Rice Pastry API

Class ScribeImpl

  extended by rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeImpl
All Implemented Interfaces:
java.util.Observer, Destructable, Application, BaseScribe, JavaScribe, MaintainableScribe, RawScribe, Scribe

public class ScribeImpl
extends java.lang.Object
implements Scribe, MaintainableScribe, Application, java.util.Observer

$Id: ScribeImpl.java 4495 2008-09-26 14:48:02Z jeffh $
Alan Mislove

Nested Class Summary
static class ScribeImpl.ScribeClientConverter
          Adapts an old ScribeClient to a new ScribeMultiClient This is for reverse compatibility.
 class ScribeImpl.TopicManager
          Class which keeps track of a given topic
Field Summary
 java.util.HashMap<NodeHandle,java.util.Collection<Topic>> allChildren
          This contains a mapping of child - > all topics for which the local node has this node(hashtable key) as a child
 java.util.HashMap<NodeHandle,java.util.Collection<Topic>> allParents
          This contains a mapping of parent - > all topics for which the local node has this node(hashtable key) as a parent
protected  Endpoint endpoint
          this application's endpoint
static int INFO_2
protected  NodeHandle localHandle
          the local node handle
          The interval with which to perform maintenance
          the timeout for a subscribe message
protected  Node node
 java.util.Set<Topic> pending
          Topics that (should) have an outsanding subscription.
protected  ScribePolicy policy
          this scribe's policy
 java.util.Set<Topic> roots
          Topics that we are the root.
 java.util.Hashtable<Topic,ScribeImpl.TopicManager> topicManagers
          the hashtable of topic -> TopicManager
Fields inherited from interface rice.p2p.scribe.maintenance.MaintainableScribe
Constructor Summary
ScribeImpl(Node node, ScribePolicy policy, java.lang.String instance)
          Constructor for Scribe
ScribeImpl(Node node, ScribePolicy policy, java.lang.String instance, ScribeMaintenancePolicy maintenancePolicy)
          Constructor for Scribe
ScribeImpl(Node node, java.lang.String instance)
          Constructor for Scribe, using the default policy.
Method Summary
protected  void ackMessageReceived(SubscribeAckMessage message)
          Internal method which processes an ack message
 void addChild(Topic topic, NodeHandle child)
          Adds a child to the given topic
protected  boolean addChildHelper(Topic topic, NodeHandle child)
          Adds a child to the given topic, using the specified sequence number in the ack message sent to the child.
protected  void addToAllChildren(Topic t, NodeHandle child)
          This method should be invoked after the state change in the Topic Manager has been made.
protected  void addToAllParents(Topic t, NodeHandle parent)
 boolean allParentsContains(Topic t, NodeHandle parent)
 boolean allParentsContainsParent(NodeHandle parent)
 void anycast(Topic topic, RawScribeContent content)
          Anycasts the given content to a member of the given topic
 void anycast(Topic topic, RawScribeContent content, NodeHandle hint)
          Anycasts the given content to a member of the given topic The hint helps us to implement centralized algorithms where the hint is the cachedRoot for the topic.
 void anycast(Topic topic, ScribeContent content)
          Anycasts the given content to a member of the given topic
 void anycast(Topic topic, ScribeContent content, NodeHandle hint)
          Anycasts the given content to a member of the given topic The hint helps us to implement centralized algorithms where the hint is the cachedRoot for the topic.
 boolean containsChild(Topic topic, NodeHandle child)
 boolean containsTopic(Topic topic)
          Returns true if there is a TopicManager associated with this topic (any parent/children/client exists)
protected  RawScribeContent convert(ScribeContent content)
 void deliver(Id id, Message message)
          This method is called on the application at the destination node for the given id.
 void destroy()
protected  void doSubscribe(java.util.Collection<Topic> theTopics, ScribeMultiClient client, RawScribeContent content, NodeHandle hint)
          This method prevents re-subscription to topics you are already a part of.
 boolean forward(RouteMessage message)
          This method is invoked on applications when the underlying node is about to forward the given message with the provided target to the specified next hop.
 NodeHandle[] getChildren(Topic topic)
          Returns the list of children for a given topic
 java.util.Collection<NodeHandle> getChildrenOfTopic(Topic topic)
 java.util.Collection<ScribeClient> getClients(Topic topic)
          Returns the list of clients for a given topic
 java.util.Collection<ScribeMultiClient> getClientsByTopic(Topic topic)
 ScribeContentDeserializer getContentDeserializer()
 Endpoint getEndpoint()
 Environment getEnvironment()
 Id getId()
          Returns the Id of the local node
protected  ScribeMultiClient getMultiClient(ScribeClient client)
 NodeHandle getParent(Topic topic)
          Returns the parent for a given topic
 java.util.List<Id> getPathToRoot(Topic topic)
 ScribePolicy getPolicy()
          Returns the current policy for this scribe object
 NodeHandle getRoot(Topic topic)
          Returns the root of the topic, if we can determine it.
protected  java.util.Collection<ScribeClient> getSimpleClients(java.util.Collection<ScribeMultiClient> multi)
 ScribeImpl.TopicManager getTopicManager(Topic topic)
          Lazy constructor.
 java.util.Collection<Topic> getTopics()
 Topic[] getTopics(ScribeClient client)
          Returns the list of topics the given client is subscribed to.
 java.util.Collection<Topic> getTopicsByChild(NodeHandle child)
          This returns the topics for which the parameter 'child' is a Scribe tree child of the local node
 java.util.Collection<Topic> getTopicsByClient(ScribeClient client)
          Returns the list of topics the given client is subscribed to.
 java.util.Collection<Topic> getTopicsByClient(ScribeMultiClient client)
 java.util.Collection<Topic> getTopicsByParent(NodeHandle parent)
          This returns the topics for which the parameter 'parent' is a Scribe tree parent of the local node
protected  boolean handleForwardSubscribeMessage(SubscribeMessage sMessage)
          This is complicated because the SubscribeMessage may have many topics to subscribe to at once.
 boolean isRoot(Topic topic)
          Returns whether or not this Scribe is the root for the given topic
 int numChildren(Topic topic)
 void printAllChildrenDataStructure()
 void printAllParentsDataStructure()
 void publish(Topic topic, RawScribeContent content)
          Publishes the given message to the topic.
 void publish(Topic topic, ScribeContent content)
          Publishes the given message to the topic.
protected  void recvAnycastFail(Topic topic, NodeHandle failedAtNode, ScribeContent content)
 void removeChild(Topic topic, NodeHandle child)
          Removes a child from the given topic
protected  void removeChild(Topic topic, NodeHandle child, boolean sendDrop)
          Removes a child from the given topic
protected  void removeFromAllChildren(Topic t, NodeHandle child)
          Need to be holding lock: topicManagers
protected  void removeFromAllParents(Topic t, NodeHandle parent)
 void setContentDeserializer(ScribeContentDeserializer deserializer)
 void setParent(Topic topic, NodeHandle parent, java.util.List<Id> pathToRoot)
 void setPolicy(ScribePolicy policy)
          Sets the current policy for this scribe object
 void subscribe(java.util.Collection<Topic> topics)
 void subscribe(java.util.Collection<Topic> theTopics, ScribeClient client, RawScribeContent content, NodeHandle hint)
          Subscribe to multiple topics.
 void subscribe(java.util.Collection<Topic> theTopics, ScribeClient client, ScribeContent content, NodeHandle hint)
          Subscribe to multiple topics.
 void subscribe(java.util.Collection<Topic> theTopics, ScribeMultiClient client, RawScribeContent content, NodeHandle hint)
 void subscribe(java.util.Collection<Topic> theTopics, ScribeMultiClient client, ScribeContent content, NodeHandle hint)
 void subscribe(Topic topic, ScribeClient client)
          Subscribes the given client to the provided topic.
 void subscribe(Topic topic, ScribeClient client, RawScribeContent content)
          Subscribes the given client to the provided topic.
 void subscribe(Topic topic, ScribeClient client, RawScribeContent content, NodeHandle hint)
          Subscribes the given client to the provided topic.
 void subscribe(Topic topic, ScribeClient client, ScribeContent content)
          Subscribes the given client to the provided topic.
 void subscribe(Topic topic, ScribeClient client, ScribeContent content, NodeHandle hint)
          Subscribes the given client to the provided topic.
 void subscribe(Topic topic, ScribeMultiClient client)
          Subscribes the given client to the provided topic.
 void subscribe(Topic topic, ScribeMultiClient client, RawScribeContent content, NodeHandle hint)
 void subscribe(Topic topic, ScribeMultiClient client, ScribeContent content, NodeHandle hint)
protected  RawScribeContent toRawScribeContent(ScribeContent content)
 java.lang.String toString()
 void unsubscribe(java.util.Collection<Topic> topicsToUnsubscribe, ScribeMultiClient client)
          This code: for each Topic: 1) removes the client from the TopicManager 2)
 void unsubscribe(Topic topic, ScribeClient client)
          Unsubscribes the given client from the provided topic.getId
 void unsubscribe(Topic topic, ScribeMultiClient client)
 void update(NodeHandle handle, boolean joined)
          This method is invoked to inform the application that the given node has either joined or left the neighbor set of the local node, as the set would be returned by the neighborSet call.
 void update(java.util.Observable o, java.lang.Object arg)
          Called when a Node's liveness changes
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int INFO_2
See Also:
Constant Field Values


The interval with which to perform maintenance


public final int MESSAGE_TIMEOUT
the timeout for a subscribe message


public java.util.Hashtable<Topic,ScribeImpl.TopicManager> topicManagers
the hashtable of topic -> TopicManager


protected ScribePolicy policy
this scribe's policy


protected Endpoint endpoint
this application's endpoint


protected NodeHandle localHandle
the local node handle


protected Node node


public java.util.HashMap<NodeHandle,java.util.Collection<Topic>> allChildren
This contains a mapping of child - > all topics for which the local node has this node(hashtable key) as a child


public java.util.HashMap<NodeHandle,java.util.Collection<Topic>> allParents
This contains a mapping of parent - > all topics for which the local node has this node(hashtable key) as a parent


public java.util.Set<Topic> roots
Topics that we are the root.


public java.util.Set<Topic> pending
Topics that (should) have an outsanding subscription. Topics that are in this set have no parent, and we are not the root.

Constructor Detail


public ScribeImpl(Node node,
                  java.lang.String instance)
Constructor for Scribe, using the default policy.

node - The node below this Scribe implementation
instance - The unique instance name of this Scribe


public ScribeImpl(Node node,
                  ScribePolicy policy,
                  java.lang.String instance)
Constructor for Scribe

node - The node below this Scribe implementation
policy - The policy for this Scribe
instance - The unique instance name of this Scribe


public ScribeImpl(Node node,
                  ScribePolicy policy,
                  java.lang.String instance,
                  ScribeMaintenancePolicy maintenancePolicy)
Constructor for Scribe

node - The node below this Scribe implementation
policy - The policy for this Scribe
instance - The unique instance name of this Scribe
Method Detail


public Environment getEnvironment()
Specified by:
getEnvironment in interface BaseScribe


public ScribePolicy getPolicy()
Returns the current policy for this scribe object

Specified by:
getPolicy in interface BaseScribe
The current policy for this scribe


public void setPolicy(ScribePolicy policy)
Sets the current policy for this scribe object

Specified by:
setPolicy in interface BaseScribe
policy - The current policy for this scribe


public Id getId()
Returns the Id of the local node

The Id of the local node


public int numChildren(Topic topic)
Specified by:
numChildren in interface BaseScribe


public boolean containsTopic(Topic topic)
Returns true if there is a TopicManager associated with this topic (any parent/children/client exists)

Specified by:
containsTopic in interface BaseScribe


public java.util.Collection<ScribeClient> getClients(Topic topic)
Returns the list of clients for a given topic

Specified by:
getClients in interface BaseScribe
topic - The topic to return the clients of
The clients of the topic


public java.util.Collection<ScribeMultiClient> getClientsByTopic(Topic topic)
Specified by:
getClientsByTopic in interface BaseScribe


protected java.util.Collection<ScribeClient> getSimpleClients(java.util.Collection<ScribeMultiClient> multi)


protected ScribeMultiClient getMultiClient(ScribeClient client)


public NodeHandle[] getChildren(Topic topic)
Returns the list of children for a given topic

Specified by:
getChildren in interface BaseScribe
topic - The topic to return the children of
The children of the topic


public java.util.Collection<NodeHandle> getChildrenOfTopic(Topic topic)
Specified by:
getChildrenOfTopic in interface BaseScribe


public NodeHandle getParent(Topic topic)
Returns the parent for a given topic

Specified by:
getParent in interface BaseScribe
topic - The topic to return the parent of
The parent of the topic


public boolean isRoot(Topic topic)
Returns whether or not this Scribe is the root for the given topic

Specified by:
isRoot in interface BaseScribe
topic - The topic in question
Whether or not we are currently the root


public NodeHandle getRoot(Topic topic)
Description copied from interface: BaseScribe
Returns the root of the topic, if we can determine it.

Specified by:
getRoot in interface BaseScribe
null if beyond our knowledge range


protected void ackMessageReceived(SubscribeAckMessage message)
Internal method which processes an ack message

message - The ackMessage


public boolean containsChild(Topic topic,
                             NodeHandle child)
Specified by:
containsChild in interface BaseScribe


public void subscribe(java.util.Collection<Topic> topics)


public void subscribe(Topic topic,
                      ScribeMultiClient client)
Subscribes the given client to the provided topic. Any message published to the topic will be delivered to the Client via the deliver() method.

topic - The topic to subscribe to
client - The client to give messages to


public void subscribe(Topic topic,
                      ScribeClient client)
Subscribes the given client to the provided topic. Any message published to the topic will be delivered to the Client via the deliver() method.

Specified by:
subscribe in interface BaseScribe
topic - The topic to subscribe to
client - The client to give messages to


public void subscribe(Topic topic,
                      ScribeClient client,
                      ScribeContent content)
Description copied from interface: JavaScribe
Subscribes the given client to the provided topic. Any message published to the topic will be delivered to the Client via the deliver() method.

Specified by:
subscribe in interface JavaScribe
topic - The topic to subscribe to
client - The client to give messages to
content - The content to include in the subscribe


public void subscribe(Topic topic,
                      ScribeClient client,
                      ScribeContent content,
                      NodeHandle hint)
Description copied from interface: JavaScribe
Subscribes the given client to the provided topic. Any message published to the topic will be delivered to the Client via the deliver() method.

Specified by:
subscribe in interface JavaScribe
topic - The topic to subscribe to
client - The client to give messages to
content - The content to include in the subscribe
hint - The first hop of the message ( Helpful to implement a centralized solution)


public void subscribe(Topic topic,
                      ScribeClient client,
                      RawScribeContent content)
Description copied from interface: RawScribe
Subscribes the given client to the provided topic. Any message published to the topic will be delivered to the Client via the deliver() method.

Specified by:
subscribe in interface RawScribe
topic - The topic to subscribe to
client - The client to give messages to
content - The content to include in the subscribe


public void subscribe(Topic topic,
                      ScribeClient client,
                      RawScribeContent content,
                      NodeHandle hint)
Description copied from interface: RawScribe
Subscribes the given client to the provided topic. Any message published to the topic will be delivered to the Client via the deliver() method.

Specified by:
subscribe in interface RawScribe
topic - The topic to subscribe to
client - The client to give messages to
content - The content to include in the subscribe
hint - The first hop of the message ( Helpful to implement a centralized solution)


public void subscribe(java.util.Collection<Topic> theTopics,
                      ScribeClient client,
                      RawScribeContent content,
                      NodeHandle hint)
Description copied from interface: RawScribe
Subscribe to multiple topics.

Specified by:
subscribe in interface RawScribe
hint - the first hop


public void subscribe(java.util.Collection<Topic> theTopics,
                      ScribeClient client,
                      ScribeContent content,
                      NodeHandle hint)
Description copied from interface: JavaScribe
Subscribe to multiple topics.

Specified by:
subscribe in interface JavaScribe


public void subscribe(Topic topic,
                      ScribeMultiClient client,
                      ScribeContent content,
                      NodeHandle hint)
Specified by:
subscribe in interface JavaScribe


public void subscribe(Topic topic,
                      ScribeMultiClient client,
                      RawScribeContent content,
                      NodeHandle hint)
Specified by:
subscribe in interface RawScribe


public void subscribe(java.util.Collection<Topic> theTopics,
                      ScribeMultiClient client,
                      ScribeContent content,
                      NodeHandle hint)
Specified by:
subscribe in interface JavaScribe


public void subscribe(java.util.Collection<Topic> theTopics,
                      ScribeMultiClient client,
                      RawScribeContent content,
                      NodeHandle hint)
Specified by:
subscribe in interface MaintainableScribe
Specified by:
subscribe in interface RawScribe


protected RawScribeContent toRawScribeContent(ScribeContent content)


protected void doSubscribe(java.util.Collection<Topic> theTopics,
                           ScribeMultiClient client,
                           RawScribeContent content,
                           NodeHandle hint)
This method prevents re-subscription to topics you are already a part of. However it allows subscription if you were the root, but there is now a root.

theTopics -
client -
content -
hint -


public void unsubscribe(Topic topic,
                        ScribeClient client)
Unsubscribes the given client from the provided topic.getId

Specified by:
unsubscribe in interface BaseScribe
topic - The topic to unsubscribe from
client - The client to unsubscribe


public void unsubscribe(Topic topic,
                        ScribeMultiClient client)
Specified by:
unsubscribe in interface BaseScribe


public void unsubscribe(java.util.Collection<Topic> topicsToUnsubscribe,
                        ScribeMultiClient client)
This code: for each Topic: 1) removes the client from the TopicManager 2)

Specified by:
unsubscribe in interface BaseScribe


public void publish(Topic topic,
                    ScribeContent content)
Publishes the given message to the topic.

Specified by:
publish in interface JavaScribe
topic - The topic to publish to
content - The content to publish


public void publish(Topic topic,
                    RawScribeContent content)
Description copied from interface: RawScribe
Publishes the given message to the topic.

Specified by:
publish in interface RawScribe
topic - The topic to publish to
content - The content to publish


public void anycast(Topic topic,
                    ScribeContent content)
Anycasts the given content to a member of the given topic

Specified by:
anycast in interface JavaScribe
topic - The topic to anycast to
content - The content to anycast


public void anycast(Topic topic,
                    ScribeContent content,
                    NodeHandle hint)
Description copied from interface: JavaScribe
Anycasts the given content to a member of the given topic The hint helps us to implement centralized algorithms where the hint is the cachedRoot for the topic. Additionally it enables us to do more fancy anycasts that explore more portions of the Scribe tree

Specified by:
anycast in interface JavaScribe
topic - The topic to anycast to
content - The content to anycast
hint - the first hop of the Anycast


public void anycast(Topic topic,
                    RawScribeContent content)
Description copied from interface: RawScribe
Anycasts the given content to a member of the given topic

Specified by:
anycast in interface RawScribe
topic - The topic to anycast to
content - The content to anycast


public void anycast(Topic topic,
                    RawScribeContent content,
                    NodeHandle hint)
Description copied from interface: RawScribe
Anycasts the given content to a member of the given topic The hint helps us to implement centralized algorithms where the hint is the cachedRoot for the topic. Additionally it enables us to do more fancy anycasts that explore more portions of the Scribe tree

Specified by:
anycast in interface RawScribe
topic - The topic to anycast to
content - The content to anycast
hint - the first hop of the Anycast


public void addChild(Topic topic,
                     NodeHandle child)
Adds a child to the given topic

Specified by:
addChild in interface BaseScribe
topic - The topic to add the child to
child - The child to add


public void setParent(Topic topic,
                      NodeHandle parent,
                      java.util.List<Id> pathToRoot)
Specified by:
setParent in interface MaintainableScribe


public ScribeImpl.TopicManager getTopicManager(Topic topic)
Lazy constructor.

topic -
never null


protected boolean addChildHelper(Topic topic,
                                 NodeHandle child)
Adds a child to the given topic, using the specified sequence number in the ack message sent to the child.

topic - The topic
child - THe child to add
id - The seuqnce number
true if we need to subscribe to this topic because implicitly subscribing


public void removeChild(Topic topic,
                        NodeHandle child)
Removes a child from the given topic

Specified by:
removeChild in interface BaseScribe
topic - The topic to remove the child from
child - The child to remove


protected void removeChild(Topic topic,
                           NodeHandle child,
                           boolean sendDrop)
Removes a child from the given topic

topic - The topic to remove the child from
child - The child to remove
sendDrop - Whether or not to send a drop message to the chil


public java.util.Collection<Topic> getTopicsByClient(ScribeClient client)
Returns the list of topics the given client is subscribed to.

Specified by:
getTopicsByClient in interface BaseScribe
client - The client in question
The list of topics


public java.util.Collection<Topic> getTopicsByClient(ScribeMultiClient client)
Specified by:
getTopicsByClient in interface BaseScribe


public Topic[] getTopics(ScribeClient client)
Description copied from interface: BaseScribe
Returns the list of topics the given client is subscribed to.

Specified by:
getTopics in interface BaseScribe
client - The client in question
The list of topics


protected void recvAnycastFail(Topic topic,
                               NodeHandle failedAtNode,
                               ScribeContent content)


protected void addToAllChildren(Topic t,
                                NodeHandle child)
This method should be invoked after the state change in the Topic Manager has been made. This helps us to know the current state of the system and thus generate WARNING messages only in cases of redundancy Need to be holding lock: topicManagers

t -
child -


protected void removeFromAllChildren(Topic t,
                                     NodeHandle child)
Need to be holding lock: topicManagers

t -
child -


protected void addToAllParents(Topic t,
                               NodeHandle parent)


protected void removeFromAllParents(Topic t,
                                    NodeHandle parent)


public boolean allParentsContains(Topic t,
                                  NodeHandle parent)


public boolean allParentsContainsParent(NodeHandle parent)


public void printAllParentsDataStructure()


public void printAllChildrenDataStructure()


public java.util.Collection<Topic> getTopicsByParent(NodeHandle parent)
Description copied from interface: MaintainableScribe
This returns the topics for which the parameter 'parent' is a Scribe tree parent of the local node

Specified by:
getTopicsByParent in interface MaintainableScribe
parent - null/localHandle for topics rooted by us


public java.util.Collection<Topic> getTopicsByChild(NodeHandle child)
Description copied from interface: MaintainableScribe
This returns the topics for which the parameter 'child' is a Scribe tree child of the local node

Specified by:
getTopicsByChild in interface MaintainableScribe


public boolean forward(RouteMessage message)
This method is invoked on applications when the underlying node is about to forward the given message with the provided target to the specified next hop. Applications can change the contents of the message, specify a different nextHop (through re-routing), or completely terminate the message.

Specified by:
forward in interface Application
message - The message being sent, containing an internal message along with a destination key and nodeHandle next hop.
Whether or not to forward the message further


protected boolean handleForwardSubscribeMessage(SubscribeMessage sMessage)
This is complicated because the SubscribeMessage may have many topics to subscribe to at once. Also, for every topic we don't accept, we must branch the SubscribeMessage based on the routing table.

sMessage -
true if it needs to be forward, false if we handled it


public void deliver(Id id,
                    Message message)
This method is called on the application at the destination node for the given id.

Specified by:
deliver in interface Application
id - The destination id of the message
message - The message being sent


protected RawScribeContent convert(ScribeContent content)


public void update(java.util.Observable o,
                   java.lang.Object arg)
Called when a Node's liveness changes

Specified by:
update in interface java.util.Observer


public void update(NodeHandle handle,
                   boolean joined)
This method is invoked to inform the application that the given node has either joined or left the neighbor set of the local node, as the set would be returned by the neighborSet call.

Specified by:
update in interface Application
handle - The handle that has joined/left
joined - Whether the node has joined or left


public java.lang.String toString()
toString in class java.lang.Object


public void destroy()
Specified by:
destroy in interface Destructable


public Endpoint getEndpoint()
Specified by:
getEndpoint in interface MaintainableScribe


public void setContentDeserializer(ScribeContentDeserializer deserializer)
Specified by:
setContentDeserializer in interface RawScribe


public ScribeContentDeserializer getContentDeserializer()
Specified by:
getContentDeserializer in interface RawScribe


public java.util.Collection<Topic> getTopics()
Specified by:
getTopics in interface MaintainableScribe


public java.util.List<Id> getPathToRoot(Topic topic)
Specified by:
getPathToRoot in interface MaintainableScribe

Rice Pastry API

Copyright © 2001-2005 - Rice Pastry.