Rice Pastry API

Uses of Interface

Packages that use Endpoint

Uses of Endpoint in org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.replay

Fields in org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.replay declared as Endpoint
protected  Endpoint MyScribeClient.endpoint
          The Endpoint represents the underlieing node.

Uses of Endpoint in rice.p2p.aggregation

Fields in rice.p2p.aggregation declared as Endpoint
protected  Endpoint AggregationImpl.endpoint

Constructors in rice.p2p.aggregation with parameters of type Endpoint
AggregateHandle(InputBuffer buf, Endpoint endpoint)

Uses of Endpoint in rice.p2p.aggregation.messaging

Constructors in rice.p2p.aggregation.messaging with parameters of type Endpoint
NonAggregate(InputBuffer buf, Endpoint endpoint, RawPastContent subContent, PastContentDeserializer pcd)

Uses of Endpoint in rice.p2p.aggregation.raw

Constructors in rice.p2p.aggregation.raw with parameters of type Endpoint
RawAggregate(InputBuffer buf, Endpoint endpoint, PastContentDeserializer contentDeserializer)

Uses of Endpoint in rice.p2p.commonapi

Methods in rice.p2p.commonapi that return Endpoint
 Endpoint Node.buildEndpoint(Application application, java.lang.String instance)
          Same as register application, but returns an unregistered Endpoint.
 Endpoint Node.registerApplication(Application application, java.lang.String instance)
          Deprecated. use buildEndpoint(), then call Endpoint.register(), fixes synchronization problems, related to implicit behavior

Uses of Endpoint in rice.p2p.glacier

Methods in rice.p2p.glacier with parameters of type Endpoint
 PastContent ErasureCodec.decode(Fragment[] frag, Endpoint endpoint, PastContentDeserializer pcd)
protected  PastContent ErasureCodec.deserialize(byte[] bytes, Endpoint endpoint, PastContentDeserializer pcd)
 void FragmentKeyRange.FragmentKeyRange(InputBuffer buf, Endpoint endpoint)
 void VersionKeyRange.VersionKeyRange(InputBuffer buf, Endpoint endpoint)

Constructors in rice.p2p.glacier with parameters of type Endpoint
FragmentKey(InputBuffer buf, Endpoint endpoint)
VersionKey(InputBuffer buf, Endpoint endpoint)

Uses of Endpoint in rice.p2p.glacier.v2

Fields in rice.p2p.glacier.v2 declared as Endpoint
protected  Endpoint GlacierImpl.endpoint

Methods in rice.p2p.glacier.v2 with parameters of type Endpoint
 PastContent GlacierDefaultPolicy.decodeObject(Fragment[] fragments, Endpoint endpoint, PastContentDeserializer pcd)
 PastContent GlacierPolicy.decodeObject(Fragment[] fragments, Endpoint endpoint, PastContentDeserializer pcd)

Uses of Endpoint in rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging

Methods in rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging with parameters of type Endpoint
static GlacierDataMessage GlacierDataMessage.build(InputBuffer buf, Endpoint endpoint)
static GlacierFetchMessage GlacierFetchMessage.build(InputBuffer buf, Endpoint endpoint)
static GlacierNeighborRequestMessage GlacierNeighborRequestMessage.build(InputBuffer buf, Endpoint endpoint)
static GlacierNeighborResponseMessage GlacierNeighborResponseMessage.build(InputBuffer buf, Endpoint endpoint)
static GlacierQueryMessage GlacierQueryMessage.build(InputBuffer buf, Endpoint endpoint)
static GlacierRangeForwardMessage GlacierRangeForwardMessage.build(InputBuffer buf, Endpoint endpoint)
static GlacierRangeQueryMessage GlacierRangeQueryMessage.build(InputBuffer buf, Endpoint endpoint)
static GlacierRangeResponseMessage GlacierRangeResponseMessage.build(InputBuffer buf, Endpoint endpoint)
static GlacierRefreshCompleteMessage GlacierRefreshCompleteMessage.build(InputBuffer buf, Endpoint endpoint)
static GlacierRefreshPatchMessage GlacierRefreshPatchMessage.build(InputBuffer buf, Endpoint endpoint)
static GlacierRefreshProbeMessage GlacierRefreshProbeMessage.build(InputBuffer buf, Endpoint endpoint)
static GlacierRefreshResponseMessage GlacierRefreshResponseMessage.build(InputBuffer buf, Endpoint endpoint)
static GlacierResponseMessage GlacierResponseMessage.build(InputBuffer buf, Endpoint endpoint)
static GlacierSyncMessage GlacierSyncMessage.build(InputBuffer buf, Endpoint endpoint)

Constructors in rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging with parameters of type Endpoint
GlacierMessage(InputBuffer buf, Endpoint endpoint)

Uses of Endpoint in rice.p2p.multiring

Classes in rice.p2p.multiring that implement Endpoint
 class MultiringEndpoint

Fields in rice.p2p.multiring declared as Endpoint
protected  Endpoint MultiringEndpoint.endpoint
          The node which this mulitring node is wrapping

Fields in rice.p2p.multiring with type parameters of type Endpoint
protected  java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,Endpoint> MultiringNode.endpoints
          The list of all of the endpoints connected to this node

Methods in rice.p2p.multiring that return Endpoint
 Endpoint MultiringNode.buildEndpoint(Application application, java.lang.String instance)
 Endpoint MultiringNode.registerApplication(Application application, java.lang.String instance)
          Deprecated. use buildEndpoint() endpoint.register()

Constructors in rice.p2p.multiring with parameters of type Endpoint
MultiringEndpoint(MultiringNode node, Endpoint endpoint, Application application)
MultiringIdRange(InputBuffer buf, Endpoint endpoint)
MultiringNodeHandle(InputBuffer buf, Endpoint endpoint)
MultiringNodeHandleSet(InputBuffer buf, Endpoint endpoint)
RingId(InputBuffer buf, Endpoint endpoint)

Uses of Endpoint in rice.p2p.multiring.messaging

Constructors in rice.p2p.multiring.messaging with parameters of type Endpoint
RingMessage(InputBuffer buf, Endpoint ringEndpoint, java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,Endpoint> endpoints)
          TODO: This can probably be done more efficiently, IE, deserialize the message on getMessage().

Constructor parameters in rice.p2p.multiring.messaging with type arguments of type Endpoint
RingMessage(InputBuffer buf, Endpoint ringEndpoint, java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,Endpoint> endpoints)
          TODO: This can probably be done more efficiently, IE, deserialize the message on getMessage().

Uses of Endpoint in rice.p2p.multiring.testing

Fields in rice.p2p.multiring.testing declared as Endpoint
protected  Endpoint MultiringRegrTest.MultiringTestApp.endpoint

Uses of Endpoint in rice.p2p.past

Fields in rice.p2p.past declared as Endpoint
protected  Endpoint PastImpl.endpoint

Methods in rice.p2p.past that return Endpoint
 Endpoint PastImpl.getEndpoint()
          Returns the endpoint associated with the Past - ONLY FOR TESTING - DO NOT USE

Constructors in rice.p2p.past with parameters of type Endpoint
ContentHashPastContentHandle(InputBuffer buf, Endpoint endpoint)

Uses of Endpoint in rice.p2p.past.gc

Classes in rice.p2p.past.gc that implement Endpoint
 class GCEndpoint

Fields in rice.p2p.past.gc declared as Endpoint
protected  Endpoint GCEndpoint.endpoint
          The node which this mulitring node is wrapping

Methods in rice.p2p.past.gc that return Endpoint
 Endpoint GCNode.buildEndpoint(Application application, java.lang.String instance)
 Endpoint GCNode.registerApplication(Application application, java.lang.String instance)
          Deprecated. use buildEndpoint() endpoint.register()

Constructors in rice.p2p.past.gc with parameters of type Endpoint
GCEndpoint(Endpoint endpoint)
GCId(InputBuffer buf, Endpoint endpoint)
GCIdRange(InputBuffer buf, Endpoint endpoint)

Uses of Endpoint in rice.p2p.past.gc.messaging

Methods in rice.p2p.past.gc.messaging with parameters of type Endpoint
static GCRefreshMessage GCRefreshMessage.build(InputBuffer buf, Endpoint endpoint)
static GCLookupHandlesMessage GCLookupHandlesMessage.buildGC(InputBuffer buf, Endpoint endpoint)
static GCInsertMessage GCInsertMessage.buildGC(InputBuffer buf, Endpoint endpoint, PastContentDeserializer pcd)

Uses of Endpoint in rice.p2p.past.messaging

Methods in rice.p2p.past.messaging with parameters of type Endpoint
static LookupHandlesMessage LookupHandlesMessage.build(InputBuffer buf, Endpoint endpoint)
static CacheMessage CacheMessage.build(InputBuffer buf, Endpoint endpoint, PastContentDeserializer pcd)
static InsertMessage InsertMessage.build(InputBuffer buf, Endpoint endpoint, PastContentDeserializer pcd)
static LookupMessage LookupMessage.build(InputBuffer buf, Endpoint endpoint, PastContentDeserializer pcd)
static FetchMessage FetchMessage.build(InputBuffer buf, Endpoint endpoint, PastContentDeserializer pcd, PastContentHandleDeserializer pchd)
static FetchHandleMessage FetchHandleMessage.build(InputBuffer buf, Endpoint endpoint, PastContentHandleDeserializer pchd)
 void ContinuationMessage.deserialize(InputBuffer buf, Endpoint endpoint)

Constructors in rice.p2p.past.messaging with parameters of type Endpoint
ContinuationMessage(InputBuffer buf, Endpoint endpoint)
          The serialization stategy is that usually the subtype will have an optimal serialization strategy, but sometimes we will have to revert to java serialization
InsertMessage(InputBuffer buf, Endpoint endpoint, PastContentDeserializer pcd)
LookupHandlesMessage(InputBuffer buf, Endpoint endpoint)
PastMessage(InputBuffer buf, Endpoint endpoint)

Uses of Endpoint in rice.p2p.past.rawserialization

Methods in rice.p2p.past.rawserialization with parameters of type Endpoint
 PastContent JavaPastContentDeserializer.deserializePastContent(InputBuffer buf, Endpoint endpoint, short contentType)
 PastContent PastContentDeserializer.deserializePastContent(InputBuffer buf, Endpoint endpoint, short contentType)
 PastContentHandle JavaPastContentHandleDeserializer.deserializePastContentHandle(InputBuffer buf, Endpoint endpoint, short contentType)
 PastContentHandle PastContentHandleDeserializer.deserializePastContentHandle(InputBuffer buf, Endpoint endpoint, short contentType)

Uses of Endpoint in rice.p2p.past.testing

Constructors in rice.p2p.past.testing with parameters of type Endpoint
RawPastRegrTest.NonOverwritingTestPastContent(InputBuffer buf, Endpoint endpoint, PastContentDeserializer pcd)
RawPastRegrTest.TestPastContent(InputBuffer buf, Endpoint endpoint, PastContentDeserializer pcd)
RawPastRegrTest.TestPastContentHandle(InputBuffer buf, Endpoint endpoint)
RawPastRegrTest.VersionedTestPastContent(InputBuffer buf, Endpoint endpoint, PastContentDeserializer pcd)

Uses of Endpoint in rice.p2p.replication

Fields in rice.p2p.replication declared as Endpoint
protected  Endpoint ReplicationImpl.endpoint
          this application's endpoint

Uses of Endpoint in rice.p2p.replication.manager

Fields in rice.p2p.replication.manager declared as Endpoint
protected  Endpoint ReplicationManagerImpl.endpoint
          The endpoint used for sending reminder messages

Uses of Endpoint in rice.p2p.replication.messaging

Methods in rice.p2p.replication.messaging with parameters of type Endpoint
static RequestMessage RequestMessage.build(InputBuffer buf, Endpoint endpoint)
static ResponseMessage ResponseMessage.build(InputBuffer buf, Endpoint endpoint)

Constructors in rice.p2p.replication.messaging with parameters of type Endpoint
ReplicationMessage(InputBuffer buf, Endpoint endpoint)

Uses of Endpoint in rice.p2p.scribe

Fields in rice.p2p.scribe declared as Endpoint
protected  Endpoint ScribeImpl.endpoint
          this application's endpoint

Methods in rice.p2p.scribe that return Endpoint
 Endpoint ScribeImpl.getEndpoint()

Constructors in rice.p2p.scribe with parameters of type Endpoint
Topic(InputBuffer buf, Endpoint endpoint)

Uses of Endpoint in rice.p2p.scribe.javaserialized

Methods in rice.p2p.scribe.javaserialized with parameters of type Endpoint
 ScribeContent JavaScribeContentDeserializer.deserializeScribeContent(InputBuffer buf, Endpoint endpoint, short contentType)

Uses of Endpoint in rice.p2p.scribe.maintenance

Methods in rice.p2p.scribe.maintenance that return Endpoint
 Endpoint MaintainableScribe.getEndpoint()

Uses of Endpoint in rice.p2p.scribe.messaging

Methods in rice.p2p.scribe.messaging with parameters of type Endpoint
static DropMessage DropMessage.build(InputBuffer buf, Endpoint endpoint)
static SubscribeAckMessage SubscribeAckMessage.build(InputBuffer buf, Endpoint endpoint)
static SubscribeFailedMessage SubscribeFailedMessage.build(InputBuffer buf, Endpoint endpoint)
static UnsubscribeMessage UnsubscribeMessage.build(InputBuffer buf, Endpoint endpoint)
static AnycastFailureMessage AnycastFailureMessage.build(InputBuffer buf, Endpoint endpoint, ScribeContentDeserializer scd)
static AnycastMessage AnycastMessage.build(InputBuffer buf, Endpoint endpoint, ScribeContentDeserializer scd)
static PublishMessage PublishMessage.build(InputBuffer buf, Endpoint endpoint, ScribeContentDeserializer scd)
static PublishRequestMessage PublishRequestMessage.build(InputBuffer buf, Endpoint endpoint, ScribeContentDeserializer scd)
static SubscribeMessage SubscribeMessage.buildSM(InputBuffer buf, Endpoint endpoint, ScribeContentDeserializer scd)

Constructors in rice.p2p.scribe.messaging with parameters of type Endpoint
AbstractSubscribeMessage(InputBuffer buf, Endpoint endpoint)
          Protected because it should only be called from an extending class, to get version numbers correct.
AnycastMessage(InputBuffer buf, Endpoint endpoint, ScribeContentDeserializer cd)
          Protected because it should only be called from an extending class, to get version numbers correct.
ScribeMessage(InputBuffer buf, Endpoint endpoint)
          Protected because it should only be called from an extending class, to get version numbers correct.

Uses of Endpoint in rice.p2p.scribe.rawserialization

Methods in rice.p2p.scribe.rawserialization with parameters of type Endpoint
 ScribeContent ScribeContentDeserializer.deserializeScribeContent(InputBuffer buf, Endpoint endpoint, short contentType)

Uses of Endpoint in rice.p2p.scribe.testing

Constructors in rice.p2p.scribe.testing with parameters of type Endpoint
RawScribeRegrTest.RawTestScribeContent(InputBuffer buf, Endpoint endpoint)

Uses of Endpoint in rice.p2p.util.rawserialization

Fields in rice.p2p.util.rawserialization declared as Endpoint
protected  Endpoint JavaDeserializer.endpoint
protected  Endpoint JavaSerializedDeserializer.endpoint

Constructors in rice.p2p.util.rawserialization with parameters of type Endpoint
JavaDeserializer(java.io.InputStream stream, Endpoint endpoint)
JavaSerializedDeserializer(Endpoint endpoint)

Uses of Endpoint in rice.pastry

Methods in rice.pastry that return Endpoint
 Endpoint PastryNode.buildEndpoint(Application application, java.lang.String instance)
 Endpoint PastryNode.registerApplication(Application application, java.lang.String instance)
          Deprecated. use buildEndpoint() endpoint.register()

Uses of Endpoint in rice.pastry.commonapi

Classes in rice.pastry.commonapi that implement Endpoint
 class PastryEndpoint
          This class serves as gluecode, which allows applications written for the common API to work with pastry.

Uses of Endpoint in rice.pastry.testing

Fields in rice.pastry.testing declared as Endpoint
protected  Endpoint RoutingTableTest.MyApp.endpoint
          The Endpoint represents the underlieing node.

Uses of Endpoint in rice.pastry.testing.rendezvous

Fields in rice.pastry.testing.rendezvous declared as Endpoint
protected  Endpoint MyApp.endpoint
          The Endpoint represents the underlieing node.

Uses of Endpoint in rice.tutorial.appsocket

Fields in rice.tutorial.appsocket declared as Endpoint
protected  Endpoint MyApp.endpoint
          The Endpoint represents the underlieing node.

Uses of Endpoint in rice.tutorial.deterministicsimulator

Fields in rice.tutorial.deterministicsimulator declared as Endpoint
protected  Endpoint MyApp.endpoint
          The Endpoint represents the underlieing node.

Uses of Endpoint in rice.tutorial.direct

Fields in rice.tutorial.direct declared as Endpoint
protected  Endpoint MyApp.endpoint
          The Endpoint represents the underlieing node.

Uses of Endpoint in rice.tutorial.forwarding

Fields in rice.tutorial.forwarding declared as Endpoint
protected  Endpoint MyApp.endpoint
          The Endpoint represents the underlieing node.

Uses of Endpoint in rice.tutorial.gtitm

Fields in rice.tutorial.gtitm declared as Endpoint
protected  Endpoint MyApp.endpoint
          The Endpoint represents the underlieing node.

Uses of Endpoint in rice.tutorial.lesson3

Fields in rice.tutorial.lesson3 declared as Endpoint
protected  Endpoint MyApp.endpoint
          The Endpoint represents the underlieing node.

Uses of Endpoint in rice.tutorial.lesson4

Fields in rice.tutorial.lesson4 declared as Endpoint
protected  Endpoint MyApp.endpoint
          The Endpoint represents the underlieing node.

Uses of Endpoint in rice.tutorial.prioritylistener

Fields in rice.tutorial.prioritylistener declared as Endpoint
protected  Endpoint MyApp.endpoint
          The Endpoint represents the underlieing node.

Uses of Endpoint in rice.tutorial.rawserialization

Fields in rice.tutorial.rawserialization declared as Endpoint
protected  Endpoint MyApp.endpoint
          The Endpoint represents the underlieing node.

Constructors in rice.tutorial.rawserialization with parameters of type Endpoint
MyMsg(InputBuffer buf, Endpoint endpoint)
          Deserializing constructor.

Uses of Endpoint in rice.tutorial.rawserialization2

Fields in rice.tutorial.rawserialization2 declared as Endpoint
protected  Endpoint MyApp.endpoint
          The Endpoint represents the underlieing node.

Uses of Endpoint in rice.tutorial.remotesocket

Fields in rice.tutorial.remotesocket declared as Endpoint
protected  Endpoint MyApp.endpoint
          The Endpoint represents the underlieing node.

Uses of Endpoint in rice.tutorial.scribe

Fields in rice.tutorial.scribe declared as Endpoint
protected  Endpoint MyScribeClient.endpoint
          The Endpoint represents the underlieing node.

Uses of Endpoint in rice.tutorial.sendfile

Fields in rice.tutorial.sendfile declared as Endpoint
protected  Endpoint MyApp.endpoint
          The Endpoint represents the underlieing node.

Uses of Endpoint in rice.tutorial.splitstream

Fields in rice.tutorial.splitstream declared as Endpoint
protected  Endpoint MySplitStreamClient.endpoint
          The Endpoint represents the underlieing node.

Uses of Endpoint in rice.tutorial.ssl

Fields in rice.tutorial.ssl declared as Endpoint
protected  Endpoint MyApp.endpoint
          The Endpoint represents the underlieing node.

Uses of Endpoint in rice.tutorial.timer

Fields in rice.tutorial.timer declared as Endpoint
protected  Endpoint MyApp.endpoint
          The Endpoint represents the underlieing node.

Uses of Endpoint in rice.tutorial.transportdirect

Fields in rice.tutorial.transportdirect declared as Endpoint
protected  Endpoint MyApp.endpoint
          The Endpoint represents the underlieing node.

Uses of Endpoint in rice.tutorial.transportlayer

Fields in rice.tutorial.transportlayer declared as Endpoint
protected  Endpoint MyApp.endpoint
          The Endpoint represents the underlieing node.

Rice Pastry API

Copyright © 2001-2005 - Rice Pastry.