Rice Pastry API

Uses of Class

Packages that use RouteSet

Uses of RouteSet in rice.pastry.direct

Methods in rice.pastry.direct that return RouteSet
 RouteSet[] DirectPastryNodeFactory.getRouteRow(NodeHandle handle, int row)
          This method returns the remote route row of the provided handle to the caller, in a protocol-dependent fashion.

Uses of RouteSet in rice.pastry.join

Methods in rice.pastry.join that return RouteSet
 RouteSet[] JoinRequest.getRow(int i)
          Get row.

Methods in rice.pastry.join with parameters of type RouteSet
 void JoinRequest.pushRow(RouteSet[] row)
          Push row.

Uses of RouteSet in rice.pastry.pns.messages

Fields in rice.pastry.pns.messages declared as RouteSet
 RouteSet[] RouteRowResponse.row

Constructors in rice.pastry.pns.messages with parameters of type RouteSet
RouteRowResponse(NodeHandle sender, short index, RouteSet[] row, int address)

Uses of RouteSet in rice.pastry.routing

Methods in rice.pastry.routing that return RouteSet
 RouteSet RoutingTable.getBestEntry(Id key)
          Gets the set of handles that match at least one more digit of the key than the local Id.
 RouteSet RoutingTable.getRouteSet(int index, int digit)
          Gets the set of handles at a particular entry in the table.
 RouteSet[] BroadcastRouteRow.getRow()
          Gets the row that was sent in the message.
 RouteSet[] RoutingTable.getRow(int i)
          Get a row from the routing table.

Constructors in rice.pastry.routing with parameters of type RouteSet
BroadcastRouteRow(java.util.Date stamp, NodeHandle from, RouteSet[] r)
BroadcastRouteRow(NodeHandle from, RouteSet[] r)

Rice Pastry API

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