInCasino( playerid ) ) return SendError( playerid, "You need to be in a casino to use this feature." );
return ShowPlayerRewardsMenu( playerid );
} else if ( strmatch( params, "points" ) ) {
return SendServerMessage( playerid, "You currently have "COL_GOLD"%s"COL_WHITE" casino rewards points.", points_format( p_CasinoRewardsPoints[ playerid ] ) );
return SendUsage( playerid, "/casino [REWARDS/POINTS]" );
/* ** Functions ** */
stock GivePlayerCasinoRewardsPoints( playerid, bet_amount, Float: house_edge ) {
if ( bet_amount < 0 ) bet_amount *= -1; // profit or loss, does not matter
// printf("(%f * ((%f * 100.0) * (%f / 100.0))) / %f\n",bet_amount, house_edge, CASINO_REWARDS_PAYOUT_PERCENT, CASINO_REWARDS_DIVISOR);
new Float: final_points = ( bet_amount * ( ( house_edge / 100.0 ) * ( CASINO_REWARDS_PAYOUT_PERCENT / 100.0 ) ) ) / CASINO_REWARDS_DIVISOR;
p_CasinoRewardsPoints[ playerid ] += final_points;
mysql_single_query( sprintf( "UPDATE `USERS` SET `CASINO_REWARDS`=%f WHERE `ID`=%d", p_CasinoRewardsPoints[ playerid ], p_AccountID[ playerid ] ) );
return 1;
stock ShowPlayerRewardsMenu( playerid )
static szString[ 800 ];
if ( szString[ 0 ] == '\0' )
strcat( szString, ""COL_WHITE"Item\t"COL_WHITE"Purpose\t"COL_WHITE"Rewards Points\n" );
for( new i; i < sizeof( g_shopItemData ); i++ ) if ( IsCasinoRewardsShopItem( g_shopItemData[ i ] [ E_ID ] ) ) {
new Float: rewards_cost = ( float( g_shopItemData[ i ] [ E_PRICE ] ) * CASINO_REWARDS_COST_MP ) / CASINO_REWARDS_DIVISOR;
format( szString, sizeof( szString ), "%s%s\t"COL_GREY"%s\t"COL_GOLD"%s points\n", szString, g_shopItemData[ i ] [ E_NAME ], g_shopItemData[ i ] [ E_USAGE ], points_format( rewards_cost ) );
for ( new i = 0; i < sizeof( g_casinoRewardsItems ); i ++ ) {
format( szString, sizeof( szString ), "%s%s\t \t"COL_GOLD"%s points\n", szString, g_casinoRewardsItems[ i ] [ E_NAME ], points_format( g_casinoRewardsItems[ i ] [ E_POINTS ] ) );
return ShowPlayerDialog( playerid, DIALOG_CASINO_REWARDS, DIALOG_STYLE_TABLIST_HEADERS, "{FFFFFF}Casino Rewards Items", szString, "Buy", "Cancel" );
stock IsCasinoRewardsShopItem( E_SHOP_ITEMS: itemid ) {
for ( new i = 0; i < sizeof( g_casinoRewardsShopItems ); i ++ ) if ( itemid == g_casinoRewardsShopItems[ i ] ) {
return true;
return false;
stock Float: GetPlayerCasinoRewardsPoints( playerid ) {
return p_CasinoRewardsPoints[ playerid ];
stock SetPlayerCasinoRewardsPoints( playerid, Float: rewards ) {
p_CasinoRewardsPoints[ playerid ] = rewards;
stock SetPlayerCasinoHighroller( playerid, bool: toggle ) {
p_IsCasinoHighRoller{ playerid } = toggle;