Rice Pastry API

Uses of Class

Packages that use MultiringNode

Uses of MultiringNode in rice.p2p.multiring

Fields in rice.p2p.multiring declared as MultiringNode
protected  MultiringNode MultiringEndpoint.node
          The multiring node supporting this endpoint

Methods in rice.p2p.multiring with parameters of type MultiringNode
 void MultiringNodeCollection.addNode(MultiringNode node)
          This method allows other nodes to be dynamically added to the node collection.
protected  void MultiringNodeCollection.broadcastNewNode(MultiringNode node)
          This method informs all of the existing nodes of the newly added node, and informs the newly added node of all of the existing nodes.

Constructors in rice.p2p.multiring with parameters of type MultiringNode
MultiringEndpoint(MultiringNode node, Endpoint endpoint, Application application)
MultiringNode(Id ringId, Node node, MultiringNode existing)
MultiringNodeCollection(MultiringNode node, int BASE)

Uses of MultiringNode in rice.p2p.multiring.testing

Fields in rice.p2p.multiring.testing declared as MultiringNode
protected  MultiringNode[] MultiringRegrTest.globalNodes
protected  MultiringNode[][] MultiringRegrTest.organizationalNodes

Methods in rice.p2p.multiring.testing that return MultiringNode
protected  MultiringNode MultiringRegrTest.createNode(Id ringId, MultiringNode bootstrap)
          Method which creates a non-gateway node, given it's node number
protected  MultiringNode MultiringRegrTest.createNode(MultiringNode existing, Id ringId, MultiringNode bootstrap)
          Method which creates a gateway node, given it's node number

Methods in rice.p2p.multiring.testing with parameters of type MultiringNode
protected  MultiringNode MultiringRegrTest.createNode(Id ringId, MultiringNode bootstrap)
          Method which creates a non-gateway node, given it's node number
protected  MultiringNode MultiringRegrTest.createNode(MultiringNode existing, Id ringId, MultiringNode bootstrap)
          Method which creates a gateway node, given it's node number

Rice Pastry API

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