package models import ( "encoding/json" ) type ApiError interface { error Code() string Message() string JSON() []byte } type apiError struct { code string `json:"errcode"` message string `json:"error"` } func (apiError *apiError) Error() string { s := apiError.code if apiError.message != "" { s = s + ": " + apiError.message } return s } func (apiError *apiError) Code() string { return apiError.code } func (apiError *apiError) Message() string { return apiError.message } func (apiError *apiError) JSON() []byte { b, _ := json.Marshal(apiError) // TODO: error handler? return b } var ( // M_FORBIDDEN = &apiError{"M_FORBIDDEN", ""} // Forbidden access, e.g. joining a room without permission, failed login. M_UNKNOWN_TOKEN = &apiError{"M_UNKNOWN_TOKEN", ""} // The access token specified was not recognised. M_MISSING_TOKEN = &apiError{"M_MISSING_TOKEN", ""} // No access token was specified for the request. M_BAD_JSON = &apiError{"M_BAD_JSON", ""} // Request contained valid JSON, but it was malformed in some way, e.g. missing required keys, invalid values for keys. M_NOT_JSON = &apiError{"M_NOT_JSON", ""} // Request did not contain valid JSON. M_NOT_FOUND = &apiError{"M_NOT_FOUND", ""} // No resource was found for this request. M_LIMIT_EXCEEDED = &apiError{"M_LIMIT_EXCEEDED", ""} // Too many requests have been sent in a short period of time. Wait a while then try again. M_UNKNOWN = &apiError{"M_UNKNOWN", ""} // An unknown error has occurred. M_UNRECOGNIZED = &apiError{"M_UNRECOGNIZED", ""} // The server did not understand the request. M_UNAUTHORIZED = &apiError{"M_UNAUTHORIZED", ""} // The request was not correctly authorized. Usually due to login failures. M_USER_IN_USE = &apiError{"M_USER_IN_USE", ""} // Encountered when trying to register a user ID which has been taken. M_INVALID_USERNAME = &apiError{"M_INVALID_USERNAME", ""} // Encountered when trying to register a user ID which is not valid. M_ROOM_IN_USE = &apiError{"M_ROOM_IN_USE", ""} // Sent when the room alias given to the createRoom API is already in use. M_INVALID_ROOM_STATE = &apiError{"M_INVALID_ROOM_STATE", ""} // Sent when the initial state given to the createRoom API is invalid. M_THREEPID_IN_USE = &apiError{"M_THREEPID_IN_USE", ""} // Sent when a threepid given to an API cannot be used because the same threepid is already in use. M_THREEPID_NOT_FOUND = &apiError{"M_THREEPID_NOT_FOUND", ""} // Sent when a threepid given to an API cannot be used because no record matching the threepid was found. M_THREEPID_AUTH_FAILED = &apiError{"M_THREEPID_AUTH_FAILED", ""} // Authentication could not be performed on the third party identifier. M_THREEPID_DENIED = &apiError{"M_THREEPID_DENIED", ""} // The server does not permit this third party identifier. This may happen if the server only permits, for example, email addresses from a particular domain. M_SERVER_NOT_TRUSTED = &apiError{"M_SERVER_NOT_TRUSTED", ""} // The client's request used a third party server, eg. identity server, that this server does not trust. M_UNSUPPORTED_ROOM_VERSION = &apiError{"M_UNSUPPORTED_ROOM_VERSION", ""} // The client's request to create a room used a room version that the server does not support. M_INCOMPATIBLE_ROOM_VERSION = &apiError{"M_INCOMPATIBLE_ROOM_VERSION", ""} // The client attempted to join a room that has a version the server does not support. Inspect the room_version property of the error response for the room's version. M_BAD_STATE = &apiError{"M_BAD_STATE", ""} // The state change requested cannot be performed, such as attempting to unban a user who is not banned. M_GUEST_ACCESS_FORBIDDEN = &apiError{"M_GUEST_ACCESS_FORBIDDEN", ""} // The room or resource does not permit guests to access it. M_CAPTCHA_NEEDED = &apiError{"M_CAPTCHA_NEEDED", ""} // A Captcha is required to complete the request. M_CAPTCHA_INVALID = &apiError{"M_CAPTCHA_INVALID", ""} // The Captcha provided did not match what was expected. M_MISSING_PARAM = &apiError{"M_MISSING_PARAM", ""} // A required parameter was missing from the request. M_INVALID_PARAM = &apiError{"M_INVALID_PARAM", ""} // A parameter that was specified has the wrong value. For example, the server expected an integer and instead received a string. M_TOO_LARGE = &apiError{"M_TOO_LARGE", ""} // The request or entity was too large. M_EXCLUSIVE = &apiError{"M_EXCLUSIVE", ""} // The resource being requested is reserved by an application service, or the application service making the request has not created the resource. M_RESOURCE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED = &apiError{"M_RESOURCE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED", ""} // The request cannot be completed because the homeserver has reached a resource limit imposed on it. For example, a homeserver held in a shared hosting environment may reach a resource limit if it starts using too much memory or disk space. The error MUST have an admin_contact field to provide the user receiving the error a place to reach out to. Typically, this error will appear on routes which attempt to modify state (eg: sending messages, account data, etc) and not routes which only read state (eg: /sync, get account data, etc). M_CANNOT_LEAVE_SERVER_NOTICE_ROOM = &apiError{"M_CANNOT_LEAVE_SERVER_NOTICE_ROOM", ""} // The user is unable to reject an invite to join the server notices room. See the Server Notices module for more information. ) func NewError(err ApiError, messageOverride string) ApiError { newErr := &apiError{ code: err.Code(), message: err.Message()} if messageOverride != "" { newErr.message = messageOverride } return newErr }