Rice Pastry API

Class SocketAdapter<Identifier>

  extended by rice.pastry.transport.SocketAdapter<Identifier>
All Implemented Interfaces:
P2PSocketReceiver<Identifier>, AppSocket

public class SocketAdapter<Identifier>
extends java.lang.Object
implements AppSocket, P2PSocketReceiver<Identifier>

Constructor Summary
SocketAdapter(P2PSocket<Identifier> socket, Environment env)
Method Summary
 void close()
          Closes this socket.
 long read(java.nio.ByteBuffer dst)
          Reads a sequence of bytes from this channel into a subsequence of the given buffers.
 long read(java.nio.ByteBuffer[] dsts, int offset, int length)
          Reads a sequence of bytes from this channel into a subsequence of the given buffers.
 void receiveException(P2PSocket<Identifier> s, java.lang.Exception e)
          Called when there is an error
 void receiveSelectResult(P2PSocket<Identifier> s, boolean canRead, boolean canWrite)
          Called when a socket is available for read/write
 void register(boolean wantToRead, boolean wantToWrite, int timeout, AppSocketReceiver receiver)
          Must be called every time a Read/Write occurs to continue operation.
 void shutdownOutput()
          Disables the output stream for this socket.
 java.lang.String toString()
 long write(java.nio.ByteBuffer src)
          Writes a sequence of bytes to this channel from a subsequence of the given buffers.
 long write(java.nio.ByteBuffer[] srcs, int offset, int length)
          Writes a sequence of bytes to this channel from a subsequence of the given buffers.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public SocketAdapter(P2PSocket<Identifier> socket,
                     Environment env)
Method Detail


public void close()
Description copied from interface: AppSocket
Closes this socket.

Specified by:
close in interface AppSocket


public long read(java.nio.ByteBuffer[] dsts,
                 int offset,
                 int length)
          throws java.io.IOException
Description copied from interface: AppSocket
Reads a sequence of bytes from this channel into a subsequence of the given buffers.

Specified by:
read in interface AppSocket


public void register(boolean wantToRead,
                     boolean wantToWrite,
                     int timeout,
                     AppSocketReceiver receiver)
Description copied from interface: AppSocket
Must be called every time a Read/Write occurs to continue operation.

Specified by:
register in interface AppSocket
wantToRead - if you want to read from this socket
wantToWrite - if you want to write to this socket
timeout - // the socket's timeout value (this is a TCP level param)
receiver - will have receiveSelectResult() called on it note that you must call select() each time receiveSelectResult() is called. This is so your application can properly handle flow control


public void receiveException(P2PSocket<Identifier> s,
                             java.lang.Exception e)
Description copied from interface: P2PSocketReceiver
Called when there is an error

Specified by:
receiveException in interface P2PSocketReceiver<Identifier>


public void receiveSelectResult(P2PSocket<Identifier> s,
                                boolean canRead,
                                boolean canWrite)
                         throws java.io.IOException
Description copied from interface: P2PSocketReceiver
Called when a socket is available for read/write

Specified by:
receiveSelectResult in interface P2PSocketReceiver<Identifier>


public void shutdownOutput()
Description copied from interface: AppSocket
Disables the output stream for this socket. Used to properly close down a socket used for bi-directional communication that can be initated by either side.

Specified by:
shutdownOutput in interface AppSocket


public long write(java.nio.ByteBuffer[] srcs,
                  int offset,
                  int length)
           throws java.io.IOException
Description copied from interface: AppSocket
Writes a sequence of bytes to this channel from a subsequence of the given buffers.

Specified by:
write in interface AppSocket


public long read(java.nio.ByteBuffer dst)
          throws java.io.IOException
Description copied from interface: AppSocket
Reads a sequence of bytes from this channel into a subsequence of the given buffers.

Specified by:
read in interface AppSocket


public long write(java.nio.ByteBuffer src)
           throws java.io.IOException
Description copied from interface: AppSocket
Writes a sequence of bytes to this channel from a subsequence of the given buffers.

Specified by:
write in interface AppSocket


public java.lang.String toString()
toString in class java.lang.Object

Rice Pastry API

Copyright © 2001-2005 - Rice Pastry.