Rice Pastry API

Class ScribeMaintenancePolicy.DefaultScribeMaintenancePolicy

  extended by rice.p2p.scribe.maintenance.ScribeMaintenancePolicy.DefaultScribeMaintenancePolicy
All Implemented Interfaces:
Enclosing interface:

public static class ScribeMaintenancePolicy.DefaultScribeMaintenancePolicy
extends java.lang.Object
implements ScribeMaintenancePolicy

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface rice.p2p.scribe.maintenance.ScribeMaintenancePolicy
Constructor Summary
ScribeMaintenancePolicy.DefaultScribeMaintenancePolicy(Environment environment)
Method Summary
 void doMaintenance(MaintainableScribe scribe)
          Called periodically.
 RawScribeContent implicitSubscribe(java.util.List<Topic> topics)
          Called when subscribing for maintenance or tree rearrangement (such as parent death).
 void nodeFaulty(MaintainableScribe scribe, NodeHandle handle, java.util.List<Topic> nodeWasParent, java.util.List<Topic> nodeWasChild)
          When anyone in any Topic (child or parent) is detected faulty.
 void noLongerRoot(MaintainableScribe scribe, java.util.List<Topic> topics)
          Called when membership changes "near" the local node, in overlay space.
 void subscribeFailed(MaintainableScribe scribe, java.util.List<Topic> failedTopics)
          The subscription failed.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ScribeMaintenancePolicy.DefaultScribeMaintenancePolicy(Environment environment)
Method Detail


public void doMaintenance(MaintainableScribe scribe)
Description copied from interface: ScribeMaintenancePolicy
Called periodically. Can be specified in millis by by the parameter: p2p_scribe_maintenance_interval (default 180000) // 3 minutes

Specified by:
doMaintenance in interface ScribeMaintenancePolicy


public void noLongerRoot(MaintainableScribe scribe,
                         java.util.List<Topic> topics)
Description copied from interface: ScribeMaintenancePolicy
Called when membership changes "near" the local node, in overlay space. The typical use of this function would be to detect if the root has changed and subscribe to the new root, like this:
 for (Topic topic : topics) {
Note however that this approach can cause a long tail at the head of the tree.

Specified by:
noLongerRoot in interface ScribeMaintenancePolicy


public void nodeFaulty(MaintainableScribe scribe,
                       NodeHandle handle,
                       java.util.List<Topic> nodeWasParent,
                       java.util.List<Topic> nodeWasChild)
Description copied from interface: ScribeMaintenancePolicy
When anyone in any Topic (child or parent) is detected faulty.
 for (Topic topic : nodeWasParent) {
   if (!isRoot(topic)) {

Specified by:
nodeFaulty in interface ScribeMaintenancePolicy


public void subscribeFailed(MaintainableScribe scribe,
                            java.util.List<Topic> failedTopics)
Description copied from interface: ScribeMaintenancePolicy
The subscription failed. This is called if no particular client requested the Subscription. TODO: Does this belong in the normal policy instead?

Specified by:
subscribeFailed in interface ScribeMaintenancePolicy


public RawScribeContent implicitSubscribe(java.util.List<Topic> topics)
Called when subscribing for maintenance or tree rearrangement (such as parent death). This gives the MaintenancePolicy a chance to set the ScribeContent in these messages.

Specified by:
implicitSubscribe in interface ScribeMaintenancePolicy
topics - the topics we are implicitly subscribing to
the ScribeContent to put into the SubscribeMessage (null is ok)

Rice Pastry API

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