
1.8 KiB

Account registration


This extension is intended for creating user accounts on a server

Message type identifiers

  • profile:register

Error codes

  • 0: limit exceed
  • 1: username/third party ID already taken
  • 2: registration isn't allowed on a server

Use cases

  • Request:
    "id": "abcd",
    "type": "profile:register",
    "to": "",
    "payload": {
        "username": "juliet",
        "thirdPIDs": [
            {"type":"email", "value":""},
            {"type":"msisdn", "value":"+1234567890"},
        "password": "romeo1"
  • Response:
    "id": "abcd",
    "type": "profile:register",
    "from": "",
    "ok": true,
    "payload": {
        "userID": ""

Error response:

    "id": "abcd",
    "type": "profile:register",
    "from": "",
    "ok": false,
    "payload": {
        "errCode": 1,
        "errText": "{Username/email/msisdn} already taken"

Business Rules


JSON Schema


  • Request:
interface RegistrationRequestPayload {
     * The username that the user wants to register
    username: string,

     * Array of user third party IDs (email and/or MSISDN)
    thirdPIDs: ThirdPartyID[],

     * Password of new account
    password: string

interface ThirdPartyID {
     * Type of third party ID
    type: string,

     * String contains third party ID. Examples: "", "+1234567890".
    value: string
  • Response:
interface RegistrationResponsePayload {
     * ID of user (Username in priority. If we haven't username, then we put to this field one of user's third party IDs)
    userID: EntityID