The FreePastry Tutorial.

This tutorial is designed to get you cooking quickly with the FreePastry API and software toolkit.

Version @tutorial_version@; @tutorial_date@. For FreePastry version @freepastry_version@. Maintained by @maintainer@.

Lesson 0.b


The environment allows us to more easily virtualize pastry inside the same Virtual machine. This is the main new feature of FreePastry 1.4.2. The environment serves FreePastry in 6 key ways: Pastry applications access the Environment from the PastryNode or the commonapi Node (PastryNode implements Node). Generally you can use the same Environment for everything inside your JVM. The two Objects that you will likely construct with an Environment are the PastryNodeFactory and the IdFactory.

How should I get an environment?

The default constructor for an environment looks in the classpath for a params file called freepastry.params. If you compiled the jar with the included ant task, or used the jar from the web, this should work automagically. If you are compiling FreePastry from an IDE (such as eclipse) or from the command line (javac) then you will need to make sure to put the freepastry.params file located in jars/freepastry in your classpath, or use a different contstructor for the Environment.

By default, the Environment also looks for a file in the local directory called user.params. With this file you can alter FreePastry's parameters without re-compiling or rebuilding the jar.

See also: Adjusting FreePastry's parameters.

My JVM won't exit, or How should I get rid of an environment?

The SelectorManager and Processor both have non-daemon threads that are used to handle communication and processing for the PastryNode. For the JVM to be able to exit, you will need to properly destroy the environment, by calling environment.destroy(). This will call store on the parameters, and destroy the selector/processor threads. Of course, you can also call System.exit(), but that is generally considered bad form.

This should be sufficient information for you to continue with the tutorial. You can learn more in the Advanced Environment tutorial.