Eric ecf48629e5 Added Admin Shops
Admin Shops are basically the same as infinite shops, but the vendor
won't get money and won't get a message if someone bought from or sold
to it.
As I rewrote the buy and sell methods, I also fixed a bug that you had
to pay even though you didn't have enough space in your inventory and
that the vendor had to pay even though his shop's inventory was full
2016-04-13 17:30:34 +02:00

332 lines
13 KiB

# ===============================================
# == Default Configuration File of 'ShopChest' ==
# ===============================================
# Lines starting with '#' are comments and are ignored by the server.
# If you are using special characters be sure to save this file in ANSI encoding!
# Color Codes (Must be BEFORE Formatting Codes):
# &0 = Black
# &1 = Dark Blue
# &2 = Dark Green
# &3 = Dark Aqua
# &4 = Dark Red
# &5 = Dark Purple
# &6 = Gold
# &7 = Gray
# &8 = Dark Gray
# &9 = Blue
# &a = Green
# &b = Aqua
# &c = Red
# &d = Light Purple
# &e = Yellow
# &f = White
# Formatting Codes (Must be AFTER Color Codes):
# &k = Obfuscated
# &l = Bold
# &m = Strikethrough
# &n = Underline
# &o = Italic
# &r = Reset
# \n = Extra line
# Set the main command you have to enter to manage the shops (default: "/shop ...")
main-command-name: "shop"
# Set the maximal distance to the shop where the player can see the hologram.
# Value MUST be a number (e.g. 1, 1.5, 2.75, ...)
maximal-distance: 1.75
# Set whether the shops' chest should be protected by hoppers
hopper-protection: true
# Set whether the shops' chest should be protected by explosions
explosion-protection: true
# Set the currency symbol after price values
currency-symbol: $
# Set whether the buy price must be greater than or equal sell price.
buy-greater-or-equal-sell: true
# Set the minimum prices for each individual Item. Not per Stack, per single Item!
# To add an item DELETE THE '[]' after 'minimum-prices:' and follow the format below.
# Important: You must have exactly 2 spaces between the text and the edge.
# You can find the item names in the 'item_names.txt' file.
minimum-prices: []
# "STONE:1": 0.5
# Set the items of which a player can't create a shop.
# To add an item DELETE THE '[]' after 'blacklist:' and follow format below.
# Important: You must have exactly 2 spaces between the text and edge.
# You can find the item names in the 'item_names.txt' file.
blacklist: []
# - "STONE:1"
# Priority: default < group < player
# Set the amount of shops anyone who's not listed in the sections below can have.
# If you don't want the players to have a limit, set the value to -1.
default: 5
# Set the amount of shops a player in a specific permission group can have.
# If you don't want the group to have a limit, set the value to -1.
# To add an item DELETE THE '[]' after 'group:' and follow the format below.
# Important: You must have exactly 4 spaces between the text and the edge.
group: []
# "VIP": 10
# Set the amount of shops a specific player can have.
# You can add a player by its name or by its UUID, but please do NOT provide the name and the UUID.
# If you don't want the player to have a limit, set the value to -1.
# To add an item DELETE THE '[]' after 'player:' and follow the format below.
# Important: You must have exactly 4 spaces between the text and the edge.
player: []
# "EpicEric": 50
# "898afbbe-6566-4a0f-b0ac-145868b3cb12": 50
# Set the message when a shop is created at the clicked chest.
shop-created: "&6Shop created."
# Set the message when the clicked chest already is a shop.
chest-already-shop: "&cChest already is shop."
# Set the message when the clicked shop is removed.
shop-removed: "&6Shop removed."
# Set the message when the clicked chest is not a shop.
chest-no-shop: "&cChest is not a shop."
# Set the vendor message the player gets after entering '/shop info'.
# Usable regex: %VENDOR%
vendor: "&6Vendor: %VENDOR%"
# Set the product message the player gets after entering '/shop info'.
# Usable regex: %AMOUNT%, %ITEMNAME%
product: "&6Product: %AMOUNT% x %ITEMNAME%"
# Set the in-stock message the player after entering '/shop info'.
# Usable regex: %AMOUNT%
stock: "&6In Stock: %AMOUNT%"
# Set the enchantments message the player gets after entering '/shop info' if the item is enchanted
# Usable regex: %ENCHANTMENT%
enchantments: "&6Enchantments: %ENCHANTMENT%"
# Set the price message the player gets after entering '/shop info'.
# If the sell price or buy price is disabled, this message will be displayed instead of the price and the currency symbol in the message above.
disabled: "&7Disabled&6"
# Set the infinite message the player gets after entering '/shop info' ...
# ... when the shop is infinite.
is-infinite: "&6Type: Infinite"
# ... when the shop is normal.
is-normal: "&6Type: Normal"
# ... when the shop is an admin shop.
is-admin: "&6Type: Admin"
# Set the message when the clicked block is not a chest.
block-no-chest: "&cBlock is not a chest"
# Set the message when the player tries to create a shop with sell price and buy price set to 0
buy-and-sell-disabled: "&cYou can't create a shop with buying and selling disabled."
# Set the message when the player successfully bought something.
buy-success: "&aYou bought &6%AMOUNT% x %ITEMNAME%&a for &6%BUY-PRICE%%CURRENCY-SYMBOL%&a from &6%VENDOR%&a."
# Set the message when the player successfully bought something from an admin shop.
buy-success-admin: "&aYou bought &6%AMOUNT% x %ITEMNAME%&a for &6%BUY-PRICE%%CURRENCY-SYMBOL%&a."
# Set the message when the player successfully sold something.
sell-success: "&aYou sold &6%AMOUNT% x %ITEMNAME%&a for &6%SELL-PRICE%%CURRENCY-SYMBOL%&a to &6%VENDOR%&a."
# Set the message when the player successfully sold something to an admin shop.
sell-success-admin: "&aYou sold &6%AMOUNT% x %ITEMNAME%&a for &6%SELL-PRICE%%CURRENCY-SYMBOL%&a."
# Set the message when a player bought something from the players' shop.
someone-bought: "&6%PLAYER% &abought &6%AMOUNT% x %ITEMNAME%&a for &6%BUY-PRICE%%CURRENCY-SYMBOL%&a from your shop."
# Set the message when a player sold something to the players' shop.
someone-sold: "&6%PLAYER% &asold &6%AMOUNT% x %ITEMNAME%&a for &6%SELL-PRICE%%CURRENCY-SYMBOL%&a from your shop."
# Set the message when the inventory is full when the player is buying something.
not-enough-inventory-space: "&cNot enough space in inventory."
# Set the message when the shops' inventory is full when the player is selling something.
chest-not-enough-inventory-space: "&cShop is full."
# Set the message when the player doesn't have enough money to buy something.
not-enough-money: "&cNot enough money."
# Set the message when the player doesn't have enough items to sell.
not-enough-items: "&cNot enough items."
# Set the message when the vendor doesn't have enough money to buy something from the player
vendor-not-enough-money: "&cVendor has not enough money."
# Set the message when the shop is out of stock.
out-of-stock: "&cShop out of stock."
# Set the message when an error occurred.
# Usable regex: %ERROR%
error-occurred: "&cAn error occurred: %ERROR%"
# Set the message when the arguments <AMOUNT> and <PRICE> of '/shop create' are not a number.
amount-and-price-not-number: "&cAmount and price must be a number."
# Set the message when the player doesn't hold an item in the hand.
no-item-in-hand: "&cNo item in hand"
# Set the message when the player must click a chest to create a shop.
click-chest-to-create-shop: "&aClick a chest to create a shop."
# Set the message when the player must click a shop to remove it.
click-chest-to-remove-shop: "&aClick a shop-chest to remove the shop."
# Set the message when the player must click a shop to retrieve information.
click-chest-for-info: "&aClick a shop to retrieve information."
# Set the message when the player opened a shop.
# Usable regex: %VENDOR%
opened-shop: "&aYou opened %VENDOR%'s shop."
# Set the message when the player tries to break a shop.
cannot-break-shop: "&cYou can't break a shop."
# Set the message when the player tries to sell a broken item.
cannot-sell-broken-item: "&cYou can't sell a broken item."
# Set the message when the entered buy price is below the minimum price.
# Usable regex: %MIN-PRICE%, %CURRENCY-SYMBOL%
buy-price-too-low: "&cThe buy price must be higher than %MIN-PRICE%%CURRENCY-SYMBOL%."
# Set the message when the entered sell price is below the minimum price.
# Usable regex: %MIN-PRICE%, %CURRENCY-SYMBOL%
sell-price-too-low: "&cThe sell price must be higher than %MIN-PRICE%%CURRENCY-SYMBOL%."
# Set the message when buying is disabled at the shop.
buying-disabled: "&cBuying is disabled at this shop."
# Set the message when selling is disabled at the shop.
selling-disabled: "&cSelling is disabled at this shop."
# Set the message when reloading is done.
# Usable regex: %AMOUNT% (Amount of shops)
reloaded-shops: "&aSuccessfully reloaded %AMOUNT% shop/s."
# Set the message when the players' shop limit is reached.
# Usable regex: %LIMIT%
shop-limit-reached: "&cYou reached your limit of &6%LIMIT% &cshop/s."
# Set the message that shows the player how many shop slots of his shop limit he has occupied.
# Usable regex: %LIMIT%, %AMOUNT% (Amount of shops)
occupied-shop-slots: "&6You have &c%AMOUNT%/%LIMIT% &6shop slot/s occupied."
# Set the message when the player tries to create a shop with an item which is listed in the blacklist.
cannot-sell-item: "&cYou cannot create a shop with this item."
# Set the message when an update is available.
# Usable regex: %VERSION%
update-available: "&l&6Version &c%VERSION% &6of &cShopChest &6is available &chere."
# Set the message you get when hovering over the available message.
click-to-download: "Click to download"
# Set the message when no update is available.
no-update: "&l&6No new update available."
# Set the message when the update checker is started.
checking: "&l&6Checking for Updates..."
# Set the text in the first row of the shops' hologram
# Usable regex: %ITEMNAME%, %AMOUNT%
format: "%AMOUNT% * %ITEMNAME%"
# Set the text in the second row of the shops' hologram when the player can buy and sell an item.
# Set the text in the second row of the shops' hologram when the player can only buy an item.
# Usable regex: %BUY-PRICE%, %CURRENCY-SYMBOL%
# Set the text in the second row of the shops' hologram when the player can only sell an item.
# Set the message when a not permitted player tries to create a shop.
create: "&cYou don't have permission to create a shop."
# Set the message when a not permitted player tries to create an infinite shop.
create-infinite: "&cYou don't have permission to create an infinite shop."
# Set the message when a not permitted player tries to open another players' shop.
open-others: "&cYou don't have permission to open this chest."
# Set the message when a not permitted player tries to buy something.
buy: "&cYou don't have permission to buy something."
# Set the message when a not permitted player tries to sell something.
sell: "&cYou don't have permission to sell something."
# Set the message when a not permitted player tries to remove another players' shop.
remove-others: "&cYou don't have permission to remove this shop."
# Set the message when a not permitted player tries to reload the shops.
reload: "&cYou don't have permission to reload the shops."
# Set the message when a not permitted player tries to check for updates.
update: "&cYou don't have permission to check for updates."
# Set the message when a not permitted player tries to view the shop limits.
limits: "&cYou don't have permission to view the shop limits."
# Set the command description message for '/<main-command> create' when you type '/<main-command>'.
create: "Create a shop."
# Set the command description message for '/<main-command> remove' when you type '/<main-command>'.
remove: "Remove a shop."
# Set the command description message for '/<main-command> info' when you type '/<main-command>'.
info: "Retrieve shop information."
# Set the command description message for '/<main-command> reload' when you type '/<main-command>'.
reload: "Reload shops."
# Set the command description message for '/<main-command> update' when you type '/<main-command>'.
update: "Check for Updates."
# Set the command description message for '/<main-command> limits' when you type '/<main-command>'.
limits: "View shop limits."
# End of file.