Rice Pastry API

Interface ScribeMultiClient

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public interface ScribeMultiClient
extends ScribeClient

The new interface for scribe as of FreePastry 2.1. Handles multiple concurrent Joins/Failures.

Jeff Hoye

Method Summary
 boolean anycast(Topic topic, ScribeContent content)
          This method is invoked when an anycast is received for a topic which this client is interested in.
 void childAdded(Topic topic, NodeHandle child)
          Informs this client that a child was added to a topic in which it was interested in.
 void childRemoved(Topic topic, NodeHandle child)
          Informs this client that a child was removed from a topic in which it was interested in.
 void deliver(Topic topic, ScribeContent content)
          This method is invoked when a message is delivered for a topic this client is interested in.
 void subscribeFailed(java.util.Collection<Topic> topics)
          Informs the client that a subscribe on the given topic failed - the client should retry the subscribe or take appropriate action.
 void subscribeFailed(Topic topic)
          Deprecated. use subscribeFailed(Collection topics)
 void subscribeSuccess(java.util.Collection<Topic> topics)
          Informs the client that a subscribe on the given topic failed - the client should retry the subscribe or take appropriate action.

Method Detail


boolean anycast(Topic topic,
                ScribeContent content)
This method is invoked when an anycast is received for a topic which this client is interested in. The client should return whether or not the anycast should continue.

Specified by:
anycast in interface ScribeClient
topic - The topic the message was anycasted to
content - The content which was anycasted
Whether or not the anycast should continue, true if we will accept the anycast


void deliver(Topic topic,
             ScribeContent content)
This method is invoked when a message is delivered for a topic this client is interested in.

Specified by:
deliver in interface ScribeClient
topic - The topic the message was published to
content - The content which was published


void childAdded(Topic topic,
                NodeHandle child)
Informs this client that a child was added to a topic in which it was interested in.

Specified by:
childAdded in interface ScribeClient
topic - The topic to unsubscribe from
child - The child that was added


void childRemoved(Topic topic,
                  NodeHandle child)
Informs this client that a child was removed from a topic in which it was interested in.

Specified by:
childRemoved in interface ScribeClient
topic - The topic to unsubscribe from
child - The child that was removed


void subscribeFailed(Topic topic)
Deprecated. use subscribeFailed(Collection topics)

Informs the client that a subscribe on the given topic failed - the client should retry the subscribe or take appropriate action.

Specified by:
subscribeFailed in interface ScribeClient
topic - The topic which the subscribe failed on


void subscribeFailed(java.util.Collection<Topic> topics)
Informs the client that a subscribe on the given topic failed - the client should retry the subscribe or take appropriate action.

topic - The topic which the subscribe failed on


void subscribeSuccess(java.util.Collection<Topic> topics)
Informs the client that a subscribe on the given topic failed - the client should retry the subscribe or take appropriate action.

topic - The topic which the subscribe failed on

Rice Pastry API

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