Rice Pastry API

Interface CloneableLogManager

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
FileLogManager, SimpleLogManager

public interface CloneableLogManager
extends LogManager

If you implement this interface, then your log manager can be cloned. This is usually used so different nodes can have different log managers. The simple log manager uses the @param detail arg as a prefix to each line corresponding to that logger. Another example may be logging to multiple files, but using the "detail" in the filename to indicate which node the log corresponds to. A PastryNodeFactory should clone the LogManager for each node if the pastry_factory_multipleNodes parameter is set to true.

Jeff Hoye

Method Summary
 LogManager clone(java.lang.String detail)
          Return a new LogManager with identical parameters except that there is an indication of detail in each line, or filename if seperated by files.
 LogManager clone(java.lang.String detail, TimeSource ts)
 java.lang.String getPrefix()
Methods inherited from interface rice.environment.logging.LogManager

Method Detail


LogManager clone(java.lang.String detail)
Return a new LogManager with identical parameters except that there is an indication of detail in each line, or filename if seperated by files.

detail - usually will be a nodeid
a new LogManager


LogManager clone(java.lang.String detail,
                 TimeSource ts)


java.lang.String getPrefix()

Rice Pastry API

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