Rice Pastry API

Class StandardLeafSetProtocol

  extended by rice.pastry.client.PastryAppl
      extended by rice.pastry.standard.StandardLeafSetProtocol
All Implemented Interfaces:
java.util.Observer, LeafSetProtocol

public class StandardLeafSetProtocol
extends PastryAppl
implements LeafSetProtocol, java.util.Observer

An implementation of a simple leaf set protocol.

$Id: StandardLeafSetProtocol.java 4654 2009-01-08 16:33:07Z jeffh $
Peter Druschel, Andrew Ladd

Field Summary
protected  boolean failstop
protected  LeafSet leafSet
protected  Logger logger
protected  RoutingTable routeTable
Fields inherited from class rice.pastry.client.PastryAppl
address, deserializer, instance, options, receiver, thePastryNode
Constructor Summary
StandardLeafSetProtocol(PastryNode ln, NodeHandle local, LeafSet ls, RoutingTable rt)
Method Summary
protected  void broadcast()
          Broadcast the leaf set to all members of the local leaf set.
protected  void broadcast(int type)
          Broadcast the leaf set to all members of the local leaf set.
protected  void broadcast(LeafSet ls, NodeHandle from)
          Broadcast the local leaf set to all members of the given leaf set, plus the node from which the leaf set was received.
protected  boolean checkLeafSet(LeafSet remotels, NodeHandle from, boolean notifyMissing)
          Checks a received leafset advertisement for missing nodes
 boolean deliverWhenNotReady()
          Instructs the MessageDispatch how to behave when the PastryNode is not ready.
 void leafSetChange(NodeHandle nh, boolean wasAdded)
          We manage the leafset now.
 void maintainLeafSet()
          Maintain the leaf set.
protected  boolean mergeLeafSet(LeafSet remotels, NodeHandle from)
          Merge a remote leafset into our own
 void messageForAppl(Message msg)
          Receives messages.
 void update(java.util.Observable o, java.lang.Object arg)
          If nodehandle is dead, remove it from the leafset.
Methods inherited from class rice.pastry.client.PastryAppl
accept, canReceiveSocket, connect, destroy, enrouteMessage, finishReceiveSocket, getAddress, getDeserializer, getLeafSet, getNodeHandle, getNodeId, getRoutingTable, isClosest, notifyReady, receiveMessage, receiveMessageInternal, register, routeMsg, routeMsg, routeMsgDirect, routeSetChange, setDeserializer
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected final boolean failstop
See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected LeafSet leafSet


protected RoutingTable routeTable


protected Logger logger
Constructor Detail


public StandardLeafSetProtocol(PastryNode ln,
                               NodeHandle local,
                               LeafSet ls,
                               RoutingTable rt)
Method Detail


public void messageForAppl(Message msg)
Receives messages.

Specified by:
messageForAppl in class PastryAppl
msg - the message.


protected boolean checkLeafSet(LeafSet remotels,
                               NodeHandle from,
                               boolean notifyMissing)
Checks a received leafset advertisement for missing nodes

remotels - the remote leafset
from - the node from which we received the leafset
notifyMissing - if true, notify missing nodes
true if any nodes where found missing in the received leafset


protected boolean mergeLeafSet(LeafSet remotels,
                               NodeHandle from)
Merge a remote leafset into our own

remotels - the remote leafset
from - the node from which we received the leafset
true if the leafset changed


protected void broadcast()
Broadcast the leaf set to all members of the local leaf set.


protected void broadcast(int type)
Broadcast the leaf set to all members of the local leaf set.

type - the type of broadcast message used


protected void broadcast(LeafSet ls,
                         NodeHandle from)
Broadcast the local leaf set to all members of the given leaf set, plus the node from which the leaf set was received.

ls - the leafset whose members we send to local leaf set
from - the node from which ls was received


public void maintainLeafSet()
Maintain the leaf set. This method checks for dead leafset entries and replaces them as needed. It is assumed that this method be invoked periodically.


public boolean deliverWhenNotReady()
Description copied from class: PastryAppl
Instructs the MessageDispatch how to behave when the PastryNode is not ready. An application can override this method to return true if it wishes to receive messages before Pastry is ready(). Most applications should leave this as false, so that their application does not have inconsistent routing. However Pastry's protocols (such as the join protocol) need to receive messages before pastry is ready(). This is because they are attempting to make pastry ready().

deliverWhenNotReady in class PastryAppl
false unless the node is a service


public void leafSetChange(NodeHandle nh,
                          boolean wasAdded)
We manage the leafset now. Implementation is simple, remove items that die. We should be observers on everything in the leafset, and nothing else.

leafSetChange in class PastryAppl
nh - the handle of the node that was added or removed.
wasAdded - true if the node was added, false if the node was removed.


public void update(java.util.Observable o,
                   java.lang.Object arg)
If nodehandle is dead, remove it from the leafset.

Specified by:
update in interface java.util.Observer

Rice Pastry API

Copyright © 2001-2005 - Rice Pastry.