Eric 08286e6beb Added configurable language for everything and more
This can read the default minecraft language files, but in order to
translate the messages, you need to add the message section from the
Also, spawn eggs will work now, the title of music discs will be
displayed in the info sections and "tipped arrow effect" is now named
"potion effect" and is displayed also if the product is a potion,
splashed potion or a lingering potion (and of course tipped arrows).
The message configuration is no longer found in the config.yml file, but
has gone to the .lang file, so you need to reconfigure every message!
As the Jsoup library is no longer needed, the filesize of the final jar
shrunk quite a bit.
Maybe there are some more changes, which I already forgot.
2016-06-22 20:51:29 +02:00

104 lines
3.6 KiB

# ===============================================
# ====== Configuration File of 'ShopChest' ======
# ===============================================
# Lines starting with '#' are comments and are ignored by the server.
# Set the main command you have to enter to manage the shops (default: "/shop ...")
main-command-name: "shop"
# Set the language of the item-, enchantment-, potion- and arrow-effect names
# The value must equal to the name of one of a file in the 'lang' folder (without the '.lang' extension)
language-file: "de_DE"
# Set the maximal distance to the shop where the player can see the hologram.
# Value MUST be a number (e.g. 1, 1.5, 2.75, ...)
maximal-distance: 1.75
# Set the price a player has to pay in order to create...
# You can set this to 0 to disable costs.
# Value MUST be a number (e.g. 1, 1.5, 2.75, ...)
# ...a normal shop
normal: 5
# admin shop
admin: 0
# Set whether the shop's chest should be protected by hoppers
hopper-protection: true
# Set whether the shop's chest should be protected by explosions
explosion-protection: true
# Set whether broadcast messages should be enabled
enable-broadcast: true
# Set whether the buy price must be greater than or equal sell price.
buy-greater-or-equal-sell: true
# Set the minimum prices for each individual Item. Not per Stack, per single Item!
# To add an item DELETE THE '[]' after 'minimum-prices:' and follow the format below.
# Important: You must have exactly 2 spaces between the text and the edge.
# You can find the item names in the 'item_names.txt' file.
minimum-prices: []
# "STONE:1": 0.5
# Set the items of which a player can't create a shop.
# To add an item DELETE THE '[]' after 'blacklist:' and follow format below.
# Important: You must have exactly 2 spaces between the text and edge.
# You can find the item names in the 'item_names.txt' file.
blacklist: []
# - "STONE:1"
# Select the type of database which should be used
# Either use 'SQLite' or 'MySQL'. Otherwise you will break the plugin!
type: "SQLite"
# If the specified type is 'MySQL', here you configure the...
# (You can leave this empty if you're using SQLite)
# ...hostname where the database is accessible
hostname: ""
# ...port where the database is accessible (default: 3306)
port: 3306
# ...database you want to use
database: ""
# ...username you are going to login with
username: ""
# ...password you are going to login with
# Be careful, as anyone who can read this file, can read the password!
password: ""
# Priority: default < group < player
# Set the amount of shops anyone who's not listed in the sections below can have.
# If you don't want the players to have a limit, set the value to -1.
default: 5
# Set the amount of shops a player in a specific permission group can have.
# If you don't want the group to have a limit, set the value to -1.
# To add an item DELETE THE '[]' after 'group:' and follow the format below.
# Important: You must have exactly 4 spaces between the text and the edge.
group: []
# "VIP": 10
# Set the amount of shops a specific player can have.
# You can add a player by its name or by its UUID, but please do NOT provide the name and the UUID.
# If you don't want the player to have a limit, set the value to -1.
# To add an item DELETE THE '[]' after 'player:' and follow the format below.
# Important: You must have exactly 4 spaces between the text and the edge.
player: []
# "EpicEric": 50
# "898afbbe-6566-4a0f-b0ac-145868b3cb12": 50