Rice Pastry API

Class PastImpl

  extended by rice.p2p.past.PastImpl
All Implemented Interfaces:
Application, Past, ReplicationManagerClient
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class PastImpl
extends java.lang.Object
implements Past, Application, ReplicationManagerClient

$Id: PastImpl.java 4654 2009-01-08 16:33:07Z jeffh $
Alan Mislove, Ansley Post, Peter Druschel

Nested Class Summary
static interface PastImpl.MessageBuilder
          Class which builds a message
protected  class PastImpl.PastDeserializer
Field Summary
protected  Cache backup
protected  PastContentDeserializer contentDeserializer
protected  PastContentHandleDeserializer contentHandleDeserializer
protected  Endpoint endpoint
protected  Environment environment
protected  IdFactory factory
 int fetchHandles
 int inserts
protected  java.lang.String instance
protected  LockManager lockManager
protected  Logger logger
 int lookups
 int other
protected  PastPolicy policy
protected  ReplicationManager replicaManager
protected  int replicationFactor
 SocketStrategy socketStrategy
protected  StorageManager storage
protected  StorageManager trash
Constructor Summary
PastImpl(Node node, StorageManager manager, Cache backup, int replicas, java.lang.String instance, PastPolicy policy, StorageManager trash)
PastImpl(Node node, StorageManager manager, Cache backup, int replicas, java.lang.String instance, PastPolicy policy, StorageManager trash, boolean useOwnSocket)
PastImpl(Node node, StorageManager manager, Cache backup, int replicas, java.lang.String instance, PastPolicy policy, StorageManager trash, SocketStrategy strategy)
          Constructor for Past
PastImpl(Node node, StorageManager manager, int replicas, java.lang.String instance)
          Constructor for Past, using the default policy
PastImpl(Node node, StorageManager manager, int replicas, java.lang.String instance, PastPolicy policy)
          Constructor for Past
Method Summary
protected  ReplicationManager buildReplicationManager(Node node, java.lang.String instance)
          Internal method which builds the replication manager.
 void cache(PastContent content, Continuation command)
          Method which inserts the given object into the cache
 void deliver(Id id, Message message)
          This method is called on the application at the destination node for the given id.
protected  void doInsert(Id id, PastImpl.MessageBuilder builder, Continuation command, boolean useSocket)
          Internal method which actually performs an insert for a given object.
 boolean exists(Id id)
          This upcall should return whether or not the given id is currently stored by the client.
 void existsInOverlay(Id id, Continuation command)
          This upcall should return whether or not the given id is currently stored somewhere in the overlay by the client.
 void fetch(Id id, NodeHandle hint, Continuation command)
          This upcall is invoked to tell the client to fetch the given id, and to call the given command with the boolean result once the fetch is completed.
 void fetch(PastContentHandle handle, Continuation command)
          Retrieves the object associated with a given content handle.
 boolean forward(RouteMessage message)
          This method is invoked on applications when the underlying node is about to forward the given message with the provided target to the specified next hop.
 Endpoint getEndpoint()
          Returns the endpoint associated with the Past - ONLY FOR TESTING - DO NOT USE
 Environment getEnvironment()
protected  Continuation getFetchResponseContinuation(PastMessage msg)
          Do like above, but use a socket
protected  void getHandles(Id id, int max, Continuation command)
          Internal method which returns the handles to an object.
 java.lang.String getInstance()
 NodeHandle getLocalNodeHandle()
          get the nodeHandle of the local Past node
 Continuation[] getOutstandingMessages()
          Returns of the outstanding messages.
 Replication getReplication()
          Returns the replica manager for this Past instance.
 int getReplicationFactor()
          Returns the number of replicas used in this Past
protected  Continuation getResponseContinuation(PastMessage msg)
          Returns a continuation which will respond to the given message.
 StorageManager getStorageManager()
          Returns this Past's storage manager.
protected  int getUID()
          Returns a new uid for a message
 void insert(PastContent obj, Continuation command)
          Inserts an object with the given ID into this instance of Past.
 void lookup(Id id, boolean cache, Continuation command)
          Method which performs the same as lookup(), but allows the callee to specify if the data should be cached.
 void lookup(Id id, Continuation<PastContent,java.lang.Exception> command)
          Retrieves the object stored in this instance of Past with the given ID.
 void lookupHandle(Id id, NodeHandle handle, Continuation command)
          Retrieves the handle for the given object stored on the requested node.
 void lookupHandles(Id id, int max, Continuation command)
          Retrieves the handles of up to max replicas of the object stored in this instance of Past with the given ID.
 void reInsert(Id id, Continuation command)
          Asks a client to reinsert an object it already holds into the overlay
 void remove(Id id, Continuation command)
          This upcall is to notify the client that the given id can be safely removed from the storage.
 IdSet scan()
          This upcall should return the set of keys that the application currently stores.
 IdSet scan(IdRange range)
          This upcall should return the set of keys that the application currently stores in this range.
protected  void sendRequest(Id id, PastMessage message, Continuation command)
          Sends a request message across the wire, and stores the appropriate continuation.
protected  void sendRequest(Id id, PastMessage message, NodeHandle hint, Continuation command)
          Sends a request message across the wire, and stores the appropriate continuation.
protected  void sendRequest(NodeHandle handle, PastMessage message, Continuation command)
          Sends a request message across the wire, and stores the appropriate continuation.
 void setContentDeserializer(PastContentDeserializer deserializer)
 void setContentHandleDeserializer(PastContentHandleDeserializer deserializer)
 java.lang.String toString()
 void update(NodeHandle handle, boolean joined)
          This method is invoked to inform the application that the given node has either joined or left the neighbor set of the local node, as the set would be returned by the neighborSet call.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public final int MESSAGE_TIMEOUT




protected Endpoint endpoint


protected StorageManager storage


protected StorageManager trash


protected Cache backup


protected int replicationFactor


protected ReplicationManager replicaManager


protected LockManager lockManager


protected PastPolicy policy


protected IdFactory factory


protected java.lang.String instance


public int inserts


public int lookups


public int fetchHandles


public int other


protected Environment environment


protected Logger logger


protected PastContentDeserializer contentDeserializer


protected PastContentHandleDeserializer contentHandleDeserializer


public SocketStrategy socketStrategy
Constructor Detail


public PastImpl(Node node,
                StorageManager manager,
                int replicas,
                java.lang.String instance)
Constructor for Past, using the default policy

node - The node below this Past implementation
manager - The storage manager to be used by Past
replicas - The number of object replicas
instance - The unique instance name of this Past


public PastImpl(Node node,
                StorageManager manager,
                int replicas,
                java.lang.String instance,
                PastPolicy policy)
Constructor for Past

node - The node below this Past implementation
manager - The storage manager to be used by Past
replicas - The number of object replicas
instance - The unique instance name of this Past


public PastImpl(Node node,
                StorageManager manager,
                Cache backup,
                int replicas,
                java.lang.String instance,
                PastPolicy policy,
                StorageManager trash)


public PastImpl(Node node,
                StorageManager manager,
                Cache backup,
                int replicas,
                java.lang.String instance,
                PastPolicy policy,
                StorageManager trash,
                boolean useOwnSocket)
node -
manager -
backup -
replicas -
instance -
policy -
trash -
useOwnSocket - send all inserts/fetches over a socket (default is false)


public PastImpl(Node node,
                StorageManager manager,
                Cache backup,
                int replicas,
                java.lang.String instance,
                PastPolicy policy,
                StorageManager trash,
                SocketStrategy strategy)
Constructor for Past

node - The node below this Past implementation
manager - The storage manager to be used by Past
replicas - The number of object replicas
instance - The unique instance name of this Past
Method Detail


public java.lang.String toString()
toString in class java.lang.Object


public Environment getEnvironment()
Specified by:
getEnvironment in interface Past


protected ReplicationManager buildReplicationManager(Node node,
                                                     java.lang.String instance)
Internal method which builds the replication manager. Can be overridden by subclasses.

node - The node to base the RM off of
instance - The instance name to use
The replication manager, ready for use


public Continuation[] getOutstandingMessages()
Returns of the outstanding messages. This is a DEBUGGING method ONLY!

The list of all the outstanding messages


public Endpoint getEndpoint()
Returns the endpoint associated with the Past - ONLY FOR TESTING - DO NOT USE

The endpoint


protected int getUID()
Returns a new uid for a message

A new id


protected Continuation getResponseContinuation(PastMessage msg)
Returns a continuation which will respond to the given message.

A new id


protected Continuation getFetchResponseContinuation(PastMessage msg)
Do like above, but use a socket

msg -


protected void sendRequest(Id id,
                           PastMessage message,
                           Continuation command)
Sends a request message across the wire, and stores the appropriate continuation.

id - The destination id
message - The message to send.
command - The command to run once a result is received


protected void sendRequest(NodeHandle handle,
                           PastMessage message,
                           Continuation command)
Sends a request message across the wire, and stores the appropriate continuation.

handle - The node handle to send directly too
message - The message to send.
command - The command to run once a result is received


protected void sendRequest(Id id,
                           PastMessage message,
                           NodeHandle hint,
                           Continuation command)
Sends a request message across the wire, and stores the appropriate continuation. Sends the message using the provided handle as a hint.

id - The destination id
message - The message to send.
handle - The first hop hint
command - The command to run once a result is received


protected void getHandles(Id id,
                          int max,
                          Continuation command)
Internal method which returns the handles to an object. It first checks to see if the handles can be determined locally, and if so, returns. Otherwise, it sends a LookupHandles messsage out to find out the nodes.

id - The id to fetch the handles for
max - The maximum number of handles to return
command - The command to call with the result (NodeHandle[])


public void cache(PastContent content,
                  Continuation command)
Method which inserts the given object into the cache

content - The content to cache
command - The command to run once done


protected void doInsert(Id id,
                        PastImpl.MessageBuilder builder,
                        Continuation command,
                        boolean useSocket)
Internal method which actually performs an insert for a given object. Here so that subclasses can override the types of insert messages which are sent across the wire.

obj - The object to insert
builder - The object which builds the messages
command - The command to call once done


public void insert(PastContent obj,
                   Continuation command)
Inserts an object with the given ID into this instance of Past. Asynchronously returns a PastException to command, if the operation was unsuccessful. If the operation was successful, a Boolean[] is returned representing the responses from each of the replicas which inserted the object.

Specified by:
insert in interface Past
obj - the object to be inserted
command - Command to be performed when the result is received


public void lookup(Id id,
                   Continuation<PastContent,java.lang.Exception> command)
Retrieves the object stored in this instance of Past with the given ID. Asynchronously returns a PastContent object as the result to the provided Continuation, or a PastException. This method is provided for convenience; its effect is identical to a lookupHandles() and a subsequent fetch() to the handle that is nearest in the network. The client must authenticate the object. In case of failure, an alternate replica of the object can be obtained via lookupHandles() and fetch(). This method is not safe if the object is immutable and storage nodes are not trusted. In this case, clients should used the lookUpHandles method to obtains the handles of all primary replicas and determine which replica is fresh in an application-specific manner.

Specified by:
lookup in interface Past
id - the key to be queried
command - Command to be performed when the result is received


public void lookup(Id id,
                   boolean cache,
                   Continuation command)
Method which performs the same as lookup(), but allows the callee to specify if the data should be cached.

Specified by:
lookup in interface Past
id - the key to be queried
cache - Whether or not the data should be cached
command - Command to be performed when the result is received


public void lookupHandles(Id id,
                          int max,
                          Continuation command)
Retrieves the handles of up to max replicas of the object stored in this instance of Past with the given ID. Asynchronously returns an array of PastContentHandles as the result to the provided Continuation, or a PastException. Each replica handle is obtained from a different primary storage root for the the given key. If max exceeds the replication factor r of this Past instance, only r replicas are returned. This method will return a PastContentHandle[] array containing all of the handles.

Specified by:
lookupHandles in interface Past
id - the key to be queried
max - the maximal number of replicas requested
command - Command to be performed when the result is received


public void lookupHandle(Id id,
                         NodeHandle handle,
                         Continuation command)
Retrieves the handle for the given object stored on the requested node. Asynchronously returns a PostContentHandle (or null) to the provided continuation.

Specified by:
lookupHandle in interface Past
id - the key to be queried
handle - The node on which the handle is requested
command - Command to be performed when the result is received


public void fetch(PastContentHandle handle,
                  Continuation command)
Retrieves the object associated with a given content handle. Asynchronously returns a PastContent object as the result to the provided Continuation, or a PastException. The client must authenticate the object. In case of failure, an alternate replica can be obtained using a different handle obtained via lookupHandles().

Specified by:
fetch in interface Past
id - the key to be queried
command - Command to be performed when the result is received


public NodeHandle getLocalNodeHandle()
get the nodeHandle of the local Past node

Specified by:
getLocalNodeHandle in interface Past
the nodehandle


public int getReplicationFactor()
Returns the number of replicas used in this Past

Specified by:
getReplicationFactor in interface Past
the number of replicas for each object


public boolean forward(RouteMessage message)
This method is invoked on applications when the underlying node is about to forward the given message with the provided target to the specified next hop. Applications can change the contents of the message, specify a different nextHop (through re-routing), or completely terminate the message.

Specified by:
forward in interface Application
message - The message being sent, containing an internal message along with a destination key and nodeHandle next hop.
Whether or not to forward the message further


public void deliver(Id id,
                    Message message)
This method is called on the application at the destination node for the given id.

Specified by:
deliver in interface Application
id - The destination id of the message
message - The message being sent


public void update(NodeHandle handle,
                   boolean joined)
This method is invoked to inform the application that the given node has either joined or left the neighbor set of the local node, as the set would be returned by the neighborSet call.

Specified by:
update in interface Application
handle - The handle that has joined/left
joined - Whether the node has joined or left


public void fetch(Id id,
                  NodeHandle hint,
                  Continuation command)
This upcall is invoked to tell the client to fetch the given id, and to call the given command with the boolean result once the fetch is completed. The client *MUST* call the command at some point in the future, as the manager waits for the command to return before continuing.

Specified by:
fetch in interface ReplicationManagerClient
id - The id to fetch
hint - A hint where to find the key from. This is where the local node heard about the key.
command - The command to return the result to


public void remove(Id id,
                   Continuation command)
This upcall is to notify the client that the given id can be safely removed from the storage. The client may choose to perform advanced behavior, such as caching the object, or may simply delete it.

Specified by:
remove in interface ReplicationManagerClient
id - The id to remove


public IdSet scan(IdRange range)
This upcall should return the set of keys that the application currently stores in this range. Should return a empty IdSet (not null), in the case that no keys belong to this range.

Specified by:
scan in interface ReplicationManagerClient
range - the requested range


public IdSet scan()
This upcall should return the set of keys that the application currently stores. Should return a empty IdSet (not null), in the case that no keys belong to this range.

range - the requested range


public boolean exists(Id id)
This upcall should return whether or not the given id is currently stored by the client.

Specified by:
exists in interface ReplicationManagerClient
id - The id in question
Whether or not the id exists


public void existsInOverlay(Id id,
                            Continuation command)
Description copied from interface: ReplicationManagerClient
This upcall should return whether or not the given id is currently stored somewhere in the overlay by the client.

Specified by:
existsInOverlay in interface ReplicationManagerClient
id - The id in question


public void reInsert(Id id,
                     Continuation command)
Description copied from interface: ReplicationManagerClient
Asks a client to reinsert an object it already holds into the overlay

Specified by:
reInsert in interface ReplicationManagerClient
id - The id in question


public Replication getReplication()
Returns the replica manager for this Past instance. Should *ONLY* be used for testing. Messing with this will cause unknown behavior.

This Past's replica manager


public StorageManager getStorageManager()
Returns this Past's storage manager. Should *ONLY* be used for testing. Messing with this will cause unknown behavior.

This Past's storage manager.


public java.lang.String getInstance()
Specified by:
getInstance in interface Past


public void setContentDeserializer(PastContentDeserializer deserializer)
Specified by:
setContentDeserializer in interface Past


public void setContentHandleDeserializer(PastContentHandleDeserializer deserializer)
Specified by:
setContentHandleDeserializer in interface Past

Rice Pastry API

Copyright © 2001-2005 - Rice Pastry.