Rice Pastry API

Class DebugContent

  extended by rice.p2p.glacier.v2.DebugContent
All Implemented Interfaces:
java.io.Serializable, GCPastContent, PastContent

public class DebugContent
extends java.lang.Object
implements GCPastContent

See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
protected  boolean isMutable
protected  Id myId
protected  byte[] payload
protected  long version
Constructor Summary
DebugContent(Id id, boolean isMutable, long version, byte[] payload)
Method Summary
 PastContent checkInsert(Id id, PastContent existingContent)
          Checks if a insert operation should be allowed.
 GCPastContentHandle getHandle(GCPast local, long expiration)
          Produces a handle for this content object.
 PastContentHandle getHandle(Past local)
          Produces a handle for this content object.
 Id getId()
          Returns the Id under which this object is stored in Past.
 GCPastMetadata getMetadata(long expiration)
          Returns the metadata which should be stored with this object.
 byte[] getPayload()
 long getVersion()
          Returns the version number associated with this PastContent object - version numbers are designed to be monotonically increasing numbers which signify different versions of the same object.
 boolean isMutable()
          States if this content object is mutable.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected Id myId


protected boolean isMutable


protected long version


protected transient byte[] payload
Constructor Detail


public DebugContent(Id id,
                    boolean isMutable,
                    long version,
                    byte[] payload)
Method Detail


public PastContent checkInsert(Id id,
                               PastContent existingContent)
                        throws PastException
Description copied from interface: PastContent
Checks if a insert operation should be allowed. Invoked when a Past node receives an insert request and it is a replica root for the id; invoked on the object to be inserted. This method determines the effect of an insert operation on an object that already exists: it computes the new value of the stored object, as a function of the new and the existing object.

Specified by:
checkInsert in interface PastContent
id - the key identifying the object
null, if the operation is not allowed; else, the new object to be stored on the local node.


public long getVersion()
Description copied from interface: GCPastContent
Returns the version number associated with this PastContent object - version numbers are designed to be monotonically increasing numbers which signify different versions of the same object.

Specified by:
getVersion in interface GCPastContent
The version number of this object


public PastContentHandle getHandle(Past local)
Description copied from interface: PastContent
Produces a handle for this content object. The handle is retrieved and returned to the client as a result of the Past.lookupHandles() method.

Specified by:
getHandle in interface PastContent
the handle


public GCPastContentHandle getHandle(GCPast local,
                                     long expiration)
Description copied from interface: GCPastContent
Produces a handle for this content object. The handle is retrieved and returned to the client as a result of the Past.lookupHandles() method.

Specified by:
getHandle in interface GCPastContent
the handle


public Id getId()
Description copied from interface: PastContent
Returns the Id under which this object is stored in Past.

Specified by:
getId in interface PastContent
the id


public boolean isMutable()
Description copied from interface: PastContent
States if this content object is mutable. Mutable objects are not subject to dynamic caching in Past.

Specified by:
isMutable in interface PastContent
true if this object is mutable, else false


public byte[] getPayload()


public GCPastMetadata getMetadata(long expiration)
Description copied from interface: GCPastContent
Returns the metadata which should be stored with this object. Allows applications to add arbitrary items into the object's metadata.

Specified by:
getMetadata in interface GCPastContent
the handle

Rice Pastry API

Copyright © 2001-2005 - Rice Pastry.