Rice Pastry API

Uses of Class

Packages that use Stripe

Uses of Stripe in rice.p2p.splitstream

Fields in rice.p2p.splitstream declared as Stripe
protected  Stripe[] Channel.stripes
          The list of stripeIds for this channel

Methods in rice.p2p.splitstream that return Stripe
protected  Stripe Channel.getPrimaryStripe()
          The primary stripe is the stripe that the user must have.
 Stripe[] Channel.getStripes()
          At any moment a node is subscribed to at least 1 but possibly more stripes.

Methods in rice.p2p.splitstream with parameters of type Stripe
 void SplitStreamClient.deliver(Stripe s, byte[] data)
          Is called when data is received on a stripe which this client has registered interest
 void SplitStreamClient.joinFailed(Stripe s)
          This is a call back into the application to notify it that one of the stripes was unable to to find a parent, and thus unable to recieve data.

Uses of Stripe in rice.p2p.splitstream.testing

Methods in rice.p2p.splitstream.testing that return Stripe
 Stripe[] MySplitStreamClient.getStripes()

Methods in rice.p2p.splitstream.testing with parameters of type Stripe
 void MySplitStreamClient.deliver(Stripe s, byte[] data)
 void MySplitStreamClient.joinFailed(Stripe s)
 void MySplitStreamClient.publish(byte[] b, Stripe s)

Uses of Stripe in rice.tutorial.splitstream

Methods in rice.tutorial.splitstream with parameters of type Stripe
 void MySplitStreamClient.deliver(Stripe s, byte[] data)
          Called whenever we receive a published message.
 void MySplitStreamClient.joinFailed(Stripe s)

Rice Pastry API

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