Rice Pastry API

Uses of Interface

Packages that use IdRange

Uses of IdRange in rice.p2p.commonapi

Methods in rice.p2p.commonapi that return IdRange
 IdRange IdFactory.buildIdRange(Id cw, Id ccw)
          Creates an IdRange given the CW and CCW ids.
 IdRange IdFactory.buildIdRangeFromPrefix(java.lang.String string)
          Builds an IdRange based on a prefix.
 IdRange IdRange.diffRange(IdRange range)
          diffs the given range with this range
 IdRange IdRange.getComplementRange()
          get the complement of this range
 IdRange IdRange.intersectRange(IdRange range)
          intersects the given range with this range
 IdRange IdRange.mergeRange(IdRange range)
          merges the given range with this range
 IdRange Endpoint.range(NodeHandle handle, int rank, Id lkey)
          This operation provides information about ranges of keys for which the node is currently a rank-root.
 IdRange Endpoint.range(NodeHandle handle, int rank, Id lkey, boolean cumulative)
          This operation provides information about ranges of keys for which the node is currently a rank-root.
 IdRange Endpoint.readIdRange(InputBuffer buf)
          To use Raw Serialization

Methods in rice.p2p.commonapi with parameters of type IdRange
 IdRange IdRange.diffRange(IdRange range)
          diffs the given range with this range
 IdRange IdRange.intersectRange(IdRange range)
          intersects the given range with this range
 IdRange IdRange.mergeRange(IdRange range)
          merges the given range with this range
 IdSet IdSet.subSet(IdRange range)
          return a subset of this set, consisting of the member ids in a given range

Uses of IdRange in rice.p2p.glacier

Classes in rice.p2p.glacier that implement IdRange
 class FragmentKeyRange
 class VersionKeyRange

Fields in rice.p2p.glacier declared as IdRange
protected  IdRange FragmentKeyRange.range
          The actual IdRange
protected  IdRange VersionKeyRange.range
          The actual IdRange

Methods in rice.p2p.glacier that return IdRange
 IdRange FragmentKeyFactory.buildIdRange(Id cw, Id ccw)
          Creates an IdRange given the CW and CCW ids.
 IdRange VersionKeyFactory.buildIdRange(Id cw, Id ccw)
          Creates an IdRange given the CW and CCW ids.
 IdRange FragmentKeyFactory.buildIdRangeFromPrefix(java.lang.String string)
          Builds an IdRange based on a prefix.
 IdRange VersionKeyFactory.buildIdRangeFromPrefix(java.lang.String string)
          Builds an IdRange based on a prefix.
 IdRange FragmentKeyRange.diffRange(IdRange diff)
          diffs the given range with this range
 IdRange VersionKeyRange.diffRange(IdRange diff)
          diffs the given range with this range
 IdRange FragmentKeyRange.getComplementRange()
          get the complement of this range
 IdRange VersionKeyRange.getComplementRange()
          get the complement of this range
 IdRange FragmentKeyRange.intersectRange(IdRange intersect)
          intersects the given range with this range
 IdRange VersionKeyRange.intersectRange(IdRange intersect)
          intersects the given range with this range
 IdRange FragmentKeyRange.mergeRange(IdRange merge)
          merges the given range with this range
 IdRange VersionKeyRange.mergeRange(IdRange merge)
          merges the given range with this range

Methods in rice.p2p.glacier with parameters of type IdRange
 IdRange FragmentKeyRange.diffRange(IdRange diff)
          diffs the given range with this range
 IdRange VersionKeyRange.diffRange(IdRange diff)
          diffs the given range with this range
 IdRange FragmentKeyRange.intersectRange(IdRange intersect)
          intersects the given range with this range
 IdRange VersionKeyRange.intersectRange(IdRange intersect)
          intersects the given range with this range
 IdRange FragmentKeyRange.mergeRange(IdRange merge)
          merges the given range with this range
 IdRange VersionKeyRange.mergeRange(IdRange merge)
          merges the given range with this range
 IdSet FragmentKeySet.subSet(IdRange range)
          return a subset of this set, consisting of the member ids in a given range
 IdSet VersionKeySet.subSet(IdRange range)
          return a subset of this set, consisting of the member ids in a given range

Constructors in rice.p2p.glacier with parameters of type IdRange
FragmentKeyRange(IdRange range)
VersionKeyRange(IdRange range)

Uses of IdRange in rice.p2p.glacier.v2

Fields in rice.p2p.glacier.v2 declared as IdRange
protected  IdRange GlacierImpl.responsibleRange
 IdRange GlacierStatistics.responsibleRange

Uses of IdRange in rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging

Fields in rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging declared as IdRange
protected  IdRange GlacierRangeResponseMessage.commonRange
protected  IdRange GlacierRefreshResponseMessage.range
protected  IdRange GlacierSyncMessage.range
protected  IdRange GlacierNeighborRequestMessage.requestedRange
protected  IdRange GlacierRangeForwardMessage.requestedRange
protected  IdRange GlacierRangeQueryMessage.requestedRange

Methods in rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging that return IdRange
 IdRange GlacierRangeResponseMessage.getCommonRange()
 IdRange GlacierRefreshResponseMessage.getRange()
 IdRange GlacierSyncMessage.getRange()
 IdRange GlacierNeighborRequestMessage.getRequestedRange()
 IdRange GlacierRangeForwardMessage.getRequestedRange()
 IdRange GlacierRangeQueryMessage.getRequestedRange()

Constructors in rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging with parameters of type IdRange
GlacierNeighborRequestMessage(int uid, IdRange requestedRange, NodeHandle source, Id dest, char tag)
GlacierRangeForwardMessage(int uid, IdRange requestedRange, NodeHandle requestor, NodeHandle source, Id dest, char tag)
GlacierRangeQueryMessage(int uid, IdRange requestedRange, NodeHandle source, Id dest, char tag)
GlacierRangeResponseMessage(int uid, IdRange commonRange, NodeHandle source, Id dest, char tag)
GlacierRefreshResponseMessage(int uid, IdRange range, boolean online, NodeHandle source, Id dest, char tag)
GlacierSyncMessage(int uid, IdRange range, int offsetFID, BloomFilter BloomFilter, NodeHandle source, Id dest, char tag)

Uses of IdRange in rice.p2p.multiring

Classes in rice.p2p.multiring that implement IdRange
 class MultiringIdRange

Fields in rice.p2p.multiring declared as IdRange
protected  IdRange MultiringIdRange.range
          The actual IdRange

Methods in rice.p2p.multiring that return IdRange
 IdRange MultiringIdFactory.buildIdRange(Id cw, Id ccw)
          Creates an IdRange given the CW and CCW ids.
 IdRange MultiringIdFactory.buildIdRangeFromPrefix(java.lang.String string)
          Builds an IdRange based on a prefix.
 IdRange MultiringIdRange.diffRange(IdRange diff)
          diffs the given range with this range
 IdRange MultiringIdRange.getComplementRange()
          get the complement of this range
protected  IdRange MultiringIdRange.getRange()
          Returns the internal range
 IdRange MultiringIdRange.intersectRange(IdRange intersect)
          intersects the given range with this range
 IdRange MultiringIdRange.mergeRange(IdRange merge)
          merges the given range with this range
 IdRange MultiringEndpoint.range(NodeHandle handle, int rank, Id lkey)
          This operation provides information about ranges of keys for which the node is currently a rank-root.
 IdRange MultiringEndpoint.range(NodeHandle handle, int rank, Id lkey, boolean cumulative)
          This operation provides information about ranges of keys for which the node is currently a rank-root.
 IdRange MultiringEndpoint.readIdRange(InputBuffer buf)

Methods in rice.p2p.multiring with parameters of type IdRange
 IdRange MultiringIdRange.diffRange(IdRange diff)
          diffs the given range with this range
 IdRange MultiringIdRange.intersectRange(IdRange intersect)
          intersects the given range with this range
 IdRange MultiringIdRange.mergeRange(IdRange merge)
          merges the given range with this range
 IdSet MultiringIdSet.subSet(IdRange range)
          return a subset of this set, consisting of the member ids in a given range

Constructors in rice.p2p.multiring with parameters of type IdRange
MultiringIdRange(Id ringId, IdRange range)

Uses of IdRange in rice.p2p.past

Methods in rice.p2p.past with parameters of type IdRange
 IdSet PastImpl.scan(IdRange range)
          This upcall should return the set of keys that the application currently stores in this range.

Uses of IdRange in rice.p2p.past.gc

Classes in rice.p2p.past.gc that implement IdRange
 class GCIdRange

Fields in rice.p2p.past.gc declared as IdRange
protected  IdRange GCIdRange.range
          The internal (normal) IdRange

Methods in rice.p2p.past.gc that return IdRange
 IdRange GCIdFactory.buildIdRange(Id cw, Id ccw)
          Creates an IdRange given the CW and CCW ids.
 IdRange GCIdFactory.buildIdRangeFromPrefix(java.lang.String string)
          Builds an IdRange based on a prefix.
 IdRange GCIdRange.diffRange(IdRange range)
          diffs the given range with this range
 IdRange GCIdRange.getComplementRange()
          get the complement of this range
 IdRange GCIdRange.getRange()
          Returns the internal range
 IdRange GCIdRange.intersectRange(IdRange range)
          intersects the given range with this range
 IdRange GCIdRange.mergeRange(IdRange range)
          merges the given range with this range
 IdRange GCEndpoint.range(NodeHandle handle, int rank, Id lkey)
          This operation provides information about ranges of keys for which the node is currently a rank-root.
 IdRange GCEndpoint.range(NodeHandle handle, int rank, Id lkey, boolean cumulative)
          This operation provides information about ranges of keys for which the node is currently a rank-root.
 IdRange GCEndpoint.readIdRange(InputBuffer buf)

Methods in rice.p2p.past.gc with parameters of type IdRange
 IdRange GCIdRange.diffRange(IdRange range)
          diffs the given range with this range
 IdRange GCIdRange.intersectRange(IdRange range)
          intersects the given range with this range
 IdRange GCIdRange.mergeRange(IdRange range)
          merges the given range with this range
 IdSet GCPastImpl.scan(IdRange range)
          This upcall should return the set of keys that the application currently stores in this range.
 IdSet GCIdSet.subSet(IdRange range)
          return a subset of this set, consisting of the member ids in a given range

Constructors in rice.p2p.past.gc with parameters of type IdRange
GCIdRange(IdRange range)
          Constructor, which takes a normal IdRange

Uses of IdRange in rice.p2p.replication

Fields in rice.p2p.replication declared as IdRange
protected  IdRange ReplicationImpl.BloomFilterExecutable.range

Methods in rice.p2p.replication that return IdRange
protected  IdRange ReplicationImpl.getTotalRange()
          Returns the range for which the local node is an i root, where i can range between 0 and replicationFactor can return null if the range can't be determined

Methods in rice.p2p.replication with parameters of type IdRange
 IdSet ReplicationClient.scan(IdRange range)
          This upcall should return the set of keys that the application currently stores in this range.
 void ReplicationClient.setRange(IdRange range)
          This upcall is to notify the application of the range of keys for which it is responsible.

Constructors in rice.p2p.replication with parameters of type IdRange
ReplicationImpl.BloomFilterExecutable(IdRange range)

Uses of IdRange in rice.p2p.replication.manager

Methods in rice.p2p.replication.manager with parameters of type IdRange
 IdSet ReplicationManagerClient.scan(IdRange range)
          This upcall should return the set of keys that the application currently stores in this range.
 IdSet ReplicationManagerImpl.scan(IdRange range)
          This upcall should return the set of keys that the application currently stores in this range.
 IdSet ReplicationManagerImpl.ReplicationManagerHelper.scan(IdRange range)
          In this case, it returns the list of keys the client has, along with the keys which we have yet to tell the client to fetch.
 void ReplicationManagerImpl.setRange(IdRange range)
          This upcall is to notify the application of the range of keys for which it is responsible.
 void ReplicationManagerImpl.ReplicationManagerHelper.setRange(IdRange range)
          Method by which the range is set, which will delete any keys from the to fetch list not in the range
 void ReplicationManagerImpl.ReplicationManagerDeleter.setRange(IdRange range)
          Adds a set of ids to the to-delete list

Uses of IdRange in rice.p2p.replication.manager.testing

Methods in rice.p2p.replication.manager.testing with parameters of type IdRange
 void ReplicationManagerRegrTest.printValsForRange(IdRange range)
 IdSet ReplicationManagerRegrTest.TestReplicationManagerClient.scan(IdRange range)

Uses of IdRange in rice.p2p.replication.messaging

Fields in rice.p2p.replication.messaging declared as IdRange
protected  IdRange[] RequestMessage.ranges
protected  IdRange[] ResponseMessage.ranges

Methods in rice.p2p.replication.messaging that return IdRange
 IdRange[] RequestMessage.getRanges()
          Method which returns this messages' ranges
 IdRange[] ResponseMessage.getRanges()
          Method which returns this messages' ranges

Constructors in rice.p2p.replication.messaging with parameters of type IdRange
RequestMessage(NodeHandle source, IdRange[] ranges, IdBloomFilter[] filters)
          Constructor which takes a unique integer Id
ResponseMessage(NodeHandle source, IdRange[] ranges, IdSet[] setA)
          Constructor which takes a unique integer Id

Uses of IdRange in rice.p2p.replication.testing

Methods in rice.p2p.replication.testing with parameters of type IdRange
 IdSet ReplicationRegrTest.TestReplicationClient.scan(IdRange range)
          This upcall should return the set of keys that the application currently stores in this range.
 void ReplicationRegrTest.TestReplicationClient.setRange(IdRange range)
          This upcall is to notify the application of the range of keys for which it is responsible.

Uses of IdRange in rice.pastry

Classes in rice.pastry that implement IdRange
 class IdRange
          Represents a contiguous range of Pastry ids.

Methods in rice.pastry that return IdRange
 IdRange IdRange.diffRange(IdRange range)
          diffs the given range with this range
 IdRange IdRange.getComplementRange()
          get the complement of this range
 IdRange IdRange.intersectRange(IdRange range)
          intersects the given range with this range
 IdRange IdRange.mergeRange(IdRange range)
          merges the given range with this range

Methods in rice.pastry with parameters of type IdRange
 IdRange IdRange.diffRange(IdRange range)
          diffs the given range with this range
 IdRange IdRange.intersectRange(IdRange range)
          intersects the given range with this range
 IdRange IdRange.mergeRange(IdRange range)
          merges the given range with this range
 IdSet IdSet.subSet(IdRange range)
          return a subset of this set, consisting of the member ids in a given range

Uses of IdRange in rice.pastry.commonapi

Methods in rice.pastry.commonapi that return IdRange
 IdRange PastryIdFactory.buildIdRange(Id cw, Id ccw)
          Creates an IdRange given the CW and CCW ids.
 IdRange PastryIdFactory.buildIdRangeFromPrefix(java.lang.String string)
          Builds an IdRange based on a prefix.
 IdRange PastryEndpoint.range(NodeHandle n, int r, Id key)
          This method provides information about ranges of keys for which the node n is currently a r-root.
 IdRange PastryEndpoint.range(NodeHandle n, int r, Id key, boolean cumulative)
          This method provides information about ranges of keys for which the node n is currently a r-root.
 IdRange PastryEndpoint.readIdRange(InputBuffer buf)

Uses of IdRange in rice.persistence

Methods in rice.persistence that return IdRange
protected  IdRange PersistentStorage.getRangeForDirectory(java.io.File dir)
          Utility function which returns the range of keys which a directory corresponds to.

Methods in rice.persistence with parameters of type IdRange
 IdSet Catalog.scan(IdRange range)
          Return the objects identified by the given range of ids.
 IdSet EmptyCache.scan(IdRange range)
          Return the objects identified by the given range of ids.
 IdSet LRUCache.scan(IdRange range)
          Return the objects identified by the given range of ids.
 IdSet MemoryStorage.scan(IdRange range)
          Return the objects identified by the given range of ids.
 IdSet PersistentStorage.scan(IdRange range)
          Return the objects identified by the given range of ids.
 IdSet StorageManagerImpl.scan(IdRange range)
          Return the objects identified by the given range of ids.
 java.util.SortedMap Catalog.scanMetadata(IdRange range)
          Returns a map which contains keys mapping ids to the associated metadata.
 java.util.SortedMap EmptyCache.scanMetadata(IdRange range)
          Returns a map which contains keys mapping ids to the associated metadata.
 java.util.SortedMap LRUCache.scanMetadata(IdRange range)
          Returns a map which contains keys mapping ids to the associated metadata.
 java.util.SortedMap MemoryStorage.scanMetadata(IdRange range)
          Returns a map which contains keys mapping ids to the associated metadata.
 java.util.SortedMap PersistentStorage.scanMetadata(IdRange range)
          Returns a map which contains keys mapping ids to the associated metadata.
 java.util.SortedMap StorageManagerImpl.scanMetadata(IdRange range)
          Returns a map which contains keys mapping ids to the associated metadata.

Rice Pastry API

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