Merge branch 'damage_feed' of into damage_feed

This commit is contained in:
Steven Howard 2018-10-13 11:18:09 +01:00
commit 3c4bab5596
11 changed files with 481 additions and 451 deletions

@ -438,18 +438,18 @@ CMD:givexp( playerid, params [ ] )
return 1;
CMD:giveip( playerid, params [ ] )
CMD:givesxp( playerid, params [ ] )
if ( !IsPlayerAdmin( playerid ) || ! IsPlayerLeadMaintainer( playerid ) ) return 0;
else if ( sscanf( params, "ud", pID, ip ) ) SendUsage( playerid, "/giveip [PLAYER_ID] [IP_AMOUNT]" );
else if ( sscanf( params, "ud", pID, ip ) ) SendUsage( playerid, "/givesxp [PLAYER_ID] [IP_AMOUNT]" );
else if ( !IsPlayerConnected( pID ) ) SendError( playerid, "Invalid Player ID." );
GivePlayerIrresistiblePoints( pID, ip );
GivePlayerSeasonalXP( pID, ip );
//AddAdminLogLineFormatted( "%s(%d) has given %s(%d) %d IP", ReturnPlayerName( playerid ), playerid, ReturnPlayerName( pID ), pID, ip );
//SendClientMessageFormatted( pID, -1, ""COL_PINK"[ADMIN]{FFFFFF} %s(%d) has given you %d IP.", ReturnPlayerName( playerid ), playerid, ip );
//SendClientMessageFormatted( playerid, -1, ""COL_PINK"[ADMIN]{FFFFFF} You've given %s(%d) %d IP.", ReturnPlayerName( pID ), pID, ip );

@ -37,6 +37,12 @@ enum E_LEVEL_DATA {
Float: E_POINTS, E_NAME[ 32 ], E_MODEL,
static const
Float: EXP_MAX_PLAYER_LEVEL = 100.0;
@ -56,18 +62,33 @@ static const
{ "Drug Production", 10000.0, 6.0 }, // 10k exports drug related
{ "Mining", 1500.0, 3.0 } // 1,500 mining ores
g_seasonalRanks[ ] [ E_RANK_DATA ] =
{ 49860.3, "Elite V", 19780, COLOR_GOLD },
{ 27833.9, "Elite IV", 19782, COLOR_GOLD },
{ 15537.9, "Elite III", 19781, COLOR_GOLD },
{ 8673.88, "Elite II", 19784, COLOR_GOLD },
{ 4842.10, "Elite I", 19783, COLOR_GOLD },
{ 2703.04, "Silver V", 19780, COLOR_GREY },
{ 1508.94, "Silver IV", 19782, COLOR_GREY },
{ 842.365, "Silver III", 19781, COLOR_GREY },
{ 470.19, "Silver II", 19784, COLOR_GREY },
{ 262.5, "Silver I", 19783, COLOR_GREY },
{ 0.0, "unranked", 19300, COLOR_GREY }
/* ** Variables ** */
static stock
Float: g_playerExperience [ MAX_PLAYERS ] [ E_LEVELS ],
Float: p_seasonalXP [ MAX_PLAYERS ],
PlayerText: p_playerExpTitle [ MAX_PLAYERS ] = { PlayerText: INVALID_TEXT_DRAW, ... },
PlayerText: p_playerExpAwardTD [ MAX_PLAYERS ] = { PlayerText: INVALID_TEXT_DRAW, ... },
PlayerBar: p_playerExpProgress [ MAX_PLAYERS ],
p_playerExpHideTimer [ MAX_PLAYERS ] = { -1, ... }
/* ** Important ** */
@ -134,24 +155,48 @@ hook OnPlayerConnect( playerid )
// general reward
p_playerExpAwardTD[ playerid ] = CreatePlayerTextDraw( playerid,319.000000, 167.000000, "+20 XP" );
PlayerTextDrawAlignment( playerid,p_playerExpAwardTD[ playerid ], 2 );
PlayerTextDrawBackgroundColor( playerid,p_playerExpAwardTD[ playerid ], 255 );
PlayerTextDrawFont( playerid,p_playerExpAwardTD[ playerid ], 3 );
PlayerTextDrawLetterSize( playerid,p_playerExpAwardTD[ playerid ], 0.450000, 1.599999 );
PlayerTextDrawColor( playerid,p_playerExpAwardTD[ playerid ], COLOR_GOLD );
PlayerTextDrawSetOutline( playerid,p_playerExpAwardTD[ playerid ], 1 );
PlayerTextDrawSetProportional( playerid,p_playerExpAwardTD[ playerid ], 1 );
PlayerTextDrawSetSelectable( playerid,p_playerExpAwardTD[ playerid ], 0 );
PlayerTextDrawAlignment( playerid, p_playerExpAwardTD[ playerid ], 2 );
PlayerTextDrawBackgroundColor( playerid, p_playerExpAwardTD[ playerid ], 255 );
PlayerTextDrawFont( playerid, p_playerExpAwardTD[ playerid ], 3 );
PlayerTextDrawLetterSize( playerid, p_playerExpAwardTD[ playerid ], 0.450000, 1.599999 );
PlayerTextDrawColor( playerid, p_playerExpAwardTD[ playerid ], COLOR_GOLD );
PlayerTextDrawSetOutline( playerid, p_playerExpAwardTD[ playerid ], 1 );
PlayerTextDrawSetProportional( playerid, p_playerExpAwardTD[ playerid ], 1 );
PlayerTextDrawSetSelectable( playerid, p_playerExpAwardTD[ playerid ], 0 );
return 1;
hook OnPlayerDisconnect( playerid, reason ) {
hook OnPlayerDisconnect( playerid, reason )
p_seasonalXP[ playerid ] = 0.0;
// reset levels
for ( new l = 0; l < sizeof ( g_levelData ); l ++ ) {
g_playerExperience[ playerid ] [ E_LEVELS: l ] = 0;
return 1;
hook OnPlayerMovieMode( playerid, bool: toggled )
if ( toggled )
TextDrawShowForPlayer( playerid, g_CurrentRankTD );
TextDrawShowForPlayer( playerid, g_currentXPTD );
PlayerTextDrawShow( playerid, p_ExperienceTD[ playerid ] );
ShowPlayerIrresistibleRank( playerid );
TextDrawHideForPlayer( playerid, g_CurrentRankTD );
TextDrawHideForPlayer( playerid, g_currentXPTD );
PlayerTextDrawHide( playerid, p_ExperienceTD[ playerid ] );
PlayerTextDrawHide( playerid, p_PlayerRankTD[ playerid ] );
PlayerTextDrawHide( playerid, p_PlayerRankTextTD[ playerid ] );
return 1;
/* ** Commands ** */
CMD:experience( playerid, params[ ] ) return cmd_level( playerid, params );
CMD:levels( playerid, params[ ] ) return cmd_level( playerid, params );
@ -186,6 +231,22 @@ CMD:level( playerid, params[ ] )
return ShowPlayerDialog( playerid, DIALOG_VIEW_LEVEL, DIALOG_STYLE_TABLIST_HEADERS, sprintf( "{FFFFFF}%s's Level - Total Level %d", ReturnPlayerName( watchingid ), player_total_lvl ), szLargeString, "Refresh", "Close" );
CMD:rank( playerid, params[ ] )
if ( sscanf( params, "u", watchingid ) )
watchingid = playerid;
if ( !IsPlayerConnected( watchingid ) )
watchingid = playerid;
format( szBigString, 196, "SELECT uo.NAME, (SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT ui.`SCORE`) FROM `USERS` ui WHERE ui.`SCORE` >= uo.`SCORE`) AS `GLOBAL_RANK` FROM `USERS` uo WHERE `ID`=%d", p_AccountID[ watchingid ] );
mysql_function_query( dbHandle, szBigString, true, "currentUserRank", "ii", playerid, watchingid );
return 1;
/* ** SQL Threads ** */
thread Experience_OnLoad( playerid )
@ -208,6 +269,25 @@ thread Experience_OnLoad( playerid )
return 1;
thread currentUserRank( playerid, watchingid )
cache_get_data( rows, tmpVariable );
if ( rows )
iGroupedRank = GetPlayerRank( watchingid ),
iGlobalRank = cache_get_field_content_int( 0, "GLOBAL_RANK", dbHandle )
SendServerMessage( playerid, "%s(%d) is grouped in {%06x}%s"COL_WHITE" and is globally "COL_GREY"#%d"COL_WHITE".", ReturnPlayerName( watchingid ), watchingid, g_seasonalRanks[ iGroupedRank ] [ E_COLOR ] >>> 8, g_seasonalRanks[ iGroupedRank ] [ E_NAME ], iGlobalRank );
else SendError( playerid, "Couldn't find a rank for this user, try again later." );
return 1;
/* ** Functions ** */
stock GivePlayerExperience( playerid, E_LEVELS: level, Float: default_xp = 1.0, bool: with_dilation = true )
@ -239,6 +319,9 @@ stock GivePlayerExperience( playerid, E_LEVELS: level, Float: default_xp = 1.0,
SetPlayerProgressBarValue( playerid, p_playerExpProgress[ playerid ], progress );
// seasonal
GivePlayerSeasonalXP( playerid, xp_earned );
// alert user
KillTimer( p_playerExpHideTimer[ playerid ] );
PlayerTextDrawColor( playerid, p_playerExpTitle[ playerid ], g_levelData[ _: level ] [ E_COLOUR ] );
@ -274,6 +357,105 @@ stock GetPlayerTotalLevel( playerid, &level = 0 ) {
return level;
stock GetRankFromXP( Float: xp ) {
for( iRank = 0; iRank < sizeof( g_seasonalRanks ); iRank++ )
if ( xp >= g_seasonalRanks[ iRank ] [ E_POINTS ] )
return iRank;
stock GetPlayerRank( playerid ) {
return GetRankFromXP( p_seasonalXP[ playerid ] );
stock ShowPlayerIrresistibleRank( playerid )
iRank = GetPlayerRank( playerid );
PlayerTextDrawColor( playerid, p_PlayerRankTextTD[ playerid ], g_seasonalRanks[ iRank ] [ E_COLOR ] );
PlayerTextDrawSetString( playerid, p_PlayerRankTextTD[ playerid ], g_seasonalRanks[ iRank ] [ E_NAME ] );
PlayerTextDrawColor( playerid, p_PlayerRankTD[ playerid ], g_seasonalRanks[ iRank ] [ E_COLOR ] );
PlayerTextDrawSetPreviewModel( playerid, p_PlayerRankTD[ playerid ], g_seasonalRanks[ iRank ] [ E_MODEL ] );
PlayerTextDrawShow( playerid, p_PlayerRankTD[ playerid ] );
PlayerTextDrawShow( playerid, p_PlayerRankTextTD[ playerid ] );
stock GivePlayerSeasonalXP( playerid, Float: default_xp )
new Float: previous_season_xp = p_seasonalXP[ playerid ];
new Float: current_season_xp = previous_season_xp + default_xp;
// default 0
if ( current_season_xp < 0.0 )
current_season_xp = 0.0;
new Float: upper_limit = g_seasonalRanks[ 0 ] [ E_POINTS ] + 500.0;
// so that the player has a chance to be deranked
if ( current_season_xp > upper_limit )
current_season_xp = upper_limit;
for( new iRank = 0; iRank < sizeof( g_seasonalRanks ); iRank++ )
new bGained = ( previous_season_xp < g_seasonalRanks[ iRank ] [ E_POINTS ] <= current_season_xp );
new bLost = ( current_season_xp < g_seasonalRanks[ iRank ] [ E_POINTS ] <= previous_season_xp );
if ( bGained || bLost )
if ( bGained )
SendServerMessage( playerid, "Congratulations, your grouped ranking has been increased to {%06x}%s"COL_WHITE"!", g_seasonalRanks[ iRank ] [ E_COLOR ] >>> 8, g_seasonalRanks[ iRank ] [ E_NAME ] );
PlayerTextDrawColor( playerid, p_PlayerRankTextTD[ playerid ], g_seasonalRanks[ iRank ] [ E_COLOR ] );
PlayerTextDrawSetString( playerid, p_PlayerRankTextTD[ playerid ], g_seasonalRanks[ iRank ] [ E_NAME ] );
PlayerTextDrawColor( playerid, p_PlayerRankTD[ playerid ], g_seasonalRanks[ iRank ] [ E_COLOR ] );
PlayerTextDrawSetPreviewModel( playerid, p_PlayerRankTD[ playerid ], g_seasonalRanks[ iRank ] [ E_MODEL ] );
if ( bLost )
SendServerMessage( playerid, "Sorry, your grouped ranking has decreased to {%06x}%s"COL_WHITE"!", g_seasonalRanks[ iRank + 1 ] [ E_COLOR ] >>> 8, g_seasonalRanks[ iRank + 1 ] [ E_NAME ] );
PlayerTextDrawColor( playerid, p_PlayerRankTextTD[ playerid ], g_seasonalRanks[ iRank + 1 ] [ E_COLOR ] );
PlayerTextDrawSetString( playerid, p_PlayerRankTextTD[ playerid ], g_seasonalRanks[ iRank + 1 ] [ E_NAME ] );
PlayerTextDrawColor( playerid, p_PlayerRankTD[ playerid ], g_seasonalRanks[ iRank + 1 ] [ E_COLOR ] );
PlayerTextDrawSetPreviewModel( playerid, p_PlayerRankTD[ playerid ], g_seasonalRanks[ iRank + 1 ] [ E_MODEL ] );
PlayerTextDrawShow( playerid, p_PlayerRankTD[ playerid ] );
PlayerTextDrawShow( playerid, p_PlayerRankTextTD[ playerid ] );
//printf( "%s: %f points", ReturnPlayerName( playerid ), current_season_xp );
p_seasonalXP[ playerid ] = current_season_xp;
// save to database
mysql_single_query( sprintf( "UPDATE `USERS` SET `RANK` = %f WHERE `ID` = %d", current_season_xp, GetPlayerAccountID( playerid ) ) );
stock GetSeasonalRankName( rankid ) {
return g_seasonalRanks[ rankid ] [ E_NAME ];
stock GetSeasonalRankColour( rankid ) {
return g_seasonalRanks[ rankid ] [ E_COLOR ];
stock SetPlayerSeasonalXP( playerid, Float: seasonal_xp ) {
p_seasonalXP[ playerid ] = seasonal_xp;
/* ** Migrations ** */
@ -296,4 +478,4 @@ stock GetPlayerTotalLevel( playerid, &level = 0 ) {

@ -1159,7 +1159,7 @@ hook OnPlayerDisconnect( playerid, reason )
members = 0;
GetOnlineBusinessAssociates( playerid, members, playerid );
GetOnlineBusinessAssociates( businessid, members, playerid );
// printf ("%d online players for business %d, stopping mission?", members, businessid );
if ( members <= 0 ) {

@ -11,17 +11,20 @@
/* ** Definitions ** */
#define MAX_FIRES ( 10 )
/* ** Variables ** */
static stock
g_fireData [ MAX_FIRES ] [ E_FIRE_DATA ],
p_FireDistanceTimer [ MAX_PLAYERS ] = { -1, ... },
bool: fire_toggled = false
Iterator: fires < MAX_FIRES >,
p_FireTracker [ MAX_PLAYERS char ]
/* ** Forwards ** */
@ -55,48 +58,45 @@ hook OnPlayerUpdateEx( playerid )
if ( p_Class[ playerid ] == CLASS_FIREMAN && ( iKeys & KEY_FIRE ) || ( iKeys & KEY_WALK ) )
iVehicle = GetPlayerVehicleID( playerid );
using_firetruck = GetVehicleModel( GetPlayerVehicleID( playerid ) ) == 407;
if ( GetPlayerWeapon( playerid ) == 42 || GetVehicleModel( iVehicle ) == 407 )
if ( GetPlayerWeapon( playerid ) == 42 || using_firetruck )
for( new i = 0; i < sizeof( g_fireData ); i ++ ) if ( g_fireData[ i ] [ E_CREATED ] )
foreach ( new i : fires )
Float: fX, Float: fY, Float: fZ;
if ( GetDynamicObjectPos( g_fireData[ i ] [ E_OBJECT ], fX, fY, fZ ) )
// add a bit of height cause of the fire
fZ += 2.3;
if ( IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint( playerid, ( GetVehicleModel( iVehicle ) == 407 ? 25.0 : 10.0 ), fX, fY, fZ ) )
// check if range of point
if ( IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint( playerid, ( using_firetruck ? 30.0 : 10.0 ), fX, fY, fZ ) )
if ( IsPlayerAimingAt( playerid, fX, fY, fZ, ( GetVehicleModel( iVehicle ) == 407 ? 3.0 : 1.0 ) ) )
if ( IsPlayerAimingAt( playerid, fX, fY, fZ, ( using_firetruck ? 3.5 : 1.0 ) ) )
if ( g_fireData[ i ] [ E_HEALTH ] > 0.0 )
if ( ( g_fireData[ i ] [ E_HEALTH ] -= GetVehicleModel( iVehicle ) == 407 ? ( 2.85 + fRandomEx( 1.0, 5.0 ) ) : ( 1.25 + fRandomEx( 1.0, 5.0 ) ) ) < 0.0 )
g_fireData[ i ] [ E_HEALTH ] = 0.0;
UpdateDynamic3DTextLabelText( g_fireData[ i ] [ E_LABEL ], COLOR_YELLOW, sprintf( "%0.1f", g_fireData[ i ] [ E_HEALTH ] ) );
Float: removed_health = ( 2.5 + fRandomEx( 1.0, 5.0 ) ) * ( using_firetruck ? 2.5 : 1.0 );
if ( ( g_fireData[ i ] [ E_HEALTH ] -= removed_health ) < 0.0 ) {
g_fireData[ i ] [ E_HEALTH ] = 0.0;
UpdateDynamic3DTextLabelText( g_fireData[ i ] [ E_LABEL ], 0xA83434FF, sprintf( "House Fire %0.1f%", g_fireData[ i ] [ E_HEALTH ] ) );
if ( g_fireData[ i ] [ E_HEALTH ] <= 0.0 )
ach_HandleExtinguishedFires( playerid );
SendClientMessageToFireman( -1, "{A83434}[FIREMAN]{FFFFFF} %s(%d) has extinguished house fire %d.", ReturnPlayerName( playerid ), playerid, i );
SendClientMessageToFireman( -1, "{A83434}[FIREMAN]"COL_WHITE" %s(%d) has earned "COL_GOLD"%s"COL_WHITE" for extinguishing a house fire.", ReturnPlayerName( playerid ), playerid, cash_format( FIRE_EXTINGUISH_PAYOUT ) );
GivePlayerScore( playerid, 2 );
//GivePlayerExperience( playerid, E_FIREMAN );
GivePlayerCash( playerid, 5000 );
g_fireData[ i ] [ E_CREATED ] = false;
g_fireData[ i ] [ E_HOUSE ] = -1;
DestroyDynamicObject( g_fireData[ i ] [ E_OBJECT ] );
g_fireData[ i ] [ E_OBJECT ] = INVALID_OBJECT_ID;
DestroyDynamic3DTextLabel( g_fireData[ i ] [ E_LABEL ] );
g_fireData[ i ] [ E_LABEL ] = Text3D: INVALID_3DTEXT_ID;
g_fireData[ i ] [ E_HEALTH ] = 0.0;
UpdateDynamic3DTextLabelText( g_fireData[ i ] [ E_LABEL ], COLOR_YELLOW, sprintf( "%0.1f", g_fireData[ i ] [ E_HEALTH ] ) );
GivePlayerCash( playerid, FIRE_EXTINGUISH_PAYOUT );
HouseFire_Remove( i );
return 1;
@ -106,74 +106,140 @@ hook OnPlayerUpdateEx( playerid )
return 1;
hook OnServerUpdate( )
// create fires if there are no fires existing and houses available
if ( ! Iter_Count( fires ) && Iter_Count( houses ) ) {
HouseFire_Create( );
return 1;
hook OnServerGameDayEnd( )
HouseFire_Create( );
return 1;
hook OnPlayerDriveVehicle( playerid, vehicleid )
modelid = GetVehicleModel( vehicleid );
if ( modelid == 407 ) {
ShowPlayerHelpDialog( playerid, 2500, "You can see where fires are using ~g~/fires" );
return 1;
/* ** Commands ** */
CMD:firetracker( playerid, params[ ] )
CMD:firetracker( playerid, params[ ] ) cmd_fires( playerid, params );
CMD:fires( playerid, params[ ] )
if ( p_Class[ playerid ] != CLASS_FIREMAN )
return SendError( playerid, "You are not a fireman." );
if ( p_FireDistanceTimer[ playerid ] != -1 )
return StopPlayerFireTracker( playerid ), SendServerMessage( playerid, "You have turned off your fire tracker." );
p_FireTracker{ playerid } = ! p_FireTracker{ playerid };
KillTimer( p_FireDistanceTimer[ playerid ] );
p_FireDistanceTimer[ playerid ] = SetTimerEx( "OnPlayerFireDistanceUpdate", 1000, true, "d", playerid );
SendServerMessage( playerid, "Find the fires and extinguish them." );
return 1;
stock StopPlayerFireTracker( playerid )
KillTimer( p_FireDistanceTimer[ playerid ] );
p_FireDistanceTimer[ playerid ] = -1;
PlayerTextDrawHide( playerid, p_FireDistance1[ playerid ] );
PlayerTextDrawHide( playerid, p_FireDistance2[ playerid ] );
return 1;
/* ** Functions ** */
stock CreateFire( )
if ( fire_toggled )
if ( p_FireTracker{ playerid } )
for ( new i = 0; i < sizeof( g_fireData ); i ++ ) if ( g_fireData[ i ] [ E_CREATED ] == true )
g_fireData[ i ] [ E_CREATED ] = false;
g_fireData[ i ] [ E_HOUSE ] = -1;
DestroyDynamicObject( g_fireData[ i ] [ E_OBJECT ] );
g_fireData[ i ] [ E_OBJECT ] = INVALID_OBJECT_ID;
DestroyDynamic3DTextLabel( g_fireData[ i ] [ E_LABEL ] );
g_fireData[ i ] [ E_LABEL ] = Text3D: INVALID_3DTEXT_ID;
fire_toggled = false;
CreateFire( );
UpdatePlayerFireTracker( playerid );
return SendServerMessage( playerid, "All house fires are now in your minimap as red markers." );
Float: X, Float: Y, Float: Z;
StopPlayerFireTracker( playerid );
return SendServerMessage( playerid, "You have hidden all the fires from your radar." );
for ( new i = 0; i < sizeof( g_fireData ); i ++ )
house = GetRandomCreatedHouse( );
/* ** Functions ** */
stock HouseFire_Create( )
// create house house fires for random homes
for ( new fireid = 0; fireid < MAX_FIRES; fireid ++ ) if ( ! Iter_Contains( fires, fireid ) )
houseid = HouseFire_GetRandomHome( );
if ( Iter_Contains( houses, house ) )
GetHousePos( house, X, Y, Z );
g_fireData[ i ] [ E_HEALTH ] = 100.0 + fRandomEx( 1, 25 );
g_fireData[ i ] [ E_HOUSE ] = house;
g_fireData[ i ] [ E_CREATED ] = true;
g_fireData[ i ] [ E_LABEL ] = CreateDynamic3DTextLabel( sprintf( "%0.1f", g_fireData[ i ] [ E_HEALTH ] ), COLOR_YELLOW, X, Y, Z + 0.5, 20.0, INVALID_PLAYER_ID, INVALID_VEHICLE_ID, 0, -1 );
g_fireData[ i ] [ E_OBJECT ] = CreateDynamicObject( 18691, X, Y, Z - 2.3, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
if ( Iter_Contains( houses, houseid ) )
Float: X, Float: Y, Float: Z;
GetHousePos( houseid, X, Y, Z );
g_fireData[ fireid ] [ E_HEALTH ] = 100.0 + fRandomEx( 1, 25 );
g_fireData[ fireid ] [ E_HOUSE ] = houseid;
g_fireData[ fireid ] [ E_LABEL ] = CreateDynamic3DTextLabel( sprintf( "House Fire %0.1f%", g_fireData[ fireid ] [ E_HEALTH ] ), 0xA83434FF, X, Y, Z + 0.5, 20.0, INVALID_PLAYER_ID, INVALID_VEHICLE_ID, 0, -1 );
g_fireData[ fireid ] [ E_OBJECT ] = CreateDynamicObject( 18691, X, Y, Z - 2.3, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
// fire map icons
g_fireData[ fireid ] [ E_MAP_ICON ] = CreateDynamicMapIcon( X, Y, Z, 0, 0xA83434FF, -1, -1, 0, 6000.0, MAPICON_GLOBAL );
Streamer_RemoveArrayData( STREAMER_TYPE_MAP_ICON, g_fireData[ fireid ] [ E_MAP_ICON ], E_STREAMER_PLAYER_ID, 0 );
Iter_Add( fires, fireid );
fire_toggled = true;
// show on radar when it is created
foreach ( new playerid : Player ) if ( GetPlayerClass( playerid ) == CLASS_FIREMAN && p_FireTracker{ playerid } ) {
UpdatePlayerFireTracker( playerid );
return 1;
stock HouseFire_Remove( fireid )
DestroyDynamicObject( g_fireData[ fireid ] [ E_OBJECT ] );
g_fireData[ fireid ] [ E_OBJECT ] = INVALID_OBJECT_ID;
DestroyDynamic3DTextLabel( g_fireData[ fireid ] [ E_LABEL ] );
g_fireData[ fireid ] [ E_LABEL ] = Text3D: INVALID_3DTEXT_ID;
DestroyDynamicMapIcon( g_fireData[ fireid ] [ E_MAP_ICON ] );
g_fireData[ fireid ] [ E_MAP_ICON ] = -1;
Iter_Remove( fires, fireid );
return 1;
stock HouseFire_GetRandomHome( )
if ( ! Iter_Count( houses ) ) {
return -1;
static szCity[ MAX_ZONE_NAME ];
new ignoredHomes[ MAX_HOUSES ] = { -1, ... };
// first find homes to ignore
for ( new i = 0; i < MAX_HOUSES; i ++ )
// Avoid Hills / Avoid V.I.P or Clan Homes
if ( ! Iter_Contains( houses, i ) || g_houseData[ i ] [ E_EZ ] > 300.0 || g_houseData[ i ] [ E_COST ] < 500000 ) {
ignoredHomes[ i ] = i;
// check for house fire
if ( IsHouseOnFire( i ) ) {
ignoredHomes[ i ] = i;
// San Fierro only
Get2DCity( szCity, g_houseData[ i ] [ E_EX ], g_houseData[ i ] [ E_EY ], g_houseData[ i ] [ E_EZ ] );
if ( ! strmatch( szCity, "San Fierro" ) ) {
ignoredHomes[ i ] = i;
random_home = randomExcept( ignoredHomes, sizeof( ignoredHomes ) );
// apparently 'safer' to return value from variable
return random_home;
stock IsHouseOnFire( houseid )
if ( houseid < 0 || houseid > MAX_HOUSES )
@ -182,45 +248,111 @@ stock IsHouseOnFire( houseid )
if ( ! Iter_Contains( houses, houseid ) )
return 0;
for( new i, Float: X, Float: Y, Float: Z; i < sizeof( g_fireData ); i++ )
Float: X, Float: Y, Float: Z, Float: HX, Float: HY;
foreach ( new fireid : fires )
if ( g_fireData[ i ] [ E_CREATED ] )
GetDynamicObjectPos( g_fireData[ i ] [ E_OBJECT ], X, Y, Z ); // Z is unused due to the object.
if ( g_houseData[ houseid ] [ E_EX ] == X && g_houseData[ houseid ] [ E_EY ] == Y )
return 1;
GetDynamicObjectPos( g_fireData[ fireid ] [ E_OBJECT ], X, Y, Z ); // Z is unused due to the object.
GetHousePos( houseid, HX, HY, Z );
if ( HX == X && HY == Y )
return 1;
return 0;
function OnPlayerFireDistanceUpdate( playerid )
stock UpdatePlayerFireTracker( playerid )
Float: X, Float: Y, Float: Z, Float: dis,
szFire1[ 128 ], szFire2[ 128 ]
for( new i; i < sizeof( g_fireData ); i++ )
GetDynamicObjectPos( g_fireData[ i ] [ E_OBJECT ], X, Y, Z );
dis = GetPlayerDistanceFromPoint( playerid, X, Y, Z );
if ( i < floatround( sizeof( g_fireData ) / 2 ) )
if ( g_fireData[ i ] [ E_CREATED ] == false ) format( szFire1, sizeof( szFire1 ), "%s~r~FIRE %d:%s ~g~Stopped~n~", szFire1, i,i==1?(" "):("") );
else format( szFire1, sizeof( szFire1 ), "%s~r~FIRE %d:%s~w~ %0.0f m~n~", szFire1, i,i==1?("_"):(""), dis );
if ( g_fireData[ i ] [ E_CREATED ] == false ) format( szFire2, sizeof( szFire2 ), "%s~r~FIRE %d:%s ~g~Stopped~n~", szFire2, i,i==1?(" "):("") );
else format( szFire2, sizeof( szFire2 ), "%s~r~FIRE %d:%s~w~ %0.0f m~n~", szFire2, i,i==1?("_"):(""), dis );
// add player to map icon list
foreach ( new fireid : fires ) {
Streamer_AppendArrayData( STREAMER_TYPE_MAP_ICON, g_fireData[ fireid ] [ E_MAP_ICON ], E_STREAMER_PLAYER_ID, playerid );
PlayerTextDrawSetString( playerid, p_FireDistance1[ playerid ], szFire1 );
PlayerTextDrawSetString( playerid, p_FireDistance2[ playerid ], szFire2 );
PlayerTextDrawShow( playerid, p_FireDistance1[ playerid ] );
PlayerTextDrawShow( playerid, p_FireDistance2[ playerid ] );
return 1;
stock StopPlayerFireTracker( playerid )
// remove player from map icon list
foreach ( new fireid : fires ) if ( Streamer_IsInArrayData( STREAMER_TYPE_MAP_ICON, g_fireData[ fireid ] [ E_MAP_ICON ], E_STREAMER_PLAYER_ID, playerid ) ) {
Streamer_RemoveArrayData( STREAMER_TYPE_MAP_ICON, g_fireData[ fireid ] [ E_MAP_ICON ], E_STREAMER_PLAYER_ID, playerid );
// reset firetracker
p_FireTracker{ playerid } = false;
return 1;
stock Float: GetPointAngleToPoint( Float: x2, Float: y2, Float: X, Float: Y )
new Float: DX, Float: DY;
new Float: angle;
DX = floatabs( floatsub( x2, X ) );
DY = floatabs( floatsub( y2, Y ) );
if ( DY == 0.0 || DX == 0.0 )
if ( DY == 0 && DX > 0 ) angle = 0.0;
else if ( DY == 0 && DX < 0 ) angle = 180.0;
else if ( DY > 0 && DX == 0 ) angle = 90.0;
else if ( DY < 0 && DX == 0 ) angle = 270.0;
else if ( DY == 0 && DX == 0 ) angle = 0.0;
angle = atan( DX / DY );
if ( X > x2 && Y <= y2 ) angle += 90.0;
else if ( X <= x2 && Y < y2 ) angle = floatsub( 90.0, angle );
else if ( X < x2 && Y >= y2 ) angle -= 90.0;
else if ( X >= x2 && Y > y2 ) angle = floatsub( 270.0, angle );
return floatadd( angle, 90.0 );
stock Float: DistanceCameraTargetToLocation(Float:CamX, Float:CamY, Float:CamZ, Float:ObjX, Float:ObjY, Float:ObjZ, Float:FrX, Float:FrY, Float:FrZ) {
new Float: TGTDistance;
TGTDistance = floatsqroot( ( CamX - ObjX) * ( CamX - ObjX ) + ( CamY - ObjY ) * ( CamY - ObjY ) + ( CamZ - ObjZ ) * ( CamZ - ObjZ ) );
new Float: tmpX, Float: tmpY, Float: tmpZ;
tmpX = FrX * TGTDistance + CamX;
tmpY = FrY * TGTDistance + CamY;
tmpZ = FrZ * TGTDistance + CamZ;
return floatsqroot( ( tmpX - ObjX ) * ( tmpX - ObjX ) + ( tmpY - ObjY ) * ( tmpY - ObjY ) + ( tmpZ - ObjZ ) * ( tmpZ - ObjZ ) );
stock IsPlayerAimingAt( playerid, Float: x, Float: y, Float: z, Float: radius ) // forgot who made this
new Float: camera_x, Float: camera_y, Float: camera_z;
new Float: vector_x, Float: vector_y, Float: vector_z;
GetPlayerCameraPos( playerid, camera_x, camera_y, camera_z );
GetPlayerCameraFrontVector( playerid, vector_x, vector_y, vector_z );
new Float: vertical, Float: horizontal;
switch ( GetPlayerWeapon( playerid ) )
case 34, 35, 36: return DistanceCameraTargetToLocation( camera_x, camera_y, camera_z, x, y, z, vector_x, vector_y, vector_z ) < radius;
case 30, 31: vertical = 4.0, horizontal = -1.6;
case 33: vertical = 2.7, horizontal = -1.0;
default: vertical = 6.0, horizontal = -2.2;
new Float: angle = GetPointAngleToPoint( 0, 0, floatsqroot( vector_x * vector_x + vector_y * vector_y ), vector_z ) - 270.0;
new Float: resize_x, Float: resize_y, Float: resize_z = floatsin( angle + vertical, degrees );
GetXYInFrontOfPoint( resize_x, resize_y, GetPointAngleToPoint( 0, 0, vector_x, vector_y ) + horizontal, floatcos( angle + vertical, degrees ) );
return DistanceCameraTargetToLocation(camera_x, camera_y, camera_z, x, y, z, resize_x, resize_y, resize_z) < radius;
stock GetXYInFrontOfPoint( &Float: x, &Float: y, Float: angle, Float: distance ) {
x += ( distance * floatsin( -angle, degrees ) );
y += ( distance * floatcos( -angle, degrees ) );

@ -620,9 +620,6 @@ thread OnHouseLoad( )
SetHouseOwner( houseid, 1, "Lorenc" );
// The server crashes when the fires aren't correctly loaded.
CreateFire( );
return 1;

@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ public OnMethamphetamineCooking( playerid, vehicleid, last_chemical )
ShowPlayerHelpDialog( playerid, 5000, "The process is done. Bag it up and do another round if you wish." );
SendServerMessage( playerid, "Process is done. Bag it up, and do another round if you wish. Export it for money." );
GivePlayerWantedLevel( playerid, 12 );
GivePlayerScore( playerid, 3, .multiplier = 0.30 );
GivePlayerScore( playerid, 3 );
ach_HandleMethYielded( playerid );
SetGVarInt( "meth_yield", CreateDynamicObject( 1579, 2083.684082, 1233.945922, 414.875244, 0.000000, 0.000000, 90.000000, GetPlayerVirtualWorld( playerid ) ), vehicleid );
PlayerPlaySound( playerid, 1057, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );

@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ hook OnPlayerKeyStateChange( playerid, newkeys, oldkeys ) {
player_vehicle = GetPlayerVehicleID( playerid );
if ( PRESSED( KEY_AIM ) && player_vehicle && GetPlayerClass( playerid ) == CLASS_POLICE && p_inFBI{ playerid } )
if ( PRESSED( KEY_CROUCH ) && player_vehicle && GetPlayerClass( playerid ) == CLASS_POLICE && p_inFBI{ playerid } )
vehicle_model = GetVehicleModel( player_vehicle );
@ -224,3 +224,6 @@ stock ClearPlayerSpikeStrips( playerid, bool: distance_check = true )
return 1;
stock encode_tires( tires1, tires2, tires3, tires4 )
return tires1 | (tires2 << 1) | (tires3 << 2) | (tires4 << 3);

@ -209,7 +209,6 @@ new
p_TrainMissions [ MAX_PLAYERS ],
p_KidnapImmunity [ MAX_PLAYERS ],
p_GangSplitProfits [ MAX_PLAYERS ],
Float: p_IrresistiblePoints [ MAX_PLAYERS ],
p_SafeHelperTimer [ MAX_PLAYERS ] = { -1, ... },
p_HouseOfferer [ MAX_PLAYERS ],
p_HouseOfferTicks [ MAX_PLAYERS ],

@ -46,9 +46,7 @@ new
PlayerText: p_TruckingTD [ MAX_PLAYERS ] = { PlayerText: INVALID_TEXT_DRAW, ... },
PlayerText: p_TrackPlayerTD [ MAX_PLAYERS ] = { PlayerText: INVALID_TEXT_DRAW, ... },
PlayerText: p_GPSInformation [ MAX_PLAYERS ] = { PlayerText: INVALID_TEXT_DRAW, ... },
PlayerText: p_AchievementTD [ MAX_PLAYERS ] = { PlayerText: INVALID_TEXT_DRAW, ... },
PlayerText: p_FireDistance1 [ MAX_PLAYERS ] = { PlayerText: INVALID_TEXT_DRAW, ... },
PlayerText: p_FireDistance2 [ MAX_PLAYERS ] = { PlayerText: INVALID_TEXT_DRAW, ... }
PlayerText: p_AchievementTD [ MAX_PLAYERS ] = { PlayerText: INVALID_TEXT_DRAW, ... }
/* ** Hooks ** */
@ -516,22 +514,6 @@ hook OnPlayerConnect( playerid )
PlayerTextDrawSetOutline(playerid, p_RobberyAmountTD[ playerid ], 1);
PlayerTextDrawSetProportional(playerid, p_RobberyAmountTD[ playerid ], 1);
PlayerTextDrawSetSelectable(playerid, p_RobberyAmountTD[ playerid ], 0);
p_FireDistance1[ playerid ] = CreatePlayerTextDraw(playerid, 26.000000, 182.000000, "_");
PlayerTextDrawBackgroundColor(playerid, p_FireDistance1[ playerid ], 255);
PlayerTextDrawFont(playerid, p_FireDistance1[ playerid ], 2);
PlayerTextDrawLetterSize(playerid, p_FireDistance1[ playerid ], 0.210000, 1.200000);
PlayerTextDrawColor(playerid, p_FireDistance1[ playerid ], -1);
PlayerTextDrawSetOutline(playerid, p_FireDistance1[ playerid ], 1);
PlayerTextDrawSetProportional(playerid, p_FireDistance1[ playerid ], 1);
p_FireDistance2[ playerid ] = CreatePlayerTextDraw(playerid, 26.000000, 236.000000, "_");
PlayerTextDrawBackgroundColor(playerid, p_FireDistance2[ playerid ], 255);
PlayerTextDrawFont(playerid, p_FireDistance2[ playerid ], 2);
PlayerTextDrawLetterSize(playerid, p_FireDistance2[ playerid ], 0.209999, 1.200000);
PlayerTextDrawColor(playerid, p_FireDistance2[ playerid ], -1);
PlayerTextDrawSetOutline(playerid, p_FireDistance2[ playerid ], 1);
PlayerTextDrawSetProportional(playerid, p_FireDistance2[ playerid ], 1);

@ -342,28 +342,6 @@ new
/* ** Rank System ** */
Float: E_POINTS, E_NAME[ 32 ], E_MODEL,
stock const
g_aPlayerRanks[ ] [ E_RANK_DATA ] =
{ 11871.5, "Elite V", 19780, COLOR_GOLD },
{ 6627.13, "Elite IV", 19782, COLOR_GOLD },
{ 3699.51, "Elite III", 19781, COLOR_GOLD },
{ 2065.21, "Elite II", 19784, COLOR_GOLD },
{ 1152.88, "Elite I", 19783, COLOR_GOLD },
{ 643.581, "Silver V", 19780, COLOR_GREY },
{ 359.271, "Silver IV", 19782, COLOR_GREY },
{ 200.563, "Silver III", 19781, COLOR_GREY },
{ 111.95, "Silver II", 19784, COLOR_GREY },
{ 62.5, "Silver I", 19783, COLOR_GREY },
{ 0.0, "unranked", 19300, COLOR_GREY }
/* ** Race System ** */
#define MAX_RACES ( 32 )
@ -1435,7 +1413,6 @@ public ZoneTimer( )
g_WorldDayCount = ( g_WorldDayCount == 6 ? 0 : g_WorldDayCount + 1 );
TextDrawSetString( g_WorldDayTD, GetDayToString( g_WorldDayCount ) );
CreateFire( );
RenewWeed( );
PlayerPlaceRandomHits( );
@ -1572,7 +1549,7 @@ public ZoneTimer( )
if ( IsPlayerSpawned( d ) && ! IsPlayerAFK( d ) && p_Class[ d ] == CLASS_CIVILIAN && p_GangID[ d ] == attacker_gang && ! IsPlayerInPaintBall( d ) ) {
if ( in_area ) {
GivePlayerScore( d, 2, .multiplier = 0.5 );
GivePlayerScore( d, 2 );
GivePlayerWantedLevel( d, 6 );
PlayerPlaySound( d, 36205, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
@ -1725,8 +1702,6 @@ public OnPlayerRequestClass( playerid, classid )
TextDrawHideForPlayer( playerid, g_CurrentRankTD );
TextDrawHideForPlayer( playerid, g_currentXPTD );
TextDrawHideForPlayer( playerid, g_DoubleXPTD );
PlayerTextDrawHide( playerid, p_FireDistance1[ playerid ] );
PlayerTextDrawHide( playerid, p_FireDistance2[ playerid ] );
p_MoneyBag{ playerid } = false;
RemovePlayerAttachedObject( playerid, 1 );
@ -2250,7 +2225,6 @@ public OnPlayerDisconnect( playerid, reason )
p_GangSplitProfits[ playerid ] = 0;
p_IrresistibleCoins[ playerid ] = 0.0;
p_QuitToAvoidTimestamp[ playerid ] = 0;
p_IrresistiblePoints[ playerid ] = 0.0;
p_AntiExportCarSpam[ playerid ] = 0;
p_TruckedCargo[ playerid ] = 0;
p_PilotMissions[ playerid ] = 0;
@ -2691,12 +2665,12 @@ public OnPlayerWeaponShot( playerid, weaponid, hittype, hitid, Float: fX, Float:
// Explosive Bullets
if ( hittype != BULLET_HIT_TYPE_OBJECT ) {
CreateExplosiveBullet( playerid );
CreateExplosiveBullet( playerid, hittype, hitid );
return 1;
stock CreateExplosiveBullet( playerid ) {
stock CreateExplosiveBullet( playerid, hittype = BULLET_HIT_TYPE_OBJECT, hitid = INVALID_OBJECT_ID ) {
if ( IsPlayerInCasino( playerid ) || IsPlayerInPaintBall( playerid ) || IsPlayerInEvent( playerid ) || IsPlayerInMinigame( playerid ) )
@ -2706,8 +2680,14 @@ stock CreateExplosiveBullet( playerid ) {
static Float: fromX, Float: fromY, Float: fromZ;
static Float: toX, Float: toY, Float: toZ;
// Cool effect
if ( GetPlayerLastShotVectors( playerid, fromX, fromY, fromZ, toX, toY, toZ ) ) {
if ( GetPlayerLastShotVectors( playerid, fromX, fromY, fromZ, toX, toY, toZ ) )
// create explosion at the core of the vehicle
if ( hittype == BULLET_HIT_TYPE_VEHICLE ) {
GetVehiclePos( hitid, toX, toY, toZ );
// Cool effect
new objectid = CreateDynamicObject( 19296, fromX, fromY, fromZ, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
new milliseconds = MoveDynamicObject( objectid, toX, toY, toZ, 500.0 );
SetTimerEx( "Timer_DestroyObject", milliseconds + 200, false, "d", objectid );
@ -3243,7 +3223,7 @@ public OnPlayerDeath( playerid, killerid, reason )
if ( p_Class[ killerid ] != CLASS_POLICE )
GivePlayerWantedLevel( killerid, 12 );
GivePlayerScore( killerid, 1, .multiplier = 0.2 );
GivePlayerScore( killerid, 1 );
Float: default_experience = 1.0;
@ -3271,7 +3251,7 @@ public OnPlayerDeath( playerid, killerid, reason )
SaveGangData( playerGangId ), g_gangData[ playerGangId ] [ E_DEATHS ]++;
p_Deaths[ playerid ] ++; // Usually other events do nothing
GivePlayerIrresistiblePoints( playerid, -1 ); // Deduct points, it's meant to be hard!!!
GivePlayerSeasonalXP( playerid, -10.0 ); // Deduct points, it's meant to be hard!!!
ClearPlayerWantedLevel( playerid );
@ -4490,41 +4470,6 @@ CMD:highscores( playerid, params[ ] )
return 1;
CMD:rank( playerid, params[ ] )
if ( sscanf( params, "u", watchingid ) )
watchingid = playerid;
if ( !IsPlayerConnected( watchingid ) )
watchingid = playerid;
format( szBigString, 196, "SELECT uo.NAME, (SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT ui.`SCORE`) FROM `USERS` ui WHERE ui.`SCORE` >= uo.`SCORE`) AS `GLOBAL_RANK` FROM `USERS` uo WHERE `ID`=%d", p_AccountID[ watchingid ] );
mysql_function_query( dbHandle, szBigString, true, "currentUserRank", "ii", playerid, watchingid );
return 1;
thread currentUserRank( playerid, watchingid )
cache_get_data( rows, tmpVariable );
if ( rows )
iGroupedRank = GetPlayerRank( watchingid ),
iGlobalRank = cache_get_field_content_int( 0, "GLOBAL_RANK", dbHandle )
SendServerMessage( playerid, "%s(%d) is grouped in {%06x}%s"COL_WHITE" and is globally "COL_GREY"#%d"COL_WHITE".", ReturnPlayerName( watchingid ), watchingid, g_aPlayerRanks[ iGroupedRank ] [ E_COLOR ] >>> 8, g_aPlayerRanks[ iGroupedRank ] [ E_NAME ], iGlobalRank );
else SendError( playerid, "Couldn't find a rank for this user, try again later." );
return 1;
CMD:request( playerid, params[ ] )
/* ** Anti Spammy Commands ** */
@ -6141,10 +6086,7 @@ CMD:moviemode( playerid, params[ ] )
case true:
ShowPlayerTogglableTextdraws( playerid );
TextDrawShowForPlayer( playerid, g_CurrentRankTD );
TextDrawShowForPlayer( playerid, g_currentXPTD );
PlayerTextDrawShow( playerid, p_LocationTD[ playerid ] );
PlayerTextDrawShow( playerid, p_ExperienceTD[ playerid ] );
if ( IsDoubleXP( ) ) TextDrawShowForPlayer( playerid, g_DoubleXPTD );
TextDrawShowForPlayer( playerid, g_WebsiteTD );
if ( p_WantedLevel[ playerid ] ) PlayerTextDrawShow( playerid, p_WantedLevelTD[ playerid ] );
@ -6153,7 +6095,6 @@ CMD:moviemode( playerid, params[ ] )
if ( p_FPSCounter{ playerid } ) TextDrawShowForPlayer( playerid, p_FPSCounterTD[ playerid ] );
if ( p_AdminOnDuty{ playerid } ) TextDrawShowForPlayer( playerid, g_AdminOnDutyTD );
TextDrawShowForPlayer( playerid, g_WorldDayTD );
ShowPlayerIrresistibleRank( playerid );
PlayerTextDrawShow( playerid, g_ZoneOwnerTD[ playerid ] );
for( new i; i < sizeof( g_MovieModeTD ); i ++ ) TextDrawHideForPlayer( playerid, g_MovieModeTD[ i ] );
p_inMovieMode{ playerid } = false;
@ -6163,16 +6104,11 @@ CMD:moviemode( playerid, params[ ] )
PlayerTextDrawHide( playerid, g_ZoneOwnerTD[ playerid ] );
HidePlayerTogglableTextdraws( playerid );
TextDrawHideForPlayer( playerid, g_CurrentRankTD );
TextDrawHideForPlayer( playerid, g_currentXPTD );
PlayerTextDrawHide( playerid, p_LocationTD[ playerid ] );
PlayerTextDrawHide( playerid, p_ExperienceTD[ playerid ] );
PlayerTextDrawHide( playerid, p_WantedLevelTD[ playerid ] );
TextDrawHideForPlayer( playerid, g_WebsiteTD );
TextDrawHideForPlayer( playerid, g_AdminOnDutyTD );
TextDrawHideForPlayer( playerid, g_DoubleXPTD );
PlayerTextDrawHide( playerid, p_PlayerRankTD[ playerid ] );
PlayerTextDrawHide( playerid, p_PlayerRankTextTD[ playerid ] );
TextDrawHideForPlayer( playerid, g_MotdTD );
TextDrawHideForPlayer( playerid, g_NotManyPlayersTD );
TextDrawHideForPlayer( playerid, g_WorldDayTD );
@ -9150,7 +9086,7 @@ public OnPlayerEnterDynamicCP( playerid, checkpointid )
GameTextForPlayer( victimid, "~r~Busted!", 4000, 0 );
ClearAnimations( victimid );
JailPlayer( victimid, totalSeconds );
GivePlayerIrresistiblePoints( victimid, -2 );
GivePlayerSeasonalXP( victimid, -2 );
SendGlobalMessage( -1, ""COL_GOLD"[JAIL]{FFFFFF} %s(%d) has sent %s(%d) to jail for %d seconds!", ReturnPlayerName( playerid ), playerid, ReturnPlayerName( victimid ), victimid, totalSeconds );
@ -9383,7 +9319,7 @@ public OnPlayerEnterDynamicRaceCP( playerid, checkpointid )
items = GetGVarInt( szItems );
score = floatround( items / 2 );
GivePlayerScore( playerid, score == 0 ? 1 : score, .multiplier = 0.4 );
GivePlayerScore( playerid, score == 0 ? 1 : score );
//GivePlayerExperience( playerid, E_BURGLAR, float( items ) * 0.2 );
DestroyDynamicMapIcon( p_PawnStoreMapIcon[ playerid ] );
p_PawnStoreMapIcon[ playerid ] = 0xFFFF;
@ -9743,7 +9679,7 @@ public OnPlayerKeyStateChange( playerid, newkeys, oldkeys )
// Explosive Bullets
if ( p_ExplosiveBullets[ playerid ] > 0 && PRESSED( KEY_YES ) ) {
if ( p_ExplosiveBullets[ playerid ] > 0 && PRESSED( KEY_NO ) ) {
if ( GetPVarInt( playerid, "explosive_rounds" ) == 1 ) {
DeletePVar( playerid, "explosive_rounds" );
ShowPlayerHelpDialog( playerid, 2000, "Explosive rounds ~r~disabled." );
@ -10272,7 +10208,6 @@ thread OnAttemptPlayerLogin( playerid, password[ ] )
p_MethYielded[ playerid ] = cache_get_field_content_int( 0, "METH_YIELDED", dbHandle );
p_drillStrength[ playerid ] = cache_get_field_content_int( 0, "DRILL", dbHandle );
p_IrresistibleCoins[ playerid ] = cache_get_field_content_float( 0, "COINS", dbHandle );
p_IrresistiblePoints[ playerid ]= cache_get_field_content_float( 0, "RANK", dbHandle );
p_ExtraAssetSlots{ playerid } = cache_get_field_content_int( 0, "EXTRA_SLOTS", dbHandle );
p_forcedAnticheat[ playerid ] = cache_get_field_content_int( 0, "FORCE_AC", dbHandle );
@ -10283,6 +10218,9 @@ thread OnAttemptPlayerLogin( playerid, password[ ] )
p_AddedEmail{ playerid } = !!cache_get_field_content_int( 0, "USED_EMAIL", dbHandle );
// p_TaxTime[ playerid ] = cache_get_field_content_int( 0, "TAX_TIME", dbHandle );
// seasonal xp
SetPlayerSeasonalXP( playerid, cache_get_field_content_float( 0, "RANK", dbHandle ) );
// spawn location
spawn_location[ 10 ];
@ -11594,7 +11532,7 @@ public OnDialogResponse( playerid, dialogid, response, listitem, inputtext[ ] )
""COL_GREY"Admin Level:{FFFFFF} %d\n"\
""COL_GREY"Time Online:{FFFFFF} %s\n"\
""COL_GREY"Irresistible Rank:{FFFFFF} %s\n"\
""COL_GREY"Irresistible Coins:{FFFFFF} %f\n", ReturnPlayerName( pID ), pID, p_AccountID[ pID ], p_AdminLevel[ pID ], secondstotime( p_Uptime[ pID ] ), g_aPlayerRanks[ GetPlayerRank( pID ) ] [ E_NAME ], p_IrresistibleCoins[ pID ] );
""COL_GREY"Irresistible Coins:{FFFFFF} %f\n", ReturnPlayerName( pID ), pID, p_AccountID[ pID ], p_AdminLevel[ pID ], secondstotime( p_Uptime[ pID ] ), GetSeasonalRankName( GetPlayerRank( pID ) ), p_IrresistibleCoins[ pID ] );
format( szLargeString, 750, "%s"COL_GREY"V.I.P Level:{FFFFFF} %s\n"\
""COL_GREY"V.I.P Expiry:{FFFFFF} %s\n"\
@ -12917,16 +12855,10 @@ thread OnHighScoreCheck( playerid, highscore_item )
case 0:
Float: score_value = cache_get_field_content_float( row, "SCORE_VAL", dbHandle ), rank;
new Float: score_value = cache_get_field_content_float( row, "SCORE_VAL", dbHandle );
new rank = GetRankFromXP( score_value );
for( rank = 0; rank < sizeof( g_aPlayerRanks ); rank++ ) {
if ( score_value >= g_aPlayerRanks[ rank ] [ E_POINTS ] ) {
format( szLargeString, sizeof( szLargeString ), "%s%s%s\t{%06x}%s\n", szLargeString, strmatch( name, ReturnPlayerName( playerid ) ) ? COL_GREEN : COL_WHITE, name, g_aPlayerRanks[ rank ] [ E_COLOR ] >>> 8, g_aPlayerRanks[ rank ] [ E_NAME ] );
format( szLargeString, sizeof( szLargeString ), "%s%s%s\t{%06x}%s\n", szLargeString, strmatch( name, ReturnPlayerName( playerid ) ) ? COL_GREEN : COL_WHITE, name, GetSeasonalRankColour( rank ) >>> 8, GetSeasonalRankName( rank ) );
@ -13284,12 +13216,12 @@ stock SavePlayerData( playerid, bool: logout = false )
p_ContractedAmount[ playerid ], p_WeedGrams[ playerid ], logout ? ( bQuitToAvoid ? 1 : 0 ) : 0,
p_drillStrength[ playerid ] );
format( Query, sizeof( Query ), "%s`BLEW_JAILS`=%d,`BLEW_VAULT`=%d,`VEHICLES_JACKED`=%d,`METH_YIELDED`=%d,`LAST_IP`='%s',`VIP_JOB`=%d,`TRUCKED`=%d,`COINS`=%f,`EXPLOSIVE_BULLETS`=%d,`RANK`=%f,`ONLINE`=%d,`HIT_SOUND`=%d,`EXTRA_SLOTS`=%d,`PILOT`=%d,`TRAIN`=%d WHERE `ID`=%d",
format( Query, sizeof( Query ), "%s`BLEW_JAILS`=%d,`BLEW_VAULT`=%d,`VEHICLES_JACKED`=%d,`METH_YIELDED`=%d,`LAST_IP`='%s',`VIP_JOB`=%d,`TRUCKED`=%d,`COINS`=%f,`EXPLOSIVE_BULLETS`=%d,`ONLINE`=%d,`HIT_SOUND`=%d,`EXTRA_SLOTS`=%d,`PILOT`=%d,`TRAIN`=%d WHERE `ID`=%d",
p_JailsBlown[ playerid ], p_BankBlown[ playerid ], p_CarsJacked[ playerid ],
p_MethYielded[ playerid ], mysql_escape( ReturnPlayerIP( playerid ) ),
p_VIPJob{ playerid }, p_TruckedCargo[ playerid ], p_IrresistibleCoins[ playerid ],
p_ExplosiveBullets[ playerid ], p_IrresistiblePoints[ playerid ],
p_ExplosiveBullets[ playerid ],
!logout, p_HitmarkerSound{ playerid }, p_ExtraAssetSlots{ playerid },
p_PilotMissions[ playerid ], p_TrainMissions[ playerid ],
p_AccountID[ playerid ] );
@ -13697,7 +13629,7 @@ stock IsWeaponBanned( weaponid ) {
return 0 <= weaponid < MAX_WEAPONS && ( weaponid == 36 || weaponid == 37 || weaponid == 38 || weaponid == 39 || weaponid == 44 || weaponid == 45 );
stock GivePlayerScore( playerid, score, Float: multiplier = 0.75 )
stock GivePlayerScore( playerid, score )
if ( IsPlayerAdminOnDuty( playerid ) )
return 0;
@ -13705,11 +13637,9 @@ stock GivePlayerScore( playerid, score, Float: multiplier = 0.75 )
gangid = p_GangID[ playerid ];
if ( gangid != INVALID_GANG_ID )
if ( gangid != INVALID_GANG_ID ) {
SaveGangData( gangid ), g_gangData[ gangid ] [ E_SCORE ] += score;
//GivePlayerXP_Legacy( playerid, score * 10 );
GivePlayerIrresistiblePoints( playerid, score < 0 ? ( score * 1.0 ) : ( score * multiplier ) );
return SetPlayerScore( playerid, GetPlayerScore( playerid ) + score );
@ -14114,9 +14044,6 @@ stock SetObjectFacePoint(iObjectID, Float: fX, Float: fY, Float: fOffset, bool:
stock encode_tires( tires1, tires2, tires3, tires4 )
return tires1 | (tires2 << 1) | (tires3 << 2) | (tires4 << 3);
stock TimeConvert( seconds )
@ -14126,44 +14053,6 @@ stock TimeConvert( seconds )
return szTime;
stock GetRandomCreatedHouse( )
if ( ! Iter_Count( houses ) ) {
return -1;
static szCity[ MAX_ZONE_NAME ];
new ignoredHomes[ MAX_HOUSES ] = { -1, ... };
// first find homes to ignore
for ( new i = 0; i < MAX_HOUSES; i ++ )
// Avoid Hills / Avoid V.I.P or Clan Homes
if ( ! Iter_Contains( houses, i ) || g_houseData[ i ] [ E_EZ ] > 300.0 || g_houseData[ i ] [ E_COST ] < 500000 ) {
ignoredHomes[ i ] = i;
// check for house fire
if ( IsHouseOnFire( i ) ) {
ignoredHomes[ i ] = i;
// San Fierro only
Get2DCity( szCity, g_houseData[ i ] [ E_EX ], g_houseData[ i ] [ E_EY ], g_houseData[ i ] [ E_EZ ] );
if ( ! strmatch( szCity, "San Fierro" ) ) {
ignoredHomes[ i ] = i;
random_home = randomExcept( ignoredHomes, sizeof( ignoredHomes ) );
return random_home;
stock SetPlayerFacePoint(playerid, Float: fX, Float: fY, Float: offset = 0.0)
@ -14939,84 +14828,6 @@ stock GetDayToString( day )
return string;
Float:DistanceCameraTargetToLocation(Float:CamX, Float:CamY, Float:CamZ, Float:ObjX, Float:ObjY, Float:ObjZ, Float:FrX, Float:FrY, Float:FrZ) {
new Float:TGTDistance;
TGTDistance = floatsqroot((CamX - ObjX) * (CamX - ObjX) + (CamY - ObjY) * (CamY - ObjY) + (CamZ - ObjZ) * (CamZ - ObjZ));
new Float:tmpX, Float:tmpY, Float:tmpZ;
tmpX = FrX * TGTDistance + CamX;
tmpY = FrY * TGTDistance + CamY;
tmpZ = FrZ * TGTDistance + CamZ;
return floatsqroot((tmpX - ObjX) * (tmpX - ObjX) + (tmpY - ObjY) * (tmpY - ObjY) + (tmpZ - ObjZ) * (tmpZ - ObjZ));
stock Float:GetPointAngleToPoint(Float:x2, Float:y2, Float:X, Float:Y) {
new Float:DX, Float:DY;
new Float:angle;
DX = floatabs(floatsub(x2,X));
DY = floatabs(floatsub(y2,Y));
if (DY == 0.0 || DX == 0.0) {
if (DY == 0 && DX > 0) angle = 0.0;
else if (DY == 0 && DX < 0) angle = 180.0;
else if (DY > 0 && DX == 0) angle = 90.0;
else if (DY < 0 && DX == 0) angle = 270.0;
else if (DY == 0 && DX == 0) angle = 0.0;
else {
angle = atan(DX/DY);
if (X > x2 && Y <= y2) angle += 90.0;
else if (X <= x2 && Y < y2) angle = floatsub(90.0, angle);
else if (X < x2 && Y >= y2) angle -= 90.0;
else if (X >= x2 && Y > y2) angle = floatsub(270.0, angle);
return floatadd(angle, 90.0);
stock GetXYInFrontOfPoint(&Float:x, &Float:y, Float:angle, Float:distance) {
x += (distance * floatsin(-angle, degrees));
y += (distance * floatcos(-angle, degrees));
stock IsPlayerAimingAt(playerid, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:radius)
new Float:camera_x;
new Float:camera_y;
new Float:camera_z;
new Float:vector_x;
new Float:vector_y;
new Float:vector_z;
GetPlayerCameraPos(playerid, camera_x, camera_y, camera_z);
GetPlayerCameraFrontVector(playerid, vector_x, vector_y, vector_z);
new Float:vertical, Float:horizontal;
switch (GetPlayerWeapon( playerid )) {
case 34,35,36:
if (DistanceCameraTargetToLocation(camera_x, camera_y, camera_z, x, y, z, vector_x, vector_y, vector_z) < radius) return true;
return false;
case 30,31: {vertical = 4.0; horizontal = -1.6;}
case 33: {vertical = 2.7; horizontal = -1.0;}
default: {vertical = 6.0; horizontal = -2.2;}
new Float:angle = GetPointAngleToPoint(0, 0, floatsqroot(vector_x*vector_x+vector_y*vector_y), vector_z) - 270.0;
new Float:resize_x, Float:resize_y, Float:resize_z = floatsin(angle+vertical, degrees);
GetXYInFrontOfPoint(resize_x, resize_y, GetPointAngleToPoint(0, 0, vector_x, vector_y)+horizontal, floatcos(angle+vertical, degrees));
if (DistanceCameraTargetToLocation(camera_x, camera_y, camera_z, x, y, z, resize_x, resize_y, resize_z) < radius) return true;
return false;
stock ShowAchievement( playerid, achievement[ ], score = -1 )
@ -16632,88 +16443,6 @@ stock SplitPlayerCashForGang( playerid, Float: cashRobbed )
return 1;
stock GetPlayerRank( playerid )
for( iRank = 0; iRank < sizeof( g_aPlayerRanks ); iRank++ )
if ( p_IrresistiblePoints[ playerid ] >= g_aPlayerRanks[ iRank ] [ E_POINTS ] )
return iRank;
stock ShowPlayerIrresistibleRank( playerid )
iRank = GetPlayerRank( playerid );
PlayerTextDrawColor( playerid, p_PlayerRankTextTD[ playerid ], g_aPlayerRanks[ iRank ] [ E_COLOR ] );
PlayerTextDrawSetString( playerid, p_PlayerRankTextTD[ playerid ], g_aPlayerRanks[ iRank ] [ E_NAME ] );
PlayerTextDrawColor( playerid, p_PlayerRankTD[ playerid ], g_aPlayerRanks[ iRank ] [ E_COLOR ] );
PlayerTextDrawSetPreviewModel( playerid, p_PlayerRankTD[ playerid ], g_aPlayerRanks[ iRank ] [ E_MODEL ] );
PlayerTextDrawShow( playerid, p_PlayerRankTD[ playerid ] );
PlayerTextDrawShow( playerid, p_PlayerRankTextTD[ playerid ] );
stock GivePlayerIrresistiblePoints( playerid, Float: points )
Float: fPreviousPoints = p_IrresistiblePoints[ playerid ],
Float: fCurrentPoints = fPreviousPoints + points
if ( fCurrentPoints < 0.0 )
fCurrentPoints = 0.0;
new Float: upper_limit = g_aPlayerRanks[ 0 ] [ E_POINTS ] + 500.0;
if ( fCurrentPoints > upper_limit )
fCurrentPoints = upper_limit;
for( new iRank = 0; iRank < sizeof( g_aPlayerRanks ); iRank++ )
bGained = ( fPreviousPoints < g_aPlayerRanks[ iRank ] [ E_POINTS ] <= fCurrentPoints ),
bLost = ( fCurrentPoints < g_aPlayerRanks[ iRank ] [ E_POINTS ] <= fPreviousPoints )
if ( bGained || bLost )
if ( bGained )
SendServerMessage( playerid, "Congratulations, your grouped ranking has been increased to {%06x}%s"COL_WHITE"!", g_aPlayerRanks[ iRank ] [ E_COLOR ] >>> 8, g_aPlayerRanks[ iRank ] [ E_NAME ] );
PlayerTextDrawColor( playerid, p_PlayerRankTextTD[ playerid ], g_aPlayerRanks[ iRank ] [ E_COLOR ] );
PlayerTextDrawSetString( playerid, p_PlayerRankTextTD[ playerid ], g_aPlayerRanks[ iRank ] [ E_NAME ] );
PlayerTextDrawColor( playerid, p_PlayerRankTD[ playerid ], g_aPlayerRanks[ iRank ] [ E_COLOR ] );
PlayerTextDrawSetPreviewModel( playerid, p_PlayerRankTD[ playerid ], g_aPlayerRanks[ iRank ] [ E_MODEL ] );
if ( bLost )
SendServerMessage( playerid, "Sorry, your grouped ranking has decreased to {%06x}%s"COL_WHITE"!", g_aPlayerRanks[ iRank + 1 ] [ E_COLOR ] >>> 8, g_aPlayerRanks[ iRank + 1 ] [ E_NAME ] );
PlayerTextDrawColor( playerid, p_PlayerRankTextTD[ playerid ], g_aPlayerRanks[ iRank + 1 ] [ E_COLOR ] );
PlayerTextDrawSetString( playerid, p_PlayerRankTextTD[ playerid ], g_aPlayerRanks[ iRank + 1 ] [ E_NAME ] );
PlayerTextDrawColor( playerid, p_PlayerRankTD[ playerid ], g_aPlayerRanks[ iRank + 1 ] [ E_COLOR ] );
PlayerTextDrawSetPreviewModel( playerid, p_PlayerRankTD[ playerid ], g_aPlayerRanks[ iRank + 1 ] [ E_MODEL ] );
PlayerTextDrawShow( playerid, p_PlayerRankTD[ playerid ] );
PlayerTextDrawShow( playerid, p_PlayerRankTextTD[ playerid ] );
//printf( "%s: %f points", ReturnPlayerName( playerid ), fCurrentPoints );
p_IrresistiblePoints[ playerid ] = fCurrentPoints;
stock ShowPlayerTogglableTextdraws( playerid, bool: force = false )
// Current Coins
@ -18019,7 +17748,7 @@ stock ArrestPlayer( victimid, playerid )
if ( GetPlayerState( playerid ) == PLAYER_STATE_WASTED ) return SendError( playerid, "You cannot use this command since you are dead." );
new totalCash = ( p_WantedLevel[ victimid ] < MAX_WANTED_LVL ? p_WantedLevel[ victimid ] : MAX_WANTED_LVL ) * ( 300 );
new totalSeconds = p_WantedLevel[ victimid ] * ( JAIL_SECONDS_MULTIPLIER );
GivePlayerScore( playerid, 2, .multiplier = 1.5 );
GivePlayerScore( playerid, 2 );
GivePlayerExperience( playerid, E_POLICE );
GivePlayerCash( playerid, totalCash );
if ( totalCash > 20000 ) printf("[police arrest] %s -> %s - %s", ReturnPlayerName( playerid ), ReturnPlayerName( victimid ), cash_format( totalCash ) ); // 8hska7082bmahu
@ -18027,7 +17756,7 @@ stock ArrestPlayer( victimid, playerid )
GameTextForPlayer( victimid, "~r~Busted!", 4000, 0 );
CallLocalFunction( "OnPlayerArrested", "dddd", playerid, victimid, p_Arrests[ playerid ], 1 );
Untaze( victimid, 6 );
GivePlayerIrresistiblePoints( victimid, -2 );
GivePlayerSeasonalXP( victimid, -20.0 );
SendGlobalMessage( -1, ""COL_GOLD"[JAIL]{FFFFFF} %s(%d) has sent %s(%d) to jail for %d seconds!", ReturnPlayerName( playerid ), playerid, ReturnPlayerName( victimid ), victimid, totalSeconds );
JailPlayer( victimid, totalSeconds );
return 1;

@ -2,5 +2,11 @@
(+) Pilot and train minijobs are now saved to the database (and in /highscores).
(+) Adds some strippers in the LV brothel (for fun).
(+) Adds Hide From Minimap perk (costs $25,000) ... hides you for 1 minute.
(/) You can now set spikes in non-air and non-sea vehicles using your AIM key.
(/) Car jackers now need to wait only 1 min before exporting another vehicle (before 2 min).
(/) Players with level 100 in a specific level are able to accrue more XP in the level.
(*) Should be faster to place multiple drills using left alt.
(*) Fixes death bug with players suiciding in a vehicle.
(*) Fixed Alcatraz map escaping issues.
(*) Addressed issue with being unable to rob ChuffSec.
(-) Removed a counter in cluckin' bell for ease of access to the safe.