Rice Pastry API

Class ConsistentJoinProtocol

  extended by rice.pastry.client.PastryAppl
      extended by rice.pastry.standard.StandardJoinProtocol
          extended by rice.pastry.standard.ConsistentJoinProtocol
All Implemented Interfaces:
java.util.Observer, JoinProtocol, NodeSetListener, LoopObserver
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class ConsistentJoinProtocol
extends StandardJoinProtocol
implements java.util.Observer, NodeSetListener, LoopObserver

Does not setReady until contacting entire leafset which gossips new members. Provides consistency as long as checkLiveness() never incorrectly reports a node faulty. Based on MSR-TR-2003-94. The difference is that our assumption that checkLiveness() is much stronger because we are using DSR rather than checking ourself. Another difference is that we are unwilling to pull nodes from our leafset without checkingLiveness() ourself.

Jeff Hoye

Nested Class Summary
static class ConsistentJoinProtocol.CJPDeserializer
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class rice.pastry.standard.StandardJoinProtocol
Field Summary
protected  int MAX_NUM_TO_HEAR_FROM
          The number of nodes needed to hear from to go live, can be up to the LeafSet.maxSize()
          This variable is set to prevent the process from going to sleep or not being scheduled for too long.
          Will retry sending ConsistentJoinMsg to all neighbors who have not responded on this interval.
protected  boolean tryingToGoReady
          Suppresses sendTheMessage() if we are not ready to do this part of the join process, or we are already done.
Fields inherited from class rice.pastry.standard.StandardJoinProtocol
joinEvent, leafSet, localHandle, routeTable
Fields inherited from class rice.pastry.client.PastryAppl
address, deserializer, instance, logger, options, receiver, thePastryNode
Constructor Summary
ConsistentJoinProtocol(PastryNode ln, NodeHandle lh, RoutingTable rt, LeafSet ls, ReadyStrategy nextReadyStrategy)
ConsistentJoinProtocol(PastryNode ln, NodeHandle lh, RoutingTable rt, LeafSet ls, ReadyStrategy nextReadyStrategy, MessageDeserializer md)
          Constructor takes in the usual suspects.
Method Summary
 void addToLeafSet(NodeHandle nh)
          Observes all NodeHandles added to LeafSet
 int delayInterest()
          Part of the LoopObserver interface.
 void destroy()
          Called when PastryNode is destroyed.
 void loopTime(int loopTime)
          If it took longer than the time to detect faultiness, then other nodes may believe we are faulty.
 void nodeSetUpdate(NodeSetEventSource set, NodeHandle handle, boolean added)
 void otherNodesMaySuspectFaulty(int timeNotScheduled)
          Call this if there is an event such that you may have not received messages for long enough for other nodes to call you faulty.
 void receiveMessage(Message msg)
          Handle the CJM as in the MSR-TR
 void requestFromEveryoneWeHaventHeardFrom()
 void sendTheMessage(NodeHandle nh, boolean reply)
          Sends a consistent join protocol message.
protected  void setReady()
          This is where we start out, when the StandardJoinProtocol would call setReady();
 void update(java.util.Observable arg0, java.lang.Object arg)
          Can be PastryNode updates, leafset updates, or nodehandle updates.
 java.util.Collection<NodeHandle> whoDoWeNeedAResponseFrom()
          Returns all members of the leafset that are not in gotResponse
Methods inherited from class rice.pastry.standard.StandardJoinProtocol
broadcastRows, completeJoin, deliverWhenNotReady, getAddress, getJoinRequest, getOptions, handleInitiateJoin, handleIntermediateHop, handleJoinRequest, initiateJoin, messageForAppl, respondToJoiner
Methods inherited from class rice.pastry.client.PastryAppl
accept, canReceiveSocket, connect, enrouteMessage, finishReceiveSocket, getDeserializer, getLeafSet, getNodeHandle, getNodeId, getRoutingTable, isClosest, leafSetChange, notifyReady, receiveMessageInternal, register, routeMsg, routeMsg, routeMsgDirect, routeSetChange, setDeserializer
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected final int MAX_TIME_TO_BE_SCHEDULED
This variable is set to prevent the process from going to sleep or not being scheduled for too long.


protected final int MAX_NUM_TO_HEAR_FROM
The number of nodes needed to hear from to go live, can be up to the LeafSet.maxSize()

See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected boolean tryingToGoReady
Suppresses sendTheMessage() if we are not ready to do this part of the join process, or we are already done.


public final int RETRY_INTERVAL
Will retry sending ConsistentJoinMsg to all neighbors who have not responded on this interval. Only necessary if somehow the message was dropped.

Constructor Detail


public ConsistentJoinProtocol(PastryNode ln,
                              NodeHandle lh,
                              RoutingTable rt,
                              LeafSet ls,
                              ReadyStrategy nextReadyStrategy)


public ConsistentJoinProtocol(PastryNode ln,
                              NodeHandle lh,
                              RoutingTable rt,
                              LeafSet ls,
                              ReadyStrategy nextReadyStrategy,
                              MessageDeserializer md)
Constructor takes in the usual suspects.

ln -
lh -
rt -
ls -
nextReadyStrategy - if non-null, will call nextRenderStrategy.start() when complete
md -
Method Detail


protected void setReady()
This is where we start out, when the StandardJoinProtocol would call setReady();

setReady in class StandardJoinProtocol


public void addToLeafSet(NodeHandle nh)
Observes all NodeHandles added to LeafSet

nh - the nodeHandle to add


public void requestFromEveryoneWeHaventHeardFrom()


public void otherNodesMaySuspectFaulty(int timeNotScheduled)
Call this if there is an event such that you may have not received messages for long enough for other nodes to call you faulty. This method will call PastryNode.setReady(false) which will stop delivering messages, and then via the observer pattern will call this.update(PN, FALSE) which will call setReady() which will begin the join process again.


public java.util.Collection<NodeHandle> whoDoWeNeedAResponseFrom()
Returns all members of the leafset that are not in gotResponse



public void receiveMessage(Message msg)
Handle the CJM as in the MSR-TR

receiveMessage in class StandardJoinProtocol
msg - the message that was received.


public void sendTheMessage(NodeHandle nh,
                           boolean reply)
Sends a consistent join protocol message.

nh -
reply - if the reason we are sending this message is just as a response


public void nodeSetUpdate(NodeSetEventSource set,
                          NodeHandle handle,
                          boolean added)
Specified by:
nodeSetUpdate in interface NodeSetListener


public void update(java.util.Observable arg0,
                   java.lang.Object arg)
Can be PastryNode updates, leafset updates, or nodehandle updates.

Specified by:
update in interface java.util.Observer


public int delayInterest()
Part of the LoopObserver interface. Used to detect if we may have been found faulty by other nodes.

Specified by:
delayInterest in interface LoopObserver
the minimum loop time we are interested in being notified about.


public void loopTime(int loopTime)
If it took longer than the time to detect faultiness, then other nodes may believe we are faulty. So we best rejoin.

Specified by:
loopTime in interface LoopObserver
loopTime - the time it took to do a single selection loop.


public void destroy()
Description copied from class: PastryAppl
Called when PastryNode is destroyed. Can be overloaded by applications.

destroy in class PastryAppl

Rice Pastry API

Copyright © 2001-2005 - Rice Pastry.