1. Download .jar file from [releases page](https://github.com/kraftwerk28/spigot-tg-bridge/releases), and put it in `plugins/` directory on your server **OR** clone this repo and run `gradle shadowJar` inside repo's directory.
2. If you already have telegram bot, skip this step. Otherwise create it through [BotFather](https://t.me/BotFather). You'll go through step-by-step instructions, give a bot __username__ and most importantly, obtain a bot __token__. Save this token for future use. **Note:** in order to make your bot hear raw text messages (not commands), you must disable [privacy mode](https://core.telegram.org/bots#privacy-mode) option which is on by default. Go through bot's settings: **Bot Settings -> Group Privacy** and click **Turn Off**.
- Copy [config.yml](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kraftwerk28/spigot-tg-bridge/master/src/main/resources/config.yml) to `plugins/SpigotTGBridge/` in your server directory.
6. Add you bot to chats, where you plan to use it. In each of them, run `/chat_id` command. The bot should respond and give special value - __chat id__. Now, open `config.yml` and paste this ID under `chats` section, so it will look like this:
botToken: abcdefghijklmnopq123123123
# Note about doubling minus sign. This is not a mistake, first one means list element, the second one - actual minus
7. You can extend `config.yml` with more tweaks, which are described in the table below, but it's not nesessary, plugin will use default values instead, if they're missing. Also, check out the [example](src/main/resources/config.yml).
You can customize message color with it (coloring works only for `telegramMessageFormat`). You can customize bold/italics/stirethrough formatting (works only for `minecraftMessageFormat`). See [Minecraft message color codes](https://www.digminecraft.com/lists/color_list_pc.php) and [Telegram message formatting](https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#html-style) for more information.