Rice Pastry API

Interface FileReceipt

All Superinterfaces:
Cancellable, Receipt

public interface FileReceipt
extends Receipt

Method Summary
 java.io.File getFile()
 java.nio.ByteBuffer getMetadata()
          Note that the ByteBuffer will be constructed every time it is requested.
 long getOffset()
Methods inherited from interface org.mpisws.p2p.filetransfer.Receipt
getPriority, getSize, getUID
Methods inherited from interface rice.p2p.commonapi.Cancellable

Method Detail


java.io.File getFile()


java.nio.ByteBuffer getMetadata()
Note that the ByteBuffer will be constructed every time it is requested. Thus you can always read the metadata from the beginning, but you can't continue reading the ByteBuffer, or call equals()/==, so you must cache it if you can't read it in 1 pass. Note the data is not cleared, only the pointers on the ByteBuffer.

A ByteBuffer wrapping the metadata


long getOffset()

Rice Pastry API

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