Typestring`json:"type"`//Required. Must be 'm.room.member'.
EventIDstring`json:"event_id"`// Required. The globally unique event identifier.
Senderstring`json:"sender"`// Required. Contains the fully-qualified ID of the user who sent this event.
OriginServerTsint`json:"origin_server_ts"`// Required. Timestamp in milliseconds on originating homeserver when this event was sent.
UnsignedUnsignedData`json:"unsigned"`// Contains optional extra information about the event.
RoomIDstring`json:"room_id"`// Required. The ID of the room associated with this event. Will not be present on events that arrive through /sync, despite being required everywhere else.
PrevContentEventContent`json:"prev_content"`// Optional. The previous content for this event. If there is no previous content, this key will be missing.
StateKeystring`json:"state_key"`// Required. The user_id this membership event relates to. In all cases except for when membership is join, the user ID sending the event does not need to match the user ID in the state_key, unlike other events. Regular authorisation rules still apply.