2019-11-16 16:14:55 +04:00

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Protocol Core


For starting we simply use JSON + Websockets.

Entity ID

  • Room alias: #<roomAlias>:<serverpart>
  • Username: @<username>@<serverpart>
  • User ID with MSISDN (Mobile Station International Subscriber Directory Number): %<msisdn without +>:<serverpart>
  • User ID with Email: ^<email username>_at_<email hostname>:<serverpart>
  • Message ID: &<uuid>:<serverpart (from which server the message was sent)>
  • Room ID: !<roomID>@<serverpart>
  • Single server-part: <serverpart>

Server-part (hostname) - IPv4 / [IPv6] / dns-domain:<port (1-65535)>.
Username/Room alias/RoomID - MUST NOT be empty, and MUST contain only the characters a-z, 0-9, ., _, =, -, and /.

RoomID SHOULD be UUID identifier.


BaseMessage is a basic message model, basis of the whole protocol. It is used for a very easy protocol extension process.

BaseMessage scheme:

id (string) - identifier of message (used to track the request-response chain)
type (string) - type of message (used to determine which extension this message belongs to)
from (EntityID) - from which entity this message is send
to (EntityID) - message recipient
ok (boolean) - operation success indicator (used to determine if errors was happened when processing request)
payload (Map<K,V>) - message payload (used to store extra information in message, list of permissible fields in the payload are depends on "type" field)


Mechanism of error processing included into protocol. Adds into type name :error postfix.


  • errCode: int - error code (defined in extensions. Error code which defined in the specific extension MUST NOT overlap with other error codes)
  • errText: String - explanation of error in human-readable view
  • errPayload: Map<K,V> - advanced error information (fields defined in extensions)



    "id": "abcd",
    "type": "incorrectMessageType",
    "from": "",
    "to": "",
    "payload": {
        "test": "test"


    "id": "abcd",
    "type": "incorrectMessageType:error",
    "from": "",
    "to": "",
    "payload": {
        "errCode": 0,
        "errText": "Incorrect type of message (type isn't implemented in the server)",
        "errPayload": {}