Rice Pastry API

Uses of Interface

Packages that use RawSerializable

Uses of RawSerializable in org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.peerreview

Classes in org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.peerreview that implement RawSerializable
 class MyInetSocketAddress

Uses of RawSerializable in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview

Classes in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview with type parameters of type RawSerializable
 interface PeerReview<Handle extends RawSerializable,Identifier extends RawSerializable>
 interface PeerReview<Handle extends RawSerializable,Identifier extends RawSerializable>
 class PeerReviewImpl<Handle extends RawSerializable,Identifier extends RawSerializable>
 class PeerReviewImpl<Handle extends RawSerializable,Identifier extends RawSerializable>

Uses of RawSerializable in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.audit

Classes in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.audit with type parameters of type RawSerializable
 class ActiveAuditInfo<Handle,Identifier extends RawSerializable>
 interface AuditProtocol<Handle extends RawSerializable,Identifier>
 class AuditProtocolImpl<Handle extends RawSerializable,Identifier extends RawSerializable>
 class AuditProtocolImpl<Handle extends RawSerializable,Identifier extends RawSerializable>
 interface EvidenceTool<Handle extends RawSerializable,Identifier extends RawSerializable>
 interface EvidenceTool<Handle extends RawSerializable,Identifier extends RawSerializable>
 class EvidenceToolImpl<Handle extends RawSerializable,Identifier extends RawSerializable>
 class EvidenceToolImpl<Handle extends RawSerializable,Identifier extends RawSerializable>

Uses of RawSerializable in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.authpush

Classes in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.authpush with type parameters of type RawSerializable
 interface AuthenticatorPushProtocol<Handle,Identifier extends RawSerializable>
 class AuthenticatorPushProtocolImpl<Handle extends RawSerializable,Identifier extends RawSerializable>
          This protocol collects authenticators from incoming messages and, once in a while, batches them together and sends them to the witnesses.
 class AuthenticatorPushProtocolImpl<Handle extends RawSerializable,Identifier extends RawSerializable>
          This protocol collects authenticators from incoming messages and, once in a while, batches them together and sends them to the witnesses.

Uses of RawSerializable in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.challenge

Classes in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.challenge with type parameters of type RawSerializable
 interface ChallengeResponseProtocol<Handle extends RawSerializable,Identifier extends RawSerializable>
 interface ChallengeResponseProtocol<Handle extends RawSerializable,Identifier extends RawSerializable>
 class ChallengeResponseProtocolImpl<Handle extends RawSerializable,Identifier extends RawSerializable>
 class ChallengeResponseProtocolImpl<Handle extends RawSerializable,Identifier extends RawSerializable>

Uses of RawSerializable in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.commitment

Classes in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.commitment with type parameters of type RawSerializable
 class AuthenticatorStoreImpl<Identifier extends RawSerializable>
 interface CommitmentProtocol<Handle extends RawSerializable,Identifier extends RawSerializable>
          This protocol attaches signatures to outgoing messages and acknowledges incoming messages.
 interface CommitmentProtocol<Handle extends RawSerializable,Identifier extends RawSerializable>
          This protocol attaches signatures to outgoing messages and acknowledges incoming messages.
 class CommitmentProtocolImpl<Handle extends RawSerializable,Identifier extends RawSerializable>
 class CommitmentProtocolImpl<Handle extends RawSerializable,Identifier extends RawSerializable>
 class PeerInfo<Handle extends RawSerializable>
          We need to keep some state for each peer, including separate transmit and receive queues

Uses of RawSerializable in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.evidence

Classes in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.evidence with type parameters of type RawSerializable
 class AuditResponse<Handle extends RawSerializable>
          Snippit is the contents (everything but the type) RESP_AUDIT byte type nodehandle myHandle LogSnippit logSnippit
 class EvidenceSerializerImpl<Handle extends RawSerializable,Identifier extends RawSerializable>
 class EvidenceSerializerImpl<Handle extends RawSerializable,Identifier extends RawSerializable>
 class EvidenceTransferProtocolImpl<Handle extends RawSerializable,Identifier extends RawSerializable>
          This protocol transfers evidence to the witnesses
 class EvidenceTransferProtocolImpl<Handle extends RawSerializable,Identifier extends RawSerializable>
          This protocol transfers evidence to the witnesses
 class ProofNonconformant<Handle extends RawSerializable>
          PROOF_NONCONFORMANT byte type = PROOF_NONCONFORMANT authenticator to nodehandle myHandle long long firstSeq hash baseHash [snippet; see RESP_AUDIT]

Fields in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.evidence declared as RawSerializable
 Handle ProofNonconformant.myHandle
 Identifier EvidenceTransferProtocolImpl.MessageInfo.subject

Uses of RawSerializable in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.logentry

Classes in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.logentry with type parameters of type RawSerializable
 class EvtAck<Identifier extends RawSerializable>
          EVT_ACK nodeID remoteID long long ackedSeq long long hisSeq hash hTopMinusOne signature sig
 class EvtInit<Handle extends RawSerializable>
 class EvtRecv<Handle extends RawSerializable>
          EVT_RECV handle senderHandle long long senderSeq bool hashed data payload - or - relevantPayload, hash
 class EvtSend<Identifier extends RawSerializable>
          EVT_SEND nodeID receiverID bool hashed data payload - or - relevantPayload, hash

Fields in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.logentry declared as RawSerializable
 Identifier EvtSend.receiverId

Uses of RawSerializable in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.message

Classes in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.message with type parameters of type RawSerializable
 class AccusationMessage<Identifier extends RawSerializable>
          MSG_ACCUSATION byte type = MSG_ACCUSATION nodeID originator nodeID subject long long evidenceSeq [evidence bytes follow]
 class AckMessage<Identifier extends RawSerializable>
          MSG_ACK byte type = MSG_ACK nodeID recipientID long long sendEntrySeq long long recvEntrySeq hash hashTopMinusOne signature sig
 class AuthPushMessage<Identifier extends RawSerializable>
          Builds the message to a target size.
 class AuthRequest<Identifier extends RawSerializable>
          MSG_AUTHREQ byte type = MSG_AUTHREQ long long timestamp nodeID subject
 class AuthResponse<Identifier extends RawSerializable>
          MSG_AUTHRESP byte type = MSG_AUTHRESP nodeID subject authenticator a1 // newest authenticator before timestamp in AUTHREQ authenticator a2 // most recent authenticator
 class ChallengeMessage<Identifier extends RawSerializable>
          MSG_CHALLENGE byte type = MSG_CHALLENGE nodeID originator long long evidenceSeq byte chalType = {CHAL_AUDIT|CHAL_SEND} [challenge payload follows]
 class OutgoingUserDataMessage<Handle extends RawSerializable>
 class ResponseMessage<Identifier extends RawSerializable>
          MSG_RESPONSE byte type = MSG_RESPONSE nodeID originator nodeID subject long long evidenceSeq byte challengeType = {CHAL_AUDIT|CHAL_SEND} [response payload follows]
 class UserDataMessage<Handle extends RawSerializable>
          Note, it's only Evidence when the type has been changed.

Subinterfaces of RawSerializable in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.message
 interface PeerReviewMessage

Classes in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.message that implement RawSerializable
 class AccusationMessage<Identifier extends RawSerializable>
          MSG_ACCUSATION byte type = MSG_ACCUSATION nodeID originator nodeID subject long long evidenceSeq [evidence bytes follow]
 class AckMessage<Identifier extends RawSerializable>
          MSG_ACK byte type = MSG_ACK nodeID recipientID long long sendEntrySeq long long recvEntrySeq hash hashTopMinusOne signature sig
 class AuthPushMessage<Identifier extends RawSerializable>
          Builds the message to a target size.
 class AuthRequest<Identifier extends RawSerializable>
          MSG_AUTHREQ byte type = MSG_AUTHREQ long long timestamp nodeID subject
 class AuthResponse<Identifier extends RawSerializable>
          MSG_AUTHRESP byte type = MSG_AUTHRESP nodeID subject authenticator a1 // newest authenticator before timestamp in AUTHREQ authenticator a2 // most recent authenticator
 class ChallengeMessage<Identifier extends RawSerializable>
          MSG_CHALLENGE byte type = MSG_CHALLENGE nodeID originator long long evidenceSeq byte chalType = {CHAL_AUDIT|CHAL_SEND} [challenge payload follows]
 class OutgoingUserDataMessage<Handle extends RawSerializable>
 class ResponseMessage<Identifier extends RawSerializable>
          MSG_RESPONSE byte type = MSG_RESPONSE nodeID originator nodeID subject long long evidenceSeq byte challengeType = {CHAL_AUDIT|CHAL_SEND} [response payload follows]
 class UserDataMessage<Handle extends RawSerializable>
          Note, it's only Evidence when the type has been changed.

Fields in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.message declared as RawSerializable
 Identifier ChallengeMessage.originator
 Identifier AuthRequest.subject
 Identifier AuthResponse.subject

Methods in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.message with type parameters of type RawSerializable
<H extends RawSerializable>
UserDataMessage.build(InputBuffer buf, Serializer<H> serializer, int hashSize, int sigSize)
<I extends RawSerializable>
AuthPushMessage.build(InputBuffer buf, Serializer<I> idSerializer, AuthenticatorSerializer authSerializer)
<Identifier extends RawSerializable>
AckMessage.build(InputBuffer sib, Serializer<Identifier> serializer, int hashSizeInBytes, int signatureSizeInBytes)

Methods in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.message with parameters of type RawSerializable
 byte[] UserDataMessage.getInnerHash(RawSerializable myId, HashProvider hasher)
          Identifier myId

Uses of RawSerializable in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay

Classes in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay with type parameters of type RawSerializable
 class ReplaySocket<Identifier extends RawSerializable>
 interface VerifierFactory<Handle extends RawSerializable,Identifier extends RawSerializable>
 interface VerifierFactory<Handle extends RawSerializable,Identifier extends RawSerializable>
 class VerifierFactoryImpl<Handle extends RawSerializable,Identifier extends RawSerializable>
 class VerifierFactoryImpl<Handle extends RawSerializable,Identifier extends RawSerializable>
 class VerifierImpl<Handle extends RawSerializable,Identifier extends RawSerializable>
 class VerifierImpl<Handle extends RawSerializable,Identifier extends RawSerializable>

Fields in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay declared as RawSerializable
protected  Identifier ReplaySocket.identifier
protected  Handle VerifierImpl.localHandle

Uses of RawSerializable in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.statement

Classes in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.statement with type parameters of type RawSerializable
 class IncompleteStatementInfo<Handle,Identifier extends RawSerializable>
 class Statement<Identifier extends RawSerializable>
 interface StatementProtocol<Handle,Identifier extends RawSerializable>
          The purpose of this protocol is to make sure that we have all the nodeID certificates we need.
 class StatementProtocolImpl<Handle extends RawSerializable,Identifier extends RawSerializable>
 class StatementProtocolImpl<Handle extends RawSerializable,Identifier extends RawSerializable>

Classes in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.statement that implement RawSerializable
 class Statement<Identifier extends RawSerializable>

Fields in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.statement declared as RawSerializable
 Identifier IncompleteStatementInfo.missingCertificateID
 Identifier Statement.originator
 Identifier Statement.subject

Uses of RawSerializable in rice.p2p.commonapi.rawserialization

Subinterfaces of RawSerializable in rice.p2p.commonapi.rawserialization
 interface RawMessage

Uses of RawSerializable in rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging

Classes in rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging that implement RawSerializable
 class GlacierDataMessage
 class GlacierFetchMessage
 class GlacierMessage
 class GlacierNeighborRequestMessage
 class GlacierNeighborResponseMessage
 class GlacierQueryMessage
 class GlacierRangeForwardMessage
 class GlacierRangeQueryMessage
 class GlacierRangeResponseMessage
 class GlacierRefreshCompleteMessage
 class GlacierRefreshPatchMessage
 class GlacierRefreshProbeMessage
 class GlacierRefreshResponseMessage
 class GlacierResponseMessage
 class GlacierSyncMessage
 class GlacierTimeoutMessage

Uses of RawSerializable in rice.p2p.past.gc.messaging

Classes in rice.p2p.past.gc.messaging that implement RawSerializable
 class GCCollectMessage
 class GCInsertMessage
 class GCLookupHandlesMessage
 class GCRefreshMessage

Uses of RawSerializable in rice.p2p.past.messaging

Classes in rice.p2p.past.messaging that implement RawSerializable
 class CacheMessage
 class ContinuationMessage
 class FetchHandleMessage
 class FetchMessage
 class InsertMessage
 class LookupHandlesMessage
 class LookupMessage
 class MessageLostMessage
 class PastMessage

Uses of RawSerializable in rice.p2p.replication.messaging

Classes in rice.p2p.replication.messaging that implement RawSerializable
 class ReminderMessage
 class ReplicationMessage
 class RequestMessage

Uses of RawSerializable in rice.p2p.scribe.messaging

Classes in rice.p2p.scribe.messaging that implement RawSerializable
 class AbstractSubscribeMessage
 class AnycastFailureMessage
 class AnycastMessage
 class DropMessage
 class PublishMessage
 class PublishRequestMessage
 class ScribeMessage
 class SubscribeAckMessage
 class SubscribeFailedMessage
 class SubscribeMessage
 class UnsubscribeMessage

Uses of RawSerializable in rice.p2p.util.rawserialization

Classes in rice.p2p.util.rawserialization that implement RawSerializable
 class JavaSerializedMessage
          Wrapper that converts rice.pastry.messaging.Message to rice.pastry.messageing.PRawMessage

Uses of RawSerializable in rice.pastry

Classes in rice.pastry that implement RawSerializable
 class Id
          Represents a Pastry identifier for a node, object or key.
 class NodeHandle
          Interface for handles to remote nodes.

Uses of RawSerializable in rice.pastry.commonapi

Classes in rice.pastry.commonapi that implement RawSerializable
 class PastryEndpointMessage
          This class is an internal message to the commonapi gluecode.

Uses of RawSerializable in rice.pastry.direct

Classes in rice.pastry.direct that implement RawSerializable
 class DirectNodeHandle
          the node handle used with the direct network

Uses of RawSerializable in rice.pastry.dist

Classes in rice.pastry.dist that implement RawSerializable
 class DistNodeHandle<Identifier>
          Abstract class for handles to "real" remote nodes.

Uses of RawSerializable in rice.pastry.join

Classes in rice.pastry.join that implement RawSerializable
 class JoinRequest
          Request to join this network.

Uses of RawSerializable in rice.pastry.leafset

Classes in rice.pastry.leafset that implement RawSerializable
 class BroadcastLeafSet
          Broadcast a leaf set to another node.
 class RequestLeafSet
          Request a leaf set from another node.

Uses of RawSerializable in rice.pastry.leafset.testing

Classes in rice.pastry.leafset.testing that implement RawSerializable
static class MergeTest.TestNodeHandle

Uses of RawSerializable in rice.pastry.messaging

Classes in rice.pastry.messaging that implement RawSerializable
 class PJavaSerializedMessage
          Wrapper that converts rice.pastry.messaging.Message to rice.pastry.messageing.PRawMessage
 class PRawMessage
          Adapts Message to a RawMessage Adds the "sender" to the RawMessage

Uses of RawSerializable in rice.pastry.peerreview

Classes in rice.pastry.peerreview that implement RawSerializable
 class FetchLeafsetRequest
 class FetchLeafsetResponse

Uses of RawSerializable in rice.pastry.pns.messages

Classes in rice.pastry.pns.messages that implement RawSerializable
 class LeafSetRequest
 class LeafSetResponse
 class RouteRowRequest
 class RouteRowResponse

Uses of RawSerializable in rice.pastry.routing

Classes in rice.pastry.routing that implement RawSerializable
 class BroadcastRouteRow
          Broadcast message for a row from a routing table.
 class RequestRouteRow
          Request a row from the routing table from another node.
 class RouteMessage
          A route message contains a pastry message that has been wrapped to be sent to another pastry node.

Uses of RawSerializable in rice.pastry.socket

Classes in rice.pastry.socket that implement RawSerializable
 class SocketNodeHandle
 class TransportLayerNodeHandle<Identifier>
          Parallel interface to the CommonAPI NodeHandle, because it is an abstract object to gain the observer pattern.

Uses of RawSerializable in rice.pastry.socket.nat.probe

Classes in rice.pastry.socket.nat.probe that implement RawSerializable
 class ProbeRequestMessage

Uses of RawSerializable in rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous

Classes in rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous that implement RawSerializable
 class ByteBufferMsg
          Used to hold a UDP message (usually liveness) when delivering to a firewalled node via Routing.
 class OpenChannelMsg
 class PilotForwardMsg
 class RendezvousJoinRequest
          Includes the bootstrap (or some other node who will have a pilot from the joiner.)
 class RendezvousSocketNodeHandle
          Maintains RendezvousInfo with the NodeHandle

Uses of RawSerializable in rice.pastry.standard

Classes in rice.pastry.standard that implement RawSerializable
 class ConsistentJoinMsg

Uses of RawSerializable in rice.pastry.testing

Classes in rice.pastry.testing that implement RawSerializable
static class LeafSetTest.TestNodeHandle

Uses of RawSerializable in rice.pastry.transport

Classes in rice.pastry.transport that implement RawSerializable
 class BogusNodeHandle

Uses of RawSerializable in rice.tutorial.rawserialization

Classes in rice.tutorial.rawserialization that implement RawSerializable
 class MyMsg
          An example message.

Rice Pastry API

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