Rice Pastry API

Uses of Interface

Packages that use CancellableTask

Uses of CancellableTask in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.direct

Methods in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.direct that return CancellableTask
 CancellableTask GenericNetworkSimulator.enqueueDelivery(Delivery del, int delay)
          Deliver message.

Uses of CancellableTask in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.liveness

Classes in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.liveness that implement CancellableTask
protected  class LivenessTransportLayerImpl.DeadChecker

Uses of CancellableTask in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.magicnumber

Classes in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.magicnumber that implement CancellableTask
protected  class MagicNumberTransportLayer.VerifyHeaderReceiver

Uses of CancellableTask in rice.p2p.commonapi

Methods in rice.p2p.commonapi that return CancellableTask
 CancellableTask Endpoint.scheduleMessage(Message message, long delay)
          Schedules a message to be delivered to this application after the provided number of milliseconds.
 CancellableTask Endpoint.scheduleMessage(Message message, long delay, long period)
          Schedules a message to be delivered to this application every period number of milliseconds, after delay number of miliseconds have passed.
 CancellableTask Endpoint.scheduleMessageAtFixedRate(Message message, long delay, long period)
          Schedules a message to be delivered to this application every period number of milliseconds, after delay number of miliseconds have passed.

Uses of CancellableTask in rice.p2p.glacier.v2

Fields in rice.p2p.glacier.v2 declared as CancellableTask
protected  CancellableTask GlacierImpl.timer

Uses of CancellableTask in rice.p2p.multiring

Methods in rice.p2p.multiring that return CancellableTask
 CancellableTask MultiringEndpoint.scheduleMessage(Message message, long delay)
          Schedules a message to be delivered to this application after the provided number of milliseconds.
 CancellableTask MultiringEndpoint.scheduleMessage(Message message, long delay, long period)
          Schedules a message to be delivered to this application every period number of milliseconds, after delay number of miliseconds have passed.
 CancellableTask MultiringEndpoint.scheduleMessageAtFixedRate(Message message, long delay, long period)

Uses of CancellableTask in rice.p2p.past.gc

Methods in rice.p2p.past.gc that return CancellableTask
 CancellableTask GCEndpoint.scheduleMessage(Message message, long delay)
          Schedules a message to be delivered to this application after the provided number of milliseconds.
 CancellableTask GCEndpoint.scheduleMessage(Message message, long delay, long period)
          Schedules a message to be delivered to this application every period number of milliseconds, after delay number of miliseconds have passed.
 CancellableTask GCEndpoint.scheduleMessageAtFixedRate(Message message, long delay, long period)

Uses of CancellableTask in rice.p2p.scribe.messaging

Methods in rice.p2p.scribe.messaging with parameters of type CancellableTask
 void SubscribeLostMessage.putTask(CancellableTask task)

Uses of CancellableTask in rice.p2p.util

Classes in rice.p2p.util that implement CancellableTask
static class TimerWeakHashMap.HardLinkTimerTask

Uses of CancellableTask in rice.pastry

Classes in rice.pastry that implement CancellableTask
 class ExponentialBackoffScheduledMessage
 class ScheduledMessage
          A class that represents scheduled message events

Uses of CancellableTask in rice.pastry.commonapi

Methods in rice.pastry.commonapi that return CancellableTask
 CancellableTask PastryEndpoint.scheduleMessage(Message message, long delay)
          Schedules a message to be delivered to this application after the provided number of milliseconds.
 CancellableTask PastryEndpoint.scheduleMessage(Message message, long delay, long period)
          Schedules a message to be delivered to this application every period number of milliseconds, after delay number of miliseconds have passed.
 CancellableTask PastryEndpoint.scheduleMessageAtFixedRate(Message msg, long delay, long period)
          Schedule the specified message for repeated fixed-rate delivery to the local node, beginning after the specified delay.

Uses of CancellableTask in rice.pastry.direct

Classes in rice.pastry.direct that implement CancellableTask
 class DeliveryTimerTask
 class DirectTimerTask

Methods in rice.pastry.direct that return CancellableTask
 CancellableTask BasicNetworkSimulator.enqueueDelivery(Delivery d, int delay)
 CancellableTask NetworkSimulator.enqueueDelivery(Delivery del, int delay)
          Deliver message.
 CancellableTask NetworkSimulatorImpl.enqueueDelivery(Delivery del, int delay)
 CancellableTask DirectPastryNodeFactory.getLeafSet(NodeHandle handle, Continuation<LeafSet,java.lang.Exception> c)
 CancellableTask DirectPastryNodeFactory.getRouteRow(NodeHandle handle, int row, Continuation<RouteSet[],java.lang.Exception> c)

Uses of CancellableTask in rice.pastry.standard

Classes in rice.pastry.standard that implement CancellableTask
 class PartitionHandler
          The PartitionHandler does two things: it collects a list of candidate nodes that may be in another partition, and it periodically tries to reach these nodes to heal a partition.

Uses of CancellableTask in rice.selector

Classes in rice.selector that implement CancellableTask
 class TimerTask

Rice Pastry API

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