Rice Pastry API

Uses of Interface

Packages that use RawScribeContent

Uses of RawScribeContent in rice.p2p.multiring.messaging

Classes in rice.p2p.multiring.messaging that implement RawScribeContent
 class RingMessage

Uses of RawScribeContent in rice.p2p.scribe

Methods in rice.p2p.scribe that return RawScribeContent
protected  RawScribeContent ScribeImpl.convert(ScribeContent content)
protected  RawScribeContent ScribeImpl.toRawScribeContent(ScribeContent content)

Methods in rice.p2p.scribe with parameters of type RawScribeContent
 void ScribeImpl.anycast(Topic topic, RawScribeContent content)
 void ScribeImpl.anycast(Topic topic, RawScribeContent content, NodeHandle hint)
protected  void ScribeImpl.doSubscribe(java.util.Collection<Topic> theTopics, ScribeMultiClient client, RawScribeContent content, NodeHandle hint)
          This method prevents re-subscription to topics you are already a part of.
 void ScribeImpl.publish(Topic topic, RawScribeContent content)
 void ScribeImpl.subscribe(java.util.Collection<Topic> theTopics, ScribeClient client, RawScribeContent content, NodeHandle hint)
 void ScribeImpl.subscribe(java.util.Collection<Topic> theTopics, ScribeMultiClient client, RawScribeContent content, NodeHandle hint)
 void ScribeImpl.subscribe(Topic topic, ScribeClient client, RawScribeContent content)
 void ScribeImpl.subscribe(Topic topic, ScribeClient client, RawScribeContent content, NodeHandle hint)
 void ScribeImpl.subscribe(Topic topic, ScribeMultiClient client, RawScribeContent content, NodeHandle hint)

Uses of RawScribeContent in rice.p2p.scribe.maintenance

Methods in rice.p2p.scribe.maintenance that return RawScribeContent
 RawScribeContent ScribeMaintenancePolicy.implicitSubscribe(java.util.List<Topic> topics)
          Called when subscribing for maintenance or tree rearrangement (such as parent death).
 RawScribeContent ScribeMaintenancePolicy.DefaultScribeMaintenancePolicy.implicitSubscribe(java.util.List<Topic> topics)
          Called when subscribing for maintenance or tree rearrangement (such as parent death).

Methods in rice.p2p.scribe.maintenance with parameters of type RawScribeContent
 void MaintainableScribe.subscribe(java.util.Collection<Topic> nodeWasParent, ScribeMultiClient client, RawScribeContent content, NodeHandle hint)

Uses of RawScribeContent in rice.p2p.scribe.messaging

Fields in rice.p2p.scribe.messaging declared as RawScribeContent
 RawScribeContent AnycastFailureMessage.content
protected  RawScribeContent AnycastMessage.content
          the content of this message
protected  RawScribeContent PublishMessage.content
protected  RawScribeContent PublishRequestMessage.content

Methods in rice.p2p.scribe.messaging that return RawScribeContent
 RawScribeContent AnycastMessage.getRawContent()

Methods in rice.p2p.scribe.messaging with parameters of type RawScribeContent
 SubscribeMessage SubscribeMessage.copy(java.util.List<Topic> newTopics, RawScribeContent content)
          Copies everything except changes the topics to the new list
 void AnycastMessage.setContent(RawScribeContent content)
          Sets the content

Constructors in rice.p2p.scribe.messaging with parameters of type RawScribeContent
AnycastFailureMessage(NodeHandle source, Topic topic, RawScribeContent content)
AnycastMessage(NodeHandle source, Topic topic, RawScribeContent content)
PublishMessage(NodeHandle source, Topic topic, RawScribeContent content)
PublishRequestMessage(NodeHandle source, Topic topic, RawScribeContent content)
SubscribeMessage(NodeHandle source, java.util.List<Topic> topics, int id, RawScribeContent content)
          Constructor which takes a unique integer Id
SubscribeMessage(NodeHandle source, Topic topic, int id, RawScribeContent content)

Uses of RawScribeContent in rice.p2p.scribe.rawserialization

Classes in rice.p2p.scribe.rawserialization that implement RawScribeContent
 class JavaSerializedScribeContent

Methods in rice.p2p.scribe.rawserialization with parameters of type RawScribeContent
 void RawScribe.anycast(Topic topic, RawScribeContent content)
          Anycasts the given content to a member of the given topic
 void RawScribe.anycast(Topic topic, RawScribeContent content, NodeHandle hint)
          Anycasts the given content to a member of the given topic The hint helps us to implement centralized algorithms where the hint is the cachedRoot for the topic.
 void RawScribe.publish(Topic topic, RawScribeContent content)
          Publishes the given message to the topic.
 void RawScribe.subscribe(java.util.Collection<Topic> topics, ScribeClient client, RawScribeContent content, NodeHandle hint)
          Deprecated. use the version with the MultiClient
 void RawScribe.subscribe(java.util.Collection<Topic> topics, ScribeMultiClient client, RawScribeContent content, NodeHandle hint)
 void RawScribe.subscribe(Topic topic, ScribeClient client, RawScribeContent content)
          Deprecated. use subscribe(Topic, ScribeMultiClient, RawScribeContent, NodeHandle)
 void RawScribe.subscribe(Topic topic, ScribeClient client, RawScribeContent content, NodeHandle hint)
          Deprecated. use the version with the MultiClient
 void RawScribe.subscribe(Topic topic, ScribeMultiClient client, RawScribeContent content, NodeHandle hint)

Uses of RawScribeContent in rice.p2p.scribe.testing

Classes in rice.p2p.scribe.testing that implement RawScribeContent
protected static class RawScribeRegrTest.RawTestScribeContent
          Utility class for past content objects

Uses of RawScribeContent in rice.p2p.splitstream

Classes in rice.p2p.splitstream that implement RawScribeContent
 class SplitStreamContent
          This represents data sent through scribe for splitstream
 class SplitStreamSubscribeContent
          This represents data sent through scribe for splitstream during a subscribe

Rice Pastry API

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