Rice Pastry API

Class MultiringApplication

  extended by rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringApplication
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class MultiringApplication
extends java.lang.Object
implements Application

$Id: MultiringApplication.java 3613 2007-02-15 14:45:14Z jstewart $
Alan Mislove, Peter Druschel

Field Summary
protected  Application application
          The app which this mulitring app is wrapping
protected  Id ringId
          The Id which represents the current ring this app is a member of
Constructor Summary
protected MultiringApplication(Id ringId, Application application)
Method Summary
 void deliver(Id id, Message message)
          This method is called on the application at the destination node for the given id.
 boolean forward(RouteMessage message)
          This method is invoked on applications when the underlying node is about to forward the given message with the provided target to the specified next hop.
 java.lang.String toString()
 void update(NodeHandle handle, boolean joined)
          This method is invoked to inform the application that the given node has either joined or left the neighbor set of the local node, as the set would be returned by the neighborSet call.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected Application application
The app which this mulitring app is wrapping


protected Id ringId
The Id which represents the current ring this app is a member of

Constructor Detail


protected MultiringApplication(Id ringId,
                               Application application)

Method Detail


public boolean forward(RouteMessage message)
This method is invoked on applications when the underlying node is about to forward the given message with the provided target to the specified next hop. Applications can change the contents of the message, specify a different nextHop (through re-routing), or completely terminate the message.

Specified by:
forward in interface Application
message - The message being sent, containing an internal message along with a destination key and nodeHandle next hop.
Whether or not to forward the message further


public void deliver(Id id,
                    Message message)
This method is called on the application at the destination node for the given id.

Specified by:
deliver in interface Application
id - The destination id of the message
message - The message being sent


public void update(NodeHandle handle,
                   boolean joined)
This method is invoked to inform the application that the given node has either joined or left the neighbor set of the local node, as the set would be returned by the neighborSet call.

Specified by:
update in interface Application
handle - The handle that has joined/left
joined - Whether the node has joined or left


public java.lang.String toString()
toString in class java.lang.Object

Rice Pastry API

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