Rice Pastry API

Uses of Class

Packages that use RegrTestApp

Uses of RegrTestApp in rice.pastry.testing

Methods in rice.pastry.testing with parameters of type RegrTestApp
protected  void DirectPastryRegrTest.checkRoutingTable(RegrTestApp rta)
protected  void PastryRegrTest.checkRoutingTable(RegrTestApp rta)
          verify the correctness of the routing table
protected  void DirectPastryRegrTest.registerapp(PastryNode pn, RegrTestApp app)
          wire protocol specific handling of the application object e.g., RMI may launch a new thread
protected  void DistPastryRegrTest.registerapp(PastryNode pn, RegrTestApp app)
          wire protocol specific handling of the application object e.g., RMI may launch a new thread
protected abstract  void PastryRegrTest.registerapp(PastryNode pn, RegrTestApp app)
          wire protocol specific handling of the application object e.g., RMI may launch a new thread

Rice Pastry API

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