The FreePastry Tutorial.

This tutorial is designed to get you cooking quickly with the FreePastry API and software toolkit.

Version @tutorial_version@; @tutorial_date@. For FreePastry version @freepastry_version@. Maintained by @maintainer@.


What You'll Need

Before you begin, you should meet the following requirements.
  1. An intermediate level of knowledge in the Java programming language. The Java Tutorial is a good place to start.
  2. A copy of a current JDK, @min_jre_version@ or later. Sun's J2SE.
  3. A basic understanding of Pastry overlay structure. Read the short overview [pdf][ps] of FreePastry.
  4. Have a working copy of FreePastry-@freepastry_version@ or later. You can simply download the current jar, or download and build the source.