The FreePastry Tutorial.

This tutorial is designed to get you cooking quickly with the FreePastry API and software toolkit.

Version @tutorial_version@; @tutorial_date@. For FreePastry version @freepastry_version@. Maintained by @maintainer@.


FreePastry's DHT.

Download the tutorial files:, into a directory called rice/tutorial/past/.

Past is FreePastry's Distributed Hash Table (DHT). This tutorial will show you how to get scribe up and running. You will learn how to do the following:


Create a PastContent.

Unlike Scribe, you do not need to write a client to utilize Past. However, you do need to create a content object to put/get. This is called a PastContent. The easiest way to create a PastContent is to extend rice.p2p.past.ContentHashPastContent. Here is the code for MyPastContent.
public class MyPastContent extends ContentHashPastContent {  
   * Store the content.
   * Note that this class is Serializable, so any non-transient field will 
   * automatically be stored to to disk.
  String content;
   * Takes an environment for the timestamp
   * An IdFactory to generate the hash
   * The content to be stored.
   * @param idf to generate a hash of the content
   * @param content to be stored
  public MyPastContent(Id id, String content) {
    this.content = content;
   * A descriptive toString()
  public String toString() {
    return "MyPastContent ["+content+"]";
Note that the super constructor needs an Id. Other than that the class must be serializable.

Create a Past instance.

Now on to the PastTutorial. The first part of PastTutorial looks identical to ScribeTutorial. The interesting part is creating the Past application.
      // used for generating PastContent object Ids.
      // this implements the "hash function" for our DHT
      PastryIdFactory idf = new rice.pastry.commonapi.PastryIdFactory(env);
      // create a different storage root for each node
      String storageDirectory = "./storage"+node.getId().hashCode();

      // create the persistent part
      Storage stor = new PersistentStorage(idf, storageDirectory, 4 * 1024 * 1024, node
      Past app = new PastImpl(node, new StorageManagerImpl(idf, stor, new LRUCache(
          new MemoryStorage(idf), 512 * 1024, node.getEnvironment())), 3, "");
Recall the PastryIdFactory is basically a hash funciton that produces Ids. The rest of the code sets up a typical PastImpl. It uses PersistentStorage for the primary store, and an LRUCache backed by a MemoryStorage as the cache.

Here is an overview of what is going on.

PastImpl needs the following: StorageManagerImpl (the StorageManager) needs the following: The PersistentStorage needs the following: The LRUCache needs the following:

Put an object in Past.

Now lets store some data. The loop around this code is so we can later look up the data that was stored.
      // these variables are final so that the continuation can access them
      final String s = "test" + env.getRandomSource().nextInt();
      // build the past content
      final PastContent myContent = new MyPastContent(localFactory.buildId(s), s);
      storedKey[ctr] = myContent.getId();
      // pick a random past appl on a random node
      Past p = (Past)apps.get(env.getRandomSource().nextInt(numNodes));
      System.out.println("Inserting " + myContent + " at node "+p.getLocalNodeHandle());
      // insert the data
      p.insert(myContent, new Continuation() {
        // the result is an Array of Booleans for each insert
        public void receiveResult(Object result) {          
          Boolean[] results = ((Boolean[]) result);
          int numSuccessfulStores = 0;
          for (int ctr = 0; ctr < results.length; ctr++) {
            if (results[ctr].booleanValue()) 
          System.out.println(myContent + " successfully stored at " + 
              numSuccessfulStores + " locations.");
        public void receiveException(Exception result) {
          System.out.println("Error storing "+myContent);
Note that we call Past.insert() with our newly created MyPastContent object, and a Continuation. Past.insert() calls receiveResult() on the continuation with a Boolean[] that represents the success/failure of the individual stores for this object in the ring. Our continuation prints how many times this node was stored. Because our replication factor is 3, it should be stored 4 times (primary+3 replicas). If an error occurs it will call receiveException().

Get an object from Past.

We choose a random application and call Past.lookup()
      final Id lookupKey = storedKey[ctr];
      // pick a random past appl on a random node
      Past p = (Past)apps.get(env.getRandomSource().nextInt(numNodes));

      System.out.println("Looking up " + lookupKey + " at node "+p.getLocalNodeHandle());
      p.lookup(lookupKey, new Continuation() {
        public void receiveResult(Object result) {
          System.out.println("Successfully looked up " + result + " for key "+lookupKey+".");
        public void receiveException(Exception result) {
          System.out.println("Error looking up "+lookupKey);

A failed Get.

Now let's see what happen if the Past doesn't have the requested content. Here's a hint, it calls receiveResult() with a null result.
    final Id bogusKey = localFactory.buildId("bogus");


    System.out.println("Looking up bogus key " + bogusKey + " at node "+p.getLocalNodeHandle());
    p.lookup(bogusKey, new Continuation() {
      public void receiveResult(Object result) {
        System.out.println("Successfully looked up " + result + " for key "+bogusKey+".  Notice that the result is null.");

      public void receiveException(Exception result) {
        System.out.println("Error looking up "+bogusKey);
To use past, you need to include 2 additional jars:xmlpull_1_1_3_4a.jar,xpp3- You can find these in the lib directory in the FreePastry source distribution. When you run the code, your output will resemble:
java -cp .:FreePastry-@freepastry_version@.jar:xmlpull_1_1_3_4a.jar:xpp3- rice.tutorial.past.PastTutorial 9001 9001 5
:1122487192406:Error connecting to address / Connection refused: no further information
:1122487192421:No bootstrap node provided, starting a new ring...
Finished creating new node SocketNodeHandle (<0x22D2E1..>/FOO/ [6702844014892124116])
Finished creating new node SocketNodeHandle (<0x3EDF4C..>/FOO/ [-4218714042288854790])
Finished creating new node SocketNodeHandle (<0x16C2C6..>/FOO/ [419583566816935501])
Finished creating new node SocketNodeHandle (<0xED50E1..>/FOO/ [-7110190430495110085])
Finished creating new node SocketNodeHandle (<0x4AE14A..>/FOO/ [-7392240638718374041])
Storing 5 keys
Inserting MyPastContent [test1382830848] at node [SNH: <0x22D2E1..> -> <0x22D2E1..>/FOO/ [6702844014892124116]]
Inserting MyPastContent [test-618483902] at node [SNH: <0xED50E1..> -> <0xED50E1..>/FOO/ [-7110190430495110085]]
Inserting MyPastContent [test482928483] at node [SNH: <0x22D2E1..> -> <0x22D2E1..>/FOO/ [6702844014892124116]]
Inserting MyPastContent [test-919775810] at node [SNH: <0x4AE14A..> -> <0x4AE14A..>/FOO/ [-7392240638718374041]]
Inserting MyPastContent [test1099145466] at node [SNH: <0x3EDF4C..> -> <0x3EDF4C..>/FOO/ [-4218714042288854790]]
MyPastContent [test1382830848] successfully stored at 4 locations.
MyPastContent [test-618483902] successfully stored at 4 locations.
MyPastContent [test482928483] successfully stored at 4 locations.
MyPastContent [test-919775810] successfully stored at 4 locations.
MyPastContent [test1099145466] successfully stored at 4 locations.
Looking up the 5 keys
Looking up <0x9515FC..> at node [SNH: <0x16C2C6..> -> <0x16C2C6..>/FOO/ [419583566816935501]]
Looking up <0xB987B7..> at node [SNH: <0x16C2C6..> -> <0x16C2C6..>/FOO/ [419583566816935501]]
Looking up <0x999A32..> at node [SNH: <0x3EDF4C..> -> <0x3EDF4C..>/FOO/ [-4218714042288854790]]
Looking up <0xC9B06E..> at node [SNH: <0x3EDF4C..> -> <0x3EDF4C..>/FOO/ [-4218714042288854790]]
Looking up <0xC2EF27..> at node [SNH: <0x3EDF4C..> -> <0x3EDF4C..>/FOO/ [-4218714042288854790]]
Successfully looked up MyPastContent [test1099145466] for key <0xC2EF27..>.
Successfully looked up MyPastContent [test-618483902] for key <0xB987B7..>.
Successfully looked up MyPastContent [test482928483] for key <0x999A32..>.
Successfully looked up MyPastContent [test-919775810] for key <0xC9B06E..>.
Successfully looked up MyPastContent [test1382830848] for key <0x9515FC..>.
Looking up a bogus key
Looking up bogus key <0x216ACE..> at node [SNH: <0xED50E1..> -> <0xED50E1..>/FOO/ [-7110190430495110085]]
Successfully looked up null for key <0x216ACE..>.  Notice that the result is null.
Also 5 directories were created, each containing a FreePastry-Storage-Root subfolder:
ls storage*



