Rice Pastry API

Class SimProcessor

  extended by rice.environment.processing.sim.SimProcessor
All Implemented Interfaces:
Destructable, Processor

public class SimProcessor
extends java.lang.Object
implements Processor

Constructor Summary
SimProcessor(SelectorManager selector)
Method Summary
 void destroy()
          Shuts down the processing thread.
<R,E extends java.lang.Exception>
process(Executable<R,E> task, Continuation<R,E> command, int priority, SelectorManager selector, TimeSource ts, LogManager log)
          Schedules a job for processing on the dedicated processing thread.
<R,E extends java.lang.Exception>
process(Executable<R,E> task, Continuation<R,E> command, SelectorManager selector, TimeSource ts, LogManager log)
          Schedules a job for processing on the dedicated processing thread.
 Cancellable processBlockingIO(WorkRequest request)
          Schedules a different type of task.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public SimProcessor(SelectorManager selector)
Method Detail


public <R,E extends java.lang.Exception> Cancellable process(Executable<R,E> task,
                                                             Continuation<R,E> command,
                                                             SelectorManager selector,
                                                             TimeSource ts,
                                                             LogManager log)
Description copied from interface: Processor
Schedules a job for processing on the dedicated processing thread. CPU intensive jobs, such as encryption, erasure encoding, or bloom filter creation should never be done in the context of the underlying node's thread, and should only be done via this method. The continuation will be called on the Selector thread.

Specified by:
process in interface Processor
task - The task to run on the processing thread
command - The command to return the result to once it's done


public <R,E extends java.lang.Exception> Cancellable process(Executable<R,E> task,
                                                             Continuation<R,E> command,
                                                             int priority,
                                                             SelectorManager selector,
                                                             TimeSource ts,
                                                             LogManager log)
Description copied from interface: Processor
Schedules a job for processing on the dedicated processing thread. CPU intensive jobs, such as encryption, erasure encoding, or bloom filter creation should never be done in the context of the underlying node's thread, and should only be done via this method. The continuation will be called on the Selector thread. Passes a priority that will be respected if possible.

Specified by:
process in interface Processor
task - The task to run on the processing thread
command - The command to return the result to once it's done
priority - lower number is higher priority, 0 is default priority, and negative numbers are high priority


public Cancellable processBlockingIO(WorkRequest request)
Description copied from interface: Processor
Schedules a different type of task. This thread is for doing Disk IO that is required to be blocking.

Specified by:
processBlockingIO in interface Processor


public void destroy()
Description copied from interface: Processor
Shuts down the processing thread.

Specified by:
destroy in interface Destructable
Specified by:
destroy in interface Processor

Rice Pastry API

Copyright © 2001-2005 - Rice Pastry.