Rice Pastry API


a - Variable in class rice.p2p.util.tuples.Tuple
a() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.tuples.Tuple
a - Variable in class rice.p2p.util.tuples.Tuple3
a() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.tuples.Tuple3
abs(int) - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.LeafSetTest
AbstractLogManager - Class in rice.environment.logging
AbstractLogManager(PrintStream, TimeSource, Parameters, String, String) - Constructor for class rice.environment.logging.AbstractLogManager
AbstractSubscribeMessage - Class in rice.p2p.scribe.messaging
AbstractSubscribeMessage(NodeHandle, List<Topic>, int) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.AbstractSubscribeMessage
Constructor which takes a unique integer Id
AbstractSubscribeMessage(InputBuffer, Endpoint) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.AbstractSubscribeMessage
Protected because it should only be called from an extending class, to get version numbers correct.
accept(UpperIdentifier, LowerIdentifier, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.identity.BindStrategy
accept(SelectionKey) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.TCPLayer
Specified by the SelectionKeyHandler interface.
accept(AppSocketReceiver) - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.Endpoint
Set's the acceptor for this application.
accept(AppSocketReceiver) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringEndpoint
accept(AppSocketReceiver) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCEndpoint
accept(AppSocketReceiver) - Method in class rice.pastry.client.PastryAppl
Sets an AppSocketReceiver to be called when the next socket arrives.
accept(SelectionKey) - Method in class rice.selector.SelectionKeyHandler
Method which is called when the key becomes acceptable.
acceptAnycast - Variable in class rice.p2p.scribe.testing.ScribeRegrTest.TestScribeClient
Whether or not this client should accept anycasts
acceptAnycast(boolean) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.testing.ScribeRegrTest.TestScribeClient
acceptAppSocket(int) - Method in class rice.pastry.PastryNode
accepted() - Method in class rice.pastry.join.JoinRequest
Returns true if the request was accepted, false if it hasn't yet.
acceptJoin(NodeHandle, LeafSet) - Method in class rice.pastry.join.JoinRequest
Accept join request.
acceptMessages(boolean) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.bandwidthmeasure.BandwidthMeasuringTransportLayer
acceptMessages(boolean) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.commonapi.CommonAPITransportLayerImpl
acceptMessages - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.direct.DirectTransportLayer
acceptMessages(boolean) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.direct.DirectTransportLayer
acceptMessages(boolean) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.limitsockets.LimitSocketsTransportLayer
acceptMessages(boolean) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.liveness.LivenessTransportLayerImpl
acceptMessages(boolean) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.multiaddress.MultiInetAddressTransportLayerImpl
acceptMessages(boolean) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.nat.FirewallTLImpl
acceptMessages(boolean) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.networkinfo.NetworkInfoTransportLayer
acceptMessages(boolean) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewImpl
acceptMessages(boolean) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.playback.ReplayLayer
acceptMessages(boolean) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.record.RecordLayer
acceptMessages(boolean) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.VerifierImpl
acceptMessages(boolean) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.priority.PriorityTransportLayerImpl
acceptMessages(boolean) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rc4.RC4TransportLayer
acceptMessages(boolean) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous.RendezvousTransportLayerImpl
acceptMessages(boolean) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.simpleidentity.SimpleIdentityTransportLayer
acceptMessages(boolean) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.manager.SourceRouteManagerImpl
acceptMessages(boolean) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.SourceRouteTransportLayerImpl
acceptMessages(boolean) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.ssl.SSLTransportLayerImpl
acceptMessages(boolean) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.table.TableTransprotLayerImpl
acceptMessages(boolean) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.TransportLayer
Toggle accepting incoming messages.
acceptMessages(boolean) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.BogusUDPLayerImpl
acceptMessages(boolean) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.magicnumber.MagicNumberTransportLayer
acceptMessages(boolean) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.UDPLayer
acceptMessages(boolean) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.UDPLayerImpl
acceptMessages(boolean) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.WireTransportLayerImpl
acceptMessages(boolean) - Method in class rice.pastry.peerreview.PeerReviewCallbackImpl
acceptMessages(boolean) - Method in class rice.pastry.transport.NodeHandleAdapter
acceptMessages(boolean) - Method in class rice.tutorial.transportlayer.BandwidthLimitingTransportLayer
ACCEPTOR_SOCKET - Static variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous.RendezvousTransportLayerImpl
acceptSockets(boolean) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.bandwidthmeasure.BandwidthMeasuringTransportLayer
acceptSockets(boolean) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.commonapi.CommonAPITransportLayerImpl
acceptSockets - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.direct.DirectTransportLayer
acceptSockets(boolean) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.direct.DirectTransportLayer
acceptSockets(boolean) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.limitsockets.LimitSocketsTransportLayer
acceptSockets(boolean) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.liveness.LivenessTransportLayerImpl
acceptSockets(boolean) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.multiaddress.MultiInetAddressTransportLayerImpl
acceptSockets(boolean) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.nat.FirewallTLImpl
acceptSockets(boolean) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.networkinfo.NetworkInfoTransportLayer
acceptSockets(boolean) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewImpl
acceptSockets(boolean) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.playback.ReplayLayer
acceptSockets(boolean) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.record.RecordLayer
acceptSockets(boolean) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.VerifierImpl
acceptSockets(boolean) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.priority.PriorityTransportLayerImpl
acceptSockets(boolean) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rc4.RC4TransportLayer
acceptSockets(boolean) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous.RendezvousTransportLayerImpl
acceptSockets(boolean) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.simpleidentity.SimpleIdentityTransportLayer
acceptSockets(boolean) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.manager.SourceRouteManagerImpl
acceptSockets(boolean) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.SourceRouteTransportLayerImpl
acceptSockets(boolean) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.ssl.SSLTransportLayerImpl
acceptSockets(boolean) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.table.TableTransprotLayerImpl
acceptSockets(boolean) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.TransportLayer
Toggle accepting new sockets.
acceptSockets(boolean) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.magicnumber.MagicNumberTransportLayer
acceptSockets(boolean) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.TCPLayer
acceptSockets(boolean) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.WireTransportLayerImpl
acceptSockets(boolean) - Method in class rice.pastry.peerreview.PeerReviewCallbackImpl
acceptSockets(boolean) - Method in class rice.pastry.transport.NodeHandleAdapter
acceptSockets(boolean) - Method in class rice.tutorial.transportlayer.BandwidthLimitingTransportLayer
AccusationMessage<Identifier extends RawSerializable> - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.message
MSG_ACCUSATION byte type = MSG_ACCUSATION nodeID originator nodeID subject long long evidenceSeq [evidence bytes follow]
AccusationMessage(Identifier, Identifier, long, Evidence) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.message.AccusationMessage
AccusationMessage(InputBuffer, Serializer<Identifier>, EvidenceSerializer) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.message.AccusationMessage
AccusationMessage(Identifier, EvidenceRecord<?, Identifier>, Evidence) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.message.AccusationMessage
ack(MessageRequestHandle<Identifier, MessageType>) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.MessageCallback
Layer specific callback.
ack() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.VerifierMRH
ack(MessageRequestHandle<NodeHandle, RawMessage>) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.MCAdapter
AckMessage<Identifier extends RawSerializable> - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.message
MSG_ACK byte type = MSG_ACK nodeID recipientID long long sendEntrySeq long long recvEntrySeq hash hashTopMinusOne signature sig
AckMessage(Identifier, long, long, byte[], byte[]) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.message.AckMessage
ackMessageReceived(SubscribeAckMessage) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeImpl
Internal method which processes an ack message
ActiveAuditInfo<Handle,Identifier extends RawSerializable> - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.audit
ActiveAuditInfo(Handle, boolean, boolean, long, ChallengeMessage<Identifier>, long, Verifier) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.audit.ActiveAuditInfo
activeFetches - Variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierStatistics
ActiveInvestigationInfo<Handle> - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.audit
Here we remember calls to investigate() that have not been resolved yet
ActiveInvestigationInfo(Handle, long, long, Authenticator, Authenticator) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.audit.ActiveInvestigationInfo
add(byte[]) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.BloomFilter
add(Object) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringIdFactory.MultiringEntrySet
add(Object) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringIdFactory.MultiringKeySet
add(Object) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCIdFactory.GCEntrySet
add(byte[]) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.BloomFilter
Method which adds an element to this bloom filter.
add(E) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.SortedLinkedList
add(Id.Distance) - Method in class rice.pastry.Id
Returns an Id corresponding to this Id plus a given distance
addAggregateDescriptor(AggregateDescriptor) - Method in class rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregateList
addAll(Collection) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringIdFactory.MultiringEntrySet
addAll(Collection) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringIdFactory.MultiringKeySet
addAll(Collection) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCIdFactory.GCEntrySet
addAll(Collection<? extends E>) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.SortedLinkedList
addAll(int, Collection<? extends E>) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.SortedLinkedList
addAttribute(String, String) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLParser
Internal method which adds an attributes
addAuthenticator(Identifier, Authenticator) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.commitment.AuthenticatorStore
Also writes it to disk.
addAuthenticator(Identifier, Authenticator) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.commitment.AuthenticatorStoreImpl
addAuthenticatorIfValid(AuthenticatorStore<Identifier>, Identifier, Authenticator) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReview
addAuthenticatorIfValid(AuthenticatorStore<Identifier>, Identifier, Authenticator) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewImpl
Helper function called internally from the library.
addAuthenticatorsIfValid(List<Authenticator>, Identifier) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.authpush.AuthenticatorPushProtocolImpl
Called when some other node sends us an AUTHPUSH message.
addAuthenticatorToMemory(Identifier, Authenticator) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.commitment.AuthenticatorStoreImpl
Add a new authenticator.
addBinding(UpperIdentifier, LowerIdentifier, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.identity.IdentityImpl
addChangeListener(ParameterChangeListener) - Method in interface rice.environment.params.Parameters
addChangeListener(ParameterChangeListener) - Method in class rice.environment.params.simple.SimpleParameters
addChild(Topic, NodeHandle) - Method in interface rice.p2p.scribe.BaseScribe
Adds a child to the given topic
addChild(Topic, NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeImpl
Adds a child to the given topic
addChild(NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeImpl.TopicManager
Adds a feature to the Child attribute of the TopicManager object Need to be holding lock: topicManagers
addChildHelper(Topic, NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeImpl
Adds a child to the given topic, using the specified sequence number in the ack message sent to the child.
addClient(ScribeMultiClient) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeImpl.TopicManager
Adds a feature to the Client attribute of the TopicManager object
addDestructable(Destructable) - Method in class rice.environment.Environment
addDestructable(Destructable) - Method in class rice.pastry.PastryNode
addDistance(double) - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.PingTestRecord
addEvidence(Identifier, Identifier, long, Evidence) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.infostore.PeerInfoStore
addEvidence(Identifier, Identifier, long, Evidence, Handle) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.infostore.PeerInfoStore
addEvidence(Identifier, Identifier, long, Evidence) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.infostore.PeerInfoStoreImpl
addEvidence(Identifier, Identifier, long, Evidence, Handle) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.infostore.PeerInfoStoreImpl
addFirst(NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.AnycastMessage
Adds a node the the front of the to-visit list
addFirst(E) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.SortedLinkedList
addHardLink(SourceRouteManagerImpl<Identifier>.AddressManager) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.manager.SourceRouteManagerImpl
addHop(NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.messaging.LookupMessage
Method which is designed to be overridden by subclasses if they need to keep track of where they've been.
addHop(NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.messaging.PastMessage
Method which is designed to be overridden by subclasses if they need to keep track of where they've been.
addHop(NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.tutorial.forwarding.MyMsg
addHops(int) - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.PingTestRecord
addId(Id) - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.IdSet
add a member
addId(Id) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.FragmentKeySet
add a member
addId(Id) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.VersionKeySet
add a member
addId(Id) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringIdSet
add a member
addId(Id) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCIdSet
add a member
addId(Id) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.IdBloomFilter
Method which adds an Id to the underlying bloom filter
addId(Id) - Method in class rice.pastry.IdSet
add a member
addIncomingFile(int, byte[], long, long) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.filetransfer.FileTransferImpl
addIncomingMessage(int, int) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.filetransfer.FileTransferImpl
addIncomingPilotListener(IncomingPilotListener<Identifier>) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous.PilotManager
addIncomingPilotListener(IncomingPilotListener<HighIdentifier>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous.RendezvousTransportLayerImpl
addLast(NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.AnycastMessage
Adds a node the the end of the to-visit list
addLast(E) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.SortedLinkedList
addLeafSetListener(NodeSetListener) - Method in class rice.pastry.PastryNode
addLeafSetObserver(Observer) - Method in class rice.pastry.PastryNode
Deprecated. use addLeafSetListener
addListener(FileTransferListener) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.filetransfer.FileTransfer
addListener(FileTransferListener) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.filetransfer.FileTransferImpl
addLivenessListener(LivenessListener<Identifier>) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.liveness.LivenessProvider
addLivenessListener(LivenessListener<Identifier>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.liveness.LivenessTransportLayerImpl
addLivenessListener(LivenessListener<Identifier>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.manager.SourceRouteManagerImpl
addLivenessListener(LivenessListener<Identifier>) - Method in class rice.pastry.direct.BasicNetworkSimulator
addLivenessListener(LivenessListener<NodeHandle>) - Method in class rice.pastry.PastryNode
addLivenessListener(LivenessListener<NodeHandle>) - Method in class rice.pastry.transport.NodeHandleAdapter
addLoopObserver(LoopObserver) - Method in class rice.selector.SelectorManager
addMember(Id) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.FragmentKeySet
add a member
addMember(Id) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.VersionKeySet
add a member
addMember(Id) - Method in class rice.pastry.IdSet
add a member
addNetworkListener(NetworkListener) - Method in class rice.pastry.PastryNode
addNode(MultiringNode) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringNodeCollection
This method allows other nodes to be dynamically added to the node collection.
addNodeHandleFactoryListener(NodeHandleFactoryListener<NH>) - Method in interface rice.pastry.NodeHandleFactory
addNodeHandleFactoryListener(NodeHandleFactoryListener) - Method in class rice.pastry.PastryNode
addNodeHandleFactoryListener(NodeHandleFactoryListener<SocketNodeHandle>) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.SocketNodeHandleFactory
addNodeSetListener(NodeSetListener) - Method in class rice.pastry.leafset.LeafSet
Add observer method.
addNodeSetListener(NodeSetListener) - Method in class rice.pastry.leafset.SimilarSet
addNodeSetListener(NodeSetListener) - Method in interface rice.pastry.NodeSetEventSource
addNodeSetListener(NodeSetListener) - Method in class rice.pastry.routing.RoutingTable
addObserver(Observer) - Method in class rice.pastry.leafset.LeafSet
Deprecated. use addNodeSetListener
addObserver(Observer) - Method in class rice.pastry.leafset.SimilarSet
Deprecated. use addNodeSetListener
addObserver(Observer) - Method in class rice.pastry.NodeHandle
addObserver(Observer, int) - Method in class rice.pastry.NodeHandle
addObserver(Observer) - Method in class rice.pastry.routing.RoutingTable
Deprecated. use addNodeSetListener
addOption(Map<String, Object>, String, Object) - Static method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.util.OptionsFactory
addOption(Map<String, Object>, String, Object, String, Object) - Static method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.util.OptionsFactory
addOption(Map<String, Object>, String, Object, String, Object, String, Object) - Static method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.util.OptionsFactory
addOptions(Map<String, Object>, RawMessage) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.commonapi.OptionsAdder
Add any options related to this message
addOutgoingPilotListener(OutgoingPilotListener<Identifier>) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous.PilotManager
addOutgoingPilotListener(OutgoingPilotListener<HighIdentifier>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous.RendezvousTransportLayerImpl
addPendingMessage(UpperIdentifier, IdentityImpl<UpperIdentifier, MiddleIdentifier, UpperMsgType, LowerIdentifier>.IdentityMessageHandle) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.identity.IdentityImpl
addPingListener(PingListener<Identifier>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.liveness.LivenessTransportLayerImpl
addPingListener(PingListener<Identifier>) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.liveness.Pinger
addPrimarySocketListener(PrimarySocketListener<Identifier>) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.priority.PriorityTransportLayer
addPrimarySocketListener(PrimarySocketListener<Identifier>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.priority.PriorityTransportLayerImpl
addPriorityTransportLayerListener(PriorityTransportLayerListener<Identifier>) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.priority.PriorityTransportLayer
addPriorityTransportLayerListener(PriorityTransportLayerListener<Identifier>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.priority.PriorityTransportLayerImpl
addProximityListener(ProximityListener<Identifier>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.proximity.MinRTTProximityProvider
addProximityListener(ProximityListener<Identifier>) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.proximity.ProximityProvider
addProximityListener(ProximityListener<Identifier>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.manager.SourceRouteManagerImpl
addProximityListener(ProximityListener<NodeHandle>) - Method in class rice.pastry.PastryNode
addProximityListener(ProximityListener<NodeHandle>) - Method in class rice.pastry.transport.NodeHandleAdapter
addr - Variable in exception org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.exception.StalledSocketException
addReplica(NodeHandle, GCId) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCPastImpl.ReplicaMap
addResponse(Identifier, Identifier, long, Evidence) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.infostore.PeerInfoStore
addResponse(Identifier, Identifier, long, Evidence) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.infostore.PeerInfoStoreImpl
Record a response to a challenge
address - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.multiaddress.MultiInetSocketAddress
address - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.manager.SourceRouteManagerImpl.AddressManager
address - Variable in class rice.pastry.client.PastryAppl
address - Variable in class rice.pastry.socket.EpochInetSocketAddress
addressEquals(MultiInetSocketAddress) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.multiaddress.MultiInetSocketAddress
addressEquals(EpochInetSocketAddress) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.EpochInetSocketAddress
addresses - Variable in class rice.pastry.transport.BogusNodeHandle
AddressStrategy - Interface in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.multiaddress
Return the InetSocketAddress to use for this EpochInetSocketAddress
addRouteSetListener(NodeSetListener) - Method in class rice.pastry.PastryNode
addRouteSetObserver(Observer) - Method in class rice.pastry.PastryNode
Deprecated. use addRouteSetListener
addSerializerListener(SerializerListener<UpperIdentifier>) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.identity.IdentitySerializer
addSerializerListener(SerializerListener<TransportLayerNodeHandle<MultiInetSocketAddress>>) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.SPNFIdentitySerializer
addSimulatorListener(GenericSimulatorListener<Identifier, MessageType>) - Method in interface rice.pastry.direct.NetworkSimulator
addSimulatorListener(GenericSimulatorListener<Identifier, MessageType>) - Method in class rice.pastry.direct.NetworkSimulatorImpl
addSocketCountListener(SocketCountListener<Identifier>) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.SocketOpeningTransportLayer
addSocketCountListener(SocketCountListener<InetSocketAddress>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.WireTransportLayerImpl
addSourceRouteTap(SourceRouteTap) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.SourceRouteTransportLayer
addSourceRouteTap(SourceRouteTap) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.SourceRouteTransportLayerImpl
addStat(String, long) - Method in class rice.selector.ProfileSelector
addStatisticsListener(GlacierStatisticsListener) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierImpl
addStatusNotification(PRRegressionTest.HandleImpl, PRRegressionTest.IdImpl, int) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.peerreview.PRRegressionTest
addTask(TimerTask) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.playback.ReplaySM
addTask(TimerTask) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.record.RecordSM
addTask(TimerTask) - Method in class rice.selector.SelectorManager
addToAllChildren(Topic, NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeImpl
This method should be invoked after the state change in the Topic Manager has been made.
addToAllParents(Topic, NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeImpl
addToId(Id.Distance) - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.Id
Returns an Id corresponding to this Id plus a given distance
addToId(Id.Distance) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.FragmentKey
Adds a feature to the ToId attribute of the FragmentKey object
addToId(Id.Distance) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.VersionKey
addToId(Id.Distance) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.RingId
Returns an Id corresponding to this Id plus a given distance
addToId(Id.Distance) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCId
Returns an Id corresponding to this Id plus a given distance
addToId(Id.Distance) - Method in class rice.pastry.Id
Returns an Id corresponding to this Id plus a given distance
addToId(Id.Distance) - Method in class rice.persistence.testing.MemoryStorageTest.VariableId
addToLeafSet(NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.pastry.standard.ConsistentJoinProtocol
Observes all NodeHandles added to LeafSet
addToReceiveCache(Identifier, long, long) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.commitment.CommitmentProtocolImpl
addToWaitingForLeafSet(NodeHandle, Continuation<LeafSet, Exception>, Cancellable) - Method in class rice.pastry.pns.PNSApplication
addToWaitingForRouteRow(NodeHandle, int, Continuation<RouteSet[], Exception>, Cancellable) - Method in class rice.pastry.pns.PNSApplication
addTransportLayerListener(TransportLayerListener<Identifier>) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.ListenableTransportLayer
addTransportLayerListener(TransportLayerListener<Identifier>) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.priority.PriorityTransportLayer
addTransportLayerListener(TransportLayerListener<Identifier>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.priority.PriorityTransportLayerImpl
addTransportLayerListener(TransportLayerListener<Identifier>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.magicnumber.MagicNumberTransportLayer
addTransportLayerListener(TransportLayerListener<InetSocketAddress>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.WireTransportLayerImpl
addVisited(NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.AnycastMessage
Adds a node to the visited list
Aggregate - Class in rice.p2p.aggregation
Aggregate(GCPastContent[], Id[]) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.aggregation.Aggregate
AggregateFactory - Interface in rice.p2p.aggregation
aggregateFactory - Variable in class rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregationImpl
AggregateHandle - Class in rice.p2p.aggregation
AggregateHandle(NodeHandle, Id, long, long) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregateHandle
AggregateHandle(InputBuffer, Endpoint) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregateHandle
aggregateLifetimeHisto - Variable in class rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregationStatistics
AggregateList - Class in rice.p2p.aggregation
AggregateList(String, String, IdFactory, boolean, String, Environment) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregateList
aggregateList - Variable in class rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregateList
aggregateList - Variable in class rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregationImpl
aggregateStore - Variable in class rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregationImpl
Aggregation - Interface in rice.p2p.aggregation
AggregationDefaultPolicy - Class in rice.p2p.aggregation
AggregationDefaultPolicy() - Constructor for class rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregationDefaultPolicy
AggregationException - Exception in rice.p2p.aggregation
AggregationException(String) - Constructor for exception rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregationException
AggregationImpl - Class in rice.p2p.aggregation
AggregationImpl(Node, Past, Past, StorageManager, String, IdFactory, String) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregationImpl
AggregationImpl(Node, Past, Past, StorageManager, String, IdFactory, String, AggregationPolicy, AggregateFactory) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregationImpl
AggregationMessage - Class in rice.p2p.aggregation.messaging
AggregationMessage(int, NodeHandle, Id) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.aggregation.messaging.AggregationMessage
Constructor which takes a unique integer Id
AggregationPolicy - Interface in rice.p2p.aggregation
AggregationStatistics - Class in rice.p2p.aggregation
AggregationStatistics(int, long, Environment) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregationStatistics
AggregationTimeoutMessage - Class in rice.p2p.aggregation.messaging
AggregationTimeoutMessage(int, NodeHandle) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.aggregation.messaging.AggregationTimeoutMessage
AggressiveLivenessTransportLayerImpl<Identifier> - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.liveness
Cancels liveness check if you read/write to TCP or read UDP from the node.
AggressiveLivenessTransportLayerImpl(TransportLayer<Identifier, ByteBuffer>, Environment, ErrorHandler<Identifier>, int) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.liveness.AggressiveLivenessTransportLayerImpl
ALL - Static variable in class rice.environment.logging.Logger
ALL indicates that all messages should be logged.
allChildren - Variable in class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeImpl
This contains a mapping of child - > all topics for which the local node has this node(hashtable key) as a child
ALLOW_SOURCE_ROUTE - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.SourceRouteTransportLayer
allowDuplicateSeqs - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.commitment.AuthenticatorStoreImpl
allowInsert(PastContent) - Method in interface rice.p2p.past.PastPolicy
This method is call before an insert() is processed on the local node.
allowInsert(PastContent) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.PastPolicy.DefaultPastPolicy
This method always return true;
allowSubscribe(Scribe, NodeHandle, List<Topic>, ScribeContent) - Method in interface rice.p2p.scribe.ScribePolicy
This method is called when the newChild is about to become our child, and the policy should return whether or not the child should be allowed to become our child.
allowSubscribe(Scribe, NodeHandle, List<Topic>, ScribeContent) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribePolicy.DefaultScribePolicy
If you don't override the deprecated allowSubscribe(), This method always return true;
allowSubscribe(SubscribeMessage, ScribeClient[], NodeHandle[]) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribePolicy.DefaultScribePolicy
This method should be deprecated, but is here for reverse compatibility.
allowSubscribe(SubscribeMessage, ScribeClient[], NodeHandle[]) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribePolicy.LimitedScribePolicy
This method returns (children.length < maxChildren-1);
allowSubscribe - Variable in class rice.p2p.scribe.testing.ScribeRegrTest.TestScribePolicy
allowSubscribe(boolean) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.testing.ScribeRegrTest.TestScribePolicy
allowSubscribe(SubscribeMessage, ScribeClient[], NodeHandle[]) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.testing.ScribeRegrTest.TestScribePolicy
allowSubscribe(SubscribeMessage, ScribeClient[], NodeHandle[]) - Method in class rice.p2p.splitstream.SplitStreamScribePolicy
This method implements the "locating parent" algorithm of SplitStream.
allParents - Variable in class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeImpl
This contains a mapping of parent - > all topics for which the local node has this node(hashtable key) as a parent
allParentsContains(Topic, NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeImpl
allParentsContainsParent(NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeImpl
alternateRoutes(Id, int) - Method in class rice.pastry.routing.RoutingTable
Determines a set of alternate hops towards a given key.
alternateRoutesIterator(Id) - Method in class rice.pastry.routing.RoutingTable
More efficient implementation, but less accurate, doesn't include lower levels of rt.
alternateTest() - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.NodeIdUnit
ALWAYS - Static variable in class rice.pastry.socket.internet.InternetPastryNodeFactory
NAT policy variables
anycast(Topic, ScribeContent) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.replay.MyScribeClient
Called when we receive an anycast.
anycast(Topic, ScribeContent) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringNode
This method is invoked when an anycast is received for a topic which this client is interested in.
anycast(Topic, ScribeContent) - Method in interface rice.p2p.scribe.javaserialized.JavaScribe
Anycasts the given content to a member of the given topic
anycast(Topic, ScribeContent, NodeHandle) - Method in interface rice.p2p.scribe.javaserialized.JavaScribe
Anycasts the given content to a member of the given topic The hint helps us to implement centralized algorithms where the hint is the cachedRoot for the topic.
anycast(Topic, RawScribeContent) - Method in interface rice.p2p.scribe.rawserialization.RawScribe
Anycasts the given content to a member of the given topic
anycast(Topic, RawScribeContent, NodeHandle) - Method in interface rice.p2p.scribe.rawserialization.RawScribe
Anycasts the given content to a member of the given topic The hint helps us to implement centralized algorithms where the hint is the cachedRoot for the topic.
anycast(Topic, ScribeContent) - Method in interface rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeClient
Deprecated. This method is invoked when an anycast is received for a topic which this client is interested in.
anycast(Topic, ScribeContent) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeImpl
Anycasts the given content to a member of the given topic
anycast(Topic, ScribeContent, NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeImpl
anycast(Topic, RawScribeContent) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeImpl
anycast(Topic, RawScribeContent, NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeImpl
anycast(Topic, ScribeContent) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeImpl.ScribeClientConverter
anycast(Topic, ScribeContent) - Method in interface rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeMultiClient
This method is invoked when an anycast is received for a topic which this client is interested in.
anycast(Topic, ScribeContent) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.testing.ScribeRegrTest.TestScribeClient
anycast(Topic, ScribeContent) - Method in class rice.p2p.splitstream.Stripe
This method is invoked when an anycast is received for a topic which this client is interested in.
anycast(Topic, ScribeContent) - Method in class rice.tutorial.scribe.MyScribeClient
Called when we receive an anycast.
AnycastFailureMessage - Class in rice.p2p.scribe.messaging
AnycastFailureMessage(NodeHandle, Topic, ScribeContent) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.AnycastFailureMessage
AnycastFailureMessage(NodeHandle, Topic, RawScribeContent) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.AnycastFailureMessage
AnycastMessage - Class in rice.p2p.scribe.messaging
AnycastMessage(NodeHandle, Topic, ScribeContent) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.AnycastMessage
Constructor which takes a unique integer Id
AnycastMessage(NodeHandle, Topic, RawScribeContent) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.AnycastMessage
AnycastMessage(InputBuffer, Endpoint, ScribeContentDeserializer) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.AnycastMessage
Protected because it should only be called from an extending class, to get version numbers correct.
anycastMessages - Variable in class rice.p2p.scribe.testing.ScribeRegrTest.TestScribeClient
The publish messages received so far
apop(byte[], byte[]) - Static method in class rice.p2p.util.SecurityUtils
Utility method for determining the apop of a challenge and password using a secure hashing algorithm.
APOP_ALGORITHM - Static variable in class rice.p2p.util.SecurityUtils
The name of the apop function.
APP_ID - Static variable in class rice.pastry.peerreview.FetchLeafsetApp
appBufferMax - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.ssl.SSLSocketManager
append(char[], int, int) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLParser.CharArrayBuffer
Appends some more chars!
appendEntry(short, boolean, ByteBuffer...) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.SecureHistory
Appends a new entry to the log.
appendEntry(short, boolean, ByteBuffer...) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.SecureHistoryImpl
Appends a new entry to the log.
appendHash(short, byte[]) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.SecureHistory
Append a new hashed entry to the log.
appendHash(short, byte[]) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.SecureHistoryImpl
Append a new hashed entry to the log.
appendSnippetToHistory(LogSnippet) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.SecureHistory
appendSnippetToHistory(LogSnippet) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.SecureHistoryImpl
Application - Interface in rice.p2p.commonapi
application - Variable in class rice.p2p.multiring.messaging.RingMessage
The name of the application which sent this message
application - Variable in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringApplication
The app which this mulitring app is wrapping
application - Variable in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringEndpoint
The application this endpoint is for
application - Variable in class rice.pastry.commonapi.PastryEndpoint
AppNotRegisteredException - Exception in rice.p2p.commonapi.exception
The application has not been registered on that node.
AppNotRegisteredException(int) - Constructor for exception rice.p2p.commonapi.exception.AppNotRegisteredException
apps - Variable in class rice.pastry.PastryNode
AppSocket - Interface in rice.p2p.commonapi.appsocket
Interface for sending bulk data from the application.
AppSocketException - Exception in rice.p2p.commonapi.exception
AppSocketException() - Constructor for exception rice.p2p.commonapi.exception.AppSocketException
AppSocketException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception rice.p2p.commonapi.exception.AppSocketException
AppSocketException(String) - Constructor for exception rice.p2p.commonapi.exception.AppSocketException
AppSocketPastryNodeFactory - Class in rice.pastry.socket.appsocket
Extends SocketPastryNodeFactory and adds getSocketFactory() to allow access to a FreePastry application w/o joining the Ring.
AppSocketPastryNodeFactory(NodeIdFactory, int, Environment) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.socket.appsocket.AppSocketPastryNodeFactory
AppSocketPastryNodeFactory(NodeIdFactory, InetAddress, int, Environment) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.socket.appsocket.AppSocketPastryNodeFactory
AppSocketReceiver - Interface in rice.p2p.commonapi.appsocket
Interface to receive an application level socket.
AppSocketReceiverWrapper<Identifier> - Class in rice.pastry.transport
AppSocketReceiverWrapper(AppSocketReceiver, SocketAdapter<Identifier>, Environment) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.transport.AppSocketReceiverWrapper
array - Variable in class rice.p2p.util.IdBloomFilter
An internal byte[] for managing ids in a memory-efficent manner The deal with this is that we will be creating a ton of arrays in addId/check.
ARRAY_SPACER - Static variable in class rice.environment.params.simple.SimpleParameters
asArray() - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.IdSet
return this set as an array
asArray() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.FragmentKeySet
return this set as an array
asArray() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.VersionKeySet
return this set as an array
asArray() - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringIdSet
return this set as an array
asArray() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCIdSet
return this set as an array
asArray() - Method in class rice.pastry.IdSet
return this set as an array
asList() - Method in class rice.pastry.leafset.LeafSet
If overlaps() a NodeHandle may show up twice.
asList() - Method in class rice.pastry.routing.RoutingTable
Does not return self
assertAttribute(String, String) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLReader
Asserts that the given attribute exists and is equal to the given value.
assertEndTag() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLReader
Asserts that a end tag was just read
assertEndTag(String) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLReader
Asserts that the provided end tag was just read
assertEquals(String, Object, Object) - Method in class rice.p2p.commonapi.testing.CommonAPITest
Thows an exception if expected is not equal to actual.
assertEquals(String, Object, Object) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.testing.MultiringRegrTest
Thows an exception if expected is not equal to actual.
assertEvent(int) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLReader
Asserts that the given event type just happened.
assertLocalNode() - Method in class rice.pastry.direct.DirectNodeHandle
assertLocalNode() - Method in class rice.pastry.NodeHandle
May be called from handle etc methods to ensure that local node has been set, either on construction or on deserialization/receivemsg.
assertStartTag() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLReader
Asserts that a start tag was just read
assertStartTag(String) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLReader
Asserts that the provided start tag was just read
assertTrue(String, boolean) - Method in class rice.p2p.commonapi.testing.CommonAPITest
Throws an exception if the test condition is not met.
assertTrue(String, boolean) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.testing.MultiringRegrTest
Throws an exception if the test condition is not met.
assertTrue(String, boolean) - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.LeafSetTest
Throws an exception if the test condition is not met.
assignedIndices - Variable in class rice.pastry.direct.proximitygenerators.GenericProximityGenerator
assignReference() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectOutputStream
Method which assigns a new unique reference.
ASYMMETRIC_ALGORITHM - Static variable in class rice.p2p.util.SecurityUtils
The name of the asymmetric cipher to use.
ASYMMETRIC_GENERATOR - Static variable in class rice.p2p.util.SecurityUtils
The name of the asymmetric generator to use.
attach(Cancellable) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.AttachableCancellable
AttachableCancellable - Class in rice.p2p.util
Allows you to cancel a group of things.
AttachableCancellable() - Constructor for class rice.p2p.util.AttachableCancellable
attachChannel(ChannelId) - Method in interface rice.p2p.splitstream.SplitStream
A SplitStream application calls this method to join a channel.
attachChannel(ChannelId) - Method in class rice.p2p.splitstream.SplitStreamImpl
This method is used by peers who wish to listen to content distributed by some other peer using SplitStream.
attachChannel(ChannelId) - Method in class rice.p2p.splitstream.testing.MySplitStreamClient
attribute(String, int) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLWriter
Method which writes an attribute to the XML document.
attribute(String, double) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLWriter
Method which writes an attribute to the XML document.
attribute(String, float) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLWriter
Method which writes an attribute to the XML document.
attribute(String, long) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLWriter
Method which writes an attribute to the XML document.
attribute(String, char) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLWriter
Method which writes an attribute to the XML document.
attribute(String, boolean) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLWriter
Method which writes an attribute to the XML document.
attribute(String, Object) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLWriter
Method which writes an attribute to the XML document.
attribute(String, String) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLWriter
Method which writes an attribute to the XML document.
attributeKeys - Variable in class rice.p2p.util.XMLParser
If the tag parsed was a start tag, the list of attribute-> value pairs
attributeValues - Variable in class rice.p2p.util.XMLParser
AuditProtocol<Handle extends RawSerializable,Identifier> - Interface in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.audit
auditProtocol - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewImpl
AuditProtocolImpl<Handle extends RawSerializable,Identifier extends RawSerializable> - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.audit
AuditProtocolImpl(PeerReview<Handle, Identifier>, SecureHistory, PeerInfoStore<Handle, Identifier>, AuthenticatorStore<Identifier>, IdentityTransport<Handle, Identifier>, AuthenticatorStore<Identifier>, EvidenceTransferProtocol<Handle, Identifier>, AuthenticatorStore<Identifier>) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.audit.AuditProtocolImpl
AuditResponse<Handle extends RawSerializable> - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.evidence
Snippit is the contents (everything but the type) RESP_AUDIT byte type nodehandle myHandle LogSnippit logSnippit
AuditResponse(Handle, LogSnippet) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.evidence.AuditResponse
AuditResponse(InputBuffer, Serializer<Handle>, int) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.evidence.AuditResponse
auditsTimerExpired() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.audit.AuditProtocolImpl
A periodic timer to audit all nodes for which we are a witness
auditTimer - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.audit.AuditProtocolImpl
Null if there is no current timer.
auth1 - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.evidence.ProofInconsistent
auth2 - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.evidence.ProofInconsistent
AUTH_CACHE_INTERVAL - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewConstants
authCacheStore - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewImpl
AUTHENTICATED - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.TransportLayerListenerConstants
Authenticator - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.commitment
Authenticator(long, byte[], byte[]) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.commitment.Authenticator
Authenticator(InputBuffer, int, int) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.commitment.Authenticator
AuthenticatorPushProtocol<Handle,Identifier extends RawSerializable> - Interface in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.authpush
AuthenticatorPushProtocolImpl<Handle extends RawSerializable,Identifier extends RawSerializable> - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.authpush
This protocol collects authenticators from incoming messages and, once in a while, batches them together and sends them to the witnesses.
AuthenticatorPushProtocolImpl(PeerReview<Handle, Identifier>, AuthenticatorStore<Identifier>, AuthenticatorStore<Identifier>, AuthenticatorStore<Identifier>, IdentityTransport<Handle, Identifier>, PeerInfoStore<Handle, Identifier>, EvidenceTransferProtocol<Handle, Identifier>, Environment) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.authpush.AuthenticatorPushProtocolImpl
authenticators - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.message.AuthPushMessage
authenticatorSerialilzer - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewImpl
AuthenticatorSerializer - Interface in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.commitment
Reads and writes Authenticators.
AuthenticatorSerializerImpl - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.commitment
AuthenticatorSerializerImpl(int, int) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.commitment.AuthenticatorSerializerImpl
AuthenticatorStore<Identifier> - Interface in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.commitment
Witnesses use instances of this class to store authenticators.
AuthenticatorStoreImpl<Identifier extends RawSerializable> - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.commitment
AuthenticatorStoreImpl(PeerReview<?, Identifier>) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.commitment.AuthenticatorStoreImpl
AuthenticatorStoreImpl(PeerReview<?, Identifier>, boolean) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.commitment.AuthenticatorStoreImpl
AuthenticatorStoreTest - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.peerreview
AuthenticatorStoreTest() - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.peerreview.AuthenticatorStoreTest
authFrom - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.audit.ActiveInvestigationInfo
authFrom - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.message.AuthResponse
authInStore - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewImpl
authoritative - Variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierResponseMessage
authOutStore - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewImpl
authPendingStore - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewImpl
AuthPushMessage<Identifier extends RawSerializable> - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.message
Builds the message to a target size.
AuthPushMessage(Map<Identifier, List<Authenticator>>) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.message.AuthPushMessage
authPushProtocol - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewImpl
AuthRequest<Identifier extends RawSerializable> - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.message
MSG_AUTHREQ byte type = MSG_AUTHREQ long long timestamp nodeID subject
AuthRequest(long, Identifier) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.message.AuthRequest
AuthRequest(InputBuffer, Serializer<Identifier>) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.message.AuthRequest
AuthResponse<Identifier extends RawSerializable> - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.message
MSG_AUTHRESP byte type = MSG_AUTHRESP nodeID subject authenticator a1 // newest authenticator before timestamp in AUTHREQ authenticator a2 // most recent authenticator
AuthResponse(Identifier, Authenticator, Authenticator) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.message.AuthResponse
AuthResponse(InputBuffer, Serializer<Identifier>, int, int) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.message.AuthResponse
authSerializer - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.evidence.EvidenceSerializerImpl
authTo - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.audit.ActiveInvestigationInfo
authTo - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.message.AuthResponse
available() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.EncryptedInputStream
Returns the number of bytes that can be read (or skipped over) from this input stream without blocking by the next caller of a method for this input stream.


b - Variable in class rice.p2p.util.tuples.Tuple
b() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.tuples.Tuple
b - Variable in class rice.p2p.util.tuples.Tuple3
b() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.tuples.Tuple3
BACKOFF_INITIAL - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.liveness.LivenessTransportLayerImpl
BACKOFF_LIMIT - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.liveness.LivenessTransportLayerImpl
backup - Variable in class rice.p2p.past.PastImpl
BACKUP_DIRECTORY - Static variable in class rice.persistence.PersistentStorage
Static variables which define the location of the storage root
BAD_HDR - Static variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.MagicNumberTest
Goes to Carol
bais - Variable in class rice.p2p.util.testing.XMLObjectStreamUnit
BandwidthLimitingTransportLayer<Identifier> - Class in rice.tutorial.transportlayer
BandwidthLimitingTransportLayer(TransportLayer<Identifier, ByteBuffer>, int, int, Environment) - Constructor for class rice.tutorial.transportlayer.BandwidthLimitingTransportLayer
To send 10K/second specify use 10240,1000
BandwidthMeasurement<Identifier> - Interface in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.bandwidthmeasure
BandwidthMeasuringTLTest - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer
BandwidthMeasuringTLTest() - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.BandwidthMeasuringTLTest
BandwidthMeasuringTransportLayer<Identifier> - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.bandwidthmeasure
Measure the bandwidth of the connections.
BandwidthMeasuringTransportLayer(int, TransportLayer<Identifier, ByteBuffer>, Environment) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.bandwidthmeasure.BandwidthMeasuringTransportLayer
baos - Variable in class rice.p2p.util.testing.XMLObjectStreamUnit
BASE - Variable in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringNodeCollection
The routing base for ring ids, in bytes
Base64 - Class in rice.p2p.util
Base64.InputStream - Class in rice.p2p.util
A Base64#InputStream will read data from another InputStream, given in the constructor, and encode/decode to/from Base64 notation on the fly.
Base64.InputStream(InputStream) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.util.Base64.InputStream
Constructs a Base64#InputStream in DECODE mode.
Base64.InputStream(InputStream, int) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.util.Base64.InputStream
Constructs a Base64#InputStream in either ENCODE or DECODE mode.
Base64.OutputStream - Class in rice.p2p.util
A Base64#OutputStream will write data to another OutputStream, given in the constructor, and encode/decode to/from Base64 notation on the fly.
Base64.OutputStream(OutputStream) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.util.Base64.OutputStream
Constructs a Base64#OutputStream in ENCODE mode.
Base64.OutputStream(OutputStream, int) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.util.Base64.OutputStream
Constructs a Base64#OutputStream in either ENCODE or DECODE mode.
baseBitLength() - Method in class rice.pastry.routing.RoutingTable
return the bit length of the base
baseFiddlingTest() - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.NodeIdUnit
BaseScribe - Interface in rice.p2p.scribe
Scribe functions not specific to serialization type.
baseSeq - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.SecureHistoryImpl
BasicEntryDeserializer - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay
BasicEntryDeserializer() - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.BasicEntryDeserializer
BasicNetworkSimulator<Identifier,MessageType> - Class in rice.pastry.direct
BasicNetworkSimulator(Environment, RandomSource, NetworkSimulator<Identifier, MessageType>) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.direct.BasicNetworkSimulator
Basics - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview
Basics() - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.Basics
BBReceipt - Interface in org.mpisws.p2p.filetransfer
best - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.manager.SourceRouteManagerImpl.AddressManager
the current best route to this remote address if best == null, we are already in a CheckDead, which means we are searching for a path
bestAlternateRoute(Id) - Method in class rice.pastry.routing.RoutingTable
Determines an alternate hop numerically closer to the key than the one we are at.
bestAlternateRoute(int, Id) - Method in class rice.pastry.routing.RoutingTable
Determines an alternate hop numerically closer to the key than the one we are at.
BIG_MSG_SOCKET - Static variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.priority.PriorityTransportLayerImpl
BIG_MSG_SOCKET_B - Static variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.priority.PriorityTransportLayerImpl
bindAddress - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.WireTransportLayerImpl
bindings - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.identity.IdentityImpl
Multiple UpperIdentifiers claim the same binding to the LowerIdentifier.
BindStrategy<UpperIdentifier,LowerIdentifier> - Interface in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.identity
bindStrategy - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.identity.IdentityImpl
bioThread - Variable in class rice.environment.processing.simple.SimpleProcessor
blit(byte[]) - Method in class rice.pastry.Id
Blits the Id into a target array.
blit(byte[], int) - Method in class rice.pastry.Id
Blits the distance into a target array, starting at the given offset.
blit(byte[]) - Method in class rice.pastry.Id.Distance
Blits the distance into a target array.
blit(byte[], int) - Method in class rice.pastry.Id.Distance
Blits the distance into a target array, starting at the given offset.
BlockingIOThread - Class in rice.environment.processing.simple
BlockingIOThread(WorkQueue) - Constructor for class rice.environment.processing.simple.BlockingIOThread
BloomFilter - Class in rice.p2p.glacier.v2
BloomFilter(int, int[]) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.BloomFilter
BloomFilter(int, int, RandomSource) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.BloomFilter
BloomFilter(InputBuffer) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.BloomFilter
BloomFilter - Variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierSyncMessage
BloomFilter - Class in rice.p2p.util
BloomFilter(int, int) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.util.BloomFilter
Constructor which takes the number of hash functions to use and the length of the set to use.
BloomFilter(InputBuffer) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.util.BloomFilter
BloomFilterUnit - Class in rice.p2p.util.testing
BloomFilterUnit() - Constructor for class rice.p2p.util.testing.BloomFilterUnit
BLS_THROTTLE - Variable in class rice.pastry.standard.PeriodicLeafSetProtocol
bogus() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.EpochTest
To fool eclips's testing harness.
bogus() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.PriorityTest
bogus() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.WireTest
bogusEncryptMe - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.ssl.SSLSocketManager
BogusNodeHandle - Class in rice.pastry.transport
BogusNodeHandle(InetSocketAddress) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.transport.BogusNodeHandle
BogusNodeHandle(InetSocketAddress[]) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.transport.BogusNodeHandle
BogusNodeHandle2 - Class in rice.pastry.socket.appsocket
BogusNodeHandle2() - Constructor for class rice.pastry.socket.appsocket.BogusNodeHandle2
BogusUDPLayerImpl - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire
BogusUDPLayerImpl() - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.BogusUDPLayerImpl
boot(Collection<Identifier>) - Method in interface rice.pastry.boot.Bootstrapper
boot(Object) - Method in class rice.pastry.PastryNode
boot(Collection) - Method in class rice.pastry.PastryNode
BOOT - Static variable in class rice.pastry.socket.internet.InternetPastryNodeFactory
Don't check bootstrap nodes
boot(Collection<InetSocketAddress>) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.SocketPastryNodeFactory.TLBootstrapper
This method is a bit out of order to make it work on any thread.
bootAsBootstrap() - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.SocketPastryNodeFactory.TLBootstrapper
BOOTNODE - Static variable in class rice.p2p.splitstream.testing.SplitStreamDistTest
BOOTSTRAP - Variable in class rice.p2p.commonapi.testing.CommonAPITest
bootstrap(Message) - Method in class rice.pastry.NodeHandle
Method which is used by Pastry to start the bootstrapping process on the local node using this handle as the bootstrap handle.
bootstrap - Variable in class rice.pastry.testing.PastryNetworkTest
BOOTSTRAP_HOST - Static variable in class rice.p2p.multiring.testing.MultiringRegrTest
BOOTSTRAP_PORT - Static variable in class rice.p2p.commonapi.testing.CommonAPITest
BOOTSTRAP_PORT - Static variable in class rice.p2p.multiring.testing.MultiringRegrTest
Bootstrapper<Identifier> - Interface in rice.pastry.boot
bootstrapper - Variable in class rice.pastry.PastryNode
Call boot on this class.
bootstrapRate - Variable in class rice.pastry.standard.PartitionHandler
bootstraps - Variable in class rice.p2p.multiring.RingCertificate
bootstraps - Variable in class rice.pastry.standard.PartitionHandler
broadcast() - Method in class rice.pastry.standard.StandardLeafSetProtocol
Broadcast the leaf set to all members of the local leaf set.
broadcast(int) - Method in class rice.pastry.standard.StandardLeafSetProtocol
Broadcast the leaf set to all members of the local leaf set.
broadcast(LeafSet, NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.pastry.standard.StandardLeafSetProtocol
Broadcast the local leaf set to all members of the given leaf set, plus the node from which the leaf set was received.
broadcastAll() - Method in class rice.pastry.standard.PeriodicLeafSetProtocol
Broadcast the leaf set to all members of the local leaf set.
broadcastChannelClosed(InetSocketAddress, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.WireTransportLayerImpl
broadcastChannelClosed(InetSocketAddress) - Method in class rice.pastry.PastryNode
broadcastChannelOpened(InetSocketAddress, Map<String, Object>, boolean) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.WireTransportLayerImpl
broadcastChannelOpened(InetSocketAddress, int) - Method in class rice.pastry.PastryNode
BroadcastLeafSet - Class in rice.pastry.leafset
Broadcast a leaf set to another node.
BroadcastLeafSet(NodeHandle, LeafSet, int, long) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.leafset.BroadcastLeafSet
BroadcastLeafSet(Date, NodeHandle, LeafSet, int, long) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.leafset.BroadcastLeafSet
BroadcastLeafSet(InputBuffer, NodeHandleFactory) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.leafset.BroadcastLeafSet
broadcastNewNode(MultiringNode) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringNodeCollection
This method informs all of the existing nodes of the newly added node, and informs the newly added node of all of the existing nodes.
broadcastReceivedListeners(int, short, InetSocketAddress, int, int) - Method in class rice.pastry.PastryNode
BroadcastRouteRow - Class in rice.pastry.routing
Broadcast message for a row from a routing table.
BroadcastRouteRow(Date, NodeHandle, RouteSet[]) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.routing.BroadcastRouteRow
BroadcastRouteRow(NodeHandle, RouteSet[]) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.routing.BroadcastRouteRow
BroadcastRouteRow(InputBuffer, NodeHandleFactory, PastryNode) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.routing.BroadcastRouteRow
broadcastRows(JoinRequest) - Method in class rice.pastry.standard.StandardJoinProtocol
Broadcasts the route table rows.
broadcastSentListeners(int, short, InetSocketAddress, int, int) - Method in class rice.pastry.PastryNode
bucket - Variable in class rice.tutorial.transportlayer.BandwidthLimitingTransportLayer
When this goes to zero, don't send messages
BUCKET_SIZE - Variable in class rice.tutorial.transportlayer.BandwidthLimitingTransportLayer
The size of the bucket.
BUCKET_TIME_LIMIT - Variable in class rice.tutorial.transportlayer.BandwidthLimitingTransportLayer
How often the bucket is refilled.
bucketConsumed - Variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierImpl
bucketConsumed - Variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierStatistics
bucketLastUpdated - Variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierImpl
bucketMax - Variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierImpl
bucketMax - Variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierStatistics
bucketMaxBurstSize - Variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierStatistics
bucketMin - Variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierImpl
bucketMin - Variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierStatistics
bucketTokensPerSecond - Variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierStatistics
buf() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.util.ExposedByteArrayOutputStream
buffer - Variable in class rice.environment.logging.LogOutputStream
buffer - Variable in class rice.p2p.util.EncryptedInputStream
buffer - Variable in class rice.p2p.util.EncryptedOutputStream
buffer - Variable in class rice.p2p.util.XMLParser
The internal buffer used to process data
buffer - Variable in class rice.p2p.util.XMLParser.CharArrayBuffer
The internal buffer
BUFFER_SIZE - Static variable in class rice.environment.logging.LogOutputStream
BUFFER_SIZE - Variable in class rice.p2p.util.EncryptedOutputStream
BUFFER_SIZE - Static variable in class rice.p2p.util.XMLParser
The size of the internal buffer to allocate
bufferLength - Variable in class rice.p2p.util.EncryptedInputStream
bufferLength - Variable in class rice.p2p.util.EncryptedOutputStream
bufferLimit - Variable in class rice.p2p.util.XMLParser
bufferPosition - Variable in class rice.p2p.util.XMLParser
Internal pointers into the buffer
BufferReader<Identifier> - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.util
Reads a ByteBuffer to the socket then calls receiveResult().
BufferReader(P2PSocket<Identifier>, Continuation<ByteBuffer, Exception>) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.util.BufferReader
Constructor for variable/unknown sized BB, it reads the size off the stream
BufferReader(P2PSocket<Identifier>, Continuation<ByteBuffer, Exception>, int) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.util.BufferReader
Constructor for fixed size BB
BufferReaderWriter<Identifier> - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.util
Concurrently reads a buffer and writes a buffer at the same time, then calls the continuation when done.
BufferReaderWriter(P2PSocket<Identifier>, ByteBuffer, boolean, Continuation<ByteBuffer, Exception>) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.util.BufferReaderWriter
BufferReaderWriter(P2PSocket<Identifier>, ByteBuffer, boolean, Continuation<ByteBuffer, Exception>, int) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.util.BufferReaderWriter
BufferWriter<Identifier> - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.util
Writes a ByteBuffer to the socket then calls receiveResult().
BufferWriter(ByteBuffer, P2PSocket<Identifier>, Continuation<P2PSocket<Identifier>, Exception>, boolean) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.util.BufferWriter
BufferWriter(ByteBuffer, P2PSocket<Identifier>, Continuation<P2PSocket<Identifier>, Exception>) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.util.BufferWriter
build(InputBuffer) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.commonapi.IdFactory
build(InputBuffer) - Static method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.multiaddress.MultiInetSocketAddress
EpochInetSocketAddress: (IPV4): +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ + numAddrs + IPVersion 0 + +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ + internet address 0 ...
build(InputBuffer) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.IndexEntryFactory
build(InputBuffer) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.SecureHistoryFactoryImpl
build(InputBuffer) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.stub.NullHashProvider
build(byte[], int, int) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.stub.NullHashProvider
build(InputBuffer, Serializer<Identifier>, int, int) - Static method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.message.AckMessage
build(InputBuffer, Serializer<I>, AuthenticatorSerializer) - Static method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.message.AuthPushMessage
build(InputBuffer, Serializer<H>, int, int) - Static method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.message.UserDataMessage
build(InputBuffer, MultiInetSocketAddress, MultiInetSocketAddress) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.factory.MultiAddressSourceRouteFactory
2 in the path is a special case, and we can just generate it from the local and last hops
build(InputBuffer, InetSocketAddress, InetSocketAddress) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.factory.WireSourceRouteFactory
build(InputBuffer, Identifier, Identifier) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.SourceRouteFactory
build() - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.IdSet
Returns a new, empty IdSet of this type
build() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.FragmentKeySet
Returns a new, empty IdSet of this type
build(InputBuffer, Endpoint) - Static method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierDataMessage
build(InputBuffer, Endpoint) - Static method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierFetchMessage
build(InputBuffer, Endpoint) - Static method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierNeighborRequestMessage
build(InputBuffer, Endpoint) - Static method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierNeighborResponseMessage
build(InputBuffer, Endpoint) - Static method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierQueryMessage
build(InputBuffer, Endpoint) - Static method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierRangeForwardMessage
build(InputBuffer, Endpoint) - Static method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierRangeQueryMessage
build(InputBuffer, Endpoint) - Static method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierRangeResponseMessage
build(InputBuffer, Endpoint) - Static method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierRefreshCompleteMessage
build(InputBuffer, Endpoint) - Static method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierRefreshPatchMessage
build(InputBuffer, Endpoint) - Static method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierRefreshProbeMessage
build(InputBuffer, Endpoint) - Static method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierRefreshResponseMessage
build(InputBuffer, Endpoint) - Static method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierResponseMessage
build(InputBuffer, Endpoint) - Static method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierSyncMessage
build(String) - Static method in class rice.p2p.glacier.VersionKey
build() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.VersionKeySet
Returns a new, empty IdSet of this type
build() - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringIdSet
Returns a new, empty IdSet of this type
build(Id, Id) - Static method in class rice.p2p.multiring.RingId
build(String) - Static method in class rice.p2p.multiring.RingId
Method which splits apart a ringid string and returns the RingID
build() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCIdSet
Returns a new, empty IdSet of this type
build(InputBuffer, Endpoint) - Static method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.messaging.GCRefreshMessage
build(InputBuffer, Endpoint, PastContentDeserializer) - Static method in class rice.p2p.past.messaging.CacheMessage
build(InputBuffer, Endpoint, PastContentHandleDeserializer) - Static method in class rice.p2p.past.messaging.FetchHandleMessage
build(InputBuffer, Endpoint, PastContentDeserializer, PastContentHandleDeserializer) - Static method in class rice.p2p.past.messaging.FetchMessage
build(InputBuffer, Endpoint, PastContentDeserializer) - Static method in class rice.p2p.past.messaging.InsertMessage
build(InputBuffer, Endpoint) - Static method in class rice.p2p.past.messaging.LookupHandlesMessage
build(InputBuffer, Endpoint, PastContentDeserializer) - Static method in class rice.p2p.past.messaging.LookupMessage
build(InputBuffer, Endpoint) - Static method in class rice.p2p.replication.messaging.RequestMessage
build(InputBuffer, Endpoint) - Static method in class rice.p2p.replication.messaging.ResponseMessage
build(InputBuffer, Endpoint, ScribeContentDeserializer) - Static method in class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.AnycastFailureMessage
build(InputBuffer, Endpoint, ScribeContentDeserializer) - Static method in class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.AnycastMessage
build(InputBuffer, Endpoint) - Static method in class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.DropMessage
build(InputBuffer, Endpoint, ScribeContentDeserializer) - Static method in class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.PublishMessage
build(InputBuffer, Endpoint, ScribeContentDeserializer) - Static method in class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.PublishRequestMessage
build(InputBuffer, Endpoint) - Static method in class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.SubscribeAckMessage
build(InputBuffer, Endpoint) - Static method in class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.SubscribeFailedMessage
build(InputBuffer, Endpoint) - Static method in class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.UnsubscribeMessage
build(int[]) - Static method in class rice.pastry.Id
build(InputBuffer) - Static method in class rice.pastry.Id
Id (Version 0) +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ + 160 Bit + + + + + + + + + +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
build(String) - Static method in class rice.pastry.Id
Constructor, which takes the output of a toStringFull() and converts it back into an Id.
build(char[], int, int) - Static method in class rice.pastry.Id
Constructor, which takes the output of a toStringFull() and converts it back into an Id.
build(byte[]) - Static method in class rice.pastry.Id
build() - Static method in class rice.pastry.Id
build() - Method in class rice.pastry.IdSet
Returns a new, empty IdSet of this type
build(InputBuffer, NodeHandleFactory) - Static method in class rice.pastry.leafset.LeafSet
So that small LeafSets (who have overlapping nodes) don't waste bandwidth, leafset first defines the NodeHandles to be loaded into an array, then specifies their locations.
build(InputBuffer) - Method in interface rice.pastry.messaging.RawMessageDeliveryFactory
build(InputBuffer, NodeHandle, int) - Static method in class rice.pastry.pns.messages.LeafSetRequest
build(InputBuffer, NodeHandleFactory, int) - Static method in class rice.pastry.pns.messages.LeafSetResponse
build(InputBuffer, NodeHandle, int) - Static method in class rice.pastry.pns.messages.RouteRowRequest
build(InputBuffer, byte, PastryNode, NodeHandle, byte) - Static method in class rice.pastry.routing.RouteMessage
version 1: +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ + int auxAddress + +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ + bool hasHndle + // if it has a destinationHandle instead of an Id +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ + Id target + + (only existis if the hasHandle boolean is false + + + + + + + +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ + NodeHandle destinationHandle + + (used if the RouteMessage is intended for a specific node) + + (only exists if the hasHandle boolean is true) + ...
build(InputBuffer) - Static method in class rice.pastry.socket.EpochInetSocketAddress
EpochInetSocketAddress: (IPV4): +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ + numAddrs + +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ + internet address 0 + +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ + port 0 + +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ + internet address 1 + +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ + port 1 + +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ + internet address k + +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ + port k + ...
build(InputBuffer, int) - Static method in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.probe.ProbeRequestMessage
buildAggregate(GCPastContent[], Id[]) - Method in interface rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregateFactory
buildAggregate(RawGCPastContent[], Id[]) - Method in interface rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregateFactory
buildAggregate(GCPastContent[], Id[]) - Method in class rice.p2p.aggregation.JavaSerializedAggregateFactory
buildAggregate(RawGCPastContent[], Id[]) - Method in class rice.p2p.aggregation.JavaSerializedAggregateFactory
buildAggregate(GCPastContent[], Id[]) - Method in class rice.p2p.aggregation.raw.RawAggregateFactory
buildAggregate(RawGCPastContent[], Id[]) - Method in class rice.p2p.aggregation.raw.RawAggregateFactory
buildBootstrapSetFromCert(String) - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.PartitionChecker
buildCryptoMaterial(Environment) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.peerreview.PRRegressionTest
buildEndpoint(Application, String) - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.Node
Same as register application, but returns an unregistered Endpoint.
buildEndpoint(Application, String) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringNode
buildEndpoint(Application, String) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCNode
buildEndpoint(Application, String) - Method in class rice.pastry.PastryNode
buildGC(InputBuffer, Endpoint, PastContentDeserializer) - Static method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.messaging.GCInsertMessage
buildGC(InputBuffer, Endpoint) - Static method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.messaging.GCLookupHandlesMessage
buildId(byte[]) - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.IdFactory
Builds a protocol-specific Id given the source data.
buildId(int[]) - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.IdFactory
Builds a protocol-specific Id given the source data.
buildId(String) - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.IdFactory
Builds a protocol-specific Id by using the hash of the given string as source data.
buildId(byte[]) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.FragmentKeyFactory
buildId(int[]) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.FragmentKeyFactory
Builds a protocol-specific Id given the source data.
buildId(String) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.FragmentKeyFactory
Builds a protocol-specific Id by using the hash of the given string as source data.
buildId(byte[]) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.VersionKeyFactory
buildId(int[]) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.VersionKeyFactory
Builds a protocol-specific Id given the source data.
buildId(String) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.VersionKeyFactory
Builds a protocol-specific Id by using the hash of the given string as source data.
buildId(byte[]) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringIdFactory
Builds a protocol-specific Id given the source data.
buildId(int[]) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringIdFactory
Builds a protocol-specific Id given the source data.
buildId(String) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringIdFactory
Builds a protocol-specific Id by using the hash of the given string as source data.
buildId(byte[]) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCIdFactory
Builds a protocol-specific Id given the source data.
buildId(int[]) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCIdFactory
Builds a protocol-specific Id given the source data.
buildId(String) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCIdFactory
Builds a protocol-specific Id by using the hash of the given string as source data.
buildId(byte[]) - Method in class rice.pastry.commonapi.PastryIdFactory
Builds a protocol-specific Id given the source data.
buildId(int[]) - Method in class rice.pastry.commonapi.PastryIdFactory
Builds a protocol-specific Id given the source data.
buildId(String) - Method in class rice.pastry.commonapi.PastryIdFactory
Builds a protocol-specific Id by using the hash of the given string as source data.
buildIdDistance(byte[]) - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.IdFactory
Builds a protocol-specific Id.Distance given the source data.
buildIdDistance(byte[]) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.FragmentKeyFactory
Builds a protocol-specific Id.Distance given the source data.
buildIdDistance(byte[]) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.VersionKeyFactory
Builds a protocol-specific Id.Distance given the source data.
buildIdDistance(byte[]) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringIdFactory
Builds a protocol-specific Id.Distance given the source data.
buildIdDistance(byte[]) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCIdFactory
Builds a protocol-specific Id.Distance given the source data.
buildIdDistance(byte[]) - Method in class rice.pastry.commonapi.PastryIdFactory
Builds a protocol-specific Id.Distance given the source data.
buildIdFromToString(String) - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.IdFactory
Builds an Id by converting the given toString() output back to an Id.
buildIdFromToString(char[], int, int) - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.IdFactory
Builds an Id by converting the given toString() output back to an Id.
buildIdFromToString(String) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.FragmentKeyFactory
buildIdFromToString(char[], int, int) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.FragmentKeyFactory
buildIdFromToString(String) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.VersionKeyFactory
buildIdFromToString(char[], int, int) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.VersionKeyFactory
buildIdFromToString(String) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringIdFactory
Builds an Id by converting the given toString() output back to an Id.
buildIdFromToString(char[], int, int) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringIdFactory
Builds an Id by converting the given toString() output back to an Id.
buildIdFromToString(String) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCIdFactory
Builds an Id by converting the given toString() output back to an Id.
buildIdFromToString(char[], int, int) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCIdFactory
Builds an Id by converting the given toString() output back to an Id.
buildIdFromToString(String) - Method in class rice.pastry.commonapi.PastryIdFactory
Builds an Id by converting the given toString() output back to an Id.
buildIdFromToString(char[], int, int) - Method in class rice.pastry.commonapi.PastryIdFactory
Builds an Id by converting the given toString() output back to an Id.
buildIdRange(Id, Id) - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.IdFactory
Creates an IdRange given the CW and CCW ids.
buildIdRange(Id, Id) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.FragmentKeyFactory
Creates an IdRange given the CW and CCW ids.
buildIdRange(Id, Id) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.VersionKeyFactory
Creates an IdRange given the CW and CCW ids.
buildIdRange(Id, Id) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringIdFactory
Creates an IdRange given the CW and CCW ids.
buildIdRange(Id, Id) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCIdFactory
Creates an IdRange given the CW and CCW ids.
buildIdRange(Id, Id) - Method in class rice.pastry.commonapi.PastryIdFactory
Creates an IdRange given the CW and CCW ids.
buildIdRangeFromPrefix(String) - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.IdFactory
Builds an IdRange based on a prefix.
buildIdRangeFromPrefix(String) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.FragmentKeyFactory
Builds an IdRange based on a prefix.
buildIdRangeFromPrefix(String) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.VersionKeyFactory
Builds an IdRange based on a prefix.
buildIdRangeFromPrefix(String) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringIdFactory
Builds an IdRange based on a prefix.
buildIdRangeFromPrefix(String) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCIdFactory
Builds an IdRange based on a prefix.
buildIdRangeFromPrefix(String) - Method in class rice.pastry.commonapi.PastryIdFactory
Builds an IdRange based on a prefix.
buildIdSet() - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.IdFactory
Creates an empty IdSet.
buildIdSet(SortedMap) - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.IdFactory
Creates an empty IdSet.
buildIdSet() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.FragmentKeyFactory
Creates an empty IdSet.
buildIdSet(SortedMap) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.FragmentKeyFactory
Creates an empty IdSet.
buildIdSet() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.VersionKeyFactory
Creates an empty IdSet.
buildIdSet(SortedMap) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.VersionKeyFactory
Creates an empty IdSet.
buildIdSet() - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringIdFactory
Creates an empty IdSet.
buildIdSet(SortedMap) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringIdFactory
Creates an empty IdSet.
buildIdSet() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCIdFactory
Creates an empty IdSet.
buildIdSet(SortedMap) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCIdFactory
Creates an empty IdSet.
buildIdSet() - Method in class rice.pastry.commonapi.PastryIdFactory
Creates an empty IdSet.
buildIdSet(SortedMap) - Method in class rice.pastry.commonapi.PastryIdFactory
Creates an empty IdSet.
buildListOf1(Topic) - Static method in class rice.p2p.scribe.testing.ScribeRegrTest
buildMessage() - Method in interface rice.p2p.past.PastImpl.MessageBuilder
buildNodeHandleSet() - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.IdFactory
Creates an empty NodeHandleSet.
buildNodeHandleSet() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.FragmentKeyFactory
Creates an empty NodeHandleSet.
buildNodeHandleSet() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.VersionKeyFactory
Creates an empty NodeHandleSet.
buildNodeHandleSet() - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringIdFactory
Creates an empty NodeHandleSet.
buildNodeHandleSet() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCIdFactory
Creates an empty NodeHandleSet.
buildNodeHandleSet() - Method in class rice.pastry.commonapi.PastryIdFactory
Creates an empty NodeHandleSet.
buildNormalId(byte[]) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringIdFactory
Builds a protocol-specific Id given the source data.
buildNormalId(String) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringIdFactory
Builds a protocol-specific Id given the source data.
buildNormalId(byte[]) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCIdFactory
Builds a protocol-specific Id given the source data.
buildPlayers(Environment) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.peerreview.PRRegressionTest
buildRandomId(Random) - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.IdFactory
Builds a random protocol-specific Id.
buildRandomId(RandomSource) - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.IdFactory
buildRandomId(Random) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.FragmentKeyFactory
Builds a random protocol-specific Id.
buildRandomId(RandomSource) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.FragmentKeyFactory
buildRandomId(Random) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.VersionKeyFactory
Builds a random protocol-specific Id.
buildRandomId(RandomSource) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.VersionKeyFactory
buildRandomId(Random) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringIdFactory
Builds a random protocol-specific Id.
buildRandomId(RandomSource) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringIdFactory
buildRandomId(Random) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCIdFactory
Builds a random protocol-specific Id.
buildRandomId(RandomSource) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCIdFactory
buildRandomId(Random) - Method in class rice.pastry.commonapi.PastryIdFactory
Builds a random protocol-specific Id.
buildRandomId(RandomSource) - Method in class rice.pastry.commonapi.PastryIdFactory
buildReplicationManager(Node, String) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.PastImpl
Internal method which builds the replication manager.
buildRing(SocketPastryNodeFactory, InetSocketAddress) - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.PartitionChecker
buildRingId(Id, byte[]) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringIdFactory
Builds a ringId by using the provided Id and ringIds.
buildRingId(Id, Id) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringIdFactory
Builds a ringId by using the provided Id and ringIds.
buildShared() - Static method in class rice.p2p.util.testing.IdBloomFilterReplicationTest
buildSM(InputBuffer, Endpoint, ScribeContentDeserializer) - Static method in class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.SubscribeMessage
buildSNH(InputBuffer, MultiInetSocketAddress, long, Id) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.RendezvousSPNFIdentitySerializer
buildSNH(InputBuffer, MultiInetSocketAddress, long, Id) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.SPNFIdentitySerializer
buildTestScribeContent(Topic, int) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.testing.RawScribeRegrTest
buildTestScribeContent(Topic, int) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.testing.ScribeRegrTest
byteArrayToInt(byte[]) - Static method in class rice.p2p.util.MathUtils
Utility method for converting a byte[] into a int
byteArrayToInt(byte[], int) - Static method in class rice.p2p.util.MathUtils
byteArrayToLong(byte[]) - Static method in class rice.p2p.util.MathUtils
Utility method for converting a byte[] into a long
byteArrayToLong(byte[], int) - Static method in class rice.p2p.util.MathUtils
byteArrayToShort(byte[]) - Static method in class rice.p2p.util.MathUtils
byteArrayToShort(byte[], int) - Static method in class rice.p2p.util.MathUtils
ByteBufferMsg - Class in rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous
Used to hold a UDP message (usually liveness) when delivering to a firewalled node via Routing.
ByteBufferMsg(ByteBuffer, NodeHandle, int, int) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.ByteBufferMsg
bytes() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.testing.XMLObjectStreamUnit.TestByteSerialization
bytesPending(Identifier) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.priority.PriorityTransportLayer
The number of bytes to be sent to the identifier
bytesPending(Identifier) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.priority.PriorityTransportLayerImpl
bytesRemaining() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.util.FileInputBuffer
bytesRemaining() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.util.FileOutputBuffer
bytesRemaining() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.util.SocketInputBuffer
bytesRemaining() - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.rawserialization.InputBuffer
How much data is left in the InputBuffer.
bytesRemaining() - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.rawserialization.OutputBuffer
bytesRemaining() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.RandomAccessFileIOBuffer
bytesRemaining() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.rawserialization.SimpleInputBuffer
bytesRemaining() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.rawserialization.SimpleOutputBuffer
bytesRemaining() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.rawserialization.SizeChecker
bytesWritten() - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.rawserialization.SizeCheckOutputBuffer
bytesWritten() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.rawserialization.SizeChecker


c - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.ssl.SSLSocketManager
c - Variable in class rice.p2p.util.tuples.Tuple3
c() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.tuples.Tuple3
CA_STORE_CERT - Static variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.pki.x509.CAToolImpl
CA_STORE_PRIVATE - Static variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.pki.x509.CAToolImpl
CA_STORE_PUBLIC - Static variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.pki.x509.CAToolImpl
cache - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.limitsockets.LimitSocketsTransportLayer
cache(PastContent, Continuation) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.PastImpl
Method which inserts the given object into the cache
cache - Variable in class rice.p2p.util.XMLParser
The StringCache used to reduce the memory requirements
Cache - Interface in rice.persistence
This interface is the abstraction of something which provides a caching service.
cache(Id, Serializable, Serializable, Continuation) - Method in interface rice.persistence.Cache
Caches an object in this storage.
cache(Id, Serializable, Serializable, Continuation) - Method in class rice.persistence.EmptyCache
Caches an object in this storage.
cache(Id, Serializable, Serializable, Continuation) - Method in class rice.persistence.LRUCache
Caches an object in this storage.
cache(Id, Serializable, Serializable, Continuation) - Method in class rice.persistence.StorageManagerImpl
Caches an object in this storage.
CACHE_SIZE - Static variable in class rice.persistence.testing.LRUCacheTest
CacheMessage - Class in rice.p2p.past.messaging
CacheMessage(int, PastContent, NodeHandle, Id) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.past.messaging.CacheMessage
Constructor which takes a unique integer Id and the local id
CacheMessage(int, RawPastContent, NodeHandle, Id) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.past.messaging.CacheMessage
callback - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.filetransfer.FileTransferImpl
callback - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.direct.DirectTransportLayer
callback - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.limitsockets.LimitSocketsTransportLayer
callback - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.nat.FirewallTLImpl
callback - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.networkinfo.NetworkInfoTransportLayer
callback - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewImpl
callback - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.VerifierMRH
callback - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rc4.RC4TransportLayer
callback - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous.RendezvousTransportLayerImpl
callback - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.ssl.SSLTransportLayerImpl
callback - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.table.TableTransprotLayerImpl
callback - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.magicnumber.MagicNumberTransportLayer
CallbackFactory - Class in rice.pastry.peerreview
CallbackFactory(Environment) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.peerreview.CallbackFactory
cancel() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.liveness.LivenessTransportLayerImpl.DeadChecker
cancel() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.message.OutgoingUserDataMessage
cancel() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.playback.ReplaySocket
cancel() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.ReplaySocket
cancel() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.util.MessageRequestHandleImpl
cancel() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.util.SocketRequestHandleImpl
cancel() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.SocketManager
cancel() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.UDPLayerImpl.Envelope
cancel() - Method in class rice.environment.processing.simple.ProcessingRequest
cancel() - Method in class rice.environment.processing.WorkRequest
cancel() - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.Cancellable
cancel() - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.SubscribeLostMessage
cancel() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.AttachableCancellable
Returns false if any are false;
cancel() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.MRHAdapter
cancel() - Method in class rice.pastry.ExponentialBackoffScheduledMessage
cancel() - Method in class rice.pastry.routing.RouteMessage
cancel() - Method in class rice.pastry.ScheduledMessage
cancel() - Method in class rice.pastry.transport.PMessageReceiptImpl
The synchronization code here must do the following: cancel/setInternal can be called on any thread at any time if both cancel and setInternal are called, then internal.cancel() is called the first time the second call is made.
cancel(SelectionKey) - Method in class rice.selector.SelectorManager
Method which asks the Selector Manager to add the given key to the cancelled set.
cancel() - Method in class rice.selector.TimerTask
CANCEL_PRIORITY - Static variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.filetransfer.FileTransferImpl
Cancellable - Interface in rice.p2p.commonapi
CancellableTask - Interface in rice.p2p.commonapi
This class represents a task which can be cancelled by the caller.
cancelled - Variable in class rice.environment.processing.WorkRequest
cancelled - Variable in class rice.selector.TimerTask
cancelledKeys - Variable in class rice.selector.SelectorManager
cancelLivenessCheck(Identifier, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.liveness.LivenessTransportLayerImpl
True if there was a pending liveness check.
cancelLivenessCheck(LivenessTransportLayerImpl<Identifier>.EntityManager, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.liveness.LivenessTransportLayerImpl
cancelLivenessChecker(Identifier) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.priority.PriorityTransportLayerImpl
cancelRotateTask() - Method in class rice.environment.logging.file.RotatingLogManager
cancelTask() - Method in class rice.tutorial.timer.MyApp
Call this to cancel the task.
canChange(UpperIdentifier, UpperIdentifier) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.identity.NodeChangeStrategy
canContactDirect(HighIdentifier) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous.ContactDirectStrategy
canContactDirect() - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous.RendezvousContact
canContactDirect(RendezvousSocketNodeHandle) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.RendezvousContactDirectStrategy
Return true if they're behind the same firewall If the address I should use to contact the node is the same as his internal address
canContactDirect() - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.RendezvousSocketNodeHandle
canRandom() - Method in class rice.pastry.routing.SendOptions
Returns whether randomizations on the route are allowed.
canReceiveSocket() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.direct.DirectTransportLayer
canReceiveSocket() - Method in class rice.pastry.client.PastryAppl
Calls receiver.receiveSocket(), then sets receiver to null.
CantFindFirewallException - Exception in rice.pastry.socket.nat
CantFindFirewallException(String) - Constructor for exception rice.pastry.socket.nat.CantFindFirewallException
CantVerifyConnectivityException - Exception in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.networkinfo
Thrown when we can't find a way to very connectivity by a 3rd party.
CantVerifyConnectivityException(String) - Constructor for exception org.mpisws.p2p.transport.networkinfo.CantVerifyConnectivityException
capacity() - Method in class rice.pastry.routing.RouteSet
Catalog - Interface in rice.persistence
This interface is the abstraction of something which holds objects which are available for lookup.
CATool - Interface in org.mpisws.p2p.pki.x509
CAToolImpl - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.pki.x509
CAToolImpl(X509Certificate, KeyPair) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.pki.x509.CAToolImpl
ccwHalf() - Method in class rice.pastry.IdRange
get counterclockwise half of the range
ccwSize() - Method in class rice.pastry.leafset.LeafSet
Gets the current counterclockwise size.
CERT_MISSING - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewConstants
CertificateManager<Handle,Identifier> - Interface in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.identity
Stores some Certificates, sign/verify, can fetch Certificates
CERTIFICATES - Static variable in class rice.p2p.multiring.RingCertificate
CertifiedNodeIdFactory - Class in rice.pastry.standard
Builds nodeIds in a certified manner, guaranteeing that a given node will always have the same nodeId.
CertifiedNodeIdFactory(InetAddress, int, Environment) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.standard.CertifiedNodeIdFactory
CertTool - Interface in org.mpisws.p2p.pki.x509
CHAL_AUDIT - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewConstants
CHAL_SEND - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewConstants
challenge - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.message.ChallengeMessage
ChallengeAudit - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.evidence
CHAL_AUDIT byte type byte flags // 1=includePrevCheckpoint 2=fullMessagesToSender 4=fullMessagesAll [bitfield] authenticator from authenticator to
ChallengeAudit(byte, Authenticator, Authenticator) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.evidence.ChallengeAudit
ChallengeAudit(InputBuffer, int, int) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.evidence.ChallengeAudit
ChallengeHashPolicy<Identifier> - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.challenge
ChallengeHashPolicy(byte, Identifier, Serializer<Identifier>) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.challenge.ChallengeHashPolicy
ChallengeMessage<Identifier extends RawSerializable> - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.message
MSG_CHALLENGE byte type = MSG_CHALLENGE nodeID originator long long evidenceSeq byte chalType = {CHAL_AUDIT|CHAL_SEND} [challenge payload follows]
ChallengeMessage(Identifier, long, Evidence) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.message.ChallengeMessage
ChallengeMessage(InputBuffer, Serializer<Identifier>, EvidenceSerializer) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.message.ChallengeMessage
challengeProtocol - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewImpl
challengeProtocol - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.statement.StatementProtocolImpl
ChallengeResponseProtocol<Handle extends RawSerializable,Identifier extends RawSerializable> - Interface in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.challenge
ChallengeResponseProtocolImpl<Handle extends RawSerializable,Identifier extends RawSerializable> - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.challenge
ChallengeResponseProtocolImpl(PeerReviewImpl<Handle, Identifier>, IdentityTransport<Handle, Identifier>, PeerInfoStore<Handle, Identifier>, SecureHistory, AuthenticatorStore<Identifier>, AuditProtocol<Handle, Identifier>, CommitmentProtocol<Handle, Identifier>) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.challenge.ChallengeResponseProtocolImpl
challengeSuspectedNode(Handle) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.challenge.ChallengeResponseProtocol
challengeSuspectedNode(Handle) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.challenge.ChallengeResponseProtocolImpl
Looks up the first unanswered challenge to a SUSPECTED node, and sends it to that node
challengeSuspectedNode(Handle) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReview
challengeSuspectedNode(Handle) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewImpl
channel - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.SocketManager
Channel - Class in rice.p2p.splitstream
The channel controls all the meta data associated with a group of stripes.
Channel(ChannelId, Scribe, String, IdFactory, Id, int, int) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.splitstream.Channel
Constructor to create a new channel from scratch
channel - Variable in class rice.p2p.splitstream.Stripe
This stripe's channel
channelClosed(InetSocketAddress) - Method in interface rice.pastry.NetworkListener
Called when a socket is closed.
channelId - Variable in class rice.p2p.splitstream.Channel
ChannelId for this channel
ChannelId - Class in rice.p2p.splitstream
This class wraps the nodeId object so we can use type checking and allow more readable and understandable code.
ChannelId(Id) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.splitstream.ChannelId
Constructor that takes in an Id and makes a ChannelId
ChannelId(String) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.splitstream.ChannelId
Constructor that takes in a String and makes a ChannelId
channelOpened(InetSocketAddress, int) - Method in interface rice.pastry.NetworkListener
Called when a socket is opened.
channels - Variable in class rice.p2p.splitstream.SplitStreamImpl
Hashtable of all the channels currently created on this node implicitly or explicitly.
check(byte[]) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.BloomFilter
Method which returns whether or not an element *may* be in the set.
check(Id) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.IdBloomFilter
Method which returns whether or not an Id *may* be in the set.
check(IdSet, IdSet, int) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.IdBloomFilter
Method which checks an entire IdSet to see if they exist in this bloom filter, and returns the response by adding elements to the other provided id set.
CHECK_DEAD_THROTTLE - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.liveness.LivenessTransportLayerImpl
CHECK_LIVENESS_THROTTLE - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.manager.SourceRouteManagerImpl
checkArray(Id) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.IdBloomFilter
Internal method for checking to see if the array exists, and if not, instantiating it.
checkBit(int) - Method in class rice.pastry.Id
Checks if the ith bit is flipped.
checkDone() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.ssl.SSLSocketManager
Return true when done.
checked - Variable in exception rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierNotEnoughFragmentsException
checkHashChainContains(byte[], long, HashProvider, Logger) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.audit.LogSnippet
checkInsert(Id, PastContent) - Method in class rice.p2p.aggregation.Aggregate
checkInsert(Id, PastContent) - Method in class rice.p2p.aggregation.messaging.NonAggregate
checkInsert(Id, PastContent) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.DebugContent
checkInsert(Id, PastContent) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.ContentHashPastContent
Checks if a insert operation should be allowed.
checkInsert(Id, PastContent) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.rawserialization.JavaSerializedGCPastContent
checkInsert(Id, PastContent) - Method in interface rice.p2p.past.PastContent
Checks if a insert operation should be allowed.
checkInsert(Id, PastContent) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.rawserialization.JavaSerializedPastContent
checkInsert(Id, PastContent) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.testing.PastRegrTest.NonOverwritingTestPastContent
checkInsert(Id, PastContent) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.testing.PastRegrTest.TestPastContent
checkInsert(Id, PastContent) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.testing.RawPastRegrTest.NonOverwritingTestPastContent
checkInsert(Id, PastContent) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.testing.RawPastRegrTest.TestPastContent
checkLeafSet(LeafSet, NodeHandle, boolean) - Method in class rice.pastry.standard.StandardLeafSetProtocol
Checks a received leafset advertisement for missing nodes
checkLiveness(Identifier, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.liveness.LivenessProvider
Returns whether a new notification will occur.
checkLiveness(Identifier, Continuation<Identifier, Exception>) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.liveness.LivenessStrategy
Notify the continuation when the liveness check has completed.
checkLiveness(Identifier, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.liveness.LivenessTransportLayerImpl
checkLiveness(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.liveness.LivenessTransportLayerImpl.EntityManager
Method which checks to see this route is dead.
checkLiveness(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.manager.SourceRouteManagerImpl.AddressManager
Method which suggests a ping to the remote node.
checkLiveness(Identifier, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.manager.SourceRouteManagerImpl
Method which FORCES a check of liveness of the remote node.
checkLiveness() - Method in class rice.p2p.commonapi.NodeHandle
Requests that the underlying transport layer check to ensure that the remote node is live.
checkLiveness() - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringNodeHandle
Requests that the underlying transport layer check to ensure that the remote node is live.
checkLiveness(Identifier, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class rice.pastry.direct.BasicNetworkSimulator
checkLiveness() - Method in class rice.pastry.NodeHandle
Method which FORCES a check of liveness of the remote node.
checkLiveness(NodeHandle, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class rice.pastry.PastryNode
checkLiveness() - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.SocketNodeHandle
Method which FORCES a check of liveness of the remote node.
checkLiveness(SocketNodeHandle, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.SocketPastryNodeFactory.TLBootstrapper
checkLiveness(NodeHandle, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class rice.pastry.transport.NodeHandleAdapter
checkRawType(RawMessage) - Static method in class rice.pastry.commonapi.PastryEndpointMessage
checkRoutingTable(RegrTestApp) - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.DirectPastryRegrTest
checkRoutingTable(RegrTestApp) - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.PastryRegrTest
verify the correctness of the routing table
checkRoutingTable() - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.SinglePingTest
checkSignature(Manifest, VersionKey) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierDefaultPolicy
checkSignature(Manifest, VersionKey) - Method in interface rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierPolicy
checkSnippet(LogSnippet) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.audit.EvidenceTool
checkSnippet(LogSnippet) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.audit.EvidenceToolImpl
1) is the log snippet well-formed, i.e.
checkSnippetSignatures(LogSnippet, Handle, AuthenticatorStore<Identifier>, byte, CommitmentProtocol<Handle, Identifier>, byte[], long) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.audit.EvidenceTool
checkSnippetSignatures(LogSnippet, Handle, AuthenticatorStore<Identifier>, byte, CommitmentProtocol<Handle, Identifier>, byte[], long) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.audit.EvidenceToolImpl
The following method does several things: It verifies all the signatures in a log snippet, it extracts all the authenticators for later forwarding to the corresponding witnesses, and it delivers any new messages to the local node that may be in the snippet (e.g.
checkTree(int, int) - Method in class rice.p2p.splitstream.testing.SplitStreamRegrTest
childAdded(Topic, NodeHandle) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.replay.MyScribeClient
childAdded(Topic, NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringNode
Informs this client that a child was added to a topic in which it was interested in.
childAdded(Topic, NodeHandle) - Method in interface rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeClient
Deprecated. Informs this client that a child was added to a topic in which it was interested in.
childAdded(Topic, NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeImpl.ScribeClientConverter
childAdded(Topic, NodeHandle) - Method in interface rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeMultiClient
Informs this client that a child was added to a topic in which it was interested in.
childAdded(Topic, NodeHandle) - Method in interface rice.p2p.scribe.ScribePolicy
Informs this policy that a child was added to a topic - the topic is free to ignore this upcall if it doesn't care.
childAdded(Topic, NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribePolicy.DefaultScribePolicy
Informs this policy that a child was added to a topic - the topic is free to ignore this upcall if it doesn't care.
childAdded(Topic, NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.testing.ScribeRegrTest.TestScribeClient
childAdded(Topic, NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.p2p.splitstream.SplitStreamScribePolicy
Informs this policy that a child was added to a topic - the topic is free to ignore this upcall if it doesn't care.
childAdded(Topic, NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.p2p.splitstream.Stripe
Informs this client that a child was added to a topic in which it was interested in.
childAdded(Topic, NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.tutorial.scribe.MyScribeClient
childRemoved(Topic, NodeHandle) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.replay.MyScribeClient
childRemoved(Topic, NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringNode
Informs this client that a child was removed from a topic in which it was interested in.
childRemoved(Topic, NodeHandle) - Method in interface rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeClient
Deprecated. Informs this client that a child was removed from a topic in which it was interested in.
childRemoved(Topic, NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeImpl.ScribeClientConverter
childRemoved(Topic, NodeHandle) - Method in interface rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeMultiClient
Informs this client that a child was removed from a topic in which it was interested in.
childRemoved(Topic, NodeHandle) - Method in interface rice.p2p.scribe.ScribePolicy
Informs this policy that a child was removed from a topic - the topic is free to ignore this upcall if it doesn't care.
childRemoved(Topic, NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribePolicy.DefaultScribePolicy
Informs this policy that a child was removed from a topic - the topic is free to ignore this upcall if it doesn't care.
childRemoved(Topic, NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.testing.ScribeRegrTest.TestScribeClient
childRemoved(Topic, NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.p2p.splitstream.SplitStreamScribePolicy
Informs this policy that a child was removed from a topic - the topic is free to ignore this upcall if it doesn't care.
childRemoved(Topic, NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.p2p.splitstream.Stripe
Informs this client that a child was removed from a topic in which it was interested in.
childRemoved(Topic, NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.tutorial.scribe.MyScribeClient
children - Variable in class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeImpl.TopicManager
chooseDefaults() - Method in class rice.environment.Environment
Can be easily overridden by a subclass.
CHUNK_SIZE - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.filetransfer.FileTransferImpl
Max size of a message, (the size that can't be preempted)
cleanUp() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.testing.PastRegrTest
cleanUp() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.testing.RawPastRegrTest
cleanupIncompleteStatements() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.statement.StatementProtocolImpl
If a message hangs around in our queue for too long, we discard it
clear(long) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous.EphemeralDBImpl
clear() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.util.SocketInputBuffer
Clears the cache from memory, resetting it to the initial size.
clear() - Method in class rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregateList
clear() - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringIdFactory.MultiringEntrySet
clear() - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringIdFactory.MultiringKeySet
clear() - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringIdFactory.MultiringSortedMap
clear() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCIdFactory.GCEntrySet
clear() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCIdFactory.GCSortedMap
clear() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.ImmutableSortedMap
Removes all mappings from this map (optional operation).
clear() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.RedBlackMap
Removes all mappings from this RedBlackMap.
clear() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.StringCache
Removes all mappings from this map.
clearAttributes() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLParser
Internal method which clears the list of attributes
clearDeserializer(int) - Method in interface rice.pastry.transport.Deserializer
clearDeserializer(int) - Method in class rice.pastry.transport.TLDeserializer
clearLivenessState() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.manager.SourceRouteManagerImpl.AddressManager
clearState(Identifier) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.direct.DirectTransportLayer
clearState(Identifier) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.liveness.LivenessProvider
Force layer to clear the existing state related to the Identifier.
clearState(Identifier) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.liveness.LivenessTransportLayerImpl
clearState(Identifier) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.proximity.MinRTTProximityProvider
clearState(Identifier) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.proximity.ProximityProvider
clearState(Identifier) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.manager.SourceRouteManagerImpl
clearState(Identifier) - Method in class rice.pastry.direct.BasicNetworkSimulator
clearState(NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.pastry.PastryNode
clearState(NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.pastry.transport.NodeHandleAdapter
clearXmitQueue() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.commitment.PeerInfo
client - Variable in class rice.p2p.replication.manager.ReplicationManagerImpl
The client of this manager
client - Variable in class rice.p2p.replication.ReplicationImpl
This replication's client
CLIENT_AUTH_NONE - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.ssl.SSLTransportLayer
CLIENT_AUTH_OPTIONAL - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.ssl.SSLTransportLayer
CLIENT_AUTH_REQUIRED - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.ssl.SSLTransportLayer
clients - Variable in class rice.p2p.replication.manager.testing.ReplicationManagerRegrTest
The clients
clients - Variable in class rice.p2p.replication.testing.ReplicationRegrTest
The clients
clients - Variable in class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeImpl.TopicManager
clients - Variable in class rice.p2p.splitstream.Stripe
The list of SplitStreamClients interested in data from this client
clockwise(Id) - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.Id
Checks to see if the Id nid is clockwise or counterclockwise from this, on the ring.
clockwise(Id) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.FragmentKey
clockwise(Id) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.VersionKey
clockwise(Id) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.RingId
Checks to see if the Id nid is clockwise or counterclockwise from this, on the ring.
clockwise(Id) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCId
Checks to see if the Id nid is clockwise or counterclockwise from this, on the ring.
clockwise(Id) - Method in class rice.pastry.Id
Checks to see if the Id nid is clockwise or counterclockwise from this, on the ring.
clockwise(Id) - Method in class rice.pastry.Id
Checks to see if the Id nid is clockwise or counterclockwise from this, on the ring.
clockwise(Id) - Method in class rice.persistence.testing.MemoryStorageTest.VariableId
clone(String) - Method in interface rice.environment.logging.CloneableLogManager
Return a new LogManager with identical parameters except that there is an indication of detail in each line, or filename if seperated by files.
clone(String, TimeSource) - Method in interface rice.environment.logging.CloneableLogManager
clone(String) - Method in class rice.environment.logging.file.FileLogManager
clone(String) - Method in class rice.environment.logging.simple.SimpleLogManager
clone(String, TimeSource) - Method in class rice.environment.logging.simple.SimpleLogManager
clone() - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.IdSet
Override clone() to make it publicly accessible
clone() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.FragmentKeySet
clone() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.VersionKeySet
clone() - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringIdSet
Clones this object
clone() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCIdSet
Clones this object
clone(IdSet) - Method in class rice.p2p.replication.manager.ReplicationManagerImpl
Internal method which clones an IdSet, so that iterators work as expected
clone() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.RedBlackMap
Returns a shallow copy of this RedBlackMap instance.
clone() - Method in class rice.pastry.IdSet
CloneableLogManager - Interface in rice.environment.logging
If you implement this interface, then your log manager can be cloned.
cloneEnvironment(String) - Method in class rice.environment.Environment
cloneEnvironment(String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class rice.environment.Environment
cloneEnvironment(Environment, Id) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.SocketPastryNodeFactory
cloneLogManager(String) - Method in class rice.environment.Environment
cloneLogManager(Environment, Id) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.SocketPastryNodeFactory
cloneProcessor(String, LogManager, boolean) - Method in class rice.environment.Environment
cloneProcessor(Environment, Id, LogManager) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.SocketPastryNodeFactory
cloneRandomSource(LogManager) - Method in class rice.environment.Environment
cloneRandomSource(Environment, Id, LogManager) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.SocketPastryNodeFactory
cloneSelectorManager(String, TimeSource, RandomSource, LogManager, boolean) - Method in class rice.environment.Environment
cloneSelectorManager(Environment, Id, LogManager) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.SocketPastryNodeFactory
cloneTimeSource(LogManager) - Method in class rice.environment.Environment
close() - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.P2PSocket
Closes this socket.
close() - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.SecureHistory
The destructor.
close() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.SecureHistoryImpl
The destructor.
close() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.playback.ReplaySocket
close(int) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.playback.ReplayVerifier
close() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.record.RecordSocket
close() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.ReplaySocket
close(int) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.VerifierImpl
close() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.ssl.SSLSocketManager
close() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.util.SocketWrapperSocket
close() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.SocketManager
Method which closes down this socket manager, by closing the socket, cancelling the key and setting the key to be interested in nothing
close() - Method in class rice.environment.logging.LogOutputStream
close() - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.appsocket.AppSocket
Closes this socket.
close() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.Base64.OutputStream
Flushes and closes (I think, in the superclass) the stream.
close() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.EncryptedInputStream
Closes this input stream and releases any system resources associated with the stream.
close() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.EncryptedOutputStream
Closes this output stream and releases any system resources associated with this stream.
close() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectInputStream
Method which closes the underlying input stream for reading.
close() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectOutputStream
Method which closes the underlying output stream for writing.
close() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLReader
Method which closes the underlying reader, which will cause future step attempts to throw an IOException.
close() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLWriter
Method which flushes and closes the underlying writer, which will cause future writer attempts to throw an IOException.
close() - Method in class rice.pastry.transport.SocketAdapter
closed - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.ssl.SSLSocketManager
ClosedChannelException - Exception in org.mpisws.p2p.transport
Java's CCE doesn't have proper constructors.
ClosedChannelException(String) - Constructor for exception org.mpisws.p2p.transport.ClosedChannelException
closeIfNecessary() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.limitsockets.LimitSocketsTransportLayer
closePilot(Identifier) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous.PilotManager
Tells the manager that the pilot to the Identifier is no longer useful
closePilot(HighIdentifier) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous.RendezvousTransportLayerImpl
closestNode() - Method in class rice.pastry.routing.RouteSet
Return the closest live node in the set.
closestNode(int) - Method in class rice.pastry.routing.RouteSet
Return the closest live node in the set.
ClosestRegrTest - Class in rice.pastry.testing
ClosestRegrTest A test suite for the getClosest algorithm.
coalesce(NodeHandle) - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.rawserialization.NodeHandleReader
coalesce(NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringEndpoint
coalesce(NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCEndpoint
coalesce(NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.pastry.commonapi.PastryEndpoint
coalesce(NH) - Method in interface rice.pastry.NodeHandleFactory
Needed for legacy java deserialization of NodeHanlde because we aren't given any other way to do this properly such as a protected constructor.
coalesce(NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.pastry.PastryNode
coalesce(SocketNodeHandle) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.SocketNodeHandleFactory
codec - Variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierDefaultPolicy
collect(SortedMap, Continuation) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCPastImpl
Internal method which collects all of the objects in the given set
collected - Variable in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCPastImpl
collection - Variable in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringNode
The collection, which keeps track of the other nodes on the ring node
CommitmentProtocol<Handle extends RawSerializable,Identifier extends RawSerializable> - Interface in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.commitment
This protocol attaches signatures to outgoing messages and acknowledges incoming messages.
commitmentProtocol - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewImpl
CommitmentProtocolImpl<Handle extends RawSerializable,Identifier extends RawSerializable> - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.commitment
CommitmentProtocolImpl(PeerReview<Handle, Identifier>, IdentityTransport<Handle, Identifier>, PeerInfoStore<Handle, Identifier>, AuthenticatorStore<Identifier>, SecureHistory, long) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.commitment.CommitmentProtocolImpl
CommonAPIAppl - Class in rice.pastry.client
CommonAPIAppl is an abstract class that all new applications should extend.
CommonAPIAppl(PastryNode) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.client.CommonAPIAppl
CommonAPIAppl(PastryNode, String) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.client.CommonAPIAppl
CommonAPITest - Class in rice.p2p.commonapi.testing
Provides regression testing setup for applications written on top of the commonapi.
CommonAPITest(Environment) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.commonapi.testing.CommonAPITest
Constructor, which takes no arguments and sets up the factories in preparation for node creation.
CommonAPITransportLayer<Identifier extends NodeHandle> - Interface in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.commonapi
TransportLayer for the rice.p2p.commonapi.
CommonAPITransportLayerImpl<Identifier extends NodeHandle> - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.commonapi
CommonAPITransportLayerImpl(TransportLayer<Identifier, ByteBuffer>, IdFactory, RawMessageDeserializer, OptionsAdder, ErrorHandler<Identifier>, Environment) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.commonapi.CommonAPITransportLayerImpl
commonRange - Variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierRangeResponseMessage
comparator() - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringIdFactory.MultiringSortedMap
comparator() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCIdFactory.GCSortedMap
comparator() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.ImmutableSortedMap
Returns the comparator associated with this sorted map, or null if it uses its keys' natural ordering.
comparator() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.RedBlackMap
Returns the comparator used to order this map, or null if this map uses its keys' natural order.
compare(Object, Object) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.testing.XMLObjectStreamUnit
compareTo(Authenticator) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.commitment.Authenticator
compareTo(ProcessingRequest) - Method in class rice.environment.processing.simple.ProcessingRequest
compareTo(ObjectDescriptor) - Method in class rice.p2p.aggregation.ObjectDescriptor
compareTo(Id) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.FragmentKey
compareTo(FragmentMetadata) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.FragmentMetadata
compareTo(Id) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.VersionKey
compareTo(Id) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.RingId
Returns this id compared to the target
compareTo(Id) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCId
Returns this id compared to the target
compareTo(GCPastMetadata) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCPastMetadata
Comparable, returns -1 if less, 0 if equal, and 1 if greater
compareTo(Topic) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.Topic
compareTo(Id) - Method in class rice.pastry.Id
Comparison operator for Ids.
compareTo(Id.Distance) - Method in class rice.pastry.Id.Distance
Comparison operator.
compareTo(LeafSetTest.TestNodeHandle) - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.LeafSetTest.TestNodeHandle
compareTo(Id) - Method in class rice.persistence.testing.MemoryStorageTest.VariableId
compareTo(TimerTask) - Method in class rice.selector.TimerTask
complement() - Method in class rice.pastry.IdRange
get the complement of this range on the ring
complete(FileTransferImpl.MessageWrapper) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.filetransfer.FileTransferImpl
completeJoin(JoinRequest) - Method in class rice.pastry.standard.StandardJoinProtocol
called on the joiner
components - Variable in class rice.p2p.aggregation.Aggregate
CONFIG - Static variable in class rice.environment.logging.Logger
CONFIG is a message level for static configuration messages.
configFileName - Variable in class rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregateList
connect(NodeHandle, AppSocketReceiver, int) - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.Endpoint
Opens a connection to this application on a remote node.
connect(NodeHandle, AppSocketReceiver, int) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringEndpoint
Passthrough to sub endpoint.
connect(NodeHandle, AppSocketReceiver, int) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCEndpoint
Passthrough to the sub endpoint.
connect(NodeHandle, AppSocketReceiver, int) - Method in class rice.pastry.client.PastryAppl
Called to open an ApplicationLevelSocket
connect(NodeHandle, AppSocketReceiver, PastryAppl, int) - Method in class rice.pastry.PastryNode
Called by PastryAppl to ask the transport layer to open a Socket to its counterpart on another node.
connect(SelectionKey) - Method in class rice.selector.SelectionKeyHandler
Method which is called when the key becomes connectable.
CONNECTION_NO_ACCEPTOR - Static variable in class rice.pastry.PastryNode
CONNECTION_NO_APP - Static variable in class rice.pastry.PastryNode
CONNECTION_OK - Static variable in class rice.pastry.PastryNode
CONNECTION_RESPONSE_FAILURE - Static variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous.RendezvousTransportLayerImpl
CONNECTION_RESPONSE_SUCCESS - Static variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous.RendezvousTransportLayerImpl
CONNECTION_UNKNOWN - Static variable in class rice.pastry.PastryNode
CONNECTION_UNKNOWN_ERROR - Static variable in class rice.pastry.PastryNode
Used by AppSockets
connectionExceptionMeansFaulty(boolean) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.liveness.LivenessTransportLayerImpl
Set this to true if you want a ConnectionException to mark the connection as faulty.
connectionOptions(Identifier) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.priority.PriorityTransportLayer
Returns the options on the primary connection
connectionOptions(Identifier) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.priority.PriorityTransportLayerImpl
connectionStatus(Identifier) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.priority.PriorityTransportLayer
Returns if there is a primary connection to the identifier
connectionStatus(Identifier) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.priority.PriorityTransportLayerImpl
ConnectivityResult - Interface in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.networkinfo
ConnectivityVerifier - Interface in rice.pastry.socket.nat.connectivityverifiier
ConnectivityVerifierImpl - Class in rice.pastry.socket.nat.connectivityverifiier
ConnectivityVerifierImpl(SocketPastryNodeFactory) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.socket.nat.connectivityverifiier.ConnectivityVerifierImpl
CONNECTOR_SOCKET - Static variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous.RendezvousTransportLayerImpl
ConnectorExceptionDelivery<Identifier> - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.direct
ConnectorExceptionDelivery(SocketCallback<Identifier>, SocketRequestHandle<Identifier>, IOException) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.direct.ConnectorExceptionDelivery
ConsistentJoinMsg - Class in rice.pastry.standard
ConsistentJoinMsg(LeafSet, HashSet<NodeHandle>, boolean) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.standard.ConsistentJoinMsg
ConsistentJoinMsg(InputBuffer, NodeHandleFactory, NodeHandle) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.standard.ConsistentJoinMsg
ConsistentJoinProtocol - Class in rice.pastry.standard
Does not setReady until contacting entire leafset which gossips new members.
ConsistentJoinProtocol(PastryNode, NodeHandle, RoutingTable, LeafSet, ReadyStrategy) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.standard.ConsistentJoinProtocol
ConsistentJoinProtocol(PastryNode, NodeHandle, RoutingTable, LeafSet, ReadyStrategy, MessageDeserializer) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.standard.ConsistentJoinProtocol
Constructor takes in the usual suspects.
ConsistentJoinProtocol.CJPDeserializer - Class in rice.pastry.standard
ConsistentJoinProtocol.CJPDeserializer(PastryNode) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.standard.ConsistentJoinProtocol.CJPDeserializer
constructLogger(String, int, boolean) - Method in class rice.environment.logging.AbstractLogManager
constructLogger(String, int, boolean) - Method in class rice.environment.logging.file.RotatingLogManager
constructLogger(String, int, boolean) - Method in class rice.environment.logging.simple.SimpleLogManager
CONSTRUCTORS - Static variable in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectInputStream
A cache of constructors, mapping classes to serialization constructors
CONTACT_DIRECT - Static variable in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.RendezvousSocketNodeHandle
Internet Routable (or proper port forwarding)
CONTACT_FIREWALLED - Static variable in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.RendezvousSocketNodeHandle
Not Internet routable
CONTACT_STATE - Variable in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.RendezvousSocketPastryNodeFactory
Maps to a byte contactState
ContactDeserializer<Identifier,HighIdentifier> - Interface in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous
ContactDirectStrategy<HighIdentifier> - Interface in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous
Used so nodes on a lan can try to contact each other directly.
contactDirectStrategy - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous.RendezvousTransportLayerImpl
contains(String) - Method in interface rice.environment.params.Parameters
See if the parameters contains the key
contains(String) - Method in class rice.environment.params.simple.SimpleParameters
contains(byte[]) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.BloomFilter
contains(Object) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringIdFactory.MultiringEntrySet
contains(Object) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringIdFactory.MultiringKeySet
contains(Object) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCIdFactory.GCEntrySet
contains(char[], char) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLParser
Internal method which checks for existence
contains(Id) - Method in class rice.pastry.IdRange
test if a given key lies within this range
contains(NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.pastry.leafset.LeafSet
containsAll(Collection) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringIdFactory.MultiringEntrySet
containsAll(Collection) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringIdFactory.MultiringKeySet
containsAll(Collection) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCIdFactory.GCEntrySet
containsChild(Topic, NodeHandle) - Method in interface rice.p2p.scribe.BaseScribe
containsChild(Topic, NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeImpl
containsChild(NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeImpl.TopicManager
containsClient(ScribeMultiClient) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeImpl.TopicManager
Returns whether or not this topic manager contains the given client.
containsId(Id) - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.IdRange
test if a given key lies within this range
containsId(Id) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.FragmentKeyRange
test if a given key lies within this range
containsId(Id) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.VersionKeyRange
test if a given key lies within this range
containsId(Id) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringIdRange
test if a given key lies within this range
containsId(Id) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCIdRange
test if a given key lies within this range
containsId(Id) - Method in class rice.pastry.IdRange
test if a given key lies within this range
containsKey(Key) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.table.TableStore
containsKey(Object) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringIdFactory.MultiringSortedMap
containsKey(Object) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCIdFactory.GCSortedMap
containsKey(Object) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.ImmutableSortedMap
Returns true if this map contains a mapping for the specified key.
containsKey(Object) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.RedBlackMap
Returns true if this map contains a mapping for the specified key.
containsKey(Object) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.ReverseTreeMap
Returns whether or not we contain the key
containsKey(Object) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.SoftHashMap
Returns whether or not the key is contained in this map.
containsTopic(Topic) - Method in interface rice.p2p.scribe.BaseScribe
Returns true if there is a TopicManager object corresponding to this topic
containsTopic(Topic) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeImpl
Returns true if there is a TopicManager associated with this topic (any parent/children/client exists)
containsValue(Object) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringIdFactory.MultiringSortedMap
containsValue(Object) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCIdFactory.GCSortedMap
containsValue(Object) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.ImmutableSortedMap
Returns true if this map maps one or more keys to the specified value.
containsValue(Object) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.RedBlackMap
Returns true if this map maps one or more keys to the specified value.
containsValue(Object) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.SoftHashMap
Returns whether or not the value is contained in this map.
content - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.audit.SnippetEntry
content - Variable in class rice.p2p.aggregation.messaging.NonAggregate
content - Variable in class rice.p2p.past.gc.rawserialization.JavaSerializedGCPastContent
content - Variable in class rice.p2p.past.messaging.CacheMessage
content - Variable in class rice.p2p.past.messaging.InsertMessage
content - Variable in class rice.p2p.past.rawserialization.JavaSerializedPastContent
content - Variable in class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.AnycastFailureMessage
content - Variable in class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.AnycastMessage
the content of this message
content - Variable in class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.PublishMessage
content - Variable in class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.PublishRequestMessage
content - Variable in class rice.p2p.scribe.rawserialization.JavaSerializedScribeContent
contentDeserializer - Variable in class rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregationImpl
contentDeserializer - Variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierImpl
contentDeserializer - Variable in class rice.p2p.past.PastImpl
contentHandleDeserializer - Variable in class rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregationImpl
contentHandleDeserializer - Variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierImpl
contentHandleDeserializer - Variable in class rice.p2p.past.PastImpl
ContentHashPastContent - Class in rice.p2p.past
ContentHashPastContent(Id) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.past.ContentHashPastContent
ContentHashPastContentHandle - Class in rice.p2p.past
ContentHashPastContentHandle(NodeHandle, Id) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.past.ContentHashPastContentHandle
ContentHashPastContentHandle(InputBuffer, Endpoint) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.past.ContentHashPastContentHandle
context - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.ssl.SSLTransportLayerImpl
continuation - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.UDPLayerImpl.Envelope
Continuation<R,E extends java.lang.Exception> - Interface in rice
Asynchronously receives the result to a given method call, using the command pattern.
Continuation.ErrorContinuation<R,E extends java.lang.Exception> - Class in rice
This class is a Continuation provided for simplicity which passes any results up to the parent Continuation which it is constructed with.
Continuation.ErrorContinuation(Continuation<R, E>) - Constructor for class rice.Continuation.ErrorContinuation
Constructor which takes in the parent continuation for this continuation.
Continuation.ExternalContinuation<R,E extends java.lang.Exception> - Class in rice
This class provides a continuation which is designed to be used from an external thread.
Continuation.ExternalContinuation() - Constructor for class rice.Continuation.ExternalContinuation
Continuation.ExternalContinuationRunnable<R,E extends java.lang.Exception> - Class in rice
This class is used when you want to run some task on the selector thread and wait for it to return its result in a Continuation.
Continuation.ExternalContinuationRunnable() - Constructor for class rice.Continuation.ExternalContinuationRunnable
Continuation.ExternalRunnable - Class in rice
This class is used when you want to run some task on the selector thread and wait for it to return its result.
Continuation.ExternalRunnable() - Constructor for class rice.Continuation.ExternalRunnable
Continuation.ListenerContinuation<R,E extends java.lang.Exception> - Class in rice
This class is a Continuation provided for simplicity which listens for any errors and ignores any success values.
Continuation.ListenerContinuation(String, Environment) - Constructor for class rice.Continuation.ListenerContinuation
Constructor which takes in a name
Continuation.MultiContinuation - Class in rice
This class represents a Continuation which is used when multiple results are expected, which can come back at different times.
Continuation.MultiContinuation(Continuation, int) - Constructor for class rice.Continuation.MultiContinuation
Constructor which takes a parent continuation as well as the number of results which to expect.
Continuation.NamedContinuation - Class in rice
Continuation class which takes a provided string as it's name, and returns that String when toString() is called.
Continuation.NamedContinuation(String, Continuation) - Constructor for class rice.Continuation.NamedContinuation
Builds a new NamedContinuation given the name and the wrapped continuation
Continuation.SimpleContinuation - Class in rice
This class is a Continuation provided for simplicity which passes both results and exceptions to the receiveResult() method.
Continuation.SimpleContinuation() - Constructor for class rice.Continuation.SimpleContinuation
Continuation.StandardContinuation<R,E extends java.lang.Exception> - Class in rice
This class is a Continuation provided for simplicity which passes any errors up to the parent Continuation which it is constructed with.
Continuation.StandardContinuation(Continuation<R, E>) - Constructor for class rice.Continuation.StandardContinuation
Constructor which takes in the parent continuation for this continuation.
ContinuationMessage - Class in rice.p2p.past.messaging
ContinuationMessage(int, NodeHandle, Id) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.past.messaging.ContinuationMessage
Constructor which takes a unique integer Id, as well as the data to be stored
ContinuationMessage(InputBuffer, Endpoint) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.past.messaging.ContinuationMessage
The serialization stategy is that usually the subtype will have an optimal serialization strategy, but sometimes we will have to revert to java serialization
continuations - Variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierImpl
continueHandshaking() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.ssl.SSLSocketManager
continuePush(Map<Identifier, Collection<Handle>>) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.authpush.AuthenticatorPushProtocol
continuePush(Map<Identifier, Collection<Handle>>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.authpush.AuthenticatorPushProtocolImpl
convert(HighIdentifier) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous.ContactDeserializer
convert(ScribeContent) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeImpl
convert(SortedMap) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.ReverseTreeMap
Internal method which converts a sortedmap to an iterator
convert(String) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLParser
Internal method which deconverts all of the HTML/XML entities like &, >, <, etc...
copy(List<Topic>, RawScribeContent) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.SubscribeMessage
Copies everything except changes the topics to the new list
copy() - Method in class rice.pastry.Id
Copy the Id into a freshly generated array.
copy() - Method in class rice.pastry.Id.Distance
Copy the distance into a freshly generated array.
copy() - Method in class rice.pastry.leafset.LeafSet
copyAndEnqueueTail(Handle, Evidence, boolean, Identifier, Identifier, long, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.challenge.ChallengeResponseProtocolImpl
copyOptions(Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.util.OptionsFactory
Correction - Static variable in class rice.pastry.leafset.BroadcastLeafSet
count - Variable in class rice.p2p.util.rawserialization.SizeChecker
countObservers() - Method in class rice.pastry.NodeHandle
create(String, long, byte[]) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.SecureHistoryFactory
Creates a new history (aka log).
create(String, long, byte[]) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.SecureHistoryFactoryImpl
Creates a new history (aka log).
createChannel(ChannelId) - Method in interface rice.p2p.splitstream.SplitStream
A SplitStream application calls this method when it wishes to distribute content, creating a new channel object.
createChannel(ChannelId) - Method in class rice.p2p.splitstream.SplitStreamImpl
This method is used by a peer who wishes to distribute the content using SplitStream.
createEmptyIdRange() - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.IdRangeUnit
createForwarder(P2PSocket<Identifier>, P2PSocket<Identifier>, HighIdentifier, HighIdentifier, int) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous.RendezvousTransportLayerImpl
createFullIdRange() - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.IdRangeUnit
createIdRangeEndingIn(Id) - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.IdRangeUnit
createIdRangeStartingWith(Id) - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.IdRangeUnit
createIdWithPrefix(byte) - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.IdRangeUnit
createManifests(VersionKey, RawPastContent, Fragment[], long) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierDefaultPolicy
createManifests(VersionKey, PastContent, Fragment[], long) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierDefaultPolicy
createManifests(VersionKey, PastContent, Fragment[], long) - Method in interface rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierPolicy
createNode(int) - Method in class rice.p2p.commonapi.testing.CommonAPITest
Method which creates a single node, given it's node number
createNode(Id, MultiringNode) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.testing.MultiringRegrTest
Method which creates a non-gateway node, given it's node number
createNode(MultiringNode, Id, MultiringNode) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.testing.MultiringRegrTest
Method which creates a gateway node, given it's node number
createNode() - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.RoutingTableTest
createNodeId() - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.NodeIdUnit
createNodes() - Method in class rice.p2p.commonapi.testing.CommonAPITest
Method which creates the nodes
createNodes() - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.testing.MultiringRegrTest
Method which creates the nodes
createNodes() - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.RoutingTableTest
createRandomIdRange() - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.IdRangeUnit
createTemp(long, byte[]) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.SecureHistoryFactory
createTemp(long, byte[]) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.SecureHistoryFactoryImpl
criticalAggregates - Variable in class rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregationStatistics
CUR_DOWN - Static variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.bandwidthmeasure.BandwidthMeasuringTransportLayer
CUR_SATURATED - Static variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.bandwidthmeasure.BandwidthMeasuringTransportLayer
CUR_UP - Static variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.bandwidthmeasure.BandwidthMeasuringTransportLayer
current - Variable in class rice.p2p.replication.manager.ReplicationManagerImpl.ReplicationManagerHelper
The next message UID which is available
current() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLParser
Method which returns the current char in the buffer
currentClasses - Variable in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectInputStream
The stack of class types which are being read off of the stream
currentClasses - Variable in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectOutputStream
The stack of classes which are currently being written to the stream
currentExpirationDate - Variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.FragmentMetadata
currentFragmentRequestTimeout - Variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierImpl
currentLifetime - Variable in class rice.p2p.aggregation.ObjectDescriptor
currentObjects - Variable in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectInputStream
The stack of objects which are currently being read off of the stream
currentObjects - Variable in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectOutputStream
The stack of objects which are currently being written to the stream
currentPutFields - Variable in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectOutputStream
The stack of putFields which are currently being written to the stream
currentTimeMillis() - Method in class rice.environment.time.simple.SimpleTimeSource
Returns the System.currentTimeMillis();
currentTimeMillis() - Method in class rice.environment.time.simulated.DirectTimeSource
currentTimeMillis() - Method in interface rice.environment.time.TimeSource
currentTimeout - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.audit.ActiveAuditInfo
currentTimeout - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.audit.ActiveInvestigationInfo
currentTimeout - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.statement.IncompleteStatementInfo
cwHalf() - Method in class rice.pastry.IdRange
get clockwise half of the range
cwSize() - Method in class rice.pastry.leafset.LeafSet
Gets the current clockwise size.


data - Variable in class rice.p2p.splitstream.SplitStreamContent
The internal data - just the bytes
DATA_LENGTH - Static variable in class rice.tutorial.splitstream.MySplitStreamClient
The lenght of a message in bytes.
dataFile - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.SecureHistoryImpl
DATAGRAM_RECEIVE_BUFFER_SIZE - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.UDPLayerImpl
DATAGRAM_SEND_BUFFER_SIZE - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.UDPLayerImpl
dataReceived(int, short, InetSocketAddress, int, int) - Method in interface rice.pastry.NetworkListener
called when data is received.
dataSent(int, short, InetSocketAddress, int, int) - Method in interface rice.pastry.NetworkListener
called when data is sent.
dateFormat - Variable in class rice.environment.logging.AbstractLogManager
dateFormatter - Variable in class rice.environment.logging.AbstractLogManager
dead - Variable in class rice.pastry.testing.PastryNetworkTest
deadForever - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.identity.IdentityImpl
DebugCommandHandler - Interface in rice.p2p.util
DebugContent - Class in rice.p2p.glacier.v2
DebugContent(Id, boolean, long, byte[]) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.DebugContent
DebugContentHandle - Class in rice.p2p.glacier.v2
DECLARED_DEAD - Static variable in class rice.p2p.commonapi.NodeHandle
DECLARED_LIVE - Static variable in class rice.p2p.commonapi.NodeHandle
decode(Fragment[], Endpoint, PastContentDeserializer) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.ErasureCodec
DECODE - Static variable in class rice.p2p.util.Base64
Specify decoding.
decode(byte[], int, int) - Static method in class rice.p2p.util.Base64
Very low-level access to decoding ASCII characters in the form of a byte array.
decode(String) - Static method in class rice.p2p.util.Base64
Decodes data from Base64 notation, automatically detecting gzip-compressed data and decompressing it.
decodeChunk(int[], int, int[], boolean[], long[][], int[]) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.ErasureCodec
decodeObject(Fragment[], Endpoint, PastContentDeserializer) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierDefaultPolicy
decodeObject(Fragment[], Endpoint, PastContentDeserializer) - Method in interface rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierPolicy
decodePrivateKey(byte[]) - Static method in class rice.p2p.util.SecurityUtils
Utility method which will decode a previously encoded private key
decodePublicKey(byte[]) - Static method in class rice.p2p.util.SecurityUtils
Utility method which will decode a previously encoded public key
decodeSeq(InputBuffer, long) - Static method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.audit.SnippetEntry
decodeSize(InputBuffer) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.audit.SnippetEntry
decodeToObject(String) - Static method in class rice.p2p.util.Base64
Attempts to decode Base64 data and deserialize a Java Object within.
decrementFileChunksInMemory() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.filetransfer.FileTransferImpl
decryptAsymmetric(byte[], PrivateKey) - Static method in class rice.p2p.util.SecurityUtils
Decrypts the given byte[] using the provided private key.
decryptCipher - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rc4.EncryptedSocket
decryptSymmetric(byte[], byte[]) - Static method in class rice.p2p.util.SecurityUtils
Utility method for decrypting some data with symmetric encryption.
decryptSymmetric(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Static method in class rice.p2p.util.SecurityUtils
Utility method for decrypting some data with symmetric encryption.
DEFAULT_AUDIT_INTERVAL_MILLIS - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewConstants
DEFAULT_AUTH_PUSH_INTERVAL_MILLIS - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewConstants
DEFAULT_CAPACITY - Static variable in class rice.p2p.util.XMLParser.CharArrayBuffer
The default initial capacity
DEFAULT_CHECKPOINT_INTERVAL_MILLIS - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewConstants
DEFAULT_EXPIRATION - Static variable in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCPastImpl
The default expiration, or when objects inserted with no timeout will expire
DEFAULT_LOG_DOWNLOAD_TIMEOUT - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewConstants
DEFAULT_MAXIMUM_CHILDREN - Variable in class rice.p2p.splitstream.SplitStreamScribePolicy
The default maximum number of children per channel
DEFAULT_PORT - Static variable in class rice.p2p.splitstream.testing.SplitStreamDistTest
DEFAULT_PRIORITY - Static variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.filetransfer.FileTransferImpl
DEFAULT_PRIORITY - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.priority.PriorityTransportLayer
DEFAULT_PRIORITY - Static variable in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.Message
DEFAULT_PRIORITY_LEVEL - Static variable in class rice.pastry.messaging.Message
DEFAULT_PROXIMITY - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.proximity.ProximityProvider
DEFAULT_PROXIMITY - Static variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.manager.SourceRouteManagerImpl
DEFAULT_PROXIMITY - Static variable in class rice.pastry.pns.PNSApplication
DEFAULT_RTO - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.liveness.LivenessTransportLayerImpl
millis for the timeout The idea is that we don't want this parameter to change too fast, so this is the timeout for it to increase, you could set this to infinity, but that may be bad because it doesn't account for intermediate link failures
DEFAULT_SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM - Static variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.pki.x509.CAToolImpl
DEFAULT_SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM - Static variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.identity.IdentityTransportLayerImpl
DEFAULT_SIGNATURE_SIZE - Static variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.identity.IdentityTransportLayerImpl
DEFAULT_TIME_TOLERANCE_MILLIS - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewConstants
defaultAllowMultipleHops - Static variable in class rice.pastry.routing.SendOptions
DefaultCallback<Identifier,MessageType> - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.util
DefaultCallback(Environment) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.util.DefaultCallback
DefaultCallback(Logger) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.util.DefaultCallback
defaulted(String) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectInputStream.GetField
DefaultErrorHandler<Identifier> - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.util
Just logs the problems.
DefaultErrorHandler(Logger) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.util.DefaultErrorHandler
DefaultErrorHandler(Logger, int) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.util.DefaultErrorHandler
DefaultForwardSourceRouteStrategy<Identifier> - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute
Always accepts.
DefaultForwardSourceRouteStrategy() - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.DefaultForwardSourceRouteStrategy
defaultMaxChildren - Variable in class rice.p2p.splitstream.SplitStreamImpl
defaultNoShortCuts - Static variable in class rice.pastry.routing.SendOptions
defaultParamFileArray - Static variable in class rice.environment.Environment
defaultParamsFile - Static variable in class rice.environment.params.simple.SimpleParameters
defaultRandom - Static variable in class rice.pastry.routing.SendOptions
defaultReadObject() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectInputStream
Method which can be called by objects if they have a readObject() method.
defaultRerouteIfSuspected - Static variable in class rice.pastry.routing.SendOptions
defaultShortestPath - Static variable in class rice.pastry.routing.SendOptions
DefaultSocketStrategy - Class in rice.p2p.past.rawserialization
A SocketStrategy that always returns the same answer.
DefaultSocketStrategy(boolean) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.past.rawserialization.DefaultSocketStrategy
defaultWriteObject() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectOutputStream
Method which can be called by objects if they have a writeObject() method.
defineEntityReplacementText(String, String) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLParser
delayInterest() - Method in class rice.pastry.standard.ConsistentJoinProtocol
Part of the LoopObserver interface.
delayInterest() - Method in interface rice.selector.LoopObserver
If you want to hear about loops that took longer than 5 seconds, return 5000.
deleteEntityManager(Identifier) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.priority.PriorityTransportLayerImpl
deleteLeafSetListener(NodeSetListener) - Method in class rice.pastry.PastryNode
deleteLeafSetObserver(Observer) - Method in class rice.pastry.PastryNode
Deprecated. use deleteLeafSetListener
deleteManager(Identifier) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.liveness.LivenessTransportLayerImpl
deleteNodeSetListener(NodeSetListener) - Method in class rice.pastry.leafset.LeafSet
Delete observer method.
deleteObserver(Observer) - Method in class rice.pastry.leafset.LeafSet
Deprecated. use deleteNodeSetListener
deleteObserver(Observer) - Method in class rice.pastry.leafset.SimilarSet
Deprecated. use removeNodeSetListener
deleteObserver(Observer) - Method in class rice.pastry.NodeHandle
deleteObserver(Observer) - Method in class rice.pastry.routing.RoutingTable
Deprecated. use deleteNodeSetListener
deleteObservers() - Method in class rice.pastry.NodeHandle
deleter - Variable in class rice.p2p.replication.manager.ReplicationManagerImpl
The deleter, for managing ids to delete
deleteRouteSetObserver(Observer) - Method in class rice.pastry.PastryNode
Deprecated. use deleteRouteSetListener
deliver(Id, Message) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.BandwidthMeasuringTLTest
deliver(Id, Message) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.replay.MyScribeClient
Part of the Application interface.
deliver(Topic, ScribeContent) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.replay.MyScribeClient
Called whenever we receive a published message.
deliver() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.direct.ConnectorExceptionDelivery
deliver() - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.direct.Delivery
What to do when time to deliver.
deliver(PacketInfo<Handle, Identifier>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.challenge.ChallengeResponseProtocolImpl
deliver(Id, Message) - Method in class rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregationImpl
deliver(Id, Message) - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.Application
This method is called on the application at the destination node for the given id.
deliver(Id, Message) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierImpl
deliver(Id, Message) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringApplication
This method is called on the application at the destination node for the given id.
deliver(RingId, Message) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringEndpoint
Internal method which delivers the message to the application
deliver(Topic, ScribeContent) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringNode
This method is invoked when a message is delivered for a topic this client is interested in.
deliver(Id, Message) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.testing.MultiringRegrTest.MultiringTestApp
deliver(Id, Message) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCPastImpl
This method is called on the application at the destination node for the given id.
deliver(Id, Message) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.PastImpl
This method is called on the application at the destination node for the given id.
deliver(Id, Message) - Method in class rice.p2p.replication.manager.ReplicationManagerImpl
This method is called on the application at the destination node for the given id.
deliver(Id, Message) - Method in class rice.p2p.replication.ReplicationImpl
This method is called on the application at the destination node for the given id.
deliver(Topic, ScribeContent) - Method in interface rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeClient
Deprecated. This method is invoked when a message is delivered for a topic this client is interested in.
deliver(Id, Message) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeImpl
This method is called on the application at the destination node for the given id.
deliver(Topic, ScribeContent) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeImpl.ScribeClientConverter
deliver(Topic, ScribeContent) - Method in interface rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeMultiClient
This method is invoked when a message is delivered for a topic this client is interested in.
deliver(Topic, ScribeContent) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.testing.ScribeRegrTest.TestScribeClient
deliver(Stripe, byte[]) - Method in interface rice.p2p.splitstream.SplitStreamClient
Is called when data is received on a stripe which this client has registered interest
deliver(Topic, ScribeContent) - Method in class rice.p2p.splitstream.Stripe
This method is invoked when a message is delivered for a topic this client is interested in.
deliver(Stripe, byte[]) - Method in class rice.p2p.splitstream.testing.MySplitStreamClient
deliver(Id, Message) - Method in class rice.pastry.client.CommonAPIAppl
Called by pastry when a message arrives for this application.
deliver(Id, Message) - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.RegrTestApp
Makes sure the message was delivered to the correct node by crossrefrencing the sorted nodes list in the simulator.
deliver(Id, Message) - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.rendezvous.MyApp
Called when we receive a message.
deliver(Id, Message) - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.RoutingTableTest.MyApp
Called when we receive a message.
deliver(Id, Message) - Method in class rice.tutorial.appsocket.MyApp
Called when we receive a message.
deliver(Id, Message) - Method in class rice.tutorial.deterministicsimulator.MyApp
Called when we receive a message.
deliver(Id, Message) - Method in class rice.tutorial.direct.MyApp
Called when we receive a message.
deliver(Id, Message) - Method in class rice.tutorial.forwarding.MyApp
Called when we receive a message.
deliver(Id, Message) - Method in class rice.tutorial.gtitm.MyApp
Called when we receive a message.
deliver(Id, Message) - Method in class rice.tutorial.lesson3.MyApp
Called when we receive a message.
deliver(Id, Message) - Method in class rice.tutorial.lesson4.MyApp
Called when we receive a message.
deliver(Id, Message) - Method in class rice.tutorial.lookup.LookupService
deliver(Id, Message) - Method in class rice.tutorial.prioritylistener.MyApp
Called when we receive a message.
deliver(Id, Message) - Method in class rice.tutorial.rawserialization.MyApp
Called when we receive a message.
deliver(Id, Message) - Method in class rice.tutorial.rawserialization2.MyApp
Called when we receive a message.
deliver(Id, Message) - Method in class rice.tutorial.remotesocket.MyApp
Called when we receive a message.
deliver(Id, Message) - Method in class rice.tutorial.scribe.MyScribeClient
Part of the Application interface.
deliver(Topic, ScribeContent) - Method in class rice.tutorial.scribe.MyScribeClient
Called whenever we receive a published message.
deliver(Id, Message) - Method in class rice.tutorial.sendfile.MyApp
Called when we receive a message.
deliver(Id, Message) - Method in class rice.tutorial.splitstream.MySplitStreamClient
Part of the Application interface.
deliver(Stripe, byte[]) - Method in class rice.tutorial.splitstream.MySplitStreamClient
Called whenever we receive a published message.
deliver(Id, Message) - Method in class rice.tutorial.ssl.MyApp
Called when we receive a message.
deliver(Id, Message) - Method in class rice.tutorial.timer.MyApp
Called when we receive a message.
deliver(Id, Message) - Method in class rice.tutorial.transportdirect.MyApp
Called when we receive a message.
deliver(Id, Message) - Method in class rice.tutorial.transportlayer.MyApp
Called when we receive a message.
deliverAckToMe - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.evidence.EvidenceTransferProtocolImpl.MessageInfo
deliverMessage(MessageType, Identifier, Identifier, int) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.direct.GenericNetworkSimulator
Deliver message.
deliverMessage(MessageType, Identifier, Identifier) - Method in class rice.pastry.direct.BasicNetworkSimulator
node should always be a local node, because this will be delivered instantly
deliverMessage(MessageType, Identifier, Identifier, int) - Method in class rice.pastry.direct.BasicNetworkSimulator
deliverMessage(MessageType, Identifier, Identifier, int, int) - Method in class rice.pastry.direct.BasicNetworkSimulator
deliverMessageFixedRate(MessageType, Identifier, Identifier, int, int) - Method in class rice.pastry.direct.BasicNetworkSimulator
deliverToApplication(RouteMessage) - Method in class rice.pastry.standard.StandardRouter
deliverWhenNotReady() - Method in class rice.pastry.client.PastryAppl
Instructs the MessageDispatch how to behave when the PastryNode is not ready.
deliverWhenNotReady() - Method in class rice.pastry.commonapi.PastryEndpoint
deliverWhenNotReady() - Method in class rice.pastry.pns.PNSApplication
We always want to receive messages.
deliverWhenNotReady() - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.RendezvousApp
deliverWhenNotReady() - Method in class rice.pastry.standard.PeriodicLeafSetProtocol
We always want to receive messages.
deliverWhenNotReady() - Method in class rice.pastry.standard.StandardJoinProtocol
We always want to receive messages.
deliverWhenNotReady() - Method in class rice.pastry.standard.StandardLeafSetProtocol
deliverWhenNotReady() - Method in class rice.pastry.standard.StandardRouter
deliverWhenNotReady() - Method in class rice.pastry.standard.StandardRouteSetProtocol
Delivery - Interface in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.direct
DeliveryNotification - Interface in rice.p2p.commonapi
Notified when the message is sent/failed.
DeliveryTimerTask - Class in rice.pastry.direct
DEPRECATED_ASYMMETRIC_ALGORITHM - Static variable in class rice.p2p.util.SecurityUtils
depth - Variable in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectInputStream
The depth at which we are currently at in the object tree
dequeue() - Method in class rice.environment.processing.simple.WorkQueue
deserialize(InputBuffer) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.pki.x509.KeySerializer
deserialize(InputBuffer) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.pki.x509.KeySerializerImpl
deserialize(InputBuffer) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.pki.x509.X509SerializerImpl
deserialize(InputBuffer, NodeHandle) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.commonapi.RawMessageDeserializer
deserialize(InputBuffer, LowerIdentifier) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.identity.IdentitySerializer
deserialize(InputBuffer) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.commitment.AuthenticatorSerializer
deserialize(InputBuffer) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.commitment.AuthenticatorSerializerImpl
deserialize(InputBuffer, byte, boolean) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.evidence.EvidenceSerializerImpl
deserialize(InputBuffer, byte, boolean) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.infostore.EvidenceSerializer
deserialize(InputBuffer) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous.ContactDeserializer
deserialize(InputBuffer, InetSocketAddress, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.simpleidentity.InetSocketAddressSerializer
deserialize(InputBuffer) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.simpleidentity.InetSocketAddressSerializer
deserialize(InputBuffer, InetSocketAddress, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.simpleidentity.PortSerializer
deserialize(InputBuffer, Identifier, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.simpleidentity.Serializer
deserialize(InputBuffer) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.util.Serializer
deserialize(InputBuffer, short, int, NodeHandle) - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.rawserialization.MessageDeserializer
Typical implementation: RawMessage ret = super.deserialize(); if (ret != null) return ret; Endpoint endpoint; switch(type) { case 1: return new MyMessage(buf, endpoint); }
deserialize(byte[], Endpoint, PastContentDeserializer) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.ErasureCodec
deserialize(InputBuffer, short, int, NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCPastImpl.GCPastDeserializer
deserialize(InputBuffer, Endpoint) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.messaging.ContinuationMessage
deserialize(InputBuffer, short, int, NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.PastImpl.PastDeserializer
deserialize(InputBuffer, short, int, NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.rawserialization.JavaSerializedDeserializer
deserialize(byte[]) - Static method in class rice.p2p.util.SecurityUtils
Utility method for deserializing an object from a byte[]
deserialize(InputBuffer, short, int, NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.pastry.messaging.JavaSerializedDeserializer
deserialize(InputBuffer, short, int, NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.pastry.messaging.PJavaSerializedDeserializer
deserialize(InputBuffer, short, int, NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.pastry.messaging.PJavaSerializedDeserializer
deserialize(MessageDeserializer) - Method in interface rice.pastry.messaging.RawMessageDelivery
deserialize(InputBuffer) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.SocketNodeHandleFactory
deserialize(InputBuffer, SourceRoute<MultiInetSocketAddress>) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.SPNFIdentitySerializer
This is different from the normal deserializer b/c we already have the address
deserialize(InputBuffer, short, int, NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.pastry.standard.ConsistentJoinProtocol.CJPDeserializer
deserialize(InputBuffer, short, int, NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.pastry.standard.PeriodicLeafSetProtocol.PLSPMessageDeserializer
deserialize(InputBuffer, short, int, NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.pastry.standard.StandardJoinProtocol.SJPDeserializer
deserialize(InputBuffer, NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.pastry.transport.TLDeserializer
deserializeAddress(InputBuffer) - Static method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.simpleidentity.InetSocketAddressSerializer
deserializeException(InputBuffer) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.playback.ReplayVerifier
deserializeException(InputBuffer) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.VerifierImpl
deserializePastContent(InputBuffer, Endpoint, short) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.rawserialization.JavaPastContentDeserializer
deserializePastContent(InputBuffer, Endpoint, short) - Method in interface rice.p2p.past.rawserialization.PastContentDeserializer
deserializePastContentHandle(InputBuffer, Endpoint, short) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.rawserialization.JavaPastContentHandleDeserializer
deserializePastContentHandle(InputBuffer, Endpoint, short) - Method in interface rice.p2p.past.rawserialization.PastContentHandleDeserializer
deserializer - Variable in class rice.pastry.client.PastryAppl
deserializer - Variable in class rice.pastry.messaging.MessageDispatch
Also held by the transport layer to allow it to deserialize the messages.
Deserializer - Interface in rice.pastry.transport
deserializeScribeContent(InputBuffer, Endpoint, short) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.javaserialized.JavaScribeContentDeserializer
deserializeScribeContent(InputBuffer, Endpoint, short) - Method in interface rice.p2p.scribe.rawserialization.ScribeContentDeserializer
dest - Variable in class rice.p2p.aggregation.messaging.AggregationMessage
dest - Variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierMessage
dest - Variable in class rice.p2p.past.messaging.PastMessage
destination - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.UDPLayerImpl.Envelope
destinationChanged(UpperIdentifier, UpperIdentifier, LowerIdentifier, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.identity.IdentityImpl
Put this in lower.
destroy() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.bandwidthmeasure.BandwidthMeasuringTransportLayer
destroy() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.commonapi.CommonAPITransportLayerImpl
destroy() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.direct.DirectTransportLayer
destroy() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.limitsockets.LimitSocketsTransportLayer
destroy() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.liveness.LivenessTransportLayerImpl
destroy() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.liveness.LivenessTransportLayerImpl.EntityManager
destroy() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.multiaddress.MultiInetAddressTransportLayerImpl
destroy() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.nat.FirewallTLImpl
destroy() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.networkinfo.NetworkInfoTransportLayer
destroy() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.commitment.AuthenticatorStoreImpl
destroy() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewImpl
destroy() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.playback.ReplayLayer
destroy() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.record.RecordLayer
destroy() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.VerifierImpl
destroy() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.priority.PriorityTransportLayerImpl
destroy() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rc4.RC4TransportLayer
destroy() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous.RendezvousTransportLayerImpl
destroy() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.simpleidentity.SimpleIdentityTransportLayer
destroy() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.manager.SourceRouteManagerImpl
destroy() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.SourceRouteTransportLayerImpl
destroy() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.ssl.SSLTransportLayerImpl
destroy() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.table.TableTransprotLayerImpl
destroy() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.BogusUDPLayerImpl
destroy() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.magicnumber.MagicNumberTransportLayer
destroy() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.TCPLayer
Method which cloeses a socket to a given remote node handle, and updates the bookkeeping to keep track of this closing.
destroy() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.UDPLayerImpl
destroy() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.WireTransportLayerImpl
destroy() - Method in interface rice.Destructable
destroy() - Method in class rice.environment.Environment
Tears down the environment.
destroy() - Method in interface rice.environment.processing.Processor
Shuts down the processing thread.
destroy() - Method in class rice.environment.processing.sim.SimProcessor
destroy() - Method in class rice.environment.processing.simple.BlockingIOThread
destroy() - Method in class rice.environment.processing.simple.ProcessingThread
destroy() - Method in class rice.environment.processing.simple.SimpleProcessor
destroy() - Method in class rice.environment.processing.simple.WorkQueue
destroy() - Method in class rice.environment.time.simple.SimpleTimeSource
destroy() - Method in class rice.environment.time.simulated.DirectTimeSource
TODO: Get the synchronization on this correct
destroy() - Method in class rice.p2p.replication.ReplicationImpl
destroy() - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeImpl
destroy() - Method in interface rice.p2p.splitstream.SplitStream
destroy() - Method in class rice.p2p.splitstream.SplitStreamImpl
destroy() - Method in class rice.pastry.client.PastryAppl
Called when PastryNode is destroyed.
destroy() - Method in class rice.pastry.commonapi.PastryEndpoint
destroy(DirectPastryNode) - Method in interface rice.pastry.direct.NetworkSimulator
destroy(DirectPastryNode) - Method in class rice.pastry.direct.NetworkSimulatorImpl
destroy() - Method in class rice.pastry.leafset.LeafSet
destroy() - Method in class rice.pastry.leafset.SimilarSet
destroy() - Method in class rice.pastry.messaging.MessageDispatch
destroy() - Method in class rice.pastry.PastryNode
Method which kills a PastryNode.
destroy() - Method in class rice.pastry.peerreview.PeerReviewCallbackImpl
destroy() - Method in class rice.pastry.routing.RouteSet
destroy() - Method in class rice.pastry.routing.RoutingTable
Unregisters as an observer on all nodehandles.
destroy() - Method in class rice.pastry.standard.ConsistentJoinProtocol
destroy() - Method in class rice.pastry.standard.PeriodicLeafSetProtocol
destroy() - Method in class rice.pastry.standard.RapidRerouter
destroy() - Method in class rice.pastry.transport.NodeHandleAdapter
destroy() - Method in class rice.selector.SelectorManager
destroy() - Method in class rice.tutorial.transportlayer.BandwidthLimitingTransportLayer
destroyed - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.commonapi.CommonAPITransportLayerImpl
destroyed - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.priority.PriorityTransportLayerImpl
destroyed - Variable in class rice.p2p.replication.ReplicationImpl
Destructable - Interface in rice
detach(Cancellable) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.AttachableCancellable
diff(IdRange) - Method in class rice.pastry.IdRange
compute the difference between two ranges (exclusive or of keys in the two ranges) two ranges may differ in two ranges on the circle; this method produces one such range of difference if one exists the other range of difference can be computed by invoking o.diff(this)
difference(IdSet, IdSet, IdFactory) - Method in class rice.p2p.replication.ReplicationPolicy.DefaultReplicationPolicy
This method simply returns remote-local.
difference(IdSet, IdSet, IdFactory) - Method in interface rice.p2p.replication.ReplicationPolicy
This method is given a list of local ids and a list of remote ids, and should return the list of remote ids which need to be fetched.
diffRange(IdRange) - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.IdRange
diffs the given range with this range
diffRange(IdRange) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.FragmentKeyRange
diffs the given range with this range
diffRange(IdRange) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.VersionKeyRange
diffs the given range with this range
diffRange(IdRange) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringIdRange
diffs the given range with this range
diffRange(IdRange) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCIdRange
diffs the given range with this range
diffRange(IdRange) - Method in class rice.pastry.IdRange
diffs the given range with this range
diffSubtractTest(IdRange, IdRange) - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.IdRangeUnit
dir - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.filetransfer.TempFileAllocationStrategy
directAnycast(AnycastMessage, NodeHandle, Collection<NodeHandle>) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribePolicy.DefaultScribePolicy
Simply adds the parent and children in order, which implements a depth-first-search.
directAnycast(AnycastMessage, NodeHandle, Collection<NodeHandle>) - Method in interface rice.p2p.scribe.ScribePolicy
This method is called when an anycast is received which is not satisfied at the local node.
directAnycast(AnycastMessage, NodeHandle, Collection<NodeHandle>) - Method in class rice.p2p.splitstream.SplitStreamScribePolicy
This method adds the parent and child in such a way that the nodes who have this stripe as their primary strpe are examined first.
DirectAppSocket<Identifier,MessageType> - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.direct
DirectAppSocket(Identifier, Identifier, SocketCallback<Identifier>, GenericNetworkSimulator<Identifier, MessageType>, SocketRequestHandle<Identifier>, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.direct.DirectAppSocket
directEnvironment(int) - Static method in class rice.environment.Environment
directEnvironment() - Static method in class rice.environment.Environment
directEnvironment(RandomSource) - Static method in class rice.environment.Environment
DirectNodeHandle - Class in rice.pastry.direct
the node handle used with the direct network
DirectNodeHandle(PastryNode, NetworkSimulator) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.direct.DirectNodeHandle
Constructor for DirectNodeHandle.
DirectPastryNode - Class in rice.pastry.direct
Direct pastry node.
DirectPastryNode() - Constructor for class rice.pastry.direct.DirectPastryNode
DirectPastryNodeFactory - Class in rice.pastry.direct
Pastry node factory for direct connections between nodes (local instances).
DirectPastryNodeFactory(NodeIdFactory, NetworkSimulator<DirectNodeHandle, RawMessage>, Environment) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.direct.DirectPastryNodeFactory
Main constructor.
DirectPastryPingTest - Class in rice.pastry.testing
DirectPastryPingTest A performance test suite for pastry.
DirectPastryPingTest() - Constructor for class rice.pastry.testing.DirectPastryPingTest
DirectPastryRegrTest - Class in rice.pastry.testing
PastryRegrTest a regression test suite for pastry.
DirectSizeChecker - Class in rice.pastry.direct
DirectSizeChecker() - Constructor for class rice.pastry.direct.DirectSizeChecker
DirectSizeChecker(int) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.direct.DirectSizeChecker
directTest(NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.pastry.leafset.LeafSet
DirectTimerTask - Class in rice.pastry.direct
DirectTimeSource - Class in rice.environment.time.simulated
DirectTimeSource(long) - Constructor for class rice.environment.time.simulated.DirectTimeSource
DirectTimeSource(long, String) - Constructor for class rice.environment.time.simulated.DirectTimeSource
DirectTimeSource(Parameters) - Constructor for class rice.environment.time.simulated.DirectTimeSource
DirectTransportLayer<Identifier,MessageType> - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.direct
DirectTransportLayer(Identifier, NetworkSimulator<Identifier, MessageType>, NodeRecord, Environment) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.direct.DirectTransportLayer
DirectTutorial - Class in rice.tutorial.deterministicsimulator
This tutorial shows how to setup a FreePastry node using the Socket Protocol.
DirectTutorial(int, Environment) - Constructor for class rice.tutorial.deterministicsimulator.DirectTutorial
This constructor launches numNodes PastryNodes.
DirectTutorial - Class in rice.tutorial.direct
This tutorial shows how to setup a FreePastry node using the Socket Protocol.
DirectTutorial(int, Environment) - Constructor for class rice.tutorial.direct.DirectTutorial
This constructor launches numNodes PastryNodes.
DirectTutorial - Class in rice.tutorial.gtitm
This tutorial shows how to setup a FreePastry node using the Socket Protocol.
DirectTutorial(int, Environment, String) - Constructor for class rice.tutorial.gtitm.DirectTutorial
This constructor launches numNodes PastryNodes.
disableMemoryBuffer() - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.commitment.AuthenticatorStore
disableMemoryBuffer() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.commitment.AuthenticatorStoreImpl
disableReplay() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.audit.AuditProtocolImpl
dispatchMessage(Message) - Method in class rice.pastry.messaging.MessageDispatch
Dispatches a message to the appropriate receiver.
distance(Id) - Method in class rice.pastry.Id
Returns the shorter numerical distance on the ring between a pair of Ids.
distance(Id, Id.Distance) - Method in class rice.pastry.Id
distanceFromId(Id) - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.Id
Returns the shorter numerical distance on the ring between a pair of Ids.
distanceFromId(Id) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.FragmentKey
distanceFromId(Id) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.VersionKey
distanceFromId(Id) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.RingId
Returns the shorter numerical distance on the ring between a pair of Ids.
distanceFromId(Id) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCId
Returns the shorter numerical distance on the ring between a pair of Ids.
distanceFromId(Id) - Method in class rice.pastry.Id
Returns the shorter numerical distance on the ring between a pair of Ids.
distanceFromId(Id) - Method in class rice.persistence.testing.MemoryStorageTest.VariableId
distanceTest() - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.NodeIdUnit
DistHelloWorld - Class in rice.pastry.testing
A hello world example for pastry.
DistHelloWorld(Environment) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.testing.DistHelloWorld
DistNodeHandle<Identifier> - Class in rice.pastry.dist
Abstract class for handles to "real" remote nodes.
DistNodeHandle(Id) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.dist.DistNodeHandle
DistPastryNodeFactory - Class in rice.pastry.dist
An abstraction of the nodeId factory for distributed nodes.
DistPastryNodeFactory() - Constructor for class rice.pastry.dist.DistPastryNodeFactory
DistPastryRegrTest - Class in rice.pastry.testing
a regression test suite for pastry with "distributed" nodes.
DistPastryRegrTest(Environment) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.testing.DistPastryRegrTest
DistPastTest - Class in rice.p2p.past.testing
DistPastTest(int, InetSocketAddress, Environment, int) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.past.testing.DistPastTest
DistPastTestContent - Class in rice.p2p.past.testing
DistPastTestContent(Environment, IdFactory, String) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.past.testing.DistPastTestContent
DistTutorial - Class in rice.pastry.testing.rendezvous
This tutorial shows how to setup a FreePastry node using the Socket Protocol.
DistTutorial(int, InetSocketAddress, Environment, boolean) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.testing.rendezvous.DistTutorial
This constructor sets up a PastryNode.
DistTutorial - Class in rice.tutorial.forwarding
This tutorial shows how to setup a FreePastry node using the Socket Protocol.
DistTutorial(int, InetSocketAddress, int, Environment) - Constructor for class rice.tutorial.forwarding.DistTutorial
This constructor launches numNodes PastryNodes.
DistTutorial - Class in rice.tutorial.lesson1
This tutorial shows how to setup a FreePastry node using the Socket Protocol.
DistTutorial(int, InetSocketAddress, Environment) - Constructor for class rice.tutorial.lesson1.DistTutorial
This constructor sets up a PastryNode.
DistTutorial - Class in rice.tutorial.lesson3
This tutorial shows how to setup a FreePastry node using the Socket Protocol.
DistTutorial(int, InetSocketAddress, Environment) - Constructor for class rice.tutorial.lesson3.DistTutorial
This constructor sets up a PastryNode.
DistTutorial - Class in rice.tutorial.lesson4
This tutorial shows how to setup a FreePastry node using the Socket Protocol.
DistTutorial(int, InetSocketAddress, int, Environment) - Constructor for class rice.tutorial.lesson4.DistTutorial
This constructor launches numNodes PastryNodes.
DistTutorial - Class in rice.tutorial.prioritylistener
This tutorial shows how to setup a FreePastry node using the Socket Protocol.
DistTutorial(int, InetSocketAddress, int, Environment) - Constructor for class rice.tutorial.prioritylistener.DistTutorial
This constructor launches numNodes PastryNodes.
DistTutorial - Class in rice.tutorial.rawserialization
This tutorial shows how to use FreePastry 2.0's raw serialization (instead of Java Serialization).
DistTutorial(int, InetSocketAddress, int, Environment) - Constructor for class rice.tutorial.rawserialization.DistTutorial
This constructor launches numNodes PastryNodes.
DistTutorial - Class in rice.tutorial.rawserialization2
This tutorial shows how to setup a FreePastry node using the Socket Protocol.
DistTutorial(int, InetSocketAddress, int, Environment) - Constructor for class rice.tutorial.rawserialization2.DistTutorial
This constructor launches numNodes PastryNodes.
DistTutorial - Class in rice.tutorial.ssl
This tutorial shows how to setup a FreePastry node using the Socket Protocol.
DistTutorial(int, InetSocketAddress, Environment, File) - Constructor for class rice.tutorial.ssl.DistTutorial
This constructor sets up a PastryNode.
DistTutorial - Class in rice.tutorial.timer
This tutorial shows how to setup a FreePastry node using the Socket Protocol.
DistTutorial(int, InetSocketAddress, Environment) - Constructor for class rice.tutorial.timer.DistTutorial
This constructor sets up a PastryNode.
DistTutorial - Class in rice.tutorial.transportdirect
This tutorial shows how to setup a FreePastry node using the Socket Protocol.
DistTutorial(int, InetSocketAddress, int, Environment) - Constructor for class rice.tutorial.transportdirect.DistTutorial
This constructor launches numNodes PastryNodes.
DistTutorial - Class in rice.tutorial.transportlayer
This tutorial shows how to setup a FreePastry node using the Socket Protocol.
DistTutorial(int, InetSocketAddress, int, Environment, int) - Constructor for class rice.tutorial.transportlayer.DistTutorial
This constructor launches numNodes PastryNodes.
DistTutorialInternet - Class in rice.pastry.testing.rendezvous
This tutorial shows how to setup a FreePastry node using the Socket Protocol.
DistTutorialInternet(InetAddress, int, InetSocketAddress, Environment) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.testing.rendezvous.DistTutorialInternet
This constructor sets up a PastryNode.
DistTutorialStall - Class in rice.pastry.testing.deadforever
This tutorial shows how to setup a FreePastry node using the Socket Protocol.
DistTutorialStall(int, InetSocketAddress, Environment) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.testing.deadforever.DistTutorialStall
This constructor sets up a PastryNode.
divideContent(List<Topic>, ScribeContent) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribePolicy.DefaultScribePolicy
divideContent(List<Topic>, ScribeContent) - Method in interface rice.p2p.scribe.ScribePolicy
This method is called when the ScribeImpl splits a SubscribeMessage into multiple parts.
doAuthPush() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewImpl
Periodic timer for pushing batches of authenticators to the witnesses
doCheckpoint() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewImpl
Periodic timer for writing checkpoints
doConfig() - Static method in class rice.p2p.util.testing.IdBloomFilterReplicationTest
doHash(byte[], int) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.BloomFilter
Method which performs a dumb hash of the provided array and the seed value.
doInsert(Id, PastImpl.MessageBuilder, Continuation, boolean) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.PastImpl
Internal method which actually performs an insert for a given object.
doInvocations() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.playback.ReplaySM
doInvocations() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.record.RecordSM
doInvocations() - Method in class rice.selector.ProfileSelector
Method which invokes all pending invocations.
doInvocations() - Method in class rice.selector.SelectorManager
Method which invokes all pending invocations.
doInvocations2() - Method in class rice.selector.ProfileSelector
doIt() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.replay.Recorder.AppInvokation
doIt() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.replay.Recorder.PublishInvokation
doIt() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.replay.Recorder.SubscribeInvokation
domainPrefixTest() - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.NodeIdUnit
doMaintenance() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewImpl
Periodic maintenance timer; used to garbage-collect old authenticators
doMaintenance(MaintainableScribe) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.maintenance.ScribeMaintenancePolicy.DefaultScribeMaintenancePolicy
doMaintenance(MaintainableScribe) - Method in interface rice.p2p.scribe.maintenance.ScribeMaintenancePolicy
Called periodically.
done() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.evidence.EvidenceTransferProtocolImpl.QueryInfo
done(Exception) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.util.BufferReaderWriter
done - Variable in class rice.Continuation.ExternalContinuation
done - Variable in class rice.Continuation.MultiContinuation
doneHandshaking - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.ssl.SSLSocketManager
doneNode(Collection<NodeHandle>) - Method in class rice.pastry.PastryNode
Called after the node is initialized.
doneTest() - Method in class rice.pastry.direct.TestRecord
doneTest() - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.PingTestRecord
DONT_BREAK_LINES - Static variable in class rice.p2p.util.Base64
Don't break lines when encoding (violates strict Base64 specification)
DONT_COMMIT - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReview
-> Boolean, tell peer review to not bother committing this message.
DONT_SOURCE_ROUTE - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.SourceRouteTransportLayer
DONT_VERIFY - Static variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.identity.IdentityImpl
doRun(int, int) - Static method in class rice.p2p.util.testing.IdBloomFilterReplicationTest
doSelections() - Method in class rice.selector.ProfileSelector
doSelections() - Method in class rice.selector.SelectorManager
doSubscribe(Collection<Topic>, ScribeMultiClient, RawScribeContent, NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeImpl
This method prevents re-subscription to topics you are already a part of.
doWork() - Method in class rice.environment.processing.WorkRequest
DropMessage - Class in rice.p2p.scribe.messaging
DropMessage(NodeHandle, Topic) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.DropMessage
Constructor which takes a unique integer Id
dropped(int, Identifier, Map<String, Object>, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.priority.PriorityTransportLayerListener
dump(Logger) - Method in class rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregationStatistics
dump(byte[]) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.ErasureCodec
dump(Logger) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierStatistics


eaddress - Variable in class rice.pastry.socket.SocketNodeHandle
elements() - Method in class rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregateList
EMPTY_ARRAY - Static variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.peerreview.PRRegressionTest
EMPTY_HASH - Static variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.stub.NullHashProvider
EmptyCache - Class in rice.persistence
This class is a cahcce which doesn't store anything.
EmptyCache(IdFactory) - Constructor for class rice.persistence.EmptyCache
Builds an emtpy cache
emptyTrash(Continuation) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierImpl
enabled - Variable in class rice.environment.logging.AbstractLogManager
enableProbabilisticChecking(double) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.authpush.AuthenticatorPushProtocolImpl
encode(byte[], int, boolean[]) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.ErasureCodec
Generates multiple fragments from the incoming bytes
ENCODE - Static variable in class rice.p2p.util.Base64
Specify encoding.
encodeBytes(byte[]) - Static method in class rice.p2p.util.Base64
Encodes a byte array into Base64 notation.
encodeBytes(byte[], int) - Static method in class rice.p2p.util.Base64
Encodes a byte array into Base64 notation.
encodeBytes(byte[], int, int) - Static method in class rice.p2p.util.Base64
Encodes a byte array into Base64 notation.
encodeBytes(byte[], int, int, int) - Static method in class rice.p2p.util.Base64
Encodes a byte array into Base64 notation.
encodeChunk(int[]) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.ErasureCodec
Input: buffer of size ; first words contain message, rest is zeroes Output: buffer contains fragments
encodeObject(PastContent, boolean[]) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.ErasureCodec
encodeObject(RawPastContent, boolean[]) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.ErasureCodec
Serializes the object.
encodeObject(RawPastContent, boolean[]) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierDefaultPolicy
encodeObject(PastContent, boolean[]) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierDefaultPolicy
encodeObject(PastContent, boolean[]) - Method in interface rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierPolicy
encodeObject(Serializable) - Static method in class rice.p2p.util.Base64
Serializes an object and returns the Base64-encoded version of that serialized object.
encodeObject(Serializable, int) - Static method in class rice.p2p.util.Base64
Serializes an object and returns the Base64-encoded version of that serialized object.
encodePrivateKey(PrivateKey) - Static method in class rice.p2p.util.SecurityUtils
Utility method which will encode a private key
encodePublicKey(PublicKey) - Static method in class rice.p2p.util.SecurityUtils
Utility method which will encode a public key
encodeSeq(OutputBuffer, long) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.audit.SnippetEntry
encodeSize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.audit.SnippetEntry
encryptAsymmetric(byte[], PublicKey) - Static method in class rice.p2p.util.SecurityUtils
Encrypts the given byte[] using the provided public key.
encryptCipher - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rc4.EncryptedSocket
ENCRYPTED - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.TransportLayerListenerConstants
EncryptedFileTest - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.testing.filetransfer
EncryptedFileTest() - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.filetransfer.EncryptedFileTest
EncryptedInputStream - Class in rice.p2p.util
EncryptedInputStream(PrivateKey, InputStream) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.util.EncryptedInputStream
Builds an encrypted inputstream given a private key to decrypt thing under
EncryptedOutputStream - Class in rice.p2p.util
EncryptedOutputStream(PublicKey, OutputStream, int) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.util.EncryptedOutputStream
Builds an encrypted outputstream given a public key to encrypt thing under
EncryptedSocket<Identifier> - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rc4
EncryptedSocket(Identifier, P2PSocket<Identifier>, Logger, ErrorHandler<Identifier>, Map<String, Object>, Cipher, Cipher, int) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rc4.EncryptedSocket
EncryptedStreamUnit - Class in rice.p2p.util.testing
EncryptedStreamUnit() - Constructor for class rice.p2p.util.testing.EncryptedStreamUnit
encryptSymmetric(byte[], byte[]) - Static method in class rice.p2p.util.SecurityUtils
Utility method for encrypting a block of data with symmetric encryption.
encryptSymmetric(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Static method in class rice.p2p.util.SecurityUtils
Utility method for encrypting a block of data with symmetric encryption.
encryptSymmetric(byte[], byte[], int, int) - Static method in class rice.p2p.util.SecurityUtils
Utility method for encrypting a block of data with symmetric encryption.
encryptSymmetric(byte[], byte[], int, int, byte[]) - Static method in class rice.p2p.util.SecurityUtils
Utility method for encrypting a block of data with symmetric encryption.
end(String) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLWriter
Method which ends the given tag name
endpoint - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.replay.MyScribeClient
The Endpoint represents the underlieing node.
endpoint - Variable in class rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregationImpl
Endpoint - Interface in rice.p2p.commonapi
endpoint - Variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierImpl
endpoint - Variable in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringEndpoint
The node which this mulitring node is wrapping
endpoint - Variable in class rice.p2p.multiring.testing.MultiringRegrTest.MultiringTestApp
endpoint - Variable in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCEndpoint
The node which this mulitring node is wrapping
endpoint - Variable in class rice.p2p.past.PastImpl
endpoint - Variable in class rice.p2p.replication.manager.ReplicationManagerImpl
The endpoint used for sending reminder messages
endpoint - Variable in class rice.p2p.replication.ReplicationImpl
this application's endpoint
endpoint - Variable in class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeImpl
this application's endpoint
endpoint - Variable in class rice.p2p.util.rawserialization.JavaDeserializer
endpoint - Variable in class rice.p2p.util.rawserialization.JavaSerializedDeserializer
endpoint - Variable in class rice.pastry.testing.rendezvous.MyApp
The Endpoint represents the underlieing node.
endpoint - Variable in class rice.pastry.testing.RoutingTableTest.MyApp
The Endpoint represents the underlieing node.
endpoint - Variable in class rice.tutorial.appsocket.MyApp
The Endpoint represents the underlieing node.
endpoint - Variable in class rice.tutorial.deterministicsimulator.MyApp
The Endpoint represents the underlieing node.
endpoint - Variable in class rice.tutorial.direct.MyApp
The Endpoint represents the underlieing node.
endpoint - Variable in class rice.tutorial.forwarding.MyApp
The Endpoint represents the underlieing node.
endpoint - Variable in class rice.tutorial.gtitm.MyApp
The Endpoint represents the underlieing node.
endpoint - Variable in class rice.tutorial.lesson3.MyApp
The Endpoint represents the underlieing node.
endpoint - Variable in class rice.tutorial.lesson4.MyApp
The Endpoint represents the underlieing node.
endpoint - Variable in class rice.tutorial.prioritylistener.MyApp
The Endpoint represents the underlieing node.
endpoint - Variable in class rice.tutorial.rawserialization.MyApp
The Endpoint represents the underlieing node.
endpoint - Variable in class rice.tutorial.rawserialization2.MyApp
The Endpoint represents the underlieing node.
endpoint - Variable in class rice.tutorial.remotesocket.MyApp
The Endpoint represents the underlieing node.
endpoint - Variable in class rice.tutorial.scribe.MyScribeClient
The Endpoint represents the underlieing node.
endpoint - Variable in class rice.tutorial.sendfile.MyApp
The Endpoint represents the underlieing node.
endpoint - Variable in class rice.tutorial.splitstream.MySplitStreamClient
The Endpoint represents the underlieing node.
endpoint - Variable in class rice.tutorial.ssl.MyApp
The Endpoint represents the underlieing node.
endpoint - Variable in class rice.tutorial.timer.MyApp
The Endpoint represents the underlieing node.
endpoint - Variable in class rice.tutorial.transportdirect.MyApp
The Endpoint represents the underlieing node.
endpoint - Variable in class rice.tutorial.transportlayer.MyApp
The Endpoint represents the underlieing node.
endpoints - Variable in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringNode
The list of all of the endpoints connected to this node
engine - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.ssl.SSLSocketManager
enqueue(WorkRequest) - Method in class rice.environment.processing.simple.WorkQueue
enqueued(int, Identifier, Map<String, Object>, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.priority.PriorityTransportLayerListener
enqueueDelivery(Delivery, int) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.direct.GenericNetworkSimulator
Deliver message.
enqueueDelivery(Delivery, int) - Method in class rice.pastry.direct.BasicNetworkSimulator
enqueueDelivery(Delivery, int) - Method in interface rice.pastry.direct.NetworkSimulator
Deliver message.
enqueueDelivery(Delivery, int) - Method in class rice.pastry.direct.NetworkSimulatorImpl
enrouteMessage(Message, Id, NodeHandle, SendOptions) - Method in class rice.pastry.client.PastryAppl
Called by pastry when a message is enroute and is passing through this node.
enrouteMessage(Message, Id, NodeHandle, SendOptions) - Method in class rice.pastry.commonapi.PastryEndpoint
enrouteMessage(Message, Id, NodeHandle, SendOptions) - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.HelloWorldApp
Invoked on intermediate nodes in routing path.
enrouteMessage(Message, Id, NodeHandle, SendOptions) - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.Ping
enrouteMessage(Message, Id, NodeHandle, SendOptions) - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.PingClient
ENTITIES - Static variable in class rice.p2p.util.XMLParser
entityManagers - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.priority.PriorityTransportLayerImpl
entries - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.audit.LogSnippet
entry - Variable in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringIdFactory.MultiringMapEntry
entry - Variable in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCIdFactory.GCMapEntry
EntryDeserializer - Interface in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.reader
entryId(short) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.replay.MyEntryDeserializer
entryId(short) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.reader.EntryDeserializer
entryId(short) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.BasicEntryDeserializer
entrySet() - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringIdFactory.MultiringSortedMap
entrySet() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCIdFactory.GCSortedMap
entrySet() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.ImmutableSortedMap
Returns a set view of the mappings contained in this map.
entrySet() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.RedBlackMap
Returns a set view of the mappings contained in this map.
enumerateDefaults() - Method in class rice.environment.params.simple.SimpleParameters
enumerateNonDefaults() - Method in class rice.environment.params.simple.SimpleParameters
env - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewImpl
env - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rc4.RC4TransportLayer
env - Variable in class rice.pastry.standard.PartitionHandler
environment - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.filetransfer.FileTransferImpl
environment - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.direct.DirectTransportLayer
environment - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.direct.EventSimulator
environment - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.identity.IdentityImpl
environment - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.liveness.LivenessTransportLayerImpl
environment - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.nat.FirewallTLImpl
environment - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.networkinfo.NetworkInfoTransportLayer
environment - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.infostore.PeerInfoStoreImpl
environment - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.priority.PriorityTransportLayerImpl
environment - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.ssl.SSLTransportLayerImpl
environment - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.magicnumber.MagicNumberTransportLayer
environment - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.WireTransportLayerImpl
Environment - Class in rice.environment
Used to provide properties, timesource, loggers etc to the FreePastry apps and components.
Environment(SelectorManager, Processor, RandomSource, TimeSource, LogManager, Parameters, ExceptionStrategy) - Constructor for class rice.environment.Environment
Environment(String[], String) - Constructor for class rice.environment.Environment
Convienience for defaults.
Environment(String) - Constructor for class rice.environment.Environment
Environment() - Constructor for class rice.environment.Environment
Convienience for defaults.
environment - Variable in class rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregateList
environment - Variable in class rice.p2p.commonapi.testing.CommonAPITest
environment - Variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.ErasureCodec
environment - Variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierDefaultPolicy
environment - Variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierStatistics
environment - Variable in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringNode
The environment
environment - Variable in class rice.p2p.multiring.testing.MultiringRegrTest
environment - Variable in class rice.p2p.past.PastImpl
environment - Variable in class rice.p2p.replication.manager.ReplicationManagerImpl
environment - Variable in class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribePolicy.DefaultScribePolicy
environment - Variable in class rice.pastry.PastryNodeFactory
environment - Variable in class rice.pastry.pns.PNSApplication
environment - Variable in class rice.pastry.standard.CertifiedNodeIdFactory
environment - Variable in class rice.pastry.testing.DistHelloWorld
environment - Variable in class rice.pastry.testing.PastryNetworkTest
environment - Variable in class rice.pastry.testing.PastryRegrTest
environment - Variable in class rice.pastry.transport.TLDeserializer
environment - Variable in class rice.persistence.LRUCache
environment - Variable in class rice.persistence.testing.Test
environment - Variable in class rice.selector.SelectorManager
environment - Static variable in class rice.selector.testing.SelectorTest
environment - Variable in class rice.tutorial.timer.MyApp
environment - Variable in class rice.tutorial.transportlayer.BandwidthLimitingTransportLayer
The environment
EOF - Static variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.direct.DirectAppSocket
EphemeralDB<Identifier,HighIdentifier> - Interface in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous
Keeps track of tags, ephemeral identifiers, timestamps, highIdentifiers
ephemeralDB - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous.RendezvousTransportLayerImpl
EphemeralDBImpl<Identifier,HighIdentifier> - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous
EphemeralDBImpl(Environment, long) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous.EphemeralDBImpl
ephemeralToTag - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous.EphemeralDBImpl
epoch - Variable in class rice.pastry.socket.EpochInetSocketAddress
epoch - Variable in class rice.pastry.socket.SocketNodeHandle
EPOCH_UNKNOWN - Static variable in class rice.pastry.socket.EpochInetSocketAddress
EpochInetSocketAddress - Class in rice.pastry.socket
Class which represets a source route to a remote IP address.
EpochInetSocketAddress(InetSocketAddress) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.socket.EpochInetSocketAddress
Constructor - don't use this unless you know what you are doing
EpochInetSocketAddress(InetSocketAddress, long) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.socket.EpochInetSocketAddress
EpochInetSocketAddress(InetSocketAddress[], long) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.socket.EpochInetSocketAddress
EpochTest - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer
EpochTest() - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.EpochTest
equalityTest(IdRange, IdRange) - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.IdRangeUnit
equalityTest() - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.NodeIdUnit
equals(Object) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.multiaddress.MultiInetSocketAddress
Checks equaltiy on source routes
equals(Object) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.audit.LogSnippet
equals(Object) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.audit.SnippetEntry
equals(Object) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.commitment.Authenticator
equals(Object) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.SourceRoute
Checks equality on source routes
equals(Object) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.FragmentKey
equals(Object) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.FragmentKeyRange
Determines equality
equals(Object) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.VersionKey
equals(Object) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.VersionKeyRange
Determines equality
equals(Object) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringIdFactory.MultiringEntrySet
equals(Object) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringIdFactory.MultiringKeySet
equals(Object) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringIdFactory.MultiringMapEntry
equals(Object) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringIdFactory.MultiringSortedMap
equals(Object) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringIdRange
Determines equality
equals(Object) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringIdSet
Determines equality
equals(Object) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringNodeHandle
Returns whether or not this object is equal to the provided one
equals(Object) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringNodeHandleSet
Determines equality
equals(Object) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.RingId
Returns whether or not this object is equal to the provided one
equals(Object) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCId
Returns whether or not this object is equal to the provided one
equals(Object) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCIdFactory.GCEntrySet
equals(Object) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCIdFactory.GCMapEntry
equals(Object) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCIdFactory.GCSortedMap
equals(Object) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCIdSet
Determines equality
equals(Object) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCPastMetadata
equals(Object) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.testing.PastRegrTest.NonMutableTestPastContent
equals(Object) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.testing.PastRegrTest.TestPastContent
equals(Object) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.testing.PastRegrTest.VersionedTestPastContent
equals(Object) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.testing.RawPastRegrTest.NonMutableTestPastContent
equals(Object) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.testing.RawPastRegrTest.NonOverwritingTestPastContent
equals(Object) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.testing.RawPastRegrTest.TestPastContent
equals(Object) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.testing.RawPastRegrTest.VersionedTestPastContent
equals(Object) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.testing.ScribeRegrTest.TestScribeContent
equals(Object) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.Topic
Returns whether this is equal to o or not
equals(Object) - Method in class rice.p2p.splitstream.ChannelId
equals(Object) - Method in class rice.p2p.splitstream.StripeId
equals(Object) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.tuples.Tuple
Gotta handle null values
equals(Object) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.tuples.Tuple3
Gotta handle null values
equals(Object) - Method in class rice.pastry.direct.DirectNodeHandle
Equivalence relation for nodehandles.
equals(Object) - Method in class rice.pastry.dist.DistNodeHandle
Equivalence relation for nodehandles.
equals(Object) - Method in class rice.pastry.Id.Distance
Equality operator.
equals(Object) - Method in class rice.pastry.Id
Equality operator for Ids.
equals(Id) - Method in class rice.pastry.Id
Equivalence relation for Ids.
equals(Object) - Method in class rice.pastry.IdRange
equality operator
equals(Object) - Method in class rice.pastry.leafset.testing.MergeTest.TestNodeHandle
equals(Object) - Method in class rice.pastry.NodeHandle
Equality operator for nodehandles.
equals(Object) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.EpochInetSocketAddress
Checks equaltiy on source routes
equals(Object) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.SocketNodeHandle
Equivalence relation for nodehandles.
equals(Object) - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.LeafSetTest.TestNodeHandle
equals(Object) - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.RoutingTableTest.TestScribeContent
equals(Object) - Method in class rice.pastry.transport.BogusNodeHandle
ErasureCodec - Class in rice.p2p.glacier
ErasureCodec(int, int, Environment) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.glacier.ErasureCodec
Constructor for ErasureCodec.
errorHandler - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.direct.DirectTransportLayer
ErrorHandler<Identifier> - Interface in org.mpisws.p2p.transport
Notified when there is a problem not related to an outgoing message/socket, or when a callback isn't provided for a message.
errorHandler - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.networkinfo.NetworkInfoTransportLayer
errorHandler - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rc4.RC4TransportLayer
errorHandler - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous.RendezvousTransportLayerImpl
errorHandler - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.simpleidentity.SimpleIdentityTransportLayer
errorHandler - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.ssl.SSLTransportLayerImpl
errorHandler - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.table.TableTransprotLayerImpl
errorHandler - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.util.SocketWrapperSocket
errorHandler - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.magicnumber.MagicNumberTransportLayer
errorHandler - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.WireTransportLayerImpl
errorHandler - Variable in class rice.tutorial.transportlayer.BandwidthLimitingTransportLayer
EuclideanNetwork<Identifier,MessageType> - Class in rice.pastry.direct
Euclidean network topology and idealized node life.
EuclideanNetwork(Environment) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.direct.EuclideanNetwork
EuclideanProximityGenerator - Class in rice.pastry.direct.proximitygenerators
EuclideanProximityGenerator(int) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.direct.proximitygenerators.EuclideanProximityGenerator
EventCallback - Interface in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay
EventSimulator - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.direct
EventSimulator(Environment, RandomSource, Logger) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.direct.EventSimulator
eventType - Variable in class rice.p2p.util.XMLReader
The cached type of the last event the parser saw
Evidence - Interface in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.infostore
evidence - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.statement.Statement
EvidenceRecord<Handle,Identifier> - Interface in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.infostore
evidenceSeq - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.audit.ActiveAuditInfo
evidenceSeq - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.message.ChallengeMessage
evidenceSeq - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.statement.Statement
EvidenceSerializer - Interface in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.infostore
evidenceSerializer - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewImpl
EvidenceSerializerImpl<Handle extends RawSerializable,Identifier extends RawSerializable> - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.evidence
EvidenceSerializerImpl(Serializer<Handle>, Serializer<Identifier>, int, int) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.evidence.EvidenceSerializerImpl
EvidenceTool<Handle extends RawSerializable,Identifier extends RawSerializable> - Interface in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.audit
evidenceTool - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewImpl
EvidenceToolImpl<Handle extends RawSerializable,Identifier extends RawSerializable> - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.audit
EvidenceToolImpl(PeerReview<Handle, Identifier>, Serializer<Handle>, Serializer<Identifier>, int, int) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.audit.EvidenceToolImpl
EvidenceTransferProtocol<Handle,Identifier> - Interface in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.evidence
evidenceTransferProtocol - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewImpl
EvidenceTransferProtocolImpl<Handle extends RawSerializable,Identifier extends RawSerializable> - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.evidence
This protocol transfers evidence to the witnesses
EvidenceTransferProtocolImpl(PeerReview<Handle, Identifier>, IdentityTransport<Handle, Identifier>, PeerInfoStore<Handle, Identifier>) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.evidence.EvidenceTransferProtocolImpl
EvidenceTransferProtocolImpl.CacheInfo - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.evidence
Since applications like ePOST must communicate to determine the current witness set of a node (which is expensive), we cache witness sets for a while.
EvidenceTransferProtocolImpl.CacheInfo(Identifier) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.evidence.EvidenceTransferProtocolImpl.CacheInfo
EvidenceTransferProtocolImpl.MessageInfo - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.evidence
When we have a message for a node whose witness set is not (yet) known, it is queued in here
EvidenceTransferProtocolImpl.MessageInfo(Identifier, PeerReviewMessage, MessageCallback<Handle, ByteBuffer>, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.evidence.EvidenceTransferProtocolImpl.MessageInfo
EvidenceTransferProtocolImpl.QueryInfo - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.evidence
Here we remember all the questions we've asked the application about witness sets
EvidenceTransferProtocolImpl.QueryInfo(Collection<Identifier>, Continuation<Map<Identifier, Collection<Handle>>, Exception>) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.evidence.EvidenceTransferProtocolImpl.QueryInfo
EVT_ACK - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewConstants
EVT_BOOT - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.replay.MyEvents
EVT_CHECKPOINT - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewConstants
EVT_CHOOSE_Q - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewConstants
EVT_CHOOSE_RAND - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewConstants
EVT_INIT - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewConstants
EVT_MAX_RESERVED - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewConstants
EVT_MAX_SOCKET_EVT - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewConstants
EVT_MIN_SOCKET_EVT - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewConstants
EVT_PUBLISH - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.replay.MyEvents
EVT_RECV - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewConstants
EVT_SEND - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewConstants
EVT_SENDSIGN - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewConstants
EVT_SIGN - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewConstants
EVT_SOCKET_CAN_READ - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewConstants
EVT_SOCKET_CAN_RW - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewConstants
EVT_SOCKET_CAN_WRITE - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewConstants
EVT_SOCKET_CLOSE - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewConstants
EVT_SOCKET_CLOSED - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewConstants
EVT_SOCKET_EXCEPTION - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewConstants
EVT_SOCKET_OPEN_INCOMING - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewConstants
EVT_SOCKET_OPEN_OUTGOING - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewConstants
EVT_SOCKET_OPENED_OUTGOING - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewConstants
EVT_SOCKET_READ - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewConstants
EVT_SOCKET_SHUTDOWN_OUTPUT - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewConstants
EVT_SOCKET_WRITE - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewConstants
EVT_SUBSCRIBE - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.replay.MyEvents
EVT_VRF - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewConstants
EvtAck<Identifier extends RawSerializable> - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.logentry
EVT_ACK nodeID remoteID long long ackedSeq long long hisSeq hash hTopMinusOne signature sig
EvtAck(Identifier, long, long, byte[], byte[]) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.logentry.EvtAck
EvtAck(InputBuffer, Serializer<Identifier>, int, int) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.logentry.EvtAck
EvtInit<Handle extends RawSerializable> - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.logentry
EvtInit(Handle) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.logentry.EvtInit
EvtInit(InputBuffer, Serializer<Handle>) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.logentry.EvtInit
EvtRecv<Handle extends RawSerializable> - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.logentry
EVT_RECV handle senderHandle long long senderSeq bool hashed data payload - or - relevantPayload, hash
EvtRecv(Handle, long, ByteBuffer) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.logentry.EvtRecv
EvtRecv(Handle, long, ByteBuffer, int, HashProvider) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.logentry.EvtRecv
EvtRecv(InputBuffer, Serializer<Handle>, int) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.logentry.EvtRecv
EvtSend<Identifier extends RawSerializable> - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.logentry
EVT_SEND nodeID receiverID bool hashed data payload - or - relevantPayload, hash
EvtSend(Identifier, ByteBuffer, int, HashProvider) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.logentry.EvtSend
EvtSend(Identifier, ByteBuffer) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.logentry.EvtSend
EvtSend(InputBuffer, Serializer<Identifier>, int) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.logentry.EvtSend
EvtSendSign - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.logentry
EVT_SENDSIGN signature sig data restOfMessage
EvtSendSign(byte[], byte[]) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.logentry.EvtSendSign
EvtSendSign(InputBuffer, int) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.logentry.EvtSendSign
EvtSign - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.logentry
EvtSign(byte[], byte[]) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.logentry.EvtSign
EvtSign(InputBuffer, int, int) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.logentry.EvtSign
EX_TYPE_ClosedChannel - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewConstants
EX_TYPE_IO - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewConstants
EX_TYPE_Unknown - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewConstants
exampleA(int, Environment, NodeIdFactory, int, int) - Static method in class rice.tutorial.transportlayer.BandwidthLimitingTransportLayer
exampleB(int, Environment, NodeIdFactory, int, int) - Static method in class rice.tutorial.transportlayer.BandwidthLimitingTransportLayer
exception - Variable in class rice.Continuation.ExternalContinuation
exception - Variable in class rice.p2p.past.messaging.ContinuationMessage
ExceptionStrategy - Interface in rice.environment.exception
exceptionThrown() - Method in class rice.Continuation.ExternalContinuation
Executable<R,E extends java.lang.Exception> - Interface in rice
Asynchronously executes a processing function, and returns the result.
execute(Continuation) - Method in class rice.Continuation.ExternalContinuationRunnable
execute() - Method in class rice.Continuation.ExternalRunnable
execute(Continuation) - Method in class rice.Continuation.ExternalRunnable
execute() - Method in interface rice.Executable
Executes the potentially expensive task and returns the result.
execute() - Method in class rice.p2p.replication.ReplicationImpl.BloomFilterExecutable
execute(TimeSource) - Method in class rice.selector.TimerTask
Returns true if should re-insert.
executeDueTasks() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.record.RecordSM
executeDueTasks() - Method in class rice.selector.SelectorManager
Internal method which finds all due tasks and executes them.
executeTask(TimerTask) - Method in class rice.selector.ProfileSelector
executeTask(TimerTask) - Method in class rice.selector.SelectorManager
existing - Variable in class rice.p2p.past.testing.PastRegrTest.TestPastContent
existing - Variable in class rice.p2p.past.testing.RawPastRegrTest.TestPastContent
exists(Id) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCPastImpl
This upcall should return whether or not the given id is currently stored by the client.
exists(Id) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.PastImpl
This upcall should return whether or not the given id is currently stored by the client.
exists(Id) - Method in interface rice.p2p.replication.manager.ReplicationManagerClient
This upcall should return whether or not the given id is currently stored locally by the client.
exists(Id) - Method in class rice.p2p.replication.manager.testing.ReplicationManagerRegrTest.TestReplicationManagerClient
exists(Id) - Method in interface rice.persistence.Catalog
Returns whether or not an object is present in the location id.
exists(Id) - Method in class rice.persistence.EmptyCache
Returns whether or not an object is cached in the location id.
exists(Id) - Method in class rice.persistence.LRUCache
Returns whether or not an object is cached in the location id.
exists(Id) - Method in class rice.persistence.MemoryStorage
Returns whether or not the provided id exists
exists(Id) - Method in class rice.persistence.PersistentStorage
Returns whether or not an object is present in the location id.
exists(Id) - Method in class rice.persistence.StorageManagerImpl
Returns whether or not an object is present in the location id.
existsInOverlay(Id, Continuation) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCPastImpl
existsInOverlay(Id, Continuation) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.PastImpl
existsInOverlay(Id, Continuation) - Method in interface rice.p2p.replication.manager.ReplicationManagerClient
This upcall should return whether or not the given id is currently stored somewhere in the overlay by the client.
existsInOverlay(Id, Continuation) - Method in class rice.p2p.replication.manager.testing.ReplicationManagerRegrTest.TestReplicationManagerClient
expandBuffer() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLParser.CharArrayBuffer
Expands the buffer
expect(char) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLParser
An assertion method
expiration - Variable in class rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregateHandle
expiration - Variable in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCId
The ringId which this ringId represents
expiration - Variable in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCPastMetadata
expiration - Variable in class rice.p2p.past.gc.messaging.GCInsertMessage
expirationDate - Variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.Manifest
ExponentialBackoffScheduledMessage - Class in rice.pastry
ExponentialBackoffScheduledMessage(PastryNode, Message, Timer, long, long, double, long) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.ExponentialBackoffScheduledMessage
ExponentialBackoffScheduledMessage(PastryNode, Message, Timer, long, double) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.ExponentialBackoffScheduledMessage
ExposedByteArrayOutputStream - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.util
ExposedByteArrayOutputStream(int) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.util.ExposedByteArrayOutputStream
ExposedByteArrayOutputStream() - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.util.ExposedByteArrayOutputStream
EXTRA - Static variable in class rice.p2p.util.testing.IdBloomFilterReplicationTest
extractAuthenticator(Identifier, long, short, byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReview
extractAuthenticator(long, short, byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReview
extractAuthenticator(long, short, byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewImpl
A helper function that extracts an authenticator from an incoming message and adds it to our local store.
extractAuthenticator(Identifier, long, short, byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewImpl
extractIdentifier(Handle) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.IdentifierExtractor


factory - Variable in class rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregateList
factory - Variable in class rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregationImpl
factory - Variable in class rice.p2p.commonapi.testing.CommonAPITest
FACTORY - Variable in class rice.p2p.commonapi.testing.CommonAPITest
factory - Variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierImpl
factory - Variable in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringIdFactory
The underlying IdFactory
factory - Variable in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringNode
A cached IdFactory for internal use
factory - Variable in class rice.p2p.multiring.testing.MultiringRegrTest
factory - Variable in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCIdFactory
The underlying IdFactory
factory - Variable in class rice.p2p.past.PastImpl
factory - Variable in class rice.p2p.replication.manager.ReplicationManagerImpl
The id factory used for manipulating ids
factory - Variable in class rice.p2p.replication.ReplicationImpl
The factory for create IdSets and IdRanges
factory - Static variable in class rice.p2p.util.testing.IdBloomFilterReplicationTest
factory - Variable in class rice.pastry.socket.SPNFIdentitySerializer
factory - Variable in class rice.pastry.standard.PartitionHandler
factory - Variable in class rice.pastry.testing.LeafSetTest
factory - Variable in class rice.pastry.testing.PastryNetworkTest
factory - Variable in class rice.pastry.testing.PastryRegrTest
factory - Variable in class rice.persistence.EmptyCache
The facotry for building id sets
fail(Exception) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.ssl.SSLSocketManager
FAIL - Static variable in class rice.pastry.socket.internet.InternetPastryNodeFactory
failed - Variable in class rice.p2p.splitstream.Stripe
The count of failed subscribe messages
failstop - Variable in class rice.pastry.standard.StandardLeafSetProtocol
FAILURE - Static variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.identity.IdentityImpl
FAILURE - Static variable in class rice.p2p.commonapi.testing.CommonAPITest
FAILURE - Static variable in class rice.p2p.multiring.testing.MultiringRegrTest
FAILURE - Static variable in class rice.persistence.testing.Test
fetch(PastContentHandle, Continuation) - Method in class rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregationImpl
fetch(PastContentHandle, Continuation) - Method in class rice.p2p.aggregation.Moraine
fetch(PastContentHandle, Continuation) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierImpl
fetch(Id, NodeHandle, Continuation) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCPastImpl
This upcall is invoked to tell the client to fetch the given id, and to call the given command with the boolean result once the fetch is completed.
fetch(PastContentHandle, Continuation) - Method in interface rice.p2p.past.Past
Retrieves the object associated with a given content handle.
fetch(PastContentHandle, Continuation) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.PastImpl
Retrieves the object associated with a given content handle.
fetch(Id, NodeHandle, Continuation) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.PastImpl
This upcall is invoked to tell the client to fetch the given id, and to call the given command with the boolean result once the fetch is completed.
fetch(Id, NodeHandle, Cache, Past, Continuation) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.PastPolicy.DefaultPastPolicy
This method fetches the object via a lookup() call.
fetch(Id, NodeHandle, Cache, Past, Continuation) - Method in interface rice.p2p.past.PastPolicy
This method is called when Past is told to fetch a key.
fetch(Id, NodeHandle, Continuation) - Method in interface rice.p2p.replication.manager.ReplicationManagerClient
This upcall is invoked to tell the client to fetch the given id, and to call the given command with the boolean result once the fetch is completed.
fetch(IdSet, NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.p2p.replication.manager.ReplicationManagerImpl
This upcall is invoked to notify the application that is should fetch the cooresponding keys in this set, since the node is now responsible for these keys also.
fetch(IdSet, NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.p2p.replication.manager.ReplicationManagerImpl.ReplicationManagerHelper
Method by which keys are added to the list of keys to fetch
fetch(Id, NodeHandle, Continuation) - Method in class rice.p2p.replication.manager.testing.ReplicationManagerRegrTest.TestReplicationManagerClient
fetch(IdSet, NodeHandle) - Method in interface rice.p2p.replication.ReplicationClient
This upcall is invoked to notify the application that is should fetch the cooresponding keys in this set, since the node is now responsible for these keys also.
fetch(IdSet, NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.p2p.replication.testing.ReplicationRegrTest.TestReplicationClient
This upcall is invoked to notify the application that is should fetch the cooresponding keys in this set, since the node is now responsible for these keys also.
FETCH_DELAY - Variable in class rice.p2p.replication.manager.ReplicationManagerImpl
The amount of time to wait between fetch calls to the client
FETCH_FRAGMENT - Static variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierFetchMessage
FETCH_FRAGMENT_AND_MANIFEST - Static variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierFetchMessage
FETCH_MANIFEST - Static variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierFetchMessage
FetchHandleMessage - Class in rice.p2p.past.messaging
FetchHandleMessage(int, Id, NodeHandle, Id) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.past.messaging.FetchHandleMessage
fetchHandles - Variable in class rice.p2p.past.PastImpl
FetchLeafsetApp - Class in rice.pastry.peerreview
FetchLeafsetApp(PastryNode, int) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.peerreview.FetchLeafsetApp
FetchLeafsetRequest - Class in rice.pastry.peerreview
FetchLeafsetRequest(NodeHandle, Id) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.peerreview.FetchLeafsetRequest
FetchLeafsetResponse - Class in rice.pastry.peerreview
FetchLeafsetResponse(Id, LeafSet) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.peerreview.FetchLeafsetResponse
FetchLeafsetResponse(InputBuffer, NodeHandleFactory, NodeHandle) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.peerreview.FetchLeafsetResponse
fetchLeafSets() - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.PastryNetworkTest
FetchMessage - Class in rice.p2p.past.messaging
FetchMessage(int, PastContentHandle, NodeHandle, Id) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.past.messaging.FetchMessage
FetchMessage(int, RawPastContentHandle, NodeHandle, Id) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.past.messaging.FetchMessage
fetchNextEvent() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.playback.ReplayVerifier
Fetch the next log entry, or set the EOF flag
fetchNextEvent() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.VerifierImpl
Fetch the next log entry, or set the EOF flag
fetchRouteRow(int) - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.PastryNetworkTest
FILE_CACHE - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.filetransfer.FileTransferImpl
Number of chunks to keep in memory per file.
fileAllocater - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.filetransfer.FileTransferImpl
FileAllocationStrategy - Interface in org.mpisws.p2p.filetransfer
Tells FileTransfer where to store the bytes of a file, usually a temp file.
fileCancelled(ByteBuffer, File, long, long, long, Exception) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.filetransfer.FileAllocationStrategy
Notification of a cancelled transfer.
fileCancelled(ByteBuffer, File, long, long, long, Exception) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.filetransfer.TempFileAllocationStrategy
fileChunksInMemory - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.filetransfer.FileTransferImpl
Synchronized by only being mutated/checked on selector thread can be reading when < MAX_PENDING_CHUNKS, allowed to be greater
FileInputBuffer - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.util
FileInputBuffer(File, Logger) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.util.FileInputBuffer
FileInputBuffer(String, Logger) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.util.FileInputBuffer
FileLogManager - Class in rice.environment.logging.file
FileLogManager(PrintStream, TimeSource, Parameters) - Constructor for class rice.environment.logging.file.FileLogManager
FileLogManager(PrintStream, TimeSource, Parameters, String) - Constructor for class rice.environment.logging.file.FileLogManager
FileLogManager(PrintStream, TimeSource, Parameters, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class rice.environment.logging.file.FileLogManager
FileLogManager(Parameters) - Constructor for class rice.environment.logging.file.FileLogManager
Convienience constructor.
FileLogManager(PrintStream, Parameters) - Constructor for class rice.environment.logging.file.FileLogManager
Convienience constructor.
FileLogManager(TimeSource, Parameters) - Constructor for class rice.environment.logging.file.FileLogManager
Convienience constructor.
FILENAME_EXTENSION - Static variable in class rice.environment.params.simple.SimpleParameters
FileOutputBuffer - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.util
FileOutputBuffer(File, boolean) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.util.FileOutputBuffer
FileOutputBuffer(File) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.util.FileOutputBuffer
FileOutputBuffer(String) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.util.FileOutputBuffer
FileReceipt - Interface in org.mpisws.p2p.filetransfer
fileReceived(File, ByteBuffer) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.filetransfer.FileTransferCallback
Called when a file is received.
FileTransfer - Interface in org.mpisws.p2p.filetransfer
fileTransfer - Variable in class rice.tutorial.sendfile.MyApp
FileTransferCallback - Interface in org.mpisws.p2p.filetransfer
FileTransferImpl - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.filetransfer
TODO: implement read, write
FileTransferImpl(AppSocket, FileTransferCallback, FileAllocationStrategy, Environment, Processor) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.filetransfer.FileTransferImpl
FileTransferImpl(AppSocket, FileTransferCallback, FileAllocationStrategy, Environment, Processor, int, int) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.filetransfer.FileTransferImpl
FileTransferImpl(AppSocket, FileTransferCallback, Environment) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.filetransfer.FileTransferImpl
FileTransferImpl(AppSocket, FileTransferCallback, FileAllocationStrategy, Environment) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.filetransfer.FileTransferImpl
FileTransferListener - Interface in org.mpisws.p2p.filetransfer
fileTransferred(FileReceipt, long, long, boolean) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.filetransfer.FileTransferListener
fileTransferred(FileReceipt, long, long, boolean) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.filetransfer.SimpleFileTransferListener
fillBuffer() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLParser
Internal method which actually fills the buffer
filter - Variable in class rice.p2p.util.IdBloomFilter
The parameters to the hash functions for this bloom filter
filters - Variable in class rice.p2p.replication.messaging.RequestMessage
find(Identifier) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.infostore.PeerInfoStoreImpl
find(Identifier, boolean) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.infostore.PeerInfoStoreImpl
find(char[], char) - Static method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringIdFactory
findAckEntry(Identifier, long) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.commitment.CommitmentProtocolImpl
findAvailableFireWallPort(int, int, int, String) - Method in interface rice.pastry.socket.nat.NATHandler
Search for an available port forwarding, starting with the external address specified.
findAvailableFireWallPort(int, int, int, String) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.sbbi.SBBINatHandler
findAvailableFireWallPort(int, int, int, String) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.StubNATHandler
findEvidence(Identifier, long, boolean) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.infostore.PeerInfoRecord
findEvidence(Identifier, Identifier, long) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.infostore.PeerInfoStore
findEvidence(Identifier, Identifier, long, boolean) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.infostore.PeerInfoStore
findEvidence(Identifier, Identifier, long) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.infostore.PeerInfoStoreImpl
findEvidence(Identifier, Identifier, long, boolean) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.infostore.PeerInfoStoreImpl
findExternalAddress(Id, InetSocketAddress, Continuation<PastryNode, IOException>) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.internet.InternetPastryNodeFactory
Finds the external address, calls openFirewallPort()
findExternalAddress(InetSocketAddress, Collection<InetSocketAddress>, Continuation<InetAddress, IOException>) - Method in interface rice.pastry.socket.nat.connectivityverifiier.ConnectivityVerifier
Finds the external address by contacting a random member of the probeAddresses
findExternalAddress(InetSocketAddress, Collection<InetSocketAddress>, Continuation<InetAddress, IOException>) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.connectivityverifiier.ConnectivityVerifierImpl
Call this to determine your external address.
findExternalAddressHelper(Id, InetSocketAddress, Continuation<PastryNode, IOException>, Collection<InetSocketAddress>) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.internet.InternetPastryNodeFactory
findExternalAddressHelper(InetSocketAddressLookup, AttachableCancellable, InetSocketAddress, List<InetSocketAddress>, Continuation<InetAddress, IOException>) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.connectivityverifiier.ConnectivityVerifierImpl
Called recursively.
findExternalAddressIfNecessary(InetAddress) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.internet.InternetPastryNodeFactory
Sets/Verifies externalAddresses Return true if all is well.
findExternalNodes(Id, InetSocketAddress, Collection<InetSocketAddress>, Continuation<PastryNode, IOException>) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.internet.InternetPastryNodeFactory
Probe the internalAddresses to get more externalAddresses, then call findExternalAddressHelper
findExternalNodes(InetSocketAddress, Collection<InetSocketAddress>, Continuation<Collection<InetSocketAddress>, IOException>) - Method in interface rice.pastry.socket.nat.connectivityverifiier.ConnectivityVerifier
Finds known external nodes from other bootstrap nodes who are in your firewall
findExternalNodes(InetSocketAddress, Collection<InetSocketAddress>, Continuation<Collection<InetSocketAddress>, IOException>) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.connectivityverifiier.ConnectivityVerifierImpl
Call this to find some nodes outside your firewall.
findExternalNodesHelper(InetSocketAddressLookup, AttachableCancellable, InetSocketAddress, List<InetSocketAddress>, Continuation<Collection<InetSocketAddress>, IOException>) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.connectivityverifiier.ConnectivityVerifierImpl
Called recursively.
findFireWall(InetAddress) - Method in interface rice.pastry.socket.nat.NATHandler
Search for the firewall on the NIC specified by the bindAddress
findFireWall(InetAddress) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.sbbi.SBBINatHandler
findFireWall(InetAddress) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.StubNATHandler
findFireWallPolicy - Variable in class rice.pastry.socket.SocketPastryNodeFactory
findLastEntry(short[], long) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.SecureHistory
Find the most recent entry whose type is in the specified set.
findLastEntry(short[], long) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.SecureHistoryImpl
Find the most recent entry whose type is in the specified set.
findOngoingAudit(Identifier, long) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.audit.AuditProtocolImpl
findPilot(HighIdentifier) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous.PilotFinder
Return null if there isn't one.
findPilot(RendezvousSocketNodeHandle) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.LeafSetPilotFinder
findRecvEntry(Identifier, long) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.commitment.CommitmentProtocolImpl
findSeq(long) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.SecureHistory
findSeq(long) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.SecureHistoryImpl
findSeqOrHigher(long, boolean) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.SecureHistory
Look up a given sequence number, or the first sequence number that is not lower than a given number.
findSeqOrHigher(long, boolean) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.SecureHistoryImpl
Look up a given sequence number, or the first sequence number that is not lower than a given number.
findSubject(Identifier) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.commitment.AuthenticatorStoreImpl
FINE - Static variable in class rice.environment.logging.Logger
FINE is a message level providing tracing information.
FINER - Static variable in class rice.environment.logging.Logger
FINER indicates a fairly detailed tracing message.
FINEST - Static variable in class rice.environment.logging.Logger
FINEST indicates a highly detailed tracing message.
finish() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.peerreview.PRInconsistent1
finish() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.peerreview.PRNonconform1
finish() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.peerreview.PRNonconform2
finish() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.peerreview.PRRegressionTest
finished - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.statement.IncompleteStatementInfo
finishNode(PastryNode) - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.RoutingTableTest
finishReceiveSocket(P2PSocket<Identifier>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.direct.DirectTransportLayer
finishReceiveSocket(AppSocket) - Method in class rice.pastry.client.PastryAppl
FirewallTLImpl<Identifier,MessageType> - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.nat
Drops all incoming TCP connections.
FirewallTLImpl(TransportLayer<Identifier, MessageType>, int, Environment) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.nat.FirewallTLImpl
firstKey() - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringIdFactory.MultiringSortedMap
firstKey() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCIdFactory.GCSortedMap
firstKey() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.ImmutableSortedMap
Returns the first (lowest) key currently in this sorted map.
firstKey() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.RedBlackMap
Returns the first (lowest) key currently in this sorted map.
fixedRate - Variable in class rice.selector.TimerTask
FLAG_FULL_MESSAGES_ALL - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewConstants
FLAG_FULL_MESSAGES_SENDER - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewConstants
FLAG_INCLUDE_CHECKPOINT - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewConstants
flags - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.evidence.ChallengeAudit
flip() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.testing.XMLObjectStreamUnit
flip(NodeHandle[]) - Static method in class rice.pastry.leafset.testing.MergeTest
flush(Identifier) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.commitment.AuthenticatorStore
flush(Identifier) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.commitment.AuthenticatorStoreImpl
flush() - Method in class rice.environment.logging.LogOutputStream
flush(Id, Continuation) - Method in interface rice.p2p.aggregation.Aggregation
Creates an aggregate that includes the most current object with the specified key.
flush(Continuation) - Method in interface rice.p2p.aggregation.Aggregation
Creates aggregates from all objects in the local object cache.
flush(Id, Continuation) - Method in class rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregationImpl
flush(Continuation) - Method in class rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregationImpl
flush() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.EncryptedOutputStream
Flushes this output stream and forces any buffered output bytes to be written out.
flush() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectOutputStream
Method which flushes all buffered data to the output stream.
flush() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLWriter
Method which flushes all buffered data to the underlying writer
flush(Continuation) - Method in interface rice.persistence.Catalog
Method which is used to erase all data stored in the Catalog.
flush(Continuation) - Method in class rice.persistence.EmptyCache
Method which is used to erase all data stored in the Catalog.
flush(Continuation) - Method in class rice.persistence.LRUCache
Method which is used to erase all data stored in the Cache.
flush(Continuation) - Method in class rice.persistence.MemoryStorage
Method which is used to erase all data stored in the Storage.
flush(Continuation) - Method in class rice.persistence.PersistentStorage
Method which is used to erase all data stored in the Catalog.
flush(Continuation) - Method in class rice.persistence.StorageManagerImpl
Method which is used to erase all data stored in the Catalog.
flushAll() - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.commitment.AuthenticatorStore
flushAll() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.commitment.AuthenticatorStoreImpl
flushAuthenticatorsFor(Identifier, long, long) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.commitment.AuthenticatorStore
flushAuthenticatorsFor(Identifier) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.commitment.AuthenticatorStore
flushAuthenticatorsFor(Identifier, long, long) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.commitment.AuthenticatorStoreImpl
flushAuthenticatorsFor(Identifier) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.commitment.AuthenticatorStoreImpl
flushAuthenticatorsFromMemory(Identifier, long, long) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.commitment.AuthenticatorStoreImpl
Discard the authenticators in a certain sequence range (presumably because we just checked them against the corresponding log segment, and they were okay)
flushBase64() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.Base64.OutputStream
Method added by PHIL.
flushWait - Variable in class rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregationImpl
forceBindAddress - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.WireTransportLayerImpl
true for modelnet, who needs to set the bind address even on outgoing sockets
fork(long) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.peerreview.PRInconsistent1.ForkingSecureHistory
Delete this index and everything after it
forward(RouteMessage) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.BandwidthMeasuringTLTest
forward(RouteMessage) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.replay.MyScribeClient
forward(Identifier, SourceRoute<Identifier>, boolean, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.DefaultForwardSourceRouteStrategy
forward(Identifier, SourceRoute<Identifier>, boolean, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.SourceRouteForwardStrategy
forward(RouteMessage) - Method in class rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregationImpl
forward(RouteMessage) - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.Application
This method is invoked on applications when the underlying node is about to forward the given message with the provided target to the specified next hop.
forward(RouteMessage) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierImpl
forward(RouteMessage) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringApplication
This method is invoked on applications when the underlying node is about to forward the given message with the provided target to the specified next hop.
forward(RouteMessage) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.testing.MultiringRegrTest.MultiringTestApp
forward(RouteMessage) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCPastImpl
This method is invoked on applications when the underlying node is about to forward the given message with the provided target to the specified next hop.
forward(RouteMessage) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.PastImpl
This method is invoked on applications when the underlying node is about to forward the given message with the provided target to the specified next hop.
forward(RouteMessage) - Method in class rice.p2p.replication.manager.ReplicationManagerImpl
This method is invoked on applications when the underlying node is about to forward the given message with the provided target to the specified next hop.
forward(RouteMessage) - Method in class rice.p2p.replication.ReplicationImpl
This method is invoked on applications when the underlying node is about to forward the given message with the provided target to the specified next hop.
forward(RouteMessage) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeImpl
This method is invoked on applications when the underlying node is about to forward the given message with the provided target to the specified next hop.
forward(RouteMessage) - Method in class rice.pastry.client.CommonAPIAppl
Called by pastry when a message is enroute and is passing through this node.
forward(Identifier, SourceRoute<Identifier>, boolean, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.LivenesSourceRouteForwardStrategy
forward(RouteMessage) - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.RegrTestApp
forward(RouteMessage) - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.rendezvous.MyApp
Called a message travels along your path.
forward(RouteMessage) - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.RoutingTableTest.MyApp
Called a message travels along your path.
forward(RouteMessage) - Method in class rice.tutorial.appsocket.MyApp
Called a message travels along your path.
forward(RouteMessage) - Method in class rice.tutorial.deterministicsimulator.MyApp
Called a message travels along your path.
forward(RouteMessage) - Method in class rice.tutorial.direct.MyApp
Called a message travels along your path.
forward(RouteMessage) - Method in class rice.tutorial.forwarding.MyApp
forward(RouteMessage) - Method in class rice.tutorial.gtitm.MyApp
Called a message travels along your path.
forward(RouteMessage) - Method in class rice.tutorial.lesson3.MyApp
Called a message travels along your path.
forward(RouteMessage) - Method in class rice.tutorial.lesson4.MyApp
Called a message travels along your path.
forward(RouteMessage) - Method in class rice.tutorial.lookup.LookupService
This Application always forwards its messages
forward(RouteMessage) - Method in class rice.tutorial.prioritylistener.MyApp
Called a message travels along your path.
forward(RouteMessage) - Method in class rice.tutorial.rawserialization.MyApp
Called a message travels along your path.
forward(RouteMessage) - Method in class rice.tutorial.rawserialization2.MyApp
Called a message travels along your path.
forward(RouteMessage) - Method in class rice.tutorial.remotesocket.MyApp
Called a message travels along your path.
forward(RouteMessage) - Method in class rice.tutorial.scribe.MyScribeClient
forward(RouteMessage) - Method in class rice.tutorial.sendfile.MyApp
Called a message travels along your path.
forward(RouteMessage) - Method in class rice.tutorial.splitstream.MySplitStreamClient
forward(RouteMessage) - Method in class rice.tutorial.ssl.MyApp
Called a message travels along your path.
forward(RouteMessage) - Method in class rice.tutorial.timer.MyApp
Called a message travels along your path.
forward(RouteMessage) - Method in class rice.tutorial.transportdirect.MyApp
Called a message travels along your path.
forward(RouteMessage) - Method in class rice.tutorial.transportlayer.MyApp
Called a message travels along your path.
Forwarder<Identifier> - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute
Forwarder(SourceRoute<Identifier>, P2PSocket<Identifier>, P2PSocket<Identifier>, Logger) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.Forwarder
found - Variable in exception rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierNotEnoughFragmentsException
Fragment - Class in rice.p2p.glacier
Fragment(int) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.glacier.Fragment
Fragment(InputBuffer) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.glacier.Fragment
fragment - Variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.FragmentAndManifest
FragmentAndManifest - Class in rice.p2p.glacier.v2
FragmentAndManifest(Fragment, Manifest) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.FragmentAndManifest
fragmentHash - Variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.Manifest
FragmentKey - Class in rice.p2p.glacier
FragmentKey(VersionKey, int) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.glacier.FragmentKey
Constructor for FragmentKey.
FragmentKey(InputBuffer, Endpoint) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.glacier.FragmentKey
FragmentKeyFactory - Class in rice.p2p.glacier
FragmentKeyFactory(MultiringIdFactory) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.glacier.FragmentKeyFactory
Constructor for FragmentKeyFactory.
FragmentKeyRange - Class in rice.p2p.glacier
FragmentKeyRange(IdRange) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.glacier.FragmentKeyRange
FragmentKeyRange(InputBuffer, Endpoint) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.FragmentKeyRange
FragmentKeySet - Class in rice.p2p.glacier
FragmentKeySet() - Constructor for class rice.p2p.glacier.FragmentKeySet
FragmentKeySet(FragmentKeySet) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.glacier.FragmentKeySet
Copy constructor.
FragmentKeySet(SortedMap) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.glacier.FragmentKeySet
FragmentMetadata - Class in rice.p2p.glacier.v2
FragmentMetadata(long, long, long) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.FragmentMetadata
fragments - Variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierDataMessage
fragmentStorage - Variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierImpl
fragmentStorageSize - Variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierStatistics
freeBandwidth(Channel, NodeHandle, Id) - Method in class rice.p2p.splitstream.SplitStreamScribePolicy
This method attempts to free bandwidth from our primary stripe.
freeBandwidthUltimate(Id) - Method in class rice.p2p.splitstream.SplitStreamScribePolicy
This method makes an attempt to free up bandwidth from non-primary, non-root stripes (for which local node is not root).
from - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.evidence.ChallengeAudit
from() - Method in class rice.pastry.leafset.BroadcastLeafSet
Returns the node id of the node that broadcast its leaf set.
from() - Method in class rice.pastry.routing.BroadcastRouteRow
Gets the from node.
FROM_OVERLAY - Static variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous.RendezvousTransportLayerImpl
The message came from the overlay, rather than a lower layer
fromBase64(String) - Static method in class rice.p2p.util.MathUtils
Utility method which converts a base64 string to a byte[]
fromHex(String) - Static method in class rice.p2p.util.MathUtils
Utility method which converts a hex string to a byte[]


garbageCollect() - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.commitment.AuthenticatorStore
Commits the Authenticators in memory to disk, overwriting the old store.
garbageCollect() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.commitment.AuthenticatorStoreImpl
GCCollectMessage - Class in rice.p2p.past.gc.messaging
GCCollectMessage(int, NodeHandle, Id) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.past.gc.messaging.GCCollectMessage
GCEndpoint - Class in rice.p2p.past.gc
GCEndpoint(Endpoint) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCEndpoint
GCId - Class in rice.p2p.past.gc
GCId(Id, long) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCId
GCId(InputBuffer, Endpoint) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCId
GCIdFactory - Class in rice.p2p.past.gc
GCIdFactory(IdFactory) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCIdFactory
GCIdFactory.GCEntrySet - Class in rice.p2p.past.gc
GCIdFactory.GCEntrySet(Set) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCIdFactory.GCEntrySet
GCIdFactory.GCMapEntry - Class in rice.p2p.past.gc
GCIdFactory.GCMapEntry(Map.Entry) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCIdFactory.GCMapEntry
GCIdFactory.GCSortedMap - Class in rice.p2p.past.gc
GCIdFactory.GCSortedMap(SortedMap) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCIdFactory.GCSortedMap
GCIdRange - Class in rice.p2p.past.gc
GCIdRange(IdRange) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCIdRange
Constructor, which takes a normal IdRange
GCIdRange(InputBuffer, Endpoint) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCIdRange
GCIdSet - Class in rice.p2p.past.gc
GCIdSet(IdFactory) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCIdSet
GCIdSet(IdSet, SortedMap) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCIdSet
GCInsertMessage - Class in rice.p2p.past.gc.messaging
GCInsertMessage(int, PastContent, long, NodeHandle, Id) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.past.gc.messaging.GCInsertMessage
Constructor which takes a unique integer Id, as well as the data to be stored
GCLookupHandlesMessage - Class in rice.p2p.past.gc.messaging
GCLookupHandlesMessage(int, Id, NodeHandle, Id) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.past.gc.messaging.GCLookupHandlesMessage
GCNode - Class in rice.p2p.past.gc
GCNode(Node) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCNode
GCPast - Interface in rice.p2p.past.gc
GCPastContent - Interface in rice.p2p.past.gc
GCPastContentHandle - Interface in rice.p2p.past.gc
GCPastException - Exception in rice.p2p.past.gc
GCPastException(String) - Constructor for exception rice.p2p.past.gc.GCPastException
GCPastException.ObjectNotFoundException - Exception in rice.p2p.past.gc
GCPastException.ObjectNotFoundException(String) - Constructor for exception rice.p2p.past.gc.GCPastException.ObjectNotFoundException
GCPastImpl - Class in rice.p2p.past.gc
GCPastImpl(Node, StorageManager, int, String, PastPolicy, long) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCPastImpl
Constructor for GCPast
GCPastImpl(Node, StorageManager, Cache, int, String, PastPolicy, long, StorageManager) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCPastImpl
Constructor for GCPast
GCPastImpl.GCPastDeserializer - Class in rice.p2p.past.gc
GCPastImpl.GCPastDeserializer() - Constructor for class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCPastImpl.GCPastDeserializer
GCPastImpl.ReplicaMap - Class in rice.p2p.past.gc
GCPastImpl.ReplicaMap() - Constructor for class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCPastImpl.ReplicaMap
GCPastMetadata - Class in rice.p2p.past.gc
GCPastMetadata(long) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCPastMetadata
GCRefreshMessage - Class in rice.p2p.past.gc.messaging
GCRefreshMessage(int, GCIdSet, NodeHandle, Id) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.past.gc.messaging.GCRefreshMessage
Constructor which takes a unique integer Id, as well as the keys to be refreshed
generateCertificate(Id, OutputStream, PrivateKey) - Static method in class rice.pastry.standard.CertifiedNodeIdFactory
Method which generates a certificate given the nodeid, location, and private key
generateCertRequest(KeyPair) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.pki.x509.CertTool
generateDefaultExceptionStrategy(LogManager) - Static method in class rice.environment.Environment
generateDefaultLogManager(TimeSource, Parameters) - Static method in class rice.environment.Environment
generateDefaultProcessor() - Static method in class rice.environment.Environment
generateDefaultRandomSource(Parameters, LogManager) - Static method in class rice.environment.Environment
generateDefaultSelectorManager(TimeSource, LogManager, RandomSource) - Static method in class rice.environment.Environment
generateDefaultTimeSource() - Static method in class rice.environment.Environment
generatedSocketException(int, IOException) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.playback.ReplayVerifier
generatedSocketException(int, IOException) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.VerifierImpl
generateEnvironment(String, long, long, LogManager) - Static method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.playback.ReplayLayer
generateEnvironment() - Static method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.record.RecordLayer
generateEnvironment(int) - Static method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.record.RecordLayer
generateEnvironment(RandomSource) - Static method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.record.RecordLayer
generateIVSymmetric() - Static method in class rice.p2p.util.SecurityUtils
Utility method which will generate a random intialization vector for applications to use.
generateKeyAsymmetric() - Static method in class rice.p2p.util.SecurityUtils
Utility method which will generate a non-weak DES key for applications to use.
generateKeySymmetric() - Static method in class rice.p2p.util.SecurityUtils
Utility method which will generate a non-weak DES key for applications to use.
generateLeafSet(int, int, boolean) - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.LeafSetTest
Returns a leafset of size size out of a network with the specified number of nodes
generateNewCA(String, Date) - Static method in class org.mpisws.p2p.pki.x509.CAToolImpl
generateNewCA(String, Date, Date, long, KeyPair, String) - Static method in class org.mpisws.p2p.pki.x509.CAToolImpl
generateNode(NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.PastryRegrTest
generateNodeId() - Method in interface rice.pastry.NodeIdFactory
Generates a nodeId.
generateNodeId() - Method in class rice.pastry.standard.CertifiedNodeIdFactory
generate a nodeId
generateNodeId() - Method in class rice.pastry.standard.IPNodeIdFactory
generate a nodeId multiple invocations result in a deterministic series of randomized NodeIds, seeded by the IP address of the local host.
generateNodeId() - Method in class rice.pastry.standard.RandomNodeIdFactory
generate a nodeId
generateNodeRecord() - Method in interface rice.pastry.direct.NetworkSimulator
Generates a random node record
generateNodeRecord() - Method in class rice.pastry.direct.NetworkSimulatorImpl
generateNodeRecord() - Method in interface rice.pastry.direct.ProximityGenerator
generateNodeRecord() - Method in class rice.pastry.direct.proximitygenerators.EuclideanProximityGenerator
generateNodeRecord() - Method in class rice.pastry.direct.proximitygenerators.GenericProximityGenerator
generateNodeRecord() - Method in class rice.pastry.direct.proximitygenerators.SphereNetworkProximityGenerator
generatePilotStrategy(PastryNode, RendezvousTransportLayerImpl<InetSocketAddress, RendezvousSocketNodeHandle>) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.RendezvousSocketPastryNodeFactory
generateStripeIds(ChannelId, IdFactory) - Method in class rice.p2p.splitstream.Channel
Creates and returns the Ids associated with the provided channelId
generator - Variable in class rice.pastry.direct.NetworkSimulatorImpl
GenericNetwork<Identifier,MessageType> - Class in rice.pastry.direct
GenericNetwork(Environment, String) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.direct.GenericNetwork
GenericNetwork(Environment) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.direct.GenericNetwork
GenericNetwork(Environment, File) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.direct.GenericNetwork
GenericNetworkSimulator<Identifier,MessageType> - Interface in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.direct
GenericProximityGenerator - Class in rice.pastry.direct.proximitygenerators
GenericProximityGenerator(Environment, File) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.direct.proximitygenerators.GenericProximityGenerator
GenericProximityGenerator.GNNodeRecord - Class in rice.pastry.direct.proximitygenerators
GenericProximityGenerator.GNNodeRecord() - Constructor for class rice.pastry.direct.proximitygenerators.GenericProximityGenerator.GNNodeRecord
GenericSimulatorListener<Identifier,MessageType> - Interface in rice.pastry.direct
get(Key) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.table.TableStore
get(Object) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringIdFactory.MultiringSortedMap
get(Object) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCIdFactory.GCSortedMap
get(Object) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.ImmutableSortedMap
Returns the value to which this map maps the specified key.
get(Object) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.RedBlackMap
Returns the value to which this map maps the specified key.
get(Object) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.ReverseTreeMap
Returns the value associated with the given key
get(Object) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.SoftHashMap
Returns the object associated with the key.
get(char[]) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.StringCache
Returns the value to which the specified key is mapped in this identity hash map, or null if the map contains no mapping for this key.
get(char[], int, int) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.StringCache
Returns the value to which the specified key is mapped in this identity hash map, or null if the map contains no mapping for this key.
get(String, boolean) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectInputStream.GetField
get(String, byte) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectInputStream.GetField
get(String, char) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectInputStream.GetField
get(String, double) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectInputStream.GetField
get(String, float) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectInputStream.GetField
get(String, int) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectInputStream.GetField
get(String, long) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectInputStream.GetField
get(String, short) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectInputStream.GetField
get(String, Object) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectInputStream.GetField
get(int) - Method in class rice.pastry.leafset.LeafSet
Finds the NodeHandle at a given index.
get(Id) - Method in class rice.pastry.leafset.SimilarSet
Finds the NodeHandle associated with the Id.
get(NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.pastry.leafset.SimilarSet
get(int) - Method in class rice.pastry.leafset.SimilarSet
Gets the ith element in the set.
get(Id) - Method in class rice.pastry.NodeSet
Finds the NodeHandle associated with a NodeId.
get(int) - Method in class rice.pastry.NodeSet
Gets the ith element in the set.
get(Id) - Method in interface rice.pastry.NodeSetI
Finds the NodeHandle associated with the NodeId.
get(int) - Method in interface rice.pastry.NodeSetI
Gets the ith element in the set.
get(int) - Method in class rice.pastry.routing.RouteSet
Returns the node in the ith position in the set.
get(Id) - Method in class rice.pastry.routing.RouteSet
Returns the node handle with the matching node id or null if none exists.
get(Id) - Method in class rice.pastry.routing.RoutingTable
Gets the node handle associated with a given id.
getAcceptorDelivery() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.direct.DirectAppSocket
getAckedSeq() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.logentry.EvtAck
getADC(Id) - Method in class rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregateList
getAddress(MultiInetSocketAddress, MultiInetSocketAddress) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.multiaddress.AddressStrategy
getAddress(int) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.multiaddress.MultiInetSocketAddress
getAddress(MultiInetSocketAddress, MultiInetSocketAddress) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.multiaddress.SimpleAddressStrategy
Method which returns the address of this address
getAddress() - Method in class rice.pastry.client.PastryAppl
Returns the address of this application.
getAddress() - Method in class rice.pastry.direct.DirectNodeHandle
getAddress() - Method in interface rice.pastry.messaging.RawMessageDelivery
getAddress(EpochInetSocketAddress) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.EpochInetSocketAddress
Method which returns the address of this address
getAddress(InetAddress[]) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.EpochInetSocketAddress
This is for hairpinning support.
getAddress() - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.SocketNodeHandle
Returns the InetSocketAddress that should be used to contact the node
getAddress() - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.TransportLayerNodeHandle
getAddress(Class, String, Environment) - Static method in class rice.pastry.standard.StandardAddress
getAddress(Class, Environment) - Static method in class rice.pastry.standard.StandardAddress
Returns the short prefix to look for.
getAddress() - Method in class rice.pastry.standard.StandardJoinProtocol
Get address.
getAddress() - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.HelloWorldApp
Get address.
getAddress() - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.Ping
getAddress() - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.PingClient
getAddress() - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.RegrTestApp
getAddress() - Method in class rice.pastry.transport.BogusNodeHandle
getAddressManager(Identifier) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.manager.SourceRouteManagerImpl
Internal method which returns (or builds) the manager associated with an address
getAddressStrategy() - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.multiaddress.MultiInetAddressTransportLayer
getAddressStrategy() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.multiaddress.MultiInetAddressTransportLayerImpl
getAggregateStore() - Method in class rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregationImpl
getAllKeys() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierFetchMessage
getAllKeys() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierRefreshPatchMessage
getAlternateId(int, int, int) - Method in class rice.pastry.Id
produces a set of ids (keys) that are evenly distributed around the id ring.
getAmountAllowedToWrite() - Method in exception rice.tutorial.transportlayer.NotEnoughBandwidthException
getAnycastMessages() - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.testing.ScribeRegrTest.TestScribeClient
getApp() - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReview
getApp() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewImpl
getAppid() - Method in exception rice.p2p.commonapi.exception.AppNotRegisteredException
getAppId() - Method in class rice.pastry.commonapi.PastryEndpoint
getApplication() - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.messaging.RingMessage
Method which returns this messages' applicaiton name
getAppSocket(InetSocketAddress, int, Continuation<AppSocket, Exception>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface rice.pastry.socket.appsocket.SocketFactory
getArg(String[], String) - Static method in class rice.pastry.standard.CertifiedNodeIdFactory
getAttemptedMessage() - Method in exception org.mpisws.p2p.transport.exception.NodeIsFaultyException
getAttemptedMessage() - Method in exception org.mpisws.p2p.transport.priority.QueueOverflowException
getAttemptedToWrite() - Method in exception rice.tutorial.transportlayer.NotEnoughBandwidthException
getAttribute(String) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLReader
Returns the value of the given attribute, or null if the attribute cannot be found.
getAttributeCount() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLParser
getAttributeName(int) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLParser
getAttributeNamespace(int) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLParser
getAttributePrefix(int) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLParser
getAttributeType(int) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLParser
getAttributeValue(String, String) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLParser
Returns the attributes value identified by namespace URI and namespace localName.
getAttributeValue(int) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLParser
getAuthenticators(Identifier, long, long) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.commitment.AuthenticatorStore
Retrieve all the authenticators within a given range of sequence numbers
getAuthenticators(Identifier) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.commitment.AuthenticatorStore
getAuthenticators(Identifier, long, long) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.commitment.AuthenticatorStoreImpl
getAuthenticators(Identifier) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.commitment.AuthenticatorStoreImpl
getAuthenticatorSerializer() - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReview
getAuthenticatorSerializer() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewImpl
getAuthenticatorSizeBytes() - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.commitment.AuthenticatorStore
getAuthenticatorSizeBytes() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.commitment.AuthenticatorStoreImpl
getAuthoritative(int) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierResponseMessage
getAuxAddress() - Method in class rice.pastry.routing.RouteMessage
getAveDistance() - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.PingTestRecord
getAveHops() - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.PingTestRecord
getAvgNumEntries(Collection<PastryNode>) - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.ClosestRegrTest
getBandwidthUsed() - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.bandwidthmeasure.BandwidthMeasurement
For all Identifiers that used any bandwidth since the measurementPeriod, returns: downstream bytes/sec, upstream bytes/sec, if the upstream was saturated
getBandwidthUsed() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.bandwidthmeasure.BandwidthMeasuringTransportLayer
For all Identifiers that used any bandwidth since the measurementPeriod, returns: downstream bytes/sec, upstream bytes/sec, if the upstream was saturated
getBaseHash() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.audit.LogSnippet
getBaseSeq() - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.SecureHistory
getBaseSeq() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.SecureHistoryImpl
getBBMsg() - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.PilotForwardMsg
getBestEntry(Id) - Method in class rice.pastry.routing.RoutingTable
Gets the set of handles that match at least one more digit of the key than the local Id.
getBestRoutingCandidates(Id) - Method in interface rice.pastry.routing.Router
Returns an ordered list of the best candidates for the next to the key.
getBestRoutingCandidates(Id) - Method in class rice.pastry.standard.StandardRouter
getBestRoutingCandidates(Id, int, boolean) - Method in class rice.pastry.standard.StandardRouter
getBindAddress() - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.SocketPastryNodeFactory
getBindStrategy() - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.SocketPastryNodeFactory
getBitSet() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.BloomFilter
Method which returns what the internal bit set looks like as a string
getBloomFilter() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierSyncMessage
getBogusApp(PRRegressionTest.Player, PeerReview<PRRegressionTest.HandleImpl, PRRegressionTest.IdImpl>, Environment) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.peerreview.PRInconsistent1
getBogusApp(PRRegressionTest.Player, PeerReview<PRRegressionTest.HandleImpl, PRRegressionTest.IdImpl>, Environment) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.peerreview.PRNonconform1
getBogusApp(PRRegressionTest.Player, PeerReview<PRRegressionTest.HandleImpl, PRRegressionTest.IdImpl>, Environment) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.peerreview.PRNonconform2
getBogusApp(PRRegressionTest.Player, PeerReview<PRRegressionTest.HandleImpl, PRRegressionTest.IdImpl>, Environment) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.peerreview.PRRegressionTest
getBogusIdentifier(MultiInetSocketAddress) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.EpochTest
getBogusIdentifier(InetSocketAddress) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.PriorityTest
getBogusIdentifier(MultiInetSocketAddress) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.SRManagerTest
getBogusIdentifier(SourceRoute<MultiInetSocketAddress>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.SRTest
getBogusIdentifier(Identifier) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.TLTest
The identifer to a bogus node.
getBogusIdentifier(SourceRoute<InetSocketAddress>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.WireSRTest
getBogusIdentifier(InetSocketAddress) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.WireTest
getBoolean(String) - Method in interface rice.environment.params.Parameters
getBoolean(String) - Method in class rice.environment.params.simple.SimpleParameters
getBoolean(String) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectOutputStream.PutField
getBootstrap() - Method in class rice.p2p.commonapi.testing.CommonAPITest
Gets a handle to a bootstrap node.
getBootstrap(Node) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.testing.MultiringRegrTest
Gets a handle to a bootstrap node.
getBootstrap() - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.ClosestRegrTest
Get pastryNodes.last() to bootstrap with, or return null.
getBootstrap(boolean) - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.DirectPastryRegrTest
Get pastryNodes.last() to bootstrap with, or return null.
getBootstrap(boolean) - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.DistHelloWorld
Gets a handle to a bootstrap node.
getBootstrap(boolean) - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.DistPastryRegrTest
Gets a handle to a bootstrap node.
getBootstrap(boolean) - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.PastryRegrTest
get a node handle to bootstrap from.
getBootstrapper(PastryNode, NodeHandleAdapter, NodeHandleFactory, ProximityNeighborSelector) - Method in class rice.pastry.direct.DirectPastryNodeFactory
getBootstrapper() - Method in class rice.pastry.PastryNode
getBootstrapper(PastryNode, NodeHandleAdapter, NodeHandleFactory, ProximityNeighborSelector) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.RendezvousSocketPastryNodeFactory
This code opens a pilot to our bootstrap node before proceeding.
getBootstrapper(PastryNode, NodeHandleAdapter, NodeHandleFactory, ProximityNeighborSelector) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.SocketPastryNodeFactory
getBootstrapper(PastryNode, NodeHandleAdapter, NodeHandleFactory, ProximityNeighborSelector) - Method in class rice.pastry.transport.TransportPastryNodeFactory
getBootstraps() - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.RingCertificate
Returns the bootstraps of this ring
getBottomLayers(PastryNode, MultiInetSocketAddress) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.SocketPastryNodeFactory
This is split off so we can get the IpServiceLayer easily.
getBuffer() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLParser.CharArrayBuffer
Returns the internal array
getByte(char) - Static method in class rice.p2p.util.MathUtils
Utility method for converting a char to a byte
getByte(String) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectOutputStream.PutField
getByteArrayLength() - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.Id
Returns the length of the byte[] representing this Id
getByteArrayLength() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.FragmentKey
Returns the length of the byte[] representing this Id
getByteArrayLength() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.VersionKey
Returns the length of the byte[] representing this Id
getByteArrayLength() - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.RingId
Returns the length of the byte[] representing this Id
getByteArrayLength() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCId
Returns the length of the byte[] representing this Id
getByteArrayLength() - Method in class rice.pastry.Id
Returns the length of the byte[] representing this Id
getByteArrayLength() - Method in class rice.persistence.testing.MemoryStorageTest.VariableId
getByteBuffer() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.rawserialization.SimpleOutputBuffer
getBytes() - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.filetransfer.BBReceipt
Do not write to these!
getBytes() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.rawserialization.SimpleOutputBuffer
getCache() - Method in interface rice.persistence.StorageManager
Returns the cache object used by this StorageManager
getCache() - Method in class rice.persistence.StorageManagerImpl
Returns the cache object used by this StorageManager
getCandidateNode() - Method in class rice.pastry.standard.PartitionHandler
This method randomly returns a node that was once in the LeafSet or in the routing table but has since been removed.
getCATool(String, char[]) - Static method in class org.mpisws.p2p.pki.x509.CAToolImpl
getCause() - Method in exception org.mpisws.p2p.transport.exception.NodeIsFaultyException
getCause() - Method in exception org.mpisws.p2p.transport.priority.QueueOverflowException
getCCW() - Method in class rice.pastry.Id
gets the Id just counterclockwise from this
getCCW() - Method in class rice.pastry.IdRange
get counterclockwise edge of range
getCCWId() - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.IdRange
get counterclockwise edge of range
getCCWId() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.FragmentKeyRange
get counterclockwise edge of range
getCCWId() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.VersionKeyRange
get counterclockwise edge of range
getCCWId() - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringIdRange
get counterclockwise edge of range
getCCWId() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCIdRange
get counterclockwise edge of range
getCCWId() - Method in class rice.pastry.IdRange
get counterclockwise edge of range
getCert() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.ssl.SSLSocketManager
getCertificate() - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.pki.x509.CATool
getCertificate() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.pki.x509.CAToolImpl
getCertificate(Id) - Static method in class rice.p2p.multiring.RingCertificate
Method which returns the certificates found for the given ringId
getChallenge() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.message.ChallengeMessage
getChallengeType() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.message.ChallengeMessage
getChannelId() - Method in class rice.p2p.splitstream.Channel
Gets the channelId for this channel
getChannels() - Method in interface rice.p2p.splitstream.SplitStream
Returns all of the channels on this local splitstream
getChannels() - Method in class rice.p2p.splitstream.SplitStreamImpl
Returns all of the channels on this local splitstream
getChar(String) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectOutputStream.PutField
getChildren() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.replay.MyScribeClient
getChildren(Topic) - Method in interface rice.p2p.scribe.BaseScribe
Deprecated. use getChildrenOfTopic
getChildren(Topic) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeImpl
Returns the list of children for a given topic
getChildren() - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeImpl.TopicManager
Gets the Children attribute of the TopicManager object
getChildren() - Method in class rice.p2p.splitstream.Stripe
Utility method.
getChildren() - Method in class rice.tutorial.scribe.MyScribeClient
getChildrenOfTopic(Topic) - Method in interface rice.p2p.scribe.BaseScribe
getChildrenOfTopic(Topic) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeImpl
getClass(String) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectInputStream
Method which returns the class object for class names written to the stream.
getClient() - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.SubscribeLostMessage
getClients(Topic) - Method in interface rice.p2p.scribe.BaseScribe
getClients(Topic) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeImpl
Returns the list of clients for a given topic
getClients() - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeImpl.TopicManager
Gets the Clients attribute of the TopicManager object
getClientsByTopic(Topic) - Method in interface rice.p2p.scribe.BaseScribe
getClientsByTopic(Topic) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeImpl
getClosest(DirectNodeHandle) - Method in interface rice.pastry.direct.NetworkSimulator
Returns the closest Node in proximity.
getClosest(DirectNodeHandle) - Method in class rice.pastry.direct.NetworkSimulatorImpl
getCode() - Static method in class rice.pastry.join.JoinAddress
getCode() - Static method in class rice.pastry.leafset.LeafSetProtocolAddress
getCode() - Static method in class rice.pastry.routing.RouteProtocolAddress
getCode() - Static method in class rice.pastry.routing.RouterAddress
getCode() - Static method in class rice.pastry.testing.PingAddress
getCollection() - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringNode
Returns the collection this node is a member of
getCollection() - Method in class rice.pastry.leafset.SimilarSet
This is thread safe, in that it won't throw an error if not properly synchronized.
getCollection() - Method in class rice.pastry.NodeSet
getColumnNumber() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLParser
getCommonAPITransportLayer(TransportLayer<TransportLayerNodeHandle<MultiInetSocketAddress>, ByteBuffer>, PastryNode, TLDeserializer) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.SocketPastryNodeFactory
getCommonRange() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierRangeResponseMessage
getComplementRange() - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.IdRange
get the complement of this range
getComplementRange() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.FragmentKeyRange
get the complement of this range
getComplementRange() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.VersionKeyRange
get the complement of this range
getComplementRange() - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringIdRange
get the complement of this range
getComplementRange() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCIdRange
get the complement of this range
getComplementRange() - Method in class rice.pastry.IdRange
get the complement of this range
getComponent(int) - Method in class rice.p2p.aggregation.Aggregate
getComponentType(Class) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectOutputStream
Method which returns the component type of the given array class.
getContactDeserializer(PastryNode) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.RendezvousSocketPastryNodeFactory
getContactDirectStrategy(PastryNode) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.RendezvousSocketPastryNodeFactory
getContactStatus() - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.RendezvousSocketNodeHandle
getContent() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.rawserialization.JavaSerializedGCPastContent
getContent() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.messaging.CacheMessage
Method which returns the content
getContent() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.messaging.InsertMessage
Method which returns the content
getContent() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.rawserialization.JavaSerializedPastContent
getContent() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.testing.DistPastTestContent
getContent() - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.AnycastFailureMessage
getContent() - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.AnycastMessage
Returns the content
getContent() - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.PublishMessage
Returns the content
getContent() - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.PublishRequestMessage
Returns the content
getContent() - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.rawserialization.JavaSerializedScribeContent
getContentDeserializer() - Method in interface rice.p2p.scribe.rawserialization.RawScribe
getContentDeserializer() - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeImpl
getContentHash() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.IndexEntry
getContentHash() - Method in class rice.p2p.aggregation.Aggregate
getContentHash() - Method in class rice.p2p.aggregation.raw.RawAggregate
getCurrentChallengeInterval() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.commitment.PeerInfo
getCurrentNode() - Static method in class rice.pastry.direct.DirectPastryNode
getCurrentTimeout() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.commitment.PeerInfo
getCurrentTimeout() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.statement.IncompleteStatementInfo
getCW() - Method in class rice.pastry.Id
gets the Id just clockwise from this
getCW() - Method in class rice.pastry.IdRange
get clockwise edge of range
getCWId() - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.IdRange
get clockwise edge of range
getCWId() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.FragmentKeyRange
get clockwise edge of range
getCWId() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.VersionKeyRange
get clockwise edge of range
getCWId() - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringIdRange
get clockwise edge of range
getCWId() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCIdRange
get clockwise edge of range
getCWId() - Method in class rice.pastry.IdRange
get clockwise edge of range
getData() - Method in class rice.p2p.splitstream.SplitStreamContent
Returns the data for this content
getDate() - Method in class rice.pastry.messaging.Message
Gets the timestamp of the message, if it exists.
getDefaultNatHandler(Environment, InetAddress) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.internet.InternetPastryNodeFactory
Return a NATHandler
getDefaultReadyStrategy() - Method in class rice.pastry.PastryNode
Simple Ready Strategy
getDelay(SourceRoute, SourceRoute) - Static method in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.LivenessTest
getDelay(SourceRoute, SourceRoute) - Static method in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.SRManagerTest
getDepth() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLParser
getDeserializer() - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.Endpoint
Returns the deserializer.
getDeserializer() - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringEndpoint
getDeserializer() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCEndpoint
getDeserializer() - Method in class rice.pastry.client.PastryAppl
getDeserializer() - Method in class rice.pastry.commonapi.PastryEndpoint
getDeserializer(int) - Method in interface rice.pastry.transport.Deserializer
getDeserializer(int) - Method in class rice.pastry.transport.TLDeserializer
getDestination() - Method in class rice.p2p.aggregation.messaging.AggregationMessage
Method which returns this messages' destination address
getDestination() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierMessage
Method which returns this messages' destination address
getDestination() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.messaging.PastMessage
Method which returns this messages' destination address
getDestination() - Method in class rice.pastry.messaging.Message
Gets the address of message receiver that the message is for.
getDestination(Message) - Method in class rice.pastry.messaging.MessageDispatch
getDestinationByAddress(int) - Method in class rice.pastry.messaging.MessageDispatch
getDestinationHandle() - Method in class rice.pastry.routing.RouteMessage
getDestinationId() - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.RouteMessage
Returns the destination Id for this message
getDestinationId() - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringRouteMessage
Returns the destination Id for this message
getDestinationId() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.testing.PastRegrTest.TestRouteMessage
getDestinationId() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.testing.RawPastRegrTest.TestRouteMessage
getDestinationId() - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.testing.ScribeRegrTest.TestRouteMessage
Gets the DestinationId attribute of the TestRouteMessage object
getDestinationId() - Method in class rice.pastry.routing.RouteMessage
getDigit(int, int) - Method in class rice.pastry.Id
Gets the ith digit in base 2^b.
getDimension(Class) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectOutputStream
Method which returns the dimension of the given array class.
getDirectTransportLayer(PastryNode, NodeRecord) - Method in class rice.pastry.direct.DirectPastryNodeFactory
Override me
getDistance() - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.PingMessageNew
getDomainPrefix(int, int, int, int) - Method in class rice.pastry.Id
produces a Id whose prefix up to row is identical to this, followed by a digit with value column, followed by a suffix of digits with value suffixDigits.
getDouble(String) - Method in interface rice.environment.params.Parameters
getDouble(String) - Method in class rice.environment.params.simple.SimpleParameters
getDouble(String) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectOutputStream.PutField
getEmptyHash() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.hasher.SHA1HashProvider
getEmptyHash() - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.HashProvider
getEmptyHash() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.stub.NullHashProvider
getEmptyHash() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.identity.IdentityTransportLayerImpl
getEmptyHash() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewImpl
getEndpoint() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.PastImpl
Returns the endpoint associated with the Past - ONLY FOR TESTING - DO NOT USE
getEndpoint() - Method in interface rice.p2p.scribe.maintenance.MaintainableScribe
getEndpoint() - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeImpl
getEndTag() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLReader
Returns the value of the current end tag
getEntityManager(Identifier) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.priority.PriorityTransportLayerImpl
getEntry(long, int) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.SecureHistory
Get the content of a log entry, specified by its record number
getEntry(IndexEntry, int) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.SecureHistory
getEntry(long, int) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.SecureHistoryImpl
Get the content of a log entry, specified by its record number
getEntry(IndexEntry, int) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.SecureHistoryImpl
getEnvironment() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.direct.DirectTransportLayer
getEnvironment() - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.direct.GenericNetworkSimulator
getEnvironment(Identifier) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.direct.GenericNetworkSimulator
Get the environment related to a specific node.
getEnvironment() - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.identity.IdentityTransport
getEnvironment() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.identity.IdentityTransportLayerImpl
getEnvironment() - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReview
getEnvironment() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewImpl
getEnvironment() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.playback.ReplayLayer
getEnvironment() - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.Verifier
getEnvironment() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.VerifierImpl
getEnvironment() - Method in class rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregationImpl
getEnvironment() - Method in class rice.p2p.aggregation.Moraine
getEnvironment() - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.Endpoint
Returns the environment.
getEnvironment() - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.Node
Returns the environment.
getEnvironment() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierImpl
getEnvironment() - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringEndpoint
getEnvironment() - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringNode
Getter for the environment.
getEnvironment() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCEndpoint
getEnvironment() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCNode
getEnvironment() - Method in interface rice.p2p.past.Past
getEnvironment() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.PastImpl
getEnvironment() - Method in interface rice.p2p.scribe.BaseScribe
getEnvironment() - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeImpl
getEnvironment() - Method in interface rice.p2p.splitstream.SplitStream
getEnvironment() - Method in class rice.p2p.splitstream.SplitStreamImpl
getEnvironment() - Method in class rice.pastry.commonapi.PastryEndpoint
getEnvironment() - Method in class rice.pastry.direct.BasicNetworkSimulator
getEnvironment(Identifier) - Method in class rice.pastry.direct.BasicNetworkSimulator
getEnvironment() - Method in interface rice.pastry.direct.NetworkSimulator
getEnvironment() - Method in class rice.pastry.direct.NetworkSimulatorImpl
getEnvironment() - Method in class rice.pastry.PastryNode
getEnvironment() - Method in class rice.pastry.PastryNodeFactory
getEnvironment() - Method in class rice.selector.SelectorManager
getEphemeral(long, Identifier) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous.EphemeralDB
Return a current valid Identifier for the tag, otherwise, return the default identifier only a getter
getEphemeral(HighIdentifier) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous.EphemeralDB
Get the valid Identifier for this highIdentifier
getEphemeral(HighIdentifier) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous.EphemeralDBImpl
getEphemeral(long, Identifier) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous.EphemeralDBImpl
getEpoch() - Method in class rice.pastry.direct.DirectNodeHandle
getEpoch() - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.EpochInetSocketAddress
Method which returns the epoch of this address
getEpoch() - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.SocketNodeHandle
getEpoch() - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.TransportLayerNodeHandle
getEpoch() - Method in class rice.pastry.transport.BogusNodeHandle
getEventType() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLParser
Returns the type of the current event (START_TAG, END_TAG, TEXT, etc.)
getEvidence(Identifier, Identifier, long) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.infostore.PeerInfoStore
getEvidence(Identifier, Identifier, long) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.infostore.PeerInfoStoreImpl
Get the actual bytes of a piece of evidence
getEvidenceSeq() - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReview
getEvidenceSeq() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewImpl
getEvidenceSerializer() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewImpl
getEvidenceTool() - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReview
getEvidenceTool() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewImpl
getEvidenceType() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.evidence.AuditResponse
getEvidenceType() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.evidence.ChallengeAudit
getEvidenceType() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.evidence.ProofInconsistent
getEvidenceType() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.evidence.ProofNonconformant
getEvidenceType() - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.infostore.Evidence
getEvidenceType() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.message.AckMessage
getEvidenceType() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.message.UserDataMessage
getException() - Method in class rice.Continuation.ExternalContinuation
getExceptionStrategy() - Method in class rice.environment.Environment
getExpiration() - Method in class rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregateHandle
getExpiration() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.DebugContentHandle
getExpiration() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierContentHandle
getExpiration() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.Manifest
getExpiration(int) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierResponseMessage
getExpiration() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCId
Returns this gcid's expiration time
getExpiration() - Method in interface rice.p2p.past.gc.GCPastContentHandle
Returns the current expiration time of this object.
getExpiration() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCPastMetadata
Method which returns the expiration time
getExpiration() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.messaging.GCInsertMessage
Method which returns the expiration time
getExpiration() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.rawserialization.JavaSerializedGCPastContentHandle
getExternalAddresses() - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.networkinfo.ProbeStrategy
Returns some known external addresses.
getExternalAddresses() - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.probe.ProbeApp
getExternalNodes(InetSocketAddress, Continuation<Collection<InetSocketAddress>, IOException>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.networkinfo.InetSocketAddressLookup
find nodes outside of our firewall so I can boot
getExternalNodes(InetSocketAddress, Continuation<Collection<InetSocketAddress>, IOException>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.networkinfo.NetworkInfoTransportLayer
getExtInfo() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.audit.LogSnippet
getExtInfo() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.VerifierImpl
getFactory(NodeIdFactory, int, int, Environment) - Static method in class rice.pastry.dist.DistPastryNodeFactory
Static method which is designed to be used by clients needing a distrubuted pastry node factory.
getFeature(String) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLParser
getFetchResponseContinuation(PastMessage) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.PastImpl
Do like above, but use a socket
getFile(ByteBuffer, long, long) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.filetransfer.FileAllocationStrategy
getFile() - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.filetransfer.FileReceipt
getFile(ByteBuffer, long, long) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.filetransfer.TempFileAllocationStrategy
getFile(Identifier, Identifier, long, String) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.infostore.PeerInfoStoreImpl
getFileIndex() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.IndexEntry
getFilters() - Method in class rice.p2p.replication.messaging.RequestMessage
Method which returns this messages' bloom filters
getFireWallExternalAddress() - Method in interface rice.pastry.socket.nat.NATHandler
The neame of the firewall's external address.
getFireWallExternalAddress() - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.sbbi.SBBINatHandler
getFireWallExternalAddress() - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.StubNATHandler
getFireWallPolicyVariable(String) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.internet.InternetPastryNodeFactory
getFirstHop() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.SourceRoute
Method which returns the first "hop" of this source route
getFirstProof() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.infostore.PeerInfoRecord
getFirstSeq() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.audit.LogSnippet
getFirstSeq() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.evidence.AuditResponse
getFirstUnansweredChallenge() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.infostore.PeerInfoRecord
getFirstUnansweredChallenge(boolean) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.infostore.PeerInfoRecord
getFloat(String) - Method in interface rice.environment.params.Parameters
getFloat(String) - Method in class rice.environment.params.simple.SimpleParameters
getFloat(String) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectOutputStream.PutField
getFragment(int) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierDataMessage
getFragmentHash(int) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.Manifest
getFragmentHashes() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.Manifest
getFragmentID() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.FragmentKey
Gets the FragmentID attribute of the FragmentKey object
getGCId(Id) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCIdSet
getGenericSimulator() - Method in interface rice.pastry.direct.NetworkSimulator
getGenericSimulator() - Method in class rice.pastry.direct.NetworkSimulatorImpl
getHandle() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.commitment.PeerInfo
getHandle(Past) - Method in class rice.p2p.aggregation.Aggregate
getHandle(GCPast, long) - Method in class rice.p2p.aggregation.Aggregate
getHandle() - Method in interface rice.p2p.aggregation.Aggregation
Fetches the handle object.
getHandle() - Method in class rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregationImpl
getHandle(Past) - Method in class rice.p2p.aggregation.messaging.NonAggregate
getHandle(Id) - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.NodeHandleSet
Finds the NodeHandle associated with the NodeId.
getHandle(int) - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.NodeHandleSet
Gets the ith element in the set.
getHandle(Past) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.DebugContent
getHandle(GCPast, long) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.DebugContent
getHandle() - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringNodeHandle
Returns the internal handle
getHandle(Id) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringNodeHandleSet
Finds the NodeHandle associated with the NodeId.
getHandle(int) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringNodeHandleSet
Gets the ith element in the set.
getHandle(Past) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.ContentHashPastContent
Produces a handle for this content object.
getHandle(GCPast, long) - Method in interface rice.p2p.past.gc.GCPastContent
Produces a handle for this content object.
getHandle(Past) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.rawserialization.JavaSerializedGCPastContent
getHandle(GCPast, long) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.rawserialization.JavaSerializedGCPastContent
getHandle() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.messaging.FetchMessage
Method which returns the handle
getHandle(Past) - Method in interface rice.p2p.past.PastContent
Produces a handle for this content object.
getHandle(Past) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.rawserialization.JavaSerializedPastContent
getHandle(Past) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.testing.PastRegrTest.TestPastContent
getHandle(Past) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.testing.RawPastRegrTest.TestPastContent
getHandle() - Method in class rice.pastry.join.InitiateJoin
Gets the handle for the join.
getHandle() - Method in class rice.pastry.join.JoinRequest
Gets the handle of the node trying to join.
getHandle(int) - Method in class rice.pastry.leafset.SimilarSet
Gets the ith element in the set.
getHandle(Id) - Method in class rice.pastry.NodeSet
Finds the NodeHandle associated with the NodeId.
getHandle(int) - Method in class rice.pastry.NodeSet
Gets the ith element in the set.
getHandle(Id) - Method in class rice.pastry.routing.RouteSet
Finds the NodeHandle associated with the Id.
getHandle(int) - Method in class rice.pastry.routing.RouteSet
Gets the ith element in the set.
getHandle() - Method in exception rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.NodeIsFirewalledException
getHandleFactroy() - Method in class rice.pastry.PastryNode
getHandles(Id, int, Continuation) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.PastImpl
Internal method which returns the handles to an object.
getHandles(String) - Static method in class rice.pastry.leafset.testing.MergeTest
Input of the form: <0xD74D4F..><0xD7B075..><0xD98A9D..><0xDAC7F0..><0xDB39A6..>
getHandleSerializer() - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReview
getHandleSerializer() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewImpl
getHash() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.commitment.Authenticator
getHash() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.HashSeq
getHash() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.logentry.EvtRecv
getHash() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.FragmentKeySet
compute a fingerprint of the members in this IdSet
getHash() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.VersionKeySet
compute a fingerprint of the members in this IdSet
getHash() - Method in class rice.pastry.IdSet
compute a fingerprint of the members in this IdSet
getHashSizeBytes() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.hasher.SHA1HashProvider
getHashSizeBytes() - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.HashProvider
getHashSizeBytes() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.stub.NullHashProvider
getHashSizeBytes() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.identity.IdentityTransportLayerImpl
getHashSizeBytes() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewImpl
getHashSizeInBytes() - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReview
getHashSizeInBytes() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewImpl
getHashTopMinusOne() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.message.AckMessage
getHaveIt(int) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierResponseMessage
getHighIdentifier(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous.RendezvousTransportLayerImpl
getHint() - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.MessageReceipt
getHisSeq() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.logentry.EvtAck
getHistory() - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReview
getHistory() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewImpl
getHistoryFactory() - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReview
getHistoryFactory() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewImpl
getHistoryName(Identifier) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.infostore.PeerInfoStore
getHistoryName(Identifier) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.infostore.PeerInfoStoreImpl
getHop(int) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.SourceRoute
Returns the hop at the given index
getHop(Identifier) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.SourceRoute
Returns which hop in the path the identifier is.
getHops() - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.PingMessageNew
getHTopMinusOne() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.logentry.EvtAck
getHTopMinusOne() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.message.UserDataMessage
getId(InetSocketAddress, byte, Continuation<byte[], IOException>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.networkinfo.NetworkInfoTransportLayer
getId() - Method in class rice.p2p.aggregation.Aggregate
getId() - Method in class rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregateHandle
getId() - Method in class rice.p2p.aggregation.messaging.NonAggregate
getId() - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.Endpoint
Returns this node's id, which is its identifier in the namespace.
getId() - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.MessageReceipt
getId() - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.Node
Returns the Id of this node
getId() - Method in class rice.p2p.commonapi.NodeHandle
Returns this node's id.
getId() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.DebugContent
getId() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.DebugContentHandle
getId() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierContentHandle
getId() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.VersionKey
Gets the Id attribute of the VersionKey object
getId() - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.messaging.RingMessage
Method which returns this messages' id
getId() - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringEndpoint
Returns this node's id, which is its identifier in the namespace.
getId() - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringNode
Returns the Id of this node
getId() - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringNodeHandle
Returns this node's id.
getId() - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.RingCertificate
Returns the id of this ring
getId() - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.RingId
Returns this ringid's id
getId() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.ContentHashPastContent
Returns the Id under which this object is stored in Past.
getId() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.ContentHashPastContentHandle
Returns the id of the PastContent object associated with this handle
getId() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCEndpoint
Returns this node's id, which is its identifier in the namespace.
getId() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCId
Returns this gcid's id
getId() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCNode
Returns the Id of this node
getId() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.rawserialization.JavaSerializedGCPastContent
getId() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.rawserialization.JavaSerializedGCPastContentHandle
getId() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.messaging.FetchHandleMessage
Method which returns the id
getId() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.messaging.LookupHandlesMessage
Method which returns the id
getId() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.messaging.LookupMessage
Method which returns the id
getId() - Method in interface rice.p2p.past.PastContent
Returns the Id under which this object is stored in Past.
getId() - Method in interface rice.p2p.past.PastContentHandle
get the id of the PastContent object associated with this handle
getId() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.rawserialization.JavaSerializedPastContent
getId() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.rawserialization.JavaSerializedPastContentHandle
getId() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.testing.PastRegrTest.TestPastContent
getId() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.testing.PastRegrTest.TestPastContentHandle
getId() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.testing.RawPastRegrTest.TestPastContent
getId() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.testing.RawPastRegrTest.TestPastContentHandle
getId() - Method in class rice.p2p.replication.manager.messaging.TimeoutMessage
Returns the id of this message
getId() - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.AbstractSubscribeMessage
Returns this subscribe lost message's id
getId() - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.SubscribeLostMessage
getId() - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.SubscribeMessage
Returns this subscribe lost message's id
getId() - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeImpl
Returns the Id of the local node
getId() - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.Topic
Returns the Id to which this topic is mapped
getId(IdFactory, String) - Static method in class rice.p2p.scribe.Topic
Returns the Id to which the string is mapped
getId() - Method in class rice.p2p.splitstream.ChannelId
Gets the Id attribute of the ChannelId object
getId() - Method in class rice.p2p.splitstream.StripeId
Gets the Id attribute of the StripeId object
getId() - Method in class rice.pastry.commonapi.PastryEndpoint
Returns this node's id, which is its identifier in the namespace.
getId() - Method in class rice.pastry.NodeHandle
getId() - Method in class rice.pastry.PastryNode
Returns the Id of this node
getId() - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.HelloMsg
getIdentifier(TransportLayer<SourceRoute<MultiInetSocketAddress>, ByteBuffer>, TransportLayer<SourceRoute<MultiInetSocketAddress>, ByteBuffer>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.LivenessTest
getIdentifier(TransportLayer<SourceRoute<MultiInetSocketAddress>, ByteBuffer>, TransportLayer<SourceRoute<MultiInetSocketAddress>, ByteBuffer>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.SRTest
getIdentifier(TransportLayer<Identifier, ByteBuffer>, TransportLayer<Identifier, ByteBuffer>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.TLTest
A's view of b
getIdentifier(TransportLayer<SourceRoute<InetSocketAddress>, ByteBuffer>, TransportLayer<SourceRoute<InetSocketAddress>, ByteBuffer>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.WireSRTest
getIdentifier() - Method in exception org.mpisws.p2p.transport.exception.NodeIsFaultyException
getIdentifier() - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.MessageRequestHandle
getIdentifier() - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.P2PSocket
The identification of the node at the other end of the socket.
getIdentifier() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.message.OutgoingUserDataMessage
getIdentifier() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.playback.ReplaySocket
getIdentifier() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.ReplaySocket
getIdentifier() - Method in exception org.mpisws.p2p.transport.priority.QueueOverflowException
getIdentifier() - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.SocketRequestHandle
The identifier that the caller requested to open to.
getIdentifier() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.ssl.SSLSocketManager
getIdentifier() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.util.MessageRequestHandleImpl
getIdentifier() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.util.SocketRequestHandleImpl
getIdentifier() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.util.SocketWrapperSocket
getIdentifier() - Method in exception org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.exception.StalledSocketException
getIdentifier() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.SocketManager
getIdentifier() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.UDPLayerImpl.Envelope
getIdentifier() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.MRHAdapter
getIdentifier() - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.SocketNodeHandle
getIdentifier() - Method in interface rice.pastry.transport.PMessageReceipt
getIdentifier() - Method in class rice.pastry.transport.PMessageReceiptImpl
getIdentifierExtractor() - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReview
getIdentifierExtractor() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewImpl
getIdentityImpl(PastryNode, SocketNodeHandleFactory) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.SocketPastryNodeFactory
getIdentiySerializer(PastryNode, SocketNodeHandleFactory) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.RendezvousSocketPastryNodeFactory
getIdentiySerializer(PastryNode, SocketNodeHandleFactory) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.SocketPastryNodeFactory
getIdFactory() - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.Node
Returns a factory for Ids specific to this node's protocol.
getIdFactory() - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringNode
Returns a factory for Ids specific to this node's protocol.
getIdFactory() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCNode
Returns a factory for Ids specific to this node's protocol.
getIdFactory() - Method in class rice.pastry.PastryNode
Returns a factory for Ids specific to this node's protocol.
getIds(NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCPastImpl.ReplicaMap
getIdSerializer() - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReview
getIdSerializer() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewImpl
getIdSets() - Method in class rice.p2p.replication.messaging.ResponseMessage
Method which returns this messages' ranges
getIdStrTranslator() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.peerreview.PRRegressionTest
getIdToStringLength() - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.IdFactory
Returns the length a Id.toString should be.
getIdToStringLength() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.FragmentKeyFactory
getIdToStringLength() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.VersionKeyFactory
getIdToStringLength() - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringIdFactory
Returns the length a Id.toString should be.
getIdToStringLength() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCIdFactory
Returns the length a Id.toString should be.
getIdToStringLength() - Method in class rice.pastry.commonapi.PastryIdFactory
Returns the length a Id.toString should be.
getIndex(Id, Id[]) - Static method in class rice.p2p.util.testing.RedBlackMapUnit
getIndex() - Method in class rice.pastry.direct.proximitygenerators.GenericProximityGenerator.GNNodeRecord
getIndex(NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.pastry.leafset.LeafSet
There are 2 possible indexes (if the ring is small), the cw index and the ccw, this returns the nearest index, and if they are the same, the cw index.
getIndex(Id) - Method in class rice.pastry.leafset.SimilarSet
Gets the index of the element with the given node id.
getIndex(NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.pastry.leafset.SimilarSet
getIndex(Id) - Method in class rice.pastry.NodeSet
Gets the index of the element with the given node id.
getIndex(NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.pastry.NodeSet
getIndex(Id) - Method in interface rice.pastry.NodeSetI
Gets the index of the element with the given node id.
getIndex(NodeHandle) - Method in interface rice.pastry.NodeSetI
getIndex(Id) - Method in class rice.pastry.routing.RouteSet
Get the index of the node id.
getIndex(NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.pastry.routing.RouteSet
Get the index of the node id.
getIndexHandle(Id) - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.NodeHandleSet
Gets the index of the element with the given node id.
getIndexHandle(Id) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringNodeHandleSet
Gets the index of the element with the given node id.
getIndexHandle(Id) - Method in class rice.pastry.leafset.SimilarSet
Gets the index of the element with the given node id.
getIndexHandle(Id) - Method in class rice.pastry.NodeSet
Gets the index of the element with the given node id.
getIndexHandle(Id) - Method in class rice.pastry.routing.RouteSet
Gets the index of the element with the given node id.
getInetAddress(String) - Method in interface rice.environment.params.Parameters
String format is dnsname ex: "computer.school.edu"
getInetAddress(String) - Method in class rice.environment.params.simple.SimpleParameters
getInetSocketAddress(String) - Method in interface rice.environment.params.Parameters
String format is name:port ex: "computer.school.edu:1984"
getInetSocketAddress(String) - Method in class rice.environment.params.simple.SimpleParameters
getInetSocketAddress() - Method in class rice.pastry.dist.DistNodeHandle
getInetSocketAddress() - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.SocketNodeHandle
getInetSocketAddressArray(String) - Method in interface rice.environment.params.Parameters
String format is comma seperated.
getInetSocketAddressArray(String) - Method in class rice.environment.params.simple.SimpleParameters
getInetSocketAddressLookup(InetSocketAddress, Continuation<InetSocketAddressLookup, IOException>) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.connectivityverifiier.ConnectivityVerifierImpl
Get the address from the transport layer.
getInfo() - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.HelloMsg
getInitialRequestor() - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.AnycastMessage
getInnerHash(RawSerializable, HashProvider) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.message.UserDataMessage
Identifier myId
getInnerHash(HashProvider) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.message.UserDataMessage
getInnerHash(ByteBuffer, HashProvider) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.message.UserDataMessage
getInnermostAddress() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.multiaddress.MultiInetSocketAddress
This is for hairpinning support.
getInnermostAddress() - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.EpochInetSocketAddress
getInputEncoding() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLParser
getInstance() - Method in class rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregationImpl
getInstance() - Method in class rice.p2p.aggregation.Moraine
getInstance() - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.Endpoint
Returns a unique instance name of this endpoint, sort of a mailbox name for this application.
getInstance() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierImpl
getInstance() - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringEndpoint
Returns a unique instance name of this endpoint, sort of a mailbox name for this application.
getInstance() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCEndpoint
Returns a unique instance name of this endpoint, sort of a mailbox name for this application.
getInstance() - Method in interface rice.p2p.past.Past
getInstance() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.PastImpl
getInstance() - Method in class rice.pastry.commonapi.PastryEndpoint
Returns a unique instance name of this endpoint, sort of a mailbox name for this application.
getInt(String) - Method in interface rice.environment.params.Parameters
getInt(String) - Method in class rice.environment.params.simple.SimpleParameters
getInt(String) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectOutputStream.PutField
getIntendedDest(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.identity.IdentityImpl
getInterestedParty() - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.infostore.EvidenceRecord
getInterestedParty() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.infostore.PeerInfoRecord.EvidenceRecordImpl
getInternal() - Method in class rice.pastry.transport.PMessageReceiptImpl
getInternalType() - Method in class rice.pastry.routing.RouteMessage
getInvocation() - Method in class rice.selector.SelectorManager
Method which synchroniously returns the first element off of the invocations list.
getIOQueue() - Method in class rice.environment.processing.simple.SimpleProcessor
getIpServiceTransportLayer(TransportLayer<InetSocketAddress, ByteBuffer>, PastryNode) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.RendezvousSocketPastryNodeFactory
getIpServiceTransportLayer(TransportLayer<InetSocketAddress, ByteBuffer>, PastryNode) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.SocketPastryNodeFactory
getIterator() - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.IdSet
return an iterator over the elements of this set
getIterator() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.FragmentKeySet
return an iterator over the elements of this set
getIterator() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.VersionKeySet
return an iterator over the elements of this set
getIterator() - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringIdSet
return an iterator over the elements of this set
getIterator() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCIdSet
return an iterator over the elements of this set
getIterator() - Method in class rice.pastry.IdSet
return an iterator over the elements of this set
getIterator() - Method in class rice.pastry.NodeSet
return an iterator that iterates over the elements of this set
getJoinHandle() - Method in class rice.pastry.join.JoinRequest
Gets the handle of the node that accepted the join request;
getJoinProtocol(PastryNode, LeafSet, RoutingTable, ReadyStrategy) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.RendezvousSocketPastryNodeFactory
getJoinProtocol(PastryNode, LeafSet, RoutingTable, ReadyStrategy) - Method in class rice.pastry.transport.TransportPastryNodeFactory
getJoinRequest(NodeHandle, Continuation<JoinRequest, Exception>) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.RendezvousJoinProtocol
Use RendezvousJoinRequest if local node is NATted
getJoinRequest(NodeHandle, Continuation<JoinRequest, Exception>) - Method in class rice.pastry.standard.StandardJoinProtocol
getKey() - Method in exception org.mpisws.p2p.transport.table.UnknownValueException
getKey(int) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierDataMessage
getKey(int) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierFetchMessage
getKey(int) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierQueryMessage
getKey(int) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierRefreshCompleteMessage
getKey(int) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierRefreshPatchMessage
getKey(int) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierResponseMessage
getKey() - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringIdFactory.MultiringMapEntry
getKey() - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.RingCertificate
Returns the public key which is used to authenticate
getKey() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCIdFactory.GCMapEntry
getKey(Object) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.RedBlackMap
getKey(SelectableChannel) - Method in class rice.selector.SelectorManager
Utility method which returns the SelectionKey attached to the given channel, if one exists
getKeys() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.messaging.GCRefreshMessage
Method which returns the list of keys
getLastAuthenticatorBefore(Identifier, long) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.commitment.AuthenticatorStore
getLastAuthenticatorBefore(Identifier, long) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.commitment.AuthenticatorStoreImpl
getLastChallenge() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.commitment.PeerInfo
getLastCheckedAuth() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.infostore.PeerInfoRecord
getLastCheckedAuth(Identifier) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.infostore.PeerInfoStore
getLastCheckedAuth(Identifier) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.infostore.PeerInfoStoreImpl
getLastHop() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.SourceRoute
Method which returns the first "hop" of this source route
getLastSeen(int) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierNeighborResponseMessage
getLastSeq() - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.SecureHistory
getLastSeq() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.SecureHistoryImpl
getLastTransmit() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.commitment.PeerInfo
getLastVisited() - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.AnycastMessage
getLeafSet() - Method in class rice.pastry.client.PastryAppl
Called by a layered Pastry application to obtain a copy of the leaf set.
getLeafSet(NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.pastry.direct.DirectPastryNodeFactory
This method returns the remote leafset of the provided handle to the caller, in a protocol-dependent fashion.
getLeafSet(NodeHandle, Continuation<LeafSet, Exception>) - Method in class rice.pastry.direct.DirectPastryNodeFactory
getLeafSet() - Method in class rice.pastry.join.JoinRequest
Gets the leafset of the node that accepted the join request;
getLeafSet(String) - Static method in class rice.pastry.leafset.testing.MergeTest
Input of the form: <0xD74D4F..><0xD7B075..><0xD98A9D..><0xDAC7F0..><0xDB39A6..><0xDD5A73..><0xE050B3..><0xE0B735..><0xE33A04..><0xE48D40..><0xE678CB..><0xE73F09..> [ <0xEA5EAF..> ] <0xEBC2BB..><0xEBD2CB..><0xEF7F43..><0xF09044..><0xF10B96..><0xF33C36..><0xF64DA9..><0xF66CD9..><0xF9E251..><0xFB7F46..><0xFC1B02..><0xFC4718..>
getLeafSet() - Method in class rice.pastry.PastryNode
getLeafSet(NodeHandle, Continuation<LeafSet, Exception>) - Method in class rice.pastry.pns.PNSApplication
This method returns the remote leafset of the provided handle to the caller, in a protocol-dependent fashion.
getLeafSet(NodeHandle, Continuation<LeafSet, Exception>) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.RendezvousPNSApplication
getLeafSet(NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.PartitionChecker
getLeafSetProtocol(PastryNode, LeafSet, RoutingTable) - Method in class rice.pastry.direct.DirectPastryNodeFactory
getLeafSetProtocol(PastryNode, LeafSet, RoutingTable) - Method in class rice.pastry.transport.TransportPastryNodeFactory
getLength() - Method in class rice.environment.processing.simple.WorkQueue
getLength(RingId) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringNodeCollection
This method returns the length of the given ringId
getLength() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLParser.CharArrayBuffer
Returns the length
getLengthOfSharedPrefix(RingId, RingId) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringNodeCollection
This method returns the length of the shared prefix, in bytes, of the two provided ringIds by comparing the ring values.
getLifetime(int) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierRefreshPatchMessage
getLimitSocketsTransportLayer(TransportLayer<InetSocketAddress, ByteBuffer>, PastryNode) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.SocketPastryNodeFactory
getLineNumber() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLParser
getListeners() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.filetransfer.FileTransferImpl
getLiveness(Identifier, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.liveness.LivenessProvider
getLiveness(Identifier) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.liveness.LivenessStrategy
Return the current liveness of the address.
getLiveness(Identifier, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.liveness.LivenessTransportLayerImpl
getLiveness(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.manager.SourceRouteManagerImpl.AddressManager
Method which returns the last cached liveness value for the given address.
getLiveness(Identifier, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.manager.SourceRouteManagerImpl
Method which returns the last cached liveness value for the given address.
getLiveness(Identifier, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class rice.pastry.direct.BasicNetworkSimulator
getLiveness() - Method in class rice.pastry.direct.DirectNodeHandle
Gets the Alive attribute of the DirectNodeHandle object
getLiveness() - Method in class rice.pastry.leafset.testing.MergeTest.TestNodeHandle
getLiveness() - Method in class rice.pastry.NodeHandle
A more detailed version of isAlive().
getLiveness(NodeHandle, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class rice.pastry.PastryNode
getLiveness(NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.pastry.PastryNode
getLiveness() - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.SocketNodeHandle
Returns the last known liveness information about the Pastry node associated with this handle.
getLiveness() - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.LeafSetTest.TestNodeHandle
getLiveness() - Method in class rice.pastry.transport.BogusNodeHandle
getLiveness(NodeHandle, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class rice.pastry.transport.NodeHandleAdapter
getLivenessProvider() - Method in interface rice.pastry.direct.NetworkSimulator
getLivenessProvider() - Method in class rice.pastry.direct.NetworkSimulatorImpl
getLivenessProvider() - Method in class rice.pastry.PastryNode
getLivenessProvider() - Method in interface rice.pastry.socket.SocketPastryNodeFactory.TransLiveness
getLivenessProvider() - Method in interface rice.pastry.socket.SocketPastryNodeFactory.TransLivenessProximity
getLivenessTransportLayer(TransportLayer<SourceRoute<MultiInetSocketAddress>, ByteBuffer>, PastryNode) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.appsocket.AppSocketPastryNodeFactory
If it's for a remote node, eliminate the liveness layer, and just return bogus results
getLivenessTransportLayer(TransportLayer<SourceRoute<MultiInetSocketAddress>, ByteBuffer>, PastryNode) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.SocketPastryNodeFactory
getLocalAddress() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.simpleidentity.MutableInetSocketAddressStrategy
Can be overridden to do something special in the case of having multiple NICs
getLocalHandle() - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReview
getLocalHandle() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewImpl
getLocalHandle(PastryNode, NodeHandleFactory) - Method in class rice.pastry.direct.DirectPastryNodeFactory
getLocalHandle() - Method in class rice.pastry.PastryNode
getLocalHandle(PastryNode, NodeHandleFactory) - Method in class rice.pastry.peerreview.CallbackFactory
getLocalHandle(PastryNode, NodeHandleFactory) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.RendezvousSocketPastryNodeFactory
getLocalHandle(PastryNode, NodeHandleFactory) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.SocketPastryNodeFactory
getLocalHandle(PastryNode, NodeHandleFactory) - Method in class rice.pastry.transport.TransportPastryNodeFactory
getLocalId() - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReview
getLocalId() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewImpl
getLocalId() - Method in class rice.p2p.splitstream.Channel
Gets the local node id.
getLocalIdentifier() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.bandwidthmeasure.BandwidthMeasuringTransportLayer
getLocalIdentifier() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.commonapi.CommonAPITransportLayerImpl
getLocalIdentifier() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.direct.DirectTransportLayer
getLocalIdentifier() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.limitsockets.LimitSocketsTransportLayer
getLocalIdentifier() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.liveness.LivenessTransportLayerImpl
getLocalIdentifier() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.multiaddress.MultiInetAddressTransportLayerImpl
getLocalIdentifier() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.nat.FirewallTLImpl
getLocalIdentifier() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.networkinfo.NetworkInfoTransportLayer
getLocalIdentifier() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewImpl
getLocalIdentifier() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.playback.ReplayLayer
getLocalIdentifier() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.record.RecordLayer
getLocalIdentifier() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.VerifierImpl
getLocalIdentifier() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.priority.PriorityTransportLayerImpl
getLocalIdentifier() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rc4.RC4TransportLayer
getLocalIdentifier() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous.RendezvousTransportLayerImpl
getLocalIdentifier() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.simpleidentity.SimpleIdentityTransportLayer
getLocalIdentifier() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.manager.SourceRouteManagerImpl
getLocalIdentifier() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.SourceRouteTransportLayerImpl
getLocalIdentifier() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.ssl.SSLTransportLayerImpl
getLocalIdentifier() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.table.TableTransprotLayerImpl
getLocalIdentifier() - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.TransportLayer
The local node.
getLocalIdentifier() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.magicnumber.MagicNumberTransportLayer
getLocalIdentifier() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.WireTransportLayerImpl
Notification methods
getLocalIdentifier() - Method in class rice.pastry.peerreview.PeerReviewCallbackImpl
getLocalIdentifier() - Method in class rice.pastry.transport.NodeHandleAdapter
getLocalIdentifier() - Method in class rice.tutorial.transportlayer.BandwidthLimitingTransportLayer
getLocalIdentifierBytes() - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.simpleidentity.LocalIdentifierStrategy
getLocalIdentifierBytes() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.simpleidentity.MutableInetSocketAddressStrategy
getLocalNode() - Method in class rice.pastry.NodeHandle
Accessor method.
getLocalNode() - Method in class rice.pastry.ScheduledMessage
getLocalNodeHandle() - Method in class rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregationImpl
getLocalNodeHandle() - Method in class rice.p2p.aggregation.Moraine
getLocalNodeHandle() - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.Endpoint
Returns a handle to the local node below this endpoint.
getLocalNodeHandle() - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.Node
Returns a handle to the local node.
getLocalNodeHandle() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierImpl
getLocalNodeHandle() - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringEndpoint
Returns a handle to the local node below this endpoint.
getLocalNodeHandle() - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringNode
getLocalNodeHandle() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCEndpoint
Returns a handle to the local node below this endpoint.
getLocalNodeHandle() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCNode
Method which returns the node handle to the local node
getLocalNodeHandle() - Method in interface rice.p2p.past.Past
get the nodeHandle of the local Past node
getLocalNodeHandle() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.PastImpl
get the nodeHandle of the local Past node
getLocalNodeHandle() - Method in class rice.pastry.commonapi.PastryEndpoint
Returns a handle to the local node below this endpoint.
getLocalNodeHandle() - Method in class rice.pastry.PastryNode
getLogger() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.direct.DirectTransportLayer
getLogger(Class, String) - Method in class rice.environment.logging.AbstractLogManager
getLogger(Class, String) - Method in interface rice.environment.logging.LogManager
Returns the Logger matching the parameters, constructs a new one if an appropriate one hasn't yet been constructed.
getLogManager() - Method in class rice.environment.Environment
getLogOwner() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.evidence.AuditResponse
getLogServer() - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.RingCertificate
Returns the log server of this ring
getLogSnippet() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.evidence.AuditResponse
getLong(String) - Method in interface rice.environment.params.Parameters
getLong(String) - Method in class rice.environment.params.simple.SimpleParameters
getLong(String) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectOutputStream.PutField
getLowerIdentity() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.identity.IdentityImpl
getLowerIdentityLayer(TransportLayer<SourceRoute<MultiInetSocketAddress>, ByteBuffer>, PastryNode, IdentityImpl<TransportLayerNodeHandle<MultiInetSocketAddress>, MultiInetSocketAddress, ByteBuffer, SourceRoute<MultiInetSocketAddress>>) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.SocketPastryNodeFactory
getLSCollection(int) - Method in class rice.pastry.standard.StandardRouter
getLSocket(P2PSocket<Identifier>, LivenessTransportLayerImpl<Identifier>.EntityManager) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.liveness.AggressiveLivenessTransportLayerImpl
getLSocket(P2PSocket<Identifier>, LivenessTransportLayerImpl<Identifier>.EntityManager) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.liveness.LivenessTransportLayerImpl
getLSSock(P2PSocket<Identifier>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.limitsockets.LimitSocketsTransportLayer
getMagicNumberTransportLayer(TransportLayer<InetSocketAddress, ByteBuffer>, PastryNode) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.SocketPastryNodeFactory
getManager(Identifier) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.liveness.LivenessTransportLayerImpl
getManager(Identifier) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.proximity.MinRTTProximityProvider
getManifest() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierContentHandle
getManifest(int) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierDataMessage
getMax() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.messaging.LookupHandlesMessage
Method which returns the number of replicas
getMaxChildren(ChannelId) - Method in class rice.p2p.splitstream.SplitStreamScribePolicy
Gets the max bandwidth for a channel.
getMaximumSize() - Method in interface rice.persistence.Cache
Returns the maximum size of the cache, in bytes.
getMaximumSize() - Method in class rice.persistence.EmptyCache
Returns the maximum size of the cache, in bytes.
getMaximumSize() - Method in class rice.persistence.LRUCache
Returns the maximum size of the cache, in bytes.
getMaximumSize() - Method in class rice.persistence.StorageManagerImpl
Returns the maximum size of the cache, in bytes.
getMessage() - Method in exception org.mpisws.p2p.transport.ClosedChannelException
getMessage() - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.MessageRequestHandle
getMessage() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.message.OutgoingUserDataMessage
getMessage() - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.priority.MessageInfo
getMessage() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.priority.MessageInfoImpl
getMessage() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.util.MessageRequestHandleImpl
getMessage() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.UDPLayerImpl.Envelope
getMessage() - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.MessageReceipt
getMessage() - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.RouteMessage
Deprecated. use getMesage(MessageDeserializer)
getMessage(MessageDeserializer) - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.RouteMessage
getMessage() - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.messaging.RingMessage
getMessage() - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringRouteMessage
Deprecated. Use getMessages(MessageDeserializer)
getMessage(MessageDeserializer) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringRouteMessage
getMessage() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.testing.PastRegrTest.TestRouteMessage
getMessage(MessageDeserializer) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.testing.PastRegrTest.TestRouteMessage
getMessage() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.testing.RawPastRegrTest.TestRouteMessage
getMessage(MessageDeserializer) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.testing.RawPastRegrTest.TestRouteMessage
getMessage() - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.testing.ScribeRegrTest.TestRouteMessage
getMessage(MessageDeserializer) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.testing.ScribeRegrTest.TestRouteMessage
getMessage() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.MRHAdapter
getMessage() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.rawserialization.JavaSerializedMessage
getMessage() - Method in class rice.pastry.commonapi.PastryEndpointMessage
Returns the internal message
getMessage() - Method in class rice.pastry.messaging.PJavaSerializedMessage
getMessage() - Method in class rice.pastry.routing.RouteMessage
Deprecated. use getMessage(MessageDeserializer)
getMessage(MessageDeserializer) - Method in class rice.pastry.routing.RouteMessage
getMessage() - Method in class rice.pastry.ScheduledMessage
Returns the message
getMessage() - Method in interface rice.pastry.transport.PMessageReceipt
getMessage() - Method in class rice.pastry.transport.PMessageReceiptImpl
getMessageDispatch() - Method in class rice.pastry.PastryNode
getMetadata() - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.filetransfer.FileReceipt
Note that the ByteBuffer will be constructed every time it is requested.
getMetadata(long) - Method in class rice.p2p.aggregation.Aggregate
getMetadata(long) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.DebugContent
getMetadata(long) - Method in interface rice.p2p.past.gc.GCPastContent
Returns the metadata which should be stored with this object.
getMetadata(long) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.rawserialization.JavaSerializedGCPastContent
getMetadata(Id) - Method in interface rice.persistence.Catalog
Returns the metadata associated with the provided object, or null if no metadata exists.
getMetadata(Id) - Method in class rice.persistence.EmptyCache
Returns the metadata associated with the provided object, or null if no metadata exists.
getMetadata(Id) - Method in class rice.persistence.LRUCache
Returns the metadata associated with the provided object, or null if no metadata exists.
getMetadata(Id) - Method in class rice.persistence.MemoryStorage
Returns the metadata associated with the provided object, or null if no metadata exists.
getMetadata(Id) - Method in class rice.persistence.PersistentStorage
Returns the metadata associated with the provided object, or null if no metadata exists.
getMetadata(Id) - Method in class rice.persistence.StorageManagerImpl
Returns the metadata associated with the provided object, or null if no metadata exists.
getModifyKey() - Method in class rice.selector.SelectorManager
Method which synchroniously returns on element off of the modifyKeys list
getMostRecentAuthenticator(Identifier) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.commitment.AuthenticatorStore
getMostRecentAuthenticator(Identifier) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.commitment.AuthenticatorStoreImpl
getMultiAddressSourceRouteFactory(PastryNode) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.SocketPastryNodeFactory
getMultiAddressSourceRouteTransportLayer(TransportLayer<InetSocketAddress, ByteBuffer>, PastryNode, MultiInetSocketAddress) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.SocketPastryNodeFactory
getMultiClient(ScribeClient) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeImpl
getMyInetAddress(InetSocketAddress, Continuation<InetSocketAddress, IOException>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.networkinfo.InetSocketAddressLookup
Returns the local node's InetSocketAddress
getMyInetAddress(InetSocketAddress, Continuation<InetSocketAddress, IOException>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.networkinfo.NetworkInfoTransportLayer
getMyUID() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierContinuation
getMyWitnessedNodes() - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewCallback
getMyWitnessedNodes() - Method in class rice.pastry.peerreview.PeerReviewCallbackImpl
getName() - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.RingCertificate
Returns the name of this ring
getName() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLParser
For START_TAG or END_TAG events, the (local) name of the current element is returned when namespaces are enabled.
getName() - Method in class rice.persistence.PersistentStorage
Gets the name of this instance
getNamespace(String) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLParser
getNamespace() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLParser
getNamespaceCount(int) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLParser
getNamespacePrefix(int) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLParser
getNamespaceUri(int) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLParser
getNearest(NodeHandle, Continuation<Collection<NodeHandle>, Exception>) - Method in class rice.pastry.pns.PNSApplication
This method implements the algorithm in the Pastry locality paper for finding a close node the the current node through iterative leafset and route row requests.
getNearest(NodeHandle, Continuation<Collection<NodeHandle>, Exception>) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.RendezvousPNSApplication
getNearHandles(Collection<NodeHandle>, Continuation<Collection<NodeHandle>, Exception>) - Method in class rice.pastry.pns.PNSApplication
getNearHandles(Collection<NodeHandle>, Continuation<Collection<NodeHandle>, Exception>) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.RendezvousPNSApplication
This is the first step, cull out the bootHandles that we can't use good.
getNearHandles(Collection<NodeHandle>, Continuation<Collection<NodeHandle>, Exception>) - Method in interface rice.pastry.standard.ProximityNeighborSelector
getNearHandlesHelper(List<NodeHandle>) - Method in class rice.pastry.pns.PNSApplication
Helper for getNearHandles Can be overridden to select out any handles that shouldn't be returned.
getNearHandlesHelper(List<NodeHandle>) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.RendezvousPNSApplication
Don't return any non-contactDirect handles unless all of them are.
getNeighbor(int) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierNeighborResponseMessage
getNeighborRanges() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierImpl
getNeighbors(Id, Continuation<Collection<NodeHandle>, Exception>) - Method in class rice.pastry.peerreview.FetchLeafsetApp
Add to the pendingLookups.
getNetworkListeners() - Method in class rice.pastry.PastryNode
getNetworkSimulator() - Method in class rice.pastry.direct.DirectPastryNodeFactory
Getter for the NetworkSimulator.
getNext() - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.AnycastMessage
Returns the next handle to visit and removes the node from the list.
getNextEvent() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.playback.ReplayVerifier
getNextEvent() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.VerifierImpl
getNextEventTime() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.playback.ReplayVerifier
getNextEventTime() - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.Verifier
getNextEventTime() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.VerifierImpl
getNextHop() - Method in class rice.pastry.routing.RouteMessage
getNextHopHandle() - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.RouteMessage
Returns the next hop handle for this message
getNextHopHandle() - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringRouteMessage
Returns the next hop handle for this message
getNextHopHandle() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.testing.PastRegrTest.TestRouteMessage
getNextHopHandle() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.testing.RawPastRegrTest.TestRouteMessage
getNextHopHandle() - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.testing.ScribeRegrTest.TestRouteMessage
Gets the NextHopHandle attribute of the TestRouteMessage object
getNextHopHandle() - Method in class rice.pastry.routing.RouteMessage
getNextHops(Identifier) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.manager.simple.NextHopStrategy
getNextHops(MultiInetSocketAddress) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.RendezvousLeafSetNHStrategy
getNextHops(MultiInetSocketAddress) - Method in class rice.pastry.transport.LeafSetNHStrategy
getNextHopStrategy(TransportLayer<SourceRoute<MultiInetSocketAddress>, ByteBuffer>, LivenessProvider<SourceRoute<MultiInetSocketAddress>>, Pinger<SourceRoute<MultiInetSocketAddress>>, PastryNode, MultiInetSocketAddress, MultiAddressSourceRouteFactory) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.RendezvousSocketPastryNodeFactory
getNextHopStrategy(TransportLayer<SourceRoute<MultiInetSocketAddress>, ByteBuffer>, LivenessProvider<SourceRoute<MultiInetSocketAddress>>, Pinger<SourceRoute<MultiInetSocketAddress>>, PastryNode, MultiInetSocketAddress, MultiAddressSourceRouteFactory) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.SocketPastryNodeFactory
getNextId() - Method in class rice.p2p.replication.manager.ReplicationManagerImpl.ReplicationManagerHelper
Interal method which safely takes the next id to be fetched from the set of pending keys
getNextInetSocketAddress() - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.SocketPastryNodeFactory
getNextSeq() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.direct.DirectTransportLayer
getNextTaskExecutionTime() - Method in class rice.selector.SelectorManager
getNode() - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringNode
Returns this mutliring node's internal node
getNode() - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.RoutingTableTest.MyApp
Getter for the node.
getNode() - Method in class rice.tutorial.appsocket.MyApp
Getter for the node.
getNode() - Method in class rice.tutorial.deterministicsimulator.MyApp
Getter for the node.
getNode() - Method in class rice.tutorial.direct.MyApp
Getter for the node.
getNode() - Method in class rice.tutorial.forwarding.MyApp
Getter for the node.
getNode() - Method in class rice.tutorial.gtitm.MyApp
Getter for the node.
getNode() - Method in class rice.tutorial.lesson4.MyApp
Getter for the node.
getNode() - Method in class rice.tutorial.prioritylistener.MyApp
Getter for the node.
getNode() - Method in class rice.tutorial.rawserialization.MyApp
Getter for the node.
getNode() - Method in class rice.tutorial.rawserialization2.MyApp
Getter for the node.
getNode() - Method in class rice.tutorial.remotesocket.MyApp
Getter for the node.
getNode() - Method in class rice.tutorial.sendfile.MyApp
Getter for the node.
getNode() - Method in class rice.tutorial.transportdirect.MyApp
Getter for the node.
getNode() - Method in class rice.tutorial.transportlayer.MyApp
Getter for the node.
getNodeHandle() - Method in class rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregateHandle
getNodeHandle() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.DebugContentHandle
getNodeHandle() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierContentHandle
getNodeHandle() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.ContentHashPastContentHandle
Returns the NodeHandle of the Past node on which the object associated with this handle is stored
getNodeHandle() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.rawserialization.JavaSerializedGCPastContentHandle
getNodeHandle() - Method in interface rice.p2p.past.PastContentHandle
get the NodeHandle of the Past node on which the object associated with this handle is stored
getNodeHandle() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.rawserialization.JavaSerializedPastContentHandle
getNodeHandle() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.testing.PastRegrTest.TestPastContentHandle
getNodeHandle() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.testing.RawPastRegrTest.TestPastContentHandle
getNodeHandle() - Method in class rice.pastry.client.PastryAppl
Gets the handle of the Pastry node associated with this client
getNodeHandle(Object, Continuation<NodeHandle, Exception>) - Method in interface rice.pastry.NodeHandleFetcher
getNodeHandle(Object, Continuation<NodeHandle, Exception>) - Method in class rice.pastry.PastryNode
getNodeHandle(MultiInetSocketAddress, long, Id) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.RendezvousSNHFactory
getNodeHandle(MultiInetSocketAddress, long, Id, byte) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.RendezvousSNHFactory
getNodeHandle(MultiInetSocketAddress, long, Id) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.SocketNodeHandleFactory
This is kind of weird, may need to rethink this.
getNodeHandle(InetSocketAddress, int) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.SocketPastryNodeFactory
getNodeHandle(InetSocketAddress) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.SocketPastryNodeFactory
getNodeHandle(InetSocketAddress[], Continuation<NodeHandle, Exception>) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.SocketPastryNodeFactory
getNodeHandle(InetSocketAddress[], int) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.SocketPastryNodeFactory
getNodeHandleAdapter(PastryNode, NodeHandleFactory, TLDeserializer) - Method in class rice.pastry.direct.DirectPastryNodeFactory
getNodeHandleAdapter(PastryNode, NodeHandleFactory, TLDeserializer) - Method in class rice.pastry.peerreview.CallbackFactory
getNodeHandleAdapter(PastryNode, NodeHandleFactory, TLDeserializer) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.SocketPastryNodeFactory
getNodeHandleAdapter(PastryNode, NodeHandleFactory, TLDeserializer) - Method in class rice.pastry.transport.TransportPastryNodeFactory
getNodeHandleFactory(PastryNode) - Method in class rice.pastry.direct.DirectPastryNodeFactory
getNodeHandleFactory(PastryNode) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.RendezvousSocketPastryNodeFactory
getNodeHandleFactory(PastryNode) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.SocketPastryNodeFactory
getNodeHandleFactory(PastryNode) - Method in class rice.pastry.transport.TransportPastryNodeFactory
getNodeHash() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.IndexEntry
getNodeId() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.message.AckMessage
getNodeId() - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringNode
Returns the underlying id of this node
getNodeId() - Method in class rice.pastry.client.PastryAppl
Gets the node id associated with this client.
getNodeId() - Method in class rice.pastry.direct.DirectNodeHandle
Gets the NodeId attribute of the DirectNodeHandle object
getNodeId() - Method in class rice.pastry.dist.DistNodeHandle
Gets the nodeId of this Pastry node.
getNodeId() - Method in class rice.pastry.leafset.testing.MergeTest.TestNodeHandle
getNodeId() - Method in class rice.pastry.NodeHandle
Gets the nodeId of this Pastry node.
getNodeId() - Method in class rice.pastry.PastryNode
getNodeId() - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.LeafSetTest.TestNodeHandle
getNodeId() - Method in class rice.pastry.transport.BogusNodeHandle
getNodeNumber() - Method in class rice.pastry.direct.TestRecord
returns the number of nodes
getNodeRecord(DirectNodeHandle) - Method in class rice.pastry.direct.BasicNetworkSimulator
getNodeRecord(DirectNodeHandle) - Method in interface rice.pastry.direct.NetworkSimulator
getNodeRecord(DirectNodeHandle) - Method in class rice.pastry.direct.NetworkSimulatorImpl
getNum() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.testing.XMLObjectStreamUnit.TestExternalizable
getNum() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.testing.XMLObjectStreamUnit.TestPutFields
getNum() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.testing.XMLObjectStreamUnit.TestUnreadData
getNum1() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.testing.XMLObjectStreamUnit.TestSerialPersistentFields
getNum2() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.testing.XMLObjectStreamUnit.TestPutFields
getNum2() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.testing.XMLObjectStreamUnit.TestSerialPersistentFields
getNumAddresses() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.multiaddress.MultiInetSocketAddress
getNumEntries() - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.SecureHistory
getNumEntries() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.SecureHistoryImpl
getNumHops() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.SourceRoute
Returns the number of hops in this source route
getNumInvocations() - Method in class rice.selector.SelectorManager
Debug method which returns the number of pending invocations
getNumKeys() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierFetchMessage
getNumObjectsWaiting() - Method in class rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregationImpl
getNumSubjects() - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.commitment.AuthenticatorStore
getNumSubjects() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.commitment.AuthenticatorStoreImpl
getObject(String) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectOutputStream.PutField
getObject(Id, Continuation) - Method in interface rice.persistence.Catalog
Returns the object identified by the given id, or null if there is no corresponding object (through receiveResult on c).
getObject(Id, Continuation) - Method in class rice.persistence.EmptyCache
Returns the object identified by the given id.
getObject(Id, Continuation) - Method in class rice.persistence.LRUCache
Returns the object identified by the given id.
getObject(Id, Continuation) - Method in class rice.persistence.MemoryStorage
Returns the object identified by the given id, or null if there is no cooresponding object (through receiveResult on c).
getObject(Id, Continuation) - Method in class rice.persistence.PersistentStorage
Returns the object identified by the given id.
getObject(Id, Continuation) - Method in class rice.persistence.StorageManagerImpl
Returns the object identified by the given id, or null if there is no cooresponding object (through receiveResult on c).
getObjectHash() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.Manifest
getObjects() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectOutputStream.PutField
getObjectStore() - Method in class rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregationImpl
getObjectStreamClass() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectInputStream.GetField
getOffset() - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.filetransfer.FileReceipt
getOffsetFID() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierSyncMessage
getOldestAuthenticator(Identifier) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.commitment.AuthenticatorStore
getOldestAuthenticator(Identifier) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.commitment.AuthenticatorStoreImpl
getOptions() - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.MessageRequestHandle
getOptions() - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.P2PSocket
Details on the connectivity of the socket (encrypted, source-routed etc)
getOptions() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.message.OutgoingUserDataMessage
getOptions() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.playback.ReplaySocket
getOptions() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.ReplaySocket
getOptions() - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.priority.MessageInfo
getOptions() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.priority.MessageInfoImpl
getOptions(HighIdentifier) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous.ContactDeserializer
Return the options that all the layers would make on this identifier.
getOptions() - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.SocketRequestHandle
The options that the caller used.
getOptions() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.ssl.SSLSocketManager
getOptions() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.util.MessageRequestHandleImpl
getOptions() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.util.SocketRequestHandleImpl
getOptions() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.util.SocketWrapperSocket
getOptions() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.SocketManager
getOptions() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.UDPLayerImpl.Envelope
getOptions() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.MRHAdapter
getOptions() - Method in class rice.pastry.routing.RouteMessage
Get transmission options.
getOptions(JoinRequest, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.RendezvousJoinProtocol
This is called from respondToJoiner() and other places, we need to set the OPTION_USE_PILOT to the intermediate node, so that will queue the RendezvousTL to use the pilot.
getOptions(NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.RendezvousRouterStrategy
getOptions(JoinRequest, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class rice.pastry.standard.StandardJoinProtocol
getOptions() - Method in interface rice.pastry.transport.PMessageReceipt
getOptions() - Method in class rice.pastry.transport.PMessageReceiptImpl
getOptionsAdder(PastryNode) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.SocketPastryNodeFactory
getOriginalSender() - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.ByteBufferMsg
getOriginator() - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.infostore.EvidenceRecord
getOriginator() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.infostore.PeerInfoRecord.EvidenceRecordImpl
getOutermostAddress() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.multiaddress.MultiInetSocketAddress
getOutstandingMessages() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.PastImpl
Returns of the outstanding messages.
getOverrideLiveness() - Method in interface rice.pastry.socket.SocketPastryNodeFactory.TransLiveness
getParameters() - Method in class rice.environment.Environment
getParameters() - Method in class rice.environment.logging.simple.SimpleLogManager
getParent() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.replay.MyScribeClient
getParent(Topic) - Method in interface rice.p2p.scribe.BaseScribe
Returns the parent node for a given topic
getParent(Topic) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeImpl
Returns the parent for a given topic
getParent() - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeImpl.TopicManager
Gets the Parent attribute of the TopicManager object
getParent() - Method in class rice.p2p.splitstream.Stripe
Utility method.
getParent() - Method in class rice.tutorial.scribe.MyScribeClient
getPartToHashThenSign() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.commitment.Authenticator
getPastryNode() - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.RegrTestApp
getPathsToRoot() - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.SubscribeAckMessage
Returns the path to the root for the node receiving this message
getPathToRoot(Topic) - Method in interface rice.p2p.scribe.maintenance.MaintainableScribe
getPathToRoot(Topic) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeImpl
getPathToRoot() - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeImpl.TopicManager
Gets the PathToRoot attribute of the TopicManager object
getPayload() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.logentry.EvtRecv
getPayload() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.message.UserDataMessage
getPayload() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.Fragment
getPayload() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.DebugContent
getPayloadLen() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.message.UserDataMessage
getPCH() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.rawserialization.JavaSerializedGCPastContentHandle
getPCH() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.rawserialization.JavaSerializedPastContentHandle
getPeerKey(int) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.FragmentKey
Gets the PeerKey attribute of the FragmentKey object
getPeerReview(PRRegressionTest.Player, PRRegressionTest.MyIdTL, Environment) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.peerreview.PRInconsistent1
getPeerReview(PRRegressionTest.Player, PRRegressionTest.MyIdTL, Environment) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.peerreview.PRRegressionTest
getPending() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.liveness.LivenessTransportLayerImpl.EntityManager
getPendingMessages(Identifier) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.priority.PriorityTransportLayer
The number of bytes to be sent to the identifier
getPendingMessages(Identifier) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.priority.PriorityTransportLayerImpl
getPersistentFields(Class) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectOutputStream
Method which returns the serializable fields of the provided class.
getPilot() - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.RendezvousJoinRequest
getPilotFinder(PastryNode) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.RendezvousSocketPastryNodeFactory
getPinger() - Method in interface rice.pastry.socket.SocketPastryNodeFactory.TransLiveness
getPointers() - Method in class rice.p2p.aggregation.Aggregate
getPolicy() - Method in interface rice.p2p.scribe.BaseScribe
Returns the current policy for this scribe object
getPolicy() - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeImpl
Returns the current policy for this scribe object
getPolicy() - Method in class rice.p2p.splitstream.SplitStreamImpl
Returns the policy used to control Scribe
getPort() - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.RingCertificate
Returns the preferred port of this ring
getPositionDescription() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLParser
getPrefix() - Method in class rice.environment.logging.AbstractLogManager
getPrefix() - Method in interface rice.environment.logging.CloneableLogManager
getPrefix() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLParser
getPrefixMatch(Id, Id, int) - Static method in class rice.p2p.splitstream.SplitStreamScribePolicy
Helper method for finding prefix match between two Ids.
getPreviousNodeHandle() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.messaging.LookupMessage
Method which returns the previous hop (where the message was just at)
getPrevNode() - Method in class rice.pastry.routing.RouteMessage
getPrimaryStripe() - Method in class rice.p2p.splitstream.Channel
The primary stripe is the stripe that the user must have.
getPrimitives() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectOutputStream.PutField
getPrincipal() - Method in exception org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.identity.UnknownCertificateException
getPrintStream() - Method in class rice.environment.logging.AbstractLogManager
getPrintStream() - Method in class rice.environment.logging.file.RotatingLogManager
getPrintStream() - Method in class rice.environment.logging.simple.SimpleLogManager
getPriority() - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.filetransfer.Receipt
Unknown on receiver.
getPriority() - Method in class rice.environment.processing.simple.ProcessingRequest
getPriority() - Method in class rice.p2p.aggregation.messaging.AggregationMessage
Method which should return the priority level of this message.
getPriority() - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.Message
Method which should return the priority level of this message.
getPriority() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierMessage
Method which should return the priority level of this message.
getPriority() - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.messaging.RingMessage
Method which should return the priority level of this message.
getPriority() - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.testing.MultiringRegrTest.MultiringTestMessage
getPriority() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.messaging.PastMessage
Method which should return the priority level of this message.
getPriority() - Method in class rice.p2p.replication.manager.messaging.ReminderMessage
Method which should return the priority level of this message.
getPriority() - Method in class rice.p2p.replication.manager.messaging.TimeoutMessage
Method which should return the priority level of this message.
getPriority() - Method in class rice.p2p.replication.messaging.ReplicationMessage
Method which should return the priority level of this message.
getPriority() - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.AbstractSubscribeMessage
getPriority() - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.MaintenanceMessage
getPriority() - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.PublishMessage
getPriority() - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.PublishRequestMessage
getPriority() - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.ScribeMessage
Method which should return the priority level of this message.
getPriority() - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.SubscribeLostMessage
getPriority() - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.UnsubscribeMessage
Method which should return the priority level of this message.
getPriority() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.rawserialization.JavaSerializedMessage
getPriority() - Method in class rice.pastry.messaging.Message
Get priority
getPriority() - Method in class rice.pastry.routing.RouteMessage
Get priority
getPriority() - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.rendezvous.MyMsg
Use low priority to prevent interference with overlay maintenance traffic.
getPriority() - Method in class rice.tutorial.deterministicsimulator.MyMsg
Use low priority to prevent interference with overlay maintenance traffic.
getPriority() - Method in class rice.tutorial.direct.MyMsg
Use low priority to prevent interference with overlay maintenance traffic.
getPriority() - Method in class rice.tutorial.forwarding.MyMsg
Use low priority to prevent interference with overlay maintenance traffic.
getPriority() - Method in class rice.tutorial.gtitm.MyMsg
Use low priority to prevent interference with overlay maintenance traffic.
getPriority() - Method in class rice.tutorial.lesson3.MyMsg
Use low priority to prevent interference with overlay maintenance traffic.
getPriority() - Method in class rice.tutorial.lesson4.MyMsg
Use low priority to prevent interference with overlay maintenance traffic.
getPriority() - Method in class rice.tutorial.lookup.LookupService.NodeLookupQuery
getPriority() - Method in class rice.tutorial.lookup.LookupService.NodeLookupResponse
getPriority() - Method in class rice.tutorial.lookup.LookupService.NodeLookupTimeout
getPriority() - Method in class rice.tutorial.prioritylistener.MyMsg
Use low priority to prevent interference with overlay maintenance traffic.
getPriority() - Method in class rice.tutorial.rawserialization.MyMsg
Use low priority to prevent interference with overlay maintenance traffic.
getPriority() - Method in class rice.tutorial.rawserialization2.MyMsg
Use low priority to prevent interference with overlay maintenance traffic.
getPriority() - Method in class rice.tutorial.ssl.MyMsg
Use low priority to prevent interference with overlay maintenance traffic.
getPriority() - Method in class rice.tutorial.transportdirect.MyMsg
Use low priority to prevent interference with overlay maintenance traffic.
getPriority() - Method in class rice.tutorial.transportlayer.MyMsg
Use low priority to prevent interference with overlay maintenance traffic.
getPriorityTransportLayer(TransportLayer<MultiInetSocketAddress, ByteBuffer>, LivenessProvider<MultiInetSocketAddress>, ProximityProvider<MultiInetSocketAddress>, PastryNode) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.RendezvousSocketPastryNodeFactory
getPriorityTransportLayer(TransportLayer<MultiInetSocketAddress, ByteBuffer>, LivenessProvider<MultiInetSocketAddress>, ProximityProvider<MultiInetSocketAddress>, PastryNode) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.SocketPastryNodeFactory
getPriroity() - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.priority.MessageInfo
getPriroity() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.priority.MessageInfoImpl
getProbability() - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.PingTestRecord
getProbeRequester() - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.probe.ProbeRequestMessage
getProbeStrategy(PastryNode) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.SocketPastryNodeFactory
getProcessor() - Method in class rice.environment.Environment
getProperty(String) - Method in class rice.environment.params.simple.SimpleParameters
getProperty(String) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLParser
getProtocol() - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.RingCertificate
Returns the protcol of this ring
getProximity(NodeHandle, NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.pastry.direct.DirectPastryNodeFactory
This method determines and returns the proximity of the current local node the provided NodeHandle.
getProximity(NodeHandle, Continuation<Integer, IOException>, int) - Method in class rice.pastry.pns.PNSApplication
Non-blocking version, no timeout.
getProximity(NodeHandle, Continuation<Integer, IOException>, int) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.RendezvousPNSApplication
getProximityNeighborSelector(PastryNode) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.RendezvousSocketPastryNodeFactory
getProximityNeighborSelector(PastryNode) - Method in class rice.pastry.transport.TransportPastryNodeFactory
Can be overridden.
getProximityProvider() - Method in interface rice.pastry.socket.SocketPastryNodeFactory.TransLivenessProximity
getProxProvider() - Method in class rice.pastry.PastryNode
getPublishMessages() - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.testing.ScribeRegrTest.TestScribeClient
getQueue() - Method in class rice.environment.processing.simple.SimpleProcessor
getRandomSource() - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.direct.GenericNetworkSimulator
getRandomSource() - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReview
getRandomSource() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewImpl
getRandomSource() - Method in class rice.environment.Environment
getRandomSource() - Method in class rice.pastry.direct.BasicNetworkSimulator
getRange() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierRefreshResponseMessage
getRange() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierSyncMessage
getRange() - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringIdRange
Returns the internal range
getRange() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCIdRange
Returns the internal range
getRangeForDirectory(File) - Method in class rice.persistence.PersistentStorage
Utility function which returns the range of keys which a directory corresponds to.
getRanges() - Method in class rice.p2p.replication.messaging.RequestMessage
Method which returns this messages' ranges
getRanges() - Method in class rice.p2p.replication.messaging.ResponseMessage
Method which returns this messages' ranges
getRawContent() - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.AnycastMessage
getRawMessage() - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.messaging.RingMessage
Method which returns this messages' internal message
getReceipt() - Method in exception org.mpisws.p2p.filetransfer.OperationCancelledException
getReceipt() - Method in exception org.mpisws.p2p.filetransfer.TransferFailedException
getReceiveEvent(HashProvider) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.message.UserDataMessage
getRecvEntrySeq() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.message.AckMessage
getRecvQueue() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.commitment.PeerInfo
getReference(String) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectInputStream
Method which returns a previously stored reference.
getReference(Object) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectOutputStream
Method which returns a previously stored reference.
getRelevantCode() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.message.UserDataMessage
getRelevantLen() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.message.UserDataMessage
getRemote() - Method in class rice.pastry.direct.DirectNodeHandle
Gets the Remote attribute of the DirectNodeHandle object
getRemoteId() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.logentry.EvtAck
getRendezvous() - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.OpenChannelMsg
getRendezvousGenerator(PastryNode) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.RendezvousSocketPastryNodeFactory
getRendezvousPoint(Identifier, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous.RendezvousGenerationStrategy
getRendezvousPoint(RendezvousSocketNodeHandle, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.LeafSetRendezvousStrategy
getRendezvousStrategy(PastryNode) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.RendezvousSocketPastryNodeFactory
getRendezvousStrategyHelper(PastryNode) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.RendezvousSocketPastryNodeFactory
This is an annoying hack.
getRendezvousTransportLayer(TransportLayer<InetSocketAddress, ByteBuffer>, PastryNode) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.RendezvousSocketPastryNodeFactory
getReplayInstance(Verifier<Handle>) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewCallback
getReplayInstance(Verifier<TransportLayerNodeHandle<MultiInetSocketAddress>>) - Method in class rice.pastry.peerreview.PeerReviewCallbackImpl
Construct a PastryNode down to my layer (figure out how to borrow the code from the PastryNodeFactory) Construct a PeerReviewCallbackImpl with the PastryNode/Verifier Construct the layers above self, attach them appropriately.
getReplicas() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCPastImpl.ReplicaMap
getReplication() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.PastImpl
Returns the replica manager for this Past instance.
getReplication() - Method in interface rice.p2p.replication.manager.ReplicationManager
Returns the internal replication object used by this manager.
getReplication() - Method in class rice.p2p.replication.manager.ReplicationManagerImpl
Utility method which returns the underlying replication object.
getReplicationFactor() - Method in class rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregationImpl
getReplicationFactor() - Method in class rice.p2p.aggregation.Moraine
getReplicationFactor() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierImpl
getReplicationFactor() - Method in interface rice.p2p.past.Past
Returns the number of replicas used in this Past
getReplicationFactor() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.PastImpl
Returns the number of replicas used in this Past
getRequest() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierFetchMessage
getRequestedId() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierRefreshProbeMessage
getRequestedRange() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierNeighborRequestMessage
getRequestedRange() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierRangeForwardMessage
getRequestedRange() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierRangeQueryMessage
getRequestor() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierRangeForwardMessage
getResponse() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.messaging.ContinuationMessage
Returns the response
getResponseContinuation(PastMessage) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.PastImpl
Returns a continuation which will respond to the given message.
getResponseStrategy(PastryNode) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.RendezvousSocketPastryNodeFactory
getResult() - Method in class rice.Continuation.ExternalContinuation
getResult() - Method in class rice.Continuation.MultiContinuation
Method which can also be overridden to change what result should be returned to the parent continuation.
getRetransmitsSoFar() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.commitment.PeerInfo
getRingId() - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringIdFactory
Method which returns the underlying Id which represents the local node's ring
getRingId() - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringNode
Returns the ringId of this node
getRingId() - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringNodeHandle
Returns the ringId of this node handle
getRingId() - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.RingId
Returns this ringid's ring id
getRoot(NodeHandle, Hashtable<NodeHandle, MyScribeClient>) - Static method in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.replay.Recorder
Recursively crawl up the tree to find the root.
getRoot() - Method in class rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregateList
getRoot(Topic) - Method in interface rice.p2p.scribe.BaseScribe
Returns the root of the topic, if we can determine it.
getRoot(Topic) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeImpl
getRoot() - Method in class rice.persistence.PersistentStorage
gets the root directory that the persistence Manager uses
getRoot(NodeHandle, Hashtable<NodeHandle, MyScribeClient>) - Static method in class rice.tutorial.scribe.ScribeTutorial
Recursively crawl up the tree to find the root.
getRouteMessage() - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringRouteMessage
Returns the internal route message
getRouter() - Method in class rice.pastry.PastryNode
getRouteRow(NodeHandle, int) - Method in class rice.pastry.direct.DirectPastryNodeFactory
This method returns the remote route row of the provided handle to the caller, in a protocol-dependent fashion.
getRouteRow(NodeHandle, int, Continuation<RouteSet[], Exception>) - Method in class rice.pastry.direct.DirectPastryNodeFactory
getRouteRow(NodeHandle, short, Continuation<RouteSet[], Exception>) - Method in class rice.pastry.pns.PNSApplication
Non-blocking version.
getRouteRow(NodeHandle, short, Continuation<RouteSet[], Exception>) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.RendezvousPNSApplication
getRouterStrategy(PastryNode) - Method in class rice.pastry.transport.TransportPastryNodeFactory
getRouteSet(int, int) - Method in class rice.pastry.routing.RoutingTable
Gets the set of handles at a particular entry in the table.
getRouteSetProtocol(PastryNode, LeafSet, RoutingTable) - Method in class rice.pastry.transport.TransportPastryNodeFactory
getRoutingTable() - Method in class rice.pastry.client.PastryAppl
Called by a layered Pastry application to obtain a copy of the routing table.
getRoutingTable() - Method in class rice.pastry.PastryNode
getRow(int) - Method in class rice.pastry.join.JoinRequest
Get row.
getRow() - Method in class rice.pastry.routing.BroadcastRouteRow
Gets the row that was sent in the message.
getRow() - Method in class rice.pastry.routing.RequestRouteRow
Gets the row that made the request.
getRow(int) - Method in class rice.pastry.routing.RoutingTable
Get a row from the routing table.
getSecureHistoryFactory(IdentityTransport<Handle, Identifier>, Environment) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewImpl
getSelector() - Method in class rice.selector.SelectorManager
getSelectorManager() - Method in class rice.environment.Environment
getSendEntrySeq() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.message.AckMessage
getSender() - Method in class rice.pastry.messaging.Message
Get sender.
getSenderHandle() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.logentry.EvtRecv
getSenderHandle() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.message.UserDataMessage
getSenderId() - Method in class rice.pastry.messaging.Message
Get sender Id.
getSenderSeq() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.logentry.EvtRecv
getSeq() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.direct.ConnectorExceptionDelivery
getSeq() - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.direct.Delivery
Preserve order.
getSeq() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.commitment.Authenticator
getSeq() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.HashSeq
getSeq() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.IndexEntry
getSerializableConstructor(Class) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectInputStream
Method which returns the Serializable constructor for the provided class.
getSerializedLength() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.multiaddress.MultiInetSocketAddress
getSerializedLength(InetSocketAddress) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.simpleidentity.InetSocketAddressSerializer
getSerializedLength() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.factory.MultiAddressSourceRoute
getSerializedLength() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.factory.WireSourceRoute
getSerializedLength() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.SourceRoute
getSerializedLength() - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.EpochInetSocketAddress
getSerializedSize() - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.commitment.AuthenticatorSerializer
getSerializedSize() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.commitment.AuthenticatorSerializerImpl
getSerializedSize() - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.IndexEntryFactory
getSerializedSize() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.SecureHistoryFactoryImpl
getSerialPersistentFields(Class) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectOutputStream
Method which returns the serializablePersistenFields field of the provided class.
getSet() - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringIdSet
Returns the internal set
getSet() - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringNodeHandleSet
Returns the internal set
getShort(String) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectOutputStream.PutField
getSignature() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.commitment.Authenticator
getSignature() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.logentry.EvtAck
getSignature() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.message.AckMessage
getSignature() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.message.UserDataMessage
getSignature() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.Manifest
getSignature(int) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierRefreshPatchMessage
getSignatureSizeBytes() - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.identity.CertificateManager
getSignatureSizeBytes() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.identity.IdentityTransportLayerImpl
getSignatureSizeBytes() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewImpl
getSignatureSizeInBytes() - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReview
getSignatureSizeInBytes() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewImpl
getSimpleClients(Collection<ScribeMultiClient>) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeImpl
getSimulator() - Method in class rice.pastry.direct.DirectNodeHandle
Gets the Simulator attribute of the DirectNodeHandle object
getSize() - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.filetransfer.Receipt
getSize() - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.priority.MessageInfo
getSize() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.priority.MessageInfoImpl
getSize() - Method in interface rice.persistence.Catalog
Returns the number of Ids currently stored in the catalog
getSize() - Method in class rice.persistence.EmptyCache
Returns the number of Ids currently stored in the catalog
getSize() - Method in class rice.persistence.LRUCache
Returns the number of Ids currently stored in the catalog
getSize() - Method in class rice.persistence.MemoryStorage
Returns the number of Ids currently stored in the catalog
getSize() - Method in class rice.persistence.PersistentStorage
Returns the number of Ids currently stored in the catalog
getSize() - Method in class rice.persistence.StorageManagerImpl
Returns the number of Ids currently stored in the catalog
getSizeCode() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.audit.SnippetEntry
getSizeInFile() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.IndexEntry
getSlisteners() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.WireTransportLayerImpl
getSocketChannel() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.SocketManager
getSocketChannel(InetSocketAddress, int, Continuation<SocketChannel, Exception>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface rice.pastry.socket.appsocket.SocketFactory
getSocketCountListener(PastryNode) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.SocketPastryNodeFactory
getSocketFactory() - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.appsocket.AppSocketPastryNodeFactory
getSocketManager(SSLTransportLayerImpl<Identifier, ?>, P2PSocket<Identifier>, Continuation<SSLSocketManager<Identifier>, Exception>, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.ssl.SSLTransportLayerImpl
getSomePointers(int, int, Id[]) - Method in class rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregateList
getSource() - Method in exception org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.identity.UnknownCertificateException
getSource() - Method in exception org.mpisws.p2p.transport.table.UnknownValueException
getSource() - Method in class rice.p2p.aggregation.messaging.AggregationMessage
Method which returns this messages' source address
getSource() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierMessage
Method which returns this messages' source address
getSource() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.messaging.PastMessage
Method which returns this messages' source address
getSource() - Method in class rice.p2p.replication.messaging.ReplicationMessage
Method which returns this messages' source address
getSource() - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.AbstractSubscribeMessage
Method which returns this messages' source address
getSource() - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.ScribeMessage
Method which returns this messages' source address
getSource() - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.UnsubscribeMessage
Method which returns this messages' source address
getSource() - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.OpenChannelMsg
getSource() - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.PingMessageNew
getSourceRoute(List<MultiInetSocketAddress>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.factory.MultiAddressSourceRouteFactory
getSourceRoute(MultiInetSocketAddress, MultiInetSocketAddress) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.factory.MultiAddressSourceRouteFactory
getSourceRoute(MultiInetSocketAddress) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.factory.MultiAddressSourceRouteFactory
getSourceRoute(List<InetSocketAddress>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.factory.WireSourceRouteFactory
getSourceRoute(InetSocketAddress, InetSocketAddress) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.factory.WireSourceRouteFactory
getSourceRoute(InetSocketAddress) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.factory.WireSourceRouteFactory
getSourceRoute(List<Identifier>) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.SourceRouteFactory
getSourceRoute(Identifier, Identifier) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.SourceRouteFactory
getSourceRoute(Identifier) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.SourceRouteFactory
getSourceRouteForwardStrategy(PastryNode, MultiAddressSourceRouteFactory) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.SocketPastryNodeFactory
getSourceRouteManagerLayer(TransportLayer<SourceRoute<MultiInetSocketAddress>, ByteBuffer>, LivenessProvider<SourceRoute<MultiInetSocketAddress>>, Pinger<SourceRoute<MultiInetSocketAddress>>, PastryNode, MultiInetSocketAddress, MultiAddressSourceRouteFactory) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.SocketPastryNodeFactory
getSourceRoutes(Identifier) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.manager.simple.SimpleSourceRouteStrategy
Note, this implementation only allows 1 - hop routes, need to check the liveness, of a route to determine longer routes.
getSourceRoutes(Identifier) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.manager.SourceRouteStrategy
Do not include the destination in the list.
getSourceRoutes(Object) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.RendezvousSourceRouteStrategy
getSourceRouteStrategy(TransportLayer<SourceRoute<MultiInetSocketAddress>, ByteBuffer>, LivenessProvider<SourceRoute<MultiInetSocketAddress>>, Pinger<SourceRoute<MultiInetSocketAddress>>, PastryNode, MultiInetSocketAddress, MultiAddressSourceRouteFactory) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.SocketPastryNodeFactory
getSourceRouteTransportLayer(TransportLayer<MultiInetSocketAddress, ByteBuffer>, PastryNode, MultiAddressSourceRouteFactory) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.SocketPastryNodeFactory
getSplitStreamScribePolicy(Scribe, SplitStream) - Method in interface rice.p2p.splitstream.SplitStreamScribePolicyFactory
getStage() - Method in class rice.p2p.splitstream.SplitStreamSubscribeContent
Returns the data for this content
getStartTag() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLReader
Returns the value of the current start tag
getStatistics(long, long, int) - Method in class rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregateList
getStatistics() - Method in class rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregationImpl
getStatus() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.infostore.PeerInfoRecord
getStatus(Identifier) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.infostore.PeerInfoStore
getStatus(Identifier) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.infostore.PeerInfoStoreImpl
getStatusString(int) - Static method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewImpl
getStorage() - Method in class rice.persistence.LRUCache
Returns the backing storage object
getStorage() - Method in interface rice.persistence.StorageManager
Returns the permantent storage object used by this StorageManager
getStorage() - Method in class rice.persistence.StorageManagerImpl
Returns the permantent storage object used by this StorageManager
getStorageManager() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.PastImpl
Returns this Past's storage manager.
getStorageSize() - Method in class rice.persistence.PersistentStorage
gets the amount of storage that the persistence Manager uses
getString(String) - Method in interface rice.environment.params.Parameters
getString(String) - Method in class rice.environment.params.simple.SimpleParameters
getStringArray(String) - Method in interface rice.environment.params.Parameters
getStringArray(String) - Method in class rice.environment.params.simple.SimpleParameters
getStripeBase() - Method in class rice.p2p.splitstream.Channel
getStripeBaseBitLength() - Method in interface rice.p2p.splitstream.SplitStream
getStripeBaseBitLength() - Method in class rice.p2p.splitstream.SplitStreamImpl
getStripeId() - Method in class rice.p2p.splitstream.Stripe
gets the StripeID for this stripe
getStripes() - Method in class rice.p2p.splitstream.Channel
At any moment a node is subscribed to at least 1 but possibly more stripes.
getStripes() - Method in class rice.p2p.splitstream.testing.MySplitStreamClient
getSubCancellable() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.util.MessageRequestHandleImpl
getSubCancellable() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.util.SocketRequestHandleImpl
getSubContinuation(int) - Method in class rice.Continuation.MultiContinuation
Returns the continuation which should be used as the result continuation for the index-th result.
getSubjects() - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.commitment.AuthenticatorStore
getSubjects() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.commitment.AuthenticatorStoreImpl
getSubscribeFailed() - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.testing.ScribeRegrTest.TestScribeClient
getSubscriber() - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.SubscribeMessage
Returns the node who is trying to subscribe
getSuperClasses(Class) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectOutputStream
Method which returns an array of classes representing the class hierarchy of the provided class, exempting the Object class.
getTag(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous.RendezvousTransportLayerImpl
getTag() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierMessage
getTagForEphemeral(Identifier) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous.EphemeralDB
Get the existing tag, or make a new one if needed
getTagForEphemeral(Identifier) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous.EphemeralDBImpl
getTarget() - Method in exception rice.pastry.routing.NoLegalRouteToMakeProgressException
getTarget() - Method in class rice.pastry.routing.RouteMessage
Gets the target node id of this message.
getTarget() - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.PilotForwardMsg
getTempNodeHandle(InetSocketAddress) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.SocketPastryNodeFactory.TLBootstrapper
Used as a helper to TLBootstrapper.boot() to generate a temporary node handle
getTestNumber() - Method in class rice.pastry.direct.TestRecord
returns the number of tests
getTestRecord() - Method in interface rice.pastry.direct.NetworkSimulator
getTestRecord() - Method in class rice.pastry.direct.NetworkSimulatorImpl
get TestRecord
getText() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLParser
Returns the text content of the current event as String.
getTextCharacters(int[]) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLParser
getTime() - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReview
Current time in millis, however, we depend on there being a timesource that is more discritized than the "wall" clock.
getTime() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewImpl
getTimeout() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierContinuation
getTimer() - Method in class rice.selector.SelectorManager
Returns the timer associated with this SelectorManager (in this case, it is this).
getTimeSource() - Method in class rice.environment.Environment
getTimeSource() - Method in class rice.environment.logging.AbstractLogManager
getTimeSource() - Method in class rice.environment.logging.simple.SimpleLogManager
getTimeStamp() - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.infostore.EvidenceRecord
getTimeStamp() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.infostore.PeerInfoRecord.EvidenceRecordImpl
getTimestamp() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.testing.DistPastTestContent
getTimeStamp() - Method in class rice.pastry.leafset.BroadcastLeafSet
getTimeStamp() - Method in class rice.pastry.leafset.RequestLeafSet
getTimeToleranceMillis() - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReview
getTimeToleranceMillis() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewImpl
getTL(Identifier) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.direct.GenericNetworkSimulator
getTL(Identifier) - Method in class rice.pastry.direct.BasicNetworkSimulator
getTL() - Method in class rice.pastry.PastryNode
getTL() - Method in class rice.pastry.transport.NodeHandleAdapter
getTLDeserializer(NodeHandleFactory, PastryNode) - Method in class rice.pastry.transport.TransportPastryNodeFactory
getTLlisteners() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.WireTransportLayerImpl
getTLOptions() - Method in class rice.pastry.routing.RouteMessage
getTopic() - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.ScribeMessage
Method which returns this messages' topic
getTopic() - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeImpl.TopicManager
Gets the topic of the TopicManager object
getTopicManager(Topic) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeImpl
Lazy constructor.
getTopics(ScribeClient) - Method in interface rice.p2p.scribe.BaseScribe
Deprecated. use getTopicsByClient()
getTopics() - Method in interface rice.p2p.scribe.maintenance.MaintainableScribe
getTopics() - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.AbstractSubscribeMessage
getTopics() - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.SubscribeLostMessage
getTopics() - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.SubscribeMessage
getTopics() - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.UnsubscribeMessage
Method which returns this messages' topic
getTopics(ScribeClient) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeImpl
getTopics() - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeImpl
getTopicsByChild(NodeHandle) - Method in interface rice.p2p.scribe.maintenance.MaintainableScribe
This returns the topics for which the parameter 'child' is a Scribe tree child of the local node
getTopicsByChild(NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeImpl
getTopicsByClient(ScribeClient) - Method in interface rice.p2p.scribe.BaseScribe
getTopicsByClient(ScribeMultiClient) - Method in interface rice.p2p.scribe.BaseScribe
getTopicsByClient(ScribeClient) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeImpl
Returns the list of topics the given client is subscribed to.
getTopicsByClient(ScribeMultiClient) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeImpl
getTopicsByParent(NodeHandle) - Method in interface rice.p2p.scribe.maintenance.MaintainableScribe
This returns the topics for which the parameter 'parent' is a Scribe tree parent of the local node
getTopicsByParent(NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeImpl
getTopLevelEntry() - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.SecureHistory
Returns the node hash and the sequence number of the most recent log entry
getTopLevelEntry() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.SecureHistoryImpl
Returns the node hash and the sequence number of the most recent log entry
getTopSeq() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.message.UserDataMessage
getTotalChildren(Channel) - Method in class rice.p2p.splitstream.SplitStreamScribePolicy
Returns the total number of children for the given channel
getTotalRange() - Method in class rice.p2p.replication.ReplicationImpl
Returns the range for which the local node is an i root, where i can range between 0 and replicationFactor can return null if the range can't be determined
getTotalSize() - Method in interface rice.persistence.Catalog
Returns the total size of the stored data in bytes.
getTotalSize() - Method in class rice.persistence.EmptyCache
Returns the total size of the stored data in bytes.
getTotalSize() - Method in class rice.persistence.LRUCache
Returns the total size of the stored data in bytes.
getTotalSize() - Method in class rice.persistence.MemoryStorage
Returns the total size of the stored data in bytes.The result is returned via the receiveResult method on the provided Continuation with an Integer representing the size.
getTotalSize() - Method in class rice.persistence.PersistentStorage
Returns the total size of the stored data in bytes.The result is returned via the receiveResult method on the provided Continuation with an Integer representing the size.
getTotalSize() - Method in class rice.persistence.StorageManagerImpl
Returns the total size of the stored data in bytes.The result is returned via the receiveResult method on the provided Continuation with an Integer representing the size.
getToVisitSize() - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.AnycastMessage
getTransportLayer() - Method in interface rice.pastry.socket.SocketPastryNodeFactory.TransLiveness
getTransportLayer() - Method in interface rice.pastry.socket.SocketPastryNodeFactory.TransLivenessProximity
getTrashSize() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierImpl
getType() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.IndexEntry
getType() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.logentry.EvtAck
getType() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.logentry.EvtInit
getType() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.logentry.EvtRecv
getType() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.logentry.EvtSend
getType() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.logentry.EvtSendSign
getType() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.logentry.EvtSign
getType() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.logentry.HistoryEvent
getType() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.message.AccusationMessage
getType() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.message.AckMessage
getType() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.message.AuthPushMessage
getType() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.message.AuthRequest
getType() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.message.AuthResponse
getType() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.message.ChallengeMessage
getType() - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.message.PeerReviewMessage
getType() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.message.ResponseMessage
getType() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.message.UserDataMessage
getType() - Method in class rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregateHandle
getType() - Method in class rice.p2p.aggregation.messaging.NonAggregate
Raw Serialization
getType() - Method in class rice.p2p.aggregation.raw.RawAggregate
Raw Serialization
getType() - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.Id
getType() - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.NodeHandleSet
getType() - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.rawserialization.RawMessage
getType() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.FragmentKey
getType() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierDataMessage
Raw Serialization
getType() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierFetchMessage
Raw Serialization
getType() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierNeighborRequestMessage
Raw Serialization
getType() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierNeighborResponseMessage
Raw Serialization
getType() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierQueryMessage
Raw Serialization
getType() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierRangeForwardMessage
Raw Serialization
getType() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierRangeQueryMessage
Raw Serialization
getType() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierRangeResponseMessage
Raw Serialization
getType() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierRefreshCompleteMessage
Raw Serialization
getType() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierRefreshPatchMessage
Raw Serialization
getType() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierRefreshProbeMessage
Raw Serialization
getType() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierRefreshResponseMessage
Raw Serialization
getType() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierResponseMessage
Raw Serialization
getType() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierSyncMessage
Raw Serialization
getType() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierTimeoutMessage
Raw Serialization
getType() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.VersionKey
getType() - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.messaging.RingMessage
getType() - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringNodeHandleSet
getType() - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.RingId
Raw Serialization
getType() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.ContentHashPastContentHandle
getType() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCId
Raw Serialization
getType() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.messaging.GCCollectMessage
getType() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.messaging.GCInsertMessage
Raw Serialization
getType() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.messaging.GCLookupHandlesMessage
Raw Serialization
getType() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.messaging.GCRefreshMessage
Raw Serialization
getType() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.rawserialization.JavaSerializedGCPastContent
getType() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.rawserialization.JavaSerializedGCPastContentHandle
getType() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.messaging.CacheMessage
Raw Serialization
getType() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.messaging.FetchHandleMessage
Raw Serialization
getType() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.messaging.FetchMessage
Raw Serialization
getType() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.messaging.InsertMessage
Raw Serialization
getType() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.messaging.LookupHandlesMessage
Raw Serialization
getType() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.messaging.LookupMessage
Raw Serialization
getType() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.messaging.MessageLostMessage
getType() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.rawserialization.JavaSerializedPastContent
getType() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.rawserialization.JavaSerializedPastContentHandle
getType() - Method in interface rice.p2p.past.rawserialization.RawPastContent
getType() - Method in interface rice.p2p.past.rawserialization.RawPastContentHandle
getType() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.testing.RawPastRegrTest.NonOverwritingTestPastContent
getType() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.testing.RawPastRegrTest.TestPastContent
getType() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.testing.RawPastRegrTest.TestPastContentHandle
getType() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.testing.RawPastRegrTest.VersionedTestPastContent
getType() - Method in class rice.p2p.replication.messaging.ReminderMessage
Raw Serialization
getType() - Method in class rice.p2p.replication.messaging.RequestMessage
Raw Serialization
getType() - Method in class rice.p2p.replication.messaging.ResponseMessage
Raw Serialization
getType() - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.AnycastFailureMessage
Raw Serialization
getType() - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.AnycastMessage
Raw Serialization **************************************
getType() - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.DropMessage
Raw Serialization
getType() - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.PublishMessage
Raw Serialization
getType() - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.PublishRequestMessage
Raw Serialization
getType() - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.SubscribeAckMessage
Raw Serialization
getType() - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.SubscribeFailedMessage
Raw Serialization
getType() - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.SubscribeMessage
Raw Serialization
getType() - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.UnsubscribeMessage
Raw Serialization
getType() - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.rawserialization.JavaSerializedScribeContent
getType() - Method in interface rice.p2p.scribe.rawserialization.RawScribeContent
getType() - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.testing.RawScribeRegrTest.RawTestScribeContent
getType() - Method in class rice.p2p.splitstream.SplitStreamContent
Raw Serialization
getType() - Method in class rice.p2p.splitstream.SplitStreamSubscribeContent
Raw Serialization
getType() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.rawserialization.JavaSerializedMessage
getType() - Method in class rice.pastry.commonapi.PastryEndpointMessage
Raw Serialization
getType() - Method in class rice.pastry.Id
getType() - Method in class rice.pastry.join.JoinRequest
Raw Serialization
getType() - Method in class rice.pastry.leafset.BroadcastLeafSet
Raw Serialization
getType() - Method in class rice.pastry.leafset.RequestLeafSet
Raw Serialization
getType() - Method in class rice.pastry.messaging.PJavaSerializedMessage
getType() - Method in class rice.pastry.NodeSet
getType() - Method in class rice.pastry.peerreview.FetchLeafsetRequest
getType() - Method in class rice.pastry.peerreview.FetchLeafsetResponse
getType() - Method in class rice.pastry.pns.messages.LeafSetRequest
getType() - Method in class rice.pastry.pns.messages.LeafSetResponse
getType() - Method in class rice.pastry.pns.messages.RouteRowRequest
getType() - Method in class rice.pastry.pns.messages.RouteRowResponse
getType() - Method in class rice.pastry.routing.BroadcastRouteRow
Raw Serialization
getType() - Method in class rice.pastry.routing.RequestRouteRow
Raw Serialization
getType() - Method in class rice.pastry.routing.RouteMessage
getType() - Method in class rice.pastry.routing.RouteSet
getType() - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.probe.ProbeRequestMessage
getType() - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.ByteBufferMsg
getType() - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.OpenChannelMsg
getType() - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.PilotForwardMsg
getType() - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.RendezvousJoinRequest
Raw Serialization
getType() - Method in class rice.pastry.standard.ConsistentJoinMsg
Raw Serialization
getType() - Method in class rice.persistence.testing.MemoryStorageTest.VariableId
getType() - Method in class rice.tutorial.rawserialization.MyMsg
getUid() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.filetransfer.FileTransferImpl
getUID() - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.filetransfer.Receipt
Unique on a simplex connection.
getUID() - Method in class rice.p2p.aggregation.messaging.AggregationMessage
Method which returns this messages' unique id
getUID() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierImpl
getUID() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierMessage
Method which returns this messages' unique id
getUID() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.messaging.PastMessage
Method which returns this messages' unique id
getUID() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.PastImpl
Returns a new uid for a message
getUID() - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.probe.ProbeRequestMessage
getUid() - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.OpenChannelMsg
getUniqueCount() - Method in class rice.pastry.leafset.LeafSet
Returns the number of unique nodes in the leafset
getUniqueSet() - Method in class rice.pastry.leafset.LeafSet
Set of nodes in the leafset, not the local node, each node only once.
getUnserializable() - Method in exception rice.p2p.util.rawserialization.JavaSerializationException
getUpdates(int) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierRefreshCompleteMessage
getUpperIdentity() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.identity.IdentityImpl
getUpperIdentityLayer(TransportLayer<MultiInetSocketAddress, ByteBuffer>, PastryNode, IdentityImpl<TransportLayerNodeHandle<MultiInetSocketAddress>, MultiInetSocketAddress, ByteBuffer, SourceRoute<MultiInetSocketAddress>>, LivenessProvider<MultiInetSocketAddress>, ProximityProvider<MultiInetSocketAddress>, OverrideLiveness<SourceRoute<MultiInetSocketAddress>>) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.SocketPastryNodeFactory
getVals(Identifier) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.bandwidthmeasure.BandwidthMeasuringTransportLayer
Should be holding the lock on measured
getValue() - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringIdFactory.MultiringMapEntry
getValue() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCIdFactory.GCMapEntry
getVars() - Method in class rice.pastry.PastryNode
getVerifier(I) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.identity.IdentityTransportLayerImpl
Returns null if we don't know the cert for the identifier.
getVerifier(SecureHistory, Handle, long, long, Object) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.VerifierFactory
getVerifier(SecureHistory, Handle, long, long, Object) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.VerifierFactoryImpl
getVerifierFactory() - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReview
getVerifierFactory() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewImpl
getVersion() - Method in class rice.p2p.aggregation.Aggregate
getVersion() - Method in class rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregateHandle
getVersion() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.DebugContent
getVersion() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.DebugContentHandle
getVersion() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierContentHandle
getVersion() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.VersionKey
Gets the Version attribute of the VersionKey object
getVersion() - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.RingCertificate
Returns the version of this ring cert
getVersion() - Method in interface rice.p2p.past.gc.GCPastContent
Returns the version number associated with this PastContent object - version numbers are designed to be monotonically increasing numbers which signify different versions of the same object.
getVersion() - Method in interface rice.p2p.past.gc.GCPastContentHandle
Returns the version number associated with this PastContentHandle - version numbers are designed to be monotonically increasing numbers which signify different versions of the same object.
getVersion() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.rawserialization.JavaSerializedGCPastContent
getVersion() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.rawserialization.JavaSerializedGCPastContentHandle
getVersionKey() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.FragmentKey
Gets the VersionKey attribute of the FragmentKey object
getVisitedSize() - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.AnycastMessage
getWireTransportLayer(InetSocketAddress, PastryNode) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.appsocket.AppSocketPastryNodeFactory
This code tells the WireTransportLayerImpl not to create a server-socket if we are using the BogusTLPastryNode
getWireTransportLayer(InetSocketAddress, PastryNode) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.RendezvousSocketPastryNodeFactory
For testing, may return a FirewallTL impl for testing.
getWireTransportLayer(InetSocketAddress, PastryNode) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.SocketPastryNodeFactory
getWitnesses(Identifier) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.evidence.EvidenceTransferProtocolImpl
Either returns the valid cached value, or returns null Often requestWitnesses() is called next If it returns null, then notifyWitnessSet() will be called later
getWitnesses(Identifier, WitnessListener<Handle, Identifier>) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewCallback
getWitnesses(Id, WitnessListener<TransportLayerNodeHandle<MultiInetSocketAddress>, Id>) - Method in class rice.pastry.peerreview.PeerReviewCallbackImpl
getWritten() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.rawserialization.SimpleOutputBuffer
The amount of bytes written so far...
getXmitQueue() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.commitment.PeerInfo
gFactory - Static variable in class rice.p2p.util.testing.IdBloomFilterReplicationTest
Glacier - Interface in rice.p2p.glacier
GlacierContentHandle - Class in rice.p2p.glacier.v2
GlacierContentHandle(Id, long, NodeHandle, Manifest) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierContentHandle
GlacierContinuation - Class in rice.p2p.glacier.v2
GlacierContinuation() - Constructor for class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierContinuation
GlacierDataMessage - Class in rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging
GlacierDataMessage(int, FragmentKey, Fragment, Manifest, NodeHandle, Id, boolean, char) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierDataMessage
GlacierDataMessage(int, FragmentKey[], Fragment[], Manifest[], NodeHandle, Id, boolean, char) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierDataMessage
GlacierDefaultPolicy - Class in rice.p2p.glacier.v2
GlacierDefaultPolicy(ErasureCodec, String, Environment) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierDefaultPolicy
GlacierException - Exception in rice.p2p.glacier
GlacierException(String) - Constructor for exception rice.p2p.glacier.GlacierException
GlacierFetchMessage - Class in rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging
GlacierFetchMessage(int, FragmentKey, int, NodeHandle, Id, char) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierFetchMessage
GlacierFetchMessage(int, FragmentKey[], int, NodeHandle, Id, char) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierFetchMessage
GlacierImpl - Class in rice.p2p.glacier.v2
GlacierImpl(Node, StorageManager, StorageManager, int, int, IdFactory, String, GlacierPolicy) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierImpl
GlacierMessage - Class in rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging
GlacierMessage(int, NodeHandle, Id, boolean, char) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierMessage
Constructor which takes a unique integer Id
GlacierMessage(InputBuffer, Endpoint) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierMessage
GlacierNeighborRequestMessage - Class in rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging
GlacierNeighborRequestMessage(int, IdRange, NodeHandle, Id, char) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierNeighborRequestMessage
GlacierNeighborResponseMessage - Class in rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging
GlacierNeighborResponseMessage(int, Id[], long[], NodeHandle, Id, char) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierNeighborResponseMessage
GlacierNotEnoughFragmentsException - Exception in rice.p2p.glacier.v2
GlacierNotEnoughFragmentsException(String, int, int) - Constructor for exception rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierNotEnoughFragmentsException
GlacierPersistentStorageTest - Class in rice.persistence.testing
This class is a class which tests the PersistentStorage class in the rice.persistence package.
GlacierPersistentStorageTest(String) - Constructor for class rice.persistence.testing.GlacierPersistentStorageTest
Builds a MemoryStorageTest
GlacierPolicy - Interface in rice.p2p.glacier.v2
GlacierQueryMessage - Class in rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging
GlacierQueryMessage(int, FragmentKey[], NodeHandle, Id, char) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierQueryMessage
GlacierRangeForwardMessage - Class in rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging
GlacierRangeForwardMessage(int, IdRange, NodeHandle, NodeHandle, Id, char) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierRangeForwardMessage
GlacierRangeQueryMessage - Class in rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging
GlacierRangeQueryMessage(int, IdRange, NodeHandle, Id, char) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierRangeQueryMessage
GlacierRangeResponseMessage - Class in rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging
GlacierRangeResponseMessage(int, IdRange, NodeHandle, Id, char) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierRangeResponseMessage
GlacierRefreshCompleteMessage - Class in rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging
GlacierRefreshCompleteMessage(int, VersionKey[], int[], NodeHandle, Id, char) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierRefreshCompleteMessage
GlacierRefreshPatchMessage - Class in rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging
GlacierRefreshPatchMessage(int, VersionKey[], long[], byte[][], NodeHandle, Id, char) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierRefreshPatchMessage
GlacierRefreshProbeMessage - Class in rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging
GlacierRefreshProbeMessage(int, Id, NodeHandle, Id, char) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierRefreshProbeMessage
GlacierRefreshResponseMessage - Class in rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging
GlacierRefreshResponseMessage(int, IdRange, boolean, NodeHandle, Id, char) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierRefreshResponseMessage
GlacierResponseMessage - Class in rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging
GlacierResponseMessage(int, FragmentKey, boolean, long, boolean, NodeHandle, Id, boolean, char) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierResponseMessage
GlacierResponseMessage(int, FragmentKey[], boolean[], long[], boolean[], NodeHandle, Id, boolean, char) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierResponseMessage
GlacierStatistics - Class in rice.p2p.glacier.v2
GlacierStatistics(int, Environment) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierStatistics
GlacierStatisticsListener - Interface in rice.p2p.glacier.v2
GlacierSyncMessage - Class in rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging
GlacierSyncMessage(int, IdRange, int, BloomFilter, NodeHandle, Id, char) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierSyncMessage
GlacierTimeoutMessage - Class in rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging
GlacierTimeoutMessage(int, NodeHandle) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierTimeoutMessage
Constructor which takes a unique integer Id and the local id
globalApps - Variable in class rice.p2p.multiring.testing.MultiringRegrTest
globalNodes - Variable in class rice.p2p.multiring.testing.MultiringRegrTest
globalRingId - Variable in class rice.p2p.multiring.testing.MultiringRegrTest
go() - Method in class rice.p2p.replication.manager.ReplicationManagerImpl.ReplicationManagerDeleter
Internal method which starts the deleting, if it's not already started
goesThrough(Identifier) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.SourceRoute
Returns whether or not this route goes through the given address
gone - Variable in class rice.pastry.standard.PartitionHandler
GOOD_HDR - Static variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.EpochTest
Goes to Alice/Bob
GOOD_HDR - Static variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.MagicNumberTest
Goes to Alice/Bob
GOOD_HDR - Static variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.SRManagerTest
Goes to Alice/Bob
GOOD_HDR - Static variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.SRTest
Goes to Alice/Bob
GOOD_HDR - Static variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.WireSRTest
Goes to Alice/Bob
granularity - Variable in class rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregationStatistics
GZIP - Static variable in class rice.p2p.util.Base64
Specify that data should be gzip-compressed.


Half - Static variable in class rice.pastry.Id
halfTest() - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.IdRangeUnit
handle - Variable in class rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregateHandle
handle - Variable in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringNodeHandle
The internal handle
handle - Variable in class rice.p2p.past.gc.rawserialization.JavaSerializedGCPastContentHandle
handle - Variable in class rice.p2p.past.rawserialization.JavaSerializedPastContentHandle
handle - Variable in class rice.p2p.past.testing.PastRegrTest.TestPastContentHandle
handle - Variable in class rice.p2p.past.testing.RawPastRegrTest.TestPastContentHandle
handle - Variable in class rice.p2p.replication.ReplicationImpl
the local node handle
handle - Variable in class rice.pastry.join.JoinRequest
handle() - Method in class rice.pastry.NodeSetUpdate
The handle that changed.
handleChallenge(Handle, ChallengeMessage<Identifier>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.challenge.ChallengeResponseProtocol
handleChallenge(Handle, ChallengeMessage<Identifier>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.challenge.ChallengeResponseProtocolImpl
Called when another node sends us a challenge.
handleDebugCommand(String) - Method in class rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregationImpl
handleDebugCommand(String) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierImpl
handleDebugCommand(String) - Method in interface rice.p2p.util.DebugCommandHandler
handleException(Object, Throwable) - Method in interface rice.environment.exception.ExceptionStrategy
handleException(Object, Throwable) - Method in class rice.environment.exception.simple.SimpleExceptionStrategy
handleFactory - Variable in class rice.pastry.PastryNode
Used to deserialize NodeHandles
handleFactory - Variable in class rice.pastry.socket.SocketPastryNodeFactory.TLBootstrapper
handleForwardSubscribeMessage(SubscribeMessage) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeImpl
This is complicated because the SubscribeMessage may have many topics to subscribe to at once.
handleIdRequest(P2PSocket<InetSocketAddress>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.networkinfo.NetworkInfoTransportLayer
handleIncomingAck(Handle, AckMessage<Identifier>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.commitment.CommitmentProtocol
handleIncomingAck(Handle, AckMessage<Identifier>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.commitment.CommitmentProtocolImpl
handleIncomingAuthenticators(Handle, AuthPushMessage<Identifier>) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.authpush.AuthenticatorPushProtocol
handleIncomingAuthenticators(Handle, AuthPushMessage<Identifier>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.authpush.AuthenticatorPushProtocolImpl
Called when some other node sends us an AUTHPUSH message.
handleIncomingDatagram(Handle, PeerReviewMessage) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.audit.AuditProtocol
handleIncomingDatagram(Handle, PeerReviewMessage) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.audit.AuditProtocolImpl
handleIncomingMessage(Handle, UserDataMessage<Handle>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.challenge.ChallengeResponseProtocol
handleIncomingMessage(Handle, UserDataMessage<Handle>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.challenge.ChallengeResponseProtocolImpl
handleIncomingMessage(Handle, UserDataMessage<Handle>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.commitment.CommitmentProtocol
handleIncomingMessage(Handle, UserDataMessage<Handle>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.commitment.CommitmentProtocolImpl
Handle an incoming USERDATA message
handleIncomingStatement(Handle, Statement<Identifier>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.statement.StatementProtocol
handleIncomingStatement(Handle, Statement<Identifier>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.statement.StatementProtocolImpl
Incoming ACCUSTION and RESPONSE messages come here first.
handleInitiateJoin(InitiateJoin) - Method in class rice.pastry.standard.StandardJoinProtocol
handleIntermediateHop(RouteMessage) - Method in class rice.pastry.standard.StandardJoinProtocol
handleIpRequest(P2PSocket<InetSocketAddress>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.networkinfo.NetworkInfoTransportLayer
handleJoinRequest(JoinRequest) - Method in class rice.pastry.standard.StandardJoinProtocol
handleNodesRequest(P2PSocket<InetSocketAddress>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.networkinfo.NetworkInfoTransportLayer
handleOutgoingMessage(Handle, ByteBuffer, MessageCallback<Handle, ByteBuffer>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.commitment.CommitmentProtocol
handleOutgoingMessage(Handle, ByteBuffer, MessageCallback<Handle, ByteBuffer>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.commitment.CommitmentProtocolImpl
handleProbeRequest(P2PSocket<InetSocketAddress>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.networkinfo.NetworkInfoTransportLayer
handleProbeRequestMessage(ProbeRequestMessage) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.probe.ProbeApp
handleProbeResponse(P2PSocket<InetSocketAddress>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.networkinfo.NetworkInfoTransportLayer
handler - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.limitsockets.LimitSocketsTransportLayer
handleResponse(ResponseMessage<Identifier>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.challenge.ChallengeResponseProtocolImpl
handleResponse(FetchLeafsetResponse) - Method in class rice.pastry.peerreview.FetchLeafsetApp
handleResult(SSLEngineResult) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.ssl.SSLSocketManager
handleSerializer - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.evidence.EvidenceSerializerImpl
handleSerializer - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewImpl
handleSet - Variable in class rice.pastry.socket.SocketNodeHandleFactory
handleStatement(Handle, PeerReviewMessage, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.challenge.ChallengeResponseProtocol
handleStatement(Handle, PeerReviewMessage, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.challenge.ChallengeResponseProtocolImpl
Handle an incoming RESPONSE or ACCUSATION from another node
handleValueRequest(P2PSocket<Identifier>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.table.TableTransprotLayerImpl
handshakeUnwrap() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.ssl.SSLSocketManager
handshakeWrap() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.ssl.SSLSocketManager
handshaking - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.ssl.SSLSocketManager
HAS_HANDLE - Static variable in class rice.pastry.join.JoinRequest
HAS_JOIN_HANDLE - Static variable in class rice.pastry.join.JoinRequest
HAS_LEAFSET - Static variable in class rice.pastry.join.JoinRequest
hasCertificate(Identifier) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.identity.CertificateManager
hasCertificate(I) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.identity.IdentityTransportLayerImpl
hasCertificate(Identifier) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReview
hasCertificate(Identifier) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewImpl
hash(long, short, byte[], byte[]) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.hasher.SHA1HashProvider
hash(ByteBuffer...) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.hasher.SHA1HashProvider
hash(long, short, byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.HashProvider
hash(ByteBuffer...) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.HashProvider
hash - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.logentry.EvtSend
hash(long, short, byte[], byte[]) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.stub.NullHashProvider
hash(ByteBuffer...) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.stub.NullHashProvider
hash(long, short, byte[], byte[]) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.identity.IdentityTransportLayerImpl
hash(ByteBuffer...) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.identity.IdentityTransportLayerImpl
hash(long, short, byte[], byte[]) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewImpl
hash(ByteBuffer...) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewImpl
hash() - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.IdSet
return a hash of this set
hash() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.FragmentKeySet
return a hash of this set
hash() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.VersionKeySet
return a hash of this set
hash() - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringIdSet
return a hash of this set
hash() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCIdSet
return a hash of this set
hash(byte[], int) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.BloomFilter
Internal method which hashes the input argument using the ith hash function, and then mods the result by length.
hash(byte[]) - Static method in class rice.p2p.util.SecurityUtils
Utility method for determining the hash of a byte[] using a secure hashing algorithm.
hash(Object) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectOutputStream
Method which determines a unique hash value for each object.
hash() - Method in class rice.pastry.IdSet
return a hash of this set
HASH_ALGORITHM - Static variable in class rice.p2p.util.SecurityUtils
The name of the hash function.
HASH_LEN - Static variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.peerreview.AuthenticatorStoreTest
hashCode() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.multiaddress.MultiInetSocketAddress
Returns the hashCode of this source route
hashCode() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.commitment.Authenticator
hashCode() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.SourceRoute
Returns the hashCode of this source route
hashCode() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.FragmentKey
hashCode() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.FragmentKeyRange
Returns the hashCode
hashCode() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.VersionKey
hashCode() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.VersionKeyRange
Returns the hashCode
hashCode() - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringIdFactory.MultiringEntrySet
hashCode() - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringIdFactory.MultiringKeySet
hashCode() - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringIdFactory.MultiringMapEntry
hashCode() - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringIdFactory.MultiringSortedMap
hashCode() - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringIdRange
Returns the hashCode
hashCode() - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringIdSet
Returns the hashCode
hashCode() - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringNodeHandle
Returns the hashCode
hashCode() - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringNodeHandleSet
Returns the hashCode
hashCode() - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.RingId
Returns the hashCode
hashCode() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCId
Returns the hashCode
hashCode() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCIdFactory.GCEntrySet
hashCode() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCIdFactory.GCMapEntry
hashCode() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCIdFactory.GCSortedMap
hashCode() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCIdSet
Returns the hashCode
hashCode() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCPastMetadata
hashCode() - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.Topic
Returns the hashCode for this topic
hashCode() - Method in class rice.p2p.splitstream.ChannelId
hashCode() - Method in class rice.p2p.splitstream.StripeId
hashCode() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.tuples.Tuple
Gotta handle null values.
hashCode() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.tuples.Tuple3
Gotta handle null values.
hashCode() - Method in class rice.pastry.direct.DirectNodeHandle
Hash codes for node handles.It is the hashcode of their corresponding NodeId's.
hashCode() - Method in class rice.pastry.dist.DistNodeHandle
Hash codes for node handles.
hashCode() - Method in class rice.pastry.Id.Distance
Hash codes.
hashCode() - Method in class rice.pastry.Id
Hash codes for Ids.
hashCode() - Method in class rice.pastry.IdRange
hashCode() - Method in class rice.pastry.leafset.testing.MergeTest.TestNodeHandle
hashCode() - Method in class rice.pastry.NodeHandle
Hash codes for nodehandles.
hashCode() - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.EpochInetSocketAddress
Returns the hashCode of this source route
hashCode() - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.SocketNodeHandle
Hash codes for node handles.
hashCode() - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.LeafSetTest.TestNodeHandle
hashCode() - Method in class rice.pastry.transport.BogusNodeHandle
hashEntry(short, byte[]) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.challenge.ChallengeHashPolicy
hashEntry(short, byte[]) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.HashPolicy
HashPolicy - Interface in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history
Policy given to a SecureHistory to tell it which event types to hash when serializing a sequence of events.
hashProv - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.SecureHistoryImpl
hashProv - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.playback.ReplayVerifier
HashProvider - Interface in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history
HashSeq - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history
HashSeq(byte[], long) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.HashSeq
hashSize - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.evidence.EvidenceSerializerImpl
hasKey(Key) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.table.TableTransportLayer
hasKey(Key) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.table.TableTransprotLayerImpl
hasLease(NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.pastry.standard.PeriodicLeafSetProtocol
Do we have a lease from this node? Returns true if nh is null.
hasResponse() - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.infostore.EvidenceRecord
hasResponse() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.infostore.PeerInfoRecord.EvidenceRecordImpl
hasTerminated() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierContinuation
hasVisited(NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.AnycastMessage
haveIt - Variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierResponseMessage
haveResult - Variable in class rice.Continuation.MultiContinuation
HDR_NORMAL - Static variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.liveness.LivenessTransportLayerImpl
Pass the msg to the callback if it is NORMAL
HDR_PING - Static variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.liveness.LivenessTransportLayerImpl
HDR_PONG - Static variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.liveness.LivenessTransportLayerImpl
HEADER - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.magicnumber.MagicNumberTransportLayer
HEADER_ID_REQUEST_BYTE - Static variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.networkinfo.NetworkInfoTransportLayer
HEADER_IP_ADDRESS_REQUEST - Static variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.networkinfo.NetworkInfoTransportLayer
HEADER_IP_ADDRESS_REQUEST_BYTE - Static variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.networkinfo.NetworkInfoTransportLayer
HEADER_NODES_REQUEST - Static variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.networkinfo.NetworkInfoTransportLayer
HEADER_NODES_REQUEST_BYTE - Static variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.networkinfo.NetworkInfoTransportLayer
HEADER_PASSTHROUGH - Static variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.networkinfo.NetworkInfoTransportLayer
HEADER_PASSTHROUGH_BYTE - Static variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.networkinfo.NetworkInfoTransportLayer
HEADER_PROBE_REQUEST_BYTE - Static variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.networkinfo.NetworkInfoTransportLayer
HEADER_PROBE_RESPONSE_BYTE - Static variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.networkinfo.NetworkInfoTransportLayer
headMap(Object) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringIdFactory.MultiringSortedMap
headMap(Object) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCIdFactory.GCSortedMap
headMap(Object) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.ImmutableSortedMap
Returns a view of the portion of this sorted map whose keys are strictly less than toKey.
headMap(Object) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.RedBlackMap
Returns a view of the portion of this map whose keys are strictly less than toKey.
HeirarchyLogger - Class in rice.environment.logging
HeirarchyLogger() - Constructor for class rice.environment.logging.HeirarchyLogger
HelloMsg - Class in rice.pastry.testing
HelloMsg(int, NodeHandle, Id, int) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.testing.HelloMsg
HelloWorld - Class in rice.pastry.testing
A hello world example for pastry.
HelloWorld(Environment) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.testing.HelloWorld
HelloWorldApp - Class in rice.pastry.testing
A hello world example for pastry.
HelloWorldApp(PastryNode) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.testing.HelloWorldApp
helper - Variable in class rice.p2p.replication.manager.ReplicationManagerImpl
The helper for the replication manager
HEX_ARRAY - Static variable in class rice.p2p.util.MathUtils
The array used for conversion to hexadecimal
HIGH_PRIORITY - Static variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.filetransfer.FileTransferImpl
HIGH_PRIORITY - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.priority.PriorityTransportLayer
HIGH_PRIORITY - Static variable in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.Message
highToTag - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous.EphemeralDBImpl
hint - Variable in class rice.p2p.past.messaging.MessageLostMessage
hints - Variable in class rice.p2p.replication.manager.ReplicationManagerImpl.ReplicationManagerHelper
A cache of hints, mapping Id -> NodeHandle
history - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewImpl
history - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.playback.ReplayVerifier
history - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.VerifierImpl
HistoryEvent - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.logentry
HistoryEvent() - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.logentry.HistoryEvent
historyFactory - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewImpl
hmac(byte[], byte[]) - Static method in class rice.p2p.util.SecurityUtils
Utility method for determining the hmac of a byte[] and key using a secure hashing algorithm.
HMAC_ALGORITHM - Static variable in class rice.p2p.util.SecurityUtils
The name of the hmac function.
HMAC_IPAD - Static variable in class rice.p2p.util.SecurityUtils
The ipad byte array for use in hmac
HMAC_IPAD_BYTE - Static variable in class rice.p2p.util.SecurityUtils
The ipad of hmac keys, as defined in RFC 2195
HMAC_KEY_LENGTH - Static variable in class rice.p2p.util.SecurityUtils
The length of hmac keys
HMAC_OPAD - Static variable in class rice.p2p.util.SecurityUtils
The opad byte array for use in hmac
HMAC_OPAD_BYTE - Static variable in class rice.p2p.util.SecurityUtils
The opad of hmac keys, as defined in RFC 2195
hTopMinusOne - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.logentry.EvtSign


i - Variable in class rice.p2p.scribe.testing.ScribeRegrTest.TestScribeClient
id - Variable in class rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregateHandle
id - Variable in class rice.p2p.aggregation.messaging.AggregationMessage
Id - Interface in rice.p2p.commonapi
id - Variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.FragmentKey
id - Variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierContentHandle
id - Variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierMessage
id - Variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.VersionKey
id - Variable in class rice.p2p.multiring.messaging.RingMessage
The target of this ring message
id - Variable in class rice.p2p.multiring.RingCertificate
id - Variable in class rice.p2p.multiring.RingId
The id which this ringId represents
id - Variable in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCId
The id which this ringId represents
id - Variable in class rice.p2p.past.messaging.MessageLostMessage
id - Variable in class rice.p2p.past.messaging.PastMessage
id - Variable in class rice.p2p.past.testing.PastRegrTest.TestPastContent
id - Variable in class rice.p2p.past.testing.PastRegrTest.TestPastContentHandle
id - Variable in class rice.p2p.past.testing.RawPastRegrTest.TestPastContent
id - Variable in class rice.p2p.past.testing.RawPastRegrTest.TestPastContentHandle
id - Variable in class rice.p2p.replication.manager.messaging.TimeoutMessage
THe unique id of this message
id - Variable in class rice.p2p.replication.manager.ReplicationManagerImpl.ReplicationManagerDeleter
Whether or not we are waiting for a response
id - Variable in class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.AbstractSubscribeMessage
The id of this subscribe message
id - Variable in class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.SubscribeLostMessage
id - Variable in class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.SubscribeMessage
The id of this message
id - Variable in class rice.p2p.scribe.Topic
The Id to which this topic is mapped
id - Variable in class rice.p2p.splitstream.ChannelId
The underlying id for this channelid
id - Variable in class rice.p2p.splitstream.StripeId
This stripe's Id
Id - Class in rice.pastry
Represents a Pastry identifier for a node, object or key.
Id(int[]) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.Id
Id.Distance - Interface in rice.p2p.commonapi
A class for representing and manipulating the distance between two Ids on the circle.
Id.Distance - Class in rice.pastry
A class for representing and manipulating the distance between two Ids on the circle.
Id.Distance() - Constructor for class rice.pastry.Id.Distance
Id.Distance(byte[]) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.Id.Distance
Id.Distance(int[]) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.Id.Distance
idBaseBitLength - Variable in class rice.pastry.routing.RoutingTable
The routing calculations will occur in base 2 idBaseBitLength
IdBitLength - Static variable in class rice.pastry.Id
This is the bit length of the node ids.
IdBloomFilter - Class in rice.p2p.util
IdBloomFilter(IdSet) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.util.IdBloomFilter
Constructor which takes the number of hash functions to use and the length of the set to use.
IdBloomFilter(InputBuffer) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.util.IdBloomFilter
IdBloomFilterReplicationTest - Class in rice.p2p.util.testing
IdBloomFilterReplicationTest() - Constructor for class rice.p2p.util.testing.IdBloomFilterReplicationTest
IdBloomFilterUnit - Class in rice.p2p.util.testing
IdBloomFilterUnit() - Constructor for class rice.p2p.util.testing.IdBloomFilterUnit
identifier - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.liveness.LivenessTransportLayerImpl.EntityManager
identifier - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.playback.ReplaySocket
identifier - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.ReplaySocket
identifier - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.proximity.MinRTTProximityProvider.EntityManager
identifier - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.util.SocketWrapperSocket
IdentifierExtractor<Handle,Identifier> - Interface in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview
Extracts the Identifier from the Handle
identifierExtractor - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewImpl
IdentityImpl<UpperIdentifier,MiddleIdentifier,UpperMsgType,LowerIdentifier> - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.identity
IdentityImpl(byte[], IdentitySerializer<UpperIdentifier, MiddleIdentifier, LowerIdentifier>, NodeChangeStrategy<UpperIdentifier>, SanityChecker<UpperIdentifier, MiddleIdentifier>, BindStrategy<UpperIdentifier, LowerIdentifier>, Environment) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.identity.IdentityImpl
IdentitySerializer<UpperIdentifier,MiddleIdentifier,LowerIdentifier> - Interface in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.identity
IdentityTransport<Handle,Identifier> - Interface in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.identity
IdentityTransportCallback<Handle,Identifier> - Interface in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.identity
IdentityTransportLayerImpl<Identifier,I> - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.identity
TODO: make it store known certs to a file, make it periodically check the revocation server.
IdentityTransportLayerImpl(Serializer<I>, X509Serializer, I, X509Certificate, PrivateKey, TransportLayer<Identifier, ByteBuffer>, HashProvider, Environment) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.identity.IdentityTransportLayerImpl
IdFactory - Interface in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.commonapi
IdFactory - Interface in rice.p2p.commonapi
idFactory - Variable in class rice.p2p.commonapi.testing.CommonAPITest
idFactory - Variable in class rice.p2p.multiring.testing.MultiringRegrTest
IdRange - Interface in rice.p2p.commonapi
IdRange - Class in rice.pastry
Represents a contiguous range of Pastry ids.
IdRange(Id, Id) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.IdRange
IdRange() - Constructor for class rice.pastry.IdRange
Constructor, constructs an empty IdRange
IdRange(boolean) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.IdRange
IdRange(IdRange) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.IdRange
Copy constructor.
IdRange(InputBuffer) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.IdRange
IdRangeUnit - Class in rice.pastry.testing
IdRangeUnit tests the IdRange class.
IdRangeUnit() - Constructor for class rice.pastry.testing.IdRangeUnit
ids - Variable in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCIdSet
ids - Variable in class rice.p2p.replication.messaging.ResponseMessage
idSerializer - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.evidence.EvidenceSerializerImpl
idSerializer - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewImpl
IdSet - Interface in rice.p2p.commonapi
IdSet - Class in rice.pastry
Represents a set of Pastry ids.
IdSet() - Constructor for class rice.pastry.IdSet
IdSet(SortedMap) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.IdSet
IdStrTranslator<Identifier> - Interface in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.infostore
IdUnit - Class in rice.pastry.testing
IdUnit() - Constructor for class rice.pastry.testing.IdUnit
ignore(NodeHandle, Continuation) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.RendezvousPNSApplication
This method decides who to bother trying to connect to.
IM_ALIVE_PERIOD - Static variable in class rice.p2p.splitstream.testing.SplitStreamDistTest
ImmutableSortedMap - Class in rice.p2p.util
ImmutableSortedMap(SortedMap) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.util.ImmutableSortedMap
Constructor which takes an existing map
implicitSubscribe(List<Topic>) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.maintenance.ScribeMaintenancePolicy.DefaultScribeMaintenancePolicy
Called when subscribing for maintenance or tree rearrangement (such as parent death).
implicitSubscribe(List<Topic>) - Method in interface rice.p2p.scribe.maintenance.ScribeMaintenancePolicy
Called when subscribing for maintenance or tree rearrangement (such as parent death).
in - Variable in class rice.p2p.util.XMLReader
The actual reader which the parser uses
incomingMessage(Identifier, MessageType, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.direct.DirectTransportLayer
IncomingPilotListener<HighIdentifier> - Interface in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous
incomingSocket(P2PSocket<Identifier>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.bandwidthmeasure.BandwidthMeasuringTransportLayer
incomingSocket(P2PSocket<Identifier>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.commonapi.CommonAPITransportLayerImpl
incomingSocket(P2PSocket<Identifier>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.limitsockets.LimitSocketsTransportLayer
incomingSocket(P2PSocket<Identifier>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.liveness.LivenessTransportLayerImpl
incomingSocket(P2PSocket<InetSocketAddress>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.multiaddress.MultiInetAddressTransportLayerImpl
incomingSocket(P2PSocket<Identifier>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.nat.FirewallTLImpl
Only allow outgoing sockets.
incomingSocket(P2PSocket<InetSocketAddress>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.networkinfo.NetworkInfoTransportLayer
incomingSocket(P2PSocket<Handle>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewImpl
incomingSocket(Identifier, int) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.playback.ReplayLayer
incomingSocket(Identifier, int) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.playback.ReplayVerifier
Callback when a socket comes in from a remote node.
incomingSocket(P2PSocket<Identifier>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.record.RecordLayer
incomingSocket(Handle, int) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.VerifierImpl
incomingSocket(P2PSocket<Identifier>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.priority.PriorityTransportLayerImpl
We have to read the first byte and see if this is a passthrough (the layer higher than us asked to open it) socket or a primary (our layer tried to open it) socket.
incomingSocket(P2PSocket<Identifier>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rc4.RC4TransportLayer
incomingSocket(P2PSocket<Identifier>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous.RendezvousTransportLayerImpl
incomingSocket(P2PSocket<Identifier>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.simpleidentity.SimpleIdentityTransportLayer
incomingSocket(P2PSocket<SourceRoute<Identifier>>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.manager.SourceRouteManagerImpl
incomingSocket(P2PSocket<Identifier>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.SourceRouteTransportLayerImpl
incomingSocket(P2PSocket<Identifier>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.ssl.SSLTransportLayerImpl
TODO: support resuming
incomingSocket(P2PSocket<Identifier>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.table.TableTransprotLayerImpl
incomingSocket(P2PSocket<Identifier>) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.TransportLayerCallback
Notification of a new socket.
incomingSocket(P2PSocket) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.util.DefaultCallback
incomingSocket(P2PSocket<Identifier>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.magicnumber.MagicNumberTransportLayer
incomingSocket(P2PSocket<InetSocketAddress>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.WireTransportLayerImpl
incomingSocket(P2PSocket<NodeHandle>) - Method in class rice.pastry.PastryNode
incomingSocket(P2PSocket<TransportLayerNodeHandle<MultiInetSocketAddress>>) - Method in class rice.pastry.peerreview.PeerReviewCallbackImpl
incomingSocket(P2PSocket<Identifier>) - Method in class rice.tutorial.transportlayer.BandwidthLimitingTransportLayer
incomingSocketHelper(P2PSocket<Identifier>, SourceRoute<Identifier>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.SourceRouteTransportLayerImpl
To override this behavior if needed.
incompleteStatement - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.statement.StatementProtocolImpl
IncompleteStatementInfo<Handle,Identifier extends RawSerializable> - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.statement
IncompleteStatementInfo(boolean, Handle, long, Statement<Identifier>, boolean, Identifier, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.statement.IncompleteStatementInfo
inConcJoin - Variable in class rice.pastry.testing.PastryRegrTest
INCORRECT_IDENTITY - Static variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.identity.IdentityImpl
incrDistance(double) - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.PingMessageNew
incrementFileChunksInMemory() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.filetransfer.FileTransferImpl
incrementTime(int) - Method in class rice.environment.time.simulated.DirectTimeSource
Should be synchronized on the selectorManager
incrHops() - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.PingMessageNew
index - Variable in class rice.pastry.direct.proximitygenerators.GenericProximityGenerator.GNNodeRecord
index - Variable in class rice.pastry.pns.messages.RouteRowRequest
index - Variable in class rice.pastry.pns.messages.RouteRowResponse
IndexEntry - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history
IndexEntry(long) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.IndexEntry
IndexEntry(long, long, short, int, byte[], byte[]) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.IndexEntry
IndexEntryFactory - Interface in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history
indexFactory - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.SecureHistoryImpl
indexFile - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.SecureHistoryImpl
indexOf(NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.pastry.NodeSet
determine rank of a member
indexOfMSDB(Id) - Method in class rice.pastry.Id
Returns the index of the most significant differing bit (MSDB).
indexOfMSDD(Id, int) - Method in class rice.pastry.Id
Returns the index of the most significant different digit (MSDD) in a given base.
InetSocketAddressLookup - Interface in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.networkinfo
First, call getMyInetAddress to find the external address.
InetSocketAddressSerializer - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.simpleidentity
Serialized version byte IPversion (4 or 6) byte[] address (4 or 16 bytes) short port
InetSocketAddressSerializer() - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.simpleidentity.InetSocketAddressSerializer
inFile_Matrix - Variable in class rice.pastry.direct.proximitygenerators.GenericProximityGenerator
INFINITY_EXPIRATION - Static variable in interface rice.p2p.past.gc.GCPast
Timeout value which indicates that the object should never expire.
INFO - Static variable in class rice.environment.logging.Logger
INFO is a message level for informational messages.
INFO_2 - Static variable in class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeImpl
informClient(Id, NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.p2p.replication.manager.ReplicationManagerImpl
Internal method which informs the client of the next id to fetch
infoStore - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewImpl
infoStore - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.statement.StatementProtocolImpl
init(String) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReview
init() - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewCallback
init(String) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewImpl
init() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierContinuation
init() - Method in class rice.pastry.peerreview.PeerReviewCallbackImpl
initElt() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.ErasureCodec
INITIAL_CHALLENGE_INTERVAL_MICROS - Static variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.commitment.PeerInfo
INITIAL_TIMEOUT_MILLIS - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.commitment.CommitmentProtocolImpl
initialRequestor - Variable in class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.AnycastMessage
InitiateJoin - Class in rice.pastry.join
Request for the join protocols on the local node to join the overlay.
InitiateJoin(Collection<NodeHandle>) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.join.InitiateJoin
InitiateJoin(Date, Collection<NodeHandle>) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.join.InitiateJoin
initiateJoin(Collection<NodeHandle>) - Method in interface rice.pastry.join.JoinProtocol
initiateJoin(Collection<NodeHandle>) - Method in class rice.pastry.standard.StandardJoinProtocol
InitiateLeafSetMaintenance - Class in rice.pastry.leafset
Initiate leaf set maintenance on the local node.
InitiateLeafSetMaintenance() - Constructor for class rice.pastry.leafset.InitiateLeafSetMaintenance
InitiatePingNeighbor - Class in rice.pastry.standard
Initiate leaf set maintenance on the local node.
InitiatePingNeighbor() - Constructor for class rice.pastry.standard.InitiatePingNeighbor
InitiateRouteSetMaintenance - Class in rice.pastry.routing
Initiate routing table maintenance on the local node
InitiateRouteSetMaintenance() - Constructor for class rice.pastry.routing.InitiateRouteSetMaintenance
initLowerLayer(TransportLayer<LowerIdentifier, ByteBuffer>, ErrorHandler<LowerIdentifier>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.identity.IdentityImpl
initReceiveCache() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.commitment.CommitmentProtocolImpl
Load the last events from the history into the cache
initUpperLayer(UpperIdentifier, TransportLayer<MiddleIdentifier, UpperMsgType>, LivenessProvider<MiddleIdentifier>, ProximityProvider<MiddleIdentifier>, OverrideLiveness<LowerIdentifier>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.identity.IdentityImpl
InputBuffer - Interface in rice.p2p.commonapi.rawserialization
insert(PastContent, Continuation) - Method in class rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregationImpl
insert(PastContent, long, Continuation) - Method in class rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregationImpl
insert(PastContent, Continuation) - Method in class rice.p2p.aggregation.Moraine
insert(PastContent, long, Continuation) - Method in class rice.p2p.aggregation.Moraine
insert(PastContent, Continuation) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierImpl
insert(PastContent, long, Continuation) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierImpl
insert(PastContent, Continuation) - Method in interface rice.p2p.past.gc.GCPast
Inserts an object with the given ID into this instance of Past.
insert(PastContent, long, Continuation) - Method in interface rice.p2p.past.gc.GCPast
Inserts an object with the given ID into this instance of Past.
insert(PastContent, Continuation) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCPastImpl
Inserts an object with the given ID into this instance of Past.
insert(PastContent, long, Continuation) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCPastImpl
Inserts an object with the given ID into this instance of Past.
insert(PastContent, Continuation<Boolean[], Exception>) - Method in interface rice.p2p.past.Past
Inserts an object with the given ID into this instance of Past.
insert(PastContent, Continuation) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.PastImpl
Inserts an object with the given ID into this instance of Past.
insert(Id) - Method in class rice.p2p.replication.manager.testing.ReplicationManagerRegrTest.TestReplicationManagerClient
insert(Id) - Method in class rice.p2p.replication.testing.ReplicationRegrTest.TestReplicationClient
insert(int, NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.pastry.NodeSet
insert a member at the given index
InsertMessage - Class in rice.p2p.past.messaging
InsertMessage(int, PastContent, NodeHandle, Id) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.past.messaging.InsertMessage
Constructor which takes a unique integer Id, as well as the data to be stored
InsertMessage(int, RawPastContent, NodeHandle, Id) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.past.messaging.InsertMessage
InsertMessage(InputBuffer, Endpoint, PastContentDeserializer) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.past.messaging.InsertMessage
inserts - Variable in class rice.p2p.past.PastImpl
instance - Variable in class rice.environment.time.simulated.DirectTimeSource
instance - Variable in class rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregateList
instance - Variable in class rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregationImpl
instance - Variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierDefaultPolicy
instance - Variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierImpl
instance - Variable in class rice.p2p.past.PastImpl
INSTANCE - Static variable in class rice.p2p.past.testing.PastRegrTest
INSTANCE - Static variable in class rice.p2p.past.testing.RawPastRegrTest
instance - Variable in class rice.p2p.replication.manager.ReplicationManagerImpl
INSTANCE - Static variable in class rice.p2p.replication.manager.testing.ReplicationManagerRegrTest
the instance name to use
instance - Variable in class rice.p2p.replication.ReplicationImpl
The instance name of the replication
INSTANCE - Static variable in class rice.p2p.replication.testing.ReplicationRegrTest
the instance name to use
INSTANCE - Static variable in class rice.p2p.scribe.testing.ScribeRegrTest
instance - Variable in class rice.p2p.splitstream.SplitStreamImpl
instance - Variable in class rice.p2p.splitstream.Stripe
INSTANCE - Static variable in class rice.p2p.splitstream.testing.SplitStreamDistTest
INSTANCE - Static variable in class rice.p2p.splitstream.testing.SplitStreamRegrTest
instance - Variable in class rice.pastry.client.PastryAppl
instance - Variable in class rice.selector.SelectorManager
INSTANCE_NAME - Static variable in class rice.p2p.commonapi.testing.CommonAPITest
INSTANCE_NAME - Static variable in class rice.p2p.multiring.testing.MultiringRegrTest
InsufficientBytesException - Exception in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.util
InsufficientBytesException(int, int) - Constructor for exception org.mpisws.p2p.transport.util.InsufficientBytesException
inTag - Variable in class rice.p2p.util.XMLParser
Whether or not we are currently in a tag...
intermediateNode(ScribeMessage) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribePolicy.DefaultScribePolicy
intermediateNode(ScribeMessage) - Method in interface rice.p2p.scribe.ScribePolicy
This is invoked whenever this message arrives on any overlay node, this gives the ScribeClient's power to tap into some datastructures they might wanna edit
intermediateNode(ScribeMessage) - Method in class rice.p2p.splitstream.SplitStreamScribePolicy
internalMsg - Variable in class rice.pastry.routing.RouteMessage
InternetPastryNodeFactory - Class in rice.pastry.socket.internet
This Factory is designed for real deployments (with NATs).
InternetPastryNodeFactory(NodeIdFactory, int, Environment) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.socket.internet.InternetPastryNodeFactory
InternetPastryNodeFactory(NodeIdFactory, InetAddress, int, Environment, NATHandler, Collection<InetSocketAddress>, InetAddress[]) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.socket.internet.InternetPastryNodeFactory
May block for more than a second to determine network information.
intersect(IdRange) - Method in class rice.pastry.IdRange
intersect two ranges returns an empty range if the ranges don't intersect two ranges may intersect in two ranges on the circle; this method produces one such range of intersection if one exists the other range of intersection can be computed by invoking o.intersect(this)
intersectRange(IdRange) - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.IdRange
intersects the given range with this range
intersectRange(IdRange) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.FragmentKeyRange
intersects the given range with this range
intersectRange(IdRange) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.VersionKeyRange
intersects the given range with this range
intersectRange(IdRange) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringIdRange
intersects the given range with this range
intersectRange(IdRange) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCIdRange
intersects the given range with this range
intersectRange(IdRange) - Method in class rice.pastry.IdRange
intersects the given range with this range
intToByteArray(int) - Static method in class rice.p2p.util.MathUtils
Utility method for converting a int into a byte[]
intToByteArray(int, byte[], int) - Static method in class rice.p2p.util.MathUtils
Utility method for converting a int into a byte[]
intToUByte(int) - Static method in class rice.p2p.util.MathUtils
INVALID - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewConstants
InvalidLogLevelException - Exception in rice.environment.logging
InvalidLogLevelException(String, String) - Constructor for exception rice.environment.logging.InvalidLogLevelException
InvalidManifestException - Exception in rice.p2p.glacier.v2
InvalidManifestException(String) - Constructor for exception rice.p2p.glacier.v2.InvalidManifestException
investigate(Handle, long) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.audit.AuditProtocolImpl
Start an investigation since is in millis
INVESTIGATION_INTERVAL_MILLIS - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewConstants
invocations - Variable in class rice.selector.SelectorManager
invoke(SelectorManager) - Method in class rice.Continuation.ExternalContinuationRunnable
invoke(Environment) - Method in class rice.Continuation.ExternalContinuationRunnable
invoke(Runnable) - Method in class rice.selector.ProfileSelector
invoke(Runnable) - Method in class rice.selector.SelectorManager
This method schedules a runnable task to be done by the selector thread during the next select() call.
IP_SERVICE - Static variable in class rice.pastry.socket.SocketPastryNodeFactory
Maps to a InetSocketAddressLookup
IPNodeIdFactory - Class in rice.pastry.standard
Constructs NodeIds for virtual nodes derived from the IP address and port number of this Java VM.
IPNodeIdFactory(InetAddress, int, Environment) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.standard.IPNodeIdFactory
IPV4 - Static variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.simpleidentity.InetSocketAddressSerializer
IPV4_BYTES - Static variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.simpleidentity.InetSocketAddressSerializer
IPV6 - Static variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.simpleidentity.InetSocketAddressSerializer
IPV6_BYTES - Static variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.simpleidentity.InetSocketAddressSerializer
isAdjacent(IdRange) - Method in class rice.pastry.IdRange
test if this range is adjacent to another range
isAlive(Identifier) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.direct.GenericNetworkSimulator
isAlive(NodeHandle) - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.Endpoint
isAlive() - Method in class rice.p2p.commonapi.NodeHandle
Deprecated. use Endpoint.isAlive(NodeHandle)
isAlive(NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringEndpoint
isAlive() - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringNodeHandle
Returns whether or not this node is currently alive
isAlive(NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCEndpoint
isAlive(NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.pastry.commonapi.PastryEndpoint
isAlive(Identifier) - Method in class rice.pastry.direct.BasicNetworkSimulator
isAlive(Identifier) - Method in interface rice.pastry.direct.NetworkSimulator
Checks to see if a node id is alive.
isAlive(Identifier) - Method in class rice.pastry.direct.NetworkSimulatorImpl
isAlive() - Method in class rice.pastry.NodeHandle
Deprecated. use PastryNode.isAlive(NodeHandle)
isAlive(NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.pastry.PastryNode
isAliveAt(long) - Method in class rice.p2p.aggregation.ObjectDescriptor
isAttributeDefault(int) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLParser
isBetween(Id, Id) - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.Id
Checks if this Id is between two given ids ccw (inclusive) and cw (exclusive) on the circle
isBetween(Id, Id) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.FragmentKey
Gets the Between attribute of the FragmentKey object
isBetween(Id, Id) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.VersionKey
isBetween(Id, Id) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.RingId
Checks if this Id is between two given ids ccw (inclusive) and cw (exclusive) on the circle
isBetween(Id, Id) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCId
Checks if this Id is between two given ids ccw (inclusive) and cw (exclusive) on the circle
isBetween(Id, Id) - Method in class rice.pastry.Id
Checks if this Id is between two given ids ccw (inclusive) and cw (exclusive) on the circle
isBetween(Id, Id) - Method in class rice.pastry.Id
Checks if this Id is between two given ids ccw (inclusive) and cw (exclusive) on the circle
isBetween(Id, Id) - Method in class rice.persistence.testing.MemoryStorageTest.VariableId
isCached() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.messaging.FetchMessage
Returns whether or not this message has been cached
isCached() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.messaging.LookupMessage
Returns whether or not this message has been cached
isCancelled() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.AttachableCancellable
isCancelled() - Method in class rice.pastry.transport.PMessageReceiptImpl
isCancelled() - Method in class rice.selector.TimerTask
isClosest(Id) - Method in class rice.pastry.client.PastryAppl
Called by the layered Pastry application to check if the local pastry node is the one that is currently closest to the object key id.
isClosest(Id) - Method in class rice.pastry.PastryNode
Called by the layered Pastry application to check if the local pastry node is the one that is currently closest to the object key id.
isComplete() - Method in class rice.pastry.leafset.LeafSet
isDestroyed() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.TCPLayer
isDestroyed() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.WireTransportLayerImpl
isDestroyed - Variable in class rice.pastry.PastryNode
isDirect() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.SourceRoute
Returns whether or not this route is direct
isDone() - Method in class rice.Continuation.MultiContinuation
Method which returns whether or not we are done.
isEmpty() - Method in class rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregateList
isEmpty() - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.IdRange
returns whether or not this range is empty
isEmpty() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.FragmentKeyRange
returns whether or not this range is empty
isEmpty() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.VersionKeyRange
returns whether or not this range is empty
isEmpty() - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringIdFactory.MultiringEntrySet
isEmpty() - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringIdFactory.MultiringKeySet
isEmpty() - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringIdFactory.MultiringSortedMap
isEmpty() - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringIdRange
returns whether or not this range is empty
isEmpty() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCIdFactory.GCEntrySet
isEmpty() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCIdFactory.GCSortedMap
isEmpty() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCIdRange
returns whether or not this range is empty
isEmpty() - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.SubscribeMessage
isEmpty() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.ImmutableSortedMap
Returns true if this map contains no key-value mappings.
isEmpty() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.StringCache
Returns true if this map contains no key-value mappings.
isEmpty() - Method in class rice.pastry.IdRange
test if the range is empty
isEmpty() - Method in class rice.pastry.routing.RouteSet
isEmptyElementTag() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLParser
isEndDocument() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLReader
Returns whether or not a end document just happened
isEndTag() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLReader
Returns whether or not a end tag just happened
isFinished() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.statement.IncompleteStatementInfo
isFull() - Method in class rice.pastry.IdRange
test if the range is the full circle
isHash - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.audit.SnippetEntry
isHashed() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.IndexEntry
isIncludePrevCheckpoint() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.evidence.ChallengeAudit
isInternetRoutable(MultiInetSocketAddress) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.internet.InternetPastryNodeFactory
isInternetRoutablePrefix(InetAddress) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.RendezvousSocketPastryNodeFactory
isLocal() - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.SocketNodeHandle
Method which returns whether or not this node handle is on its home node.
isMember(Id) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.FragmentKeySet
test membership
isMember(Id) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.VersionKeySet
test membership
isMember(Id) - Method in class rice.pastry.IdSet
test membership
isMemberId(Id) - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.IdSet
test membership
isMemberId(Id) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.FragmentKeySet
test membership
isMemberId(Id) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.VersionKeySet
test membership
isMemberId(Id) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringIdSet
test membership
isMemberId(Id) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCIdSet
test membership
isMemberId(Id) - Method in class rice.pastry.IdSet
test membership
isMissingCertificate - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.statement.IncompleteStatementInfo
isMissingCertificate() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.statement.IncompleteStatementInfo
isMutable() - Method in class rice.p2p.aggregation.Aggregate
isMutable() - Method in class rice.p2p.aggregation.messaging.NonAggregate
isMutable - Variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.DebugContent
isMutable() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.DebugContent
isMutable() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.ContentHashPastContent
States if this content object is mutable.
isMutable() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.rawserialization.JavaSerializedGCPastContent
isMutable() - Method in interface rice.p2p.past.PastContent
States if this content object is mutable.
isMutable() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.rawserialization.JavaSerializedPastContent
isMutable() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.testing.PastRegrTest.NonMutableTestPastContent
isMutable() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.testing.PastRegrTest.TestPastContent
isMutable() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.testing.RawPastRegrTest.NonMutableTestPastContent
isMutable() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.testing.RawPastRegrTest.TestPastContent
isNatted(NodeHandle, Continuation<InetSocketAddress, Exception>) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.RendezvousApp
Can be called before you boot, will tell you if you are Firewalled.
isOnline() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierRefreshResponseMessage
isPrimary - Variable in class rice.p2p.splitstream.Stripe
A flag whether or not this stripe is the primary stripe for this node
isPrimary() - Method in class rice.p2p.splitstream.Stripe
Returns whether or not this stripe is the primary stripe for the local node
isProof() - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.infostore.EvidenceRecord
isProof() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.infostore.PeerInfoRecord.EvidenceRecordImpl
isProof(Evidence) - Static method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.infostore.PeerInfoStoreImpl
isProperlyRemoved(NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.pastry.leafset.LeafSet
isReady() - Method in class rice.pastry.PastryNode
isReady() - Method in interface rice.pastry.ReadyStrategy
isReady() - Method in class rice.pastry.standard.PeriodicLeafSetProtocol
isReallyAlive(NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.DirectPastryRegrTest
get authoritative information about liveness of node.
isReallyAlive(NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.DistPastryRegrTest
isReallyAlive(NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.PastryRegrTest
determine whether this node is really alive.
isReceiving() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.commitment.PeerInfo
isReplaying - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.audit.ActiveAuditInfo
isResponse() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.message.AccusationMessage
isResponse() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.message.ResponseMessage
isResponse() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.statement.Statement
isResponse - Variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierMessage
isResponse() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierMessage
isResponse - Variable in class rice.p2p.past.messaging.PastMessage
isResponse() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.messaging.PastMessage
Method which returns whether or not this message is a response.
isRoot() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.replay.MyScribeClient
Some passthrough accessors for the myScribe
isRoot(Topic) - Method in interface rice.p2p.scribe.BaseScribe
Returns whether or not this Scribe is the root for the given topic
isRoot(Topic) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeImpl
Returns whether or not this Scribe is the root for the given topic
isRoot() - Method in class rice.p2p.splitstream.Stripe
Utility method.
isRoot() - Method in class rice.tutorial.scribe.MyScribeClient
Some passthrough accessors for the myScribe
isSane(UpperIdentifier, MiddleIdentifier) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.identity.SanityChecker
isSelectorThread() - Method in class rice.selector.SelectorManager
Returns whether or not this thread of execution is the selector thread
isSendIdentifier() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.multiaddress.MultiInetAddressTransportLayerImpl
isStartDocument() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLReader
Returns whether or not a start document just happened
isStartTag() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLReader
Returns whether or not a start tag just happened
isSubscribed() - Method in class rice.p2p.splitstream.Stripe
get the state of the Stripe
isSuccess() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.playback.ReplaySM
isSuccess() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.playback.ReplayVerifier
isSuccess() - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.Verifier
isSuccess() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.VerifierImpl
isText() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLReader
Returns whether or not a end tag just happened
isValid() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.evidence.EvidenceTransferProtocolImpl.CacheInfo
isWhitespace() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLParser
Checks whether the current TEXT event contains only whitespace characters.
isWhitespace(String) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLParser
Internal method which checks for existence
iterator() - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringIdFactory.MultiringEntrySet
iterator() - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringIdFactory.MultiringKeySet
iterator() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCIdFactory.GCEntrySet
iterator() - Method in class rice.pastry.leafset.LeafSet
Unordered iterator, does not contain local node.
iterator() - Method in class rice.pastry.NodeSet
iterator() - Method in class rice.pastry.routing.RouteSet


JavaDeserializer - Class in rice.p2p.util.rawserialization
coalesces NodeHandles on the fly during java deserialization
JavaDeserializer(InputStream, Endpoint) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.util.rawserialization.JavaDeserializer
JavaPastContentDeserializer - Class in rice.p2p.past.rawserialization
uses p2p.util.JavaDeserializer to deserialize ScribeContent using Java Serialization
JavaPastContentDeserializer() - Constructor for class rice.p2p.past.rawserialization.JavaPastContentDeserializer
JavaPastContentHandleDeserializer - Class in rice.p2p.past.rawserialization
JavaPastContentHandleDeserializer() - Constructor for class rice.p2p.past.rawserialization.JavaPastContentHandleDeserializer
JavaScribe - Interface in rice.p2p.scribe.javaserialized
Scribe that uses JavaSerialization for the ScribeContent
JavaScribeContentDeserializer - Class in rice.p2p.scribe.javaserialized
uses p2p.util.JavaDeserializer to deserialize ScribeContent using Java Serialization
JavaScribeContentDeserializer() - Constructor for class rice.p2p.scribe.javaserialized.JavaScribeContentDeserializer
JavaSerializationException - Exception in rice.p2p.util.rawserialization
Wrapper exception to hold the name of the message that caused the serialization problem.
JavaSerializationException(Object, Exception) - Constructor for exception rice.p2p.util.rawserialization.JavaSerializationException
JavaSerializedAggregateFactory - Class in rice.p2p.aggregation
JavaSerializedAggregateFactory() - Constructor for class rice.p2p.aggregation.JavaSerializedAggregateFactory
JavaSerializedDeserializer - Class in rice.p2p.util.rawserialization
Handles "old" java serialized messages for programming convienience and reverse compatability.
JavaSerializedDeserializer(Endpoint) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.util.rawserialization.JavaSerializedDeserializer
JavaSerializedDeserializer - Class in rice.pastry.messaging
Handles "old" java serialized messages for programming convienience and reverse compatability.
JavaSerializedDeserializer(PastryNode) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.messaging.JavaSerializedDeserializer
JavaSerializedGCPastContent - Class in rice.p2p.past.gc.rawserialization
JavaSerializedGCPastContent(GCPastContent) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.past.gc.rawserialization.JavaSerializedGCPastContent
JavaSerializedGCPastContentHandle - Class in rice.p2p.past.gc.rawserialization
JavaSerializedGCPastContentHandle(GCPastContentHandle) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.past.gc.rawserialization.JavaSerializedGCPastContentHandle
JavaSerializedMessage - Class in rice.p2p.util.rawserialization
Wrapper that converts rice.pastry.messaging.Message to rice.pastry.messageing.PRawMessage
JavaSerializedMessage(Message) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.util.rawserialization.JavaSerializedMessage
JavaSerializedPastContent - Class in rice.p2p.past.rawserialization
JavaSerializedPastContent(PastContent) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.past.rawserialization.JavaSerializedPastContent
JavaSerializedPastContentHandle - Class in rice.p2p.past.rawserialization
JavaSerializedPastContentHandle(PastContentHandle) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.past.rawserialization.JavaSerializedPastContentHandle
JavaSerializedScribeContent - Class in rice.p2p.scribe.rawserialization
JavaSerializedScribeContent(ScribeContent) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.scribe.rawserialization.JavaSerializedScribeContent
JavaSerializer - Class in rice.p2p.util.rawserialization
JavaSerializer() - Constructor for class rice.p2p.util.rawserialization.JavaSerializer
JoinAddress - Class in rice.pastry.join
The address of the join receiver at a pastry node.
JoinAddress() - Constructor for class rice.pastry.join.JoinAddress
JoinAdvertise - Static variable in class rice.pastry.leafset.BroadcastLeafSet
joiner - Variable in class rice.pastry.PastryNode
Call initiateJoin on this class.
joinEvent - Variable in class rice.pastry.standard.StandardJoinProtocol
joinFailed(Stripe) - Method in interface rice.p2p.splitstream.SplitStreamClient
This is a call back into the application to notify it that one of the stripes was unable to to find a parent, and thus unable to recieve data.
joinFailed(Stripe) - Method in class rice.p2p.splitstream.testing.MySplitStreamClient
joinFailed - Variable in class rice.pastry.PastryNode
joinFailed(JoinFailedException) - Method in class rice.pastry.PastryNode
joinFailed() - Method in class rice.pastry.PastryNode
Returns true if there was a fatal error Joining
joinFailed(Stripe) - Method in class rice.tutorial.splitstream.MySplitStreamClient
JoinFailedException - Exception in rice.pastry
JoinFailedException() - Constructor for exception rice.pastry.JoinFailedException
JoinFailedException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception rice.pastry.JoinFailedException
JoinFailedException(String) - Constructor for exception rice.pastry.JoinFailedException
JoinFailedException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception rice.pastry.JoinFailedException
joinFailedReason - Variable in class rice.pastry.PastryNode
joinFailedReason() - Method in class rice.pastry.PastryNode
joinHandle - Variable in class rice.pastry.join.JoinRequest
JoinInitial - Static variable in class rice.pastry.leafset.BroadcastLeafSet
JoinProtocol - Interface in rice.pastry.join
JoinRequest - Class in rice.pastry.join
Request to join this network.
JoinRequest(NodeHandle, byte) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.join.JoinRequest
JoinRequest(NodeHandle, byte, long) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.join.JoinRequest
JoinRequest(NodeHandle, Date, byte) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.join.JoinRequest
JoinRequest(InputBuffer, NodeHandleFactory, NodeHandle, PastryNode) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.join.JoinRequest


key - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.SocketManager
key - Variable in class rice.p2p.aggregation.ObjectDescriptor
key - Variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.FragmentKey
key - Variable in class rice.p2p.multiring.RingCertificate
key - Variable in class rice.p2p.util.EncryptedInputStream
key - Variable in class rice.p2p.util.EncryptedOutputStream
KEY_LENGTH - Static variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rc4.RC4TransportLayer
KEY_PRIVATE - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.pki.x509.KeySerializer
KEY_PUBLIC - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.pki.x509.KeySerializer
KEY_SECRET - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.pki.x509.KeySerializer
keyHeadMap(Object) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.ReverseTreeMap
Method which returns a *cloned* head map, or all of the values up to the specified value
keyMap() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.ReverseTreeMap
Method which returns the key map
keys() - Method in class rice.environment.params.simple.SimpleParameters.MyProperties
keys - Variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierDataMessage
keys - Variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierFetchMessage
keys - Variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierQueryMessage
keys - Variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierRefreshCompleteMessage
keys - Variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierRefreshPatchMessage
keys - Variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierResponseMessage
keys - Variable in class rice.p2p.past.gc.messaging.GCRefreshMessage
KeySerializer - Interface in org.mpisws.p2p.pki.x509
keySerializer - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.table.TableTransprotLayerImpl
KeySerializerImpl - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.pki.x509
KeySerializerImpl() - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.pki.x509.KeySerializerImpl
keySet() - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringIdFactory.MultiringSortedMap
keySet() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCIdFactory.GCSortedMap
keySet() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.ImmutableSortedMap
Returns a set view of the keys contained in this map.
keySet() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.RedBlackMap
Returns a Set view of the keys contained in this map.
keySet() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.ReverseTreeMap
Return the set of keys
keySubMap(Object, Object) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.ReverseTreeMap
Method which returns a *cloned* sub map, or all of the values between the specified values
keyTailMap(Object) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.ReverseTreeMap
Method which returns a *cloned* tail map, or all of the values after a the specified value
kill(int) - Method in class rice.p2p.commonapi.testing.CommonAPITest
Method which kills the specified node
kill(int) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.testing.MultiringRegrTest
Method which kills the specified node
killNode(PastryNode) - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.DirectPastryRegrTest
murder the node.
killNode(PastryNode) - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.DistPastryRegrTest
killNode(PastryNode) - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.PastryRegrTest
kill a given node.
knownValues - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.table.TableTransprotLayerImpl
Could just be a hashTable


label - Variable in class rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregateList
LAST_DOWN - Static variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.bandwidthmeasure.BandwidthMeasuringTransportLayer
LAST_SATURATED - Static variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.bandwidthmeasure.BandwidthMeasuringTransportLayer
LAST_UP - Static variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.bandwidthmeasure.BandwidthMeasuringTransportLayer
lastDist - Variable in class rice.pastry.testing.PastryRegrTest
lastKey() - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringIdFactory.MultiringSortedMap
lastKey() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCIdFactory.GCSortedMap
lastKey() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.ImmutableSortedMap
Returns the last (highest) key currently in this sorted map.
lastKey() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.RedBlackMap
Returns the last (highest) key currently in this sorted map.
lastMsg - Variable in class rice.pastry.testing.PastryRegrTest
lastNode - Variable in class rice.pastry.testing.PastryRegrTest
lastPingTime - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.proximity.MinRTTProximityProvider.EntityManager
lastRow() - Method in class rice.pastry.join.JoinRequest
Returns the number of rows left to determine (in order).
lastSeen - Variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierNeighborResponseMessage
lastTaskClass - Variable in class rice.selector.ProfileSelector
lastTaskHash - Variable in class rice.selector.ProfileSelector
lastTaskToString - Variable in class rice.selector.ProfileSelector
lastTaskType - Variable in class rice.selector.ProfileSelector
lastTimeReceivedBLS - Variable in class rice.pastry.standard.PeriodicLeafSetProtocol
NodeHandle -> Long remembers the TIME when we received a BLS from that NodeHandle
lastTimeSentBLS - Variable in class rice.pastry.standard.PeriodicLeafSetProtocol
lastTimeSentRouteTablePatch - Variable in class rice.pastry.standard.StandardRouter
We can end up causing a nasty feedback if we blast too many BRRs, so we're going to throttle.
leafSet() - Method in class rice.pastry.leafset.BroadcastLeafSet
Returns the leaf set that was broadcast.
LeafSet - Class in rice.pastry.leafset
A class for representing and manipulating the leaf set.
LeafSet(NodeHandle, int, RoutingTable) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.leafset.LeafSet
LeafSet(NodeHandle, int, boolean) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.leafset.LeafSet
LeafSet(NodeHandle, int, boolean, NodeHandle[], NodeHandle[]) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.leafset.LeafSet
leafSet - Variable in class rice.pastry.PastryNode
leafSet - Variable in class rice.pastry.peerreview.FetchLeafsetResponse
leafset - Variable in class rice.pastry.pns.messages.LeafSetResponse
leafSet - Variable in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.RendezvousApp
leafSet - Variable in class rice.pastry.standard.PeriodicLeafSetProtocol
leafSet - Variable in class rice.pastry.standard.StandardJoinProtocol
leafSet - Variable in class rice.pastry.standard.StandardLeafSetProtocol
leafSetChange(NodeHandle, boolean) - Method in class rice.pastry.client.CommonAPIAppl
Called by pastry when the leaf set changes.
leafSetChange(NodeHandle, boolean) - Method in class rice.pastry.client.PastryAppl
Called by pastry when the leaf set changes.
leafSetChange(NodeHandle, boolean) - Method in class rice.pastry.commonapi.PastryEndpoint
leafSetChange(NodeHandle, boolean) - Method in class rice.pastry.standard.PeriodicLeafSetProtocol
leafSetChange(NodeHandle, boolean) - Method in class rice.pastry.standard.StandardLeafSetProtocol
We manage the leafset now.
leafSetChange(NodeHandle, boolean) - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.HelloWorldApp
Invoked upon change to leafset.
leafSetChange(NodeHandle, boolean) - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.Ping
leafSetChange(NodeHandle, boolean) - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.PingClient
leafSetMaintFreq - Variable in class rice.pastry.PastryNode
leafSetMaintFreq - Variable in class rice.pastry.transport.TransportPastryNodeFactory
Large period (in seconds) means infrequent, 0 means never.
LeafSetNHStrategy - Class in rice.pastry.transport
LeafSetNHStrategy(LeafSet) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.transport.LeafSetNHStrategy
LeafSetPilotFinder - Class in rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous
LeafSetPilotFinder(PastryNode) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.LeafSetPilotFinder
LeafSetPilotStrategy<Identifier extends RendezvousContact> - Class in rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous
Notifies the pilot strategy of leafset changes involving non-natted nodes.
LeafSetPilotStrategy(LeafSet, PilotManager<Identifier>, Environment) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.LeafSetPilotStrategy
LeafSetProtocol - Interface in rice.pastry.leafset
LeafSetProtocolAddress - Class in rice.pastry.leafset
The address of the leafset protocol at a pastry node.
LeafSetProtocolAddress() - Constructor for class rice.pastry.leafset.LeafSetProtocolAddress
LeafSetRendezvousStrategy - Class in rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous
Update RendezvousInfo based on the LeafSet
LeafSetRendezvousStrategy(PastryNode, RandomSource) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.LeafSetRendezvousStrategy
LeafSetRequest - Class in rice.pastry.pns.messages
LeafSetRequest(NodeHandle, int) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.pns.messages.LeafSetRequest
LeafSetResponse - Class in rice.pastry.pns.messages
LeafSetResponse(LeafSet, int) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.pns.messages.LeafSetResponse
leafSetRoutineMaintenance - Variable in class rice.pastry.PastryNode
LeafSetTest - Class in rice.pastry.testing
This class tests the correctness of the leafset in Pastry.
LeafSetTest() - Constructor for class rice.pastry.testing.LeafSetTest
LeafSetTest.TestNodeHandle - Class in rice.pastry.testing
LeafSetTest.TestNodeHandle(Id) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.testing.LeafSetTest.TestNodeHandle
LEASE_PERIOD - Static variable in class rice.p2p.commonapi.testing.CommonAPITest
LEASE_PERIOD - Variable in class rice.pastry.standard.PeriodicLeafSetProtocol
length - Variable in class rice.p2p.util.BloomFilter
The length of the set to use
length - Variable in class rice.p2p.util.XMLParser.CharArrayBuffer
The markers
level - Variable in class rice.environment.logging.Logger
This is public for performance reasons.
level - Variable in class rice.environment.logging.LogOutputStream
lifetimes - Variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierRefreshPatchMessage
lifetimes - Variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierResponseMessage
LimitBandwidthTransportLayer<Identifier> - Interface in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.bandwidthlimit
Can Limit Bandwidth of a node.
LimitSocketsTransportLayer<Identifier,MessageType> - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.limitsockets
Automatically closes sockets based on LRU.
LimitSocketsTransportLayer(int, TransportLayer<Identifier, MessageType>, ErrorHandler<Identifier>, Environment) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.limitsockets.LimitSocketsTransportLayer
ListenableTransportLayer<Identifier> - Interface in org.mpisws.p2p.transport
Notifies TransportLayerListeners of reading/writing.
listeners - Variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierImpl
listeners - Variable in class rice.pastry.direct.DirectPastryNodeFactory
listeners - Variable in class rice.pastry.socket.SocketNodeHandleFactory
listIterator(int) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.SortedLinkedList
liveness - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.liveness.LivenessTransportLayerImpl.EntityManager
liveness - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.manager.SourceRouteManagerImpl.AddressManager
LIVENESS_ALIVE - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.liveness.LivenessTypes
LIVENESS_ALIVE - Static variable in class rice.pastry.NodeHandle
LIVENESS_DEAD - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.liveness.LivenessTypes
LIVENESS_DEAD - Static variable in class rice.pastry.NodeHandle
LIVENESS_DEAD_FOREVER - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.liveness.LivenessTypes
LIVENESS_SUSPECTED - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.liveness.LivenessTypes
LIVENESS_SUSPECTED - Static variable in class rice.pastry.NodeHandle
LIVENESS_UNKNOWN - Static variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.manager.SourceRouteManagerImpl.AddressManager
livenessChanged(Identifier, int, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.liveness.LivenessListener
Called when the liveness changes.
livenessChanged(Identifier, int, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.priority.PriorityTransportLayerImpl
livenessChanged(SourceRoute<Identifier>, int, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.manager.SourceRouteManagerImpl.AddressManager
livenessChanged(SourceRoute<Identifier>, int, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.manager.SourceRouteManagerImpl
livenessChanged(Identifier, int) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.util.DefaultCallback
livenessChanged(NodeHandle, int, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class rice.pastry.PastryNode
livenessChanged(NodeHandle, int, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class rice.pastry.standard.RapidRerouter
LivenessListener<Identifier> - Interface in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.liveness
Notified of liveness changes.
LivenesSourceRouteForwardStrategy<Identifier> - Class in rice.pastry.socket
LivenesSourceRouteForwardStrategy(SourceRouteFactory<Identifier>, Environment) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.socket.LivenesSourceRouteForwardStrategy
livenessProvider - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.direct.DirectTransportLayer
LivenessProvider<Identifier> - Interface in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.liveness
Expands the Transport Layer to include pings and liveness checks.
livenessProvider - Variable in class rice.pastry.direct.NetworkSimulatorImpl
livenessProvider - Variable in class rice.pastry.PastryNode
LivenessStrategy<Identifier,MessageType> - Interface in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.liveness
LivenessTest - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer
LivenessTest() - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.LivenessTest
LivenessTransportLayer<Identifier,MsgType> - Interface in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.liveness
LivenessTransportLayerImpl<Identifier> - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.liveness
LivenessTransportLayerImpl(TransportLayer<Identifier, ByteBuffer>, Environment, ErrorHandler<Identifier>, int) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.liveness.LivenessTransportLayerImpl
LivenessTransportLayerImpl.DeadChecker - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.liveness
LivenessTransportLayerImpl.DeadChecker(LivenessTransportLayerImpl<Identifier>.EntityManager, int, int, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.liveness.LivenessTransportLayerImpl.DeadChecker
Constructor for DeadChecker.
LivenessTransportLayerImpl.EntityManager - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.liveness
Internal class which is charges with managing the remote connection via a specific route
LivenessTransportLayerImpl.EntityManager(Identifier) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.liveness.LivenessTransportLayerImpl.EntityManager
Constructor - builds a route manager given the route
LivenessTypes - Interface in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.liveness
liveObjectsSize - Variable in class rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregationStatistics
loadCheckpoint(InputBuffer) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewCallback
Return false if the checkpoint is bogus.
loadCheckpoint(InputBuffer) - Method in class rice.pastry.peerreview.PeerReviewCallbackImpl
Load rt/leafset
LoadStore - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.testing.pki.x509
LoadStore() - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.pki.x509.LoadStore
localAddress - Variable in class rice.pastry.socket.SocketPastryNodeFactory
localHandle - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.playback.ReplayVerifier
localHandle - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.VerifierImpl
localHandle - Variable in class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeImpl
the local node handle
localhandle - Variable in class rice.pastry.PastryNode
localHandle - Variable in class rice.pastry.standard.PeriodicLeafSetProtocol
localHandle - Variable in class rice.pastry.standard.StandardJoinProtocol
localHandleTable - Variable in class rice.pastry.peerreview.CallbackFactory
localId - Variable in class rice.p2p.splitstream.Channel
The Id of the local node
localIdentifier - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.direct.DirectTransportLayer
localIdentifier - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.identity.IdentityImpl
LocalIdentifierStrategy<Identifier> - Interface in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.simpleidentity
Returns serialized form of the local identifier.
localLookup(Id, int, boolean) - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.Endpoint
This call produces a list of nodes that can be used as next hops on a route towards the given id, such that the resulting route satisfies the overlay protocol's bounds on the number of hops taken.
localLookup(Id, int, boolean) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringEndpoint
This call produces a list of nodes that can be used as next hops on a route towards the given id, such that the resulting route satisfies the overlay protocol's bounds on the number of hops taken.
localLookup(Id, int, boolean) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCEndpoint
This call produces a list of nodes that can be used as next hops on a route towards the given id, such that the resulting route satisfies the overlay protocol's bounds on the number of hops taken.
localLookup(Id, int, boolean) - Method in class rice.pastry.client.CommonAPIAppl
This method produces a list of nodes that can be used as next hops on a route towards key, such that the resulting route satisfies the overlay protocol's bounds on the number of hops taken.
localLookup(Id, int, boolean) - Method in class rice.pastry.commonapi.PastryEndpoint
This method produces a list of nodes that can be used as next hops on a route towards key, such that the resulting route satisfies the overlay protocol's bounds on the number of hops taken.
localNode - Variable in class rice.pastry.messaging.MessageDispatch
localnode - Variable in class rice.pastry.NodeHandle
localNode - Variable in class rice.pastry.ScheduledMessage
localNode - Variable in class rice.pastry.standard.PeriodicLeafSetProtocol
localNodeHandle - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous.RendezvousTransportLayerImpl
lock(Id, Continuation) - Method in interface rice.persistence.LockManager
lock(Id, Continuation) - Method in class rice.persistence.LockManagerImpl
lockManager - Variable in class rice.p2p.past.PastImpl
LockManager - Interface in rice.persistence
LockManagerImpl - Class in rice.persistence
LockManagerImpl(Environment) - Constructor for class rice.persistence.LockManagerImpl
log(String) - Method in class rice.environment.logging.Logger
Prints the message if the priority is equal to or higher than the minimum priority.
log(int, String) - Method in class rice.environment.logging.Logger
Deprecated. use if (logger.level <= priority) log(String);
log(String) - Method in class rice.environment.logging.simple.SimpleLogger
Prints out loggerName:currentTime:message
LOG_SNIPPET - Static variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.evidence.ProofInconsistent
logAll - Static variable in class rice.selector.testing.SelectorTest
logEntry(String) - Method in class rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregateList
logEvent(short, ByteBuffer...) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.record.RecordLayer
logException(String, Throwable) - Method in class rice.environment.logging.Logger
Prints the stack trace of the exception.
logException(int, String, Throwable) - Method in class rice.environment.logging.Logger
Deprecated. use if (logger.level <= priority) logException(String, Throwable);
logException(String, Throwable) - Method in class rice.environment.logging.simple.SimpleLogger
Prints out logger:currentTime:exception.stackTrace();
logFile - Variable in class rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregateList
logFileName - Variable in class rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregateList
logger - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.filetransfer.FileTransferImpl
logger - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.replay.MyScribeClient
logger - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.direct.DirectTransportLayer
logger - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.direct.EventSimulator
logger - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.identity.IdentityImpl
logger - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.limitsockets.LimitSocketsTransportLayer
logger - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.liveness.LivenessTransportLayerImpl
logger - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.nat.FirewallTLImpl
logger - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.networkinfo.NetworkInfoTransportLayer
logger - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.challenge.ChallengeResponseProtocolImpl
logger - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.SecureHistoryImpl
logger - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.infostore.PeerInfoStoreImpl
logger - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewImpl
logger - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.playback.ReplayVerifier
logger - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.VerifierImpl
logger - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.statement.StatementProtocolImpl
logger - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.priority.PriorityTransportLayerImpl
logger - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rc4.RC4TransportLayer
logger - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous.RendezvousTransportLayerImpl
logger - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.simpleidentity.SimpleIdentityTransportLayer
logger - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.ssl.SSLSocketManager
logger - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.ssl.SSLTransportLayerImpl
logger - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.table.TableTransprotLayerImpl
logger - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.util.SocketWrapperSocket
logger - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.magicnumber.MagicNumberTransportLayer
logger - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.WireTransportLayerImpl
logger - Variable in class rice.Continuation.ListenerContinuation
Logger - Class in rice.environment.logging
The Logger is a simplified interface of the java.util.logging.Logger.
Logger() - Constructor for class rice.environment.logging.Logger
logger - Variable in class rice.environment.logging.LogOutputStream
logger - Variable in class rice.environment.time.simulated.DirectTimeSource
logger - Variable in class rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregateList
logger - Variable in class rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregationImpl
logger - Variable in class rice.p2p.aggregation.Moraine
logger - Variable in class rice.p2p.commonapi.testing.CommonAPITest
logger - Variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.ErasureCodec
logger - Variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierDefaultPolicy
logger - Variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierImpl
logger - Variable in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringNode
logger - Variable in class rice.p2p.past.PastImpl
logger - Variable in class rice.p2p.replication.manager.ReplicationManagerImpl
logger - Variable in class rice.pastry.client.PastryAppl
logger - Variable in class rice.pastry.messaging.MessageDispatch
logger - Variable in class rice.pastry.NodeHandle
logger - Variable in class rice.pastry.PastryNode
logger - Variable in class rice.pastry.PastryNodeFactory
logger - Variable in class rice.pastry.socket.SocketPastryNodeFactory.TLBootstrapper
logger - Variable in class rice.pastry.standard.CertifiedNodeIdFactory
logger - Variable in class rice.pastry.standard.IPNodeIdFactory
logger - Variable in class rice.pastry.standard.PartitionHandler
logger - Variable in class rice.pastry.standard.RandomNodeIdFactory
logger - Variable in class rice.pastry.standard.StandardLeafSetProtocol
logger - Variable in class rice.pastry.standard.StandardRouteSetProtocol
logger - Variable in class rice.pastry.transport.TLDeserializer
logger - Variable in class rice.persistence.LockManagerImpl
logger - Variable in class rice.selector.SelectorManager
logger - Variable in class rice.tutorial.transportlayer.BandwidthLimitingTransportLayer
loggers - Variable in class rice.environment.logging.AbstractLogManager
Hashtable of loggers stored by full.class.name[instance]
loggingEnabled - Variable in class rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregateList
logHeavy - Static variable in class rice.pastry.testing.RoutingTableTest
logIssues - Static variable in class rice.selector.testing.SelectorTest
LogManager - Interface in rice.environment.logging
Factory interface to generate loggers.
logMessageIfNew(UserDataMessage<Handle>) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.commitment.CommitmentProtocol
logMessageIfNew(UserDataMessage<Handle>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.commitment.CommitmentProtocolImpl
Checks whether an incoming message is already in the log (which can happen with duplicates).
LogOutputStream - Class in rice.environment.logging
This class constructs an output stream that will send its output to a logger, line by line.
LogOutputStream(Environment, int) - Constructor for class rice.environment.logging.LogOutputStream
Constructs a LogOutputStream
LogOutputStream(Environment, int, String) - Constructor for class rice.environment.logging.LogOutputStream
Constructs a LogOutputStream
LogReader - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.reader
LogReader(String, SecureHistoryFactory, EntryDeserializer) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.reader.LogReader
logServer - Variable in class rice.p2p.multiring.RingCertificate
LogSnippet - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.audit
long long firstSeq byte extInfoLen [extInfo follows] hash baseHash --entry begin-- // 1 or more of these entries follow char type char sizeCode // 0=hashed, 1-FD=size, FE=32-bit size follows, FF=16-bit size follows {short/int size} char content[] char nextSeqCode // 0=+1, 1=(idx=0,us+=1), 2=(idx=0,us+=2), ..., FF=full seq [does not exist for the last one] {long long seq} --entry end--
LogSnippet(byte[], List<SnippetEntry>) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.audit.LogSnippet
LogSnippet(InputBuffer, int) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.audit.LogSnippet
LogSnippitTest - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.peerreview
LogSnippitTest() - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.peerreview.LogSnippitTest
logSocketException(ByteBuffer, Exception) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.record.RecordLayer
longDistance(Id) - Method in class rice.pastry.Id
Returns the longer numerical distance on the ring between a pair of Ids.
longDistanceFromId(Id) - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.Id
Returns the longer numerical distance on the ring between a pair of Ids.
longDistanceFromId(Id) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.FragmentKey
longDistanceFromId(Id) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.VersionKey
longDistanceFromId(Id) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.RingId
Returns the longer numerical distance on the ring between a pair of Ids.
longDistanceFromId(Id) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCId
Returns the longer numerical distance on the ring between a pair of Ids.
longDistanceFromId(Id) - Method in class rice.pastry.Id
Returns the longer numerical distance on the ring between a pair of Ids.
longDistanceFromId(Id) - Method in class rice.persistence.testing.MemoryStorageTest.VariableId
longToByteArray(long) - Static method in class rice.p2p.util.MathUtils
Utility method for converting a long into a byte[]
longToByteArray(long, byte[], int) - Static method in class rice.p2p.util.MathUtils
Utility method for converting a long into a byte[]
lookup(Id, boolean, Continuation) - Method in class rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregationImpl
lookup(Id, long, Continuation) - Method in class rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregationImpl
lookup(Id, Continuation) - Method in class rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregationImpl
lookup(Id, Continuation) - Method in class rice.p2p.aggregation.Moraine
lookup(Id, boolean, Continuation) - Method in class rice.p2p.aggregation.Moraine
lookup(Id, long, Continuation) - Method in class rice.p2p.aggregation.Moraine
lookup(Id, long, Continuation) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierImpl
lookup(Id, boolean, Continuation) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierImpl
lookup(Id, Continuation) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierImpl
lookup(Id, long, Continuation) - Method in interface rice.p2p.glacier.VersioningPast
Retrieves the object stored in this instance of Past with the given ID and the specified version.
lookup(Id, Continuation<PastContent, Exception>) - Method in interface rice.p2p.past.Past
Retrieves the object stored in this instance of Past with the given ID.
lookup(Id, boolean, Continuation) - Method in interface rice.p2p.past.Past
Retrieves the object stored in this instance of Past with the given ID.
lookup(Id, Continuation<PastContent, Exception>) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.PastImpl
Retrieves the object stored in this instance of Past with the given ID.
lookup(Id, boolean, Continuation) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.PastImpl
Method which performs the same as lookup(), but allows the callee to specify if the data should be cached.
lookupHandle(Id, NodeHandle, Continuation) - Method in class rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregationImpl
lookupHandle(Id, NodeHandle, Continuation) - Method in class rice.p2p.aggregation.Moraine
lookupHandle(Id, NodeHandle, Continuation) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierImpl
lookupHandle(Id, NodeHandle, Continuation) - Method in interface rice.p2p.past.Past
Retrieves the handle for the given object stored on the requested node.
lookupHandle(Id, NodeHandle, Continuation) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.PastImpl
Retrieves the handle for the given object stored on the requested node.
lookupHandles(Id, long, int, Continuation) - Method in class rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregationImpl
lookupHandles(Id, int, Continuation) - Method in class rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregationImpl
lookupHandles(Id, int, Continuation) - Method in class rice.p2p.aggregation.Moraine
lookupHandles(Id, long, int, Continuation) - Method in class rice.p2p.aggregation.Moraine
lookupHandles(Id, int, Continuation) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierImpl
lookupHandles(Id, long, int, Continuation) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierImpl
lookupHandles(Id, long, int, Continuation) - Method in interface rice.p2p.glacier.VersioningPast
Retrieves the handles of up to max replicas of the object stored in this instance of Past with the given ID.
lookupHandles(Id, int, Continuation) - Method in interface rice.p2p.past.Past
Retrieves the handles of up to max replicas of the object stored in this instance of Past with the given ID.
lookupHandles(Id, int, Continuation) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.PastImpl
Retrieves the handles of up to max replicas of the object stored in this instance of Past with the given ID.
LookupHandlesMessage - Class in rice.p2p.past.messaging
LookupHandlesMessage(int, Id, int, NodeHandle, Id) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.past.messaging.LookupHandlesMessage
LookupHandlesMessage(InputBuffer, Endpoint) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.past.messaging.LookupHandlesMessage
LookupMessage - Class in rice.p2p.past.messaging
LookupMessage(int, Id, NodeHandle, Id) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.past.messaging.LookupMessage
lookupPeer(Handle) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.commitment.CommitmentProtocolImpl
lookups - Variable in class rice.p2p.past.PastImpl
LookupService - Class in rice.tutorial.lookup
The LookupService provides a way to find out what nodes are responsible for a given Id.
LookupService(Node, long) - Constructor for class rice.tutorial.lookup.LookupService
Build a LookupService application with a specified timeout
LookupService(Node) - Constructor for class rice.tutorial.lookup.LookupService
Build a LookupService application with the default lookup timeout
LookupService.NodeLookupQuery - Class in rice.tutorial.lookup
The query message
LookupService.NodeLookupQuery(NodeHandle, int, int) - Constructor for class rice.tutorial.lookup.LookupService.NodeLookupQuery
LookupService.NodeLookupResponse - Class in rice.tutorial.lookup
The response message
LookupService.NodeLookupResponse(NodeHandleSet, int) - Constructor for class rice.tutorial.lookup.LookupService.NodeLookupResponse
LookupService.NodeLookupTimeout - Class in rice.tutorial.lookup
This is a message used internally for implementing timeouts
LookupService.NodeLookupTimeout(int) - Constructor for class rice.tutorial.lookup.LookupService.NodeLookupTimeout
LookupService.NodeLookupTimeoutException - Exception in rice.tutorial.lookup
Returned by continuations handed to requestNodeHandles when a request times out.
LookupService.NodeLookupTimeoutException() - Constructor for exception rice.tutorial.lookup.LookupService.NodeLookupTimeoutException
LookupServiceTest - Class in rice.tutorial.lookup
This is an example of using the LookupService, based on the code for tutorial 4.
LookupServiceTest(int, InetSocketAddress, int, Environment) - Constructor for class rice.tutorial.lookup.LookupServiceTest
Liberally copied from lesson4's DistTutorial.
LoopObserver - Interface in rice.selector
This is normally installed
loopTime(int) - Method in class rice.pastry.standard.ConsistentJoinProtocol
If it took longer than the time to detect faultiness, then other nodes may believe we are faulty.
loopTime(int) - Method in interface rice.selector.LoopObserver
LOST_AND_FOUND_DIRECTORY - Static variable in class rice.persistence.PersistentStorage
LOW_PRIORITY - Static variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.filetransfer.FileTransferImpl
LOW_PRIORITY - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.priority.PriorityTransportLayer
LOW_PRIORITY - Static variable in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.Message
lower - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.identity.IdentityImpl
LowerIdentity<Identifier,MessageType> - Interface in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.identity
Prefixes outgoing messages/sockets with the identity of the destination.
LOWEST_PRIORITY - Static variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.filetransfer.FileTransferImpl
LOWEST_PRIORITY - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.priority.PriorityTransportLayer
LOWEST_PRIORITY - Static variable in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.Message
LRUCache - Class in rice.persistence
This class is an encapsulation of a least-recently-used (LRU) cache.
LRUCache(Storage, int, Environment) - Constructor for class rice.persistence.LRUCache
Builds a LRU cache given a storage object to store the cached data in and a maximum cache size.
LRUCacheTest - Class in rice.persistence.testing
This class is a class which tests the Cache class in the rice.persistence package.
LRUCacheTest(Environment) - Constructor for class rice.persistence.testing.LRUCacheTest
Builds a MemoryStorageTest
lSetSize - Variable in class rice.pastry.PastryNodeFactory
LSRangeCannotBeDeterminedException - Exception in rice.pastry.leafset
LSRangeCannotBeDeterminedException(String, int, int, int, NodeHandle, LeafSet) - Constructor for exception rice.pastry.leafset.LSRangeCannotBeDeterminedException


MagicNumberTest - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer
MagicNumberTest() - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.MagicNumberTest
MagicNumberTransportLayer<Identifier> - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.magicnumber
This class eliminates random connections by dropping all messages/sockets that don't correlate to a specific header.
MagicNumberTransportLayer(TransportLayer<Identifier, ByteBuffer>, Environment, ErrorHandler<Identifier>, byte[], int) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.magicnumber.MagicNumberTransportLayer
MagicNumberTransportLayer.VerifyHeaderReceiver - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.magicnumber
MagicNumberTransportLayer.VerifyHeaderReceiver(P2PSocket<Identifier>) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.magicnumber.MagicNumberTransportLayer.VerifyHeaderReceiver
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.mpisws.p2p.pki.x509.CAToolImpl
-p CApassword -ca CAname -cn newCN
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.filetransfer.EncryptedFileTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.filetransfer.ProfileFileTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.pki.x509.LoadStore
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.BandwidthMeasuringTLTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.MagicNumberTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.peerreview.AuthenticatorStoreTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.peerreview.LogSnippitTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.peerreview.PRInconsistent1
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.peerreview.PRNonconform1
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.peerreview.PRNonconform2
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.peerreview.PRRegressionTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.RapidRebind
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.replay.Recorder
Usage: java [-cp FreePastry- .jar] rice.tutorial.lesson6.ScribeTutorial localbindport bootIP bootPort numNodes example java rice.tutorial.DistTutorial 9001 pokey.cs.almamater.edu 9001
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.replay.Replayer
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.SSLTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.SSLTest2
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.SSLTestNoClientAuth
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.TestNodeHandleFetcher
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.BasicEntryDeserializer
main(String[]) - Static method in class rice.environment.processing.simple.SimpleProcessor
This is a test to make sure the order is correct.
main(String[]) - Static method in class rice.p2p.multiring.RingCertificate
Main method which, as a utility, generates a RingCertificate by asking the user for prompts
main(String[]) - Static method in class rice.p2p.multiring.testing.MultiringRegrTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class rice.p2p.past.testing.DistPastTest
Usage: java [-cp FreePastry-.jar] rice.tutorial.lesson4.DistTutorial localbindport bootIP bootPort numNodes example java rice.tutorial.DistTutorial 9001 pokey.cs.almamater.edu 9001 10
main(String[]) - Static method in class rice.p2p.past.testing.PastRegrTest
Usage: DistPastTest [-port p] [-bootstrap host[:port]] [-nodes n] [-protocol (direct|socket)] [-help]
main(String[]) - Static method in class rice.p2p.past.testing.RawPastRegrTest
Usage: DistPastTest [-port p] [-bootstrap host[:port]] [-nodes n] [-protocol (direct|socket)] [-help]
main(String[]) - Static method in class rice.p2p.replication.manager.testing.ReplicationManagerRegrTest
Usage: ReplicationRegrTest [-port p] [-bootstrap host[:port]] [-nodes n] [-protocol (rmi|wire)] [-help]
main(String[]) - Static method in class rice.p2p.replication.testing.ReplicationRegrTest
Usage: ReplicationRegrTest [-port p] [-bootstrap host[:port]] [-nodes n] [-protocol (rmi|wire)] [-help]
main(String[]) - Static method in class rice.p2p.scribe.testing.RawScribeRegrTest
Usage: DistScribeRegrTest [-port p] [-bootstrap host[:port]] [-nodes n] [-protocol (rmi|wire)] [-help]
main(String[]) - Static method in class rice.p2p.scribe.testing.ScribeRegrTest
Usage: DistScribeRegrTest [-port p] [-bootstrap host[:port]] [-nodes n] [-protocol (rmi|wire)] [-help]
main(String[]) - Static method in class rice.p2p.splitstream.testing.SplitStreamDistTest
Usage java rice.p2p.splitstream.testing.SplitStreamDistTest [artificialchurn] [bootstrap] [port] [bootport]
main(String[]) - Static method in class rice.p2p.splitstream.testing.SplitStreamRegrTest
Usage: DistScribeRegrTest [-port p] [-bootstrap host[:port]] [-nodes n] [-protocol (rmi|wire)] [-help]
main(String[]) - Static method in class rice.p2p.util.BloomFilter
Test serialize/deserialize
main(String[]) - Static method in class rice.p2p.util.testing.BloomFilterUnit
main(String[]) - Static method in class rice.p2p.util.testing.EncryptedStreamUnit
main(String[]) - Static method in class rice.p2p.util.testing.IdBloomFilterReplicationTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class rice.p2p.util.testing.IdBloomFilterUnit
main(String[]) - Static method in class rice.p2p.util.testing.MathUtilsUnit
main(String[]) - Static method in class rice.p2p.util.testing.RedBlackMapUnit
main(String[]) - Static method in class rice.p2p.util.testing.SecurityUtilsUnit
Tests the security service.
main(String[]) - Static method in class rice.p2p.util.testing.StringCacheUnit
main(String[]) - Static method in class rice.p2p.util.testing.TestSortedLinkedList
main(String[]) - Static method in class rice.p2p.util.testing.XMLObjectStreamUnit
main(String[]) - Static method in class rice.p2p.util.testing.XMLParserUnit
main(String[]) - Static method in class rice.pastry.direct.proximitygenerators.SphereNetworkProximityGenerator
main(String[]) - Static method in class rice.pastry.Id
main(String[]) - Static method in class rice.pastry.leafset.testing.MergeTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class rice.pastry.standard.CertifiedNodeIdFactory
Main method which, for convenience, allows certificate creation.
main(String[]) - Static method in class rice.pastry.standard.StandardAddress
main(String[]) - Static method in class rice.pastry.testing.ClosestRegrTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class rice.pastry.testing.deadforever.DistTutorialStall
Usage: java [-cp FreePastry-.jar] rice.tutorial.lesson3.DistTutorial localbindport bootIP bootPort example java rice.tutorial.DistTutorial 9001 pokey.cs.almamater.edu 9001
main(String[]) - Static method in class rice.pastry.testing.DirectPastryPingTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class rice.pastry.testing.DirectPastryRegrTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class rice.pastry.testing.DistHelloWorld
Usage: DistHelloWorld [-msgs m] [-nodes n] [-port p] [-bootstrap bshost[:bsport]] [-verbose|-silent|-verbosity v] [-help].
main(String[]) - Static method in class rice.pastry.testing.DistPastryRegrTest
Usage: DistRegrPastryTest [-port p] [-protocol (wire|rmi)] [-nodes n] [-bootstrap host[:port]] [-help]
main(String[]) - Static method in class rice.pastry.testing.HelloWorld
Usage: HelloWorld [-msgs m] [-nodes n] [-verbose|-silent|-verbosity v] [-simultaneous_joins] [-simultaneous_msgs] [-help]
main(String[]) - Static method in class rice.pastry.testing.IdRangeUnit
main(String[]) - Static method in class rice.pastry.testing.IdUnit
main(String[]) - Static method in class rice.pastry.testing.LeafSetTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class rice.pastry.testing.MemoryTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class rice.pastry.testing.NodeIdUnit
main(String[]) - Static method in class rice.pastry.testing.PartitionChecker
main(String[]) - Static method in class rice.pastry.testing.PartitionHandlerTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class rice.pastry.testing.PastryNetworkTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class rice.pastry.testing.PastryTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class rice.pastry.testing.rendezvous.DistTutorial
Usage: java [-cp FreePastry-.jar] rice.tutorial.lesson3.DistTutorial localbindport bootIP bootPort example java rice.tutorial.DistTutorial 9001 pokey.cs.almamater.edu 9001
main(String[]) - Static method in class rice.pastry.testing.rendezvous.DistTutorialInternet
Usage: java [-cp FreePastry-.jar] rice.tutorial.lesson3.DistTutorial localbindport bootIP bootPort example java rice.tutorial.DistTutorial 9001 pokey.cs.almamater.edu 9001
main(String[]) - Static method in class rice.pastry.testing.rendezvous.RendezvousScribeTest
Usage: DistScribeRegrTest [-port p] [-bootstrap host[:port]] [-nodes n] [-protocol (direct|wire|rendezvous)] [-help]
main(String[]) - Static method in class rice.pastry.testing.rendezvous.VerifyConnectivity
main(String[]) - Static method in class rice.pastry.testing.rendezvous.WhatIsMyIP
main(String[]) - Static method in class rice.pastry.testing.RoutingTableTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class rice.persistence.testing.GlacierPersistentStorageTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class rice.persistence.testing.LRUCacheTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class rice.persistence.testing.MemoryStorageTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class rice.persistence.testing.PersistentStorageTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class rice.selector.SelectorManager
main(String[]) - Static method in class rice.selector.testing.SelectorTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class rice.tutorial.appsocket.Tutorial
Usage: java [-cp FreePastry-.jar] rice.tutorial.appsocket.Tutorial localbindport bootIP bootPort numNodes or java [-cp FreePastry-.jar] rice.tutorial.appsocket.Tutorial -direct numNodes example java rice.tutorial.DistTutorial 9001 pokey.cs.almamater.edu 9001 10 example java rice.tutorial.DistTutorial -direct 10
main(String[]) - Static method in class rice.tutorial.deterministicsimulator.DirectTutorial
Usage: java [-cp FreePastry-.jar] rice.tutorial.direct.DirectTutorial numNodes randSeed example java rice.tutorial.direct.DirectTutorial 100 5
main(String[]) - Static method in class rice.tutorial.direct.DirectTutorial
Usage: java [-cp FreePastry-.jar] rice.tutorial.direct.DirectTutorial numNodes example java rice.tutorial.direct.DirectTutorial 100
main(String[]) - Static method in class rice.tutorial.forwarding.DistTutorial
Usage: java [-cp FreePastry-.jar] rice.tutorial.forwarding.DistTutorial localbindport bootIP bootPort numNodes example java rice.tutorial.DistTutorial 9001 pokey.cs.almamater.edu 9001 10
main(String[]) - Static method in class rice.tutorial.gtitm.DirectTutorial
Usage: java [-cp FreePastry-.jar] rice.tutorial.gtitm.DirectTutorial numNodes example java rice.tutorial.gtitm.DirectTutorial 100 GNPINPUT
main(String[]) - Static method in class rice.tutorial.lesson0a.TestContinuation
main(String[]) - Static method in class rice.tutorial.lesson0a.TestContinuationAnon
main(String[]) - Static method in class rice.tutorial.lesson1.DistTutorial
Usage: java [-cp FreePastry-.jar] rice.tutorial.lesson1.DistTutorial localbindport bootIP bootPort example java rice.tutorial.DistTutorial 9001 pokey.cs.almamater.edu 9001
main(String[]) - Static method in class rice.tutorial.lesson3.DistTutorial
Usage: java [-cp FreePastry-.jar] rice.tutorial.lesson3.DistTutorial localbindport bootIP bootPort example java rice.tutorial.DistTutorial 9001 pokey.cs.almamater.edu 9001
main(String[]) - Static method in class rice.tutorial.lesson4.DistTutorial
Usage: java [-cp FreePastry-.jar] rice.tutorial.lesson4.DistTutorial localbindport bootIP bootPort numNodes example java rice.tutorial.DistTutorial 9001 pokey.cs.almamater.edu 9001 10
main(String[]) - Static method in class rice.tutorial.lookup.LookupServiceTest
Usage: java [-cp FreePastry-.jar] rice.tutorial.lookup.LookupServiceTest localbindport bootIP bootPort numNodes example java rice.tutorial.lookup.LookupServiceTest 9001 pokey.cs.almamater.edu 9001 10
main(String[]) - Static method in class rice.tutorial.past.PastTutorial
Usage: java [-cp FreePastry- .jar] rice.tutorial.past.PastTutorial localbindport bootIP bootPort numNodes example java rice.tutorial.past.PastTutorial 9001 pokey.cs.almamater.edu 9001 10
main(String[]) - Static method in class rice.tutorial.prioritylistener.DistTutorial
Usage: java [-cp FreePastry-.jar] rice.tutorial.lesson4.DistTutorial localbindport bootIP bootPort numNodes example java rice.tutorial.DistTutorial 9001 pokey.cs.almamater.edu 9001 10
main(String[]) - Static method in class rice.tutorial.rawserialization.DistTutorial
Usage: java [-cp FreePastry-.jar] rice.tutorial.lesson4.DistTutorial localbindport bootIP bootPort numNodes example java rice.tutorial.DistTutorial 9001 pokey.cs.almamater.edu 9001 10
main(String[]) - Static method in class rice.tutorial.rawserialization2.DistTutorial
Usage: java [-cp FreePastry-.jar] rice.tutorial.lesson4.DistTutorial localbindport bootIP bootPort numNodes example java rice.tutorial.DistTutorial 9001 pokey.cs.almamater.edu 9001 10
main(String[]) - Static method in class rice.tutorial.remotesocket.Tutorial
Usage: java [-cp FreePastry-.jar] rice.tutorial.appsocket.Tutorial localbindport bootIP bootPort numNodes or java [-cp FreePastry-.jar] rice.tutorial.appsocket.Tutorial -direct numNodes example java rice.tutorial.DistTutorial 9001 pokey.cs.almamater.edu 9001 10 example java rice.tutorial.DistTutorial -direct 10
main(String[]) - Static method in class rice.tutorial.remotesocket.Tutorial2
Usage: java [-cp FreePastry-.jar] rice.tutorial.appsocket.Tutorial localbindport bootIP bootPort numNodes or java [-cp FreePastry-.jar] rice.tutorial.appsocket.Tutorial -direct numNodes example java rice.tutorial.DistTutorial 9001 pokey.cs.almamater.edu 9001 10 example java rice.tutorial.DistTutorial -direct 10
main(String[]) - Static method in class rice.tutorial.scribe.ScribeTutorial
Usage: java [-cp FreePastry- .jar] rice.tutorial.lesson6.ScribeTutorial localbindport bootIP bootPort numNodes example java rice.tutorial.DistTutorial 9001 pokey.cs.almamater.edu 9001
main(String[]) - Static method in class rice.tutorial.sendfile.Tutorial
Usage: java [-cp FreePastry-.jar] rice.tutorial.appsocket.Tutorial localbindport bootIP bootPort numNodes or java [-cp FreePastry-.jar] rice.tutorial.appsocket.Tutorial -direct numNodes example java rice.tutorial.DistTutorial 9001 pokey.cs.almamater.edu 9001 10 example java rice.tutorial.DistTutorial -direct 10
main(String[]) - Static method in class rice.tutorial.splitstream.SplitStreamTutorial
Usage: java [-cp FreePastry- .jar] rice.tutorial.lesson6.ScribeTutorial localbindport bootIP bootPort numNodes example java rice.tutorial.DistTutorial 9001 pokey.cs.almamater.edu 9001
main(String[]) - Static method in class rice.tutorial.ssl.DistTutorial
Usage: java [-cp FreePastry-.jar] rice.tutorial.lesson3.DistTutorial localbindport bootIP bootPort example java rice.tutorial.DistTutorial 9001 pokey.cs.almamater.edu 9001
main(String[]) - Static method in class rice.tutorial.timer.DistTutorial
Usage: java [-cp FreePastry-.jar] rice.tutorial.lesson5.DistTutorial localbindport bootIP bootPort example java rice.tutorial.DistTutorial 9001 pokey.cs.almamater.edu 9001
main(String[]) - Static method in class rice.tutorial.transportdirect.DistTutorial
Usage: java [-cp FreePastry-.jar] rice.tutorial.lesson4.DistTutorial localbindport bootIP bootPort numNodes example java rice.tutorial.DistTutorial 9001 pokey.cs.almamater.edu 9001 10
main(String[]) - Static method in class rice.tutorial.transportlayer.DistTutorial
Usage: java [-cp FreePastry-.jar] rice.tutorial.transportlayer.DistTutorial localbindport bootIP bootPort numNodes bandwidth; example java rice.tutorial.transportlayer.DistTutorial 9001 pokey.cs.almamater.edu 9001 10 1000
mainfunc(PastryRegrTest, String[], int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class rice.pastry.testing.PastryRegrTest
MaintainableScribe - Interface in rice.p2p.scribe.maintenance
This is an interface to scribe so that the MaintenacePolicy can have additional access to Scribe, that most users will not need.
maintainLeafSet() - Method in class rice.pastry.standard.StandardLeafSetProtocol
Maintain the leaf set.
MAINTENANCE_ID - Static variable in interface rice.p2p.scribe.maintenance.MaintainableScribe
MAINTENANCE_INTERVAL - Variable in class rice.p2p.replication.ReplicationImpl
The amount of time to wait between replications
MAINTENANCE_INTERVAL - Variable in class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeImpl
The interval with which to perform maintenance
MAINTENANCE_INTERVAL_MILLIS - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewConstants
MaintenanceMessage - Class in rice.p2p.scribe.messaging
MaintenanceMessage() - Constructor for class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.MaintenanceMessage
makeNoShortCuts() - Method in class rice.pastry.routing.SendOptions
Returns whether it is required for each routing step to go to a node whose id matches in exactly one more digit.
makePastryNode(boolean) - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.DistHelloWorld
Create a Pastry node and add it to pastryNodes.
makePastryNode(int) - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.HelloWorld
Create a Pastry node and add it to pastryNodes.
makePastryNode() - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.PastryTest
makePastryNode() - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.SinglePingTest
makeProgress(Identifier) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.commitment.CommitmentProtocolImpl
Tries to make progress on the message queue of the specified peer, e.g.
makeProgress() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.playback.ReplaySM
makeProgress() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.playback.ReplayVerifier
This is called by the Audit protocol to make another replay step; it returns true if further calls are necessary, and false if the replay has finished.
makeProgress() - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.Verifier
makeProgress() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.VerifierImpl
This is called by the Audit protocol to make another replay step; it returns true if further calls are necessary, and false if the replay has finished.
makeProgressAllPeers() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.commitment.CommitmentProtocolImpl
makeProgressOnStatement(IncompleteStatementInfo<Handle, Identifier>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.statement.StatementProtocolImpl
makeProgressTimerExpired() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.audit.AuditProtocolImpl
While some audits haven't finished, we must call makeProgress() regularly
makeRandomId(Random) - Static method in class rice.pastry.Id
Creates a random Id.
makeRandomId(RandomSource) - Static method in class rice.pastry.Id
makeSecureHistory(RandomAccessFileIOBuffer, RandomAccessFileIOBuffer, boolean, HashProvider, IndexEntryFactory, Logger) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.SecureHistoryFactoryImpl
manager - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.direct.EventSimulator
manager - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.liveness.LivenessTransportLayerImpl.DeadChecker
manifest - Variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.FragmentAndManifest
manifest - Variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierContentHandle
Manifest - Class in rice.p2p.glacier.v2
Manifest(byte[], byte[][], long) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.Manifest
Manifest(InputBuffer) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.Manifest
manifests - Variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierDataMessage
map - Variable in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringIdFactory.MultiringSortedMap
map - Variable in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCIdFactory.GCSortedMap
map - Variable in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCPastImpl.ReplicaMap
map - Variable in class rice.p2p.util.ImmutableSortedMap
mapHighToTag(HighIdentifier, long) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous.EphemeralDB
Tell the DB that the high identifier points to this tag
mapHighToTag(HighIdentifier, long) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous.EphemeralDBImpl
Tell the DB that the high identifier points to this tag
mark - Variable in class rice.p2p.util.XMLParser
Internal variable which keeps track of the current mark
mark() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLParser
Sets the mark
markAlive(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.liveness.LivenessTransportLayerImpl.EntityManager
This method should be called when this route is declared alive.
markAlive(SourceRoute<Identifier>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.manager.SourceRouteManagerImpl.AddressManager
This method should be called when a known route is declared alive.
markDead(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.liveness.LivenessTransportLayerImpl.EntityManager
This method should be called when this route is declared dead.
markDead(SourceRoute<Identifier>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.manager.SourceRouteManagerImpl.AddressManager
This method should be called when a known route is declared dead.
markDead() - Method in interface rice.pastry.direct.NodeRecord
markDead() - Method in class rice.pastry.direct.proximitygenerators.GenericProximityGenerator.GNNodeRecord
markDeadForever(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.liveness.LivenessTransportLayerImpl.EntityManager
markDeadForever(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.manager.SourceRouteManagerImpl.AddressManager
This method should be called when a known node is declared dead - this is ONLY called when a new epoch of that node is detected.
markDeadHelper(int, Map<String, Object>, boolean) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.liveness.LivenessTransportLayerImpl.EntityManager
marked - Variable in class rice.p2p.util.XMLParser
markEvidenceAvailable(Identifier, Identifier, long, boolean, Handle) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.infostore.PeerInfoStoreImpl
This is called when new evidence becomes available, or (during startup) for all evidence files on disk.
markProximity(int, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.proximity.MinRTTProximityProvider.EntityManager
This method should be called when this route has its proximity updated
markProximity(SourceRoute<Identifier>, int, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.manager.SourceRouteManagerImpl.AddressManager
This method should be called when a known route has its proximity updated
markResponseAvailable(Identifier, Identifier, long) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.infostore.PeerInfoStoreImpl
This is called when another node answers one of our challenges.
markSuspected(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.liveness.LivenessTransportLayerImpl.EntityManager
This method should be called when this route is declared suspected.
markSuspected(SourceRoute<Identifier>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.manager.SourceRouteManagerImpl.AddressManager
This method should be called when a known route is declared suspected.
MathUtils - Class in rice.p2p.util
This class contains a large number of static methods for performing math operations.
MathUtilsUnit - Class in rice.p2p.util.testing
MathUtils unit tests
MathUtilsUnit() - Constructor for class rice.p2p.util.testing.MathUtilsUnit
MAX_ACTIVE_AUDITS - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewConstants
MAX_ACTIVE_INVESTIGATIONS - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewConstants
MAX_ATTRIBUTES - Static variable in class rice.p2p.util.XMLParser
MAX_BIG_MSG_SIZE - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.priority.PriorityTransportLayerImpl
BIG messages open a socket especially for big messages.
MAX_DIRECTORIES - Static variable in class rice.persistence.PersistentStorage
The maximum number of subdirectories in a directory before splitting
MAX_ENTRIES_BETWEEN_CHECKPOINTS - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewConstants
MAX_ENTRIES_PER_MS - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.commitment.CommitmentProtocolImpl
MAX_FAILED_SUBSCRIPTION - Variable in class rice.p2p.splitstream.Stripe
The maximum number of failed subscriptions
MAX_FILE_CHUNKS_IN_MEMORY - Static variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.filetransfer.FileTransferImpl
MAX_FILES - Static variable in class rice.persistence.PersistentStorage
The splitting factor, or the number of files in one directory
MAX_INCOMPLETE_STATEMENTS - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.statement.StatementProtocol
MAX_KEYS_IN_MESSAGE - Variable in class rice.p2p.replication.ReplicationImpl
The maximum number of keys to return in one message
MAX_MSG_SIZE - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.priority.PriorityTransportLayerImpl
MAX_NUM_TO_HEAR_FROM - Variable in class rice.pastry.standard.ConsistentJoinProtocol
The number of nodes needed to hear from to go live, can be up to the LeafSet.maxSize()
MAX_OPEN_SOCKETS - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.TCPLayer
MAX_PEERS - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.commitment.CommitmentProtocolImpl
MAX_PORT - Static variable in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.sbbi.SBBINatHandler
MAX_PRIORITY - Static variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.filetransfer.FileTransferImpl
MAX_PRIORITY - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.priority.PriorityTransportLayer
MAX_PRIORITY - Static variable in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.Message
MAX_QUEUE_SIZE - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.priority.PriorityTransportLayerImpl
MAX_RETRANSMISSIONS - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.commitment.CommitmentProtocolImpl
MAX_RETRIES - Static variable in class rice.pastry.standard.RapidRerouter
The max times to try to reroute a message.
MAX_STATUS_INFO - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewConstants
MAX_THREADS - Variable in class rice.pastry.testing.PartitionChecker
MAX_THREADS - Variable in class rice.pastry.testing.PastryNetworkTest
MAX_TIME_TO_BE_SCHEDULED - Variable in class rice.pastry.standard.ConsistentJoinProtocol
This variable is set to prevent the process from going to sleep or not being scheduled for too long.
MAX_WITNESSED_NODES - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewConstants
maxChildren - Variable in class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribePolicy.LimitedScribePolicy
The number of children to allow per topic
maxDiameter - Variable in class rice.pastry.direct.BasicNetworkSimulator
maxFailedSubscriptions - Variable in class rice.p2p.splitstream.SplitStreamImpl
maxGoneAge - Variable in class rice.pastry.standard.PartitionHandler
maxGoneSize - Variable in class rice.pastry.standard.PartitionHandler
maxMember() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.FragmentKeySet
return the largest member id
maxMember() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.VersionKeySet
return the largest member id
maxMember() - Method in class rice.pastry.IdSet
return the largest member id
MAXOVERLAYSIZE - Static variable in class rice.pastry.direct.proximitygenerators.GenericProximityGenerator
The number of stubs.
maxSize() - Method in class rice.pastry.leafset.LeafSet
Gets the maximal size of the leaf set.
MCAdapter - Class in rice.p2p.util
MCAdapter(MessageCallback<NodeHandle, Message>, MRHAdapter) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.util.MCAdapter
md - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rc4.RC4TransportLayer
measure() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.bandwidthmeasure.BandwidthMeasuringTransportLayer
MEDIUM_HIGH_PRIORITY - Static variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.filetransfer.FileTransferImpl
MEDIUM_HIGH_PRIORITY - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.priority.PriorityTransportLayer
MEDIUM_HIGH_PRIORITY - Static variable in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.Message
MEDIUM_LOW_PRIORITY - Static variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.filetransfer.FileTransferImpl
MEDIUM_LOW_PRIORITY - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.priority.PriorityTransportLayer
MEDIUM_LOW_PRIORITY - Static variable in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.Message
MEDIUM_PRIORITY - Static variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.filetransfer.FileTransferImpl
MEDIUM_PRIORITY - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.priority.PriorityTransportLayer
MEDIUM_PRIORITY - Static variable in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.Message
member(NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.pastry.leafset.LeafSet
Verifies if the set contains this particular handle.
member(Id) - Method in class rice.pastry.leafset.LeafSet
Verifies if the set contains this particular id.
member(NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.pastry.leafset.SimilarSet
Verifies if the set contains this particular id.
member(Id) - Method in class rice.pastry.leafset.SimilarSet
member(NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.pastry.NodeSet
test membership
member(NodeHandle) - Method in interface rice.pastry.NodeSetI
Verifies if the set contains this particular id.
member(NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.pastry.routing.RouteSet
Membership test.
member(Id) - Method in class rice.pastry.routing.RouteSet
Membership test.
memberHandle(Id) - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.NodeHandleSet
Verifies if the set contains this particular id.
memberHandle(Id) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringNodeHandleSet
Verifies if the set contains this particular id.
memberHandle(Id) - Method in class rice.pastry.leafset.SimilarSet
Verifies if the set contains this particular id.
memberHandle(Id) - Method in class rice.pastry.NodeSet
Verifies if the set contains this particular id.
memberHandle(Id) - Method in class rice.pastry.routing.RouteSet
Verifies if the set contains this particular id.
MemoryExpiredException - Exception in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.identity
MemoryExpiredException(String) - Constructor for exception org.mpisws.p2p.transport.identity.MemoryExpiredException
MemoryStorage - Class in rice.persistence
This class is an implementation of Storage which provides in-memory storage.
MemoryStorage(IdFactory) - Constructor for class rice.persistence.MemoryStorage
Builds a MemoryStorage object.
MemoryStorageTest - Class in rice.persistence.testing
This class is a class which tests the Storage class in the rice.persistence package.
MemoryStorageTest(boolean, Environment) - Constructor for class rice.persistence.testing.MemoryStorageTest
Builds a MemoryMemoryStorageTest
MemoryStorageTest.VariableId - Class in rice.persistence.testing
MemoryStorageTest.VariableId(int) - Constructor for class rice.persistence.testing.MemoryStorageTest.VariableId
MemoryTest - Class in rice.pastry.testing
The purpose of this test is to verify that FreePastry is properly shutting down, without having to destroy the JVM.
MemoryTest() - Constructor for class rice.pastry.testing.MemoryTest
merge(Map<String, Object>, Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.util.OptionsFactory
Merge 2 options, keeping the first if there is a conflict
merge(IdFactory, IdSet, IdSet) - Static method in class rice.p2p.replication.ReplicationImpl
Internal method which takes returns set A + set B, or all of the members of set A and set B.
merge(IdRange) - Method in class rice.pastry.IdRange
merge two ranges if this and other don't overlap, are not adjacent, and this is not empty, then the result is this
merge(LeafSet, NodeHandle, RoutingTable, boolean, Set<NodeHandle>) - Method in class rice.pastry.leafset.LeafSet
Merge a remote leafset into this
mergeIntersectTest(IdRange, IdRange) - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.IdRangeUnit
mergeLeafSet(LeafSet, NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.pastry.standard.StandardLeafSetProtocol
Merge a remote leafset into our own
mergeRange(IdRange) - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.IdRange
merges the given range with this range
mergeRange(IdRange) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.FragmentKeyRange
merges the given range with this range
mergeRange(IdRange) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.VersionKeyRange
merges the given range with this range
mergeRange(IdRange) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringIdRange
merges the given range with this range
mergeRange(IdRange) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCIdRange
merges the given range with this range
mergeRange(IdRange) - Method in class rice.pastry.IdRange
merges the given range with this range
MergeTest - Class in rice.pastry.leafset.testing
MergeTest() - Constructor for class rice.pastry.leafset.testing.MergeTest
mergeTest(IdRange, IdRange) - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.IdRangeUnit
MergeTest.TestNodeHandle - Class in rice.pastry.leafset.testing
MergeTest.TestNodeHandle(Id) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.leafset.testing.MergeTest.TestNodeHandle
message - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.evidence.EvidenceTransferProtocolImpl.MessageInfo
Message - Interface in rice.p2p.commonapi
message - Variable in class rice.p2p.multiring.messaging.RingMessage
The internal message to be sent
message - Variable in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringRouteMessage
The internal message
message(Id) - Method in class rice.p2p.replication.manager.ReplicationManagerImpl.ReplicationManagerHelper
message - Variable in class rice.pastry.commonapi.PastryEndpointMessage
Message - Class in rice.pastry.messaging
This is an abstract implementation of a message object.
Message(int) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.messaging.Message
Message(int, Date) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.messaging.Message
MESSAGE_TIMEOUT - Variable in class rice.p2p.past.PastImpl
MESSAGE_TIMEOUT - Variable in class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeImpl
the timeout for a subscribe message
MessageCallback<Identifier,MessageType> - Interface in org.mpisws.p2p.transport
The callback when a Message is sent from a transport layer.
MessageDeserializer - Interface in rice.p2p.commonapi.rawserialization
Because Pastry/Transport layer cannot know about all messge types, each app needs to provide a deserializer.
messageDirect - Variable in class rice.pastry.testing.HelloMsg
MessageDispatch - Class in rice.pastry.messaging
An object which remembers the mapping from names to MessageReceivers and dispatches messages by request.
MessageDispatch(PastryNode, Deserializer) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.messaging.MessageDispatch
messageForAppl(Message) - Method in class rice.pastry.client.CommonAPIAppl
messageForAppl(Message) - Method in class rice.pastry.client.PastryAppl
Called by pastry when a message arrives for this application.
messageForAppl(Message) - Method in class rice.pastry.commonapi.PastryEndpoint
messageForAppl(Message) - Method in class rice.pastry.peerreview.FetchLeafsetApp
messageForAppl(Message) - Method in class rice.pastry.pns.PNSApplication
messageForAppl(Message) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.probe.ProbeApp
messageForAppl(Message) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.RendezvousApp
If this is going to cause an infinite loop, just drop the message.
messageForAppl(Message) - Method in class rice.pastry.standard.PeriodicLeafSetProtocol
Should not be called becasue we are overriding the receiveMessage() interface anyway.
messageForAppl(Message) - Method in class rice.pastry.standard.StandardJoinProtocol
Should not be called becasue we are overriding the receiveMessage() interface anyway.
messageForAppl(Message) - Method in class rice.pastry.standard.StandardLeafSetProtocol
Receives messages.
messageForAppl(Message) - Method in class rice.pastry.standard.StandardRouter
messageForAppl(Message) - Method in class rice.pastry.standard.StandardRouteSetProtocol
Receives a message.
messageForAppl(Message) - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.HelloWorldApp
Invoked on destination node when a message arrives.
messageForAppl(Message) - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.Ping
messageForAppl(Message) - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.PingClient
MessageInfo - Interface in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.priority
MessageInfoImpl - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.priority
MessageInfoImpl(ByteBuffer, Map<String, Object>, int) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.priority.MessageInfoImpl
MessageLostMessage - Class in rice.p2p.past.messaging
MessageLostMessage(int, NodeHandle, Id, Message, NodeHandle) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.past.messaging.MessageLostMessage
Constructor which takes a unique integer Id and the local id
MessageReceipt - Interface in rice.p2p.commonapi
Returned by a call to endpoint.route().
messageReceived(ByteBuffer) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.filetransfer.FileTransferCallback
Called when a message is received.
messageReceived(Identifier, ByteBuffer, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.bandwidthmeasure.BandwidthMeasuringTransportLayer
messageReceived(Identifier, ByteBuffer, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.commonapi.CommonAPITransportLayerImpl
messageReceived(Identifier, MessageType, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.limitsockets.LimitSocketsTransportLayer
messageReceived(Identifier, ByteBuffer, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.liveness.AggressiveLivenessTransportLayerImpl
messageReceived(Identifier, MessageType) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.liveness.LivenessStrategy
messageReceived(Identifier, ByteBuffer, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.liveness.LivenessTransportLayerImpl
messageReceived(InetSocketAddress, ByteBuffer, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.multiaddress.MultiInetAddressTransportLayerImpl
messageReceived(Identifier, MessageType, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.nat.FirewallTLImpl
messageReceived(InetSocketAddress, ByteBuffer, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.networkinfo.NetworkInfoTransportLayer
messageReceived(Handle, ByteBuffer, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewImpl
messageReceived(Identifier, ByteBuffer, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.record.RecordLayer
messageReceived(Identifier, ByteBuffer, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.priority.PriorityTransportLayerImpl
messageReceived(Identifier, MsgType, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rc4.RC4TransportLayer
messageReceived(Identifier, ByteBuffer, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous.RendezvousTransportLayerImpl
messageReceived(Identifier, ByteBuffer, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous.ResponseStrategy
Called when a message is directly received from the Identifier
messageReceived(Identifier, ByteBuffer, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous.TimeoutResponseStrategy
messageReceived(Identifier, MessageType, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.simpleidentity.SimpleIdentityTransportLayer
messageReceived(SourceRoute<Identifier>, ByteBuffer, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.manager.SourceRouteManagerImpl
messageReceived(Identifier, ByteBuffer, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.SourceRouteTransportLayerImpl
messageReceived(Identifier, MessageType, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.ssl.SSLTransportLayerImpl
messageReceived(Identifier, ByteBuffer, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.table.TableTransprotLayerImpl
messageReceived(Identifier, MessageType, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.TransportLayerCallback
Called when a new message is received.
messageReceived(Identifier, MessageType, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.util.DefaultCallback
messageReceived(Identifier, ByteBuffer, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.magicnumber.MagicNumberTransportLayer
messageReceived(InetSocketAddress, ByteBuffer, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.WireTransportLayerImpl
messageReceived(MessageType, Identifier, Identifier) - Method in interface rice.pastry.direct.GenericSimulatorListener
Called for every message received over the network.
messageReceived(NodeHandle, RawMessage, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class rice.pastry.PastryNode
messageReceived(TransportLayerNodeHandle<MultiInetSocketAddress>, ByteBuffer, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class rice.pastry.peerreview.PeerReviewCallbackImpl
messageReceived(Identifier, ByteBuffer, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.NeverResponseStrategy
messageReceived(Identifier, ByteBuffer, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class rice.tutorial.transportlayer.BandwidthLimitingTransportLayer
messageReceivedFromOverlay(HighIdentifier, ByteBuffer, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous.RendezvousTransportLayer
Called when a message was routed by the overlay to this node.
messageReceivedFromOverlay(HighIdentifier, ByteBuffer, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous.RendezvousTransportLayerImpl
Usually called from the higher level app, who probably used routing to get the message here.
MessageRequestHandle<Identifier,MessageType> - Interface in org.mpisws.p2p.transport
Can cancel the request to send the message.
MessageRequestHandleImpl<Identifier,MessageType> - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.util
MessageRequestHandleImpl(Identifier, MessageType, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.util.MessageRequestHandleImpl
messageSent(Identifier, ByteBuffer, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous.ResponseStrategy
Called when a message is directly sent to the Identifier
messageSent(Identifier, ByteBuffer, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous.TimeoutResponseStrategy
messageSent(MessageType, Identifier, Identifier, int) - Method in interface rice.pastry.direct.GenericSimulatorListener
Called for every message sent over the network.
messageSent(Identifier, ByteBuffer, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.NeverResponseStrategy
messagesSentByTag - Variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierStatistics
messageString - Variable in class rice.p2p.past.messaging.MessageLostMessage
messageTooBigUDP() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.TLTest
Sends huge udp message from alice to bob, should fail.
METADATA_FILENAME - Static variable in class rice.persistence.PersistentStorage
METADATA_SYNC_TIME - Static variable in class rice.persistence.PersistentStorage
The amount of time before re-writing the metadata file
min(int, int) - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.LeafSetTest
MIN_DELAY - Variable in class rice.pastry.direct.BasicNetworkSimulator
minDelay - Variable in class rice.pastry.direct.BasicNetworkSimulator
minMember() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.FragmentKeySet
return the smallest member id
minMember() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.VersionKeySet
return the smallest member id
minMember() - Method in class rice.pastry.IdSet
return the smallest member id
MinRTTProximityProvider<Identifier> - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.proximity
MinRTTProximityProvider(Pinger<Identifier>, Environment) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.proximity.MinRTTProximityProvider
MinRTTProximityProvider.EntityManager - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.proximity
Internal class which is charges with managing the remote connection via a specific route
MinRTTProximityProvider.EntityManager(Identifier) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.proximity.MinRTTProximityProvider.EntityManager
Constructor - builds a route manager given the route
missingCertificateID - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.statement.IncompleteStatementInfo
mod(int, int) - Static method in class rice.p2p.util.MathUtils
Utility which does *proper* modding, where the result is guaranteed to be positive.
modifyKey(SelectionKey) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.SocketManager
Method which should change the interestOps of the handler's key.
modifyKey(SelectionKey) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.UDPLayerImpl
modifyKey(SelectionKey) - Method in class rice.selector.SelectionKeyHandler
Method which should change the interestOps of the handler's key.
modifyKey(SelectionKey) - Method in class rice.selector.SelectorManager
Adds a selectionkey handler into the list of handlers which wish to change their keys.
modifyKeys - Variable in class rice.selector.SelectorManager
monitorIDs - Variable in class rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregationImpl
Moraine - Class in rice.p2p.aggregation
This Past takes 2 pasts, an old Past and a new Past.
Moraine(GCPast, GCPast) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.aggregation.Moraine
mostSimilar(Id) - Method in class rice.pastry.leafset.LeafSet
Numerically closests node to a given a node in the leaf set.
mostSimilar(Id) - Method in class rice.pastry.leafset.SimilarSet
Impl that doesn't produce garbage Numerically closest node to a given a node.
MRHAdapter - Class in rice.p2p.util
Addapts a RawMessage to a normal Message
MRHAdapter() - Constructor for class rice.p2p.util.MRHAdapter
msdTest() - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.NodeIdUnit
msg - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.UDPLayerImpl.Envelope
The message sans header.
msg - Variable in class rice.pastry.ScheduledMessage
msg - Variable in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.PilotForwardMsg
MSG_ACCUSATION - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewConstants
MSG_ACK - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewConstants
MSG_ADDR - Static variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.commonapi.CommonAPITransportLayerImpl
MSG_AUTHPUSH - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewConstants
MSG_AUTHREQ - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewConstants
MSG_AUTHRESP - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewConstants
MSG_BB_HEADER - Static variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.filetransfer.FileTransferImpl
Contains int UID, int length
MSG_CANCEL - Static variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.filetransfer.FileTransferImpl
Contains int UID
MSG_CANCEL_REQUEST - Static variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.filetransfer.FileTransferImpl
Contains int UID
MSG_CHALLENGE - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewConstants
MSG_CHUNK - Static variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.filetransfer.FileTransferImpl
Contains int UID, int chunk_length, byte[chunk_length] msg
MSG_CLASS - Static variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.commonapi.CommonAPITransportLayerImpl
MSG_FILE_HEADER - Static variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.filetransfer.FileTransferImpl
Contains int UID, long offset, long length, int nameLength, UTF name
MSG_RESPONSE - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewConstants
MSG_STRING - Static variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.commonapi.CommonAPITransportLayerImpl
MSG_TYPE - Static variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.commonapi.CommonAPITransportLayerImpl
MSG_USERDATA - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewConstants
MSG_USERDGRAM - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewConstants
msgSize - Static variable in class rice.p2p.splitstream.testing.MySplitStreamClient
msgTransferred(BBReceipt, int, int, boolean) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.filetransfer.FileTransferListener
msgTransferred(BBReceipt, int, int, boolean) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.filetransfer.SimpleFileTransferListener
MULTI_ADDRESS_STRATEGY - Static variable in class rice.pastry.socket.SocketPastryNodeFactory
MULTI_INET_TL - Static variable in class rice.pastry.socket.SocketPastryNodeFactory
Maps to MultiInetAddressTransportLayer
MultiAddressSourceRoute - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.factory
MultiAddressSourceRouteFactory - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.factory
MultiAddressSourceRouteFactory() - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.factory.MultiAddressSourceRouteFactory
MultiInetAddressTransportLayer - Interface in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.multiaddress
This transport layer that can allow a node behind a NAT to talk to nodes outside or inside the firewall.
MultiInetAddressTransportLayerImpl - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.multiaddress
This class adds an epoch and a list of InetSocketAddresses, and also disambiguates between them for the lower layer.
MultiInetAddressTransportLayerImpl(MultiInetSocketAddress, TransportLayer<InetSocketAddress, ByteBuffer>, Environment, ErrorHandler<MultiInetSocketAddress>, AddressStrategy) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.multiaddress.MultiInetAddressTransportLayerImpl
MultiInetSocketAddress - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.multiaddress
Class which represets a source route to a remote IP address.
MultiInetSocketAddress(InetSocketAddress) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.multiaddress.MultiInetSocketAddress
MultiInetSocketAddress(InetSocketAddress[]) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.multiaddress.MultiInetSocketAddress
MultiInetSocketAddress(InetSocketAddress, InetSocketAddress) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.multiaddress.MultiInetSocketAddress
multipleHopsAllowed() - Method in class rice.pastry.routing.SendOptions
Returns whether multiple hops are allowed during the transmission of this message.
MultiringApplication - Class in rice.p2p.multiring
MultiringApplication(Id, Application) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringApplication
MultiringEndpoint - Class in rice.p2p.multiring
MultiringEndpoint(MultiringNode, Endpoint, Application) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringEndpoint
MultiringIdFactory - Class in rice.p2p.multiring
MultiringIdFactory(Id, IdFactory) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringIdFactory
MultiringIdFactory.MultiringEntrySet - Class in rice.p2p.multiring
MultiringIdFactory.MultiringEntrySet(Set) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringIdFactory.MultiringEntrySet
MultiringIdFactory.MultiringKeySet - Class in rice.p2p.multiring
MultiringIdFactory.MultiringKeySet(Set) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringIdFactory.MultiringKeySet
MultiringIdFactory.MultiringMapEntry - Class in rice.p2p.multiring
MultiringIdFactory.MultiringMapEntry(Map.Entry) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringIdFactory.MultiringMapEntry
MultiringIdFactory.MultiringSortedMap - Class in rice.p2p.multiring
MultiringIdFactory.MultiringSortedMap(SortedMap) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringIdFactory.MultiringSortedMap
MultiringIdRange - Class in rice.p2p.multiring
MultiringIdRange(Id, IdRange) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringIdRange
MultiringIdRange(InputBuffer, Endpoint) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringIdRange
MultiringIdSet - Class in rice.p2p.multiring
MultiringIdSet(Id, IdSet) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringIdSet
MultiringNode - Class in rice.p2p.multiring
MultiringNode(Id, Node) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringNode
MultiringNode(Id, Node, MultiringNode) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringNode
MultiringNodeCollection - Class in rice.p2p.multiring
MultiringNodeCollection(MultiringNode, int) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringNodeCollection
MultiringNodeHandle - Class in rice.p2p.multiring
MultiringNodeHandle(Id, NodeHandle) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringNodeHandle
MultiringNodeHandle(InputBuffer, Endpoint) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringNodeHandle
MultiringNodeHandleSet - Class in rice.p2p.multiring
MultiringNodeHandleSet(Id, NodeHandleSet) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringNodeHandleSet
MultiringNodeHandleSet(InputBuffer, Endpoint) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringNodeHandleSet
MultiringRegrTest - Class in rice.p2p.multiring.testing
Provides regression testing setup for applications written on top of the commonapi.
MultiringRegrTest(Environment) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.multiring.testing.MultiringRegrTest
Constructor, which takes no arguments and sets up the factories in preparation for node creation.
MultiringRegrTest.MultiringTestApp - Class in rice.p2p.multiring.testing
MultiringRegrTest.MultiringTestApp(Node) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.multiring.testing.MultiringRegrTest.MultiringTestApp
MultiringRegrTest.MultiringTestMessage - Class in rice.p2p.multiring.testing
MultiringRegrTest.MultiringTestMessage(Id) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.multiring.testing.MultiringRegrTest.MultiringTestMessage
MultiringRouteMessage - Class in rice.p2p.multiring
MultiringRouteMessage(Id, RouteMessage) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringRouteMessage
MutableInetSocketAddressStrategy - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.simpleidentity
This is used if you are binding to It will see if your local address changed before returning the serialized version.
MutableInetSocketAddressStrategy(int, Serializer<InetSocketAddress>) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.simpleidentity.MutableInetSocketAddressStrategy
MutableTuple<A,B> - Class in rice.p2p.util.tuples
MutableTuple(A, B) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.util.tuples.MutableTuple
MutableTuple() - Constructor for class rice.p2p.util.tuples.MutableTuple
MyApp - Class in rice.pastry.testing.rendezvous
A very simple application.
MyApp(Node) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.testing.rendezvous.MyApp
MyApp - Class in rice.tutorial.appsocket
By calling sendMyMsgDirect(NodeHandle nh), this Application opens a socket to MyApp on the requested node, and sends it's Id.
MyApp(Node, IdFactory) - Constructor for class rice.tutorial.appsocket.MyApp
MyApp - Class in rice.tutorial.deterministicsimulator
A very simple application.
MyApp(Node) - Constructor for class rice.tutorial.deterministicsimulator.MyApp
MyApp - Class in rice.tutorial.direct
A very simple application.
MyApp(Node) - Constructor for class rice.tutorial.direct.MyApp
MyApp - Class in rice.tutorial.forwarding
A very simple application.
MyApp(Node) - Constructor for class rice.tutorial.forwarding.MyApp
MyApp - Class in rice.tutorial.gtitm
A very simple application.
MyApp(Node) - Constructor for class rice.tutorial.gtitm.MyApp
MyApp - Class in rice.tutorial.lesson3
A very simple application.
MyApp(Node) - Constructor for class rice.tutorial.lesson3.MyApp
MyApp - Class in rice.tutorial.lesson4
A very simple application.
MyApp(Node) - Constructor for class rice.tutorial.lesson4.MyApp
MyApp - Class in rice.tutorial.prioritylistener
A very simple application.
MyApp(Node) - Constructor for class rice.tutorial.prioritylistener.MyApp
MyApp - Class in rice.tutorial.rawserialization
A very simple application.
MyApp(Node) - Constructor for class rice.tutorial.rawserialization.MyApp
MyApp - Class in rice.tutorial.rawserialization2
A very simple application.
MyApp(Node) - Constructor for class rice.tutorial.rawserialization2.MyApp
MyApp - Class in rice.tutorial.remotesocket
By calling sendMyMsgDirect(NodeHandle nh), this Application opens a socket to MyApp on the requested node, and sends it's Id.
MyApp(Node, IdFactory) - Constructor for class rice.tutorial.remotesocket.MyApp
MyApp - Class in rice.tutorial.sendfile
A very simple application.
MyApp(Node, IdFactory) - Constructor for class rice.tutorial.sendfile.MyApp
MyApp - Class in rice.tutorial.ssl
A very simple application.
MyApp(Node) - Constructor for class rice.tutorial.ssl.MyApp
MyApp - Class in rice.tutorial.timer
This app shows how to trigger regularly scheduled events on the FreePastry thread.
MyApp(Node) - Constructor for class rice.tutorial.timer.MyApp
MyApp - Class in rice.tutorial.transportdirect
A very simple application.
MyApp(Node) - Constructor for class rice.tutorial.transportdirect.MyApp
MyApp - Class in rice.tutorial.transportlayer
A very simple application.
MyApp(Node) - Constructor for class rice.tutorial.transportlayer.MyApp
MyEntryDeserializer - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.replay
MyEntryDeserializer(Serializer) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.replay.MyEntryDeserializer
MyEvents - Interface in org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.replay
myExpiration - Variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.DebugContentHandle
myHandle - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.evidence.ProofNonconformant
myId - Variable in class rice.p2p.aggregation.Aggregate
myId - Variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.DebugContent
myId - Variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.DebugContentHandle
myId - Variable in class rice.p2p.past.ContentHashPastContent
MyInetSocketAddress - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.peerreview
MyInetSocketAddress(InetAddress, int) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.peerreview.MyInetSocketAddress
MyMsg - Class in rice.pastry.testing.rendezvous
An example message.
MyMsg(Id, Id) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.testing.rendezvous.MyMsg
MyMsg - Class in rice.tutorial.deterministicsimulator
An example message.
MyMsg(Id, Id) - Constructor for class rice.tutorial.deterministicsimulator.MyMsg
MyMsg - Class in rice.tutorial.direct
An example message.
MyMsg(Id, Id) - Constructor for class rice.tutorial.direct.MyMsg
MyMsg - Class in rice.tutorial.forwarding
An example message.
MyMsg(Id, Id) - Constructor for class rice.tutorial.forwarding.MyMsg
MyMsg - Class in rice.tutorial.gtitm
An example message.
MyMsg(Id, Id) - Constructor for class rice.tutorial.gtitm.MyMsg
MyMsg - Class in rice.tutorial.lesson3
An example message.
MyMsg(Id, Id) - Constructor for class rice.tutorial.lesson3.MyMsg
MyMsg - Class in rice.tutorial.lesson4
An example message.
MyMsg(Id, Id) - Constructor for class rice.tutorial.lesson4.MyMsg
MyMsg - Class in rice.tutorial.prioritylistener
An example message.
MyMsg(Id, Id) - Constructor for class rice.tutorial.prioritylistener.MyMsg
MyMsg - Class in rice.tutorial.rawserialization
An example message.
MyMsg(Id, Id) - Constructor for class rice.tutorial.rawserialization.MyMsg
MyMsg(InputBuffer, Endpoint) - Constructor for class rice.tutorial.rawserialization.MyMsg
Deserializing constructor.
MyMsg - Class in rice.tutorial.rawserialization2
An example message.
MyMsg(NodeHandle, Id) - Constructor for class rice.tutorial.rawserialization2.MyMsg
MyMsg - Class in rice.tutorial.ssl
An example message.
MyMsg(Id, Id) - Constructor for class rice.tutorial.ssl.MyMsg
MyMsg - Class in rice.tutorial.transportdirect
An example message.
MyMsg(Id, Id) - Constructor for class rice.tutorial.transportdirect.MyMsg
MyMsg - Class in rice.tutorial.transportlayer
An example message.
MyMsg(Id, Id) - Constructor for class rice.tutorial.transportlayer.MyMsg
myNodeHandle - Variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.DebugContentHandle
myNodeHandle - Variable in class rice.pastry.routing.RoutingTable
myNodeId - Variable in class rice.pastry.PastryNode
MyPastContent - Class in rice.tutorial.past
MyPastContent(Id, String) - Constructor for class rice.tutorial.past.MyPastContent
Takes an environment for the timestamp An IdFactory to generate the hash The content to be stored.
MyScribeClient - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.replay
We implement the Application interface to receive regular timed messages (see lesson5).
MyScribeClient(Node) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.replay.MyScribeClient
The constructor for this scribe client.
MyScribeClient - Class in rice.tutorial.scribe
We implement the Application interface to receive regular timed messages (see lesson5).
MyScribeClient(Node) - Constructor for class rice.tutorial.scribe.MyScribeClient
The constructor for this scribe client.
MyScribeContent - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.replay
MyScribeContent(NodeHandle, int) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.replay.MyScribeContent
Simple constructor.
MyScribeContent - Class in rice.tutorial.scribe
MyScribeContent(NodeHandle, int) - Constructor for class rice.tutorial.scribe.MyScribeContent
Simple constructor.
MySplitStreamClient - Class in rice.p2p.splitstream.testing
MySplitStreamClient(PastryNode, String) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.splitstream.testing.MySplitStreamClient
MySplitStreamClient - Class in rice.tutorial.splitstream
We implement the Application interface to receive regular timed messages (see lesson5).
MySplitStreamClient(Node) - Constructor for class rice.tutorial.splitstream.MySplitStreamClient
The constructor for this scribe client.
myUID - Variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierContinuation
myVersion - Variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.DebugContentHandle


name - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.ssl.SSLSocketManager
name - Variable in class rice.Continuation.ListenerContinuation
The name of this continuation
name - Variable in class rice.Continuation.NamedContinuation
name - Variable in class rice.p2p.multiring.RingCertificate
name - Variable in class rice.p2p.util.XMLParser
If the tag parsed was a start/end, the name of the tag
nameSelf - Static variable in class rice.p2p.splitstream.testing.SplitStreamDistTest
NATHandler - Interface in rice.pastry.socket.nat
This is supposed to open a hole in the Firewall, usually using UPnP.
NegOne - Static variable in class rice.pastry.Id
neighbors - Variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierNeighborResponseMessage
neighborSeen(Id, long) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierImpl
neighborSet(int) - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.Endpoint
This methods returns an unordered set of nodehandles on which are neighbors of the local node in the id space.
neighborSet(int) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringEndpoint
This methods returns an unordered set of nodehandles on which are neighbors of the local node in the id space.
neighborSet(int) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCEndpoint
This methods returns an unordered set of nodehandles on which are neighbors of the local node in the id space.
neighborSet(int) - Method in class rice.pastry.client.CommonAPIAppl
This method produces an unordered list of nodehandles that are neighbors of the local node in the ID space.
neighborSet(int) - Method in class rice.pastry.commonapi.PastryEndpoint
This method produces an unordered list of nodehandles that are neighbors of the local node in the ID space.
neighborSet(int) - Method in class rice.pastry.leafset.LeafSet
compute an ordered set of nodes that are neighbors of this local node, in order of numerical closeness to the local node
neighborStorage - Variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierImpl
netBufferMax - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.ssl.SSLSocketManager
NETWORK_INFO_NODE_HANDLE_INDEX - Static variable in class rice.pastry.socket.SocketPastryNodeFactory
networkDelay(Identifier, Identifier) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.direct.GenericNetworkSimulator
Determines delivery time from a to b.
networkDelay(Identifier, Identifier) - Method in class rice.pastry.direct.BasicNetworkSimulator
computes the one-way distance between two NodeIds
networkDelay(Identifier, Identifier) - Method in interface rice.pastry.direct.NetworkSimulator
Determines delivery time from a to b.
networkDelay(Identifier, Identifier) - Method in class rice.pastry.direct.NetworkSimulatorImpl
networkDelay(NodeRecord) - Method in interface rice.pastry.direct.NodeRecord
networkDelay(NodeRecord) - Method in class rice.pastry.direct.proximitygenerators.GenericProximityGenerator.GNNodeRecord
NetworkInfoIOException - Exception in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.networkinfo
Wraps a normal exception in an IOException
NetworkInfoIOException(Exception) - Constructor for exception org.mpisws.p2p.transport.networkinfo.NetworkInfoIOException
NetworkInfoTransportLayer - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.networkinfo
Can open a TCP connection to a known node, and it will return your IP address.
NetworkInfoTransportLayer(TransportLayer<InetSocketAddress, ByteBuffer>, Environment, ErrorHandler<InetSocketAddress>) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.networkinfo.NetworkInfoTransportLayer
NetworkListener - Interface in rice.pastry
Represents a listener to pastry network activity.
networkNeighbors(int) - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.Endpoint
Returns an ordered list of the nearest known neighbors.
networkNeighbors(int) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringEndpoint
networkNeighbors(int) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCEndpoint
networkNeighbors(int) - Method in class rice.pastry.commonapi.PastryEndpoint
NetworkSimulator<Identifier,MessageType> - Interface in rice.pastry.direct
Interface to an object which is simulating the network.
NetworkSimulatorImpl<Identifier,MessageType> - Class in rice.pastry.direct
NetworkSimulatorImpl(Environment, ProximityGenerator) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.direct.NetworkSimulatorImpl
NEVER - Static variable in class rice.pastry.socket.internet.InternetPastryNodeFactory
neverAllowSubscribe - Variable in class rice.p2p.scribe.testing.ScribeRegrTest.TestScribePolicy
neverAllowSubscribe(boolean) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.testing.ScribeRegrTest.TestScribePolicy
NeverResponseStrategy<Identifier> - Class in rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous
Never send udp to the node.
NeverResponseStrategy() - Constructor for class rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.NeverResponseStrategy
newInstance(Class) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectInputStream
Method which returns a new instance of the provided class.
newNode(NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.pastry.direct.DirectPastryNodeFactory
Manufacture a new Pastry node.
newNode() - Method in class rice.pastry.direct.DirectPastryNodeFactory
newNode(NodeHandle, Id) - Method in class rice.pastry.direct.DirectPastryNodeFactory
newNode(Id) - Method in class rice.pastry.direct.DirectPastryNodeFactory
Manufacture a new Pastry node.
newNode(NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.pastry.PastryNodeFactory
Deprecated. use newNode() then call PastryNode.boot(address);
newNode() - Method in class rice.pastry.PastryNodeFactory
newNode(NodeHandle, Id) - Method in class rice.pastry.PastryNodeFactory
Deprecated. use newNode(nodeId) then call PastryNode.boot(address);
newNode(Id) - Method in class rice.pastry.PastryNodeFactory
newNode(NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.SocketPastryNodeFactory
Method which creates a Pastry node from the next port with a randomly generated NodeId.
newNode(NodeHandle, InetSocketAddress) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.SocketPastryNodeFactory
Method which creates a Pastry node from the next port with the specified nodeId (or one generated from the NodeIdFactory if not specified)
newNode(NodeHandle, Id) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.SocketPastryNodeFactory
Method which creates a Pastry node from the next port with the specified nodeId (or one generated from the NodeIdFactory if not specified)
newNode() - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.SocketPastryNodeFactory
Need to boot manually.
newNode(Id) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.SocketPastryNodeFactory
newNode(InetSocketAddress) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.SocketPastryNodeFactory
newNode(NodeHandle, Id, InetSocketAddress) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.SocketPastryNodeFactory
Method which creates a Pastry node from the next port with the specified nodeId (or one generated from the NodeIdFactory if not specified)
newNode(Id, InetSocketAddress) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.SocketPastryNodeFactory
This method uses the pAddress as the outer address if it's non-null.
newNode(Id, MultiInetSocketAddress) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.SocketPastryNodeFactory
Method which creates a Pastry node from the next port with the specified nodeId (or one generated from the NodeIdFactory if not specified)
newNodeSelector(Id, MultiInetSocketAddress, Continuation<PastryNode, IOException>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.internet.InternetPastryNodeFactory
This is where the action takes place.
newNodeSelector(Id, MultiInetSocketAddress, Continuation<PastryNode, IOException>, Map<String, Object>, boolean) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.RendezvousSocketPastryNodeFactory
Can override the contactState on a per-node basis
newNodeSelector(Id, MultiInetSocketAddress, Continuation<PastryNode, IOException>, Map<String, Object>, byte) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.RendezvousSocketPastryNodeFactory
Can override the contactState on a per-node basis
newNodeSelector(Id, MultiInetSocketAddress, Continuation<PastryNode, IOException>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.SocketPastryNodeFactory
Only call this on the selector thread.
newPast - Variable in class rice.p2p.aggregation.Moraine
next - Variable in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectOutputStream
A counter used to generate unique references
next() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLParser
Get next parsing event - element content wil be coalesced and only one TEXT event must be returned for whole element content (comments and processing instructions will be ignored and emtity references must be expanded or exception mus be thrown if entity reerence can not be exapnded).
nextBoolean() - Method in interface rice.environment.random.RandomSource
nextBoolean() - Method in class rice.environment.random.simple.SimpleRandomSource
nextBytes(byte[]) - Method in interface rice.environment.random.RandomSource
nextBytes(byte[]) - Method in class rice.environment.random.simple.SimpleRandomSource
nextContinuationTimeout - Variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierImpl
nextDouble() - Method in interface rice.environment.random.RandomSource
nextDouble() - Method in class rice.environment.random.simple.SimpleRandomSource
nextFloat() - Method in interface rice.environment.random.RandomSource
nextFloat() - Method in class rice.environment.random.simple.SimpleRandomSource
nextGaussian() - Method in interface rice.environment.random.RandomSource
nextGaussian() - Method in class rice.environment.random.simple.SimpleRandomSource
NextHopStrategy<Identifier> - Interface in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.manager.simple
This is a simplified Source Route Strategy, that only needs to provide a next hop.
nextInt() - Method in interface rice.environment.random.RandomSource
nextInt(int) - Method in interface rice.environment.random.RandomSource
nextInt() - Method in class rice.environment.random.simple.SimpleRandomSource
nextInt(int) - Method in class rice.environment.random.simple.SimpleRandomSource
nextLong() - Method in interface rice.environment.random.RandomSource
nextLong() - Method in class rice.environment.random.simple.SimpleRandomSource
nextSeq - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.SecureHistoryImpl
nextSerial - Variable in class rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregateList
nextTag - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous.EphemeralDBImpl
nextTag() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLParser
nextText() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLParser
nextToken() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLParser
nextUID - Variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierImpl
nh - Variable in exception rice.pastry.leafset.LSRangeCannotBeDeterminedException
nidFactory - Variable in class rice.pastry.direct.DirectPastryNodeFactory
nidFactory - Variable in class rice.pastry.socket.SocketPastryNodeFactory
nlen - Static variable in class rice.pastry.Id
nNodes - Variable in class rice.pastry.direct.TestRecord
NO - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.ssl.SSLTransportLayer
NO_CERTIFICATE - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewConstants
NO_HDR - Static variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.MagicNumberTest
Goes to Dave
NO_ID - Static variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.identity.IdentityImpl
NO_OPTIONS - Static variable in class rice.p2p.util.Base64
No options specified.
NO_SNIPPET - Static variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.evidence.ProofInconsistent
NO_TAG - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous.EphemeralDB
NO_TAG - Static variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous.RendezvousTransportLayerImpl
noCallbackTest() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.TLTest
node - Variable in class rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregationImpl
Node - Interface in rice.p2p.commonapi
node - Variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierImpl
node - Variable in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringEndpoint
The multiring node supporting this endpoint
node - Variable in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringNode
The node which this multiring node is wrapping
node - Variable in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCNode
The node which this mulitring node is wrapping
node - Variable in class rice.p2p.replication.manager.testing.ReplicationManagerRegrTest.TestReplicationManagerClient
node - Variable in class rice.p2p.replication.testing.ReplicationRegrTest.TestReplicationClient
node - Variable in class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeImpl
node - Variable in class rice.p2p.splitstream.SplitStreamImpl
The node that this application is running on
node - Variable in class rice.pastry.messaging.PastryObjectInputStream
node - Variable in class rice.pastry.testing.RoutingTableTest.MyApp
The node we were constructed on.
node - Variable in class rice.tutorial.appsocket.MyApp
The node we were constructed on.
node - Variable in class rice.tutorial.deterministicsimulator.MyApp
The node we were constructed on.
node - Variable in class rice.tutorial.direct.MyApp
The node we were constructed on.
node - Variable in class rice.tutorial.forwarding.MyApp
The node we were constructed on.
node - Variable in class rice.tutorial.gtitm.MyApp
The node we were constructed on.
node - Variable in class rice.tutorial.lesson4.MyApp
The node we were constructed on.
node - Variable in class rice.tutorial.prioritylistener.MyApp
The node we were constructed on.
node - Variable in class rice.tutorial.rawserialization.MyApp
The node we were constructed on.
node - Variable in class rice.tutorial.rawserialization2.MyApp
The node we were constructed on.
node - Variable in class rice.tutorial.remotesocket.MyApp
The node we were constructed on.
node - Variable in class rice.tutorial.sendfile.MyApp
The node we were constructed on.
node - Variable in class rice.tutorial.transportdirect.MyApp
The node we were constructed on.
node - Variable in class rice.tutorial.transportlayer.MyApp
The node we were constructed on.
NODE_HANDLE_FACTORY - Static variable in class rice.pastry.socket.SocketPastryNodeFactory
NODE_HANDLE_FROM_INDEX - Static variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.identity.IdentityImpl
NODE_ID_FILENAME - Static variable in class rice.pastry.standard.CertifiedNodeIdFactory
nodeAdded(Id) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringNode
Method which is used to inform the node that another node has been added to the collection.
nodeChangeStrategy - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.identity.IdentityImpl
NodeChangeStrategy<UpperIdentifier> - Interface in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.identity
nodeFaulty(MaintainableScribe, NodeHandle, List<Topic>, List<Topic>) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.maintenance.ScribeMaintenancePolicy.DefaultScribeMaintenancePolicy
nodeFaulty(MaintainableScribe, NodeHandle, List<Topic>, List<Topic>) - Method in interface rice.p2p.scribe.maintenance.ScribeMaintenancePolicy
When anyone in any Topic (child or parent) is detected faulty.
NodeHandle - Class in rice.p2p.commonapi
NodeHandle() - Constructor for class rice.p2p.commonapi.NodeHandle
nodeHandle - Variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierContentHandle
NodeHandle - Class in rice.pastry
Interface for handles to remote nodes.
NodeHandle() - Constructor for class rice.pastry.NodeHandle
NodeHandleAdapter - Class in rice.pastry.transport
NodeHandleAdapter(TransportLayer, LivenessProvider, ProximityProvider) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.transport.NodeHandleAdapter
NodeHandleFactory<NH extends NodeHandle> - Interface in rice.pastry
NodeHandleFactoryListener<NH extends NodeHandle> - Interface in rice.pastry
Notified when ever we hear of a Node Add the listener to the NodeHandleFactory
NodeHandleFetcher - Interface in rice.pastry
Internal interface to get a NodeHandle from some other identifier, such as an InetSocketAddress.
nodeHandleFound(UpperIdentifier) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.identity.SerializerListener
nodeHandleFound(NH) - Method in interface rice.pastry.NodeHandleFactoryListener
nodeHandleHelper(PastryNode) - Method in class rice.pastry.transport.TransportPastryNodeFactory
NodeHandleReader - Interface in rice.p2p.commonapi.rawserialization
NodeHandleSet - Interface in rice.p2p.commonapi
nodeId - Variable in class rice.pastry.dist.DistNodeHandle
NodeIdFactory - Interface in rice.pastry
An interface to any object capable of generating nodeIds.
NodeIdUnit - Class in rice.pastry.testing
NodeIdUnit tests the NodeId class.
NodeIdUnit() - Constructor for class rice.pastry.testing.NodeIdUnit
NodeIsDeadException - Exception in rice.p2p.commonapi.exception
NodeIsDeadException() - Constructor for exception rice.p2p.commonapi.exception.NodeIsDeadException
NodeIsDeadException - Exception in rice.pastry.dist
Thrown if you try to send a message on a node that has been killed.
NodeIsDeadException(Exception) - Constructor for exception rice.pastry.dist.NodeIsDeadException
Constructor for NodeIsDeadException.
NodeIsFaultyException - Exception in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.exception
NodeIsFaultyException(Object, Object) - Constructor for exception org.mpisws.p2p.transport.exception.NodeIsFaultyException
NodeIsFaultyException(Object, Object, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.mpisws.p2p.transport.exception.NodeIsFaultyException
NodeIsFaultyException(Object) - Constructor for exception org.mpisws.p2p.transport.exception.NodeIsFaultyException
NodeIsFirewalledException - Exception in rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous
NodeIsFirewalledException(NodeHandle) - Constructor for exception rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.NodeIsFirewalledException
NodeIsNotReadyException - Exception in rice.pastry.client
NodeIsNotReadyException(NodeHandle) - Constructor for exception rice.pastry.client.NodeIsNotReadyException
nodeIsReady(boolean) - Method in class rice.pastry.PastryNode
Overridden by derived classes, and invoked when the node has joined successfully.
nodeIsReady() - Method in class rice.pastry.PastryNode
Deprecated. use nodeIsReady(boolean)
NodeRecord - Interface in rice.pastry.direct
nodes - Variable in class rice.p2p.commonapi.testing.CommonAPITest
nodes - Variable in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringNodeCollection
The list of nodes in the collection
nodes - Variable in class rice.pastry.testing.PastryNetworkTest
nodes - Variable in class rice.tutorial.lookup.LookupService.NodeLookupResponse
NodeSet - Class in rice.pastry
Represents an ordered set of NodeHandles.
NodeSet() - Constructor for class rice.pastry.NodeSet
NodeSet(Vector<NodeHandle>) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.NodeSet
NodeSet(NodeSet) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.NodeSet
Copy constructor.
NodeSet(InputBuffer, NodeHandleFactory) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.NodeSet
NodeSetEventSource - Interface in rice.pastry
NodeSetI - Interface in rice.pastry
An interface to a generic set of nodes.
NodeSetListener - Interface in rice.pastry
nodeSetUpdate(NodeSetEventSource, NodeHandle, boolean) - Method in interface rice.pastry.NodeSetListener
NodeSetUpdate - Class in rice.pastry
A class which stores changes to a node set.
NodeSetUpdate(NodeHandle, boolean) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.NodeSetUpdate
nodeSetUpdate(Object, NodeHandle, boolean) - Method in class rice.pastry.routing.RoutingTable
Is called by the Observer pattern whenever a RouteSet in this table has changed.
nodeSetUpdate(NodeSetEventSource, NodeHandle, boolean) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.LeafSetPilotStrategy
nodeSetUpdate(NodeSetEventSource, NodeHandle, boolean) - Method in class rice.pastry.standard.ConsistentJoinProtocol
nodeSetUpdate(NodeSetEventSource, NodeHandle, boolean) - Method in class rice.pastry.standard.PartitionHandler
nodeSetUpdate(NodeSetEventSource, NodeHandle, boolean) - Method in class rice.pastry.standard.PeriodicLeafSetProtocol
nodesWithPendingMessages() - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.priority.PriorityTransportLayer
usually used with bytesPending() or queueLength()
nodesWithPendingMessages() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.priority.PriorityTransportLayerImpl
NoLegalRouteToMakeProgressException - Exception in rice.pastry.routing
NoLegalRouteToMakeProgressException(Id) - Constructor for exception rice.pastry.routing.NoLegalRouteToMakeProgressException
noLongerRoot(MaintainableScribe, List<Topic>) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.maintenance.ScribeMaintenancePolicy.DefaultScribeMaintenancePolicy
noLongerRoot(MaintainableScribe, List<Topic>) - Method in interface rice.p2p.scribe.maintenance.ScribeMaintenancePolicy
Called when membership changes "near" the local node, in overlay space.
NonAggregate - Class in rice.p2p.aggregation.messaging
Just wraps a header in Past to know that it is something other than an Aggregate
NonAggregate(PastContent) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.aggregation.messaging.NonAggregate
NonAggregate(RawPastContent) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.aggregation.messaging.NonAggregate
NonAggregate(InputBuffer, Endpoint, RawPastContent, PastContentDeserializer) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.aggregation.messaging.NonAggregate
NoReceiverAvailableException - Exception in rice.p2p.commonapi.exception
Raised if there is no acceptor socket available.
NoReceiverAvailableException() - Constructor for exception rice.p2p.commonapi.exception.NoReceiverAvailableException
NORMAL - Static variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.identity.IdentityImpl
normal - Variable in class rice.p2p.util.ReverseTreeMap
The internal normal map
NORMAL_SOCKET - Static variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous.RendezvousTransportLayerImpl
NOT_SATURATED - Static variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.bandwidthmeasure.BandwidthMeasuringTransportLayer
NotEnoughBandwidthException - Exception in rice.tutorial.transportlayer
NotEnoughBandwidthException(long, int) - Constructor for exception rice.tutorial.transportlayer.NotEnoughBandwidthException
notifyCertificateAvailable(Identifier) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.authpush.AuthenticatorPushProtocol
notifyCertificateAvailable(Identifier) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.authpush.AuthenticatorPushProtocolImpl
When we receive a new certificate, we may be able to check some more signatures on auths in the authPendingStore
notifyCertificateAvailable(Identifier) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.commitment.CommitmentProtocol
notifyCertificateAvailable(Identifier) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.commitment.CommitmentProtocolImpl
notifyCertificateAvailable(Identifier) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.identity.IdentityTransportCallback
notifyCertificateAvailable(Identifier) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewImpl
notifyCertificateAvailable(Identifier) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.statement.StatementProtocolImpl
Called if we have received a certificate for a new nodeID.
notifyCertificateAvailable(Id) - Method in class rice.pastry.peerreview.PeerReviewCallbackImpl
notifyIncomingPilotAdded(HighIdentifier) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous.RendezvousTransportLayerImpl
notifyIncomingPilotRemoved(HighIdentifier) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous.RendezvousTransportLayerImpl
notifyIO(boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.playback.ReplaySocket
notifyIO(boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.ReplaySocket
notifyListeners(NodeHandle, boolean) - Method in class rice.pastry.leafset.SimilarSet
notifyListeners(SocketNodeHandle) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.SocketNodeHandleFactory
Notify the listeners that this new handle has come along.
notifyListenersDropped(int, Identifier, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.priority.PriorityTransportLayerImpl
notifyListenersEnqueued(int, Identifier, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.priority.PriorityTransportLayerImpl
notifyListenersRead(int, Identifier, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.priority.PriorityTransportLayerImpl
notifyListenersRead(int, Identifier, Map<String, Object>, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.magicnumber.MagicNumberTransportLayer
notifyListenersReceiveFileProgress(FileReceipt, long, long) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.filetransfer.FileTransferImpl
notifyListenersReceiveMsgProgress(BBReceipt, int, int) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.filetransfer.FileTransferImpl
notifyListenersReceiverCancelled(Receipt) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.filetransfer.FileTransferImpl
notifyListenersSenderCancelled(FileTransferImpl.DataReader) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.filetransfer.FileTransferImpl
notifyListenersSendFileProgress(FileReceipt, long, long) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.filetransfer.FileTransferImpl
notifyListenersSendMsgProgress(BBReceipt, int, int) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.filetransfer.FileTransferImpl
notifyListenersTransferFailed(Receipt, boolean) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.filetransfer.FileTransferImpl
notifyListenersWrite(int, Identifier, Map<String, Object>, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.magicnumber.MagicNumberTransportLayer
notifyListenersWrote(int, Identifier, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.priority.PriorityTransportLayerImpl
notifyLivenessListeners(NodeHandle, int, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class rice.pastry.PastryNode
notifyLoopListeners() - Method in class rice.selector.SelectorManager
notifyObservers(Object) - Method in class rice.pastry.direct.DirectNodeHandle
notifyObservers(Object) - Method in class rice.pastry.NodeHandle
notifyOutgoingPilotAdded(HighIdentifier) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous.RendezvousTransportLayerImpl
notifyOutgoingPilotRemoved(HighIdentifier) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous.RendezvousTransportLayerImpl
notifyPrimarySocketClosed(Identifier) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.priority.PrimarySocketListener
notifyPrimarySocketOpened(Identifier, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.priority.PrimarySocketListener
notifyProximityListeners(Identifier, int, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.proximity.MinRTTProximityProvider
notifyProximityListeners(Identifier, int, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.manager.SourceRouteManagerImpl
notifyReady() - Method in class rice.pastry.client.CommonAPIAppl
Invoked when the Pastry node has joined the overlay network and is ready to send and receive messages
notifyReady() - Method in class rice.pastry.client.PastryAppl
Invoked when the Pastry node has joined the overlay network and is ready to send and receive messages As of FreePastry 1.4.1, replaced by PastryNode Observer pattern.
notifyReady() - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.HelloWorldApp
Invoked by {RMI,Direct}PastryNode when the node has something in its leaf set, and has become ready to receive application messages.
notifyReady() - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.RegrTestApp
Invoked when the Pastry node has joined the overlay network and is ready to send and receive messages
notifyReadyObservers() - Method in class rice.pastry.PastryNode
notifySimulatorListenersReceived(MessageType, Identifier, Identifier) - Method in interface rice.pastry.direct.NetworkSimulator
Call this when a message is received.
notifySimulatorListenersReceived(MessageType, Identifier, Identifier) - Method in class rice.pastry.direct.NetworkSimulatorImpl
notifySimulatorListenersSent(MessageType, Identifier, Identifier, int) - Method in interface rice.pastry.direct.NetworkSimulator
Call this when a message is sent.
notifySimulatorListenersSent(MessageType, Identifier, Identifier, int) - Method in class rice.pastry.direct.NetworkSimulatorImpl
notifyStatusChange(Identifier, int) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.challenge.ChallengeResponseProtocolImpl
notifyStatusChange(Identifier, int) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.commitment.CommitmentProtocolImpl
notifyStatusChange(Identifier, int) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.infostore.StatusChangeListener
notifyStatusChange(Identifier, int) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewImpl
notifyStatusChange(Id, int) - Method in class rice.pastry.peerreview.PeerReviewCallbackImpl
notifyStatusChanged(Identifier, int) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.infostore.PeerInfoStore
notifyStatusChanged(Identifier, int) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.infostore.PeerInfoStoreImpl
notifyWitnessSet(Identifier, Collection<Handle>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.evidence.EvidenceTransferProtocolImpl
Called when the local node learns about the members of another node's witness set.
notifyWitnessSet(Identifier, Collection<Handle>) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.WitnessListener
nTests - Variable in class rice.pastry.direct.TestRecord
Null - Static variable in class rice.pastry.Id
Distance constants
NullHashProvider - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.stub
NullHashProvider() - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.stub.NullHashProvider
nullPrintStream - Static variable in class rice.environment.logging.AbstractLogManager
nulls - Variable in class rice.p2p.util.ReverseTreeMap
The internal list of keys with null as a mapping
num - Variable in class rice.p2p.scribe.testing.ScribeRegrTest.TestScribeContent
NUM - Static variable in class rice.p2p.util.testing.IdBloomFilterReplicationTest
num - Variable in class rice.p2p.util.testing.XMLObjectStreamUnit.TestExternalizable
num - Variable in class rice.pastry.testing.RoutingTableTest.TestScribeContent
num - Variable in class rice.persistence.testing.MemoryStorageTest.VariableId
NUM_BITS_PER_KEY - Static variable in class rice.p2p.util.IdBloomFilter
The number of bits per key in bloom filters
NUM_BYTES_TO_PRINT - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.util.DefaultErrorHandler
NUM_DELETE_AT_ONCE - Variable in class rice.p2p.replication.manager.ReplicationManagerImpl
The number of ids to delete at a given time - others will be deleted later
NUM_GATEWAY_NODES - Static variable in class rice.p2p.multiring.testing.MultiringRegrTest
NUM_GLOBAL_NODES - Static variable in class rice.p2p.multiring.testing.MultiringRegrTest
NUM_HASH_FUNCTIONS - Static variable in class rice.p2p.util.IdBloomFilter
The number of different hash functions to use in bloom filters
NUM_INDEXES - Static variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.audit.SnippetEntry
NUM_INTERNAL_NODES - Static variable in class rice.p2p.multiring.testing.MultiringRegrTest
NUM_NODES - Variable in class rice.p2p.commonapi.testing.CommonAPITest
NUM_NODES - Static variable in class rice.pastry.testing.ClosestRegrTest
NUM_ORGANIZATIONAL_NODES - Static variable in class rice.p2p.multiring.testing.MultiringRegrTest
NUM_ORGANIZATIONS - Static variable in class rice.p2p.multiring.testing.MultiringRegrTest
NUM_PING_TRIES - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.liveness.LivenessTransportLayerImpl
NUM_PUBLISHES - Static variable in class rice.tutorial.splitstream.MySplitStreamClient
The number of messages to publish.
NUM_RUNS - Static variable in class rice.p2p.util.testing.IdBloomFilterReplicationTest
NUM_SOURCE_ROUTE_ATTEMPTS - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.manager.SourceRouteManagerImpl
NUM_VALS - Static variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.bandwidthmeasure.BandwidthMeasuringTransportLayer
numAggregatesTotal - Variable in class rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregationStatistics
numAttributes - Variable in class rice.p2p.util.XMLParser
numAuthenticatorsFor(Identifier) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.commitment.AuthenticatorStore
numAuthenticatorsFor(Identifier, long, long) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.commitment.AuthenticatorStore
numAuthenticatorsFor(Identifier) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.commitment.AuthenticatorStoreImpl
numAuthenticatorsFor(Identifier, long, long) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.commitment.AuthenticatorStoreImpl
numChildren(Topic) - Method in interface rice.p2p.scribe.BaseScribe
numChildren(Topic) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeImpl
numChildren() - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeImpl.TopicManager
numColumns() - Method in class rice.pastry.routing.RoutingTable
return ths number of columns in the routing table
numComponents() - Method in class rice.p2p.aggregation.Aggregate
numComponents() - Method in class rice.p2p.aggregation.raw.RawAggregate
numContinuations - Variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierStatistics
numDigits(int) - Static method in class rice.pastry.Id
return the number of digits in a given base
numElements() - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.IdSet
return the number of elements
numElements() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.FragmentKeySet
return the number of elements
numElements() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.VersionKeySet
return the number of elements
numElements() - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringIdSet
return the number of elements
numElements() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCIdSet
return the number of elements
numElements() - Method in class rice.pastry.IdSet
return the number of elements
numEntries - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.SecureHistoryImpl
numEntries() - Method in class rice.pastry.routing.RoutingTable
numFragments - Variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.ErasureCodec
numFragments - Variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierImpl
numFragments - Variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierStatistics
numKeys() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierDataMessage
numKeys() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierQueryMessage
numKeys() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierRefreshCompleteMessage
numKeys() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierRefreshPatchMessage
numKeys() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierResponseMessage
numNeighbors - Variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierStatistics
numNeighbors() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierNeighborResponseMessage
numNeighbors - Variable in class rice.pastry.peerreview.FetchLeafsetApp
numNodes - Variable in class rice.tutorial.lookup.LookupService.NodeLookupQuery
numObjectsAlive - Variable in class rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregationStatistics
numObjectsInTrash - Variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierStatistics
numObjectsTotal - Variable in class rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregationStatistics
numPointerArrays - Variable in class rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregationStatistics
numRetries - Variable in class rice.pastry.routing.RouteMessage
This is used by the Rerouter to keep track of how many attempted reroutes of the message.
numRows() - Method in class rice.pastry.join.JoinRequest
Get the number of rows.
numRows() - Method in class rice.pastry.routing.RoutingTable
return the number of rows in the routing table
numSurvivors - Variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.ErasureCodec
numSurvivors - Variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierImpl
numTries - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.liveness.LivenessTransportLayerImpl.DeadChecker
numUniqueEntries() - Method in class rice.pastry.routing.RoutingTable


ObjectDescriptor - Class in rice.p2p.aggregation
ObjectDescriptor(Id, long, long, long, int) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.aggregation.ObjectDescriptor
objectHash - Variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.Manifest
objectLifetimeHisto - Variable in class rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregationStatistics
objects - Variable in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectInputStream.GetField
objects - Variable in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectOutputStream.PutField
objectStore - Variable in class rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregationImpl
OFF - Static variable in class rice.environment.logging.Logger
OFF is a special level that can be used to turn off logging.
offset - Variable in class rice.environment.logging.LogOutputStream
offsetFID - Variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierSyncMessage
oldPast - Variable in class rice.p2p.aggregation.Moraine
ONE - Static variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.record.RecordLayer
One - Static variable in class rice.pastry.Id
online - Variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierRefreshResponseMessage
onLoop() - Method in class rice.selector.ProfileSelector
onLoop() - Method in class rice.selector.SelectorManager
This method is to be implemented by a subclass to do some task each loop.
open(String, String) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.SecureHistoryFactory
open(String, String) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.SecureHistoryFactoryImpl
Opens an existing history (aka log).
openAcceptSocket(HighIdentifier, HighIdentifier, int) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous.RendezvousTransportLayerImpl
We are a firewalled node and got a connect request, now time to respond to it
openChannel(Identifier, Identifier, Identifier, int, Continuation<Integer, Exception>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous.RendezvousStrategy
Calls ChannelOpener.openChannel(dest, credentials) on target Possible exceptions to deliverResultToMe: NodeIsFaultyException if target is faulty UnableToConnectException if dest is faulty Called by: 1) Rendezvous if the target and source are NATted 2) Source if target is NATted, but source isn't Not called if the pilotFinder found a pilot for the target (in FreePastry this means that this will not be called if the target is in the leafSet).
openChannel(HighIdentifier, HighIdentifier, int) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous.RendezvousTransportLayer
Open a socket to the dest, then after writing credentials, call notify the higher layer: incomingSocket()
openChannel(HighIdentifier, HighIdentifier, int) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous.RendezvousTransportLayerImpl
openChannel(RendezvousSocketNodeHandle, RendezvousSocketNodeHandle, RendezvousSocketNodeHandle, int, Continuation<Integer, Exception>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.RendezvousApp
OpenChannelMsg - Class in rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous
OpenChannelMsg(int, RendezvousSocketNodeHandle, RendezvousSocketNodeHandle, int) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.OpenChannelMsg
openFirewallPort(Id, InetSocketAddress, Continuation<PastryNode, IOException>, InetAddress, int) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.internet.InternetPastryNodeFactory
Attempt to open the firewall on the specified port if it doesn't work, uses Rendezvous
openFireWallPort(int, int, String) - Method in interface rice.pastry.socket.nat.NATHandler
openFireWallPort(int, int, String) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.sbbi.SBBINatHandler
openFireWallPort(int, int, String) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.StubNATHandler
openPilot(Identifier, Continuation<SocketRequestHandle<Identifier>, Exception>) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous.PilotManager
Tells the manager to open a pilot to the Identifier
openPilot(HighIdentifier, Continuation<SocketRequestHandle<HighIdentifier>, Exception>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous.RendezvousTransportLayerImpl
Only used by NATted node.
openPrimaryConnection(Identifier, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.priority.PriorityTransportLayer
open a primary connection
openPrimaryConnection(Identifier, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.priority.PriorityTransportLayerImpl
openServerSocket() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.UDPLayerImpl
openSocket(Identifier, SocketCallback<Identifier>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.bandwidthmeasure.BandwidthMeasuringTransportLayer
openSocket(Identifier, SocketCallback<Identifier>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.commonapi.CommonAPITransportLayerImpl
openSocket(Identifier, SocketCallback<Identifier>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.direct.DirectTransportLayer
openSocket(Identifier, SocketCallback<Identifier>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.limitsockets.LimitSocketsTransportLayer
openSocket(Identifier, SocketCallback<Identifier>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.liveness.LivenessTransportLayerImpl
openSocket(MultiInetSocketAddress, SocketCallback<MultiInetSocketAddress>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.multiaddress.MultiInetAddressTransportLayerImpl
openSocket(Identifier, SocketCallback<Identifier>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.nat.FirewallTLImpl
openSocket(InetSocketAddress, SocketCallback<InetSocketAddress>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.networkinfo.NetworkInfoTransportLayer
openSocket(InetSocketAddress, byte[], SocketCallback<InetSocketAddress>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.networkinfo.NetworkInfoTransportLayer
openSocket(Handle, SocketCallback<Handle>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewImpl
openSocket(Identifier, SocketCallback<Identifier>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.playback.ReplayLayer
openSocket(Identifier) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.playback.ReplayVerifier
Return the new socketId
openSocket(Identifier, SocketCallback<Identifier>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.record.RecordLayer
openSocket(Handle, SocketCallback<Handle>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.VerifierImpl
openSocket(Handle) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.VerifierImpl
Return the new socketId
openSocket(Identifier, SocketCallback<Identifier>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.priority.PriorityTransportLayerImpl
openSocket(Identifier, SocketCallback<Identifier>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rc4.RC4TransportLayer
openSocket(Identifier, SocketCallback<Identifier>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous.RendezvousTransportLayerImpl
openSocket(Identifier, SocketCallback<Identifier>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.simpleidentity.SimpleIdentityTransportLayer
openSocket(SocketCallback<Identifier>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.manager.SourceRouteManagerImpl.AddressManager
Method which opens an app socket to this address
openSocket(Identifier, SocketCallback<Identifier>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.manager.SourceRouteManagerImpl
Method which sends a message across the wire.
openSocket(SourceRoute<Identifier>, SocketCallback<SourceRoute<Identifier>>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.SourceRouteTransportLayerImpl
openSocket(Identifier, SocketCallback<Identifier>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.ssl.SSLTransportLayerImpl
openSocket(Identifier, SocketCallback<Identifier>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.table.TableTransprotLayerImpl
openSocket(Identifier, SocketCallback<Identifier>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.TransportLayer
Open a socket to the Identifier
openSocket(Identifier, SocketCallback<Identifier>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.magicnumber.MagicNumberTransportLayer
openSocket(InetSocketAddress, SocketCallback<InetSocketAddress>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.TCPLayer
openSocket(InetSocketAddress, SocketCallback<InetSocketAddress>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.WireTransportLayerImpl
openSocket(TransportLayerNodeHandle<MultiInetSocketAddress>, SocketCallback<TransportLayerNodeHandle<MultiInetSocketAddress>>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class rice.pastry.peerreview.PeerReviewCallbackImpl
openSocket(NodeHandle, SocketCallback<NodeHandle>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class rice.pastry.transport.NodeHandleAdapter
openSocket(Identifier, SocketCallback<Identifier>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class rice.tutorial.transportlayer.BandwidthLimitingTransportLayer
openSocketHelper(SocketCallback<SourceRoute<Identifier>>, SocketRequestHandleImpl<SourceRoute<Identifier>>, P2PSocket<Identifier>, SourceRoute<Identifier>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.SourceRouteTransportLayerImpl
openSocketUsingPilotToMe(HighIdentifier, SocketRequestHandle<Identifier>, SocketCallback<Identifier>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous.RendezvousTransportLayerImpl
Return true there was a pilot to me.
openSocketViaPilot(HighIdentifier, HighIdentifier, SocketRequestHandle<Identifier>, SocketCallback<Identifier>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous.RendezvousTransportLayerImpl
openTCP() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.SRTest
openTCP() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.TLTest
3 parts: - Alice opens a TCP socket to Bob - Alice sends to Bob - Alice closes the Socket
openTCP() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.WireSRTest
OperationCancelledException - Exception in org.mpisws.p2p.filetransfer
OperationCancelledException(Receipt) - Constructor for exception org.mpisws.p2p.filetransfer.OperationCancelledException
OPTION_AUTHENTICATION - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.ssl.SSLTransportLayer
OPTION_CERT_SUBJECT - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.ssl.SSLTransportLayer
OPTION_ENCRYPTION - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.ssl.SSLTransportLayer
OPTION_PRIORITY - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.priority.PriorityTransportLayer
OPTION_SOURCE_ROUTE - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.SourceRouteTransportLayer
OPTION_TRANSPORT_TYPE - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.WireTransportLayer
OPTION_USE_PILOT - Static variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous.RendezvousTransportLayerImpl
Value should be a HighIdentifier
options - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.evidence.EvidenceTransferProtocolImpl.MessageInfo
options - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.statement.IncompleteStatementInfo
options - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.ssl.SSLSocketManager
options - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.util.SocketWrapperSocket
OPTIONS - Static variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.TCPLayer
OPTIONS - Static variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.UDPLayerImpl
options - Variable in class rice.pastry.client.PastryAppl
optionsAdder - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.commonapi.CommonAPITransportLayerImpl
OptionsAdder - Interface in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.commonapi
OptionsFactory - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.util
OptionsFactory() - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.util.OptionsFactory
org.mpisws.p2p.filetransfer - package org.mpisws.p2p.filetransfer
org.mpisws.p2p.pki.x509 - package org.mpisws.p2p.pki.x509
org.mpisws.p2p.testing.filetransfer - package org.mpisws.p2p.testing.filetransfer
org.mpisws.p2p.testing.pki.x509 - package org.mpisws.p2p.testing.pki.x509
org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer - package org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer
org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.peerreview - package org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.peerreview
org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.replay - package org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.replay
org.mpisws.p2p.transport - package org.mpisws.p2p.transport
org.mpisws.p2p.transport.bandwidthlimit - package org.mpisws.p2p.transport.bandwidthlimit
org.mpisws.p2p.transport.bandwidthmeasure - package org.mpisws.p2p.transport.bandwidthmeasure
org.mpisws.p2p.transport.commonapi - package org.mpisws.p2p.transport.commonapi
org.mpisws.p2p.transport.direct - package org.mpisws.p2p.transport.direct
org.mpisws.p2p.transport.exception - package org.mpisws.p2p.transport.exception
org.mpisws.p2p.transport.identity - package org.mpisws.p2p.transport.identity
org.mpisws.p2p.transport.limitsockets - package org.mpisws.p2p.transport.limitsockets
org.mpisws.p2p.transport.liveness - package org.mpisws.p2p.transport.liveness
org.mpisws.p2p.transport.multiaddress - package org.mpisws.p2p.transport.multiaddress
org.mpisws.p2p.transport.nat - package org.mpisws.p2p.transport.nat
org.mpisws.p2p.transport.networkinfo - package org.mpisws.p2p.transport.networkinfo
org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview - package org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview
org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.audit - package org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.audit
org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.authpush - package org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.authpush
org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.challenge - package org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.challenge
org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.commitment - package org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.commitment
org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.evidence - package org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.evidence
org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history - package org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history
org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.hasher - package org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.hasher
org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.logentry - package org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.logentry
org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.reader - package org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.reader
org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.stub - package org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.stub
org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.identity - package org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.identity
org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.infostore - package org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.infostore
org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.message - package org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.message
org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay - package org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay
org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.playback - package org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.playback
org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.record - package org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.record
org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.statement - package org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.statement
org.mpisws.p2p.transport.priority - package org.mpisws.p2p.transport.priority
org.mpisws.p2p.transport.proximity - package org.mpisws.p2p.transport.proximity
org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rc4 - package org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rc4
org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous - package org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous
org.mpisws.p2p.transport.simpleidentity - package org.mpisws.p2p.transport.simpleidentity
org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute - package org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute
org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.factory - package org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.factory
org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.manager - package org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.manager
org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.manager.simple - package org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.manager.simple
org.mpisws.p2p.transport.ssl - package org.mpisws.p2p.transport.ssl
org.mpisws.p2p.transport.table - package org.mpisws.p2p.transport.table
org.mpisws.p2p.transport.util - package org.mpisws.p2p.transport.util
org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire - package org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire
org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.exception - package org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.exception
org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.magicnumber - package org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.magicnumber
organizationalApps - Variable in class rice.p2p.multiring.testing.MultiringRegrTest
organizationalNodes - Variable in class rice.p2p.multiring.testing.MultiringRegrTest
originalException - Variable in exception rice.pastry.dist.NodeIsDeadException
The original reason we found the node to be dead.
originator - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.infostore.PeerInfoRecord.EvidenceRecordImpl
originator - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.message.ChallengeMessage
originator - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.statement.Statement
orphanedAggregates - Variable in class rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregationStatistics
other - Variable in class rice.p2p.past.PastImpl
otherNodesMaySuspectFaulty(int) - Method in class rice.pastry.standard.ConsistentJoinProtocol
Call this if there is an event such that you may have not received messages for long enough for other nodes to call you faulty.
OutgoingPilotListener<HighIdentifier> - Interface in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous
Tells a NATted node about outgoingPilots.
OutgoingUserDataMessage<Handle extends RawSerializable> - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.message
OutgoingUserDataMessage(long, Handle, byte[], byte[], ByteBuffer, int, Map<String, Object>, PeerInfo<Handle>, MessageCallback<Handle, ByteBuffer>) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.message.OutgoingUserDataMessage
OutputBuffer - Interface in rice.p2p.commonapi.rawserialization
OVERHEAD - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.TransportLayerListenerConstants
Traffic due to this layer.
overlaps() - Method in class rice.pastry.leafset.LeafSet
Test if the leafset overlaps
OverrideLiveness<Identifier> - Interface in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.liveness
OVERWRITE - Static variable in class rice.pastry.socket.internet.InternetPastryNodeFactory


P2PSocket<Identifier> - Interface in org.mpisws.p2p.transport
A socket in the layered transport layer.
P2PSocketReceiver<Identifier> - Interface in org.mpisws.p2p.transport
packageOnly - Variable in class rice.environment.logging.AbstractLogManager
If we only want package level granularity.
PacketInfo<Handle,Identifier> - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.challenge
PacketInfo(Handle, Evidence, boolean, Identifier, Identifier, long, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.challenge.PacketInfo
PacketInfo - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.commitment
PacketInfo(ByteBuffer, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.commitment.PacketInfo
PAD_SIZE - Static variable in class rice.p2p.commonapi.testing.CommonAPITest
PAD_SIZE - Static variable in class rice.p2p.multiring.testing.MultiringRegrTest
PAD_SIZE - Static variable in class rice.persistence.testing.Test
PARAMETER_LENGTH - Static variable in class rice.p2p.util.BloomFilter
The length of the random byte arrays which are generated
parameterChange(String, String) - Method in interface rice.environment.params.ParameterChangeListener
ParameterChangeListener - Interface in rice.environment.params
Listener interface for changes to a parameters object
Parameters - Interface in rice.environment.params
Parameters interface for FreePastry Usually acquired by calling environment.getParameters().
parameters - Variable in class rice.p2p.util.BloomFilter
The parameters to the hash functions for this bloom filter
params - Variable in class rice.environment.logging.AbstractLogManager
params - Variable in class rice.p2p.commonapi.testing.CommonAPITest
ParamsNotPresentException - Exception in rice.environment.params.simple
Unable to load the default parameters file.
ParamsNotPresentException(String, Exception) - Constructor for exception rice.environment.params.simple.ParamsNotPresentException
parent - Variable in class rice.Continuation.ErrorContinuation
The parent continuation
parent - Variable in class rice.Continuation.MultiContinuation
parent - Variable in class rice.Continuation.NamedContinuation
parent - Variable in class rice.Continuation.StandardContinuation
The parent continuation
parent - Variable in class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeImpl.TopicManager
parseArgs(String[]) - Static method in class rice.p2p.commonapi.testing.CommonAPITest
process command line args
parseArgs(String[]) - Static method in class rice.p2p.multiring.testing.MultiringRegrTest
process command line args
parseAttributes() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLParser
Method which parses all of the attributes of a start tag
parseDocumentTag() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLParser
Method which parses a document tag
parseEndTag(String) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLParser
Method which parses an end tag of the form
parseEndTag() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLParser
Method which parses an end tag of the form
parseInetSocketAddress(String) - Method in class rice.environment.params.simple.SimpleParameters
parseStartTag() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLParser
Method which parses a start tag
parseTag() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLParser
Internal method which parses a tag
parseText() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLParser
Method which parses an end tag of the form
parseUntil(char[]) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLParser
Method which parses and returns up to the next token
parseUntil(char) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLParser
Method which parses and returns up to the next token
parseUntilNot(char[]) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLParser
Method which parses up to the next token
parseVal(String) - Method in class rice.environment.logging.AbstractLogManager
PartitionChecker - Class in rice.pastry.testing
Pass in a certificate which contains bootstrap nodes.
PartitionChecker(String) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.testing.PartitionChecker
PartitionHandler - Class in rice.pastry.standard
The PartitionHandler does two things: it collects a list of candidate nodes that may be in another partition, and it periodically tries to reach these nodes to heal a partition.
PartitionHandler(PastryNode, SocketPastryNodeFactory, InetSocketAddress[]) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.standard.PartitionHandler
Constructs a PartitionHandler.
PartitionHandlerTest - Class in rice.pastry.testing
PartitionHandlerTest() - Constructor for class rice.pastry.testing.PartitionHandlerTest
pass() - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.ClosestRegrTest
PASSTHROUGH - Static variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.table.TableTransprotLayerImpl
PASSTHROUGH - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.TransportLayerListenerConstants
Traffic due to another layer.
PASSTHROUGH_SOCKET - Static variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.priority.PriorityTransportLayerImpl
PASSTHROUGH_SOCKET_B - Static variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.priority.PriorityTransportLayerImpl
Past - Interface in rice.p2p.past
PastContent - Interface in rice.p2p.past
PastContentDeserializer - Interface in rice.p2p.past.rawserialization
PastContentHandle - Interface in rice.p2p.past
PastContentHandleDeserializer - Interface in rice.p2p.past.rawserialization
PastException - Exception in rice.p2p.past
PastException(String) - Constructor for exception rice.p2p.past.PastException
PastImpl - Class in rice.p2p.past
PastImpl(Node, StorageManager, int, String) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.past.PastImpl
Constructor for Past, using the default policy
PastImpl(Node, StorageManager, int, String, PastPolicy) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.past.PastImpl
Constructor for Past
PastImpl(Node, StorageManager, Cache, int, String, PastPolicy, StorageManager) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.past.PastImpl
PastImpl(Node, StorageManager, Cache, int, String, PastPolicy, StorageManager, boolean) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.past.PastImpl
PastImpl(Node, StorageManager, Cache, int, String, PastPolicy, StorageManager, SocketStrategy) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.past.PastImpl
Constructor for Past
PastImpl.MessageBuilder - Interface in rice.p2p.past
Class which builds a message
PastImpl.PastDeserializer - Class in rice.p2p.past
PastImpl.PastDeserializer() - Constructor for class rice.p2p.past.PastImpl.PastDeserializer
PastMessage - Class in rice.p2p.past.messaging
PastMessage(int, NodeHandle, Id) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.past.messaging.PastMessage
Constructor which takes a unique integer Id
PastMessage(InputBuffer, Endpoint) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.past.messaging.PastMessage
PastPolicy - Interface in rice.p2p.past
PastPolicy.DefaultPastPolicy - Class in rice.p2p.past
The default policy for Past, which fetches any available copy of a replicated object and always allows inserts locally.
PastPolicy.DefaultPastPolicy() - Constructor for class rice.p2p.past.PastPolicy.DefaultPastPolicy
PastRegrTest - Class in rice.p2p.past.testing
PastRegrTest(Environment) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.past.testing.PastRegrTest
Constructor which sets up all local variables
PastRegrTest.NonMutableTestPastContent - Class in rice.p2p.past.testing
PastRegrTest.NonMutableTestPastContent(Id) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.past.testing.PastRegrTest.NonMutableTestPastContent
PastRegrTest.NonOverwritingTestPastContent - Class in rice.p2p.past.testing
PastRegrTest.NonOverwritingTestPastContent(Id, int) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.past.testing.PastRegrTest.NonOverwritingTestPastContent
PastRegrTest.TestCommand - Class in rice.p2p.past.testing
Common superclass for test commands.
PastRegrTest.TestCommand() - Constructor for class rice.p2p.past.testing.PastRegrTest.TestCommand
PastRegrTest.TestExceptionCommand - Class in rice.p2p.past.testing
Common superclass for test commands which should throw an exception
PastRegrTest.TestExceptionCommand() - Constructor for class rice.p2p.past.testing.PastRegrTest.TestExceptionCommand
PastRegrTest.TestPastContent - Class in rice.p2p.past.testing
Utility class for past content objects
PastRegrTest.TestPastContent(Id) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.past.testing.PastRegrTest.TestPastContent
PastRegrTest.TestPastContentHandle - Class in rice.p2p.past.testing
Utility class for past content object handles
PastRegrTest.TestPastContentHandle(Past, Id) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.past.testing.PastRegrTest.TestPastContentHandle
PastRegrTest.TestRouteMessage - Class in rice.p2p.past.testing
Utility class which simulates a route message
PastRegrTest.TestRouteMessage(Id, NodeHandle, Message) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.past.testing.PastRegrTest.TestRouteMessage
PastRegrTest.VersionedTestPastContent - Class in rice.p2p.past.testing
PastRegrTest.VersionedTestPastContent(Id, int) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.past.testing.PastRegrTest.VersionedTestPastContent
PASTRY_MAGIC_NUMBER - Static variable in class rice.pastry.socket.SocketPastryNodeFactory
PastryAppl - Class in rice.pastry.client
A PastryAppl is an abstract class that every Pastry application extends.
PastryAppl(PastryNode) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.client.PastryAppl
PastryAppl(PastryNode, String) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.client.PastryAppl
PastryAppl(PastryNode, String, int, MessageDeserializer) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.client.PastryAppl
PastryAppl(PastryNode, String, int, MessageDeserializer, Logger) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.client.PastryAppl
PastryAppl(PastryNode, int) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.client.PastryAppl
PastryEndpoint - Class in rice.pastry.commonapi
This class serves as gluecode, which allows applications written for the common API to work with pastry.
PastryEndpoint(PastryNode, Application, String, boolean) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.commonapi.PastryEndpoint
PastryEndpoint(PastryNode, Application, String, int, boolean) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.commonapi.PastryEndpoint
PastryEndpointMessage - Class in rice.pastry.commonapi
This class is an internal message to the commonapi gluecode.
PastryEndpointMessage(int, Message, NodeHandle) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.commonapi.PastryEndpointMessage
PastryEndpointMessage(int, RawMessage, NodeHandle) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.commonapi.PastryEndpointMessage
PastryEndpointMessage(int, InputBuffer, MessageDeserializer, short, int, NodeHandle) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.commonapi.PastryEndpointMessage
PastryIdFactory - Class in rice.pastry.commonapi
This class provides applications with a way of genertating pastry Ids.
PastryIdFactory(Environment) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.commonapi.PastryIdFactory
PastryNetworkTest - Class in rice.pastry.testing
Utility class for checking the consistency of an existing pastry network.
PastryNetworkTest(Environment, SocketPastryNodeFactory, InetSocketAddress) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.testing.PastryNetworkTest
PastryNode - Class in rice.pastry
A Pastry node is single entity in the pastry network.
PastryNode(Id, Environment) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.PastryNode
Constructor, with NodeId.
pastryNode - Variable in class rice.pastry.standard.PartitionHandler
PastryNodeFactory - Class in rice.pastry
The interface to an object which can construct PastryNodes.
PastryNodeFactory(Environment) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.PastryNodeFactory
pastryNodes - Variable in class rice.pastry.testing.PastryRegrTest
pastryNodesLastAdded - Variable in class rice.pastry.testing.PastryRegrTest
pastryNodesSorted - Variable in class rice.pastry.testing.PastryRegrTest
of Id
pastryNodesSortedReady - Variable in class rice.pastry.testing.PastryRegrTest
PastryObjectInputStream - Class in rice.pastry.messaging
coalesces NodeHandles on the fly during java deserialization
PastryObjectInputStream(InputStream, PastryNode) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.messaging.PastryObjectInputStream
PastryRegrTest - Class in rice.pastry.testing
PastryRegrTest a regression test suite for pastry.
PastryRegrTest(Environment) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.testing.PastryRegrTest
PastryTest - Class in rice.pastry.testing
Pastry test.
PastryTest(Environment) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.testing.PastryTest
pasts - Variable in class rice.p2p.past.testing.PastRegrTest
pasts - Variable in class rice.p2p.past.testing.RawPastRegrTest
PastTutorial - Class in rice.tutorial.past
This tutorial shows how to use Past.
PastTutorial(int, InetSocketAddress, int, Environment) - Constructor for class rice.tutorial.past.PastTutorial
Based on the rice.tutorial.scribe.ScribeTutorial This constructor launches numNodes PastryNodes.
path - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.SourceRoute
pathsToRoot - Variable in class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.SubscribeAckMessage
The contained path to the root
pathToRoot - Variable in class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeImpl.TopicManager
The current path to the root for this node
pause(int) - Method in class rice.p2p.commonapi.testing.CommonAPITest
Method which pauses for the provided number of milliseconds
pause(int) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.testing.MultiringRegrTest
Method which pauses for the provided number of milliseconds
pause(int) - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.DirectPastryRegrTest
pause(int) - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.DistPastryRegrTest
pause(int) - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.PastryRegrTest
payload - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.logentry.EvtSend
payload - Variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.Fragment
payload - Variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.DebugContent
peekLastToVisit() - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.AnycastMessage
peekNext() - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.AnycastMessage
Returns the next handle to visit
PEER_REVIEW_COMMIT - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReview
PEER_REVIEW_PASSTHROUGH - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReview
peerCert - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.ssl.SSLSocketManager
The cert of the remote node.
PeerInfo<Handle extends RawSerializable> - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.commitment
We need to keep some state for each peer, including separate transmit and receive queues
PeerInfo(Handle) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.commitment.PeerInfo
PeerInfoRecord<Handle,Identifier> - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.infostore
This is just an index to the real evidence which is on disk
PeerInfoRecord(Identifier, PeerInfoStore<Handle, Identifier>) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.infostore.PeerInfoRecord
PeerInfoRecord.EvidenceRecordImpl - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.infostore
PeerInfoRecord.EvidenceRecordImpl(Identifier, long) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.infostore.PeerInfoRecord.EvidenceRecordImpl
PeerInfoRecord.EvidenceRecordImpl(Identifier, long, boolean, Handle) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.infostore.PeerInfoRecord.EvidenceRecordImpl
PeerInfoStore<Handle,Identifier> - Interface in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.infostore
PeerInfoStoreImpl<Handle,Identifier> - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.infostore
In this class, the PeerReview library keeps information about its peers.
PeerInfoStoreImpl(IdentityTransport<Handle, Identifier>, IdStrTranslator<Identifier>, AuthenticatorSerializer, EvidenceSerializer, Environment) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.infostore.PeerInfoStoreImpl
PeerReview<Handle extends RawSerializable,Identifier extends RawSerializable> - Interface in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview
peerreview - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.statement.StatementProtocolImpl
PeerReviewCallback<Handle,Identifier> - Interface in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview
Callback interface that all PeerReview-enabled applications must implement.
PeerReviewCallbackImpl - Class in rice.pastry.peerreview
PeerReviewCallbackImpl(PastryNode, TransportLayer<TransportLayerNodeHandle<MultiInetSocketAddress>, ByteBuffer>, CallbackFactory) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.peerreview.PeerReviewCallbackImpl
PeerReviewCallbackImpl(TransportLayer<TransportLayerNodeHandle<MultiInetSocketAddress>, ByteBuffer>) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.peerreview.PeerReviewCallbackImpl
PeerReviewConstants - Interface in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview
PeerReviewImpl<Handle extends RawSerializable,Identifier extends RawSerializable> - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview
PeerReviewImpl(IdentityTransport<Handle, Identifier>, Environment, Serializer<Handle>, Serializer<Identifier>, IdentifierExtractor<Handle, Identifier>, IdStrTranslator<Identifier>) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewImpl
PeerReviewMessage - Interface in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.message
pending - Variable in class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeImpl
Topics that (should) have an outsanding subscription.
PendingAppSocket - Class in rice.pastry.socket
PendingAppSocket(int, AppSocketReceiver) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.socket.PendingAppSocket
pendingLookups - Variable in class rice.pastry.peerreview.FetchLeafsetApp
pendingMessages - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.identity.IdentityImpl
pendingMessages - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.manager.SourceRouteManagerImpl.AddressManager
the queue of messages waiting for a route of SocketBuffer
pendingRequests - Variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierStatistics
pendingSockets - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.manager.SourceRouteManagerImpl.AddressManager
pendingTimers - Variable in class rice.environment.time.simulated.DirectTimeSource
When destry is called, throw an interrupted exception on all of these.
pendingTraffic - Variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierImpl
period - Variable in class rice.selector.TimerTask
If period is positive, task will be rescheduled.
PeriodicLeafSetProtocol - Class in rice.pastry.standard
An implementation of a periodic-style leafset protocol
PeriodicLeafSetProtocol(PastryNode, NodeHandle, LeafSet, RoutingTable) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.standard.PeriodicLeafSetProtocol
Builds a periodic leafset protocol
PeriodicLeafSetProtocol.PLSPMessageDeserializer - Class in rice.pastry.standard
PeriodicLeafSetProtocol.PLSPMessageDeserializer(PastryNode) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.standard.PeriodicLeafSetProtocol.PLSPMessageDeserializer
PERSISTENCE_MAGIC_NUMBER - Static variable in class rice.persistence.PersistentStorage
Static variables defining the layout of the on-disk storage
PERSISTENCE_REVISION_2_0 - Static variable in class rice.persistence.PersistentStorage
PERSISTENCE_REVISION_2_1 - Static variable in class rice.persistence.PersistentStorage
PERSISTENCE_VERSION_2 - Static variable in class rice.persistence.PersistentStorage
PERSISTENT_FIELDS - Static variable in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectOutputStream
A cache of the persistentFields, mapping class->Field[]
PersistentStorage - Class in rice.persistence
This class is an implementation of Storage which provides persistent storage to disk.
PersistentStorage(IdFactory, String, long, Environment) - Constructor for class rice.persistence.PersistentStorage
Builds a PersistentStorage given a root directory in which to persist the data.
PersistentStorage(IdFactory, String, String, long, Environment) - Constructor for class rice.persistence.PersistentStorage
Builds a PersistentStorage given and an instance name and a root directory in which to persist the data.
PersistentStorage(IdFactory, String, String, long, boolean, Environment) - Constructor for class rice.persistence.PersistentStorage
Builds a PersistentStorage given and an instance name and a root directory in which to persist the data.
PersistentStorageTest - Class in rice.persistence.testing
This class is a class which tests the PersistentStorage class in the rice.persistence package.
PersistentStorageTest(boolean, Environment) - Constructor for class rice.persistence.testing.PersistentStorageTest
Builds a MemoryStorageTest
pFactory - Static variable in class rice.p2p.util.testing.IdBloomFilterReplicationTest
pickNextHop(RouteMessage, Iterator<NodeHandle>) - Method in interface rice.pastry.routing.RouterStrategy
pickNextHop(RouteMessage, Iterator<NodeHandle>) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.RendezvousRouterStrategy
pilot - Variable in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.RendezvousJoinRequest
The joiner has created a pilot connection to the pilot node.
PILOT_PING - Static variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous.RendezvousTransportLayerImpl
PILOT_PING_BYTES - Static variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous.RendezvousTransportLayerImpl
PILOT_PING_PERIOD - Static variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous.RendezvousTransportLayerImpl
PILOT_PONG - Static variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous.RendezvousTransportLayerImpl
PILOT_PONG_BYTES - Static variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous.RendezvousTransportLayerImpl
PILOT_REQUEST - Static variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous.RendezvousTransportLayerImpl
PILOT_SOCKET - Static variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous.RendezvousTransportLayerImpl
PILOT_SOCKET_BYTES - Static variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous.RendezvousTransportLayerImpl
pilotClosed(HighIdentifier) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous.IncomingPilotListener
pilotClosed(HighIdentifier) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous.OutgoingPilotListener
pilotClosed(Identifier) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.LeafSetPilotStrategy
PilotFinder<HighIdentifier> - Interface in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous
This interface suggests the location of a PilotSocket to contact a NATted node.
pilotFinder - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous.RendezvousTransportLayerImpl
PilotForwardMsg - Class in rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous
PilotForwardMsg(int, ByteBufferMsg, RendezvousSocketNodeHandle) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.PilotForwardMsg
PilotManager<Identifier> - Interface in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous
Used by NATted nodes.
pilotOpening(HighIdentifier) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous.IncomingPilotListener
pilotOpening(HighIdentifier) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous.OutgoingPilotListener
pilotOpening(Identifier) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.LeafSetPilotStrategy
ping(Identifier, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.liveness.LivenessTransportLayerImpl
Send the ping.
ping(Identifier, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.liveness.Pinger
ping(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.proximity.MinRTTProximityProvider.EntityManager
ping() - Method in class rice.pastry.direct.DirectNodeHandle
ping() - Method in class rice.pastry.leafset.testing.MergeTest.TestNodeHandle
ping() - Method in class rice.pastry.NodeHandle
Ping the node.
ping() - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.SocketNodeHandle
Ping the node.
ping() - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.LeafSetTest.TestNodeHandle
Ping - Class in rice.pastry.testing
Ping A performance test suite for pastry.
Ping(PastryNode) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.testing.Ping
ping() - Method in class rice.pastry.transport.BogusNodeHandle
PING_DELAY - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.liveness.LivenessTransportLayerImpl
PING_JITTER - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.liveness.LivenessTransportLayerImpl
PING_NEIGHBOR_PERIOD - Variable in class rice.pastry.standard.PeriodicLeafSetProtocol
Related to rapidly determining direct neighbor liveness.
PING_THROTTLE - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.manager.SourceRouteManagerImpl
PingAddress - Class in rice.pastry.testing
PingAddress A performance test suite for pastry.
PingAddress() - Constructor for class rice.pastry.testing.PingAddress
pingAllNew() - Method in class rice.pastry.routing.RouteSet
Pings all new nodes in the RouteSet.
pingCache - Variable in class rice.pastry.pns.PNSApplication
Hashtable which keeps track of temporary ping values, which are only used during the getNearest() method
PingClient - Class in rice.pastry.testing
A very simple ping object.
PingClient(PastryNode) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.testing.PingClient
Pinger<Identifier> - Interface in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.liveness
PingListener<Identifier> - Interface in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.liveness
Called when a ping is received.
PingMessage - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.liveness
Class which represents a "ping" message sent through the socket pastry system.
PingMessage(long) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.liveness.PingMessage
PingMessage(InputBuffer) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.liveness.PingMessage
PingMessageNew - Class in rice.pastry.testing
PingMessageNew A performance test suite for pastry.
PingMessageNew(int, NodeHandle, Id) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.testing.PingMessageNew
pingReceived(Identifier, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.liveness.PingListener
Called when we receive a ping (not a pong)
pingReceived(Identifier, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.proximity.MinRTTProximityProvider
pingResponse(long, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.liveness.LivenessTransportLayerImpl.DeadChecker
pingResponse(Identifier, int, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.liveness.PingListener
Pong received.
pingResponse(Identifier, int, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.proximity.MinRTTProximityProvider
PingTestRecord - Class in rice.pastry.testing
PingAddress A performance test suite for pastry.
PingTestRecord(int, int, int) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.testing.PingTestRecord
PJavaSerializedDeserializer - Class in rice.pastry.messaging
The purpose of this class is just for programming convienience to disambiguate between rice.p2p.commonapi and rice.pastry with the interfaces/classes Message NodeHandle
PJavaSerializedDeserializer(PastryNode) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.messaging.PJavaSerializedDeserializer
PJavaSerializedMessage - Class in rice.pastry.messaging
Wrapper that converts rice.pastry.messaging.Message to rice.pastry.messageing.PRawMessage
PJavaSerializedMessage(Message) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.messaging.PJavaSerializedMessage
PMessageNotification - Interface in rice.pastry.transport
PMessageReceipt - Interface in rice.pastry.transport
PMessageReceiptImpl - Class in rice.pastry.transport
PMessageReceiptImpl(Message, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.transport.PMessageReceiptImpl
pn - Variable in class rice.pastry.messaging.JavaSerializedDeserializer
pn - Variable in class rice.pastry.routing.RoutingTable
pn - Variable in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.LeafSetRendezvousStrategy
pn - Variable in class rice.pastry.socket.SocketNodeHandleFactory
pn - Variable in class rice.pastry.socket.SocketPastryNodeFactory.TLBootstrapper
pn - Variable in class rice.pastry.socket.SPNFIdentitySerializer
pns - Variable in class rice.pastry.socket.SocketPastryNodeFactory.TLBootstrapper
PNSApplication - Class in rice.pastry.pns
Can request LeafSet, RouteRow, Proximity of nodes, implements the PNS algorithm.
PNSApplication(PastryNode) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.pns.PNSApplication
PNSApplication(PastryNode, Logger) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.pns.PNSApplication
pointerAtEnd - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.SecureHistoryImpl
pointers - Variable in class rice.p2p.aggregation.Aggregate
policies - Variable in class rice.p2p.scribe.testing.ScribeRegrTest
The scribe policies
policy - Variable in class rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregationImpl
policy - Variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierImpl
policy - Variable in class rice.p2p.past.PastImpl
policy - Variable in class rice.p2p.replication.ReplicationImpl
This replication's policy, which allows for application-specific replication
policy - Variable in class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeImpl
this scribe's policy
policy - Variable in class rice.p2p.splitstream.SplitStreamScribePolicy
A mapping from channelId -> maximum children
pong(Identifier, long, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.liveness.LivenessTransportLayerImpl
Send the pong();
PongMessage - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.liveness
Class which represents a "ping" message sent through the socket pastry system.
PongMessage(long) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.liveness.PongMessage
PongMessage(InputBuffer) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.liveness.PongMessage
PORT - Variable in class rice.p2p.commonapi.testing.CommonAPITest
port - Variable in class rice.p2p.multiring.RingCertificate
PORT - Static variable in class rice.p2p.multiring.testing.MultiringRegrTest
port - Variable in class rice.pastry.standard.CertifiedNodeIdFactory
PortSerializer - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.simpleidentity
Converts the ephemeral port to the normal port.
PortSerializer() - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.simpleidentity.PortSerializer
pos - Variable in exception rice.pastry.leafset.LSRangeCannotBeDeterminedException
PR_RELEVANT_LEN - Static variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.record.RecordLayer
The relevant length of the message.
PR_RELEVANT_MSG - Static variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.record.RecordLayer
If the message is relevant.
PRawMessage - Class in rice.pastry.messaging
Adapts Message to a RawMessage Adds the "sender" to the RawMessage
PRawMessage(int) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.messaging.PRawMessage
PRawMessage(int, Date) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.messaging.PRawMessage
prefetchLocalObject(VersionKey, Continuation) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierDefaultPolicy
prefetchLocalObject(VersionKey, Continuation) - Method in interface rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierPolicy
prefix - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.filetransfer.TempFileAllocationStrategy
prefix - Variable in class rice.environment.logging.AbstractLogManager
PREFIX_MATCH - Static variable in class rice.pastry.socket.internet.InternetPastryNodeFactory
previousExpirationDate - Variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.FragmentMetadata
PRIMARY_SOCKET - Static variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.priority.PriorityTransportLayerImpl
PRIMARY_SOCKET_B - Static variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.priority.PriorityTransportLayerImpl
PrimarySocketListener<Identifier> - Interface in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.priority
Notified about primary socket connections.
primarySocketListeners - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.priority.PriorityTransportLayerImpl
primitives - Variable in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectInputStream.GetField
primitives - Variable in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectOutputStream.PutField
PRInconsistent1 - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.peerreview
Bob forks his log, that is, at some point he removes the k most recent entries and then continues recording.
PRInconsistent1() - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.peerreview.PRInconsistent1
PRInconsistent1.ForkingSecureHistory - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.peerreview
PRInconsistent1.ForkingSecureHistory(RandomAccessFileIOBuffer, RandomAccessFileIOBuffer, boolean, HashProvider, IndexEntryFactory, Logger) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.peerreview.PRInconsistent1.ForkingSecureHistory
printAllChildrenDataStructure() - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeImpl
printAllParentsDataStructure() - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeImpl
printlevel - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.util.DefaultErrorHandler
printLog(String, Environment) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.replay.Recorder
printLog(String, Environment) - Static method in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.replay.Replayer
printLog(String, EntryDeserializer, Environment) - Static method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.BasicEntryDeserializer
printMap(Id[]) - Static method in class rice.p2p.util.testing.RedBlackMapUnit
printMap(SortedMap) - Static method in class rice.p2p.util.testing.RedBlackMapUnit
printMemStats(int) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.identity.IdentityImpl
printMemStats(int) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.priority.PriorityTransportLayerImpl
Problem?: this method should perhaps take the EntityManager as an arg.
printRouteState() - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.Node
For debugging: print the internal routing state of the Node.
printRouteState() - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringNode
printRouteState() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCNode
printRouteState() - Method in class rice.pastry.PastryNode
printSelf() - Method in class rice.pastry.routing.RoutingTable
printStackTrace(PrintStream) - Method in exception rice.environment.params.simple.ParamsNotPresentException
printStackTrace() - Method in exception rice.environment.params.simple.ParamsNotPresentException
printStackTrace(PrintWriter) - Method in exception rice.environment.params.simple.ParamsNotPresentException
printStats() - Method in class rice.selector.ProfileSelector
printTree(ArrayList<MyScribeClient>) - Static method in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.replay.Recorder
Note that this function only works because we have global knowledge.
printTree(Vector<MyScribeClient>) - Static method in class rice.tutorial.scribe.ScribeTutorial
Note that this function only works because we have global knowledge.
printValsForRange(IdRange) - Method in class rice.p2p.replication.manager.testing.ReplicationManagerRegrTest
PRIORITY_TL - Static variable in class rice.pastry.socket.SocketPastryNodeFactory
maps to a PriorityTransportLayer
PriorityTest - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer
PriorityTest() - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.PriorityTest
PriorityTransportLayer<Identifier> - Interface in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.priority
Does 3 things: a) Sends messages on a Socket (depending on the options).
PriorityTransportLayerImpl<Identifier> - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.priority
PriorityTransportLayerImpl(TransportLayer<Identifier, ByteBuffer>, LivenessProvider<Identifier>, ProximityProvider<Identifier>, Environment, int, int, ErrorHandler<Identifier>) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.priority.PriorityTransportLayerImpl
The maximum message size;
PriorityTransportLayerListener<Identifier> - Interface in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.priority
privateKey - Variable in class rice.p2p.util.EncryptedInputStream
PRNonconform1 - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.peerreview
Bob deviates from the protocol by sending an extra message.
PRNonconform1() - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.peerreview.PRNonconform1
PRNonconform2 - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.peerreview
Alice deviates from the protocol by sending a message that's different from the one she is supposed to send.
PRNonconform2() - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.peerreview.PRNonconform2
probe(InetSocketAddress, long, Continuation<Long, Exception>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.networkinfo.NetworkInfoTransportLayer
probe(InetSocketAddress, long, Continuation<Long, Exception>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.networkinfo.Prober
ProbeApp - Class in rice.pastry.socket.nat.probe
ProbeApp(PastryNode, Prober, AddressStrategy) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.socket.nat.probe.ProbeApp
Prober - Interface in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.networkinfo
Called by the ProbeStrategy
ProbeRequestMessage - Class in rice.pastry.socket.nat.probe
ProbeRequestMessage(MultiInetSocketAddress, long, int) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.socket.nat.probe.ProbeRequestMessage
probeStrategy - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.networkinfo.NetworkInfoTransportLayer
Ask this strategy to probe a requesting node, but from a 3rd party node
ProbeStrategy - Interface in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.networkinfo
This is used in a network
process(Executable<R, E>, Continuation<R, E>, SelectorManager, TimeSource, LogManager) - Method in interface rice.environment.processing.Processor
Schedules a job for processing on the dedicated processing thread.
process(Executable<R, E>, Continuation<R, E>, int, SelectorManager, TimeSource, LogManager) - Method in interface rice.environment.processing.Processor
Schedules a job for processing on the dedicated processing thread.
process(Executable<R, E>, Continuation<R, E>, SelectorManager, TimeSource, LogManager) - Method in class rice.environment.processing.sim.SimProcessor
process(Executable<R, E>, Continuation<R, E>, int, SelectorManager, TimeSource, LogManager) - Method in class rice.environment.processing.sim.SimProcessor
process(Executable<R, E>, Continuation<R, E>, SelectorManager, TimeSource, LogManager) - Method in class rice.environment.processing.simple.SimpleProcessor
Schedules a job for processing on the dedicated processing thread.
process(Executable<R, E>, Continuation<R, E>, int, SelectorManager, TimeSource, LogManager) - Method in class rice.environment.processing.simple.SimpleProcessor
process(Executable, Continuation) - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.Endpoint
Schedules a job for processing on the dedicated processing thread.
process(Executable, Continuation) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringEndpoint
Schedules a job for processing on the dedicated processing thread.
process(Executable, Continuation) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCEndpoint
Schedules a job for processing on the dedicated processing thread.
process(Executable, Continuation) - Method in class rice.pastry.commonapi.PastryEndpoint
Schedules a job for processing on the dedicated processing thread.
process(Executable, Continuation) - Method in class rice.pastry.PastryNode
Schedules a job for processing on the dedicated processing thread, should one exist.
process(File) - Method in class rice.persistence.testing.GlacierPersistentStorageTest
processAuditResponse(Identifier, long, AuditResponse<Handle>) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.audit.AuditProtocol
processAuditResponse(Identifier, long, AuditResponse<Handle>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.audit.AuditProtocolImpl
Called by the challenge/response protocol if we have received a response to an AUDIT challenge.
processBlockingIO(WorkRequest) - Method in interface rice.environment.processing.Processor
Schedules a different type of task.
processBlockingIO(WorkRequest) - Method in class rice.environment.processing.sim.SimProcessor
processBlockingIO(WorkRequest) - Method in class rice.environment.processing.simple.SimpleProcessor
processBlockingIO(WorkRequest) - Method in class rice.environment.processing.simple.UnifiedProcessor
ProcessingRequest - Class in rice.environment.processing.simple
Scheduling with a lower priority number will be executed first (is higher Priority)
ProcessingRequest(Executable, Continuation, int, long, LogManager, TimeSource, SelectorManager) - Constructor for class rice.environment.processing.simple.ProcessingRequest
ProcessingThread - Class in rice.environment.processing.simple
ProcessingThread(String, PriorityBlockingQueue<ProcessingRequest>) - Constructor for class rice.environment.processing.simple.ProcessingThread
processNode(int, Node) - Method in class rice.p2p.commonapi.testing.CommonAPITest
Method which should process the given newly-created node
processNode(int, Node) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.testing.PastRegrTest
Method which should process the given newly-created node
processNode(int, Node) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.testing.RawPastRegrTest
Method which should process the given newly-created node
processNode(int, Node) - Method in class rice.p2p.replication.manager.testing.ReplicationManagerRegrTest
Method which should process the given newly-created node
processNode(int, Node) - Method in class rice.p2p.replication.testing.ReplicationRegrTest
Method which should process the given newly-created node
processNode(int, Node) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.testing.RawScribeRegrTest
processNode(int, Node) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.testing.ScribeRegrTest
Method which should process the given newly-created node
processNode(int, Node) - Method in class rice.p2p.splitstream.testing.SplitStreamRegrTest
Method which should process the given newly-created node
processor - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.filetransfer.FileTransferImpl
Processor - Interface in rice.environment.processing
Provides a mechanism to do time consuming tasks off of FreePastry's selecto thread.
ProfileFileTest - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.testing.filetransfer
ProfileFileTest() - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.filetransfer.ProfileFileTest
ProfileSelector - Class in rice.selector
ProfileSelector(String, TimeSource, LogManager) - Constructor for class rice.selector.ProfileSelector
ProfileSelector(String, TimeSource, LogManager, RandomSource) - Constructor for class rice.selector.ProfileSelector
ProfileSelector(String, TimeSource, LogManager, RandomSource, int) - Constructor for class rice.selector.ProfileSelector
PROGRESS_INTERVAL_MICROS - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.statement.StatementProtocol
PROGRESS_INTERVAL_MILLIS - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.commitment.CommitmentProtocolImpl
PROGRESS_INTERVAL_MILLIS - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewConstants
progressTimer - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.audit.AuditProtocolImpl
progressTimerActive - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.statement.StatementProtocolImpl
PROOF_INCONSISTENT - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewConstants
PROOF_NONCONFORMANT - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewConstants
ProofInconsistent - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.evidence
PROOF_INCONSISTENT byte type = PROOF_INCONSISTENT authenticator auth1 char whichInconsistency // 0=another auth, 1=a log snippet authenticator auth2 // if whichInconsistency==0 long long firstSeq // these fields exist only if whichInconsistency==1 hash baseHash [entries]
ProofInconsistent(Authenticator, Authenticator) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.evidence.ProofInconsistent
ProofInconsistent(Authenticator, Authenticator, LogSnippet) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.evidence.ProofInconsistent
ProofInconsistent(InputBuffer, AuthenticatorSerializer, int) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.evidence.ProofInconsistent
ProofNonconformant<Handle extends RawSerializable> - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.evidence
PROOF_NONCONFORMANT byte type = PROOF_NONCONFORMANT authenticator to nodehandle myHandle long long firstSeq hash baseHash [snippet; see RESP_AUDIT]
ProofNonconformant(Authenticator, Handle, LogSnippet) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.evidence.ProofNonconformant
ProofNonconformant(InputBuffer, Serializer<Handle>, int, int) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.evidence.ProofNonconformant
PROTOCOL - Variable in class rice.p2p.commonapi.testing.CommonAPITest
protocol - Variable in class rice.p2p.multiring.RingCertificate
PROTOCOL - Static variable in class rice.p2p.multiring.testing.MultiringRegrTest
protocol - Static variable in class rice.pastry.testing.DistHelloWorld
PROTOCOL_DEFAULT - Static variable in class rice.pastry.dist.DistPastryNodeFactory
PROTOCOL_DIRECT - Static variable in class rice.p2p.commonapi.testing.CommonAPITest
PROTOCOL_DIRECT - Static variable in class rice.p2p.multiring.testing.MultiringRegrTest
PROTOCOL_RENDEZVOUS - Static variable in class rice.p2p.commonapi.testing.CommonAPITest
PROTOCOL_RENDEZVOUS - Static variable in class rice.pastry.dist.DistPastryNodeFactory
PROTOCOL_SOCKET - Static variable in class rice.p2p.commonapi.testing.CommonAPITest
PROTOCOL_SOCKET - Static variable in class rice.pastry.dist.DistPastryNodeFactory
PROX_TIMEOUT - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.proximity.MinRTTProximityProvider
millis for the timeout The idea is that we don't want this parameter to change too fast, so this is the timeout for it to increase, you could set this to infinity, but that may be bad because it doesn't account for intermediate link failures
proximity - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.proximity.MinRTTProximityProvider.EntityManager
proximity() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.proximity.MinRTTProximityProvider.EntityManager
Method which returns the last cached proximity value for the given address.
proximity(Identifier, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.proximity.MinRTTProximityProvider
proximity(Identifier, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.proximity.ProximityProvider
proximity(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.manager.SourceRouteManagerImpl.AddressManager
Method which returns the last cached proximity value for the given address.
proximity(Identifier, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.manager.SourceRouteManagerImpl
Method which returns the last cached proximity value for the given address.
proximity(NodeHandle) - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.Endpoint
This replaces NodeHandle.proximity(), so that you don't have to have a "coalesced" NodeHandle.
proximity() - Method in class rice.p2p.commonapi.NodeHandle
Deprecated. use Endpoint.proximity(NodeHandle)
proximity(NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringEndpoint
proximity() - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringNodeHandle
Deprecated. use Node.proximity(NodeHandle)
proximity(NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCEndpoint
proximity(NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.pastry.commonapi.PastryEndpoint
proximity(Identifier, Identifier) - Method in class rice.pastry.direct.BasicNetworkSimulator
computes the rtt between two NodeIds
proximity() - Method in class rice.pastry.direct.DirectNodeHandle
proximity(Identifier, Identifier) - Method in interface rice.pastry.direct.NetworkSimulator
Determines rtt between two nodes.
proximity(Identifier, Identifier) - Method in class rice.pastry.direct.NetworkSimulatorImpl
proximity(NodeRecord) - Method in interface rice.pastry.direct.NodeRecord
proximity(NodeRecord) - Method in class rice.pastry.direct.proximitygenerators.GenericProximityGenerator.GNNodeRecord
proximity() - Method in class rice.pastry.leafset.testing.MergeTest.TestNodeHandle
proximity() - Method in class rice.pastry.NodeHandle
Deprecated. use PastryNode.proximity() or Endpoint.proximity()
proximity(NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.pastry.PastryNode
The proximity of the node handle.
proximity(NodeHandle, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class rice.pastry.PastryNode
proximity() - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.SocketNodeHandle
Deprecated. use PastryNode.proximity(nh)
proximity() - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.LeafSetTest.TestNodeHandle
proximity() - Method in class rice.pastry.transport.BogusNodeHandle
proximity(NodeHandle, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class rice.pastry.transport.NodeHandleAdapter
PROXIMITY_CHANGED - Static variable in class rice.p2p.commonapi.NodeHandle
proximityChanged(Identifier, int, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.proximity.ProximityListener
proximityChanged(SourceRoute<Identifier>, int, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.manager.SourceRouteManagerImpl
proximityChanged(NodeHandle, int, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class rice.pastry.PastryNode
proximityChanged(NodeHandle, int, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class rice.pastry.pns.PNSApplication
ProximityGenerator - Interface in rice.pastry.direct
ProximityListener<Identifier> - Interface in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.proximity
ProximityNeighborSelector - Interface in rice.pastry.standard
Finds a near neighbor (usually for bootstrapping)
ProximityProvider<Identifier> - Interface in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.proximity
proxProvider - Variable in class rice.pastry.PastryNode
PROXY_ADDRESS - Static variable in class rice.pastry.socket.SocketPastryNodeFactory
Maps to a MultiInetSocketAddress
PRRegressionTest - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.peerreview
PRRegressionTest(int) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.peerreview.PRRegressionTest
ps - Variable in class rice.environment.logging.AbstractLogManager
publicKey - Variable in class rice.p2p.util.EncryptedOutputStream
publish(Topic, ScribeContent) - Method in interface rice.p2p.scribe.javaserialized.JavaScribe
Publishes the given message to the topic.
publish(Topic, RawScribeContent) - Method in interface rice.p2p.scribe.rawserialization.RawScribe
Publishes the given message to the topic.
publish(Topic, ScribeContent) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeImpl
Publishes the given message to the topic.
publish(Topic, RawScribeContent) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeImpl
publish(byte[]) - Method in class rice.p2p.splitstream.Stripe
Publishes the given data to this stripe
publish(Id, int) - Method in class rice.p2p.splitstream.testing.MySplitStreamClient
publish(byte[], Stripe) - Method in class rice.p2p.splitstream.testing.MySplitStreamClient
publish() - Method in class rice.tutorial.splitstream.MySplitStreamClient
Multicasts data.
publishAll(byte[]) - Method in class rice.p2p.splitstream.testing.MySplitStreamClient
PublishMessage - Class in rice.p2p.scribe.messaging
PublishMessage(NodeHandle, Topic, ScribeContent) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.PublishMessage
Constructor which takes a unique integer Id
PublishMessage(NodeHandle, Topic, RawScribeContent) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.PublishMessage
publishMessages - Variable in class rice.p2p.scribe.testing.ScribeRegrTest.TestScribeClient
The publish messages received so far
publishNext() - Method in class rice.p2p.splitstream.testing.MySplitStreamClient
PublishRequestMessage - Class in rice.p2p.scribe.messaging
PublishRequestMessage(NodeHandle, Topic, ScribeContent) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.PublishRequestMessage
Constructor which takes a unique integer Id
PublishRequestMessage(NodeHandle, Topic, RawScribeContent) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.PublishRequestMessage
purge() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.filetransfer.FileTransferImpl
purgeQueue() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.manager.SourceRouteManagerImpl.AddressManager
push() - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.authpush.AuthenticatorPushProtocol
push() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.authpush.AuthenticatorPushProtocolImpl
pushRow(RouteSet[]) - Method in class rice.pastry.join.JoinRequest
Push row.
put(Key, Value) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.table.TableStore
put(Object, Object) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringIdFactory.MultiringSortedMap
put(Object, Object) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCIdFactory.GCSortedMap
put(Object, Object) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.ImmutableSortedMap
Associates the specified value with the specified key in this map (optional operation).
put(Object, Object) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.RedBlackMap
Associates the specified value with the specified key in this map.
put(Object, Object) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.ReverseTreeMap
Method which caputures the insert and adds it to the reverse map
put(Object, Object) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.SoftHashMap
Adds an entry to the soft hash map.
put(K, V) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.TimerWeakHashMap
put(String, boolean) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectInputStream.GetField
put(String, byte) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectInputStream.GetField
put(String, char) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectInputStream.GetField
put(String, double) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectInputStream.GetField
put(String, float) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectInputStream.GetField
put(String, int) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectInputStream.GetField
put(String, long) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectInputStream.GetField
put(String, short) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectInputStream.GetField
put(String, Object) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectInputStream.GetField
put(String, boolean) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectOutputStream.PutField
put(String, byte) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectOutputStream.PutField
put(String, char) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectOutputStream.PutField
put(String, double) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectOutputStream.PutField
put(String, float) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectOutputStream.PutField
put(String, int) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectOutputStream.PutField
put(String, long) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectOutputStream.PutField
put(String, short) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectOutputStream.PutField
put(String, Object) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectOutputStream.PutField
put(NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.pastry.leafset.LeafSet
Puts a NodeHandle into the set.
put(NodeHandle, boolean) - Method in class rice.pastry.leafset.LeafSet
put(NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.pastry.leafset.SimilarSet
Puts a NodeHandle into the set.
put(NodeHandle, boolean) - Method in class rice.pastry.leafset.SimilarSet
put(NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.pastry.NodeSet
Appends a member to the ordered set.
put(NodeHandle) - Method in interface rice.pastry.NodeSetI
Puts a NodeHandle into the set.
put(NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.pastry.routing.RouteSet
Puts a node into the set.
put(NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.pastry.routing.RoutingTable
Puts a handle into the routing table.
putAll(Map) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringIdFactory.MultiringSortedMap
putAll(Map) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCIdFactory.GCSortedMap
putAll(Map) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.ImmutableSortedMap
Copies all of the mappings from the specified map to this map (optional operation).
putAll(Map) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.RedBlackMap
Copies all of the mappings from the specified map to this map.
putConnectSocket(HighIdentifier, HighIdentifier, int, P2PSocket<Identifier>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous.RendezvousTransportLayerImpl
This map stores the connect socket until the corresponding accept socket arrives
putExpectedIncomingSocket(HighIdentifier, int, SocketCallback<Identifier>, SocketRequestHandle<Identifier>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous.RendezvousTransportLayerImpl
putFields() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectOutputStream
Method which can be called by objects if they have a writeObject() method.
putHandle(NodeHandle) - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.NodeHandleSet
Puts a NodeHandle into the set.
putHandle(NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringNodeHandleSet
Puts a NodeHandle into the set.
putHandle(NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.pastry.leafset.SimilarSet
Puts a NodeHandle into the set.
putHandle(NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.pastry.NodeSet
Puts a NodeHandle into the set.
putHandle(NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.pastry.routing.RouteSet
Puts a NodeHandle into the set.
putReference(String, Object) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectInputStream
Method which adds a reference in the hashtable of references.
putReference(Object, String) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectOutputStream
Method which adds a reference in the hashtable of references.
putTask(CancellableTask) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.SubscribeLostMessage


QUEUE - Variable in class rice.environment.processing.simple.SimpleProcessor
queueLength(Identifier) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.priority.PriorityTransportLayer
Returns the number of messages pending to be sent
queueLength(Identifier) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.priority.PriorityTransportLayerImpl
queueOverflow() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.PriorityTest
QueueOverflowException - Exception in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.priority
QueueOverflowException(Object, Object) - Constructor for exception org.mpisws.p2p.transport.priority.QueueOverflowException
QueueOverflowException(Object, Object, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.mpisws.p2p.transport.priority.QueueOverflowException
QUOTE - Static variable in class rice.p2p.util.XMLParser


r - Variable in exception rice.pastry.leafset.LSRangeCannotBeDeterminedException
random - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.direct.EventSimulator
random - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.liveness.LivenessTransportLayerImpl
random - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewImpl
random - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous.RendezvousTransportLayerImpl
random - Static variable in class rice.p2p.util.testing.IdBloomFilterReplicationTest
random - Variable in class rice.pastry.direct.NetworkSimulatorImpl
random - Variable in class rice.pastry.direct.proximitygenerators.GenericProximityGenerator
random - Variable in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.LeafSetRendezvousStrategy
random - Variable in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.RendezvousSocketPastryNodeFactory
random - Variable in class rice.pastry.testing.LeafSetTest
random - Variable in class rice.selector.SelectorManager
random - Variable in class rice.tutorial.splitstream.MySplitStreamClient
Data source...
RandomAccessFileIOBuffer - Class in rice.p2p.util
RandomAccessFileIOBuffer(File, String) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.util.RandomAccessFileIOBuffer
RandomAccessFileIOBuffer(String, String) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.util.RandomAccessFileIOBuffer
randomBytes(int, RandomSource) - Static method in class rice.p2p.util.MathUtils
Method which returns a specified number of random bytes
randomInt(RandomSource) - Static method in class rice.p2p.util.MathUtils
Method which returns a random int
randomize(RandomSource, char[]) - Static method in class rice.p2p.util.testing.StringCacheUnit
randomize(RandomSource) - Method in class rice.pastry.NodeSet
Method which randomizes the order of this NodeSet
RandomNodeIdFactory - Class in rice.pastry.standard
Constructs random node ids by SHA'ing consecutive numbers, with random starting value.
RandomNodeIdFactory(Environment) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.standard.RandomNodeIdFactory
RandomSource - Interface in rice.environment.random
Provides a virtualized random interface for FreePastry.
range(NodeHandle, int, Id) - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.Endpoint
This operation provides information about ranges of keys for which the node is currently a rank-root.
range(NodeHandle, int, Id, boolean) - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.Endpoint
This operation provides information about ranges of keys for which the node is currently a rank-root.
range - Variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.FragmentKeyRange
The actual IdRange
range - Variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierRefreshResponseMessage
range - Variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierSyncMessage
range - Variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.VersionKeyRange
The actual IdRange
range(NodeHandle, int, Id) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringEndpoint
This operation provides information about ranges of keys for which the node is currently a rank-root.
range(NodeHandle, int, Id, boolean) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringEndpoint
This operation provides information about ranges of keys for which the node is currently a rank-root.
range - Variable in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringIdRange
The actual IdRange
range(NodeHandle, int, Id) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCEndpoint
This operation provides information about ranges of keys for which the node is currently a rank-root.
range(NodeHandle, int, Id, boolean) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCEndpoint
This operation provides information about ranges of keys for which the node is currently a rank-root.
range - Variable in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCIdRange
The internal (normal) IdRange
range - Variable in class rice.p2p.replication.ReplicationImpl.BloomFilterExecutable
range(NodeHandle, int, Id, boolean) - Method in class rice.pastry.client.CommonAPIAppl
This method provides information about ranges of keys for which the node n is currently a r-root.
range(NodeHandle, int, Id) - Method in class rice.pastry.client.CommonAPIAppl
This method provides information about ranges of keys for which the node n is currently a r-root.
range(NodeHandle, int, Id, boolean) - Method in class rice.pastry.commonapi.PastryEndpoint
This method provides information about ranges of keys for which the node n is currently a r-root.
range(NodeHandle, int, Id) - Method in class rice.pastry.commonapi.PastryEndpoint
This method provides information about ranges of keys for which the node n is currently a r-root.
range(NodeHandle, int) - Method in class rice.pastry.leafset.LeafSet
range computes the range of keys for which node n is a i-root, 0<=i<=r a node is the r-root for a key of the node becomes the numerically closest node to the key when i-roots for the key fail, O<=irange(NodeHandle, int, boolean) - Method in class rice.pastry.leafset.LeafSet
range computes the ranges of keys for which node n is a r-root a node is the r-root for a key of the node becomes the numerically closest node to the key when i-roots for the key fail, O<=iRangeCannotBeDeterminedException - Exception in rice.p2p.commonapi
This exception is thrown when the underlieing Overlay cannot determine the requested id range.
RangeCannotBeDeterminedException() - Constructor for exception rice.p2p.commonapi.RangeCannotBeDeterminedException
RangeCannotBeDeterminedException(String) - Constructor for exception rice.p2p.commonapi.RangeCannotBeDeterminedException
RangeCannotBeDeterminedException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception rice.p2p.commonapi.RangeCannotBeDeterminedException
RangeCannotBeDeterminedException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception rice.p2p.commonapi.RangeCannotBeDeterminedException
ranges - Variable in class rice.p2p.replication.messaging.RequestMessage
ranges - Variable in class rice.p2p.replication.messaging.ResponseMessage
RapidRebind - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer
RapidRebind() - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.RapidRebind
RapidRerouter - Class in rice.pastry.standard
The superclass makes the routing decisions.
RapidRerouter(PastryNode, MessageDispatch, RouterStrategy) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.standard.RapidRerouter
rateLimitedRetrieveFragment(FragmentKey, Manifest, char, GlacierContinuation) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierImpl
RawAggregate - Class in rice.p2p.aggregation.raw
RawAggregate(GCPastContent[], Id[]) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.aggregation.raw.RawAggregate
RawAggregate(RawGCPastContent[], Id[]) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.aggregation.raw.RawAggregate
RawAggregate(InputBuffer, Endpoint, PastContentDeserializer) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.aggregation.raw.RawAggregate
RawAggregateFactory - Class in rice.p2p.aggregation.raw
RawAggregateFactory() - Constructor for class rice.p2p.aggregation.raw.RawAggregateFactory
RawGCPastContent - Interface in rice.p2p.past.gc.rawserialization
RawGCPastContentHandle - Interface in rice.p2p.past.gc.rawserialization
RawMessage - Interface in rice.p2p.commonapi.rawserialization
RawMessageDelivery - Interface in rice.pastry.messaging
Represents a message from the wire that hasn't yet been deserialized.
RawMessageDeliveryFactory - Interface in rice.pastry.messaging
RawMessageDeserializer - Interface in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.commonapi
RawPastContent - Interface in rice.p2p.past.rawserialization
RawPastContentHandle - Interface in rice.p2p.past.rawserialization
RawPastRegrTest - Class in rice.p2p.past.testing
RawPastRegrTest(Environment) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.past.testing.RawPastRegrTest
Constructor which sets up all local variables
RawPastRegrTest.NonMutableTestPastContent - Class in rice.p2p.past.testing
RawPastRegrTest.NonMutableTestPastContent(Id) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.past.testing.RawPastRegrTest.NonMutableTestPastContent
RawPastRegrTest.NonOverwritingTestPastContent - Class in rice.p2p.past.testing
RawPastRegrTest.NonOverwritingTestPastContent(Id, int) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.past.testing.RawPastRegrTest.NonOverwritingTestPastContent
RawPastRegrTest.NonOverwritingTestPastContent(InputBuffer, Endpoint, PastContentDeserializer) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.past.testing.RawPastRegrTest.NonOverwritingTestPastContent
RawPastRegrTest.TestCommand - Class in rice.p2p.past.testing
Common superclass for test commands.
RawPastRegrTest.TestCommand() - Constructor for class rice.p2p.past.testing.RawPastRegrTest.TestCommand
RawPastRegrTest.TestExceptionCommand - Class in rice.p2p.past.testing
Common superclass for test commands which should throw an exception
RawPastRegrTest.TestExceptionCommand() - Constructor for class rice.p2p.past.testing.RawPastRegrTest.TestExceptionCommand
RawPastRegrTest.TestPastContent - Class in rice.p2p.past.testing
Utility class for past content objects
RawPastRegrTest.TestPastContent(Id) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.past.testing.RawPastRegrTest.TestPastContent
RawPastRegrTest.TestPastContent(InputBuffer, Endpoint, PastContentDeserializer) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.past.testing.RawPastRegrTest.TestPastContent
RawPastRegrTest.TestPastContentHandle - Class in rice.p2p.past.testing
Utility class for past content object handles
RawPastRegrTest.TestPastContentHandle(Past, Id) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.past.testing.RawPastRegrTest.TestPastContentHandle
RawPastRegrTest.TestPastContentHandle(InputBuffer, Endpoint) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.past.testing.RawPastRegrTest.TestPastContentHandle
RawPastRegrTest.TestRouteMessage - Class in rice.p2p.past.testing
Utility class which simulates a route message
RawPastRegrTest.TestRouteMessage(Id, NodeHandle, Message) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.past.testing.RawPastRegrTest.TestRouteMessage
RawPastRegrTest.VersionedTestPastContent - Class in rice.p2p.past.testing
RawPastRegrTest.VersionedTestPastContent(Id, int) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.past.testing.RawPastRegrTest.VersionedTestPastContent
RawPastRegrTest.VersionedTestPastContent(InputBuffer, Endpoint, PastContentDeserializer) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.past.testing.RawPastRegrTest.VersionedTestPastContent
RawScribe - Interface in rice.p2p.scribe.rawserialization
Scribe that uses RawSerialization for the Clients
RawScribeContent - Interface in rice.p2p.scribe.rawserialization
RawScribeRegrTest - Class in rice.p2p.scribe.testing
RawScribeRegrTest(Environment) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.scribe.testing.RawScribeRegrTest
RawScribeRegrTest.RawTestScribeContent - Class in rice.p2p.scribe.testing
Utility class for past content objects
RawScribeRegrTest.RawTestScribeContent(Topic, int) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.scribe.testing.RawScribeRegrTest.RawTestScribeContent
Constructor for TestScribeContent.
RawScribeRegrTest.RawTestScribeContent(InputBuffer, Endpoint) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.scribe.testing.RawScribeRegrTest.RawTestScribeContent
RawSerializable - Interface in rice.p2p.commonapi.rawserialization
RC4TransportLayer<Identifier,MsgType> - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rc4
Only encrypts socket traffic!!! Encrypts channels based on a password.
RC4TransportLayer(TransportLayer<Identifier, MsgType>, Environment, String, ErrorHandler<Identifier>) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rc4.RC4TransportLayer
RC4TransportLayer(TransportLayer<Identifier, MsgType>, Environment, String, int, RandomSource, ErrorHandler<Identifier>) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rc4.RC4TransportLayer
read(IndexEntry, SecureHistory) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.replay.MyEntryDeserializer
read(ByteBuffer) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.P2PSocket
Reads a sequence of bytes from this channel into a subsequence of the given buffer.
read(IndexEntry, SecureHistory) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.reader.EntryDeserializer
read(IndexEntry, SecureHistory) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.BasicEntryDeserializer
read(ByteBuffer) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.playback.ReplaySocket
read(ByteBuffer) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.record.RecordSocket
read(ByteBuffer) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.ReplaySocket
read(ByteBuffer) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rc4.EncryptedSocket
read() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.ssl.SSLSocketManager
read(ByteBuffer) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.ssl.SSLSocketManager
read(int, Identifier, Map<String, Object>, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.TransportLayerListener
Called when downstream bandwidth was consumed.
read(byte[], int, int) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.util.SocketInputBuffer
read(byte[]) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.util.SocketInputBuffer
read(ByteBuffer) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.util.SocketWrapperSocket
read(SelectionKey) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.SocketManager
Reads from the socket attached to this connector.
read(ByteBuffer) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.SocketManager
read(SelectionKey) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.UDPLayerImpl
read(ByteBuffer[], int, int) - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.appsocket.AppSocket
Deprecated. use read(ByteBuffer)
read(ByteBuffer) - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.appsocket.AppSocket
Reads a sequence of bytes from this channel into a subsequence of the given buffers.
read(byte[], int, int) - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.rawserialization.InputBuffer
read(byte[]) - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.rawserialization.InputBuffer
read() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.Base64.InputStream
Reads enough of the input stream to convert to/from Base64 and returns the next byte.
read(byte[], int, int) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.Base64.InputStream
Calls Base64.InputStream.read() repeatedly until the end of stream is reached or len bytes are read.
read() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.EncryptedInputStream
Reads the next byte of data from the input stream.
read(byte[], int, int) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.EncryptedInputStream
Reads up to len bytes of data from the input stream into an array of bytes.
read() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectInputStream
Method which reads a byte from the underlying output stream.
read(byte[], int, int) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectInputStream
Method which reads a array of bytes from the underlying output stream.
read(ByteBuffer[], int, int) - Method in class rice.pastry.transport.SocketAdapter
read(ByteBuffer) - Method in class rice.pastry.transport.SocketAdapter
read(SelectionKey) - Method in class rice.selector.SelectionKeyHandler
Method which is called when the key becomes readable.
READ_OBJECTS - Static variable in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectInputStream
The hashmap of readObject methods, mapping Class->Method
READ_RESOLVES - Static variable in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectInputStream
The hashmap of readResolve methods, mapping Class->Method
readAcceptHeader(P2PSocket<Identifier>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous.RendezvousTransportLayerImpl
readArray(boolean) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectInputStream
Method which reads an array off of the stream.
readBase64() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLReader
Method which writes a sequence of base64 encoded bytes to the output stream
readBoolean() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.util.SocketInputBuffer
readBoolean() - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.rawserialization.InputBuffer
readBoolean() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectInputStream
Method which reads a boolean from the stream and returns the result.
readBooleanHelper() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectInputStream
Method which reads an boolean from the stream.
readBuffer() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.EncryptedInputStream
Internal method which reads in the next chunk of buffered data
readByte() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.util.SocketInputBuffer
readByte() - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.rawserialization.InputBuffer
readByte() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectInputStream
Method which reads a byte from the stream and returns the result.
readByteHelper() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectInputStream
Method which reads an byte from the stream.
readChar() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.util.SocketInputBuffer
readChar() - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.rawserialization.InputBuffer
readChar() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectInputStream
Method which reads a char from the stream and returns the result.
readCharHelper() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectInputStream
Method which reads an char from the stream.
readClass(Object) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectInputStream
Method which reads the information for one class for a given object from the stream.
readConnectHeader(P2PSocket<Identifier>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous.RendezvousTransportLayerImpl
readDouble() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.util.SocketInputBuffer
readDouble() - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.rawserialization.InputBuffer
readDouble() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectInputStream
Method which reads a double from the stream and returns the result.
readDoubleHelper() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectInputStream
Method which reads an double from the stream.
readEndTag() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLReader
Asserts that a end tag will be read next.
readEndTag(String) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLReader
Asserts that the provided end tag will be read next.
readEntry() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.reader.LogReader
reader - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.util.SocketWrapperSocket
reader - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.SocketManager
reader - Variable in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectInputStream
The underlying reader, which parses the XML
reader - Variable in class rice.p2p.util.XMLParser
The internal reader used to read data
readExternal(ObjectInput) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.testing.XMLObjectStreamUnit.TestExternalizable
readExternal(ObjectInput) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.testing.XMLObjectStreamUnit.TestSubExternalizable
readField(Object, Class) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectInputStream
Method which reads a single field from the stream, and assignes it to the provided object.
readFields() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectInputStream
Method which can be called by objects if they have a readObject() method.
readFields(Object, Class) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectInputStream
Method which initiates the default field reading mechanism for the given object's class.
readFloat() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.util.SocketInputBuffer
readFloat() - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.rawserialization.InputBuffer
readFloat() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectInputStream
Method which reads a float from the stream and returns the result.
readFloatHelper() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectInputStream
Method which reads an float from the stream.
readFromDisk() - Method in class rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregateList
readFully(byte[]) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectInputStream
Method which reads a byte from the underlying output stream.
readFully(byte[], int, int) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectInputStream
Method which reads a byte from the underlying output stream.
readGetField(XMLObjectInputStream.GetField) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectInputStream
Method which read a single field from the stream and places it in the provided GetField object.
readGetFields() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectInputStream
Method which reads all of the field data from the stream, as readFields() does, but instead of assigning the fields to the object, it returns them as a GetField object.
readHeader(InetSocketAddress) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.UDPLayerImpl
readHeader() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLReader
Method which reads the header from the reader.
readId(InputBuffer, short) - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.Endpoint
To use a more efficient serialization format than Java Serialization
readId(InputBuffer, short) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringEndpoint
readId(InputBuffer, short) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCEndpoint
readId(InputBuffer, short) - Method in class rice.pastry.commonapi.PastryEndpoint
readIdentifierFromString(String) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.infostore.IdStrTranslator
readIdRange(InputBuffer) - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.Endpoint
To use Raw Serialization
readIdRange(InputBuffer) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringEndpoint
readIdRange(InputBuffer) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCEndpoint
readIdRange(InputBuffer) - Method in class rice.pastry.commonapi.PastryEndpoint
readInt() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.util.SocketInputBuffer
readInt() - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.rawserialization.InputBuffer
readInt() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectInputStream
Method which reads an int from the stream and returns the result.
readInternal(byte[], int, int) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.util.SocketInputBuffer
readInternal(byte[]) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.util.SocketInputBuffer
readInternal() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.util.SocketInputBuffer
readIntHelper() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectInputStream
Method which reads an int from the stream.
readKeyPair(String, String) - Static method in class rice.p2p.multiring.RingCertificate
Internal method which writes out the keypair to a file, encrypted
readLong() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.util.SocketInputBuffer
readLong() - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.rawserialization.InputBuffer
readLong() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectInputStream
Method which reads a long from the stream and returns the result.
readLongHelper() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectInputStream
Method which reads an long from the stream.
readMe - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.ssl.SSLSocketManager
readNodeHandle(InputBuffer) - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.Endpoint
readNodeHandle(InputBuffer) - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.rawserialization.NodeHandleReader
To use Raw Serialization
readNodeHandle(InputBuffer) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringEndpoint
readNodeHandle(InputBuffer) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCEndpoint
readNodeHandle(InputBuffer) - Method in class rice.pastry.commonapi.PastryEndpoint
readNodeHandle(InputBuffer) - Method in interface rice.pastry.NodeHandleFactory
readNodeHandle(InputBuffer) - Method in class rice.pastry.PastryNode
readNodeHandle(InputBuffer) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.RendezvousSNHFactory
readNodeHandle(InputBuffer) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.SocketNodeHandleFactory
readNodeHandleSet(InputBuffer, short) - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.Endpoint
readNodeHandleSet(InputBuffer, short) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringEndpoint
readNodeHandleSet(InputBuffer, short) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCEndpoint
readNodeHandleSet(InputBuffer, short) - Method in class rice.pastry.commonapi.PastryEndpoint
readNull() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectInputStream
Method which reads a null item off of the stream.
readObjectHelper() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectInputStream
Method which reads an object from the stream.
readObjectOverride() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectInputStream
Method which is called by ObjectInputStreamm.readObject(), and reads the next object from the stream, and returns the result.
readOK() - Method in class rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregateList
readOnly - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.SecureHistoryImpl
readOrdinaryObject(boolean) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectInputStream
Method which reads an ordinary object from the stream (not a String or Array).
readOverlayMatrix(float) - Method in class rice.pastry.direct.proximitygenerators.GenericProximityGenerator
readPrimitive(String) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectInputStream
Method which reads a primitive value from the stream and returns the String representation to the callee for processing.
readPrimitiveField(Object, Field) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectInputStream
Method which reads a primitive field from the stream, and places it in the given object.
readPrimitiveGetField(XMLObjectInputStream.GetField) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectInputStream
Method which reads a primitive field from the stream, and places it in the provided GetField object.
readReference() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectInputStream
Method which reads a reference off of the stream, and looks the reference up in the references table.
readResolve() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.testing.XMLObjectStreamUnit.TestResolve
readShort() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.util.SocketInputBuffer
readShort() - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.rawserialization.InputBuffer
readShort() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectInputStream
Method which reads a short from the stream and returns the result.
readShortHelper() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectInputStream
Method which reads an short from the stream.
readSocket(int, ByteBuffer) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.playback.ReplayVerifier
Return the bytes read.
readSocket(int, ByteBuffer) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.VerifierImpl
Return the bytes read.
readStartTag() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLReader
Asserts that a start tag will be read next.
readStartTag(String) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLReader
Asserts that the provided start tag will be read next.
readStreamHeader() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectInputStream
Method which reads the XML header off of the stream.
readString(boolean) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectInputStream
Method which reads a string item off of the stream.
readUnreadOptionalData() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectInputStream
Method which reads any extra data from the stream which was not read by the object.
readUnshared() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectInputStream
Method which reads the next object from the stream and does not record a reference to the object.
readUnsharedHelper(boolean) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectInputStream
Method which reads an object from the stream.
readUnsignedByte() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectInputStream
Method which reads an unsigned byte from the underlying output stream.
readUnsignedShort() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectInputStream
Method which reads an unsigned short from the underlying output stream.
readUTF() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.util.SocketInputBuffer
readUTF() - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.rawserialization.InputBuffer
readUTF() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectInputStream
Method which reads a UTF-encoded String from the stream and returns the result.
ReadyStrategy - Interface in rice.pastry
realFactory - Variable in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCPastImpl
The real factory, which is not wrapped with a GCIdFactory
realFactory - Variable in class rice.pastry.standard.CertifiedNodeIdFactory
reason() - Method in exception rice.p2p.commonapi.exception.AppSocketException
REASON_ACC_BOOTSTRAP - Static variable in interface rice.pastry.NetworkListener
Remote node opened a to acquire bootstrap information.
REASON_ACC_NORMAL - Static variable in interface rice.pastry.NetworkListener
Remote node opened a socket for normal FreePastry traffic.
REASON_ACC_SR - Static variable in interface rice.pastry.NetworkListener
Remote node opened a socket for source routing.
REASON_APP_SOCKET_NORMAL - Static variable in interface rice.pastry.NetworkListener
Local node opened an application level socket.
REASON_BOOTSTRAP - Static variable in interface rice.pastry.NetworkListener
Local node opened a to acquire bootstrap information.
REASON_NORMAL - Static variable in interface rice.pastry.NetworkListener
Local node opened a socket for normal FreePastry traffic.
REASON_SR - Static variable in interface rice.pastry.NetworkListener
Local node opened a socket for source routing.
rebuildInProgress - Variable in class rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregationImpl
recalculateReferenceCounts(Id[]) - Method in class rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregateList
Receipt - Interface in org.mpisws.p2p.filetransfer
receive(Identifier, ByteBuffer) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.playback.ReplayLayer
receive(Identifier, ByteBuffer) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.playback.ReplayVerifier
Callback when a message has arrived.
receive(int, Object) - Method in class rice.Continuation.MultiContinuation
Internal method which receives the results and determines if we are done with this task.
receive(Object) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.testing.PastRegrTest.TestCommand
receive(Object) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.testing.PastRegrTest.TestExceptionCommand
receive(Object) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.testing.RawPastRegrTest.TestCommand
receive(Object) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.testing.RawPastRegrTest.TestExceptionCommand
RECEIVE_CACHE_SIZE - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.commitment.CommitmentProtocolImpl
receivedBytes(ByteBuffer, SourceRoute, P2PSocket, P2PSocket) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.SourceRouteTap
We are the intermediate node for some bytes from Socket a to Socket b
receivedException(Identifier, Throwable) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.ErrorHandler
We got an exception.
receivedException(Identifier, Throwable) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.util.DefaultErrorHandler
receivedMessage(ByteBuffer, SourceRoute) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.SourceRouteTap
We are the intermediate node for a message.
receivedUnexpectedData(Identifier, byte[], int, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.ErrorHandler
receivedUnexpectedData(Identifier, byte[], int, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.util.DefaultErrorHandler
receiveException(Exception) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.filetransfer.FileTransferCallback
Called when the FileTransfer fails.
receiveException(AppSocket, Exception) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.filetransfer.FileTransferImpl
receiveException(Exception) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.networkinfo.ConnectivityResult
receiveException(P2PSocket<Identifier>, Exception) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.P2PSocketReceiver
Called when there is an error
receiveException(IOException) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.playback.ReplaySocket
receiveException(IOException) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.ReplaySocket
receiveException(SocketRequestHandle<Identifier>, Exception) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.SocketCallback
receiveException(P2PSocket<Identifier>, Exception) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.ssl.SSLSocketManager
receiveException(P2PSocket<Identifier>, Exception) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.util.BufferReader
receiveException(P2PSocket<Identifier>, Exception) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.util.BufferWriter
receiveException(P2PSocket<SubIdentifier>, Exception) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.util.SocketWrapperSocket
receiveException(P2PSocket<Identifier>, Exception) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.magicnumber.MagicNumberTransportLayer.VerifyHeaderReceiver
receiveException(Exception) - Method in class rice.Continuation.ExternalContinuation
receiveException(Exception) - Method in class rice.Continuation.ListenerContinuation
Called when an exception occurred as a result of the previous command.
receiveException(Exception) - Method in class rice.Continuation.NamedContinuation
Called when an exception occurred as a result of the previous command.
receiveException(E) - Method in interface rice.Continuation
Called when an exception occurred as a result of the previous command.
receiveException(Exception) - Method in class rice.Continuation.SimpleContinuation
Called when an exception occurred as a result of the previous command.
receiveException(E) - Method in class rice.Continuation.StandardContinuation
Called when an exception occurred as a result of the previous command.
receiveException(AppSocket, Exception) - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.appsocket.AppSocketReceiver
Called when there is an error
receiveException(Exception) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierContinuation
receiveException(Exception) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.messaging.ContinuationMessage
Method which builds a response for this message, using the provided exception, which was thrown
receiveException(Exception) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.messaging.InsertMessage
Method which builds a response for this message, using the provided exception, which was thrown
receiveException(Exception) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.testing.PastRegrTest.TestCommand
receiveException(Exception) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.testing.PastRegrTest.TestExceptionCommand
receiveException(Exception) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.testing.RawPastRegrTest.TestCommand
receiveException(Exception) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.testing.RawPastRegrTest.TestExceptionCommand
receiveException(Exception) - Method in class rice.p2p.replication.manager.ReplicationManagerImpl.ReplicationManagerDeleter
Implementation of continuation
receiveException(P2PSocket<Identifier>, Exception) - Method in class rice.pastry.transport.AppSocketReceiverWrapper
receiveException(P2PSocket<Identifier>, Exception) - Method in class rice.pastry.transport.SocketAdapter
ReceiveInfo<Identifier> - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.commitment
We cache a few recently received messages, so we can recognize duplicates.
ReceiveInfo(Identifier, long, long) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.commitment.ReceiveInfo
receiveMessage(Message) - Method in class rice.pastry.client.CommonAPIAppl
Called by pastry to deliver a message to this client.
receiveMessage(Message) - Method in class rice.pastry.client.PastryAppl
Called by pastry to deliver a message to this client.
receiveMessage(Message) - Method in class rice.pastry.commonapi.PastryEndpoint
Called by pastry to deliver a message to this client.
receiveMessage(Message) - Method in class rice.pastry.direct.DirectNodeHandle
Deprecated. use PastryNode.send()
receiveMessage(Message) - Method in class rice.pastry.leafset.testing.MergeTest.TestNodeHandle
receiveMessage(Message) - Method in class rice.pastry.NodeHandle
Deprecated. use PastryNode.send() or Endpoint.send()
receiveMessage(Message) - Method in class rice.pastry.PastryNode
message receiver interface.
receiveMessage(Message) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.SocketNodeHandle
Deprecated. use PastryNode.send(msg, nh)
receiveMessage(Message) - Method in class rice.pastry.standard.ConsistentJoinProtocol
Handle the CJM as in the MSR-TR
receiveMessage(Message) - Method in class rice.pastry.standard.PeriodicLeafSetProtocol
Receives messages.
receiveMessage(Message) - Method in class rice.pastry.standard.StandardJoinProtocol
Receives a message from the outside world.
receiveMessage(Message) - Method in class rice.pastry.standard.StandardRouter
Receive a message from a remote node.
receiveMessage(Message) - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.LeafSetTest.TestNodeHandle
receiveMessage(Message) - Method in class rice.pastry.transport.BogusNodeHandle
receiveMessageInternal(RawMessageDelivery) - Method in class rice.pastry.client.PastryAppl
receiver - Variable in class rice.pastry.client.PastryAppl
holds the receiverSocket
receiverCancelled(int) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.filetransfer.FileTransferImpl
receiveResult(SocketRequestHandle<Identifier>, P2PSocket<Identifier>) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.SocketCallback
receiveResult(R) - Method in class rice.Continuation.ErrorContinuation
Called when an the result is available.
receiveResult(Object) - Method in class rice.Continuation.ExternalContinuation
receiveResult(Object) - Method in class rice.Continuation.ListenerContinuation
Called when a previously requested result is now available.
receiveResult(Object) - Method in class rice.Continuation.NamedContinuation
Called when an the result is available.
receiveResult(R) - Method in interface rice.Continuation
Called when a previously requested result is now available.
receiveResult(Object) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierContinuation
receiveResult(Object) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.messaging.ContinuationMessage
Method which builds a response for this message, using the provided object as a result.
receiveResult(Object) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.messaging.InsertMessage
Method which builds a response for this message, using the provided object as a result.
receiveResult(Object) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.testing.PastRegrTest.TestCommand
receiveResult(Object) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.testing.PastRegrTest.TestExceptionCommand
receiveResult(Object) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.testing.RawPastRegrTest.TestCommand
receiveResult(Object) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.testing.RawPastRegrTest.TestExceptionCommand
receiveResult(Object) - Method in class rice.p2p.replication.manager.ReplicationManagerImpl.ReplicationManagerDeleter
Implementation of continuation
receiverId - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.logentry.EvtSend
receiveSelectResult(AppSocket, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.filetransfer.FileTransferImpl
receiveSelectResult(P2PSocket<Identifier>, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.P2PSocketReceiver
Called when a socket is available for read/write
receiveSelectResult(P2PSocket<Identifier>, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rc4.EncryptedSocket
receiveSelectResult(P2PSocket<Identifier>, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.ssl.SSLSocketManager
receiveSelectResult(P2PSocket<Identifier>, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.util.BufferReader
receiveSelectResult(P2PSocket<Identifier>, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.util.BufferWriter
receiveSelectResult(P2PSocket<SubIdentifier>, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.util.SocketWrapperSocket
receiveSelectResult(P2PSocket<Identifier>, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.magicnumber.MagicNumberTransportLayer.VerifyHeaderReceiver
receiveSelectResult(AppSocket, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.appsocket.AppSocketReceiver
Called when a socket is available for read/write
receiveSelectResult(P2PSocket<Identifier>, boolean, boolean) - Method in class rice.pastry.transport.AppSocketReceiverWrapper
receiveSelectResult(P2PSocket<Identifier>, boolean, boolean) - Method in class rice.pastry.transport.SocketAdapter
receiveSocket(AppSocket) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.filetransfer.FileTransferImpl
receiveSocket(AppSocket) - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.appsocket.AppSocketReceiver
Called when we have a new socket (due to a call to connect or accept)
receiveStatistics(GlacierStatistics) - Method in interface rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierStatisticsListener
recordedStatus - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.peerreview.PRRegressionTest
Recorder - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.replay
This tutorial shows how to use Scribe.
Recorder(int, InetSocketAddress, int, Environment) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.replay.Recorder
Based on the rice.tutorial.lesson4.DistTutorial This constructor launches numNodes PastryNodes.
Recorder.AppInvokation - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.replay
Recorder.AppInvokation(MyScribeClient) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.replay.Recorder.AppInvokation
Recorder.PublishInvokation - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.replay
Recorder.PublishInvokation(MyScribeClient) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.replay.Recorder.PublishInvokation
Recorder.SubscribeInvokation - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.replay
Recorder.SubscribeInvokation(MyScribeClient) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.replay.Recorder.SubscribeInvokation
RecordLayer<Identifier> - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.record
RecordLayer(TransportLayer<Identifier, ByteBuffer>, String, Serializer<Identifier>, Environment) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.record.RecordLayer
RecordSM - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.record
This is the SelectorManager for PeerReview.
RecordSM(String, TimeSource, DirectTimeSource, LogManager, RandomSource) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.record.RecordSM
RecordSocket<Identifier> - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.record
RecordSocket(Identifier, P2PSocket<Identifier>, Logger, Map<String, Object>, int, ByteBuffer, RecordLayer<Identifier>) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.record.RecordSocket
recordStats - Static variable in class rice.selector.ProfileSelector
recoverLog() - Method in class rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregateList
recursivelyPrintChildren(NodeHandle, int, Hashtable<NodeHandle, MyScribeClient>) - Static method in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.replay.Recorder
Print's self, then children.
recursivelyPrintChildren(NodeHandle, int, Hashtable<NodeHandle, MyScribeClient>) - Static method in class rice.tutorial.scribe.ScribeTutorial
Print's self, then children.
recvAnycastFail(Topic, NodeHandle, ScribeContent) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeImpl
recvAnycastFail(Topic, NodeHandle, ScribeContent) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribePolicy.DefaultScribePolicy
recvAnycastFail(Topic, NodeHandle, ScribeContent) - Method in interface rice.p2p.scribe.ScribePolicy
This notifies us when we receive a failure for a anycast
recvAnycastFail(Topic, NodeHandle, ScribeContent) - Method in class rice.p2p.splitstream.SplitStreamScribePolicy
RedBlackMap - Class in rice.p2p.util
This class is a modification of the RedBlackMap java class, with the added benefit that iterators do not throw a ConcurrentModificationException when the backing tree changes.
RedBlackMap() - Constructor for class rice.p2p.util.RedBlackMap
Constructs a new, empty map, sorted according to the keys' natural order.
RedBlackMap(Comparator) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.util.RedBlackMap
Constructs a new, empty map, sorted according to the given comparator.
RedBlackMap(Map) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.util.RedBlackMap
Constructs a new map containing the same mappings as the given map, sorted according to the keys' natural order.
RedBlackMap(SortedMap) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.util.RedBlackMap
Constructs a new map containing the same mappings as the given SortedMap, sorted according to the same ordering.
RedBlackMapUnit - Class in rice.p2p.util.testing
RedBlackMapUnit() - Constructor for class rice.p2p.util.testing.RedBlackMapUnit
references - Variable in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectInputStream
The hashtable of references, which is updated each time a new object is read off of the stream.
references - Variable in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectOutputStream
The collection of references stored in the stream so far, maps Integer(hash) -> reference name.
reflFactory - Variable in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectInputStream
The ReflectionFactory, which allows for prividged construction of objects
refresh(Id[], long, Continuation) - Method in class rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregationImpl
refresh(Id[], long[], Continuation) - Method in class rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregationImpl
refresh(Id[], long[], long[], Continuation) - Method in class rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregationImpl
refresh(Id[], long[], Continuation) - Method in class rice.p2p.aggregation.Moraine
refresh(Id[], long, Continuation) - Method in class rice.p2p.aggregation.Moraine
refresh(Id[], long[], long[], Continuation) - Method in class rice.p2p.aggregation.Moraine
refresh(Id[], long[], Continuation) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierImpl
refresh(Id[], long, Continuation) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierImpl
refresh(Id[], long[], long[], Continuation) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierImpl
refresh(Id[], long[], long[], Continuation) - Method in interface rice.p2p.glacier.VersioningPast
Updates the objects stored under the provided keys id to expire no earlier than the provided expiration time.
refresh(Id[], long[], Continuation) - Method in interface rice.p2p.past.gc.GCPast
Updates the objects stored under the provided keys id to expire no earlier than the provided expiration time.
refresh(Id[], long, Continuation) - Method in interface rice.p2p.past.gc.GCPast
Updates the objects stored under the provided keys id to expire no earlier than the provided expiration time.
refresh(Id[], long, Continuation) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCPastImpl
Updates the objects stored under the provided keys id to expire no earlier than the provided expiration time.
refresh(Id[], long[], Continuation) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCPastImpl
Updates the objects stored under the provided keys id to expire no earlier than the provided expiration time.
refresh(GCIdSet, Continuation) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCPastImpl
Internal method which actually does the refreshing.
refresh(Object) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.TimerWeakHashMap
refresh(Object, int) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.TimerWeakHashMap
refreshAggregate(AggregateDescriptor, long) - Method in class rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregateList
refreshed - Variable in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCPastImpl
refreshedLifetime - Variable in class rice.p2p.aggregation.ObjectDescriptor
register(boolean, boolean, P2PSocketReceiver<Identifier>) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.P2PSocket
Must be called every time a Read/Write occurs to continue operation.
register(boolean, boolean, P2PSocketReceiver<Identifier>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.playback.ReplaySocket
register(boolean, boolean, P2PSocketReceiver<Identifier>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.record.RecordSocket
register(boolean, boolean, P2PSocketReceiver<Identifier>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.ReplaySocket
register(boolean, boolean, P2PSocketReceiver<Identifier>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.ssl.SSLSocketManager
register(boolean, boolean, P2PSocketReceiver<Identifier>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.util.SocketWrapperSocket
register(boolean, boolean, P2PSocketReceiver<InetSocketAddress>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.SocketManager
register(boolean, boolean, int, AppSocketReceiver) - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.appsocket.AppSocket
Must be called every time a Read/Write occurs to continue operation.
register() - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.Endpoint
Call this after you have set up your Endpoint: called setDeserializer(), called accept().
register() - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringEndpoint
register() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCEndpoint
register() - Method in class rice.pastry.client.PastryAppl
register(boolean, boolean, int, AppSocketReceiver) - Method in class rice.pastry.transport.SocketAdapter
register(SelectableChannel, SelectionKeyHandler, int) - Method in class rice.selector.SelectorManager
Registers a new channel with the selector, and attaches the given SelectionKeyHandler as the handler for the newly created key.
registerApp(PastryAppl) - Method in class rice.pastry.PastryNode
Registers an application with this pastry node.
registerapp(PastryNode, RegrTestApp) - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.DirectPastryRegrTest
wire protocol specific handling of the application object e.g., RMI may launch a new thread
registerapp(PastryNode, RegrTestApp) - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.DistPastryRegrTest
wire protocol specific handling of the application object e.g., RMI may launch a new thread
registerapp(PastryNode, RegrTestApp) - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.PastryRegrTest
wire protocol specific handling of the application object e.g., RMI may launch a new thread
registerApplication(Application, String) - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.Node
Deprecated. use buildEndpoint(), then call Endpoint.register(), fixes synchronization problems, related to implicit behavior
registerApplication(Application, String) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringNode
Deprecated. use buildEndpoint() endpoint.register()
registerApplication(Application, String) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCNode
Deprecated. use buildEndpoint() endpoint.register()
registerApplication(Application, String) - Method in class rice.pastry.PastryNode
Deprecated. use buildEndpoint() endpoint.register()
registerApps(PastryNode, LeafSet, RoutingTable, NodeHandleAdapter, NodeHandleFactory) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.RendezvousSocketPastryNodeFactory
registerApps(PastryNode, LeafSet, RoutingTable, NodeHandleAdapter, NodeHandleFactory) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.SocketPastryNodeFactory
registerApps(PastryNode, LeafSet, RoutingTable, NodeHandleAdapter, NodeHandleFactory) - Method in class rice.pastry.transport.TransportPastryNodeFactory
registerEvent(EventCallback, short...) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.playback.ReplayVerifier
This binds specific event types to one of the handlers
registerEvent(EventCallback, short) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.playback.ReplayVerifier
registerEvent(EventCallback, short...) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.VerifierImpl
This binds specific event types to one of the handlers
registerEvent(EventCallback, short) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.VerifierImpl
registerIdentifier(Identifier, DirectTransportLayer<Identifier, MessageType>, NodeRecord) - Method in class rice.pastry.direct.BasicNetworkSimulator
set the liveliness of a NodeId
registerNode(Identifier, DirectTransportLayer<Identifier, MessageType>, NodeRecord) - Method in interface rice.pastry.direct.NetworkSimulator
registerNode(Identifier, DirectTransportLayer<Identifier, MessageType>, NodeRecord) - Method in class rice.pastry.direct.NetworkSimulatorImpl
registerReceiver(int, PastryAppl) - Method in class rice.pastry.messaging.MessageDispatch
Registers a receiver with the mail service.
registerReceiver(int, PastryAppl) - Method in class rice.pastry.PastryNode
Registers a message receiver with this Pastry node.
registerToReadIfPossible() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.filetransfer.FileTransferImpl
registerValidation(ObjectInputValidation, int) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectInputStream
Register an object to be validated before the graph is returned.
RegrTestApp - Class in rice.pastry.testing
RegrTestApp A regression test suite for pastry.
RegrTestApp(PastryNode, PastryRegrTest) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.testing.RegrTestApp
reInsert(Id, Continuation) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCPastImpl
reInsert(Id, Continuation) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.PastImpl
reInsert(Id, Continuation) - Method in interface rice.p2p.replication.manager.ReplicationManagerClient
Asks a client to reinsert an object it already holds into the overlay
reInsert(Id, Continuation) - Method in class rice.p2p.replication.manager.testing.ReplicationManagerRegrTest.TestReplicationManagerClient
rejoin(NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.pastry.standard.PartitionHandler
Manually kicks off a probe to a given target node.
RELEVANT_LENGTH - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReview
Option should map to an int < 255 to record the relevant length of the message.
ReminderMessage - Class in rice.p2p.replication.manager.messaging
ReminderMessage() - Constructor for class rice.p2p.replication.manager.messaging.ReminderMessage
Constructor which takes a unique integer Id
ReminderMessage - Class in rice.p2p.replication.messaging
ReminderMessage(NodeHandle) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.replication.messaging.ReminderMessage
Constructor which takes a unique integer Id
remote - Static variable in class rice.p2p.util.testing.IdBloomFilterReplicationTest
remove(Identifier) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.direct.GenericNetworkSimulator
Kill identifier.
remove(String) - Method in interface rice.environment.params.Parameters
Remove the key
remove(String) - Method in class rice.environment.params.simple.SimpleParameters
remove(Object) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringIdFactory.MultiringEntrySet
remove(Object) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringIdFactory.MultiringKeySet
remove(Object) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringIdFactory.MultiringSortedMap
remove(Object) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCIdFactory.GCEntrySet
remove(Object) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCIdFactory.GCSortedMap
remove(Id, Continuation) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCPastImpl
This upcall is to notify the client that the given id can be safely removed from the storage.
remove(Id, Continuation) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.PastImpl
This upcall is to notify the client that the given id can be safely removed from the storage.
remove(Id, Continuation) - Method in interface rice.p2p.replication.manager.ReplicationManagerClient
This upcall is to notify the client that the given id can be safely removed from the storage.
remove(Id, Continuation) - Method in class rice.p2p.replication.manager.testing.ReplicationManagerRegrTest.TestReplicationManagerClient
remove(NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.AnycastMessage
Removes the node handle from the to visit and visited lists
remove(Object) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.ImmutableSortedMap
Removes the mapping for this key from this map if it is present (optional operation).
remove(Object) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.RedBlackMap
Removes the mapping for this key from this RedBlackMap if present.
remove(Object) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.ReverseTreeMap
Removes any and all mappings with the given key
remove(Identifier) - Method in class rice.pastry.direct.BasicNetworkSimulator
remove(NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.pastry.leafset.LeafSet
Removes a node id and its handle from the set.
remove(Id) - Method in class rice.pastry.leafset.SimilarSet
Removes a node id and its handle from the set.
remove(NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.pastry.leafset.SimilarSet
remove(int) - Method in class rice.pastry.leafset.SimilarSet
Removes a node id and its handle from the set.
remove(Id) - Method in class rice.pastry.NodeSet
Removes a node id and its handle from the set.
remove(NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.pastry.NodeSet
remove a member
remove(int) - Method in class rice.pastry.NodeSet
remove a member at a given position
remove(NodeHandle) - Method in interface rice.pastry.NodeSetI
Removes a node id and its handle from the set.
remove(Id) - Method in class rice.pastry.routing.RouteSet
Removes a node from a set.
remove(NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.pastry.routing.RouteSet
Removes a node from a set.
remove(NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.pastry.routing.RoutingTable
Removes a node id from the table.
removeAggregateDescriptor(AggregateDescriptor) - Method in class rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregateList
removeAll(Collection) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringIdFactory.MultiringEntrySet
removeAll(Collection) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringIdFactory.MultiringKeySet
removeAll(Collection) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCIdFactory.GCEntrySet
removeChangeListener(ParameterChangeListener) - Method in interface rice.environment.params.Parameters
removeChangeListener(ParameterChangeListener) - Method in class rice.environment.params.simple.SimpleParameters
removeChild(Topic, NodeHandle) - Method in interface rice.p2p.scribe.BaseScribe
Removes a child from the given topic
removeChild(Topic, NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeImpl
Removes a child from the given topic
removeChild(Topic, NodeHandle, boolean) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeImpl
Removes a child from the given topic
removeChild(NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeImpl.TopicManager
Removes the child from the topic.
removeClient(ScribeMultiClient) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeImpl.TopicManager
removeConnectSocket(HighIdentifier, HighIdentifier, int) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous.RendezvousTransportLayerImpl
removeDestructable(Destructable) - Method in class rice.environment.Environment
removeDestructable(Destructable) - Method in class rice.pastry.PastryNode
removeExpectedIncomingSocket(HighIdentifier, int) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous.RendezvousTransportLayerImpl
removeFromAllChildren(Topic, NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeImpl
Need to be holding lock: topicManagers
removeFromAllParents(Topic, NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeImpl
removeFromLeafsetIfPossible(NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.pastry.standard.PeriodicLeafSetProtocol
removeFromWaitingForLeafSet(NodeHandle, Continuation<LeafSet, Exception>) - Method in class rice.pastry.pns.PNSApplication
removeFromWaitingForRouteRow(NodeHandle, int, Continuation<RouteSet[], Exception>) - Method in class rice.pastry.pns.PNSApplication
removeHandle(Id) - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.NodeHandleSet
Removes a node id and its handle from the set.
removeHandle(Id) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringNodeHandleSet
Removes a node id and its handle from the set.
removeHandle(Id) - Method in class rice.pastry.leafset.SimilarSet
Removes a node id and its handle from the set.
removeHandle(Id) - Method in class rice.pastry.NodeSet
Removes a node id and its handle from the set.
removeHandle(Id) - Method in class rice.pastry.routing.RouteSet
Removes a node id and its handle from the set.
removeHardLink(SourceRouteManagerImpl<Identifier>.AddressManager) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.manager.SourceRouteManagerImpl
removeId(Id) - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.IdSet
remove a member
removeId(Id) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.FragmentKeySet
remove a member
removeId(Id) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.VersionKeySet
remove a member
removeId(Id) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringIdSet
remove a member
removeId(Id) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCIdSet
remove a member
removeId(Id) - Method in class rice.pastry.IdSet
remove a member
removeIncomingPilotListener(IncomingPilotListener<Identifier>) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous.PilotManager
removeIncomingPilotListener(IncomingPilotListener<HighIdentifier>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous.RendezvousTransportLayerImpl
removeListener(FileTransferListener) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.filetransfer.FileTransfer
removeListener(FileTransferListener) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.filetransfer.FileTransferImpl
removeLivenessListener(LivenessListener<Identifier>) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.liveness.LivenessProvider
removeLivenessListener(LivenessListener<Identifier>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.liveness.LivenessTransportLayerImpl
removeLivenessListener(LivenessListener<Identifier>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.manager.SourceRouteManagerImpl
removeLivenessListener(LivenessListener<Identifier>) - Method in class rice.pastry.direct.BasicNetworkSimulator
removeLivenessListener(LivenessListener<NodeHandle>) - Method in class rice.pastry.PastryNode
removeLivenessListener(LivenessListener<NodeHandle>) - Method in class rice.pastry.transport.NodeHandleAdapter
removeLoopObserver(LoopObserver) - Method in class rice.selector.SelectorManager
removeMember(Id) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.FragmentKeySet
remove a member
removeMember(Id) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.VersionKeySet
remove a member
removeMember(Id) - Method in class rice.pastry.IdSet
remove a member
removeNetworkListener(NetworkListener) - Method in class rice.pastry.PastryNode
removeNode(PastryNode) - Method in interface rice.pastry.direct.NetworkSimulator
Registers a node handle with the simulator.
removeNode(PastryNode) - Method in class rice.pastry.direct.NetworkSimulatorImpl
removeNodeHandleFactoryListener(NodeHandleFactoryListener<NH>) - Method in interface rice.pastry.NodeHandleFactory
removeNodeHandleFactoryListener(NodeHandleFactoryListener) - Method in class rice.pastry.PastryNode
removeNodeHandleFactoryListener(NodeHandleFactoryListener<SocketNodeHandle>) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.SocketNodeHandleFactory
removeNodeSetListener(NodeSetListener) - Method in class rice.pastry.leafset.SimilarSet
removeNodeSetListener(NodeSetListener) - Method in interface rice.pastry.NodeSetEventSource
removeNodeSetListener(NodeSetListener) - Method in class rice.pastry.routing.RoutingTable
removeOption(Map<String, Object>, String) - Static method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.util.OptionsFactory
removeOutgoingPilotListener(OutgoingPilotListener<Identifier>) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous.PilotManager
removeOutgoingPilotListener(OutgoingPilotListener<HighIdentifier>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous.RendezvousTransportLayerImpl
removePendingMessage(UpperIdentifier, IdentityImpl<UpperIdentifier, MiddleIdentifier, UpperMsgType, LowerIdentifier>.IdentityMessageHandle) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.identity.IdentityImpl
removePingListener(PingListener<Identifier>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.liveness.LivenessTransportLayerImpl
removePingListener(PingListener<Identifier>) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.liveness.Pinger
removePrimarySocketListener(PrimarySocketListener<Identifier>) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.priority.PriorityTransportLayer
removePrimarySocketListener(PrimarySocketListener<Identifier>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.priority.PriorityTransportLayerImpl
removePriorityTransportLayerListener(PriorityTransportLayerListener<Identifier>) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.priority.PriorityTransportLayer
removePriorityTransportLayerListener(PriorityTransportLayerListener<Identifier>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.priority.PriorityTransportLayerImpl
removeProximityListener(ProximityListener<Identifier>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.proximity.MinRTTProximityProvider
removeProximityListener(ProximityListener<Identifier>) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.proximity.ProximityProvider
removeProximityListener(ProximityListener<Identifier>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.manager.SourceRouteManagerImpl
removeProximityListener(ProximityListener<NodeHandle>) - Method in class rice.pastry.PastryNode
removeProximityListener(ProximityListener<NodeHandle>) - Method in class rice.pastry.transport.NodeHandleAdapter
removeRouteSetListener(NodeSetListener) - Method in class rice.pastry.PastryNode
removeSerializerListener(SerializerListener<UpperIdentifier>) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.identity.IdentitySerializer
removeSerializerListener(SerializerListener<TransportLayerNodeHandle<MultiInetSocketAddress>>) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.SPNFIdentitySerializer
removeSimulatorListener(GenericSimulatorListener<Identifier, MessageType>) - Method in interface rice.pastry.direct.NetworkSimulator
removeSimulatorListener(GenericSimulatorListener<Identifier, MessageType>) - Method in class rice.pastry.direct.NetworkSimulatorImpl
removeSocket(LivenessTransportLayerImpl<Identifier>.LSocket) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.liveness.LivenessTransportLayerImpl.EntityManager
removeSocketCountListener(SocketCountListener<Identifier>) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.SocketOpeningTransportLayer
removeSocketCountListener(SocketCountListener<InetSocketAddress>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.WireTransportLayerImpl
removeSourceRouteTap(SourceRouteTap) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.SourceRouteTransportLayer
removeSourceRouteTap(SourceRouteTap) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.SourceRouteTransportLayerImpl
removeStatisticsListener(GlacierStatisticsListener) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierImpl
removeTask(TimerTask) - Method in class rice.selector.SelectorManager
removeTopics(Collection<Topic>) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.SubscribeMessage
Call this when you accept topics in the list.
removeTransportLayerListener(TransportLayerListener<Identifier>) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.ListenableTransportLayer
removeTransportLayerListener(TransportLayerListener<Identifier>) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.priority.PriorityTransportLayer
removeTransportLayerListener(TransportLayerListener<Identifier>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.priority.PriorityTransportLayerImpl
removeTransportLayerListener(TransportLayerListener<Identifier>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.magicnumber.MagicNumberTransportLayer
removeTransportLayerListener(TransportLayerListener<InetSocketAddress>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.WireTransportLayerImpl
rename(Id, Id, Continuation) - Method in interface rice.persistence.Catalog
Renames the given object to the new id.
rename(Id, Id, Continuation) - Method in class rice.persistence.EmptyCache
Renames the given object to the new id.
rename(Id, Id, Continuation) - Method in class rice.persistence.LRUCache
Renames the given object to the new id.
rename(Id, Id, Continuation) - Method in class rice.persistence.MemoryStorage
Renames the given object to the new id.
rename(Id, Id, Continuation) - Method in class rice.persistence.PersistentStorage
Renames the given object to the new id.
rename(Id, Id, Continuation) - Method in class rice.persistence.StorageManagerImpl
Renames the given object to the new id.
renderStatus(int) - Static method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.Basics
RENDEZVOUS - Static variable in class rice.pastry.socket.internet.InternetPastryNodeFactory
RENDEZVOUS_CONTACT_DIRECT_STRATEGY - Static variable in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.RendezvousSocketPastryNodeFactory
getVars() maps to a ContactDirectStrategy
RENDEZVOUS_CONTACT_STRING - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous.RendezvousTransportLayerImpl
options.get(RENDEZVOUS_CONTACT_STRING) returns a RendezvousContact
RENDEZVOUS_STRATEGY - Static variable in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.RendezvousSocketPastryNodeFactory
maps to a RendezvousStrategy
RENDEZVOUS_TL - Static variable in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.RendezvousSocketPastryNodeFactory
maps to a RendezvousTransportLayerImpl
RendezvousApp - Class in rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous
TODO: make not abstract
RendezvousApp(PastryNode) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.RendezvousApp
RendezvousContact - Interface in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous
RendezvousContactDirectStrategy - Class in rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous
RendezvousContactDirectStrategy(RendezvousSocketNodeHandle, AddressStrategy, Environment) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.RendezvousContactDirectStrategy
RendezvousGenerationStrategy<Identifier> - Interface in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous
Picks a rendezvous point.
rendezvousGenerator - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous.RendezvousTransportLayerImpl
RendezvousJoinProtocol - Class in rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous
The purpose of this class is to allow a NATted node to boot.
RendezvousJoinProtocol(PastryNode, NodeHandle, RoutingTable, LeafSet, ReadyStrategy, PilotManager<RendezvousSocketNodeHandle>) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.RendezvousJoinProtocol
RendezvousJoinRequest - Class in rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous
Includes the bootstrap (or some other node who will have a pilot from the joiner.)
RendezvousJoinRequest(NodeHandle, byte, long, NodeHandle) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.RendezvousJoinRequest
RendezvousJoinRequest(InputBuffer, NodeHandleFactory, NodeHandle, PastryNode) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.RendezvousJoinRequest
RendezvousLeafSetNHStrategy - Class in rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous
RendezvousLeafSetNHStrategy(LeafSet) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.RendezvousLeafSetNHStrategy
RendezvousLivenessProvider - Class in rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous
TODO: Remove Abstract This class forces a RendezvousApp.updateRendezvousInfo() when the NodeHandle is found faulty.
RendezvousLivenessProvider() - Constructor for class rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.RendezvousLivenessProvider
RendezvousPNSApplication - Class in rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous
Does not try to connect to NATted nodes during PNS.
RendezvousPNSApplication(PastryNode, ContactDirectStrategy<RendezvousSocketNodeHandle>) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.RendezvousPNSApplication
RendezvousRouterStrategy - Class in rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous
RendezvousRouterStrategy(PriorityTransportLayer<MultiInetSocketAddress>, Environment) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.RendezvousRouterStrategy
RendezvousScribeTest - Class in rice.pastry.testing.rendezvous
RendezvousScribeTest() - Constructor for class rice.pastry.testing.rendezvous.RendezvousScribeTest
RendezvousSNHFactory - Class in rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous
RendezvousSNHFactory(PastryNode) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.RendezvousSNHFactory
RendezvousSocketNodeHandle - Class in rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous
Maintains RendezvousInfo with the NodeHandle
RendezvousSocketPastryNodeFactory - Class in rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous
This class assembles the rendezvous layer with the rendezvous app.
RendezvousSocketPastryNodeFactory(NodeIdFactory, InetAddress, int, Environment, boolean) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.RendezvousSocketPastryNodeFactory
RendezvousSocketPastryNodeFactory(NodeIdFactory, int, Environment, boolean) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.RendezvousSocketPastryNodeFactory
RendezvousSourceRouteStrategy - Class in rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous
This appends the rendezvous point(s) to the default SourceRouteStrategy
RendezvousSourceRouteStrategy() - Constructor for class rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.RendezvousSourceRouteStrategy
RendezvousSPNFIdentitySerializer - Class in rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous
RendezvousSPNFIdentitySerializer(PastryNode, SocketNodeHandleFactory) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.RendezvousSPNFIdentitySerializer
RendezvousStrategy<Identifier> - Interface in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous
Uses a 3rd party channel to request a node to connect to a dest.
rendezvousStrategy - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous.RendezvousTransportLayerImpl
RendezvousTransportLayer<HighIdentifier> - Interface in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous
RendezvousTransportLayerImpl<Identifier,HighIdentifier extends RendezvousContact> - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous
The trick here is that this layer is at some level, say InetSocketAddress, but must pass around very High-Level Identifiers, such as a NodeHandle for the rendezvous strategy to do its job, but maybe this can just be the RendezvousContact, and it can be casted.
RendezvousTransportLayerImpl(TransportLayer<Identifier, ByteBuffer>, String, HighIdentifier, ContactDeserializer<Identifier, HighIdentifier>, RendezvousGenerationStrategy<HighIdentifier>, PilotFinder<HighIdentifier>, RendezvousStrategy<HighIdentifier>, ResponseStrategy<Identifier>, ContactDirectStrategy<HighIdentifier>, Environment) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous.RendezvousTransportLayerImpl
Replayer - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.replay
Replayer(Id, InetSocketAddress, InetSocketAddress, long, long) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.replay.Replayer
replayEvent(short, InputBuffer) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.replay.Replayer
replayEvent(short, InputBuffer) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.EventCallback
ReplayLayer<Identifier> - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.playback
ReplayLayer(Serializer<Identifier>, HashProvider, SecureHistory, Identifier, Environment) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.playback.ReplayLayer
replayNode(Id, InetSocketAddress, InetSocketAddress, long, long) - Static method in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.replay.Replayer
ReplaySM - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.playback
There are normally 3 kinds of events: Invokations TimerTasks Network I/O The Network I/O should match exactly with our Log, and so we only have to pump Invokations
ReplaySM(String, DirectTimeSource, LogManager) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.playback.ReplaySM
ReplaySocket<Identifier> - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.playback
ReplaySocket(Identifier, int, ReplayVerifier<Identifier>, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.playback.ReplaySocket
TODO: Make extensible by putting into a factory.
ReplaySocket<Identifier extends RawSerializable> - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay
ReplaySocket(Identifier, int, VerifierImpl<Identifier, ?>, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.ReplaySocket
TODO: Make extensible by putting into a factory.
ReplayVerifier<Identifier> - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.playback
ReplayVerifier(Serializer<Identifier>, HashProvider, SecureHistory, Identifier, short, short, int, Logger) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.playback.ReplayVerifier
replicaManager - Variable in class rice.p2p.past.PastImpl
replicaSet(Id, int) - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.Endpoint
This method returns an ordered set of nodehandles on which replicas of an object with a given id can be stored.
replicaSet(Id, int, NodeHandle, NodeHandleSet) - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.Endpoint
This methods returns an ordered set of nodehandles on which replicas of an object with a given id can be stored.
replicaSet(Id, int) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringEndpoint
This methods returns an ordered set of nodehandles on which replicas of an object with a given id can be stored.
replicaSet(Id, int, NodeHandle, NodeHandleSet) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringEndpoint
This methods returns an ordered set of nodehandles on which replicas of an object with a given id can be stored.
replicaSet(Id, int) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCEndpoint
This methods returns an ordered set of nodehandles on which replicas of an object with a given id can be stored.
replicaSet(Id, int, NodeHandle, NodeHandleSet) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCEndpoint
This methods returns an ordered set of nodehandles on which replicas of an object with a given id can be stored.
replicaSet(Id, int) - Method in class rice.pastry.client.CommonAPIAppl
This method returns an ordered set of nodehandles on which replicas of the object with key can be stored.
replicaSet(Id, int) - Method in class rice.pastry.commonapi.PastryEndpoint
This method returns an ordered set of nodehandles on which replicas of the object with key can be stored.
replicaSet(Id, int, NodeHandle, NodeHandleSet) - Method in class rice.pastry.commonapi.PastryEndpoint
This methods returns an ordered set of nodehandles on which replicas of an object with a given id can be stored.
replicaSet(Id, int) - Method in class rice.pastry.leafset.LeafSet
compute an ordered set of nodes, in order of numerical closeness to a given key
replicate() - Method in interface rice.p2p.replication.Replication
Method which invokes the replication process.
replicate() - Method in class rice.p2p.replication.ReplicationImpl
This internal method sends out the request messages to all of the nodes which hold keys this node may be interested in
replication - Variable in class rice.p2p.replication.manager.ReplicationManagerImpl
The replication used by the manager
Replication - Interface in rice.p2p.replication
REPLICATION_FACTOR - Static variable in class rice.p2p.past.testing.PastRegrTest
REPLICATION_FACTOR - Static variable in class rice.p2p.past.testing.RawPastRegrTest
REPLICATION_FACTOR - Static variable in class rice.p2p.replication.manager.testing.ReplicationManagerRegrTest
The replication factor to use
REPLICATION_FACTOR - Static variable in class rice.p2p.replication.testing.ReplicationRegrTest
The replication factor to use
ReplicationClient - Interface in rice.p2p.replication
replicationFactor - Variable in class rice.p2p.past.PastImpl
replicationFactor - Variable in class rice.p2p.replication.ReplicationImpl
The replication factor for this replication
ReplicationImpl - Class in rice.p2p.replication
ReplicationImpl(Node, ReplicationClient, int, String) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.replication.ReplicationImpl
ReplicationImpl(Node, ReplicationClient, int, String, ReplicationPolicy) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.replication.ReplicationImpl
ReplicationImpl.BloomFilterExecutable - Class in rice.p2p.replication
Internal class which is an executable for creating a bloom filter
ReplicationImpl.BloomFilterExecutable(IdRange) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.replication.ReplicationImpl.BloomFilterExecutable
ReplicationManager - Interface in rice.p2p.replication.manager
ReplicationManagerClient - Interface in rice.p2p.replication.manager
ReplicationManagerImpl - Class in rice.p2p.replication.manager
ReplicationManagerImpl(Node, ReplicationManagerClient, int, String) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.replication.manager.ReplicationManagerImpl
ReplicationManagerImpl(Node, ReplicationManagerClient, int, String, ReplicationPolicy) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.replication.manager.ReplicationManagerImpl
ReplicationManagerImpl.ReplicationManagerDeleter - Class in rice.p2p.replication.manager
Inner class which keeps track of the keys which we are currently deleting
ReplicationManagerImpl.ReplicationManagerDeleter() - Constructor for class rice.p2p.replication.manager.ReplicationManagerImpl.ReplicationManagerDeleter
Bulds a new one
ReplicationManagerImpl.ReplicationManagerHelper - Class in rice.p2p.replication.manager
Inner class which keeps track of the state we're in- waiting, sleeping, or with nothing to do.
ReplicationManagerImpl.ReplicationManagerHelper() - Constructor for class rice.p2p.replication.manager.ReplicationManagerImpl.ReplicationManagerHelper
ReplicationManagerRegrTest - Class in rice.p2p.replication.manager.testing
ReplicationManagerRegrTest(Environment) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.replication.manager.testing.ReplicationManagerRegrTest
Constructor which sets up all local variables
ReplicationManagerRegrTest.TestReplicationManagerClient - Class in rice.p2p.replication.manager.testing
ReplicationManagerRegrTest.TestReplicationManagerClient(Node) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.replication.manager.testing.ReplicationManagerRegrTest.TestReplicationManagerClient
ReplicationMessage - Class in rice.p2p.replication.messaging
ReplicationMessage(NodeHandle) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.replication.messaging.ReplicationMessage
Constructor which takes a unique integer Id
ReplicationMessage(InputBuffer, Endpoint) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.replication.messaging.ReplicationMessage
ReplicationPolicy - Interface in rice.p2p.replication
ReplicationPolicy.DefaultReplicationPolicy - Class in rice.p2p.replication
The default policy for Replication, which simply does a direct diff between the sets
ReplicationPolicy.DefaultReplicationPolicy() - Constructor for class rice.p2p.replication.ReplicationPolicy.DefaultReplicationPolicy
ReplicationRegrTest - Class in rice.p2p.replication.testing
ReplicationRegrTest(Environment) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.replication.testing.ReplicationRegrTest
Constructor which sets up all local variables
ReplicationRegrTest.TestReplicationClient - Class in rice.p2p.replication.testing
ReplicationRegrTest.TestReplicationClient(Node) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.replication.testing.ReplicationRegrTest.TestReplicationClient
replications - Variable in class rice.p2p.replication.manager.testing.ReplicationManagerRegrTest
the replication impls in the ring
replications - Variable in class rice.p2p.replication.testing.ReplicationRegrTest
the replication impls in the ring
request - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.audit.ActiveAuditInfo
REQUEST - Static variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.table.TableTransprotLayerImpl
request - Variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierFetchMessage
requestCancel(int) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.filetransfer.FileTransferImpl
Only call this on the receiver side, b/c uid is simplex
requestCertificate(Handle, Identifier, Continuation<X509Certificate, Exception>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.identity.CertificateManager
requestCertificate(Identifier, I, Continuation<X509Certificate, Exception>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.identity.IdentityTransportLayerImpl
CERT_REQUEST, int requestId, Identifier
requestCertificate(Handle, Identifier) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReview
requestCertificate(Handle, Identifier, Continuation<X509Certificate, Exception>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewImpl
requestCertificate(Handle, Identifier) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewImpl
requestedId - Variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierRefreshProbeMessage
requestedRange - Variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierNeighborRequestMessage
requestedRange - Variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierRangeForwardMessage
requestedRange - Variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierRangeQueryMessage
requestFromEveryoneWeHaventHeardFrom() - Method in class rice.pastry.standard.ConsistentJoinProtocol
RequestLeafSet - Class in rice.pastry.leafset
Request a leaf set from another node.
RequestLeafSet(NodeHandle, long) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.leafset.RequestLeafSet
RequestLeafSet(Date, NodeHandle, long) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.leafset.RequestLeafSet
RequestLeafSet(NodeHandle, InputBuffer) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.leafset.RequestLeafSet
RequestMessage - Class in rice.p2p.replication.messaging
RequestMessage(NodeHandle, IdRange[], IdBloomFilter[]) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.replication.messaging.RequestMessage
Constructor which takes a unique integer Id
requestNodeHandle(Id, Continuation<NodeHandle, Exception>) - Method in class rice.tutorial.lookup.LookupService
Find the primary replica of a key.
requestNodeHandles(Id, int, Continuation<NodeHandleSet, Exception>) - Method in class rice.tutorial.lookup.LookupService
Requests a replicaSet from a node across the ring.
requestor - Variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierRangeForwardMessage
requestProbe(MultiInetSocketAddress, long, Continuation<Boolean, Exception>) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.networkinfo.ProbeStrategy
Finds another node in the network and asks them to probe the addr with the uid calls Prober.probe() on another node
requestProbe(MultiInetSocketAddress, long, Continuation<Boolean, Exception>) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.probe.ProbeApp
Send a ProbeRequestMessage to a node in the leafset.
RequestRouteRow - Class in rice.pastry.routing
Request a row from the routing table from another node.
RequestRouteRow(NodeHandle, short) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.routing.RequestRouteRow
RequestRouteRow(Date, NodeHandle, short) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.routing.RequestRouteRow
RequestRouteRow(NodeHandle, InputBuffer) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.routing.RequestRouteRow
requestValue(Identifier, Key, Continuation<Value, Exception>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.table.TableTransportLayer
Get a Value of the source.
requestValue(Identifier, Key, Continuation<Value, Exception>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.table.TableTransprotLayerImpl
REQUEST, int requestId, Key
requestWitnesses(Collection<Identifier>, Continuation<Map<Identifier, Collection<Handle>>, Exception>) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.evidence.EvidenceTransferProtocol
requestWitnesses(Collection<Identifier>, Continuation<Map<Identifier, Collection<Handle>>, Exception>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.evidence.EvidenceTransferProtocolImpl
requestWitnesses(Identifier) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.evidence.EvidenceTransferProtocolImpl
Only call me if there isn't already a valid witness set
require(int, String, String) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLParser
requireShortestPath() - Method in class rice.pastry.routing.SendOptions
Returns whether it is required to go to the strictly nearest known node with appropriate node id.
rerouteIfSuspected() - Method in class rice.pastry.routing.SendOptions
rerouteMe(RouteMessage, NodeHandle, Exception) - Method in class rice.pastry.standard.RapidRerouter
reset() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.util.SocketInputBuffer
Resets the read pointer to the beginning of the cache.
reset(Continuation) - Method in interface rice.p2p.aggregation.Aggregation
Deletes all local state, including the aggregate list and all objects waiting in the local buffer.
reset(Continuation) - Method in class rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregationImpl
reset() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.testing.XMLObjectStreamUnit
reset() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectInputStream
Method which resets the input stream, which removes the binding of all previously stored references.
reset() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectOutputStream
Method which resets the output stream, which removes the binding of all previously stored references.
resetMarkers() - Method in class rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregateList
resolve(WeakHashMap, Id) - Static method in class rice.pastry.Id
Method which performs the coalescing and interaction with the weak hash map
resolveObject(Object) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.rawserialization.JavaDeserializer
resolveObject(Object) - Method in class rice.pastry.messaging.PastryObjectInputStream
RESP_AUDIT - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewConstants
RESP_SEND - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewConstants
respondToJoiner(JoinRequest) - Method in class rice.pastry.standard.StandardJoinProtocol
response - Variable in class rice.p2p.past.messaging.ContinuationMessage
RESPONSE_FAILED - Static variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.table.TableTransprotLayerImpl
RESPONSE_SUCCESS - Static variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.table.TableTransprotLayerImpl
ResponseMessage<Identifier extends RawSerializable> - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.message
MSG_RESPONSE byte type = MSG_RESPONSE nodeID originator nodeID subject long long evidenceSeq byte challengeType = {CHAL_AUDIT|CHAL_SEND} [response payload follows]
ResponseMessage(Identifier, Identifier, long, Evidence) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.message.ResponseMessage
ResponseMessage(InputBuffer, Serializer<Identifier>, EvidenceSerializer) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.message.ResponseMessage
ResponseMessage - Class in rice.p2p.replication.messaging
ResponseMessage(NodeHandle, IdRange[], IdSet[]) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.replication.messaging.ResponseMessage
Constructor which takes a unique integer Id
responseStrategy - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous.RendezvousTransportLayerImpl
ResponseStrategy<Identifier> - Interface in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous
Used on non-Firewalled nodes to predict if a firewalled node will accept a message.
responsibleRange - Variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierImpl
responsibleRange - Variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierStatistics
restOfMessage - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.logentry.EvtSendSign
result - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.ssl.SSLSocketManager
result - Variable in class rice.Continuation.ExternalContinuation
result - Variable in class rice.Continuation.MultiContinuation
resumeEncoding() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.Base64.OutputStream
Resumes encoding of the stream.
retainAll(Collection) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringIdFactory.MultiringEntrySet
retainAll(Collection) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringIdFactory.MultiringKeySet
retainAll(Collection) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCIdFactory.GCEntrySet
RETRANSMIT_TIMEOUT_MILLIS - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.commitment.CommitmentProtocolImpl
retrieveFragment(FragmentKey, Manifest, char, GlacierContinuation) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierImpl
retrieveManifest(VersionKey, char, Continuation) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierImpl
retrieveObject(VersionKey, Manifest, boolean, char, Continuation) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierImpl
RETRY_INTERVAL - Variable in class rice.pastry.standard.ConsistentJoinProtocol
Will retry sending ConsistentJoinMsg to all neighbors who have not responded on this interval.
returnError(Exception) - Method in class rice.environment.processing.simple.ProcessingRequest
returnError(Exception) - Method in class rice.environment.processing.WorkRequest
returnHandle() - Method in class rice.pastry.leafset.RequestLeafSet
The return handle for the message
returnHandle() - Method in class rice.pastry.routing.RequestRouteRow
The return handle for the message
returnResponse(Continuation, Environment, String) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.messaging.GCCollectMessage
Method by which this message is supposed to return it's response - in this case, it lets the continuation know that a the message was lost via the receiveException method.
returnResponse(Continuation, Environment, String) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.messaging.CacheMessage
Method by which this message is supposed to return it's response.
returnResponse(Continuation, Environment, String) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.messaging.ContinuationMessage
Method by which this message is supposed to return it's response.
returnResponse(Continuation, Environment, String) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.messaging.MessageLostMessage
Method by which this message is supposed to return it's response - in this case, it lets the continuation know that a the message was lost via the receiveException method.
returnResponse(Continuation, Environment, String) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.messaging.PastMessage
Method by which this message is supposed to return it's response.
returnResult(Object) - Method in class rice.environment.processing.simple.ProcessingRequest
returnResult(R) - Method in class rice.environment.processing.WorkRequest
reverse(SourceRoute<MultiInetSocketAddress>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.factory.MultiAddressSourceRouteFactory
reverse(SourceRoute<InetSocketAddress>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.factory.WireSourceRouteFactory
reverse(SourceRoute<Identifier>) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.SourceRouteFactory
reverse - Variable in class rice.p2p.util.ReverseTreeMap
The internal value -> list of keys map
ReverseTreeMap - Class in rice.p2p.util
ReverseTreeMap() - Constructor for class rice.p2p.util.ReverseTreeMap
ReverseTreeMap(SortedMap, SortedMap, SortedMap) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.util.ReverseTreeMap
rice - package rice
rice.environment - package rice.environment
rice.environment.exception - package rice.environment.exception
rice.environment.exception.simple - package rice.environment.exception.simple
rice.environment.logging - package rice.environment.logging
rice.environment.logging.file - package rice.environment.logging.file
rice.environment.logging.simple - package rice.environment.logging.simple
rice.environment.params - package rice.environment.params
rice.environment.params.simple - package rice.environment.params.simple
rice.environment.processing - package rice.environment.processing
rice.environment.processing.sim - package rice.environment.processing.sim
rice.environment.processing.simple - package rice.environment.processing.simple
rice.environment.random - package rice.environment.random
rice.environment.random.simple - package rice.environment.random.simple
rice.environment.time - package rice.environment.time
rice.environment.time.simple - package rice.environment.time.simple
rice.environment.time.simulated - package rice.environment.time.simulated
rice.p2p.aggregation - package rice.p2p.aggregation
rice.p2p.aggregation.messaging - package rice.p2p.aggregation.messaging
rice.p2p.aggregation.raw - package rice.p2p.aggregation.raw
rice.p2p.commonapi - package rice.p2p.commonapi
rice.p2p.commonapi.appsocket - package rice.p2p.commonapi.appsocket
rice.p2p.commonapi.exception - package rice.p2p.commonapi.exception
rice.p2p.commonapi.rawserialization - package rice.p2p.commonapi.rawserialization
rice.p2p.commonapi.testing - package rice.p2p.commonapi.testing
rice.p2p.glacier - package rice.p2p.glacier
rice.p2p.glacier.v2 - package rice.p2p.glacier.v2
rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging - package rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging
rice.p2p.multiring - package rice.p2p.multiring
rice.p2p.multiring.messaging - package rice.p2p.multiring.messaging
rice.p2p.multiring.testing - package rice.p2p.multiring.testing
rice.p2p.past - package rice.p2p.past
rice.p2p.past.gc - package rice.p2p.past.gc
rice.p2p.past.gc.messaging - package rice.p2p.past.gc.messaging
rice.p2p.past.gc.rawserialization - package rice.p2p.past.gc.rawserialization
rice.p2p.past.messaging - package rice.p2p.past.messaging
rice.p2p.past.rawserialization - package rice.p2p.past.rawserialization
rice.p2p.past.testing - package rice.p2p.past.testing
rice.p2p.replication - package rice.p2p.replication
rice.p2p.replication.manager - package rice.p2p.replication.manager
rice.p2p.replication.manager.messaging - package rice.p2p.replication.manager.messaging
rice.p2p.replication.manager.testing - package rice.p2p.replication.manager.testing
rice.p2p.replication.messaging - package rice.p2p.replication.messaging
rice.p2p.replication.testing - package rice.p2p.replication.testing
rice.p2p.scribe - package rice.p2p.scribe
rice.p2p.scribe.javaserialized - package rice.p2p.scribe.javaserialized
rice.p2p.scribe.maintenance - package rice.p2p.scribe.maintenance
rice.p2p.scribe.messaging - package rice.p2p.scribe.messaging
rice.p2p.scribe.rawserialization - package rice.p2p.scribe.rawserialization
rice.p2p.scribe.testing - package rice.p2p.scribe.testing
rice.p2p.splitstream - package rice.p2p.splitstream
rice.p2p.splitstream.testing - package rice.p2p.splitstream.testing
rice.p2p.util - package rice.p2p.util
rice.p2p.util.rawserialization - package rice.p2p.util.rawserialization
rice.p2p.util.testing - package rice.p2p.util.testing
rice.p2p.util.tuples - package rice.p2p.util.tuples
rice.pastry - package rice.pastry
rice.pastry.boot - package rice.pastry.boot
rice.pastry.client - package rice.pastry.client
rice.pastry.commonapi - package rice.pastry.commonapi
rice.pastry.direct - package rice.pastry.direct
rice.pastry.direct.proximitygenerators - package rice.pastry.direct.proximitygenerators
rice.pastry.dist - package rice.pastry.dist
rice.pastry.join - package rice.pastry.join
rice.pastry.leafset - package rice.pastry.leafset
rice.pastry.leafset.testing - package rice.pastry.leafset.testing
rice.pastry.messaging - package rice.pastry.messaging
rice.pastry.peerreview - package rice.pastry.peerreview
rice.pastry.pns - package rice.pastry.pns
rice.pastry.pns.messages - package rice.pastry.pns.messages
rice.pastry.routing - package rice.pastry.routing
rice.pastry.socket - package rice.pastry.socket
rice.pastry.socket.appsocket - package rice.pastry.socket.appsocket
rice.pastry.socket.internet - package rice.pastry.socket.internet
rice.pastry.socket.nat - package rice.pastry.socket.nat
rice.pastry.socket.nat.connectivityverifiier - package rice.pastry.socket.nat.connectivityverifiier
rice.pastry.socket.nat.probe - package rice.pastry.socket.nat.probe
rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous - package rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous
rice.pastry.socket.nat.sbbi - package rice.pastry.socket.nat.sbbi
rice.pastry.standard - package rice.pastry.standard
rice.pastry.testing - package rice.pastry.testing
rice.pastry.testing.deadforever - package rice.pastry.testing.deadforever
rice.pastry.testing.rendezvous - package rice.pastry.testing.rendezvous
rice.pastry.transport - package rice.pastry.transport
rice.persistence - package rice.persistence
rice.persistence.testing - package rice.persistence.testing
rice.selector - package rice.selector
rice.selector.testing - package rice.selector.testing
rice.tutorial.appsocket - package rice.tutorial.appsocket
rice.tutorial.deterministicsimulator - package rice.tutorial.deterministicsimulator
rice.tutorial.direct - package rice.tutorial.direct
rice.tutorial.forwarding - package rice.tutorial.forwarding
rice.tutorial.gtitm - package rice.tutorial.gtitm
rice.tutorial.lesson0a - package rice.tutorial.lesson0a
rice.tutorial.lesson1 - package rice.tutorial.lesson1
rice.tutorial.lesson3 - package rice.tutorial.lesson3
rice.tutorial.lesson4 - package rice.tutorial.lesson4
rice.tutorial.lookup - package rice.tutorial.lookup
rice.tutorial.past - package rice.tutorial.past
rice.tutorial.prioritylistener - package rice.tutorial.prioritylistener
rice.tutorial.rawserialization - package rice.tutorial.rawserialization
rice.tutorial.rawserialization2 - package rice.tutorial.rawserialization2
rice.tutorial.remotesocket - package rice.tutorial.remotesocket
rice.tutorial.scribe - package rice.tutorial.scribe
rice.tutorial.sendfile - package rice.tutorial.sendfile
rice.tutorial.splitstream - package rice.tutorial.splitstream
rice.tutorial.ssl - package rice.tutorial.ssl
rice.tutorial.timer - package rice.tutorial.timer
rice.tutorial.transportdirect - package rice.tutorial.transportdirect
rice.tutorial.transportlayer - package rice.tutorial.transportlayer
RingCertificate - Class in rice.p2p.multiring
RingCertificate(String, Id, int, InetSocketAddress[], int, PublicKey, InetSocketAddress) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.multiring.RingCertificate
Builds a new RingCertificate given the appropriate info
ringId - Variable in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringApplication
The Id which represents the current ring this app is a member of
ringId - Variable in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringIdFactory
The multiring node supporting this endpoint
ringId - Variable in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringIdRange
The ringId of the nodes in the range
ringId - Variable in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringIdSet
The ringId of the ids in the set
ringId - Variable in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringNode
The Id which represents the current ring this node is a member of
ringId - Variable in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringNodeHandle
The handle's ringId
ringId - Variable in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringNodeHandleSet
The handle's ringId
ringId - Variable in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringRouteMessage
The messages's ringId
RingId - Class in rice.p2p.multiring
RingId(InputBuffer, Endpoint) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.multiring.RingId
ringId - Variable in class rice.p2p.multiring.RingId
The ringId which this ringId represents
ringIds - Variable in class rice.p2p.multiring.testing.MultiringRegrTest
RingMessage - Class in rice.p2p.multiring.messaging
RingMessage(RingId, RawMessage, String) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.multiring.messaging.RingMessage
Constructor which takes a unique integer Id
RingMessage(InputBuffer, Endpoint, Hashtable<String, Endpoint>) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.multiring.messaging.RingMessage
TODO: This can probably be done more efficiently, IE, deserialize the message on getMessage().
rollback(Id, Continuation) - Method in interface rice.p2p.aggregation.Aggregation
Attempts to retrieve the most recent object that has been inserted by the local node under the specified key.
rollback(Id, Continuation) - Method in class rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregationImpl
rootKey - Variable in class rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregateList
roots - Variable in class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeImpl
Topics that we are the root.
rotateTask - Variable in class rice.environment.logging.file.RotatingLogManager
RotatingLogManager - Class in rice.environment.logging.file
The file name is
RotatingLogManager(TimeSource, Parameters) - Constructor for class rice.environment.logging.file.RotatingLogManager
RotatingLogManager(TimeSource, Parameters, String, String) - Constructor for class rice.environment.logging.file.RotatingLogManager
route(Id, Message, NodeHandle, DeliveryNotification, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.Endpoint
This method makes an attempt to route the message to the root of the given id.
route(Id, Message, NodeHandle, DeliveryNotification) - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.Endpoint
route(Id, Message, NodeHandle) - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.Endpoint
route(Id, RawMessage, NodeHandle, DeliveryNotification, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.Endpoint
Same as the other call, but uses the Raw serialization rather than java serialization.
route(Id, RawMessage, NodeHandle, DeliveryNotification) - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.Endpoint
route(Id, RawMessage, NodeHandle) - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.Endpoint
route(Id, Message, NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringEndpoint
This method makes an attempt to route the message to the root of the given id.
route(Id, Message, NodeHandle, DeliveryNotification) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringEndpoint
route(Id, Message, NodeHandle, DeliveryNotification, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringEndpoint
route(Id, RawMessage, NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringEndpoint
route(Id, RawMessage, NodeHandle, DeliveryNotification) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringEndpoint
route(Id, RawMessage, NodeHandle, DeliveryNotification, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringEndpoint
route(RingId, RawMessage, String, DeliveryNotification, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringNodeCollection
This method returns the best next-hop to a given target, using ring hopping, if one exists.
route(Id, Message, NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCEndpoint
This method makes an attempt to route the message to the root of the given id.
route(Id, RawMessage, NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCEndpoint
route(Id, Message, NodeHandle, DeliveryNotification) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCEndpoint
route(Id, RawMessage, NodeHandle, DeliveryNotification) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCEndpoint
route(Id, Message, NodeHandle, DeliveryNotification, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCEndpoint
route(Id, RawMessage, NodeHandle, DeliveryNotification, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCEndpoint
route(Id, Message, NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.pastry.client.CommonAPIAppl
This operation forwards a message towards the root of key.
route(Id, Message, NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.pastry.commonapi.PastryEndpoint
This operation forwards a message towards the root of key.
route(Id, Message, NodeHandle, DeliveryNotification) - Method in class rice.pastry.commonapi.PastryEndpoint
route(Id, Message, NodeHandle, DeliveryNotification, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class rice.pastry.commonapi.PastryEndpoint
route(Id, RawMessage, NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.pastry.commonapi.PastryEndpoint
This duplication of the above code is to make a fast path for the RawMessage.
route(Id, RawMessage, NodeHandle, DeliveryNotification) - Method in class rice.pastry.commonapi.PastryEndpoint
route(Id, RawMessage, NodeHandle, DeliveryNotification, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class rice.pastry.commonapi.PastryEndpoint
route(RouteMessage) - Method in interface rice.pastry.routing.Router
Send the RouteMessage based on the Pastry Algorithm
route(RouteMessage) - Method in class rice.pastry.standard.StandardRouter
ROUTE_TABLE_PATCH_THROTTLE - Variable in class rice.pastry.standard.StandardRouter
routeForSocket() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous.RendezvousTransportLayerImpl
RouteMessage - Interface in rice.p2p.commonapi
RouteMessage - Class in rice.pastry.routing
A route message contains a pastry message that has been wrapped to be sent to another pastry node.
RouteMessage(Id, Message, byte) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.routing.RouteMessage
RouteMessage(Id, Message, SendOptions, byte) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.routing.RouteMessage
RouteMessage(NodeHandle, Message, SendOptions, byte) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.routing.RouteMessage
RouteMessage(Id, Message, NodeHandle, byte) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.routing.RouteMessage
RouteMessage(Id, PRawMessage, NodeHandle, SendOptions, byte) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.routing.RouteMessage
RouteMessage(Id, Message, NodeHandle, SendOptions, byte) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.routing.RouteMessage
RouteMessage(Id, int, NodeHandle, InputBuffer, byte, PastryNode, NodeHandle, byte) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.routing.RouteMessage
routeMessage(RouteMessage) - Method in class rice.pastry.standard.StandardRouter
Routes the messages if the next hop has been set up.
RouteMessageNotification - Interface in rice.pastry.routing
routeMsg(Id, Message, SendOptions) - Method in class rice.pastry.client.PastryAppl
Routes a message to the live node D with nodeId numerically closest to key (at the time of delivery).
routeMsg(Id, Message, SendOptions, DeliveryNotification) - Method in class rice.pastry.client.PastryAppl
routeMsgDirect(NodeHandle, Message, SendOptions) - Method in class rice.pastry.client.PastryAppl
Sends a message to the Pastry node identified by dest.
routeMsgVersion - Variable in class rice.pastry.peerreview.FetchLeafsetApp
routeMyMsg(Id) - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.rendezvous.MyApp
Called to route a message to the id
routeMyMsg(Id) - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.RoutingTableTest.MyApp
Called to route a message to the id
routeMyMsg(Id) - Method in class rice.tutorial.deterministicsimulator.MyApp
Called to route a message to the id
routeMyMsg(Id) - Method in class rice.tutorial.direct.MyApp
Called to route a message to the id
routeMyMsg(Id) - Method in class rice.tutorial.forwarding.MyApp
Called to route a message to the id
routeMyMsg(Id) - Method in class rice.tutorial.gtitm.MyApp
Called to route a message to the id
routeMyMsg(Id) - Method in class rice.tutorial.lesson3.MyApp
Called to route a message to the id
routeMyMsg(Id) - Method in class rice.tutorial.lesson4.MyApp
Called to route a message to the id
routeMyMsg(Id) - Method in class rice.tutorial.prioritylistener.MyApp
Called to route a message to the id
routeMyMsg(Id) - Method in class rice.tutorial.rawserialization.MyApp
Called to route a message to the id
routeMyMsg(Id) - Method in class rice.tutorial.rawserialization2.MyApp
Called to route a message to the id
routeMyMsg(Id) - Method in class rice.tutorial.ssl.MyApp
Called to route a message to the id
routeMyMsg(Id) - Method in class rice.tutorial.timer.MyApp
Called to route a message to the id
routeMyMsg(Id) - Method in class rice.tutorial.transportdirect.MyApp
Called to route a message to the id
routeMyMsg(Id) - Method in class rice.tutorial.transportlayer.MyApp
Called to route a message to the id
routeMyMsgDirect(NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.rendezvous.MyApp
Called to directly send a message to the nh
routeMyMsgDirect(NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.RoutingTableTest.MyApp
Called to directly send a message to the nh
routeMyMsgDirect(NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.tutorial.deterministicsimulator.MyApp
Called to directly send a message to the nh
routeMyMsgDirect(NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.tutorial.direct.MyApp
Called to directly send a message to the nh
routeMyMsgDirect(NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.tutorial.forwarding.MyApp
Called to directly send a message to the nh
routeMyMsgDirect(NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.tutorial.gtitm.MyApp
Called to directly send a message to the nh
routeMyMsgDirect(NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.tutorial.lesson3.MyApp
Called to directly send a message to the nh
routeMyMsgDirect(NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.tutorial.lesson4.MyApp
Called to directly send a message to the nh
routeMyMsgDirect(NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.tutorial.prioritylistener.MyApp
Called to directly send a message to the nh
routeMyMsgDirect(NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.tutorial.rawserialization.MyApp
Called to directly send a message to the nh
routeMyMsgDirect(NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.tutorial.rawserialization2.MyApp
Called to directly send a message to the nh
routeMyMsgDirect(NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.tutorial.ssl.MyApp
Called to directly send a message to the nh
routeMyMsgDirect(NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.tutorial.timer.MyApp
Called to directly send a message to the nh
routeMyMsgDirect(NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.tutorial.transportdirect.MyApp
Called to directly send a message to the nh
routeMyMsgDirect(NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.tutorial.transportlayer.MyApp
Called to directly send a message to the nh
RouteProtocolAddress - Class in rice.pastry.routing
The address of the route protocol at a pastry node.
RouteProtocolAddress() - Constructor for class rice.pastry.routing.RouteProtocolAddress
router - Variable in class rice.pastry.PastryNode
Router - Interface in rice.pastry.routing
Router is no longer just an application.
RouterAddress - Class in rice.pastry.routing
The address of the router at a pastry node.
RouterAddress() - Constructor for class rice.pastry.routing.RouterAddress
RouteRowRequest - Class in rice.pastry.pns.messages
RouteRowRequest(NodeHandle, short, int) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.pns.messages.RouteRowRequest
RouteRowResponse - Class in rice.pastry.pns.messages
RouteRowResponse(NodeHandle, short, RouteSet[], int) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.pns.messages.RouteRowResponse
RouteRowResponse(InputBuffer, PastryNode, NodeHandle, int) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.pns.messages.RouteRowResponse
RouterStrategy - Interface in rice.pastry.routing
routerStrategy - Variable in class rice.pastry.standard.StandardRouter
routeSet - Variable in class rice.pastry.PastryNode
RouteSet - Class in rice.pastry.routing
A set of nodes typically stored in the routing table.
RouteSet(int, int, int, PastryNode, NodeHandle) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.routing.RouteSet
RouteSet(int, int, int, PastryNode) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.routing.RouteSet
RouteSet(InputBuffer, NodeHandleFactory, PastryNode) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.routing.RouteSet
routeSetChange(NodeHandle, boolean) - Method in class rice.pastry.client.PastryAppl
Called by pastry when the route set changes.
routeSetChange(NodeHandle, boolean) - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.HelloWorldApp
Invoked upon change to routing table.
routeSetChange(NodeHandle, boolean) - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.Ping
routeSetChange(NodeHandle, boolean) - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.PingClient
routeSetChange(NodeHandle, boolean) - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.RegrTestApp
routeSetMaintFreq - Variable in class rice.pastry.PastryNode
routeSetMaintFreq - Variable in class rice.pastry.transport.TransportPastryNodeFactory
RouteSetProtocol - Interface in rice.pastry.routing
routeSetRoutineMaintenance - Variable in class rice.pastry.PastryNode
routeTable - Variable in class rice.pastry.standard.PeriodicLeafSetProtocol
routeTable - Variable in class rice.pastry.standard.StandardJoinProtocol
routeTable - Variable in class rice.pastry.standard.StandardLeafSetProtocol
routingConsistentFor(Id) - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.Endpoint
Can we guarantee that this id is currently ours, and routing will be consistent? Note that this has some real timing implications, so don't cache the returned value.
routingConsistentFor(Id) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringEndpoint
routingConsistentFor(Id) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCEndpoint
routingConsistentFor(Id) - Method in class rice.pastry.commonapi.PastryEndpoint
routingQuality(NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.RendezvousRouterStrategy
Returns the quality of the nh for routing 0 is optimal 0 if connected and alive Suspected is a 1 (if connected or directly connectable) Alive and connected/directly contactable = 0 not directly connectable = 5 (unless connected) 10 if faulty
RoutingTable - Class in rice.pastry.routing
The Pastry routing table.
RoutingTable(NodeHandle, int, byte, PastryNode) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.routing.RoutingTable
RoutingTableTest - Class in rice.pastry.testing
RoutingTableTest(int, int, boolean, int, int, int, Environment) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.testing.RoutingTableTest
This constructor launches numNodes PastryNodes.
RoutingTableTest.MyApp - Class in rice.pastry.testing
RoutingTableTest.MyApp(Node) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.testing.RoutingTableTest.MyApp
RoutingTableTest.TestScribeContent - Class in rice.pastry.testing
Utility class for past content objects
RoutingTableTest.TestScribeContent(Topic, int) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.testing.RoutingTableTest.TestScribeContent
Constructor for TestScribeContent.
row - Variable in class rice.pastry.pns.messages.RouteRowResponse
rtBase - Variable in class rice.pastry.PastryNodeFactory
rtBase - Variable in class rice.pastry.pns.PNSApplication
rtMax - Variable in class rice.pastry.PastryNodeFactory
rto() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.liveness.LivenessTransportLayerImpl.EntityManager
run() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.replay.Recorder.AppInvokation
run() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.liveness.LivenessTransportLayerImpl.DeadChecker
Main processing method for the DeadChecker object value of tries before run() is called:the time since ping was called:the time since deadchecker was started 1:500:500 2:1000:1500 3:2000:3500 4:4000:7500 5:8000:15500 // ~15 seconds to find 1 path faulty, using source routes gives us 30 seconds to find a node faulty
run() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.magicnumber.MagicNumberTransportLayer.VerifyHeaderReceiver
run() - Method in class rice.Continuation.ExternalContinuationRunnable
run() - Method in class rice.environment.processing.simple.BlockingIOThread
run() - Method in class rice.environment.processing.simple.ProcessingRequest
run() - Method in class rice.environment.processing.simple.ProcessingThread
run() - Method in class rice.environment.processing.WorkRequest
run() - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.CancellableTask
run(int, int) - Static method in class rice.p2p.util.testing.IdBloomFilterReplicationTest
run() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.TimerWeakHashMap.HardLinkTimerTask
run() - Method in class rice.pastry.direct.DeliveryTimerTask
run() - Method in class rice.pastry.direct.DirectTimerTask
run() - Method in class rice.pastry.ExponentialBackoffScheduledMessage
run() - Method in class rice.pastry.ScheduledMessage
deliver the message
run() - Method in class rice.pastry.standard.PartitionHandler
run() - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.ClosestRegrTest
initializes the network and prepares for testing
run() - Method in class rice.selector.SelectorManager
This method starts the socket manager listening for events.
run() - Method in class rice.selector.TimerTask
runMaintenance() - Method in class rice.p2p.replication.manager.testing.ReplicationManagerRegrTest
runMaintenance() - Method in class rice.p2p.replication.testing.ReplicationRegrTest
running - Variable in class rice.environment.processing.WorkRequest
running - Variable in class rice.p2p.past.testing.PastRegrTest
running - Variable in class rice.p2p.past.testing.RawPastRegrTest
running - Variable in class rice.selector.SelectorManager
runTest() - Method in class rice.p2p.commonapi.testing.CommonAPITest
Method which should run the test - this is called once all of the nodes have been created and are ready.
runTest() - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.testing.MultiringRegrTest
Method which should run the test - this is called once all of the nodes have been created and are ready.
runTest() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.testing.PastRegrTest
Method which should run the test - this is called once all of the nodes have been created and are ready.
runTest() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.testing.RawPastRegrTest
Method which should run the test - this is called once all of the nodes have been created and are ready.
runTest() - Method in class rice.p2p.replication.manager.testing.ReplicationManagerRegrTest
Method which should run the test - this is called once all of the nodes have been created and are ready.
runTest() - Method in class rice.p2p.replication.testing.ReplicationRegrTest
Method which should run the test - this is called once all of the nodes have been created and are ready.
runTest() - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.testing.ScribeRegrTest
Method which should run the test - this is called once all of the nodes have been created and are ready.
runTest() - Method in class rice.p2p.splitstream.testing.SplitStreamRegrTest
Method which should run the test - this is called once all of the nodes have been created and are ready.


S_EMPTY - Static variable in class rice.p2p.past.messaging.ContinuationMessage
No response or exception.
S_JAVA_EXCEPTION - Static variable in class rice.p2p.past.messaging.ContinuationMessage
Java Serialized Exception
S_JAVA_RESPONSE - Static variable in class rice.p2p.past.messaging.ContinuationMessage
Java Serialized Response
S_SUB - Static variable in class rice.p2p.past.messaging.ContinuationMessage
Subclass handled serialization.
sanityChecker - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.identity.IdentityImpl
SanityChecker<UpperIdentifier,MiddleIdentifier> - Interface in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.identity
SATURATED - Static variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.bandwidthmeasure.BandwidthMeasuringTransportLayer
SBBINatHandler - Class in rice.pastry.socket.nat.sbbi
SBBINatHandler(Environment, InetAddress) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.socket.nat.sbbi.SBBINatHandler
scan(IdRange) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCPastImpl
This upcall should return the set of keys that the application currently stores in this range.
scan() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCPastImpl
This upcall should return the set of keys that the application currently stores.
scan(IdRange) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.PastImpl
This upcall should return the set of keys that the application currently stores in this range.
scan() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.PastImpl
This upcall should return the set of keys that the application currently stores.
scan(IdRange) - Method in interface rice.p2p.replication.manager.ReplicationManagerClient
This upcall should return the set of keys that the application currently stores in this range.
scan(IdRange) - Method in class rice.p2p.replication.manager.ReplicationManagerImpl.ReplicationManagerHelper
In this case, it returns the list of keys the client has, along with the keys which we have yet to tell the client to fetch.
scan(IdRange) - Method in class rice.p2p.replication.manager.ReplicationManagerImpl
This upcall should return the set of keys that the application currently stores in this range.
scan(IdRange) - Method in class rice.p2p.replication.manager.testing.ReplicationManagerRegrTest.TestReplicationManagerClient
scan(IdRange) - Method in interface rice.p2p.replication.ReplicationClient
This upcall should return the set of keys that the application currently stores in this range.
scan(IdRange) - Method in class rice.p2p.replication.testing.ReplicationRegrTest.TestReplicationClient
This upcall should return the set of keys that the application currently stores in this range.
scan(IdRange) - Method in interface rice.persistence.Catalog
Return the objects identified by the given range of ids.
scan() - Method in interface rice.persistence.Catalog
Return all objects currently stored by this catalog NOTE: This method blocks so if the behavior of this method changes and no longer stored in memory, this method may be deprecated.
scan(IdRange) - Method in class rice.persistence.EmptyCache
Return the objects identified by the given range of ids.
scan() - Method in class rice.persistence.EmptyCache
Return all objects currently stored by this catalog NOTE: This method blocks so if the behavior of this method changes and no longer stored in memory, this method may be deprecated.
scan(IdRange) - Method in class rice.persistence.LRUCache
Return the objects identified by the given range of ids.
scan() - Method in class rice.persistence.LRUCache
Return all objects currently stored by this catalog NOTE: This method blocks so if the behavior of this method changes and no longer stored in memory, this method may be deprecated.
scan(IdRange) - Method in class rice.persistence.MemoryStorage
Return the objects identified by the given range of ids.
scan() - Method in class rice.persistence.MemoryStorage
Return all objects currently stored by this catalog NOTE: This method blocks so if the behavior of this method changes and no longer stored in memory, this method may be deprecated.
scan(IdRange) - Method in class rice.persistence.PersistentStorage
Return the objects identified by the given range of ids.
scan() - Method in class rice.persistence.PersistentStorage
Return the objects identified by the given range of ids.
scan(IdRange) - Method in class rice.persistence.StorageManagerImpl
Return the objects identified by the given range of ids.
scan() - Method in class rice.persistence.StorageManagerImpl
Return all objects currently stored by this catalog NOTE: This method blocks so if the behavior of this method changes and no longer stored in memory, this method may be deprecated.
scanMetadata(IdRange) - Method in interface rice.persistence.Catalog
Returns a map which contains keys mapping ids to the associated metadata.
scanMetadata() - Method in interface rice.persistence.Catalog
Returns a map which contains keys mapping ids to the associated metadata.
scanMetadata(IdRange) - Method in class rice.persistence.EmptyCache
Returns a map which contains keys mapping ids to the associated metadata.
scanMetadata() - Method in class rice.persistence.EmptyCache
Returns a map which contains keys mapping ids to the associated metadata.
scanMetadata(IdRange) - Method in class rice.persistence.LRUCache
Returns a map which contains keys mapping ids to the associated metadata.
scanMetadata() - Method in class rice.persistence.LRUCache
Returns a map which contains keys mapping ids to the associated metadata.
scanMetadata(IdRange) - Method in class rice.persistence.MemoryStorage
Returns a map which contains keys mapping ids to the associated metadata.
scanMetadata() - Method in class rice.persistence.MemoryStorage
Returns a map which contains keys mapping ids to the associated metadata.
scanMetadata(IdRange) - Method in class rice.persistence.PersistentStorage
Returns a map which contains keys mapping ids to the associated metadata.
scanMetadata() - Method in class rice.persistence.PersistentStorage
Returns a map which contains keys mapping ids to the associated metadata.
scanMetadata(IdRange) - Method in class rice.persistence.StorageManagerImpl
Returns a map which contains keys mapping ids to the associated metadata.
scanMetadata() - Method in class rice.persistence.StorageManagerImpl
Returns a map which contains keys mapping ids to the associated metadata.
scanMetadataValuesHead(Object) - Method in interface rice.persistence.Catalog
Returns the submapping of ids which have metadata less than the provided value.
scanMetadataValuesHead(Object) - Method in class rice.persistence.EmptyCache
Returns the submapping of ids which have metadata less than the provided value.
scanMetadataValuesHead(Object) - Method in class rice.persistence.LRUCache
Returns the submapping of ids which have metadata less than the provided value.
scanMetadataValuesHead(Object) - Method in class rice.persistence.MemoryStorage
Returns the submapping of ids which have metadata less than the provided value.
scanMetadataValuesHead(Object) - Method in class rice.persistence.PersistentStorage
Returns the submapping of ids which have metadata less than the provided value.
scanMetadataValuesHead(Object) - Method in class rice.persistence.StorageManagerImpl
Returns the submapping of ids which have metadata less than the provided value.
scanMetadataValuesNull() - Method in interface rice.persistence.Catalog
Returns the submapping of ids which have metadata null
scanMetadataValuesNull() - Method in class rice.persistence.EmptyCache
Returns the submapping of ids which have metadata null
scanMetadataValuesNull() - Method in class rice.persistence.LRUCache
Returns the submapping of ids which have metadata null
scanMetadataValuesNull() - Method in class rice.persistence.MemoryStorage
Returns the submapping of ids which have metadata null
scanMetadataValuesNull() - Method in class rice.persistence.PersistentStorage
Returns the submapping of ids which have metadata null
scanMetadataValuesNull() - Method in class rice.persistence.StorageManagerImpl
Returns the submapping of ids which have metadata null
schedule(TimerTask) - Method in class rice.selector.SelectorManager
Method which schedules a task to run after a specified number of millis.
schedule(TimerTask, long) - Method in class rice.selector.SelectorManager
schedule(TimerTask, long, long) - Method in class rice.selector.SelectorManager
Method which schedules a task to run repeatedly after a specified delay and period
schedule(TimerTask, long) - Method in interface rice.selector.Timer
schedule(TimerTask, long, long) - Method in interface rice.selector.Timer
schedule(TimerTask) - Method in interface rice.selector.Timer
scheduleAtFixedRate(TimerTask, long, long) - Method in class rice.selector.SelectorManager
Method which schedules a task to run repeatedly (at a fixed rate) after a specified delay and period
scheduleAtFixedRate(TimerTask, long, long) - Method in interface rice.selector.Timer
scheduleBootTask(int, NodeIdFactory, PastryNodeFactory, Environment) - Method in class rice.tutorial.deterministicsimulator.DirectTutorial
scheduleDeliveryTask(NodeIdFactory, Environment) - Method in class rice.tutorial.deterministicsimulator.DirectTutorial
scheduledExecutionTime() - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.CancellableTask
scheduledExecutionTime() - Method in class rice.pastry.ExponentialBackoffScheduledMessage
scheduledExecutionTime() - Method in class rice.selector.TimerTask
ScheduledMessage - Class in rice.pastry
A class that represents scheduled message events
ScheduledMessage(PastryNode, Message) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.ScheduledMessage
scheduleMessage(Message, long) - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.Endpoint
Schedules a message to be delivered to this application after the provided number of milliseconds.
scheduleMessage(Message, long, long) - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.Endpoint
Schedules a message to be delivered to this application every period number of milliseconds, after delay number of miliseconds have passed.
scheduleMessage(Message, long) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringEndpoint
Schedules a message to be delivered to this application after the provided number of milliseconds.
scheduleMessage(Message, long, long) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringEndpoint
Schedules a message to be delivered to this application every period number of milliseconds, after delay number of miliseconds have passed.
scheduleMessage(Message, long) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCEndpoint
Schedules a message to be delivered to this application after the provided number of milliseconds.
scheduleMessage(Message, long, long) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCEndpoint
Schedules a message to be delivered to this application every period number of milliseconds, after delay number of miliseconds have passed.
scheduleMessage(Message, long) - Method in class rice.pastry.commonapi.PastryEndpoint
Schedules a message to be delivered to this application after the provided number of milliseconds.
scheduleMessage(Message, long, long) - Method in class rice.pastry.commonapi.PastryEndpoint
Schedules a message to be delivered to this application every period number of milliseconds, after delay number of miliseconds have passed.
scheduleMessageAtFixedRate(Message, long, long) - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.Endpoint
Schedules a message to be delivered to this application every period number of milliseconds, after delay number of miliseconds have passed.
scheduleMessageAtFixedRate(Message, long, long) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringEndpoint
scheduleMessageAtFixedRate(Message, long, long) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCEndpoint
scheduleMessageAtFixedRate(Message, long, long) - Method in class rice.pastry.commonapi.PastryEndpoint
Schedule the specified message for repeated fixed-rate delivery to the local node, beginning after the specified delay.
scheduleMsg(Message, long) - Method in class rice.pastry.PastryNode
Schedule the specified message to be sent to the local node after a specified delay.
scheduleMsg(Message, long, long) - Method in class rice.pastry.PastryNode
Schedule the specified message for repeated fixed-delay delivery to the local node, beginning after the specified delay.
scheduleMsgAtFixedRate(Message, long, long) - Method in class rice.pastry.PastryNode
Schedule the specified message for repeated fixed-rate delivery to the local node, beginning after the specified delay.
scheduleNext() - Method in class rice.p2p.replication.manager.ReplicationManagerImpl
Internal method which schedules the next reminder message (if it is necessary), or simply resets the active flag if there's nothing to be fetched.
scheduleProgressTimer() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.audit.AuditProtocolImpl
scheduleRepeated(Timer, SelectorManager) - Static method in class rice.selector.testing.SelectorTest
scheduleStuff(Timer, SelectorManager) - Static method in class rice.selector.testing.SelectorTest
scheduleToWriteIfNeeded() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.filetransfer.FileTransferImpl
Must be called on selectorManager.
scribe - Variable in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringNode
The Scribe application which the node uses to do routing
Scribe - Interface in rice.p2p.scribe
scribe - Variable in class rice.p2p.scribe.testing.ScribeRegrTest.TestScribeClient
scribe - Variable in class rice.p2p.scribe.testing.ScribeRegrTest.TestScribePolicy
scribe - Variable in class rice.p2p.splitstream.SplitStreamImpl
The scribe instance for this SplitStream Object
scribe - Variable in class rice.p2p.splitstream.SplitStreamScribePolicy
A reference to this policy's scribe object
scribe - Variable in class rice.p2p.splitstream.Stripe
The scribe object
ScribeClient - Interface in rice.p2p.scribe
Deprecated. use ScribeMultiClient
ScribeContent - Interface in rice.p2p.scribe
ScribeContentDeserializer - Interface in rice.p2p.scribe.rawserialization
ScribeImpl - Class in rice.p2p.scribe
ScribeImpl(Node, String) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeImpl
Constructor for Scribe, using the default policy.
ScribeImpl(Node, ScribePolicy, String) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeImpl
Constructor for Scribe
ScribeImpl(Node, ScribePolicy, String, ScribeMaintenancePolicy) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeImpl
Constructor for Scribe
ScribeImpl.ScribeClientConverter - Class in rice.p2p.scribe
Adapts an old ScribeClient to a new ScribeMultiClient This is for reverse compatibility.
ScribeImpl.ScribeClientConverter(ScribeClient) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeImpl.ScribeClientConverter
ScribeImpl.TopicManager - Class in rice.p2p.scribe
Class which keeps track of a given topic
ScribeMaintenancePolicy - Interface in rice.p2p.scribe.maintenance
ScribeMaintenancePolicy.DefaultScribeMaintenancePolicy - Class in rice.p2p.scribe.maintenance
ScribeMaintenancePolicy.DefaultScribeMaintenancePolicy(Environment) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.scribe.maintenance.ScribeMaintenancePolicy.DefaultScribeMaintenancePolicy
ScribeMessage - Class in rice.p2p.scribe.messaging
ScribeMessage(NodeHandle, Topic) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.ScribeMessage
Constructor which takes a unique integer Id
ScribeMessage(InputBuffer, Endpoint) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.ScribeMessage
Protected because it should only be called from an extending class, to get version numbers correct.
ScribeMultiClient - Interface in rice.p2p.scribe
The new interface for scribe as of FreePastry 2.1.
ScribePolicy - Interface in rice.p2p.scribe
ScribePolicy.DefaultScribePolicy - Class in rice.p2p.scribe
The default policy for Scribe, which always allows new children to join and adds children in the order in which they are provided, implicitly providing a depth-first search.
ScribePolicy.DefaultScribePolicy(Environment) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribePolicy.DefaultScribePolicy
ScribePolicy.LimitedScribePolicy - Class in rice.p2p.scribe
An optional policy for Scribe, which allows up to a specified number of children per topic.
ScribePolicy.LimitedScribePolicy(int, Environment) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribePolicy.LimitedScribePolicy
Construtor which takes a maximum number
ScribeRegrTest - Class in rice.p2p.scribe.testing
ScribeRegrTest(Environment) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.scribe.testing.ScribeRegrTest
Constructor which sets up all local variables
ScribeRegrTest.TestRouteMessage - Class in rice.p2p.scribe.testing
Utility class which simulates a route message
ScribeRegrTest.TestRouteMessage(Id, NodeHandle, Message) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.scribe.testing.ScribeRegrTest.TestRouteMessage
Constructor for TestRouteMessage.
ScribeRegrTest.TestScribeClient - Class in rice.p2p.scribe.testing
ScribeRegrTest.TestScribeClient(Scribe, Topic, int) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.scribe.testing.ScribeRegrTest.TestScribeClient
Constructor for TestScribeClient.
ScribeRegrTest.TestScribeClient(Scribe, List<Topic>, int) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.scribe.testing.ScribeRegrTest.TestScribeClient
ScribeRegrTest.TestScribeContent - Class in rice.p2p.scribe.testing
Utility class for past content objects
ScribeRegrTest.TestScribeContent(Topic, int) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.scribe.testing.ScribeRegrTest.TestScribeContent
Constructor for TestScribeContent.
ScribeRegrTest.TestScribePolicy - Class in rice.p2p.scribe.testing
ScribeRegrTest.TestScribePolicy(Scribe) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.scribe.testing.ScribeRegrTest.TestScribePolicy
scribes - Variable in class rice.p2p.scribe.testing.ScribeRegrTest
ScribeTutorial - Class in rice.tutorial.scribe
This tutorial shows how to use Scribe.
ScribeTutorial(int, InetSocketAddress, int, Environment) - Constructor for class rice.tutorial.scribe.ScribeTutorial
Based on the rice.tutorial.lesson4.DistTutorial This constructor launches numNodes PastryNodes.
sectionDone() - Method in class rice.p2p.commonapi.testing.CommonAPITest
Method which prints the end of a test section.
sectionDone() - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.testing.MultiringRegrTest
Method which prints the end of a test section.
sectionEnd() - Method in class rice.persistence.testing.Test
sectionStart(String) - Method in class rice.p2p.commonapi.testing.CommonAPITest
Method which prints the beginning of a test section.
sectionStart(String) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.testing.MultiringRegrTest
Method which prints the beginning of a test section.
sectionStart(String) - Method in class rice.persistence.testing.Test
SecureHistory - Interface in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history
SecureHistoryFactory - Interface in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history
SecureHistoryFactoryImpl - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history
SecureHistoryFactoryImpl(HashProvider, Environment) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.SecureHistoryFactoryImpl
SecureHistoryImpl - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history
The following class implements PeerReview's log.
SecureHistoryImpl(RandomAccessFileIOBuffer, RandomAccessFileIOBuffer, boolean, HashProvider, IndexEntryFactory, Logger) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.SecureHistoryImpl
SecurityUtils - Class in rice.p2p.util
This class contains a large number of static methods for performing security-related primitives, such as encrypt, decrypt, etc...
SecurityUtilsUnit - Class in rice.p2p.util.testing
SecurityUtilsUnit() - Constructor for class rice.p2p.util.testing.SecurityUtilsUnit
select - Variable in class rice.selector.SelectorManager
Can be disabled for the simulator to improve performance, only do this if you know you don't need to select on anything
select(int) - Method in class rice.selector.SelectorManager
Selects on the selector, and returns the result.
selectedKeys() - Method in class rice.selector.SelectorManager
Selects all of the currently selected keys on the selector and returns the result as an array of keys.
SelectionKeyHandler - Class in rice.selector
This interface is designed to be a callback mechanism from the SelectorManager.
SelectionKeyHandler() - Constructor for class rice.selector.SelectionKeyHandler
selector - Variable in class rice.selector.SelectorManager
selector - Variable in class rice.selector.TimerTask
selectorManager - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.filetransfer.FileTransferImpl
selectorManager - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.priority.PriorityTransportLayerImpl
selectorManager - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous.RendezvousTransportLayerImpl
selectorManager - Variable in class rice.environment.time.simulated.DirectTimeSource
selectorManager - Variable in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.RendezvousApp
SelectorManager - Class in rice.selector
This class is the class which handles the selector, and listens for activity.
SelectorManager(String, TimeSource, LogManager, RandomSource) - Constructor for class rice.selector.SelectorManager
Constructor, which is private since there is only one selector per JVM.
SelectorManager(String, TimeSource, LogManager) - Constructor for class rice.selector.SelectorManager
SelectorTest - Class in rice.selector.testing
SelectorTest() - Constructor for class rice.selector.testing.SelectorTest
send(Identifier, ByteBuffer, int) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.playback.ReplayVerifier
Called by the state machine when it wants to send a message
send(Id) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.testing.MultiringRegrTest.MultiringTestApp
send() - Method in class rice.p2p.replication.manager.ReplicationManagerImpl.ReplicationManagerHelper
Method which determines if a message should be sent, and if so, sends it
send(NodeHandle, Message, PMessageNotification, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class rice.pastry.PastryNode
Deliver message to the NodeHandle.
SEND_PERIOD - Static variable in class rice.p2p.splitstream.testing.MySplitStreamClient
sendAlongSocket(int, PastContent) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.rawserialization.DefaultSocketStrategy
sendAlongSocket(int, PastContent) - Method in interface rice.p2p.past.rawserialization.SocketStrategy
Return true to send the content along a socket, false to send it as a message.
sendAnycast() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.replay.MyScribeClient
Sends an anycast message.
sendAnycast() - Method in class rice.tutorial.scribe.MyScribeClient
Sends an anycast message.
sendAuthenticators(Handle, Map<Identifier, List<Authenticator>>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.authpush.AuthenticatorPushProtocolImpl
TODO: make this use udp, or smaller AuthPushMessages
sendCancel(int) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.filetransfer.FileTransferImpl
Only call this on the sender side, b/c uid is simplex
sendComplete() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.message.OutgoingUserDataMessage
sendDirect(Identifier, ByteBuffer, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous.ResponseStrategy
True if we believe the firewall will accept the message (due to a recent message from the node)
sendDirect(Identifier, ByteBuffer, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous.TimeoutResponseStrategy
sendDirect(Identifier, ByteBuffer, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.NeverResponseStrategy
sender - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.statement.IncompleteStatementInfo
senderCancelled(int) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.filetransfer.FileTransferImpl
sendEvidence(Handle, Identifier) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.evidence.EvidenceTransferProtocol
sendEvidence(Handle, Identifier) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.evidence.EvidenceTransferProtocolImpl
When this is called, some node has asked us for evidence about another node, and we have found either (a) an unanswered challenge, or (b) a proof of misbehavior.
sendEvidence(Handle, Identifier) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReview
sendEvidence(Handle, Identifier) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewImpl
sendEvidenceToWitnesses(Identifier, long, Evidence) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReview
sendEvidenceToWitnesses(Identifier, long, Evidence) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewImpl
Called internally by other classes if they have found evidence against one of our peers.
sendFailed(MessageRequestHandle<Identifier, MessageType>, Exception) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.MessageCallback
Notification that the message can't be sent.
sendFailed(IOException) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.message.OutgoingUserDataMessage
sendFailed(MessageReceipt, Exception) - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.DeliveryNotification
Notification that the message can't be sent.
sendFailed(MessageRequestHandle<NodeHandle, RawMessage>, Exception) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.MCAdapter
sendFailed(Exception) - Method in class rice.pastry.routing.RouteMessage
Return true if it notified a higher layer.
sendFailed(RouteMessage, Exception) - Method in interface rice.pastry.routing.RouteMessageNotification
sendFailed(PMessageReceipt, Exception) - Method in interface rice.pastry.transport.PMessageNotification
sendFile(File, ByteBuffer, byte, long, long, Continuation<FileReceipt, Exception>) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.filetransfer.FileTransfer
sendFile(File, ByteBuffer, byte, Continuation<FileReceipt, Exception>) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.filetransfer.FileTransfer
sendFile(File, ByteBuffer, byte, Continuation<FileReceipt, Exception>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.filetransfer.FileTransferImpl
sendFile(File, ByteBuffer, byte, long, long, Continuation<FileReceipt, Exception>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.filetransfer.FileTransferImpl
sendInvestigation(ActiveInvestigationInfo<Handle>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.audit.AuditProtocolImpl
Starts an investigation by sending authenticator requests to all the witnesses.
sendMessage(Identifier, ByteBuffer, MessageCallback<Identifier, ByteBuffer>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.bandwidthmeasure.BandwidthMeasuringTransportLayer
sendMessage(Identifier, RawMessage, MessageCallback<Identifier, RawMessage>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.commonapi.CommonAPITransportLayerImpl
sendMessage(Identifier, MessageType, MessageCallback<Identifier, MessageType>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.direct.DirectTransportLayer
sendMessage(Identifier, MessageType, MessageCallback<Identifier, MessageType>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.limitsockets.LimitSocketsTransportLayer
sendMessage(Identifier, ByteBuffer, MessageCallback<Identifier, ByteBuffer>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.liveness.LivenessTransportLayerImpl
sendMessage(MultiInetSocketAddress, ByteBuffer, MessageCallback<MultiInetSocketAddress, ByteBuffer>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.multiaddress.MultiInetAddressTransportLayerImpl
sendMessage(Identifier, MessageType, MessageCallback<Identifier, MessageType>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.nat.FirewallTLImpl
sendMessage(InetSocketAddress, ByteBuffer, MessageCallback<InetSocketAddress, ByteBuffer>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.networkinfo.NetworkInfoTransportLayer
Set the PASSTHROUGH header
sendMessage(Handle, ByteBuffer, MessageCallback<Handle, ByteBuffer>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewImpl
sendMessage(Identifier, ByteBuffer, MessageCallback<Identifier, ByteBuffer>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.playback.ReplayLayer
sendMessage(Identifier, ByteBuffer, MessageCallback<Identifier, ByteBuffer>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.record.RecordLayer
sendMessage(Handle, ByteBuffer, MessageCallback<Handle, ByteBuffer>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.VerifierImpl
Called by the state machine when it wants to send a message
sendMessage(Identifier, ByteBuffer, MessageCallback<Identifier, ByteBuffer>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.priority.PriorityTransportLayerImpl
sendMessage(Identifier, MsgType, MessageCallback<Identifier, MsgType>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rc4.RC4TransportLayer
sendMessage(Identifier, ByteBuffer, MessageCallback<Identifier, ByteBuffer>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous.RendezvousStrategy
Sends the message via an out-of-band channel.
sendMessage(Identifier, ByteBuffer, MessageCallback<Identifier, ByteBuffer>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous.RendezvousTransportLayerImpl
What to do if firewalled? ConnectRequest UDP only? For now always use UDP_AND_TCP
sendMessage(Identifier, MessageType, MessageCallback<Identifier, MessageType>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.simpleidentity.SimpleIdentityTransportLayer
sendMessage(ByteBuffer, MessageCallback<Identifier, ByteBuffer>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.manager.SourceRouteManagerImpl.AddressManager
Method which enqueues a message to this address
sendMessage(Identifier, ByteBuffer, MessageCallback<Identifier, ByteBuffer>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.manager.SourceRouteManagerImpl
Method which sends a message across the wire.
sendMessage(SourceRoute<Identifier>, ByteBuffer, MessageCallback<SourceRoute<Identifier>, ByteBuffer>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.SourceRouteTransportLayerImpl
sendMessage(Identifier, MessageType, MessageCallback<Identifier, MessageType>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.ssl.SSLTransportLayerImpl
sendMessage(Identifier, ByteBuffer, MessageCallback<Identifier, ByteBuffer>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.table.TableTransprotLayerImpl
sendMessage(Identifier, MessageType, MessageCallback<Identifier, MessageType>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.TransportLayer
Send the message to the identifier
sendMessage(InetSocketAddress, ByteBuffer, MessageCallback<InetSocketAddress, ByteBuffer>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.BogusUDPLayerImpl
sendMessage(Identifier, ByteBuffer, MessageCallback<Identifier, ByteBuffer>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.magicnumber.MagicNumberTransportLayer
sendMessage(InetSocketAddress, ByteBuffer, MessageCallback<InetSocketAddress, ByteBuffer>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.UDPLayer
sendMessage(InetSocketAddress, ByteBuffer, MessageCallback<InetSocketAddress, ByteBuffer>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.UDPLayerImpl
The ack is not the end to end, it's called when actually sent
sendMessage(InetSocketAddress, ByteBuffer, MessageCallback<InetSocketAddress, ByteBuffer>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.WireTransportLayerImpl
sendMessage(Id, GlacierMessage, NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierImpl
sendMessage(TransportLayerNodeHandle<MultiInetSocketAddress>, ByteBuffer, MessageCallback<TransportLayerNodeHandle<MultiInetSocketAddress>, ByteBuffer>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class rice.pastry.peerreview.PeerReviewCallbackImpl
sendMessage(RendezvousSocketNodeHandle, ByteBuffer, MessageCallback<RendezvousSocketNodeHandle, ByteBuffer>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.RendezvousApp
sendMessage(NodeHandle, RawMessage, MessageCallback<NodeHandle, RawMessage>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class rice.pastry.transport.NodeHandleAdapter
sendMessage(int, Id, int, Continuation<NodeHandleSet, Exception>, long) - Method in class rice.tutorial.lookup.LookupService
This does the internal processing for requestNodeHandle(s).
sendMessage(Identifier, ByteBuffer, MessageCallback<Identifier, ByteBuffer>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class rice.tutorial.transportlayer.BandwidthLimitingTransportLayer
sendMessageToWitnesses(Identifier, PeerReviewMessage, MessageCallback<Handle, ByteBuffer>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.evidence.EvidenceTransferProtocol
sendMessageToWitnesses(Identifier, PeerReviewMessage, MessageCallback<Handle, ByteBuffer>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.evidence.EvidenceTransferProtocolImpl
Send a message to all the members of the target node's witness set.
sendMessageWithRetries(Id, int, Continuation<NodeHandleSet, Exception>) - Method in class rice.tutorial.lookup.LookupService
sendMsg(ByteBuffer, byte, Continuation<BBReceipt, Exception>) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.filetransfer.FileTransfer
sendMsg(ByteBuffer, byte, Continuation<BBReceipt, Exception>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.filetransfer.FileTransferImpl
sendMsg(Id) - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.RegrTestApp
sendMulticast() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.replay.MyScribeClient
Sends the multicast message.
sendMulticast() - Method in class rice.tutorial.scribe.MyScribeClient
Sends the multicast message.
sendMyMsgDirect(NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.tutorial.appsocket.MyApp
Called to directly send a message to the nh
sendMyMsgDirect(NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.tutorial.sendfile.MyApp
Called to directly send a message to the nh
SendOptions - Class in rice.pastry.routing
This is the options for a client to send messages.
SendOptions() - Constructor for class rice.pastry.routing.SendOptions
SendOptions(boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.routing.SendOptions
sendPing(Id) - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.Ping
sendPing(Id) - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.PingClient
sendPings(int) - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.PastryRegrTest
Send messages among random message pairs.
sendPings(int) - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.PastryTest
sendPings(int) - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.SinglePingTest
sendRequest(Id, PastMessage, Continuation) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.PastImpl
Sends a request message across the wire, and stores the appropriate continuation.
sendRequest(NodeHandle, PastMessage, Continuation) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.PastImpl
Sends a request message across the wire, and stores the appropriate continuation.
sendRequest(Id, PastMessage, NodeHandle, Continuation) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.PastImpl
Sends a request message across the wire, and stores the appropriate continuation.
sendRndMsg(RandomSource) - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.HelloWorldApp
Sends a message to a randomly chosen node.
sendSomeMessages() - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.RoutingTableTest
sendSomeScribeMessages() - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.RoutingTableTest
sendSuccess(NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.pastry.routing.RouteMessage
sendSuccess(RouteMessage, NodeHandle) - Method in interface rice.pastry.routing.RouteMessageNotification
sendTheMessage(NodeHandle, boolean) - Method in class rice.pastry.standard.ConsistentJoinProtocol
Sends a consistent join protocol message.
sendTheMessage(RouteMessage, NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.pastry.standard.RapidRerouter
sendTheMessage(RouteMessage, NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.pastry.standard.StandardRouter
sendTrace(Id) - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.PingClient
sendTrace(Id) - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.RegrTestApp
sendUDP() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.SRTest
sendUDP() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.TLTest
Sends udp message from alice to bob.
sendUDP() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.WireSRTest
sent(MessageReceipt) - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.DeliveryNotification
Layer specific callback.
sent(PMessageReceipt) - Method in interface rice.pastry.transport.PMessageNotification
seq - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.audit.SnippetEntry
seq - Variable in class rice.selector.TimerTask
seqCtr - Variable in class rice.selector.SelectorManager
seqLock - Variable in class rice.selector.SelectorManager
Internal method which adds a task to the task tree, waking up the selector if necessary to recalculate the sleep time
seqno - Variable in class rice.tutorial.lookup.LookupService.NodeLookupQuery
seqno - Variable in class rice.tutorial.lookup.LookupService.NodeLookupResponse
serialize(Key, OutputBuffer) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.pki.x509.KeySerializer
serialize(Key, OutputBuffer) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.pki.x509.KeySerializerImpl
serialize(X509Certificate, OutputBuffer) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.pki.x509.X509SerializerImpl
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.peerreview.MyInetSocketAddress
serialize(RawMessage, OutputBuffer) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.commonapi.RawMessageDeserializer
serialize(OutputBuffer, UpperIdentifier) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.identity.IdentitySerializer
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.liveness.PingMessage
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.liveness.PongMessage
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.multiaddress.MultiInetSocketAddress
EpochInetSocketAddress: (IPV4): +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ + numAddrs + +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ + internet address 0 + +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ + port 0 + +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ + internet address 1 + +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ + port 1 + +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ + internet address k + +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ + port k + ...
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.audit.LogSnippet
serialize(OutputBuffer, SnippetEntry) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.audit.SnippetEntry
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.commitment.Authenticator
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.evidence.AuditResponse
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.evidence.ChallengeAudit
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.evidence.ProofInconsistent
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.evidence.ProofNonconformant
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.IndexEntry
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.logentry.EvtAck
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.logentry.EvtInit
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.logentry.EvtRecv
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.logentry.EvtSend
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.logentry.EvtSendSign
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.logentry.EvtSign
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.logentry.HistoryEvent
serialize() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.logentry.HistoryEvent
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.infostore.Evidence
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.message.AckMessage
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.message.AuthPushMessage
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.message.AuthRequest
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.message.AuthResponse
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.message.ChallengeMessage
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.message.UserDataMessage
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.statement.Statement
serialize(HighIdentifier, OutputBuffer) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous.ContactDeserializer
serialize(HighIdentifier) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous.ContactDeserializer
serialize(InetSocketAddress, OutputBuffer) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.simpleidentity.InetSocketAddressSerializer
serialize(InetSocketAddress, OutputBuffer) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.simpleidentity.PortSerializer
serialize(Identifier, OutputBuffer) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.simpleidentity.Serializer
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.factory.MultiAddressSourceRoute
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.factory.WireSourceRoute
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.SourceRoute
Raw Serialization
serialize(Identifier, OutputBuffer) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.util.Serializer
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregateHandle
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class rice.p2p.aggregation.messaging.NonAggregate
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class rice.p2p.aggregation.raw.RawAggregate
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.Id
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.IdRange
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class rice.p2p.commonapi.NodeHandle
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.NodeHandleSet
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.rawserialization.RawSerializable
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.Fragment
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.FragmentKey
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.FragmentKeyRange
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.BloomFilter
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.Manifest
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierDataMessage
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierFetchMessage
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierMessage
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierNeighborRequestMessage
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierNeighborResponseMessage
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierQueryMessage
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierRangeForwardMessage
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierRangeQueryMessage
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierRangeResponseMessage
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierRefreshCompleteMessage
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierRefreshPatchMessage
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierRefreshProbeMessage
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierRefreshResponseMessage
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierResponseMessage
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierSyncMessage
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierTimeoutMessage
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.VersionKey
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.VersionKeyRange
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.messaging.RingMessage
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringIdRange
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringNodeHandle
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringNodeHandleSet
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.RingId
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.ContentHashPastContentHandle
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCId
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCIdRange
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.messaging.GCCollectMessage
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.messaging.GCInsertMessage
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.messaging.GCLookupHandlesMessage
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.messaging.GCRefreshMessage
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.rawserialization.JavaSerializedGCPastContent
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.rawserialization.JavaSerializedGCPastContentHandle
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.messaging.CacheMessage
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.messaging.ContinuationMessage
Deprecated to cause warnings.
serialize(OutputBuffer, boolean) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.messaging.ContinuationMessage
If you want this class to serialize itself, set javaSerialize to true, otherwise, the subclass is expected to do an optimal serializatoin
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.messaging.FetchHandleMessage
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.messaging.FetchMessage
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.messaging.InsertMessage
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.messaging.LookupHandlesMessage
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.messaging.LookupMessage
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.messaging.MessageLostMessage
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.messaging.PastMessage
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.rawserialization.JavaSerializedPastContent
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.rawserialization.JavaSerializedPastContentHandle
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in interface rice.p2p.past.rawserialization.RawPastContent
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in interface rice.p2p.past.rawserialization.RawPastContentHandle
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.testing.RawPastRegrTest.TestPastContent
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.testing.RawPastRegrTest.TestPastContentHandle
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.testing.RawPastRegrTest.VersionedTestPastContent
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class rice.p2p.replication.messaging.ReminderMessage
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class rice.p2p.replication.messaging.ReplicationMessage
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class rice.p2p.replication.messaging.RequestMessage
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class rice.p2p.replication.messaging.ResponseMessage
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.AbstractSubscribeMessage
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.AnycastFailureMessage
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.AnycastMessage
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.DropMessage
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.PublishMessage
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.PublishRequestMessage
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.ScribeMessage
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.SubscribeAckMessage
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.SubscribeFailedMessage
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.SubscribeMessage
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.UnsubscribeMessage
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.rawserialization.JavaSerializedScribeContent
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in interface rice.p2p.scribe.rawserialization.RawScribeContent
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.testing.RawScribeRegrTest.RawTestScribeContent
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.Topic
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class rice.p2p.splitstream.SplitStreamContent
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class rice.p2p.splitstream.SplitStreamSubscribeContent
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.BloomFilter
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.IdBloomFilter
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.rawserialization.JavaSerializedMessage
serialize(Message, OutputBuffer) - Static method in class rice.p2p.util.rawserialization.JavaSerializer
serialize(Object) - Static method in class rice.p2p.util.SecurityUtils
Utility method for serializing an object to a byte[].
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class rice.pastry.commonapi.PastryEndpointMessage
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class rice.pastry.direct.DirectNodeHandle
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class rice.pastry.Id
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class rice.pastry.IdRange
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class rice.pastry.join.JoinRequest
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class rice.pastry.leafset.BroadcastLeafSet
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class rice.pastry.leafset.LeafSet
So that small LeafSets (who have overlapping nodes) don't waste bandwidth, leafset first defines the NodeHandles to be loaded into an array, then specifies their locations.
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class rice.pastry.leafset.RequestLeafSet
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class rice.pastry.leafset.testing.MergeTest.TestNodeHandle
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class rice.pastry.messaging.PJavaSerializedMessage
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class rice.pastry.NodeHandle
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class rice.pastry.NodeSet
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class rice.pastry.peerreview.FetchLeafsetRequest
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class rice.pastry.peerreview.FetchLeafsetResponse
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class rice.pastry.pns.messages.LeafSetRequest
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class rice.pastry.pns.messages.LeafSetResponse
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class rice.pastry.pns.messages.RouteRowRequest
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class rice.pastry.pns.messages.RouteRowResponse
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class rice.pastry.routing.BroadcastRouteRow
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class rice.pastry.routing.RequestRouteRow
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class rice.pastry.routing.RouteMessage
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class rice.pastry.routing.RouteSet
+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ + maxSize + theSize + closest + +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ + NodeHandle 1st + ...
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.EpochInetSocketAddress
EpochInetSocketAddress: (IPV4): +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ + numAddrs + +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ + internet address 0 + +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ + port 0 + +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ + internet address 1 + +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ + port 1 + +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ + internet address k + +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ + port k + ...
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.probe.ProbeRequestMessage
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.ByteBufferMsg
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.OpenChannelMsg
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.PilotForwardMsg
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.RendezvousJoinRequest
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.RendezvousSocketNodeHandle
serialize(OutputBuffer, TransportLayerNodeHandle<MultiInetSocketAddress>) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.RendezvousSPNFIdentitySerializer
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.SocketNodeHandle
serialize(SocketNodeHandle, OutputBuffer) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.SocketNodeHandleFactory
serialize(OutputBuffer, TransportLayerNodeHandle<MultiInetSocketAddress>) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.SPNFIdentitySerializer
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class rice.pastry.standard.ConsistentJoinMsg
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.LeafSetTest.TestNodeHandle
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class rice.pastry.transport.BogusNodeHandle
serialize(RawMessage, OutputBuffer) - Method in class rice.pastry.transport.TLDeserializer
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class rice.persistence.testing.MemoryStorageTest.VariableId
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class rice.tutorial.rawserialization.MyMsg
serialize(OutputBuffer) - Method in class rice.tutorial.rawserialization2.MyMsg
serializeAddress(InetSocketAddress, OutputBuffer) - Static method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.simpleidentity.InetSocketAddressSerializer
serializeAddress(InetSocketAddress) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.simpleidentity.MutableInetSocketAddressStrategy
serializeHelper(OutputBuffer) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.messaging.InsertMessage
So that it can be subclassed without serializing a version here
serializeHelper(OutputBuffer) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.messaging.LookupHandlesMessage
So that it can be subclassed without serializing a version here
serializeHelper(OutputBuffer) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.AnycastMessage
Use this to allow SubscribeMessage to extend this, but not have the version number nor the content.
serializer - Static variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.peerreview.MyInetSocketAddress
serializer - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.identity.IdentityImpl
serializer - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.playback.ReplayVerifier
serializer - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous.RendezvousTransportLayerImpl
Serializer<Identifier> - Interface in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.simpleidentity
serializer - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.simpleidentity.SimpleIdentityTransportLayer
Serializer<Identifier> - Interface in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.util
serializer - Variable in class rice.p2p.util.XMLWriter
The actual XML serializer, which does the writing
serializeRange(long, long, HashPolicy) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.SecureHistory
Serialize a given range of entries, and write the result to the specified file.
serializeRange(long, long, HashPolicy) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.SecureHistoryImpl
Serialize a given range of entries, and write the result to the specified file.
serializeRange2(long, long, HashPolicy, OutputBuffer) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.SecureHistoryImpl
SerializerListener<UpperIdentifier> - Interface in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.identity
Notified every time we hear of a new UpperIdentifier (usually deserialization)
serType - Variable in class rice.p2p.past.messaging.ContinuationMessage
server - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.ssl.SSLSocketManager
set - Variable in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringIdFactory.MultiringEntrySet
set - Variable in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringIdFactory.MultiringKeySet
set - Variable in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringIdSet
The actual IdSet
set - Variable in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringNodeHandleSet
The actual node handle set
set - Variable in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCIdFactory.GCEntrySet
set - Variable in class rice.p2p.replication.manager.ReplicationManagerImpl.ReplicationManagerDeleter
The set of ids we are responsible for deleting
set - Variable in class rice.p2p.replication.manager.ReplicationManagerImpl.ReplicationManagerHelper
The set of keys we have yet to fetch
set - Variable in class rice.p2p.replication.manager.testing.ReplicationManagerRegrTest.TestReplicationManagerClient
set - Variable in class rice.p2p.util.BloomFilter
The underlying bitset representation for this bloom filter
set(int, E) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.SortedLinkedList
set(A, B) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.tuples.MutableTuple
setA(A) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.tuples.MutableTuple
setAggregateLifetime(AggregateDescriptor, long) - Method in class rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregateList
setAlive(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.manager.SourceRouteManagerImpl.AddressManager
Internal method which marks this address as being alive.
setAlwaysUseJavaSerialization(boolean) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.rawserialization.JavaSerializedDeserializer
setAlwaysUseJavaSerialization(boolean) - Method in class rice.pastry.messaging.JavaSerializedDeserializer
setApp(PeerReviewCallback<Handle, Identifier>) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReview
setApp(PeerReviewCallback<Handle, Identifier>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewImpl
setApplication(PeerReviewCallback) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.playback.ReplayVerifier
setApplication(PeerReviewCallback) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.Verifier
setApplication(PeerReviewCallback) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.VerifierImpl
setB(B) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.tuples.MutableTuple
setBandwidthLimit(long, long) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierImpl
setBoolean(String, boolean) - Method in interface rice.environment.params.Parameters
setBoolean(String, boolean) - Method in class rice.environment.params.simple.SimpleParameters
setCached() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.messaging.FetchMessage
Sets this message as having been cached.
setCached() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.messaging.LookupMessage
Sets this message as having been cached.
setCallback(TransportLayerCallback<Identifier, ByteBuffer>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.bandwidthmeasure.BandwidthMeasuringTransportLayer
setCallback(TransportLayerCallback<Identifier, RawMessage>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.commonapi.CommonAPITransportLayerImpl
setCallback(TransportLayerCallback<Identifier, MessageType>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.direct.DirectTransportLayer
setCallback(TransportLayerCallback<Identifier, MessageType>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.limitsockets.LimitSocketsTransportLayer
setCallback(TransportLayerCallback<Identifier, ByteBuffer>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.liveness.LivenessTransportLayerImpl
setCallback(TransportLayerCallback<MultiInetSocketAddress, ByteBuffer>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.multiaddress.MultiInetAddressTransportLayerImpl
setCallback(TransportLayerCallback<Identifier, MessageType>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.nat.FirewallTLImpl
setCallback(TransportLayerCallback<InetSocketAddress, ByteBuffer>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.networkinfo.NetworkInfoTransportLayer
setCallback(TransportLayerCallback<Identifier, ByteBuffer>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.identity.IdentityTransportLayerImpl
setCallback(TransportLayerCallback<Handle, ByteBuffer>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewImpl
setCallback(TransportLayerCallback<Identifier, ByteBuffer>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.playback.ReplayLayer
setCallback(TransportLayerCallback<Identifier, ByteBuffer>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.record.RecordLayer
setCallback(TransportLayerCallback<Handle, ByteBuffer>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.VerifierImpl
setCallback(TransportLayerCallback<Identifier, ByteBuffer>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.priority.PriorityTransportLayerImpl
setCallback(TransportLayerCallback<Identifier, MsgType>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rc4.RC4TransportLayer
setCallback(TransportLayerCallback<Identifier, ByteBuffer>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous.RendezvousTransportLayerImpl
setCallback(TransportLayerCallback<Identifier, MessageType>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.simpleidentity.SimpleIdentityTransportLayer
setCallback(TransportLayerCallback<Identifier, ByteBuffer>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.manager.SourceRouteManagerImpl
setCallback(TransportLayerCallback<SourceRoute<Identifier>, ByteBuffer>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.SourceRouteTransportLayerImpl
setCallback(TransportLayerCallback<Identifier, MessageType>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.ssl.SSLTransportLayerImpl
setCallback(TransportLayerCallback<Identifier, ByteBuffer>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.table.TableTransprotLayerImpl
setCallback(TransportLayerCallback<Identifier, MessageType>) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.TransportLayer
Set the callback for incoming sockets/messages
setCallback(TransportLayerCallback<Identifier, ByteBuffer>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.magicnumber.MagicNumberTransportLayer
setCallback(TransportLayerCallback<InetSocketAddress, ByteBuffer>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.WireTransportLayerImpl
setCallback(TransportLayerCallback<TransportLayerNodeHandle<MultiInetSocketAddress>, ByteBuffer>) - Method in class rice.pastry.peerreview.PeerReviewCallbackImpl
setCallback(TransportLayerCallback<NodeHandle, RawMessage>) - Method in class rice.pastry.transport.NodeHandleAdapter
setCallback(TransportLayerCallback<Identifier, ByteBuffer>) - Method in class rice.tutorial.transportlayer.BandwidthLimitingTransportLayer
setConsistentRouting(boolean) - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.Endpoint
default value is true Consistent routing causes RouteMessages to be dropped if we are not sure that we are responsible for our current id range.
setConsistentRouting(boolean) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringEndpoint
setConsistentRouting(boolean) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCEndpoint
setConsistentRouting(boolean) - Method in class rice.pastry.commonapi.PastryEndpoint
setConsolidationInterval(long) - Method in class rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregationImpl
setConsolidationMinObjectsPerAggregate(int) - Method in class rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregationImpl
setConsolidationMinUtilization(double) - Method in class rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregationImpl
setConsolidationThreshold(long) - Method in class rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregationImpl
setContactState(byte) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.RendezvousSocketPastryNodeFactory
setContent(RawScribeContent) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.AnycastMessage
Sets the content
setContent(ScribeContent) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.AnycastMessage
setContent(ScribeContent) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.PublishMessage
setContentDeserializer(PastContentDeserializer) - Method in class rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregationImpl
setContentDeserializer(PastContentDeserializer) - Method in class rice.p2p.aggregation.Moraine
setContentDeserializer(PastContentDeserializer) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierImpl
setContentDeserializer(PastContentDeserializer) - Method in interface rice.p2p.past.Past
setContentDeserializer(PastContentDeserializer) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.PastImpl
setContentDeserializer(ScribeContentDeserializer) - Method in interface rice.p2p.scribe.rawserialization.RawScribe
setContentDeserializer(ScribeContentDeserializer) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeImpl
setContentHandleDeserializer(PastContentHandleDeserializer) - Method in class rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregationImpl
setContentHandleDeserializer(PastContentHandleDeserializer) - Method in class rice.p2p.aggregation.Moraine
setContentHandleDeserializer(PastContentHandleDeserializer) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierImpl
setContentHandleDeserializer(PastContentHandleDeserializer) - Method in interface rice.p2p.past.Past
setContentHandleDeserializer(PastContentHandleDeserializer) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.PastImpl
setCurrentNode(PastryNode) - Static method in class rice.pastry.direct.DirectPastryNode
Returns the previous one.
setDead(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.manager.SourceRouteManagerImpl.AddressManager
Internal method which marks this address as being dead.
setDeadForever(LowerIdentifier, UpperIdentifier, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.identity.IdentityImpl
Put this in lower.
setDeadForever(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.manager.SourceRouteManagerImpl.AddressManager
Internal method which marks this address as being dead.
setDeliverSocketToMe(SocketCallback<Identifier>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.playback.ReplaySocket
setDeliverSocketToMe(SocketCallback<Identifier>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.ReplaySocket
setDeserializer(MessageDeserializer) - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.Endpoint
To use a more efficient serialization format than Java Serialization
setDeserializer(MessageDeserializer) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringEndpoint
setDeserializer(MessageDeserializer) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCEndpoint
setDeserializer(MessageDeserializer) - Method in class rice.pastry.client.PastryAppl
setDeserializer(MessageDeserializer) - Method in class rice.pastry.commonapi.PastryEndpoint
setDeserializer(int, MessageDeserializer) - Method in interface rice.pastry.transport.Deserializer
setDeserializer(int, MessageDeserializer) - Method in class rice.pastry.transport.TLDeserializer
setDestinationHandle(NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.pastry.routing.RouteMessage
setDestinationId(Id) - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.RouteMessage
Sets the destination Id for this message
setDestinationId(Id) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringRouteMessage
Sets the destination Id for this message
setDestinationId(Id) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.testing.PastRegrTest.TestRouteMessage
setDestinationId(Id) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.testing.RawPastRegrTest.TestRouteMessage
setDestinationId(Id) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.testing.ScribeRegrTest.TestRouteMessage
Sets the DestinationId attribute of the TestRouteMessage object
setDestinationId(Id) - Method in class rice.pastry.routing.RouteMessage
setDouble(String, double) - Method in interface rice.environment.params.Parameters
setDouble(String, double) - Method in class rice.environment.params.simple.SimpleParameters
setElements(NodeHandle, MessageDispatch, LeafSet, RoutingTable, Router) - Method in class rice.pastry.PastryNode
Combined accessor method for various members of PastryNode.
setEnvironment(Environment) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.playback.ReplaySM
Don't automatically start the thread.
setEnvironment(Environment) - Method in class rice.selector.SelectorManager
Can only be called once.
setErrorHandler(ErrorHandler<Identifier>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.bandwidthmeasure.BandwidthMeasuringTransportLayer
setErrorHandler(ErrorHandler<Identifier>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.commonapi.CommonAPITransportLayerImpl
setErrorHandler(ErrorHandler<Identifier>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.direct.DirectTransportLayer
setErrorHandler(ErrorHandler<Identifier>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.limitsockets.LimitSocketsTransportLayer
setErrorHandler(ErrorHandler<Identifier>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.liveness.LivenessTransportLayerImpl
setErrorHandler(ErrorHandler<MultiInetSocketAddress>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.multiaddress.MultiInetAddressTransportLayerImpl
setErrorHandler(ErrorHandler<Identifier>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.nat.FirewallTLImpl
setErrorHandler(ErrorHandler<InetSocketAddress>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.networkinfo.NetworkInfoTransportLayer
setErrorHandler(ErrorHandler<Handle>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewImpl
setErrorHandler(ErrorHandler<Identifier>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.playback.ReplayLayer
setErrorHandler(ErrorHandler<Identifier>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.record.RecordLayer
setErrorHandler(ErrorHandler<Handle>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.VerifierImpl
setErrorHandler(ErrorHandler<Identifier>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.priority.PriorityTransportLayerImpl
setErrorHandler(ErrorHandler<Identifier>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rc4.RC4TransportLayer
setErrorHandler(ErrorHandler<Identifier>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous.RendezvousTransportLayerImpl
setErrorHandler(ErrorHandler<Identifier>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.simpleidentity.SimpleIdentityTransportLayer
setErrorHandler(ErrorHandler<Identifier>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.manager.SourceRouteManagerImpl
setErrorHandler(ErrorHandler<SourceRoute<Identifier>>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.SourceRouteTransportLayerImpl
setErrorHandler(ErrorHandler<Identifier>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.ssl.SSLTransportLayerImpl
setErrorHandler(ErrorHandler<Identifier>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.table.TableTransprotLayerImpl
setErrorHandler(ErrorHandler<Identifier>) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.TransportLayer
To be notified of problems not related to an outgoing messaage/socket.
setErrorHandler(ErrorHandler<Identifier>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.magicnumber.MagicNumberTransportLayer
setErrorHandler(ErrorHandler<InetSocketAddress>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.WireTransportLayerImpl
setErrorHandler(ErrorHandler<TransportLayerNodeHandle<MultiInetSocketAddress>>) - Method in class rice.pastry.peerreview.PeerReviewCallbackImpl
setErrorHandler(ErrorHandler<NodeHandle>) - Method in class rice.pastry.transport.NodeHandleAdapter
setErrorHandler(ErrorHandler<Identifier>) - Method in class rice.tutorial.transportlayer.BandwidthLimitingTransportLayer
setExceptionStrategy(ExceptionStrategy) - Method in class rice.environment.Environment
setExpiration(long) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCPastMetadata
Method which sets the expiration time
setFeature(String, boolean) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLParser
setFilename(File) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.commitment.AuthenticatorStore
setFilename(File) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.commitment.AuthenticatorStoreImpl
Read in the Authenticators from a file.
setFloat(String, float) - Method in interface rice.environment.params.Parameters
setFloat(String, float) - Method in class rice.environment.params.simple.SimpleParameters
setFlushInterval(int) - Method in class rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregationImpl
setFullSpeed() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.direct.EventSimulator
setFullSpeed() - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.direct.GenericNetworkSimulator
unlimited maxSpeed
setFullSpeed() - Method in interface rice.pastry.direct.NetworkSimulator
unlimited maxSpeed
setFullSpeed() - Method in class rice.pastry.direct.NetworkSimulatorImpl
setHandle(Serializable, Continuation) - Method in interface rice.p2p.aggregation.Aggregation
Restores the handle object.
setHandle(Serializable, Continuation) - Method in class rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregationImpl
setHasResponse() - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.infostore.EvidenceRecord
setHasResponse() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.infostore.PeerInfoRecord.EvidenceRecordImpl
setId(byte, byte[]) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.networkinfo.NetworkInfoTransportLayer
setId(Id) - Method in class rice.p2p.aggregation.Aggregate
setInetAddress(String, InetAddress) - Method in interface rice.environment.params.Parameters
setInetAddress(String, InetAddress) - Method in class rice.environment.params.simple.SimpleParameters
setInetSocketAddress(String, InetSocketAddress) - Method in interface rice.environment.params.Parameters
setInetSocketAddress(String, InetSocketAddress) - Method in class rice.environment.params.simple.SimpleParameters
setInetSocketAddressArray(String, InetSocketAddress[]) - Method in interface rice.environment.params.Parameters
setInetSocketAddressArray(String, InetSocketAddress[]) - Method in class rice.environment.params.simple.SimpleParameters
setInput(Reader) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLParser
Set the input source for parser to the given reader and resets the parser.
setInput(InputStream, String) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLParser
setInt(String, int) - Method in interface rice.environment.params.Parameters
setInt(String, int) - Method in class rice.environment.params.simple.SimpleParameters
setInterestedParty(Handle) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.infostore.EvidenceRecord
setInterestedParty(Handle) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.infostore.PeerInfoRecord.EvidenceRecordImpl
setInternal(MessageRequestHandle<NodeHandle, RawMessage>) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.MRHAdapter
setInternal(MessageRequestHandle<NodeHandle, RawMessage>) - Method in class rice.pastry.transport.PMessageReceiptImpl
See synchronization note on cancel()
setIsProof(boolean) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.infostore.EvidenceRecord
setIsProof(boolean) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.infostore.PeerInfoRecord.EvidenceRecordImpl
setJoinProtocols(Bootstrapper, JoinProtocol, LeafSetProtocol, RouteSetProtocol) - Method in class rice.pastry.PastryNode
setLastCheckedAuth(Authenticator, File, IdStrTranslator<Identifier>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.infostore.PeerInfoRecord
setLastCheckedAuth(Identifier, Authenticator) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.infostore.PeerInfoStore
setLastCheckedAuth(Identifier, Authenticator) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.infostore.PeerInfoStoreImpl
setLiveness(Identifier, int, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.liveness.LivenessTransportLayerImpl
setLiveness(Identifier, int, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.liveness.OverrideLiveness
setLivenessProvider(LivenessProvider<SourceRoute<Identifier>>) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.LivenesSourceRouteForwardStrategy
setLocalNode(PastryNode) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.SocketNodeHandle
setLogDownloadTimeout(int) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.audit.AuditProtocolImpl
setLoggingParams(Environment) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.peerreview.PRRegressionTest
setLogLevel(int) - Method in class rice.selector.SelectorManager
setLogManager(LogManager) - Method in class rice.environment.random.simple.SimpleRandomSource
setLogManager(LogManager) - Method in class rice.environment.time.simulated.DirectTimeSource
setLong(String, long) - Method in interface rice.environment.params.Parameters
setLong(String, long) - Method in class rice.environment.params.simple.SimpleParameters
setMaxAggregateSize(int) - Method in class rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregationImpl
setMaxChildren(ChannelId, int) - Method in class rice.p2p.splitstream.SplitStreamScribePolicy
Adjust the max bandwidth for this channel.
setMaximumSize(int, Continuation) - Method in interface rice.persistence.Cache
Sets the maximum size of the cache, in bytes.
setMaximumSize(int, Continuation) - Method in class rice.persistence.EmptyCache
Sets the maximum size of the cache, in bytes.
setMaximumSize(int, Continuation) - Method in class rice.persistence.LRUCache
Sets the maximum size of the cache, in bytes.
setMaximumSize(int, Continuation) - Method in class rice.persistence.StorageManagerImpl
Sets the maximum size of the cache, in bytes.
setMaxObjectsInAggregate(int) - Method in class rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregationImpl
setMaxSpeed(float) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.direct.EventSimulator
setMaxSpeed(float) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.direct.GenericNetworkSimulator
The max rate of the simulator compared to realtime.
setMaxSpeed(float) - Method in interface rice.pastry.direct.NetworkSimulator
The max rate of the simulator compared to realtime.
setMaxSpeed(float) - Method in class rice.pastry.direct.NetworkSimulatorImpl
setMessage(Message) - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.RouteMessage
Sets the internal message for this message
setMessage(RawMessage) - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.RouteMessage
Sets the internal message for this message Does the same as setMessage(Message) but with better performance, because it doesn't have to introspect if the message is a RawMessage
setMessage(Message) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringRouteMessage
Sets the internal message for this message
setMessage(RawMessage) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringRouteMessage
Better performance.
setMessage(Message) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.testing.PastRegrTest.TestRouteMessage
setMessage(RawMessage) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.testing.PastRegrTest.TestRouteMessage
setMessage(Message) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.testing.RawPastRegrTest.TestRouteMessage
setMessage(RawMessage) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.testing.RawPastRegrTest.TestRouteMessage
setMessage(Message) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.testing.ScribeRegrTest.TestRouteMessage
Sets the Message attribute of the TestRouteMessage object
setMessage(RawMessage) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.testing.ScribeRegrTest.TestRouteMessage
setMessage(Message) - Method in class rice.pastry.commonapi.PastryEndpointMessage
Returns the internal message
setMessage(RawMessage) - Method in class rice.pastry.commonapi.PastryEndpointMessage
Returns the internal message
setMessage(Message) - Method in class rice.pastry.routing.RouteMessage
setMessage(RawMessage) - Method in class rice.pastry.routing.RouteMessage
setMessageDispatch(MessageDispatch) - Method in class rice.pastry.PastryNode
setMetadata(Id, Serializable, Continuation) - Method in interface rice.persistence.Catalog
Updates the metadata stored under the given key to be the provided value.
setMetadata(Id, Serializable, Continuation) - Method in class rice.persistence.EmptyCache
Updates the metadata stored under the given key to be the provided value.
setMetadata(Id, Serializable, Continuation) - Method in class rice.persistence.LRUCache
Updates the metadata stored under the given key to be the provided value.
setMetadata(Id, Serializable, Continuation) - Method in class rice.persistence.MemoryStorage
Updates the metadata stored under the given key to be the provided value.
setMetadata(Id, Serializable, Continuation) - Method in class rice.persistence.PersistentStorage
Updates the metadata stored under the given key to be the provided value.
setMetadata(Id, Serializable, Continuation) - Method in class rice.persistence.StorageManagerImpl
Updates the metadata stored under the given key to be the provided value.
setMultipleHopsAllowed(boolean) - Method in class rice.pastry.routing.SendOptions
setNeighborTimeout(long) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierImpl
setNextExecutionTime(long) - Method in class rice.selector.TimerTask
setNextHop(NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.pastry.routing.RouteMessage
setNextHopHandle(NodeHandle) - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.RouteMessage
Sets the next hop handle for this message
setNextHopHandle(NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringRouteMessage
Sets the next hop handle for this message
setNextHopHandle(NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.testing.PastRegrTest.TestRouteMessage
setNextHopHandle(NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.testing.RawPastRegrTest.TestRouteMessage
setNextHopHandle(NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.testing.ScribeRegrTest.TestRouteMessage
Sets the NextHopHandle attribute of the TestRouteMessage object
setNextHopHandle(NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.pastry.routing.RouteMessage
setNextSeq(long) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.SecureHistory
Sets the next sequence number to be used.
setNextSeq(long) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.SecureHistoryImpl
Sets the next sequence number to be used.
setNodeHandleFetcher(NodeHandleFetcher) - Method in class rice.pastry.PastryNode
setNodesPerStub(int) - Method in class rice.pastry.direct.proximitygenerators.GenericProximityGenerator
setObjectCurrentLifetime(AggregateDescriptor, int, long) - Method in class rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregateList
setObjectRefreshedLifetime(AggregateDescriptor, int, long) - Method in class rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregateList
setOverrideLiveness(OverrideLiveness<LowerIdentifier>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.identity.IdentityImpl
setParent(Topic, NodeHandle, List<Id>) - Method in interface rice.p2p.scribe.maintenance.MaintainableScribe
setParent(Topic, NodeHandle, List<Id>) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeImpl
setParent(NodeHandle, List<Id>) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeImpl.TopicManager
Sets the Parent attribute of the TopicManager object
setPathToRoot(List<Id>) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeImpl.TopicManager
Sets the PathToRoot attribute of the TopicManager object Don't hold the topicManagers lock, this method sends messages
setPending(LivenessTransportLayerImpl<Identifier>.DeadChecker) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.liveness.LivenessTransportLayerImpl.EntityManager
setPolicy(ScribePolicy) - Method in interface rice.p2p.scribe.BaseScribe
Sets the current policy for this scribe object
setPolicy(ScribePolicy) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeImpl
Sets the current policy for this scribe object
setPrevNode(NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.pastry.routing.RouteMessage
setPriority(int) - Method in class rice.pastry.messaging.Message
Set priority.
setProbeStrategy(ProbeStrategy) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.networkinfo.NetworkInfoTransportLayer
setProperty(String, String) - Method in class rice.environment.params.simple.SimpleParameters
Note, this method does not implicitly call store()
setProperty(String, Object) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLParser
setRandom(RandomSource) - Method in interface rice.pastry.direct.ProximityGenerator
setRandom(RandomSource) - Method in class rice.pastry.direct.proximitygenerators.EuclideanProximityGenerator
setRandom(RandomSource) - Method in class rice.pastry.direct.proximitygenerators.GenericProximityGenerator
setRandom(RandomSource) - Method in class rice.pastry.direct.proximitygenerators.SphereNetworkProximityGenerator
setRange(IdRange) - Method in class rice.p2p.replication.manager.ReplicationManagerImpl.ReplicationManagerDeleter
Adds a set of ids to the to-delete list
setRange(IdRange) - Method in class rice.p2p.replication.manager.ReplicationManagerImpl.ReplicationManagerHelper
Method by which the range is set, which will delete any keys from the to fetch list not in the range
setRange(IdRange) - Method in class rice.p2p.replication.manager.ReplicationManagerImpl
This upcall is to notify the application of the range of keys for which it is responsible.
setRange(IdRange) - Method in interface rice.p2p.replication.ReplicationClient
This upcall is to notify the application of the range of keys for which it is responsible.
setRange(IdRange) - Method in class rice.p2p.replication.testing.ReplicationRegrTest.TestReplicationClient
This upcall is to notify the application of the range of keys for which it is responsible.
setRateLimit(int) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierImpl
setReady() - Method in class rice.pastry.PastryNode
Overridden by derived classes to initiate the join process
setReady(boolean) - Method in class rice.pastry.PastryNode
setReady(boolean) - Method in interface rice.pastry.ReadyStrategy
setReady() - Method in class rice.pastry.standard.ConsistentJoinProtocol
This is where we start out, when the StandardJoinProtocol would call setReady();
setReady(boolean) - Method in class rice.pastry.standard.PeriodicLeafSetProtocol
setReady() - Method in class rice.pastry.standard.StandardJoinProtocol
Can be overloaded to do additional things before going ready.
setReadyStrategy(ReadyStrategy) - Method in class rice.pastry.PastryNode
setRenewThreshold(int) - Method in class rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregationImpl
setRerouteIfSuspected(boolean) - Method in class rice.pastry.routing.SendOptions
setResponse() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.messaging.PastMessage
Method which builds a response for this message, using the provided object as a result.
setRoot(Id) - Method in class rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregateList
setRoot(String) - Method in class rice.persistence.PersistentStorage
Sets the root directory that the persistence Manager uses
setRouteMessageNotification(RouteMessageNotification) - Method in class rice.pastry.routing.RouteMessage
setRouterStrategy(RouterStrategy) - Method in class rice.pastry.standard.StandardRouter
setRoutingTable(RoutingTable) - Method in class rice.pastry.routing.RouteSet
setSelect(boolean) - Method in class rice.selector.SelectorManager
setSelectorManager(SelectorManager) - Method in class rice.environment.time.simulated.DirectTimeSource
setSelectorManager(SelectorManager) - Method in class rice.selector.TimerTask
Makes the cancel operation remove the task from the queue as well.
setSender(NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.pastry.messaging.Message
Set sender Id.
setSendIdentifier(boolean) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.multiaddress.MultiInetAddressTransportLayerImpl
Set this to false to prevent sending/receiving the identifier at this layer for the message/socket.
setSendOptions(Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.Endpoint
Uses these options as defaults.
setSendOptions(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringEndpoint
setSendOptions(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCEndpoint
setSendOptions(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class rice.pastry.commonapi.PastryEndpoint
setSignature(byte[]) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.Manifest
setSocketElements(int, int, TransportLayer<NodeHandle, RawMessage>, LivenessProvider<NodeHandle>, ProximityProvider<NodeHandle>, NodeHandleFactory) - Method in class rice.pastry.PastryNode
setSource(NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.ScribeMessage
Method which set this messages' source address
setStatusChangeListener(StatusChangeListener<Identifier>) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.infostore.PeerInfoStore
setStatusChangeListener(StatusChangeListener<Identifier>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.infostore.PeerInfoStoreImpl
setStorageDirectory(File) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.infostore.PeerInfoStore
setStorageDirectory(File) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.infostore.PeerInfoStoreImpl
setStorageSize(long) - Method in class rice.persistence.PersistentStorage
Sets the amount of storage that the persistence Manager uses
setString(String, String) - Method in interface rice.environment.params.Parameters
setString(String, String) - Method in class rice.environment.params.simple.SimpleParameters
setStringArray(String, String[]) - Method in interface rice.environment.params.Parameters
setStringArray(String, String[]) - Method in class rice.environment.params.simple.SimpleParameters
setSubCancellable(Cancellable) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.util.MessageRequestHandleImpl
setSubCancellable(Cancellable) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.util.SocketRequestHandleImpl
setSuspected(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.manager.SourceRouteManagerImpl.AddressManager
Internal method which marks this address as being suspected.
setSyncInterval(int) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierImpl
setSyncMaxFragments(int) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierImpl
setTestRecord(TestRecord) - Method in interface rice.pastry.direct.NetworkSimulator
setTestRecord(TestRecord) - Method in class rice.pastry.direct.NetworkSimulatorImpl
set TestRecord
setTime(long) - Method in class rice.environment.time.simulated.DirectTimeSource
Should be synchronized on the selectorManager
setTimer(Timer) - Method in class rice.persistence.PersistentStorage
Method which allows the persistence root to schedule an event which will tell it to sync the metadata cached.
setTimeToleranceMillis(long) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.commitment.CommitmentProtocol
setTimeToleranceMillis(long) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.commitment.CommitmentProtocolImpl
setTimeToleranceMillis(long) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewImpl
PeerReview checks the timestamps on messages against the local clock, and ignores them if the timestamp is too far out of sync.
setTLCancellable(Cancellable) - Method in class rice.pastry.routing.RouteMessage
setTLOptions(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class rice.pastry.routing.RouteMessage
setTransportLayer(RendezvousTransportLayer<Identifier>) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous.RendezvousStrategy
setTransportLayer(RendezvousTransportLayer<RendezvousSocketNodeHandle>) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.RendezvousApp
setTrashcan(StorageManager) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierImpl
setup(int) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierContinuation
setUp(Continuation) - Method in class rice.persistence.testing.LRUCacheTest
setUp(Continuation) - Method in class rice.persistence.testing.MemoryStorageTest
setUpBeforeClass() - Static method in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.EpochTest
setUpBeforeClass() - Static method in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.LivenessTest
setUpBeforeClass() - Static method in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.MagicNumberTest
setUpBeforeClass() - Static method in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.PriorityTest
setUpBeforeClass() - Static method in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.SRManagerTest
setUpBeforeClass() - Static method in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.SRTest
setUpBeforeClass() - Static method in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.TLTest
setUpBeforeClass() - Static method in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.WireSRTest
setUpBeforeClass() - Static method in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.WireTest
setupParams(Environment) - Method in class rice.p2p.commonapi.testing.CommonAPITest
setupParams(Environment) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.testing.ScribeRegrTest
setupWitnesses() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.peerreview.PRRegressionTest
setValue(Object) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringIdFactory.MultiringMapEntry
setValue(Object) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCIdFactory.GCMapEntry
setVerifier(Verifier) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.playback.ReplaySM
SEVERE - Static variable in class rice.environment.logging.Logger
SEVERE is a message level indicating a serious failure.
SHA1HashProvider - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.hasher
SHA1HashProvider() - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.hasher.SHA1HashProvider
SHARED - Static variable in class rice.p2p.util.testing.IdBloomFilterReplicationTest
shift(int, int) - Method in class rice.pastry.Id.Distance
Shift operator.
shift(int, int, boolean) - Method in class rice.pastry.Id.Distance
Shift operator.
shiftDistance(int, int) - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.Id.Distance
Shift operator.
shiftDistance(int, int) - Method in class rice.pastry.Id.Distance
Shift operator.
shouldBeAggregated(PastContent, int) - Method in class rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregationDefaultPolicy
shouldBeAggregated(PastContent, int) - Method in interface rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregationPolicy
shouldBeReady() - Method in class rice.pastry.standard.PeriodicLeafSetProtocol
shouldBeReplayed - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.audit.ActiveAuditInfo
shouldCheckConnectivity(MultiInetSocketAddress, Collection<InetSocketAddress>) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.internet.InternetPastryNodeFactory
shouldFindExternalAddress(InetAddress) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.internet.InternetPastryNodeFactory
shouldPublish() - Method in class rice.p2p.splitstream.testing.MySplitStreamClient
shutdownOutput() - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.P2PSocket
Disables the output stream for this socket.
shutdownOutput() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.playback.ReplaySocket
shutdownOutput(int) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.playback.ReplayVerifier
shutdownOutput() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.record.RecordSocket
shutdownOutput() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.ReplaySocket
shutdownOutput(int) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.VerifierImpl
shutdownOutput() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.ssl.SSLSocketManager
shutdownOutput() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.util.SocketWrapperSocket
shutdownOutput() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.SocketManager
Method which initiates a shutdown of this socket by calling shutdownOutput().
shutdownOutput() - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.appsocket.AppSocket
Disables the output stream for this socket.
shutdownOutput() - Method in class rice.pastry.transport.SocketAdapter
sign(String, PublicKey) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.pki.x509.CATool
sign(String, PublicKey, Date, long) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.pki.x509.CATool
sign(String, PublicKey) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.pki.x509.CAToolImpl
sign(String, PublicKey, Date, long, X509Certificate, PrivateKey) - Static method in class org.mpisws.p2p.pki.x509.CAToolImpl
sign(String, PublicKey, Date, long) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.pki.x509.CAToolImpl
sign(byte[]) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.identity.CertificateManager
sign(byte[]) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.identity.IdentityTransportLayerImpl
sign(byte[]) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewImpl
sign(byte[], PrivateKey) - Static method in class rice.p2p.util.SecurityUtils
Utility method for signing a block of data with the a private key
SIGN_LEN - Static variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.peerreview.AuthenticatorStoreTest
signature - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.logentry.EvtSendSign
signature - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.logentry.EvtSign
signature - Variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.Manifest
signature - Variable in class rice.p2p.multiring.RingCertificate
SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM - Static variable in class rice.p2p.util.SecurityUtils
The name of the signature algorithm to use.
SIGNATURE_BAD - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewConstants
SIGNATURE_OK - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewConstants
signatures - Variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierRefreshPatchMessage
signatureSize - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.evidence.EvidenceSerializerImpl
signManifest(Manifest, VersionKey) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierDefaultPolicy
SimilarSet - Class in rice.pastry.leafset
A set of nodes, ordered by numerical distance of their Id from the local Id
SimilarSet(LeafSet, NodeHandle, int, boolean) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.leafset.SimilarSet
SimilarSet(LeafSet, NodeHandle, int, boolean, NodeHandle[]) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.leafset.SimilarSet
SimpleAddressStrategy - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.multiaddress
SimpleAddressStrategy() - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.multiaddress.SimpleAddressStrategy
SimpleExceptionStrategy - Class in rice.environment.exception.simple
SimpleExceptionStrategy(LogManager) - Constructor for class rice.environment.exception.simple.SimpleExceptionStrategy
SimpleFileTransferListener - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.filetransfer
Prints out the progress of the FileTransfer
SimpleFileTransferListener(String) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.filetransfer.SimpleFileTransferListener
simpleHash(byte[]) - Static method in class rice.p2p.util.MathUtils
A simple and fast hash function for hashing an arbitrary length byte array into an int.
SimpleIdentityTransportLayer<Identifier,MessageType> - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.simpleidentity
The purpose of this layer is to identify the opener of a TCP connection, because the socket is using an ephemeral port.
SimpleIdentityTransportLayer(TransportLayer<Identifier, MessageType>, Serializer<Identifier>, LocalIdentifierStrategy<Identifier>, Environment, ErrorHandler<Identifier>) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.simpleidentity.SimpleIdentityTransportLayer
SimpleInputBuffer - Class in rice.p2p.util.rawserialization
SimpleInputBuffer(ByteBuffer) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.util.rawserialization.SimpleInputBuffer
SimpleInputBuffer(byte[]) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.util.rawserialization.SimpleInputBuffer
SimpleInputBuffer(byte[], int) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.util.rawserialization.SimpleInputBuffer
SimpleInputBuffer(byte[], int, int) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.util.rawserialization.SimpleInputBuffer
SimpleLogger - Class in rice.environment.logging.simple
This logger writes its name:time:message to the printstream provided, unless the priority is lower than the minimumPriority.
SimpleLogger(String, AbstractLogManager, int, boolean) - Constructor for class rice.environment.logging.simple.SimpleLogger
SimpleLogManager - Class in rice.environment.logging.simple
This class creates loggers that log to a specified PrintStream System.out by default.
SimpleLogManager(PrintStream, TimeSource, Parameters) - Constructor for class rice.environment.logging.simple.SimpleLogManager
SimpleLogManager(PrintStream, TimeSource, Parameters, String, String) - Constructor for class rice.environment.logging.simple.SimpleLogManager
SimpleLogManager(Parameters) - Constructor for class rice.environment.logging.simple.SimpleLogManager
Convienience constructor.
SimpleLogManager(PrintStream, Parameters) - Constructor for class rice.environment.logging.simple.SimpleLogManager
Convienience constructor.
SimpleLogManager(TimeSource, Parameters) - Constructor for class rice.environment.logging.simple.SimpleLogManager
Convienience constructor.
SimpleOutputBuffer - Class in rice.p2p.util.rawserialization
SimpleOutputBuffer(int) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.util.rawserialization.SimpleOutputBuffer
SimpleOutputBuffer() - Constructor for class rice.p2p.util.rawserialization.SimpleOutputBuffer
SimpleParameters - Class in rice.environment.params.simple
This class represents a generic Java process launching program which reads in preferences from a preferences file and then invokes another JVM using those prefs.
SimpleParameters(String[], String) - Constructor for class rice.environment.params.simple.SimpleParameters
SimpleParameters.MyProperties - Class in rice.environment.params.simple
SimpleParameters.MyProperties() - Constructor for class rice.environment.params.simple.SimpleParameters.MyProperties
SimpleProcessor - Class in rice.environment.processing.simple
SimpleProcessor(String) - Constructor for class rice.environment.processing.simple.SimpleProcessor
SimpleRandomSource - Class in rice.environment.random.simple
SimpleRandomSource(long, LogManager, String) - Constructor for class rice.environment.random.simple.SimpleRandomSource
SimpleRandomSource(long, LogManager) - Constructor for class rice.environment.random.simple.SimpleRandomSource
SimpleRandomSource(LogManager) - Constructor for class rice.environment.random.simple.SimpleRandomSource
SimpleRandomSource(LogManager, String) - Constructor for class rice.environment.random.simple.SimpleRandomSource
SimpleSourceRouteStrategy<Identifier> - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.manager.simple
This is a simple implementation of the SourceRouteStrategy.
SimpleSourceRouteStrategy(Identifier, SourceRouteFactory<Identifier>, NextHopStrategy<Identifier>, Environment) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.manager.simple.SimpleSourceRouteStrategy
SimpleTimeSource - Class in rice.environment.time.simple
Uses System.currentTimeMillis() to generate time.
SimpleTimeSource() - Constructor for class rice.environment.time.simple.SimpleTimeSource
SimProcessor - Class in rice.environment.processing.sim
SimProcessor(SelectorManager) - Constructor for class rice.environment.processing.sim.SimProcessor
simulate() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.direct.EventSimulator
Delivers 1 message.
simulate() - Method in class rice.p2p.commonapi.testing.CommonAPITest
In case we're using the direct simulator, this method simulates the message passing.
simulate(int) - Method in class rice.p2p.commonapi.testing.CommonAPITest
simulate() - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.testing.MultiringRegrTest
In case we're using the direct simulator, this method simulates the message passing.
simulate() - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.DirectPastryRegrTest
send one simulated message
simulate() - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.DistPastryRegrTest
simulate() - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.PastryRegrTest
send one simulated message, or return false for a real wire protocol.
simulate() - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.PastryTest
simulate() - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.SinglePingTest
SIMULATE_FIREWALL - Static variable in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.RendezvousSocketPastryNodeFactory
maps to a boolean, if true then simulates a firewall
simulator - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.direct.DirectTransportLayer
simulator - Variable in class rice.p2p.commonapi.testing.CommonAPITest
SIMULATOR - Variable in class rice.p2p.commonapi.testing.CommonAPITest
simulator - Variable in class rice.p2p.multiring.testing.MultiringRegrTest
SIMULATOR - Static variable in class rice.p2p.multiring.testing.MultiringRegrTest
simulator - Variable in class rice.pastry.direct.DirectNodeHandle
simulator - Variable in class rice.pastry.direct.DirectPastryNodeFactory
simulator - Variable in class rice.pastry.direct.NetworkSimulatorImpl
SIMULATOR_EUCLIDEAN - Static variable in class rice.p2p.commonapi.testing.CommonAPITest
SIMULATOR_EUCLIDEAN - Static variable in class rice.p2p.multiring.testing.MultiringRegrTest
SIMULATOR_GT_ITM - Static variable in class rice.p2p.commonapi.testing.CommonAPITest
SIMULATOR_SPHERE - Static variable in class rice.p2p.commonapi.testing.CommonAPITest
SIMULATOR_SPHERE - Static variable in class rice.p2p.multiring.testing.MultiringRegrTest
SimulatorListener - Interface in rice.pastry.direct
Notified for every message that is sent over the network.
since - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.audit.ActiveInvestigationInfo
SINGLE - Static variable in class rice.p2p.util.XMLParser
SinglePingTest - Class in rice.pastry.testing
SinglePingTest A performance test suite for pastry.
SinglePingTest(TestRecord, Environment) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.testing.SinglePingTest
size() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.util.SocketInputBuffer
Note that this is not the number of bytes that can be read without throwing an exception, since some of these bytes may already have been consumed.
size - Variable in class rice.p2p.aggregation.ObjectDescriptor
size() - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.NodeHandleSet
Gets the size of the set.
size() - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringIdFactory.MultiringEntrySet
size() - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringIdFactory.MultiringKeySet
size() - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringIdFactory.MultiringSortedMap
size() - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringNodeHandleSet
Gets the size of the set.
size() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCIdFactory.GCEntrySet
size() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCIdFactory.GCSortedMap
size() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.ImmutableSortedMap
Returns the number of key-value mappings in this map.
size() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.RedBlackMap
Returns the number of key-value mappings in this map.
size() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.ReverseTreeMap
returns the size
size() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.StringCache
Returns the number of key-value mappings in this map.
size() - Method in class rice.pastry.leafset.LeafSet
Gets the current size of the leaf set.
size() - Method in class rice.pastry.leafset.SimilarSet
Gets the current size of this set.
size() - Method in class rice.pastry.NodeSet
Gets the number of elements.
size() - Method in interface rice.pastry.NodeSetI
Gets the size of the set.
size() - Method in class rice.pastry.routing.RouteSet
Return the current size of the set.
SizeChecker - Class in rice.p2p.util.rawserialization
SizeChecker() - Constructor for class rice.p2p.util.rawserialization.SizeChecker
SizeCheckOutputBuffer - Interface in rice.p2p.commonapi.rawserialization
sizeRotateTask - Variable in class rice.environment.logging.file.RotatingLogManager
sleep() - Method in class rice.Continuation.ExternalContinuation
sleep(long) - Method in class rice.environment.time.simple.SimpleTimeSource
sleep(long) - Method in class rice.environment.time.simulated.DirectTimeSource
sleep(long) - Method in interface rice.environment.time.TimeSource
block for this many millis
snippet - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.evidence.ProofInconsistent
snippet - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.evidence.ProofNonconformant
SnippetEntry - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.audit
--entry begin-- // 1 or more of these entries follow char type char sizeCode // 0=hashed, 1-FD=size, FE=32-bit size follows, FF=16-bit size follows {short/int size} char content[] char nextSeqCode // 0=+1, 1=(idx=0,us+=1), 2=(idx=0,us+=2), ..., FF=full seq [does not exist for the last one] {long long seq} --entry end--
SnippetEntry(byte, long, boolean, byte[]) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.audit.SnippetEntry
SnippetEntry(InputBuffer, int, SnippetEntry) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.audit.SnippetEntry
SnippetEntry(InputBuffer, long, int) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.audit.SnippetEntry
socket - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.filetransfer.FileTransferImpl
socket - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.ssl.SSLSocketManager
socket - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.util.SocketWrapperSocket
SOCKET_BUFFER_SIZE - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.TCPLayer
SOCKET_FACTORY_UID - Static variable in class rice.pastry.socket.appsocket.AppSocketPastryNodeFactory
SOCKET_TIMEOUT - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.magicnumber.MagicNumberTransportLayer
socketAccepted(Identifier) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.liveness.LivenessStrategy
SocketAdapter<Identifier> - Class in rice.pastry.transport
SocketAdapter(P2PSocket<Identifier>, Environment) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.transport.SocketAdapter
SocketCallback<Identifier> - Interface in org.mpisws.p2p.transport
socketClosed() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.filetransfer.FileTransferImpl
socketClosed(Identifier, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.SocketCountListener
socketClosed(SourceRoute, P2PSocket, P2PSocket) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.SourceRouteTap
socketClosed(SocketManager) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.TCPLayer
socketConnected(Identifier) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.liveness.LivenessStrategy
SocketCountListener<Identifier> - Interface in org.mpisws.p2p.transport
socketException(int, IOException) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.playback.ReplayLayer
socketException(int, IOException) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.playback.ReplayVerifier
socketException(int, IOException) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.VerifierImpl
SocketFactory - Interface in rice.pastry.socket.appsocket
Allows opening a socket directly to an Application on a FreePastry node.
socketFailed(Identifier) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.liveness.LivenessStrategy
socketId - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.playback.ReplaySocket
socketId - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.ReplaySocket
SocketInputBuffer - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.util
An easy way to read a complete object in from a socket.
SocketInputBuffer(P2PSocket) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.util.SocketInputBuffer
SocketInputBuffer(P2PSocket, int) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.util.SocketInputBuffer
socketIO(int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.playback.ReplayLayer
socketIO(int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.playback.ReplayVerifier
Callback when a socket is ready to read/write.
socketIO(int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.VerifierImpl
SocketManager - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire
SocketManager(TCPLayer, SelectionKey) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.SocketManager
Constructor which accepts an incoming connection, represented by the selection key.
SocketManager(TCPLayer, InetSocketAddress, SocketCallback<InetSocketAddress>, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.SocketManager
Constructor which creates an outgoing connection to the given node handle using the provided address as a source route intermediate node.
SocketNodeHandle - Class in rice.pastry.socket
SocketNodeHandle(MultiInetSocketAddress, long, Id, PastryNode) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.socket.SocketNodeHandle
SocketNodeHandleFactory - Class in rice.pastry.socket
SocketNodeHandleFactory(PastryNode) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.socket.SocketNodeHandleFactory
socketOpened(int) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.playback.ReplayLayer
socketOpened() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.playback.ReplaySocket
socketOpened(int) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.playback.ReplayVerifier
socketOpened() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.ReplaySocket
socketOpened(int) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.VerifierImpl
socketOpened(Identifier, Map<String, Object>, boolean) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.SocketCountListener
socketOpened(SourceRoute, P2PSocket, P2PSocket) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.SourceRouteTap
SocketOpeningTransportLayer<Identifier> - Interface in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire
SocketPastryNodeFactory - Class in rice.pastry.socket
Pastry node factory for Socket-linked nodes.
SocketPastryNodeFactory(NodeIdFactory, int, Environment) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.socket.SocketPastryNodeFactory
SocketPastryNodeFactory(NodeIdFactory, InetAddress, int, Environment) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.socket.SocketPastryNodeFactory
SocketPastryNodeFactory.TLBootstrapper - Class in rice.pastry.socket
SocketPastryNodeFactory.TLBootstrapper(PastryNode, TransportLayer<TransportLayerNodeHandle<MultiInetSocketAddress>, RawMessage>, SocketNodeHandleFactory, ProximityNeighborSelector) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.socket.SocketPastryNodeFactory.TLBootstrapper
SocketPastryNodeFactory.TransLiveness<Identifier,MessageType> - Interface in rice.pastry.socket
SocketPastryNodeFactory.TransLivenessProximity<Identifier,MessageType> - Interface in rice.pastry.socket
SocketRequestHandle<Identifier> - Interface in org.mpisws.p2p.transport
Can cancel the request to open the socket.
SocketRequestHandleImpl<Identifier> - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.util
SocketRequestHandleImpl(Identifier, Map<String, Object>, Logger) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.util.SocketRequestHandleImpl
sockets - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.liveness.LivenessTransportLayerImpl.EntityManager
socketStrategy - Variable in class rice.p2p.past.PastImpl
SocketStrategy - Interface in rice.p2p.past.rawserialization
Past should send larger messages along the Applicaion Level Sockets to not interfere with Pastry's overlay maintenance, and other application traffic.
socketTable - Variable in class rice.pastry.socket.appsocket.AppSocketPastryNodeFactory
Used for getSocketChannel.
SocketWrapperSocket<Identifier,SubIdentifier> - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.util
Just maps a socket from one form into another.
SocketWrapperSocket(Identifier, P2PSocket<SubIdentifier>, Logger, ErrorHandler<Identifier>, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.util.SocketWrapperSocket
SoftHashMap - Class in rice.p2p.util
Class which implements a Soft-Reference based HashMap, allowing the garbage collector to collection stuff if memory pressure is tight.
SoftHashMap() - Constructor for class rice.p2p.util.SoftHashMap
SortedLinkedList<E extends java.lang.Comparable<E>> - Class in rice.p2p.util
SortedLinkedList() - Constructor for class rice.p2p.util.SortedLinkedList
sortedProximityCache() - Method in class rice.pastry.pns.PNSApplication
source - Variable in class rice.p2p.aggregation.messaging.AggregationMessage
source - Variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierMessage
source - Variable in class rice.p2p.multiring.testing.MultiringRegrTest.MultiringTestMessage
source - Variable in class rice.p2p.past.messaging.PastMessage
source - Variable in class rice.p2p.replication.messaging.ReplicationMessage
source - Variable in class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.AbstractSubscribeMessage
source - Variable in class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.ScribeMessage
source - Variable in class rice.tutorial.lookup.LookupService.NodeLookupQuery
SourceRoute<Identifier> - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute
Class which represets a source route to a remote IP address.
SourceRoute(List<Identifier>) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.SourceRoute
SourceRoute(Identifier) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.SourceRoute
SourceRoute(Identifier, Identifier) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.SourceRoute
SourceRouteFactory<Identifier> - Interface in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute
SourceRouteForwardStrategy<Identifier> - Interface in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute
Strategy that gives the opportunity to disallow forwarding of a socket or packet.
SourceRouteManager<Identifier> - Interface in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.manager
The purpose of this class is to hide the detail of sourcerouting.
SourceRouteManagerImpl<Identifier> - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.manager
This class adapts a SourceRoute transport layer back to an Identifier layer.
SourceRouteManagerImpl(SourceRouteFactory<Identifier>, TransportLayer<SourceRoute<Identifier>, ByteBuffer>, LivenessProvider<SourceRoute<Identifier>>, ProximityProvider<SourceRoute<Identifier>>, Environment, SourceRouteStrategy<Identifier>) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.manager.SourceRouteManagerImpl
SourceRouteManagerImpl.AddressManager - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.manager
Internal class which is tasked with maintaining the status of a single remote address.
SourceRouteManagerImpl.AddressManager(Identifier) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.manager.SourceRouteManagerImpl.AddressManager
Constructor, given an address and whether or not it should attempt to find the best route
SourceRouteManagerP2PSocket<Identifier> - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.manager
SourceRouteManagerP2PSocket(P2PSocket<SourceRoute<Identifier>>, Logger, ErrorHandler<Identifier>, Environment) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.manager.SourceRouteManagerP2PSocket
SourceRouteStrategy<Identifier> - Interface in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.manager
SourceRouteTap - Interface in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute
Notified of messages sent to intermediate nodes.
SourceRouteTransportLayer<Identifier> - Interface in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute
SourceRouteTransportLayerImpl<Identifier> - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute
This layer can only send/receive messages from a SourceRoute and determine liveness.
SourceRouteTransportLayerImpl(SourceRouteFactory<Identifier>, TransportLayer<Identifier, ByteBuffer>, SourceRouteForwardStrategy<Identifier>, Environment, ErrorHandler<SourceRoute<Identifier>>) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.SourceRouteTransportLayerImpl
SphereNetwork<Identifier,MessageType> - Class in rice.pastry.direct
Sphere network topology and idealized node life.
SphereNetwork(Environment) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.direct.SphereNetwork
SphereNetworkProximityGenerator - Class in rice.pastry.direct.proximitygenerators
SphereNetworkProximityGenerator(int) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.direct.proximitygenerators.SphereNetworkProximityGenerator
SplitStream - Interface in rice.p2p.splitstream
The interface defines the methods that a splitStream object must implement.
splitStream - Variable in class rice.p2p.splitstream.SplitStreamScribePolicy
A reference to this policy's splitstream object
SplitStreamClient - Interface in rice.p2p.splitstream
This interface allows an application running on top of SplitStream to be notified of events.
SplitStreamContent - Class in rice.p2p.splitstream
This represents data sent through scribe for splitstream
SplitStreamContent(byte[]) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.splitstream.SplitStreamContent
Constructor taking in a byte[]
SplitStreamContent(InputBuffer) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.splitstream.SplitStreamContent
SplitStreamDistTest - Class in rice.p2p.splitstream.testing
SplitStreamDistTest() - Constructor for class rice.p2p.splitstream.testing.SplitStreamDistTest
SplitStreamImpl - Class in rice.p2p.splitstream
This is the implementing class of the ISplitStream interface.
SplitStreamImpl(Node, String) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.splitstream.SplitStreamImpl
Convenience constructor which uses the default SplitStreamScribePolicy.
SplitStreamImpl(Node, String, SplitStreamScribePolicyFactory) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.splitstream.SplitStreamImpl
The constructor for building the splitStream object which internally creates it's own Scribe.
SplitStreamRegrTest - Class in rice.p2p.splitstream.testing
SplitStreamRegrTest(Environment) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.splitstream.testing.SplitStreamRegrTest
Constructor which sets up all local variables
splitstreams - Variable in class rice.p2p.splitstream.testing.SplitStreamRegrTest
SplitStreamScribePolicy - Class in rice.p2p.splitstream
This class represents SplitStream's policy for Scribe, which only allows children according to the bandwidth manager and makes anycasts first traverse all nodes who have the stripe in question as their primary stripe, and then the nodes who do not.
SplitStreamScribePolicy(Scribe, SplitStream) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.splitstream.SplitStreamScribePolicy
Constructor which takes a splitStream object
SplitStreamScribePolicyFactory - Interface in rice.p2p.splitstream
SplitStreamSubscribeContent - Class in rice.p2p.splitstream
This represents data sent through scribe for splitstream during a subscribe
SplitStreamSubscribeContent(int) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.splitstream.SplitStreamSubscribeContent
Constructor taking in a byte[]
SplitStreamSubscribeContent(InputBuffer) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.splitstream.SplitStreamSubscribeContent
SplitStreamTutorial - Class in rice.tutorial.splitstream
This tutorial shows how to use Scribe.
SplitStreamTutorial(int, InetSocketAddress, int, Environment, boolean) - Constructor for class rice.tutorial.splitstream.SplitStreamTutorial
Based on the rice.tutorial.lesson4.DistTutorial This constructor launches numNodes PastryNodes.
SPNFIdentitySerializer - Class in rice.pastry.socket
SPNFIdentitySerializer(PastryNode, SocketNodeHandleFactory) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.socket.SPNFIdentitySerializer
SRManagerTest - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer
SRManagerTest() - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.SRManagerTest
SRTest - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer
SRTest() - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.SRTest
SRTestBypassEpoch - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer
SRTestBypassEpoch() - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.SRTestBypassEpoch
ssclients - Variable in class rice.p2p.splitstream.testing.SplitStreamRegrTest
SSLSocketManager<Identifier> - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.ssl
SSLSocketManager(SSLTransportLayerImpl<Identifier, ?>, P2PSocket<Identifier>, Continuation<SSLSocketManager<Identifier>, Exception>, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.ssl.SSLSocketManager
Called on incoming side
SSLTest - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer
SSLTest() - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.SSLTest
SSLTest2 - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer
SSLTest2() - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.SSLTest2
SSLTestNoClientAuth - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer
SSLTestNoClientAuth() - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.SSLTestNoClientAuth
sslTL - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.ssl.SSLSocketManager
SSLTransportLayer<Identifier,MessageType> - Interface in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.ssl
Optionally Encrypts or Authenticates sockets.
SSLTransportLayerImpl<Identifier,MessageType> - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.ssl
Does not encrypt UDP messages The server authenticates to the client via a CACert
SSLTransportLayerImpl(TransportLayer<Identifier, MessageType>, KeyStore, KeyStore, Environment) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.ssl.SSLTransportLayerImpl
SSLTransportLayerImpl(TransportLayer<Identifier, MessageType>, KeyStore, KeyStore, int, Environment) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.ssl.SSLTransportLayerImpl
stage - Variable in class rice.p2p.splitstream.SplitStreamSubscribeContent
The stage that the client attempting to join is in
STAGE_FINAL - Static variable in class rice.p2p.splitstream.SplitStreamSubscribeContent
The final stage of the join process
STAGE_NON_FINAL - Static variable in class rice.p2p.splitstream.SplitStreamSubscribeContent
The first stage of the join process
STALE_PORT_TIME - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous.EphemeralDBImpl
Time where a NAT will have reset the port to a new forwarding in millis Default 2 hours
StalledSocketException - Exception in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.exception
StalledSocketException(Object, String) - Constructor for exception org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.exception.StalledSocketException
StalledSocketException(InetSocketAddress) - Constructor for exception org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.exception.StalledSocketException
stallTCP() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.MagicNumberTest
3 parts: - Dave opens a TCP socket to Bob but withholds the HEADER - Bob closes the Socket
stamp(Date) - Method in class rice.pastry.messaging.Message
If the message has no timestamp, this will stamp the message.
StandardAddress - Class in rice.pastry.standard
Constructs an address for a specific class and instance name.
StandardAddress() - Constructor for class rice.pastry.standard.StandardAddress
StandardJoinProtocol - Class in rice.pastry.standard
An implementation of a simple join protocol.
StandardJoinProtocol(PastryNode, NodeHandle, RoutingTable, LeafSet) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.standard.StandardJoinProtocol
StandardJoinProtocol(PastryNode, NodeHandle, RoutingTable, LeafSet, MessageDeserializer) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.standard.StandardJoinProtocol
StandardJoinProtocol.SJPDeserializer - Class in rice.pastry.standard
StandardJoinProtocol.SJPDeserializer(PastryNode) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.standard.StandardJoinProtocol.SJPDeserializer
StandardLeafSetProtocol - Class in rice.pastry.standard
An implementation of a simple leaf set protocol.
StandardLeafSetProtocol(PastryNode, NodeHandle, LeafSet, RoutingTable) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.standard.StandardLeafSetProtocol
StandardRouter - Class in rice.pastry.standard
An implementation of the standard Pastry routing algorithm.
StandardRouter(PastryNode, MessageDispatch) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.standard.StandardRouter
StandardRouter(PastryNode, MessageDispatch, RouterStrategy) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.standard.StandardRouter
StandardRouteSetProtocol - Class in rice.pastry.standard
An implementation of a simple route set protocol.
StandardRouteSetProtocol(PastryNode, RoutingTable) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.standard.StandardRouteSetProtocol
StandardRouteSetProtocol(PastryNode, RoutingTable, MessageDeserializer) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.standard.StandardRouteSetProtocol
start() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.direct.EventSimulator
start() - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.direct.GenericNetworkSimulator
start() - Method in class rice.p2p.commonapi.testing.CommonAPITest
Method which starts the creation of nodes
start() - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.testing.MultiringRegrTest
Method which starts the creation of nodes
start() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.testing.XMLObjectStreamUnit
start(String) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLWriter
Method which starts the given tag name
start() - Method in interface rice.pastry.direct.NetworkSimulator
start() - Method in class rice.pastry.direct.NetworkSimulatorImpl
start() - Method in interface rice.pastry.ReadyStrategy
Called when it is time to take over as the renderstrategy.
start(Timer) - Method in class rice.pastry.standard.PartitionHandler
This method starts the PartitionHandler's probing of candidate nodes.
start() - Method in class rice.pastry.standard.PeriodicLeafSetProtocol
start() - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.LeafSetTest
start() - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.PastryNetworkTest
start() - Method in class rice.persistence.testing.GlacierPersistentStorageTest
start() - Method in class rice.persistence.testing.LRUCacheTest
start() - Method in class rice.persistence.testing.MemoryStorageTest
start() - Method in class rice.persistence.testing.Test
startAudits() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.audit.AuditProtocolImpl
startAuditTimer() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.audit.AuditProtocolImpl
startLoggerTask() - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.RoutingTableTest
startPublishTask() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.replay.MyScribeClient
Starts the publish task.
startPublishTask() - Method in class rice.p2p.splitstream.testing.MySplitStreamClient
startPublishTask() - Method in class rice.tutorial.scribe.MyScribeClient
Starts the publish task.
startPublishTask() - Method in class rice.tutorial.splitstream.MySplitStreamClient
Starts the publish task.
startRotateTask(SelectorManager) - Method in class rice.environment.logging.file.RotatingLogManager
startup() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierImpl
statAuthenticator(Identifier, long) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.commitment.AuthenticatorStore
statAuthenticator(Identifier, long) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.commitment.AuthenticatorStoreImpl
state - Variable in class rice.p2p.replication.manager.ReplicationManagerImpl.ReplicationManagerHelper
The current state that we are in
STATE_NOTHING - Variable in class rice.p2p.replication.manager.ReplicationManagerImpl.ReplicationManagerHelper
The set of possible states we can be in
STATE_SEND_AUDIT - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewConstants
STATE_SLEEPING - Variable in class rice.p2p.replication.manager.ReplicationManagerImpl.ReplicationManagerHelper
STATE_WAIT_FOR_LOG - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewConstants
STATE_WAITING - Variable in class rice.p2p.replication.manager.ReplicationManagerImpl.ReplicationManagerHelper
statement - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.statement.IncompleteStatementInfo
Statement<Identifier extends RawSerializable> - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.statement
Statement(Identifier, Identifier, long, Evidence) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.statement.Statement
Statement(InputBuffer, Serializer<Identifier>, EvidenceSerializer) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.statement.Statement
STATEMENT_COMPLETION_TIMEOUT_MILLIS - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.statement.StatementProtocol
statementProtocol - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewImpl
StatementProtocol<Handle,Identifier extends RawSerializable> - Interface in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.statement
The purpose of this protocol is to make sure that we have all the nodeID certificates we need.
StatementProtocolImpl<Handle extends RawSerializable,Identifier extends RawSerializable> - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.statement
StatementProtocolImpl(PeerReview<Handle, Identifier>, ChallengeResponseProtocol<Handle, Identifier>, PeerInfoStore<Handle, Identifier>, IdentityTransport<Handle, Identifier>) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.statement.StatementProtocolImpl
statEntry(long) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.SecureHistory
Retrieve information about a given record
statEntry(long) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.SecureHistoryImpl
Retrieve information about a given record
statFirstUnansweredChallenge(Identifier) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.infostore.PeerInfoStore
statFirstUnansweredChallenge(Identifier) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.infostore.PeerInfoStoreImpl
Look up the first unanswered challenge to a given node
statistics - Variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierImpl
statOngoingAudit(Identifier, long) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.audit.AuditProtocol
statOngoingAudit(Identifier, long) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.audit.AuditProtocolImpl
statProof(Identifier) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.infostore.PeerInfoStore
statProof(Identifier) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.infostore.PeerInfoStoreImpl
stats - Variable in class rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregationImpl
status - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.ssl.SSLSocketManager
STATUS_CONNECTED - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.priority.PriorityTransportLayer
STATUS_CONNECTING - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.priority.PriorityTransportLayer
STATUS_EXPOSED - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.StatusConstants
STATUS_NOT_CONNECTED - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.priority.PriorityTransportLayer
STATUS_SUSPECTED - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.StatusConstants
STATUS_TRUSTED - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.StatusConstants
StatusChangeListener<Identifier> - Interface in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.infostore
StatusConstants - Interface in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview
step() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLParser
Method which steps forward in the buffer
step() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLReader
Advances the parser one step, skipping whitespace
stepDone() - Method in class rice.p2p.commonapi.testing.CommonAPITest
Method which prints the end of a test section step, with an assumed success.
stepDone(String) - Method in class rice.p2p.commonapi.testing.CommonAPITest
Method which prints the end of a test section step.
stepDone(String, String) - Method in class rice.p2p.commonapi.testing.CommonAPITest
Method which prints the end of a test section step, as well as a message.
stepDone() - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.testing.MultiringRegrTest
Method which prints the end of a test section step, with an assumed success.
stepDone(String) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.testing.MultiringRegrTest
Method which prints the end of a test section step.
stepDone(String, String) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.testing.MultiringRegrTest
Method which prints the end of a test section step, as well as a message.
stepDone(String) - Method in class rice.persistence.testing.Test
stepDone(String, String) - Method in class rice.persistence.testing.Test
stepException(Exception) - Method in class rice.p2p.commonapi.testing.CommonAPITest
Method which prints an exception which occured during testing.
stepException(Exception) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.testing.MultiringRegrTest
Method which prints an exception which occured during testing.
stepException(Exception) - Method in class rice.persistence.testing.Test
stepStart(String) - Method in class rice.p2p.commonapi.testing.CommonAPITest
Method which prints the beginning of a test section step.
stepStart(String) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.testing.MultiringRegrTest
Method which prints the beginning of a test section step.
stepStart(String) - Method in class rice.persistence.testing.Test
stop() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.direct.EventSimulator
stop() - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.direct.GenericNetworkSimulator
stop() - Method in interface rice.pastry.direct.NetworkSimulator
stop() - Method in class rice.pastry.direct.NetworkSimulatorImpl
stop() - Method in interface rice.pastry.ReadyStrategy
stop() - Method in class rice.pastry.standard.PeriodicLeafSetProtocol
storage - Variable in class rice.p2p.past.PastImpl
storage - Variable in class rice.p2p.replication.testing.ReplicationRegrTest.TestReplicationClient
Storage - Interface in rice.persistence
This interface is the abstraction of something which provides a local storage service, such as a persistence storage service or an in-memory storage service.
storage - Variable in class rice.persistence.testing.MemoryStorageTest
StorageManager - Interface in rice.persistence
StorageManagerImpl - Class in rice.persistence
This class provides both persistent and caching services to external applications.
StorageManagerImpl(IdFactory, Storage, Cache) - Constructor for class rice.persistence.StorageManagerImpl
Builds a StorageManager given a Storage object to provide storage services and a Cache object to provide caching services.
storages - Variable in class rice.p2p.past.testing.PastRegrTest
storages - Variable in class rice.p2p.past.testing.RawPastRegrTest
store() - Method in interface rice.environment.params.Parameters
Persistently stores the parameters.
store() - Method in class rice.environment.params.simple.SimpleParameters
store(Id, Serializable, Serializable, Continuation) - Method in class rice.persistence.MemoryStorage
Stores the object under the key id.
store(Id, Serializable, Serializable, Continuation) - Method in class rice.persistence.PersistentStorage
Makes the object persistent to disk and stored permanantly If the object is already persistent, this method will simply update the object's serialized image.
store(Id, Serializable, Serializable, Continuation) - Method in interface rice.persistence.Storage
Stores an object in this storage.
store(Id, Serializable, Serializable, Continuation) - Method in class rice.persistence.StorageManagerImpl
Stores an object in this storage.
store - Variable in class rice.persistence.testing.MemoryStorageTest
STORE_SOCKET - Static variable in class rice.pastry.socket.appsocket.AppSocketPastryNodeFactory
storeCheckpoint(OutputBuffer) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewCallback
storeCheckpoint(OutputBuffer) - Method in class rice.pastry.peerreview.PeerReviewCallbackImpl
Store rt/leafset
storedSince - Variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.FragmentMetadata
stream - Variable in class rice.p2p.util.EncryptedInputStream
stream - Variable in class rice.p2p.util.EncryptedOutputStream
STRING - Static variable in class rice.persistence.testing.MemoryStorageTest.VariableId
StringCache - Class in rice.p2p.util
Implementation of a cache of strings
StringCache() - Constructor for class rice.p2p.util.StringCache
Constructs an empty IntHashMap with the default initial capacity (16) and the default load factor (0.75).
StringCacheUnit - Class in rice.p2p.util.testing
StringCacheUnit() - Constructor for class rice.p2p.util.testing.StringCacheUnit
stringTranslator - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewImpl
Stripe - Class in rice.p2p.splitstream
This class encapsulates all data about an individual stripe.
Stripe(StripeId, Scribe, String, Channel, int) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.splitstream.Stripe
The constructor used when creating a stripe from scratch.
stripeBaseBitLength - Variable in class rice.p2p.splitstream.SplitStreamImpl
stripeId - Variable in class rice.p2p.splitstream.Stripe
The stripeId for this stripe
StripeId - Class in rice.p2p.splitstream
This class wraps the nodeId object so we can use type checking and allow more readable and understandable code.
StripeId(Id) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.splitstream.StripeId
Constructor that takes in a nodeId and makes a StripeId
stripes - Variable in class rice.p2p.splitstream.Channel
The list of stripeIds for this channel
StubNATHandler - Class in rice.pastry.socket.nat
StubNATHandler(Environment, InetAddress) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.socket.nat.StubNATHandler
subject - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.evidence.EvidenceTransferProtocolImpl.MessageInfo
subject - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.message.AuthRequest
subject - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.message.AuthResponse
subject - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.statement.Statement
subject - Variable in class rice.pastry.peerreview.FetchLeafsetRequest
Stored in the RouteMessage
subject - Variable in class rice.pastry.peerreview.FetchLeafsetResponse
subMap(Object, Object) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringIdFactory.MultiringSortedMap
subMap(Object, Object) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCIdFactory.GCSortedMap
subMap(Object, Object) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.ImmutableSortedMap
Returns a view of the portion of this sorted map whose keys range from fromKey, inclusive, to toKey, exclusive.
subMap(Object, Object) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.RedBlackMap
Returns a view of the portion of this map whose keys range from fromKey, inclusive, to toKey, exclusive.
subscribe() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.replay.MyScribeClient
Subscribes to myTopic.
subscribe(Topic, ScribeClient) - Method in interface rice.p2p.scribe.BaseScribe
Deprecated. use subscribe(Topic, ScribeMultiClient, ScribeContent, NodeHandle hint)
subscribe(Topic, ScribeClient, ScribeContent) - Method in interface rice.p2p.scribe.javaserialized.JavaScribe
Deprecated. use subscribe(Topic, ScribeMultiClient, ScribeContent, NodeHandle)
subscribe(Topic, ScribeClient, ScribeContent, NodeHandle) - Method in interface rice.p2p.scribe.javaserialized.JavaScribe
Deprecated. use the version with the MultiClient
subscribe(Topic, ScribeMultiClient, ScribeContent, NodeHandle) - Method in interface rice.p2p.scribe.javaserialized.JavaScribe
subscribe(Collection<Topic>, ScribeClient, ScribeContent, NodeHandle) - Method in interface rice.p2p.scribe.javaserialized.JavaScribe
Deprecated. use the version with the MultiClient
subscribe(Collection<Topic>, ScribeMultiClient, ScribeContent, NodeHandle) - Method in interface rice.p2p.scribe.javaserialized.JavaScribe
subscribe(Collection<Topic>, ScribeMultiClient, RawScribeContent, NodeHandle) - Method in interface rice.p2p.scribe.maintenance.MaintainableScribe
subscribe(Topic, ScribeClient, RawScribeContent) - Method in interface rice.p2p.scribe.rawserialization.RawScribe
Deprecated. use subscribe(Topic, ScribeMultiClient, RawScribeContent, NodeHandle)
subscribe(Topic, ScribeClient, RawScribeContent, NodeHandle) - Method in interface rice.p2p.scribe.rawserialization.RawScribe
Deprecated. use the version with the MultiClient
subscribe(Topic, ScribeMultiClient, RawScribeContent, NodeHandle) - Method in interface rice.p2p.scribe.rawserialization.RawScribe
subscribe(Collection<Topic>, ScribeClient, RawScribeContent, NodeHandle) - Method in interface rice.p2p.scribe.rawserialization.RawScribe
Deprecated. use the version with the MultiClient
subscribe(Collection<Topic>, ScribeMultiClient, RawScribeContent, NodeHandle) - Method in interface rice.p2p.scribe.rawserialization.RawScribe
subscribe(Collection<Topic>) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeImpl
subscribe(Topic, ScribeMultiClient) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeImpl
Subscribes the given client to the provided topic.
subscribe(Topic, ScribeClient) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeImpl
Subscribes the given client to the provided topic.
subscribe(Topic, ScribeClient, ScribeContent) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeImpl
subscribe(Topic, ScribeClient, ScribeContent, NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeImpl
subscribe(Topic, ScribeClient, RawScribeContent) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeImpl
subscribe(Topic, ScribeClient, RawScribeContent, NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeImpl
subscribe(Collection<Topic>, ScribeClient, RawScribeContent, NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeImpl
subscribe(Collection<Topic>, ScribeClient, ScribeContent, NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeImpl
subscribe(Topic, ScribeMultiClient, ScribeContent, NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeImpl
subscribe(Topic, ScribeMultiClient, RawScribeContent, NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeImpl
subscribe(Collection<Topic>, ScribeMultiClient, ScribeContent, NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeImpl
subscribe(Collection<Topic>, ScribeMultiClient, RawScribeContent, NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeImpl
subscribe(SplitStreamClient) - Method in class rice.p2p.splitstream.Stripe
Adds a client to this stripe - the client will be informed whenever data arrives for this stripe
subscribe() - Method in class rice.tutorial.scribe.MyScribeClient
Subscribes to myTopic.
subscribe() - Method in class rice.tutorial.splitstream.MySplitStreamClient
Subscribes to all stripes in myChannelId.
SubscribeAckMessage - Class in rice.p2p.scribe.messaging
SubscribeAckMessage(NodeHandle, List<Topic>, List<List<Id>>, int) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.SubscribeAckMessage
Constructor which takes a unique integer Id
subscribeFailed(Topic) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.replay.MyScribeClient
subscribeFailed(Topic) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringNode
Informs the client that a subscribe on the given topic failed - the client should retry the subscribe or take appropriate action.
subscribeFailed(MaintainableScribe, List<Topic>) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.maintenance.ScribeMaintenancePolicy.DefaultScribeMaintenancePolicy
subscribeFailed(MaintainableScribe, List<Topic>) - Method in interface rice.p2p.scribe.maintenance.ScribeMaintenancePolicy
The subscription failed.
subscribeFailed(Topic) - Method in interface rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeClient
Deprecated. Informs the client that a subscribe on the given topic failed - the client should retry the subscribe or take appropriate action.
subscribeFailed(Collection<Topic>) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeImpl.ScribeClientConverter
subscribeFailed(Topic) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeImpl.ScribeClientConverter
subscribeFailed(Topic) - Method in interface rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeMultiClient
Deprecated. use subscribeFailed(Collection topics)
subscribeFailed(Collection<Topic>) - Method in interface rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeMultiClient
Informs the client that a subscribe on the given topic failed - the client should retry the subscribe or take appropriate action.
subscribeFailed - Variable in class rice.p2p.scribe.testing.ScribeRegrTest.TestScribeClient
Whether this client has had a subscribe fail
subscribeFailed(Topic) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.testing.ScribeRegrTest.TestScribeClient
subscribeFailed(Topic) - Method in class rice.p2p.splitstream.Stripe
Informs this client that a subscription failed
subscribeFailed(Topic) - Method in class rice.tutorial.scribe.MyScribeClient
SubscribeFailedMessage - Class in rice.p2p.scribe.messaging
SubscribeFailedMessage(NodeHandle, List<Topic>, int) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.SubscribeFailedMessage
Constructor which takes a unique integer Id
SubscribeLostMessage - Class in rice.p2p.scribe.messaging
SubscribeLostMessage(NodeHandle, Collection<Topic>, int, ScribeMultiClient) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.SubscribeLostMessage
Constructor which takes a unique integer Id
SubscribeMessage - Class in rice.p2p.scribe.messaging
SubscribeMessage(NodeHandle, List<Topic>, int, RawScribeContent) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.SubscribeMessage
Constructor which takes a unique integer Id
SubscribeMessage(NodeHandle, Topic, int, RawScribeContent) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.SubscribeMessage
subscriber - Variable in class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.SubscribeMessage
The original subscriber
subscribeSuccess(Collection<Topic>) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeImpl.ScribeClientConverter
subscribeSuccess(Collection<Topic>) - Method in interface rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeMultiClient
Informs the client that a subscribe on the given topic failed - the client should retry the subscribe or take appropriate action.
subscribeToAllChannels() - Method in class rice.p2p.splitstream.testing.MySplitStreamClient
subSet(IdRange) - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.IdSet
return a subset of this set, consisting of the member ids in a given range
subSet(Id, Id) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.FragmentKeySet
return a subset of this set, consisting of the member ids in a given range
subSet(FragmentKeyRange) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.FragmentKeySet
return a subset of this set, consisting of the member ids in a given range
subSet(IdRange) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.FragmentKeySet
return a subset of this set, consisting of the member ids in a given range
subSet(Id, Id) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.VersionKeySet
return a subset of this set, consisting of the member ids in a given range
subSet(VersionKeyRange) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.VersionKeySet
return a subset of this set, consisting of the member ids in a given range
subSet(IdRange) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.VersionKeySet
return a subset of this set, consisting of the member ids in a given range
subSet(IdRange) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringIdSet
return a subset of this set, consisting of the member ids in a given range
subSet(IdRange) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCIdSet
return a subset of this set, consisting of the member ids in a given range
subSet(Id, Id) - Method in class rice.pastry.IdSet
return a subset of this set, consisting of the member ids in a given range
subSet(IdRange) - Method in class rice.pastry.IdSet
return a subset of this set, consisting of the member ids in a given range
subSet(IdRange) - Method in class rice.pastry.IdSet
return a subset of this set, consisting of the member ids in a given range
subtract(IdRange, boolean) - Method in class rice.pastry.IdRange
subtract the other range from this computes the ranges of keys that are in this but not in o subtracting a range may produce two ranges on the circle; this method produces one such ranges under control of the cwPart parameter
SUCCESS - Static variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.identity.IdentityImpl
SUCCESS - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous.RendezvousStrategy
SUCCESS - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous.RendezvousTransportLayer
SUCCESS - Static variable in class rice.p2p.commonapi.testing.CommonAPITest
SUCCESS - Static variable in class rice.p2p.multiring.testing.MultiringRegrTest
SUCCESS - Static variable in class rice.persistence.testing.Test
SUCCESSFUL_INSERT_THRESHOLD - Variable in class rice.p2p.past.PastImpl
suffix - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.filetransfer.TempFileAllocationStrategy
suspendEncoding() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.Base64.OutputStream
Suspends encoding of the stream.
swap(int, int) - Method in class rice.pastry.leafset.SimilarSet
swap two elements
SYMMETRIC_ALGORITHM - Static variable in class rice.p2p.util.SecurityUtils
The name of the symmetric cipher to use.
SYMMETRIC_GENERATOR - Static variable in class rice.p2p.util.SecurityUtils
The name of the symmetric cipher to use.
SYMMETRIC_IV_LENGTH - Static variable in class rice.p2p.util.SecurityUtils
The length of the symmetric keys
SYMMETRIC_KEY_LENGTH - Static variable in class rice.p2p.util.SecurityUtils
The length of the symmetric keys
syncReceiveException(Exception) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierContinuation
syncReceiveResult(Object) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierContinuation
syncTimeoutExpired() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierContinuation
SYSTEM_ERR - Static variable in class rice.environment.logging.AbstractLogManager
SYSTEM_OUT - Static variable in class rice.environment.logging.AbstractLogManager


TableStore<Key,Value> - Interface in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.table
A subset of the functionality of java.util.Map.
TableTransportLayer<Identifier,Key,Value> - Interface in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.table
Keeps a store of information at each node, such that other nodes can query for the information.
TableTransprotLayerImpl<Identifier,Key,Value> - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.table
TableTransprotLayerImpl(Serializer<Key>, Serializer<Value>, TableStore<Key, Value>, TransportLayer<Identifier, ByteBuffer>, Environment) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.table.TableTransprotLayerImpl
tag - Variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierMessage
TAG_END - Static variable in class rice.p2p.util.XMLParser
TAG_KEY - Static variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous.RendezvousTransportLayerImpl
tags - Variable in class rice.p2p.util.XMLParser
The internal stack of tags which have been read
tagToEphemeral - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous.EphemeralDBImpl
maps tag to ephemeral and timestamp
tailMap(Object) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringIdFactory.MultiringSortedMap
tailMap(Object) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCIdFactory.GCSortedMap
tailMap(Object) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.ImmutableSortedMap
Returns a view of the portion of this sorted map whose keys are greater than or equal to fromKey.
tailMap(Object) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.RedBlackMap
Returns a view of the portion of this map whose keys are greater than or equal to fromKey.
target - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.audit.ActiveAuditInfo
target - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.audit.ActiveInvestigationInfo
target - Variable in exception rice.pastry.routing.NoLegalRouteToMakeProgressException
target - Variable in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.PilotForwardMsg
target - Variable in class rice.pastry.testing.HelloMsg
tbegin - Variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierStatistics
TCP - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.TransportLayerListenerConstants
tcp - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.SocketManager
tcp - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.WireTransportLayerImpl
TCP_NO_DELAY - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.TCPLayer
TCPLayer - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire
TCPLayer(WireTransportLayerImpl, boolean) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.TCPLayer
Which socket to collect.
tcpSuccess(InetSocketAddress, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.networkinfo.ConnectivityResult
tearDownAfterClass() - Static method in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.TLTest
TempFileAllocationStrategy - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.filetransfer
Just creates a temp file, ignoring the filename/size.
TempFileAllocationStrategy() - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.filetransfer.TempFileAllocationStrategy
TempFileAllocationStrategy(String, String) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.filetransfer.TempFileAllocationStrategy
TempFileAllocationStrategy(String, String, File) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.filetransfer.TempFileAllocationStrategy
terminate() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierContinuation
terminated - Variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierContinuation
test(Object) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.testing.XMLObjectStreamUnit
test() - Method in class rice.pastry.direct.proximitygenerators.SphereNetworkProximityGenerator
test(NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.pastry.leafset.LeafSet
Test if a put of the given NodeHandle would succeed.
test(NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.pastry.leafset.SimilarSet
Test if a NodeHandle belongs into the set.
test(NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.pastry.routing.RoutingTable
test(int, DirectNodeHandle) - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.ClosestRegrTest
starts the testing process
test(String, boolean) - Static method in class rice.pastry.testing.IdUnit
test() - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.SinglePingTest
Test - Class in rice.persistence.testing
This class is a class which tests the Storage class in the rice.persistence package.
Test(Environment) - Constructor for class rice.persistence.testing.Test
TEST_FAIL_EXISTING_ARE_BETTER - Static variable in class rice.pastry.routing.RoutingTable
TEST_FAIL_NO_PREFIX_MATCH - Static variable in class rice.pastry.routing.RoutingTable
TEST_SUCCESS_AVAILABLE_SPACE - Static variable in class rice.pastry.routing.RoutingTable
TEST_SUCCESS_BETTER_PROXIMITY - Static variable in class rice.pastry.routing.RoutingTable
TEST_SUCCESS_ENTRY_WAS_DEAD - Static variable in class rice.pastry.routing.RoutingTable
TEST_SUCCESS_NO_ENTRIES - Static variable in class rice.pastry.routing.RoutingTable
testAddNode() - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.testing.ScribeRegrTest
testAPI() - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.testing.ScribeRegrTest
Tests basic publish functionality
testBandwidthUsage() - Method in class rice.p2p.splitstream.testing.SplitStreamRegrTest
testBasic() - Method in class rice.p2p.replication.manager.testing.ReplicationManagerRegrTest
Tests basic functionality
testBasic() - Method in class rice.p2p.replication.testing.ReplicationRegrTest
Tests basic functionality
testBasic(int, String) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.testing.ScribeRegrTest
Tests basic functionality
testBasic() - Method in class rice.p2p.splitstream.testing.SplitStreamRegrTest
Tests routing a Past request to a particular node.
testBoolean(boolean) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.testing.XMLObjectStreamUnit
testBrokenCustomSerializer() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.testing.XMLObjectStreamUnit
testByte(byte) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.testing.XMLObjectStreamUnit
testByteCustomSerializer() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.testing.XMLObjectStreamUnit
testCaching() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.testing.PastRegrTest
Tests the dynamic caching function in Past.
testCaching() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.testing.RawPastRegrTest
Tests the dynamic caching function in Past.
testChar(char) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.testing.XMLObjectStreamUnit
TestContinuation - Class in rice.tutorial.lesson0a
TestContinuation() - Constructor for class rice.tutorial.lesson0a.TestContinuation
TestContinuationAnon - Class in rice.tutorial.lesson0a
Shows an Anonymous inner class version of the continuation.
TestContinuationAnon() - Constructor for class rice.tutorial.lesson0a.TestContinuationAnon
testCumulativeRange() - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.LeafSetTest
testCustomSerializer() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.testing.XMLObjectStreamUnit
testDirect() - Static method in class rice.pastry.testing.MemoryTest
Same thing, but with direct
testDouble(double) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.testing.XMLObjectStreamUnit
testExists(Continuation) - Method in class rice.persistence.testing.MemoryStorageTest
testExternal() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.testing.XMLObjectStreamUnit
testFailure(int) - Method in class rice.p2p.splitstream.testing.SplitStreamRegrTest
testFailureNotification() - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.testing.ScribeRegrTest
Tests failure notification
testFalseAddress() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.EpochTest
testFalseAddressBypass() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.EpochTest
testFetch() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.testing.PastRegrTest
Tests the fetch function in Past.
testFetch() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.testing.RawPastRegrTest
Tests the fetch function in Past.
testFireWallPolicy - Variable in class rice.pastry.socket.SocketPastryNodeFactory
testFloat(float) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.testing.XMLObjectStreamUnit
testHashtable() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.testing.XMLObjectStreamUnit
testHeadMap(Id, Id[], SortedMap) - Static method in class rice.p2p.util.testing.RedBlackMapUnit
testIndependence() - Method in class rice.p2p.splitstream.testing.SplitStreamRegrTest
testInheritedReadResolve() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.testing.XMLObjectStreamUnit
testInheritedWriteReplace() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.testing.XMLObjectStreamUnit
testInt(int) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.testing.XMLObjectStreamUnit
testLeafSets() - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.PastryNetworkTest
testLiveness() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.LivenessTest
testLiveness() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.SRManagerTest
testLong(long) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.testing.XMLObjectStreamUnit
testLookupHandles() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.testing.PastRegrTest
Tests the lookup handles function in Past.
testLookupHandles() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.testing.RawPastRegrTest
Tests the lookup handles function in Past.
testMaintenance() - Method in class rice.p2p.replication.manager.testing.ReplicationManagerRegrTest
Tests maintenance functionality
testMaintenance() - Method in class rice.p2p.replication.testing.ReplicationRegrTest
Tests maintenance functionality
testMaintenance() - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.testing.ScribeRegrTest
Tests basic publish functionality
testMaintenance(int) - Method in class rice.p2p.splitstream.testing.SplitStreamRegrTest
testMultiEnvironment() - Static method in class rice.pastry.testing.MemoryTest
Same test as testOneEnvironment, but also creates/destroys the environment for each node.
testMultipleObjects() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.testing.XMLObjectStreamUnit
testMultiplePrimitives() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.testing.XMLObjectStreamUnit
testMultiSubscribe(int, String) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.testing.ScribeRegrTest
Makes sure that if you subscribe to multiple topics at once that they end up on different nodes.
TestNodeHandleFetcher - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer
TestNodeHandleFetcher() - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.TestNodeHandleFetcher
testNonCumulativeRange() - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.LeafSetTest
testNormalSubMap(Id, Id, Id[], SortedMap) - Static method in class rice.p2p.util.testing.RedBlackMapUnit
testObservers() - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.LeafSetTest
testOneEnvironment() - Static method in class rice.pastry.testing.MemoryTest
The idea is to keep a ring of about 10 nodes alive, but one by one recycle the nodes out.
testOtherSet(SimilarSet, NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.pastry.leafset.LeafSet
testOverload() - Method in class rice.p2p.replication.manager.testing.ReplicationManagerRegrTest
Tests basic functionality
testProximity() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.LivenessTest
testProximity() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.SRManagerTest
testPutFields() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.testing.XMLObjectStreamUnit
testReadResolve() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.testing.XMLObjectStreamUnit
TestRecord - Class in rice.pastry.direct
TestRecord(int, int) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.direct.TestRecord
testRemove(SortedMap) - Static method in class rice.p2p.util.testing.RedBlackMapUnit
testRemove(SortedMap, Id[], Id) - Static method in class rice.p2p.util.testing.RedBlackMapUnit
testRetreival(Continuation) - Method in class rice.persistence.testing.MemoryStorageTest
testRouteRequest() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.testing.PastRegrTest
Tests routing a Past request to a particular node.
testRouteRequest() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.testing.RawPastRegrTest
Tests routing a Past request to a particular node.
testRouteRow(int) - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.PastryNetworkTest
testRoutingTables() - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.PastryNetworkTest
testSerialPersistentFields() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.testing.XMLObjectStreamUnit
testShort(short) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.testing.XMLObjectStreamUnit
testSingleRoot(String) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.testing.ScribeRegrTest
testSocketThreadSafety() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.TLTest
TestSortedLinkedList - Class in rice.p2p.util.testing
TestSortedLinkedList() - Constructor for class rice.p2p.util.testing.TestSortedLinkedList
testSortedMap(int, SortedMap, IdFactory, RandomSource, int) - Static method in class rice.p2p.util.testing.RedBlackMapUnit
testStress() - Method in class rice.p2p.replication.manager.testing.ReplicationManagerRegrTest
Tests basic functionality
testSubExternal() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.testing.XMLObjectStreamUnit
testTailMap(Id, Id[], SortedMap) - Static method in class rice.p2p.util.testing.RedBlackMapUnit
testUnreadData() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.testing.XMLObjectStreamUnit
testUnserializableObject() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.testing.XMLObjectStreamUnit
testUnshared() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.testing.XMLObjectStreamUnit
testVariableLength() - Method in class rice.persistence.testing.MemoryStorageTest
testVersionControl() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.testing.PastRegrTest
Tests overwriting an exiting object with a new one
testVersionControl() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.testing.RawPastRegrTest
Tests overwriting an exiting object with a new one
testWrappedSubMap(Id, Id, Id[], SortedMap) - Static method in class rice.p2p.util.testing.RedBlackMapUnit
testWriteReplace() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.testing.XMLObjectStreamUnit
text - Variable in class rice.p2p.util.XMLParser
If the tag parsed was text, the text
thePastryNode - Variable in class rice.pastry.client.PastryAppl
THREAD - Variable in class rice.environment.processing.simple.SimpleProcessor
TI_AUTH_PUSH - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewConstants
TI_CHECKPOINT - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewConstants
TI_MAINTENANCE - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewConstants
TI_MAKE_PROGRESS - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewConstants
TI_MAKE_PROGRESS - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.statement.StatementProtocol
TI_MAX_RESERVED - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewConstants
TI_PROGRESS - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.commitment.CommitmentProtocolImpl
TI_START_AUDITS - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewConstants
TI_STATUS_INFO - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewConstants
time - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.bandwidthmeasure.BandwidthMeasuringTransportLayer
time - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.liveness.LivenessTransportLayerImpl
time - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous.RendezvousTransportLayerImpl
time - Variable in class rice.environment.logging.AbstractLogManager
time - Variable in class rice.environment.time.simulated.DirectTimeSource
time - Variable in class rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregationStatistics
TIME_TO_FIND_FAULTY - Static variable in class rice.p2p.commonapi.testing.CommonAPITest
TIMEOUT - Static variable in class rice.selector.SelectorManager
TIMEOUT_DELAY - Variable in class rice.p2p.replication.manager.ReplicationManagerImpl
The amount of time to wait before giving up on a client fetch
TimeoutException - Exception in rice.p2p.commonapi.exception
TimeoutException() - Constructor for exception rice.p2p.commonapi.exception.TimeoutException
TimeoutException(String) - Constructor for exception rice.p2p.commonapi.exception.TimeoutException
TimeoutException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception rice.p2p.commonapi.exception.TimeoutException
timeoutExpired() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierContinuation
TimeoutMessage - Class in rice.p2p.replication.manager.messaging
TimeoutMessage(Id) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.replication.manager.messaging.TimeoutMessage
Constructor which takes a unique integer Id
TimeoutResponseStrategy<Identifier> - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous
This impl allows responses up to timeout millis later.
TimeoutResponseStrategy(int, Environment) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous.TimeoutResponseStrategy
timeouts - Variable in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCIdSet
timer - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.limitsockets.LimitSocketsTransportLayer
timer - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.liveness.LivenessTransportLayerImpl
timer - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.SocketManager
timer - Variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierImpl
timer - Variable in class rice.pastry.pns.PNSApplication
Timer - Interface in rice.selector
timerQueue - Variable in class rice.selector.SelectorManager
timers - Variable in class rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregationImpl
TimerTask - Class in rice.selector
TimerTask() - Constructor for class rice.selector.TimerTask
TimerWeakHashMap<K,V> - Class in rice.p2p.util
Weak hash map that holds hard link to keys for a minimum time.
TimerWeakHashMap(Timer, int) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.util.TimerWeakHashMap
TimerWeakHashMap.HardLinkTimerTask - Class in rice.p2p.util
TimerWeakHashMap.HardLinkTimerTask(Object) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.util.TimerWeakHashMap.HardLinkTimerTask
timeSource - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.direct.EventSimulator
timeSource - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.nat.FirewallTLImpl
TimeSource - Interface in rice.environment.time
Virtualized clock for FreePastry.
timeSource - Variable in class rice.selector.SelectorManager
timestamp - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.infostore.PeerInfoRecord.EvidenceRecordImpl
timestamp - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.message.AuthRequest
timestamp - Variable in class rice.pastry.join.JoinRequest
timeToleranceMillis - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewImpl
tl - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.limitsockets.LimitSocketsTransportLayer
tl - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.liveness.LivenessTransportLayerImpl
tl - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.nat.FirewallTLImpl
tl - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.networkinfo.NetworkInfoTransportLayer
tl - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rc4.RC4TransportLayer
Default 1 1 = encrypt 0 = don't encrypt Need to implemet this before we add it to the API
tl - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous.RendezvousTransportLayerImpl
tl - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.simpleidentity.SimpleIdentityTransportLayer
tl - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.ssl.SSLTransportLayerImpl
tl - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.table.TableTransprotLayerImpl
tl - Variable in class rice.pastry.PastryNode
The top level transport layer.
tl - Variable in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.RendezvousApp
tl - Variable in class rice.pastry.socket.SocketPastryNodeFactory.TLBootstrapper
tl - Variable in class rice.tutorial.transportlayer.BandwidthLimitingTransportLayer
The lower level transport layer.
TLDeserializer - Class in rice.pastry.transport
TLDeserializer(NodeHandleFactory, Environment) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.transport.TLDeserializer
TLTest<Identifier> - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer
TLTest() - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.TLTest
to - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.evidence.ChallengeAudit
to - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.evidence.ProofNonconformant
Authenticates the last entry in the snippet
toArray() - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringIdFactory.MultiringEntrySet
toArray(Object[]) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringIdFactory.MultiringEntrySet
toArray() - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringIdFactory.MultiringKeySet
toArray(Object[]) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringIdFactory.MultiringKeySet
toArray() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCIdFactory.GCEntrySet
toArray(Object[]) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCIdFactory.GCEntrySet
toBase64(byte[]) - Static method in class rice.p2p.util.MathUtils
Utility method which converts a byte[] to a base64 string of characters, in lower case
toByteArray() - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.Id
Returns a (mutable) byte array representing this Id
toByteArray(byte[], int) - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.Id
Stores the byte[] value of this Id in the provided byte array
toByteArray() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.FragmentKey
toByteArray(byte[], int) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.FragmentKey
Stores the byte[] value of this Id in the provided byte array
toByteArray() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.VersionKey
toByteArray(byte[], int) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.VersionKey
Stores the byte[] value of this Id in the provided byte array
toByteArray() - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.RingId
Returns a (mutable) byte array representing this Id
toByteArray(byte[], int) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.RingId
Stores the byte[] value of this Id in the provided byte array
toByteArray() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCId
Returns a (mutable) byte array representing this Id
toByteArray(byte[], int) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCId
Stores the byte[] value of this Id in the provided byte array
toByteArray() - Method in class rice.pastry.Id
Returns the byte array representation of this Id
toByteArray(byte[], int) - Method in class rice.pastry.Id
Stores the byte[] value of this Id in the provided byte array
toByteArray() - Method in class rice.persistence.testing.MemoryStorageTest.VariableId
toByteArray(byte[], int) - Method in class rice.persistence.testing.MemoryStorageTest.VariableId
toHex(byte[]) - Static method in class rice.p2p.util.MathUtils
Utility method which converts a byte[] to a hexadecimal string of characters, in lower case
tokenBucket - Variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierImpl
TooManyRouteAttempts - Exception in rice.pastry.standard
TooManyRouteAttempts(RouteMessage, int) - Constructor for exception rice.pastry.standard.TooManyRouteAttempts
topEntry - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.SecureHistoryImpl
topic - Variable in class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.ScribeMessage
topic - Variable in class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeImpl.TopicManager
topic - Variable in class rice.p2p.scribe.testing.ScribeRegrTest.TestScribeContent
Topic - Class in rice.p2p.scribe
Topic(Id) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.scribe.Topic
Constructor which takes an Id for this topic
Topic(IdFactory, String) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.scribe.Topic
Constructor which takes a name for this topic
Topic(InputBuffer, Endpoint) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.scribe.Topic
topic - Variable in class rice.p2p.splitstream.Stripe
The topic corresponding to this stripeId
topic - Variable in class rice.pastry.testing.RoutingTableTest.TestScribeContent
topicManagers - Variable in class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeImpl
the hashtable of topic -> TopicManager
topics - Variable in class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.AbstractSubscribeMessage
You can now subscribe to a bunch of Topics at the same time.
topics - Variable in class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.SubscribeLostMessage
topics - Variable in class rice.p2p.scribe.testing.ScribeRegrTest.TestScribeClient
The topic this client is listening for
topicsAcked(Collection<Topic>) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.SubscribeLostMessage
toRawScribeContent(ScribeContent) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeImpl
toString() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.replay.MyScribeContent
Ye ol' toString()
toString() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.direct.DirectAppSocket
toString() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.limitsockets.LimitSocketsTransportLayer
toString() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.liveness.LivenessTransportLayerImpl.DeadChecker
toString() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.liveness.LivenessTransportLayerImpl.EntityManager
toString() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.liveness.LivenessTransportLayerImpl
toString() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.liveness.PingMessage
toString() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.liveness.PongMessage
toString() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.multiaddress.MultiInetAddressTransportLayerImpl
toString() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.multiaddress.MultiInetSocketAddress
Internal method for computing the toString of an array of InetSocketAddresses
toString() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.audit.LogSnippet
toString() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.audit.SnippetEntry
toString() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.commitment.Authenticator
toString() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.IndexEntry
toString(Identifier) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.infostore.IdStrTranslator
toString() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.message.UserDataMessage
toString() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.proximity.MinRTTProximityProvider.EntityManager
toString() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rendezvous.RendezvousTransportLayerImpl
toString() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.manager.SourceRouteManagerImpl.AddressManager
toString() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.SourceRoute
Internal method for computing the toString of an array of InetSocketAddresses
toString() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.ssl.SSLSocketManager
toString() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.util.FileInputBuffer
toString() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.util.MessageRequestHandleImpl
toString() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.util.SocketRequestHandleImpl
toString() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.util.SocketWrapperSocket
toString() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.magicnumber.MagicNumberTransportLayer.VerifyHeaderReceiver
toString() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.SocketManager
toString() - Method in class rice.Continuation.NamedContinuation
Returns the name of this continuation
toString() - Method in class rice.environment.logging.simple.SimpleLogger
toString() - Method in class rice.environment.logging.simple.SimpleLogManager
toString() - Method in class rice.p2p.aggregation.messaging.AggregationTimeoutMessage
toString() - Method in class rice.p2p.aggregation.ObjectDescriptor
toString() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.FragmentKey
toString() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.FragmentKeyRange
Prints out the string
toString() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.FragmentKeySet
Returns a string representation of the IdSet.
toString() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.BloomFilter
toString() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierContinuation
toString() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.Manifest
toString() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierDataMessage
toString() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierFetchMessage
toString() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierNeighborRequestMessage
toString() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierNeighborResponseMessage
toString() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierQueryMessage
toString() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierRangeForwardMessage
toString() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierRangeQueryMessage
toString() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierRangeResponseMessage
toString() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierRefreshCompleteMessage
toString() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierRefreshPatchMessage
toString() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierRefreshProbeMessage
toString() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierRefreshResponseMessage
toString() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierResponseMessage
toString() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierSyncMessage
toString() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierTimeoutMessage
Returns a string representation of this message
toString() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.VersionKey
toString() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.VersionKeyRange
Prints out the string
toString() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.VersionKeySet
Returns a string representation of the IdSet.
toString() - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringApplication
toString() - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringEndpoint
toString() - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringIdRange
Prints out the string
toString() - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringIdSet
Prints out the string
toString() - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringNode
Prints out the string
toString() - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringNodeHandle
Prints out the string
toString() - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringNodeHandleSet
Prints out the string
toString() - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.RingCertificate
Returns a string of this object
toString() - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.RingId
Returns a string representing this ring Id.
toString() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCEndpoint
toString() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCId
Returns a string representing this ring Id.
toString() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCIdRange
Returns a string
toString() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCIdSet
Prints out the string
toString() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCNode
Prints out the string
toString() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCPastImpl
toString() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCPastMetadata
toString() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.messaging.GCCollectMessage
Returns a string representation of this message
toString() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.messaging.GCInsertMessage
Returns a string representation of this message
toString() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.messaging.GCLookupHandlesMessage
Returns a string representation of this message
toString() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.messaging.GCRefreshMessage
Returns a string representation of this message
toString() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.rawserialization.JavaSerializedGCPastContent
toString() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.rawserialization.JavaSerializedGCPastContentHandle
toString() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.messaging.CacheMessage
Returns a string representation of this message
toString() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.messaging.FetchHandleMessage
Returns a string representation of this message
toString() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.messaging.FetchMessage
Returns a string representation of this message
toString() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.messaging.InsertMessage
Returns a string representation of this message
toString() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.messaging.LookupHandlesMessage
Returns a string representation of this message
toString() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.messaging.LookupMessage
Returns a string representation of this message
toString() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.messaging.MessageLostMessage
Returns a string representation of this message
toString() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.PastImpl
toString() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.rawserialization.JavaSerializedPastContent
toString() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.rawserialization.JavaSerializedPastContentHandle
toString() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.testing.PastRegrTest.TestPastContent
toString() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.testing.PastRegrTest.VersionedTestPastContent
toString() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.testing.RawPastRegrTest.NonOverwritingTestPastContent
toString() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.testing.RawPastRegrTest.TestPastContent
toString() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.testing.RawPastRegrTest.VersionedTestPastContent
toString() - Method in class rice.p2p.replication.manager.testing.ReplicationManagerRegrTest.TestReplicationManagerClient
toString() - Method in class rice.p2p.replication.messaging.RequestMessage
toString() - Method in class rice.p2p.replication.messaging.ResponseMessage
toString() - Method in class rice.p2p.replication.ReplicationImpl.BloomFilterExecutable
toString() - Method in class rice.p2p.replication.testing.ReplicationRegrTest.TestReplicationClient
toString() - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.AbstractSubscribeMessage
toString() - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.AnycastFailureMessage
toString() - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.AnycastMessage
toString() - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.MaintenanceMessage
toString() - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.PublishMessage
toString() - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.PublishRequestMessage
toString() - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.SubscribeAckMessage
Returns a String representation of this ack
toString() - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.SubscribeMessage
Returns a String represneting this message
toString() - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.rawserialization.JavaSerializedScribeContent
toString() - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeImpl.TopicManager
toString() - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeImpl
toString() - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.testing.ScribeRegrTest.TestScribeClient
toString() - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.testing.ScribeRegrTest.TestScribeContent
toString() - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.Topic
Returns a String representation of this topic
toString() - Method in class rice.p2p.splitstream.ChannelId
toString() - Method in class rice.p2p.splitstream.Stripe
Returns a String representation of this Stripe
toString() - Method in class rice.p2p.splitstream.StripeId
toString() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.rawserialization.JavaSerializedMessage
toString() - Method in class rice.pastry.commonapi.PastryEndpoint
toString() - Method in class rice.pastry.commonapi.PastryEndpointMessage
Returns the String representation of this message
toString() - Method in class rice.pastry.direct.DeliveryTimerTask
toString() - Method in class rice.pastry.direct.DirectNodeHandle
toString() - Method in class rice.pastry.direct.DirectTimerTask
toString() - Method in class rice.pastry.dist.DistNodeHandle
Returns a String representation of this DistNodeHandle.
toString() - Method in class rice.pastry.Id.Distance
Returns a string representation of the distance The string is a byte string from most to least significant.
toString() - Method in class rice.pastry.Id
Returns a string representation of the Id in base 16.
toString() - Method in class rice.pastry.IdRange
Returns a string representation of the range.
toString() - Method in class rice.pastry.IdSet
Returns a string representation of the IdSet.
toString() - Method in class rice.pastry.join.InitiateJoin
toString() - Method in class rice.pastry.join.JoinRequest
toString() - Method in class rice.pastry.leafset.BroadcastLeafSet
toString() - Method in class rice.pastry.leafset.LeafSet
Returns a string representation of the leaf set
toString() - Method in class rice.pastry.leafset.RequestLeafSet
toString() - Method in class rice.pastry.leafset.SimilarSet
toString() - Method in class rice.pastry.leafset.testing.MergeTest.TestNodeHandle
toString() - Method in class rice.pastry.NodeSet
Returns a string representation of the NodeSet
toString() - Method in class rice.pastry.PastryNode
toString() - Method in class rice.pastry.pns.messages.RouteRowRequest
toString() - Method in class rice.pastry.pns.messages.RouteRowResponse
toString() - Method in class rice.pastry.routing.BroadcastRouteRow
toString() - Method in class rice.pastry.routing.RequestRouteRow
toString() - Method in class rice.pastry.routing.RouteMessage
toString() - Method in class rice.pastry.routing.RouteSet
toString() - Method in class rice.pastry.routing.RoutingTable
produces a String representation of the routing table, showing the number of node handles in each entry
toString() - Method in class rice.pastry.ScheduledMessage
toString() - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.EpochInetSocketAddress
Internal method for computing the toString of an array of InetSocketAddresses
toString() - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.ByteBufferMsg
toString() - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.OpenChannelMsg
toString() - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.PilotForwardMsg
toString() - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.RendezvousApp
toString() - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.RendezvousJoinRequest
toString() - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.RendezvousSocketNodeHandle
toString() - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.SocketNodeHandle
Returns a String representation of this DistNodeHandle.
toString() - Method in class rice.pastry.standard.ConsistentJoinMsg
toString() - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.HelloMsg
toString() - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.LeafSetTest.TestNodeHandle
toString() - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.PingMessageNew
toString() - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.rendezvous.MyApp
toString() - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.rendezvous.MyMsg
toString() - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.RoutingTableTest.MyApp
toString() - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.RoutingTableTest.TestScribeContent
toString() - Method in class rice.pastry.transport.BogusNodeHandle
toString() - Method in class rice.pastry.transport.PMessageReceiptImpl
toString() - Method in class rice.pastry.transport.SocketAdapter
toString() - Method in class rice.tutorial.appsocket.MyApp
toString() - Method in class rice.tutorial.deterministicsimulator.MyApp
toString() - Method in class rice.tutorial.deterministicsimulator.MyMsg
toString() - Method in class rice.tutorial.direct.MyApp
toString() - Method in class rice.tutorial.direct.MyMsg
toString() - Method in class rice.tutorial.forwarding.MyApp
toString() - Method in class rice.tutorial.forwarding.MyMsg
toString() - Method in class rice.tutorial.gtitm.MyApp
toString() - Method in class rice.tutorial.gtitm.MyMsg
toString() - Method in class rice.tutorial.lesson3.MyApp
toString() - Method in class rice.tutorial.lesson3.MyMsg
toString() - Method in class rice.tutorial.lesson4.MyApp
toString() - Method in class rice.tutorial.lesson4.MyMsg
toString() - Method in class rice.tutorial.past.MyPastContent
A descriptive toString()
toString() - Method in class rice.tutorial.prioritylistener.MyApp
toString() - Method in class rice.tutorial.prioritylistener.MyMsg
toString() - Method in class rice.tutorial.rawserialization.MyApp
toString() - Method in class rice.tutorial.rawserialization.MyMsg
toString() - Method in class rice.tutorial.rawserialization2.MyApp
toString() - Method in class rice.tutorial.rawserialization2.MyMsg
toString() - Method in class rice.tutorial.remotesocket.MyApp
toString() - Method in class rice.tutorial.scribe.MyScribeContent
Ye ol' toString()
toString() - Method in class rice.tutorial.sendfile.MyApp
toString() - Method in class rice.tutorial.ssl.MyApp
toString() - Method in class rice.tutorial.ssl.MyMsg
toString() - Method in class rice.tutorial.timer.MyApp
toString() - Method in class rice.tutorial.transportdirect.MyApp
toString() - Method in class rice.tutorial.transportdirect.MyMsg
toString() - Method in class rice.tutorial.transportlayer.MyApp
toString() - Method in class rice.tutorial.transportlayer.MyMsg
toStringBare() - Method in class rice.pastry.Id
Similar to toString(), but not wrapped by <0x ..>
toStringFull() - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.Id
Returns a string representing the full length of this Id.
toStringFull() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.FragmentKey
toStringFull() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.Manifest
toStringFull() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.VersionKey
toStringFull() - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.RingId
Returns a string representing the full length of this Id.
toStringFull() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCId
Returns a string representing the full length of this Id.
toStringFull() - Method in class rice.pastry.Id
Returns the complete represntation of this Id, in hex.
toStringFull() - Method in class rice.pastry.routing.BroadcastRouteRow
toStringFull() - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.SocketNodeHandle
toStringFull() - Method in class rice.persistence.testing.MemoryStorageTest.VariableId
toStringShort(StringBuffer) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.multiaddress.MultiInetSocketAddress
totalObjectsSize - Variable in class rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregationStatistics
touch(LimitSocketsTransportLayer<Identifier, MessageType>.LSSocket) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.limitsockets.LimitSocketsTransportLayer
toVisit - Variable in class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.AnycastMessage
the list of nodes which we are going to visit
tran - Static variable in class rice.pastry.Id
The static translation array
trans(char) - Static method in class rice.pastry.Id
Internal method for mapping digit -> num
trans(byte[]) - Static method in class rice.pastry.Id
Internal method for mapping byte[] -> int[]
trans(String) - Static method in class rice.pastry.Id
Static method for converting the hex representation into an array of ints.
transferCancelled(Receipt, boolean) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.filetransfer.FileTransferListener
transferCancelled(Receipt, boolean) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.filetransfer.SimpleFileTransferListener
transferFailed(Receipt, boolean) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.filetransfer.FileTransferListener
transferFailed(Receipt, boolean) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.filetransfer.SimpleFileTransferListener
TransferFailedException - Exception in org.mpisws.p2p.filetransfer
TransferFailedException(Receipt) - Constructor for exception org.mpisws.p2p.filetransfer.TransferFailedException
translateDown(UpperIdentifier) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.identity.IdentitySerializer
translateDown(TransportLayerNodeHandle<MultiInetSocketAddress>) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.SPNFIdentitySerializer
translateUp(LowerIdentifier) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.identity.IdentitySerializer
translateUp(SourceRoute<MultiInetSocketAddress>) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.SPNFIdentitySerializer
Translator<MiddleIdentifier,UpperIdentifier> - Interface in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.identity
transmit(Handle, PeerReviewMessage, MessageCallback<Handle, ByteBuffer>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReview
transmit(Handle, PeerReviewMessage, MessageCallback<Handle, ByteBuffer>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewImpl
Note, must include PEER_REVIEW_COMMIT and the type
transport - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewImpl
transport - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.VerifierImpl
transport - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.statement.StatementProtocolImpl
TRANSPORT_TYPE_DATAGRAM - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.WireTransportLayer
TRANSPORT_TYPE_GUARANTEED - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.WireTransportLayer
Note this does not provide end-to-end guarantee.
TransportLayer<Identifier,MessageType> - Interface in org.mpisws.p2p.transport
The transport layer does provides the minimum functionality to provide communication with flow control.

The Identifier is the type of identifier this transport layer exports.
TransportLayerCallback<Identifier,MessageType> - Interface in org.mpisws.p2p.transport
Used to receive incoming messages/sockets.
TransportLayerListener<Identifier> - Interface in org.mpisws.p2p.transport
Can be installed on a ListenableTransportLayer
TransportLayerListenerConstants - Interface in org.mpisws.p2p.transport
TransportLayerNodeHandle<Identifier> - Class in rice.pastry.socket
Parallel interface to the CommonAPI NodeHandle, because it is an abstract object to gain the observer pattern.
TransportLayerNodeHandle() - Constructor for class rice.pastry.socket.TransportLayerNodeHandle
TransportPastryNodeFactory - Class in rice.pastry.transport
TransportPastryNodeFactory(Environment) - Constructor for class rice.pastry.transport.TransportPastryNodeFactory
trash - Variable in class rice.p2p.past.PastImpl
trashStorage - Variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierImpl
trashStorageSize - Variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierStatistics
tries - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.liveness.LivenessTransportLayerImpl.DeadChecker
tryingToGoReady - Variable in class rice.pastry.standard.ConsistentJoinProtocol
Suppresses sendTheMessage() if we are not ready to do this part of the join process, or we are already done.
Tuple<A,B> - Class in rice.p2p.util.tuples
Tuple(A, B) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.util.tuples.Tuple
Tuple3<A,B,C> - Class in rice.p2p.util.tuples
Tuple3(A, B, C) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.util.tuples.Tuple3
Tutorial - Class in rice.tutorial.appsocket
This tutorial shows how to setup a FreePastry node using the Socket Protocol.
Tutorial(int, InetSocketAddress, int, Environment, boolean) - Constructor for class rice.tutorial.appsocket.Tutorial
This constructor launches numNodes PastryNodes.
Tutorial - Class in rice.tutorial.remotesocket
This tutorial shows how to setup a FreePastry node using the Socket Protocol.
Tutorial(int, InetSocketAddress, int, Environment, boolean) - Constructor for class rice.tutorial.remotesocket.Tutorial
This constructor launches numNodes PastryNodes.
Tutorial - Class in rice.tutorial.sendfile
This tutorial shows how to setup a FreePastry node using the Socket Protocol.
Tutorial(int, InetSocketAddress, int, Environment, boolean) - Constructor for class rice.tutorial.sendfile.Tutorial
This constructor launches numNodes PastryNodes.
Tutorial2 - Class in rice.tutorial.remotesocket
This tutorial shows how to setup a FreePastry node using the Socket Protocol.
Tutorial2(int, InetSocketAddress, int, Environment, boolean) - Constructor for class rice.tutorial.remotesocket.Tutorial2
This constructor launches numNodes PastryNodes.
type - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.audit.SnippetEntry
TYPE - Static variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.evidence.ChallengeAudit
TYPE - Static variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.message.ChallengeMessage
TYPE - Static variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.message.UserDataMessage
TYPE - Static variable in class rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregateHandle
TYPE - Static variable in class rice.p2p.aggregation.messaging.AggregationTimeoutMessage
TYPE - Static variable in class rice.p2p.aggregation.messaging.NonAggregate
TYPE - Static variable in class rice.p2p.aggregation.raw.RawAggregate
TYPE - Static variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.FragmentKey
TYPE - Static variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierDataMessage
TYPE - Static variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierFetchMessage
TYPE - Static variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierNeighborRequestMessage
TYPE - Static variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierNeighborResponseMessage
TYPE - Static variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierQueryMessage
TYPE - Static variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierRangeForwardMessage
TYPE - Static variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierRangeQueryMessage
TYPE - Static variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierRangeResponseMessage
TYPE - Static variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierRefreshCompleteMessage
TYPE - Static variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierRefreshPatchMessage
TYPE - Static variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierRefreshProbeMessage
TYPE - Static variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierRefreshResponseMessage
TYPE - Static variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierResponseMessage
TYPE - Static variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierSyncMessage
TYPE - Static variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierTimeoutMessage
TYPE - Static variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.VersionKey
TYPE - Static variable in class rice.p2p.multiring.messaging.RingMessage
TYPE - Static variable in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringNodeHandleSet
TYPE - Static variable in class rice.p2p.multiring.RingId
TYPE - Static variable in class rice.p2p.past.ContentHashPastContentHandle
TYPE - Static variable in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCId
TYPE - Static variable in class rice.p2p.past.gc.messaging.GCCollectMessage
TYPE - Static variable in class rice.p2p.past.gc.messaging.GCInsertMessage
TYPE - Static variable in class rice.p2p.past.gc.messaging.GCLookupHandlesMessage
TYPE - Static variable in class rice.p2p.past.gc.messaging.GCRefreshMessage
TYPE - Static variable in class rice.p2p.past.gc.rawserialization.JavaSerializedGCPastContent
TYPE - Static variable in class rice.p2p.past.gc.rawserialization.JavaSerializedGCPastContentHandle
TYPE - Static variable in class rice.p2p.past.messaging.CacheMessage
TYPE - Static variable in class rice.p2p.past.messaging.FetchHandleMessage
TYPE - Static variable in class rice.p2p.past.messaging.FetchMessage
TYPE - Static variable in class rice.p2p.past.messaging.InsertMessage
TYPE - Static variable in class rice.p2p.past.messaging.LookupHandlesMessage
TYPE - Static variable in class rice.p2p.past.messaging.LookupMessage
TYPE - Static variable in class rice.p2p.past.messaging.MessageLostMessage
TYPE - Static variable in class rice.p2p.past.rawserialization.JavaSerializedPastContent
TYPE - Static variable in class rice.p2p.past.rawserialization.JavaSerializedPastContentHandle
TYPE - Static variable in class rice.p2p.past.testing.RawPastRegrTest.NonOverwritingTestPastContent
TYPE - Static variable in class rice.p2p.past.testing.RawPastRegrTest.TestPastContent
TYPE - Static variable in class rice.p2p.past.testing.RawPastRegrTest.TestPastContentHandle
TYPE - Static variable in class rice.p2p.past.testing.RawPastRegrTest.VersionedTestPastContent
TYPE - Static variable in class rice.p2p.replication.messaging.ReminderMessage
TYPE - Static variable in class rice.p2p.replication.messaging.RequestMessage
TYPE - Static variable in class rice.p2p.replication.messaging.ResponseMessage
TYPE - Static variable in class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.AnycastFailureMessage
TYPE - Static variable in class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.AnycastMessage
TYPE - Static variable in class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.DropMessage
TYPE - Static variable in class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.PublishMessage
TYPE - Static variable in class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.PublishRequestMessage
TYPE - Static variable in class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.SubscribeAckMessage
TYPE - Static variable in class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.SubscribeFailedMessage
TYPE - Static variable in class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.SubscribeMessage
TYPE - Static variable in class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.UnsubscribeMessage
TYPE - Static variable in class rice.p2p.scribe.rawserialization.JavaSerializedScribeContent
TYPE - Static variable in class rice.p2p.scribe.testing.RawScribeRegrTest.RawTestScribeContent
TYPE - Static variable in class rice.p2p.splitstream.SplitStreamContent
TYPE - Static variable in class rice.p2p.splitstream.SplitStreamSubscribeContent
TYPE - Static variable in class rice.pastry.Id
TYPE - Static variable in class rice.pastry.join.JoinRequest
TYPE - Static variable in class rice.pastry.leafset.BroadcastLeafSet
type() - Method in class rice.pastry.leafset.BroadcastLeafSet
Returns the type of leaf set.
TYPE - Static variable in class rice.pastry.leafset.RequestLeafSet
TYPE - Static variable in class rice.pastry.NodeSet
TYPE - Static variable in class rice.pastry.peerreview.FetchLeafsetRequest
TYPE - Static variable in class rice.pastry.peerreview.FetchLeafsetResponse
TYPE - Static variable in class rice.pastry.pns.messages.LeafSetRequest
TYPE - Static variable in class rice.pastry.pns.messages.LeafSetResponse
TYPE - Static variable in class rice.pastry.pns.messages.RouteRowRequest
TYPE - Static variable in class rice.pastry.pns.messages.RouteRowResponse
TYPE - Static variable in class rice.pastry.routing.BroadcastRouteRow
TYPE - Static variable in class rice.pastry.routing.RequestRouteRow
TYPE - Static variable in class rice.pastry.routing.RouteMessage
TYPE - Static variable in class rice.pastry.routing.RouteSet
TYPE - Static variable in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.probe.ProbeRequestMessage
TYPE - Static variable in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.ByteBufferMsg
TYPE - Static variable in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.OpenChannelMsg
TYPE - Static variable in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.PilotForwardMsg
TYPE - Static variable in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.RendezvousJoinRequest
TYPE - Static variable in class rice.pastry.standard.ConsistentJoinMsg
TYPE - Static variable in class rice.persistence.testing.MemoryStorageTest.VariableId
TYPE - Static variable in class rice.tutorial.rawserialization.MyMsg
TYPE_FETCH - Static variable in interface rice.p2p.past.rawserialization.SocketStrategy
TYPE_INSERT - Static variable in interface rice.p2p.past.rawserialization.SocketStrategy
TYPE_SR_TCP - Static variable in interface rice.pastry.NetworkListener
TCP traffic source-routed (you are an intermediate hop, not the source nor destination)
TYPE_SR_UDP - Static variable in interface rice.pastry.NetworkListener
UDP traffic source-routed (you are an intermediate hop, not the source nor destination)
TYPE_TCP - Static variable in interface rice.pastry.NetworkListener
TCP traffic (not source-routed)
TYPE_UDP - Static variable in interface rice.pastry.NetworkListener
UDP traffic (not source-routed)


uByteToInt(byte) - Static method in class rice.p2p.util.MathUtils
UDP - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.TransportLayerListenerConstants
udp - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.WireTransportLayerImpl
UDP_OPEN_MILLIS - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.nat.FirewallTLImpl
UDPLayer - Interface in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire
UDPLayerImpl - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire
UDPLayerImpl(WireTransportLayerImpl) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.UDPLayerImpl
UDPLayerImpl.Envelope - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire
Internal class which holds a pending datagram
UDPLayerImpl.Envelope(InetSocketAddress, ByteBuffer, MessageCallback<InetSocketAddress, ByteBuffer>, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.UDPLayerImpl.Envelope
Constructor for Envelope.
udpSuccess(InetSocketAddress, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.networkinfo.ConnectivityResult
udpTable - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.nat.FirewallTLImpl
Holds when we last refreshed the UDP connection
uncache(Id, Continuation) - Method in interface rice.persistence.Cache
Removes the object from the list of cached objects.
uncache(Id, Continuation) - Method in class rice.persistence.EmptyCache
Removes the object from the list of cached objects.
uncache(Id, Continuation) - Method in class rice.persistence.LRUCache
Removes the object from the list of cached objects.
uncache(Id, Continuation) - Method in class rice.persistence.StorageManagerImpl
Removes the object from the list of cached objects.
UnifiedProcessor - Class in rice.environment.processing.simple
UnifiedProcessor(String, SelectorManager, TimeSource, LogManager) - Constructor for class rice.environment.processing.simple.UnifiedProcessor
uniqueCount - Variable in exception rice.pastry.leafset.LSRangeCannotBeDeterminedException
UNKNOWN - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.TransportLayerListenerConstants
Transport type
UNKNOWN - Static variable in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.rawserialization.InputBuffer
unknown - Variable in class rice.pastry.testing.PastryNetworkTest
UnknownCertificateException - Exception in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.identity
UnknownCertificateException(Object, Object) - Constructor for exception org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.identity.UnknownCertificateException
UnknownValueException - Exception in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.table
UnknownValueException(Object, Object) - Constructor for exception org.mpisws.p2p.transport.table.UnknownValueException
unlock(Id) - Method in interface rice.persistence.LockManager
unlock(Id) - Method in class rice.persistence.LockManagerImpl
unmark() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLParser
Unsets the mark
unstore(Id, Continuation) - Method in class rice.persistence.MemoryStorage
Removes the object from the list of stored objects.
unstore(Id, Continuation) - Method in class rice.persistence.PersistentStorage
Request to remove the object from the list of persistend objects.
unstore(Id, Continuation) - Method in interface rice.persistence.Storage
Removes the object from the list of stored objects.
unstore(Id, Continuation) - Method in class rice.persistence.StorageManagerImpl
Removes the object from the list of stored objects.
unsubscribe(Topic, ScribeClient) - Method in interface rice.p2p.scribe.BaseScribe
Deprecated. use unsubscribe(Topic, ScribeMultiClient)
unsubscribe(Topic, ScribeMultiClient) - Method in interface rice.p2p.scribe.BaseScribe
unsubscribe(Collection<Topic>, ScribeMultiClient) - Method in interface rice.p2p.scribe.BaseScribe
unsubscribe(Topic, ScribeClient) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeImpl
Unsubscribes the given client from the provided topic.getId
unsubscribe(Topic, ScribeMultiClient) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeImpl
unsubscribe(Collection<Topic>, ScribeMultiClient) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeImpl
This code: for each Topic: 1) removes the client from the TopicManager 2)
unsubscribe(SplitStreamClient) - Method in class rice.p2p.splitstream.Stripe
Removes a client from this stripe - the client will no longer be informed whenever data arrives for this stripe
UnsubscribeMessage - Class in rice.p2p.scribe.messaging
UnsubscribeMessage(NodeHandle, List<Topic>) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.UnsubscribeMessage
Constructor which takes a unique integer Id
unwrap() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.ssl.SSLSocketManager
unwrap() - Method in class rice.pastry.routing.RouteMessage
Deprecated. use unwrap(MessageDeserializer)
unwrap(MessageDeserializer) - Method in class rice.pastry.routing.RouteMessage
unwrapMe - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.ssl.SSLSocketManager
update(NodeHandle, boolean) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.BandwidthMeasuringTLTest
update(NodeHandle, boolean) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.replay.MyScribeClient
update(NodeHandle, boolean) - Method in class rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregationImpl
update(NodeHandle, boolean) - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.Application
This method is invoked to inform the application that the given node has either joined or left the neighbor set of the local node, as the set would be returned by the neighborSet call.
update(NodeHandle, boolean) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierImpl
update(long, byte[]) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.Manifest
update(NodeHandle, boolean) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringApplication
This method is invoked to inform the application that the given node has either joined or left the neighbor set of the local node, as the set would be returned by the neighborSet call.
update(Observable, Object) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringNodeHandle
Observable callback.
update(NodeHandle, boolean) - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.testing.MultiringRegrTest.MultiringTestApp
update(NodeHandle, boolean) - Method in class rice.p2p.past.PastImpl
This method is invoked to inform the application that the given node has either joined or left the neighbor set of the local node, as the set would be returned by the neighborSet call.
update(NodeHandle, boolean) - Method in class rice.p2p.replication.manager.ReplicationManagerImpl
This method is invoked to inform the application that the given node has either joined or left the neighbor set of the local node, as the set would be returned by the neighborSet call.
update(NodeHandle, boolean) - Method in class rice.p2p.replication.ReplicationImpl
This method is invoked to inform the application that the given node has either joined or left the neighbor set of the local node, as the set would be returned by the neighborSet call.
update(Observable, Object) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeImpl
Called when a Node's liveness changes
update(NodeHandle, boolean) - Method in class rice.p2p.scribe.ScribeImpl
This method is invoked to inform the application that the given node has either joined or left the neighbor set of the local node, as the set would be returned by the neighborSet call.
update(NodeHandle, boolean) - Method in class rice.pastry.client.CommonAPIAppl
Called by pastry when the neighbor set changes.
update(Observable, Object) - Method in class rice.pastry.direct.DirectNodeHandle
Only notify if dead.
Update - Static variable in class rice.pastry.leafset.BroadcastLeafSet
update(Object) - Method in class rice.pastry.NodeHandle
Method which allows the observers of this socket node handle to be updated.
update(Observable, Object) - Method in class rice.pastry.routing.RouteSet
Is called by the Observer pattern whenever the liveness or proximity of a registered node handle is changed.
update(Observable, Object) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.SocketNodeHandle
update(Observable, Object) - Method in class rice.pastry.standard.ConsistentJoinProtocol
Can be PastryNode updates, leafset updates, or nodehandle updates.
update(Observable, Object) - Method in class rice.pastry.standard.PeriodicLeafSetProtocol
Only remove the item if you did not give a lease.
update(Observable, Object) - Method in class rice.pastry.standard.StandardLeafSetProtocol
If nodehandle is dead, remove it from the leafset.
update(NodeHandle, boolean) - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.RegrTestApp
update(NodeHandle, boolean) - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.rendezvous.MyApp
Called when you hear about a new neighbor.
update(NodeHandle, boolean) - Method in class rice.pastry.testing.RoutingTableTest.MyApp
Called when you hear about a new neighbor.
update(NodeHandle, boolean) - Method in class rice.tutorial.appsocket.MyApp
Called when you hear about a new neighbor.
update(NodeHandle, boolean) - Method in class rice.tutorial.deterministicsimulator.MyApp
Called when you hear about a new neighbor.
update(NodeHandle, boolean) - Method in class rice.tutorial.direct.MyApp
Called when you hear about a new neighbor.
update(NodeHandle, boolean) - Method in class rice.tutorial.forwarding.MyApp
Called when you hear about a new neighbor.
update(NodeHandle, boolean) - Method in class rice.tutorial.gtitm.MyApp
Called when you hear about a new neighbor.
update(NodeHandle, boolean) - Method in class rice.tutorial.lesson3.MyApp
Called when you hear about a new neighbor.
update(NodeHandle, boolean) - Method in class rice.tutorial.lesson4.MyApp
Called when you hear about a new neighbor.
update(NodeHandle, boolean) - Method in class rice.tutorial.lookup.LookupService
update(NodeHandle, boolean) - Method in class rice.tutorial.prioritylistener.MyApp
Called when you hear about a new neighbor.
update(NodeHandle, boolean) - Method in class rice.tutorial.rawserialization.MyApp
Called when you hear about a new neighbor.
update(NodeHandle, boolean) - Method in class rice.tutorial.rawserialization2.MyApp
Called when you hear about a new neighbor.
update(NodeHandle, boolean) - Method in class rice.tutorial.remotesocket.MyApp
Called when you hear about a new neighbor.
update(NodeHandle, boolean) - Method in class rice.tutorial.scribe.MyScribeClient
update(NodeHandle, boolean) - Method in class rice.tutorial.sendfile.MyApp
Called when you hear about a new neighbor.
update(NodeHandle, boolean) - Method in class rice.tutorial.splitstream.MySplitStreamClient
update(NodeHandle, boolean) - Method in class rice.tutorial.ssl.MyApp
Called when you hear about a new neighbor.
update(NodeHandle, boolean) - Method in class rice.tutorial.timer.MyApp
Called when you hear about a new neighbor.
update(NodeHandle, boolean) - Method in class rice.tutorial.transportdirect.MyApp
Called when you hear about a new neighbor.
update(NodeHandle, boolean) - Method in class rice.tutorial.transportlayer.MyApp
Called when you hear about a new neighbor.
updated - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.liveness.LivenessTransportLayerImpl.EntityManager
updated - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.manager.SourceRouteManagerImpl.AddressManager
updateLogTime() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewImpl
updateLogTime() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.record.RecordLayer
PeerReview only updates its internal clock when it returns to the main loop, but not in between (e.g.
updateManifest(VersionKey, Manifest, long) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierDefaultPolicy
updateManifest(VersionKey, Manifest, long) - Method in interface rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierPolicy
updates - Variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.messaging.GlacierRefreshCompleteMessage
updateTokenBucket() - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierImpl
updateWitnesses(Collection<Handle>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.evidence.EvidenceTransferProtocolImpl.CacheInfo
updateWitnesses(EvidenceTransferProtocolImpl<Handle, Identifier>.CacheInfo) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.evidence.EvidenceTransferProtocolImpl.QueryInfo
upgradeHashedEntry(int, ByteBuffer) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.SecureHistory
If the log already contains an entry in 'hashed' form and we learn the actual contents later, this function is called.
upgradeHashedEntry(int, ByteBuffer) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.history.SecureHistoryImpl
If the log already contains an entry in 'hashed' form and we learn the actual contents later, this function is called.
upper - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.identity.IdentityImpl
UpperIdentity<Identifier,MessageType> - Interface in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.identity
When the LowerIdentity reports that a destination has changed, this layer cancels all pending messages.
USE_DIFFERENT_PORT - Static variable in class rice.pastry.socket.internet.InternetPastryNodeFactory
useClientAuth - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.ssl.SSLSocketManager
useDefault - Variable in class rice.environment.logging.HeirarchyLogger
useHandle(NodeHandle) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.rendezvous.RendezvousPNSApplication
Separate this out to make it super easy to change the policy.
useHeartbeat - Static variable in class rice.selector.ProfileSelector
useLoopListeners - Variable in class rice.selector.SelectorManager
LoopListeners is used in case you are worried that your process may not get scheduled for a while such as on an overloaded planetlab node, or if you hibernate your laptop, this is not needed for the simulator
useLoopListeners(boolean) - Method in class rice.selector.SelectorManager
Set this to false when using the simulator, because you don't need to notify loop observers.
UserDataMessage<Handle extends RawSerializable> - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.message
Note, it's only Evidence when the type has been changed.
UserDataMessage(long, Handle, byte[], byte[], ByteBuffer, int) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.message.UserDataMessage
uShortToInt(short) - Static method in class rice.p2p.util.MathUtils


VALID - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewConstants
Enum for EvidenceTool
validatesFragment(Fragment, int, Logger) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.Manifest
valueHeadMap(Object) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.ReverseTreeMap
Method which returns a headset of the values, or all the keys with values up to the specified value
valueNullMap() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.ReverseTreeMap
Method which returns all of the keys which have null values
values() - Method in class rice.p2p.multiring.MultiringIdFactory.MultiringSortedMap
values() - Method in class rice.p2p.past.gc.GCIdFactory.GCSortedMap
values() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.ImmutableSortedMap
Returns a collection view of the values contained in this map.
values() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.RedBlackMap
Returns a collection view of the values contained in this map.
valueSerializer - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.table.TableTransprotLayerImpl
valueSubMap(Object, Object) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.ReverseTreeMap
Method which returns a headset of the values, or all the keys with values up to the specified value
valueTailMap(Object) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.ReverseTreeMap
Method which returns a tailset of the values, or all the keys with values after to the specified value
verifiedOK() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.playback.ReplayVerifier
verifiedOK() - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.Verifier
verifiedOK() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.VerifierImpl
verifier - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.audit.ActiveAuditInfo
verifier - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.playback.ReplaySocket
verifier - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.ReplaySocket
Verifier<Handle> - Interface in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay
verifierFactory - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewImpl
VerifierFactory<Handle extends RawSerializable,Identifier extends RawSerializable> - Interface in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay
VerifierFactoryImpl<Handle extends RawSerializable,Identifier extends RawSerializable> - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay
VerifierFactoryImpl(PeerReview<Handle, Identifier>) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.VerifierFactoryImpl
VerifierImpl<Handle extends RawSerializable,Identifier extends RawSerializable> - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay
VerifierImpl(PeerReview<Handle, Identifier>, Environment, SecureHistory, Handle, long, Object) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.VerifierImpl
VerifierMRH<Handle> - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay
VerifierMRH(Handle, ByteBuffer, MessageCallback<Handle, ByteBuffer>, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.VerifierMRH
verify(Identifier, byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.identity.CertificateManager
verify(I, byte[], byte[]) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.identity.IdentityTransportLayerImpl
verify(Identifier, Authenticator) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReview
Throws exception if called w/o the cert for the subject
verify(Identifier, Authenticator) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewImpl
verify(Identifier, byte[], byte[]) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewImpl
verify(byte[], byte[], PublicKey) - Static method in class rice.p2p.util.SecurityUtils
Utility method for verifying a signature
verifyConnection(int, InetSocketAddress, InetSocketAddress[], Environment, Logger) - Static method in class rice.pastry.socket.SocketPastryNodeFactory
verifyConnectivity(MultiInetSocketAddress, InetSocketAddress, ConnectivityResult, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.networkinfo.InetSocketAddressLookup
Verify that I have connectivity by using a third party.
verifyConnectivity(MultiInetSocketAddress, InetSocketAddress, ConnectivityResult, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.networkinfo.NetworkInfoTransportLayer
ask probeAddress to call probeStrategy.requestProbe()
verifyConnectivity(MultiInetSocketAddress, Collection<InetSocketAddress>, ConnectivityResult) - Method in interface rice.pastry.socket.nat.connectivityverifiier.ConnectivityVerifier
Verify my connectivity using a 3rd party
verifyConnectivity(MultiInetSocketAddress, Collection<InetSocketAddress>, ConnectivityResult) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.connectivityverifiier.ConnectivityVerifierImpl
Call this to determine if your connectivity is good.
VerifyConnectivity - Class in rice.pastry.testing.rendezvous
VerifyConnectivity() - Constructor for class rice.pastry.testing.rendezvous.VerifyConnectivity
verifyConnectivityHelper(InetSocketAddressLookup, AttachableCancellable, MultiInetSocketAddress, List<InetSocketAddress>, ConnectivityResult) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.nat.connectivityverifiier.ConnectivityVerifierImpl
verifyConnectivityThenMakeNewNode(Id, MultiInetSocketAddress, Continuation<PastryNode, IOException>) - Method in class rice.pastry.socket.internet.InternetPastryNodeFactory
Verifies the connectivity (if necessary), then calls super.newNodeSelector() if connectivity fails, then uses Rendezvous
version - Variable in class rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregateHandle
version - Variable in class rice.p2p.aggregation.ObjectDescriptor
version - Variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.DebugContent
version - Variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.v2.GlacierContentHandle
version - Variable in class rice.p2p.glacier.VersionKey
version - Variable in class rice.p2p.multiring.RingCertificate
version - Variable in class rice.p2p.past.testing.PastRegrTest.VersionedTestPastContent
version - Variable in class rice.p2p.past.testing.RawPastRegrTest.VersionedTestPastContent
VersioningPast - Interface in rice.p2p.glacier
VersionKey - Class in rice.p2p.glacier
VersionKey(Id, long) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.glacier.VersionKey
Constructor for VersionKey.
VersionKey(InputBuffer, Endpoint) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.glacier.VersionKey
VersionKeyFactory - Class in rice.p2p.glacier
VersionKeyFactory(MultiringIdFactory) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.glacier.VersionKeyFactory
Constructor for VersionKeyFactory.
VersionKeyRange - Class in rice.p2p.glacier
VersionKeyRange(IdRange) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.glacier.VersionKeyRange
VersionKeyRange(InputBuffer, Endpoint) - Method in class rice.p2p.glacier.VersionKeyRange
VersionKeySet - Class in rice.p2p.glacier
VersionKeySet() - Constructor for class rice.p2p.glacier.VersionKeySet
VersionKeySet(VersionKeySet) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.glacier.VersionKeySet
Copy constructor.
VersionKeySet(SortedMap) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.glacier.VersionKeySet
visited - Variable in class rice.p2p.scribe.messaging.AnycastMessage
the list of nodes which we have visited
vlist - Variable in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectInputStream
The list of validation objects waiting for the entire object graph to be read in
vNewPast - Variable in class rice.p2p.aggregation.Moraine
vOldPast - Variable in class rice.p2p.aggregation.Moraine


WAIT_TO_JOIN_DELAY - Static variable in class rice.p2p.splitstream.testing.SplitStreamDistTest
WAIT_TO_SUBSCRIBE_DELAY - Static variable in class rice.p2p.splitstream.testing.SplitStreamDistTest
waitingList - Variable in class rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregationImpl
waitOnClock(int) - Method in class rice.p2p.commonapi.testing.CommonAPITest
waitToRecoverFromKilling(int) - Method in class rice.p2p.commonapi.testing.CommonAPITest
Nodes will be non-ready for a while after killing.
wakeup() - Method in class rice.p2p.replication.manager.ReplicationManagerImpl.ReplicationManagerHelper
wakeup() - Method in class rice.selector.SelectorManager
Note, should hold the selector's (this) lock to call this.
wakeupTime - Variable in class rice.selector.SelectorManager
WARNING - Static variable in class rice.environment.logging.Logger
WARNING is a message level indicating a potential problem.
wasAdded() - Method in class rice.pastry.NodeSetUpdate
Returns true if the handle was added to the set.
wasReadOK - Variable in class rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregateList
WhatIsMyIP - Class in rice.pastry.testing.rendezvous
WhatIsMyIP() - Constructor for class rice.pastry.testing.rendezvous.WhatIsMyIP
WHITESPACE - Static variable in class rice.p2p.util.XMLParser
WHITESPACE_OR_EQUALS - Static variable in class rice.p2p.util.XMLParser
WHITESPACE_OR_TAG_END - Static variable in class rice.p2p.util.XMLParser
whoDoWeNeedAResponseFrom() - Method in class rice.pastry.standard.ConsistentJoinProtocol
Returns all members of the leafset that are not in gotResponse
wire - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.magicnumber.MagicNumberTransportLayer
WireSourceRoute - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.factory
WireSourceRouteFactory - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.factory
TODO: may be a good idea to special case the single hop, as is done in multi-inet.
WireSourceRouteFactory() - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.sourceroute.factory.WireSourceRouteFactory
WireSRTest - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer
WireSRTest() - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.WireSRTest
WireTest - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer
WireTest() - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.WireTest
WireTransportLayer - Interface in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire
Sends/receives ByteBuffer from InetSocketAddress This layer does a lot of the difficult part: - Non-blocking I/O (using selector etc) - Enforcement of number of Sockets to prevent FileDescriptor Starvation
WireTransportLayerImpl - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire
WireTransportLayerImpl(InetSocketAddress, Environment, ErrorHandler<InetSocketAddress>) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.WireTransportLayerImpl
WireTransportLayerImpl(InetSocketAddress, Environment, ErrorHandler<InetSocketAddress>, boolean) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.WireTransportLayerImpl
WireTransportLayerImpl(InetSocketAddress, Environment, ErrorHandler<InetSocketAddress>, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.WireTransportLayerImpl
WitnessListener<Handle,Identifier> - Interface in org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview
workQueue - Variable in class rice.environment.processing.simple.SimpleProcessor
WorkQueue - Class in rice.environment.processing.simple
WorkQueue() - Constructor for class rice.environment.processing.simple.WorkQueue
WorkQueue(int) - Constructor for class rice.environment.processing.simple.WorkQueue
WorkQueueOverflowException - Exception in rice.environment.processing.simple
WorkQueueOverflowException() - Constructor for exception rice.environment.processing.simple.WorkQueueOverflowException
WorkRequest<R> - Class in rice.environment.processing
Extend this class and implement doWork() if you need to do blocking disk IO.
WorkRequest(Continuation<R, Exception>, SelectorManager) - Constructor for class rice.environment.processing.WorkRequest
WorkRequest() - Constructor for class rice.environment.processing.WorkRequest
write(ByteBuffer) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.P2PSocket
Writes a sequence of bytes to this channel from a subsequence of the given buffers.
write(ByteBuffer) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.playback.ReplaySocket
write(ByteBuffer) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.record.RecordSocket
write(ByteBuffer) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.ReplaySocket
write(ByteBuffer) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rc4.EncryptedSocket
write(ByteBuffer) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.ssl.SSLSocketManager
write(ByteBuffer) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.util.SocketWrapperSocket
write(SelectionKey) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.SocketManager
Writes to the socket attached to this socket manager.
write(ByteBuffer) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.SocketManager
write(SelectionKey) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.UDPLayerImpl
write(int) - Method in class rice.environment.logging.LogOutputStream
write(ByteBuffer[], int, int) - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.appsocket.AppSocket
Deprecated. use write(ByteBuffer)
write(ByteBuffer) - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.appsocket.AppSocket
Writes a sequence of bytes to this channel from a subsequence of the given buffers.
write(byte[], int, int) - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.rawserialization.OutputBuffer
write(int) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.Base64.OutputStream
Writes the byte to the output stream after converting to/from Base64 notation.
write(byte[], int, int) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.Base64.OutputStream
Calls Base64.OutputStream.write(int) repeatedly until len bytes are written.
write(int) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.EncryptedOutputStream
Writes the specified byte to this output stream.
write(byte[], int, int) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.EncryptedOutputStream
Writes the given bytes to the output
write(byte[], int, int) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.rawserialization.SizeChecker
write(ObjectOutput) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectOutputStream.PutField
write(byte) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectOutputStream
Method which writes a byte to the underlying output stream.
write(byte[]) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectOutputStream
Method which writes a array of bytes to the underlying output stream.
write(byte[], int, int) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectOutputStream
Method which writes a array of bytes to the underlying output stream.
write(ByteBuffer[], int, int) - Method in class rice.pastry.transport.SocketAdapter
write(ByteBuffer) - Method in class rice.pastry.transport.SocketAdapter
write(SelectionKey) - Method in class rice.selector.SelectionKeyHandler
Method which is called when the key becomes writable.
WRITE_OBJECTS - Static variable in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectOutputStream
A cache of the writeObject() methods, mapping class->writeObject()
WRITE_REPLACES - Static variable in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectOutputStream
A cache of the writeReplace() methods, mapping class->writeReplace()
writeArray(Object, String, boolean) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectOutputStream
Method which writes an array to the stream.
writeBase64(byte[], int, int) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLWriter
Method which writes a sequence of base64 encoded bytes to the output stream
writeBoolean(boolean) - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.rawserialization.OutputBuffer
writeBoolean(boolean) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.rawserialization.SizeChecker
writeBoolean(boolean) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectOutputStream
Method which writes an boolean to the stream.
writeBuffer() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.EncryptedOutputStream
Internal method which writes out the buffered data
writeByte(byte) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.util.FileOutputBuffer
writeByte(byte) - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.rawserialization.OutputBuffer
writeByte(byte) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.RandomAccessFileIOBuffer
writeByte(byte) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.rawserialization.SimpleOutputBuffer
writeByte(byte) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.rawserialization.SizeChecker
writeByte(int) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectOutputStream
Method which writes an byte to the stream.
writeByte(byte) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectOutputStream
Method which writes an byte to the stream.
writeBytes(String) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectOutputStream
Method which writes a String as a sequence of chars to the stream.
writeChar(char) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.util.FileOutputBuffer
writeChar(char) - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.rawserialization.OutputBuffer
writeChar(char) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.RandomAccessFileIOBuffer
writeChar(char) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.rawserialization.SimpleOutputBuffer
writeChar(char) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.rawserialization.SizeChecker
writeChar(int) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectOutputStream
Method which writes an char to the stream.
writeChar(char) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectOutputStream
Method which writes an char to the stream.
writeChars(String) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectOutputStream
Method which writes a String as a sequence of chars to the stream.
writeCheckpoint() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.PeerReviewImpl
writeClass(Object, Class) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectOutputStream
Method which writes the information for one class for a given object to the stream.
writeDirty() - Method in class rice.persistence.PersistentStorage
Function which writes out all of the dirty metadata files and marks them as clean.
writeDouble(double) - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.rawserialization.OutputBuffer
writeDouble(double) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.rawserialization.SizeChecker
writeDouble(double) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectOutputStream
Method which writes an double to the stream.
writeExternal(ObjectOutput) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.testing.XMLObjectStreamUnit.TestExternalizable
writeExternal(ObjectOutput) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.testing.XMLObjectStreamUnit.TestSubExternalizable
writeFields() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectOutputStream
Method which writes the current state of the PutField object to the stream as this object's fields.
writeFields(Object, Class) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectOutputStream
Method which initiates the default field writing mechanism for the given object's class.
writeFloat(float) - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.rawserialization.OutputBuffer
writeFloat(float) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.rawserialization.SizeChecker
writeFloat(float) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectOutputStream
Method which writes an float to the stream.
writeHeader() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLWriter
Method which writes the XML header to the writer.
writeHelper(ByteBuffer) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.rc4.EncryptedSocket
Only to be called holding the encryptedWriteBuffer, probably should only be called from this.write()
writeInt(int) - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.rawserialization.OutputBuffer
writeInt(int) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.rawserialization.SizeChecker
writeInt(int) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectOutputStream
Method which writes an int to the stream.
writeLong(long) - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.rawserialization.OutputBuffer
writeLong(long) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.rawserialization.SizeChecker
writeLong(long) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectOutputStream
Method which writes an long to the stream.
writeMe - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.ssl.SSLSocketManager
writeNull(String) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectOutputStream
Method which writes a null item to the stream as the provided field.
writeObject(Object, String) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectOutputStream
Method which writes an object to the stream as the given field name If the next object represents a reference or null, then the appropriate helper is called.
writeObjectOverride(Object) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectOutputStream
Method which is called by ObjectOutputStream.writeObject(), and writes the given object to the stream.
writeObjectUnshared(Object, String, boolean) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectOutputStream
Method which writes an object to the stream.
writeOrdinaryObject(Object, String, boolean) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectOutputStream
Method which writes an ordinary object to the stream (not a String or Array).
writePrimitive(int, String) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectOutputStream
Method which writes a int to the stream, as the given field name.
writePrimitive(boolean, String) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectOutputStream
Method which writes a boolean to the stream, as the given field name.
writePrimitive(byte, String) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectOutputStream
Method which writes a byte to the stream, as the given field name.
writePrimitive(char, String) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectOutputStream
Method which writes a char to the stream, as the given field name.
writePrimitive(double, String) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectOutputStream
Method which writes a double to the stream, as the given field name.
writePrimitive(float, String) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectOutputStream
Method which writes a float to the stream, as the given field name.
writePrimitive(long, String) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectOutputStream
Method which writes a long to the stream, as the given field name.
writePrimitive(short, String) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectOutputStream
Method which writes a short to the stream, as the given field name.
writePrimitiveField(Object, Field) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectOutputStream
Method which writes a primitive field to the stream.
writePutFields(XMLObjectOutputStream.PutField) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectOutputStream
Method which writes out the data from the given PutField class as the data for the given class.
writer - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.util.SocketWrapperSocket
writer - Variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.wire.SocketManager
writer - Variable in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectOutputStream
The underlying XML writing engine
writer - Variable in class rice.p2p.util.XMLWriter
The underlying writer which the serializer uses
writeReference(Object, String) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectOutputStream
Method which writes a reference to the stream, determined from the references table.
writeReplace() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.testing.XMLObjectStreamUnit.TestReplace
writeReset() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectOutputStream
Method which writes a reset command to the stream.
writeShort(short) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.util.FileOutputBuffer
writeShort(short) - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.rawserialization.OutputBuffer
writeShort(short) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.RandomAccessFileIOBuffer
writeShort(short) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.rawserialization.SimpleOutputBuffer
writeShort(short) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.rawserialization.SizeChecker
writeShort(int) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectOutputStream
Method which writes an short to the stream.
writeShort(short) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectOutputStream
Method which writes an short to the stream.
writeSocket(int, ByteBuffer) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.playback.ReplayVerifier
Return the bytes written.
writeSocket(int, ByteBuffer) - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.VerifierImpl
Return the bytes written.
writeSpecial(Object) - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.rawserialization.SizeCheckOutputBuffer
writeSpecial(Object) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.rawserialization.SizeChecker
Increment count appropriately
writeSpecial(Object) - Method in class rice.pastry.direct.DirectSizeChecker
writeStreamHeader() - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectOutputStream
Method which writes the XML header to the stream.
writeString(String, String, boolean) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectOutputStream
Method which writes a string to the stream as the provided field.
writeToDisk() - Method in class rice.p2p.aggregation.AggregateList
writeUnshared(Object) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectOutputStream
Method which writes the given object to the stream and does not record a reference to the object.
writeUTF(String) - Method in interface rice.p2p.commonapi.rawserialization.OutputBuffer
writeUTF(String) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.rawserialization.SizeChecker
This is bogus if you aren't using ascii! Would need to do more introspection.
writeUTF(String) - Method in class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectOutputStream
Method which writes a UTF-encoded String to the stream.
wrongHeaderTCP() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.MagicNumberTest
3 parts: - Alice opens a TCP socket to Bob - Alice sends to Bob - Alice closes the Socket
wrongHeaderUDP() - Method in class org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.MagicNumberTest
Sends udp message from alice to carol, should fail.
wrote(int, Identifier, Map<String, Object>, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.TransportLayerListener
Called when upstream bandwidth was consumed.


X509Serializer - Interface in org.mpisws.p2p.pki.x509
X509SerializerImpl - Class in org.mpisws.p2p.pki.x509
X509SerializerImpl() - Constructor for class org.mpisws.p2p.pki.x509.X509SerializerImpl
XMLObjectInputStream - Class in rice.p2p.util
XMLObjectInputStreamm is an extension of ObjectInputStreamm which provides for deserialization for objects which have been converted to XML via a XMLObjectOutputStream.
XMLObjectInputStream(InputStream) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectInputStream
Constructor which reads data from the given input stream in order deserialize objects.
XMLObjectInputStream.GetField - Class in rice.p2p.util
This class is an implementation of GetField which is compatible with the XMLObjectInputStreamm.
XMLObjectInputStream.GetField() - Constructor for class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectInputStream.GetField
XMLObjectOutputStream - Class in rice.p2p.util
XMLObjectOutputStream is an extension of ObjectOutputStream which provides for serialization for arbitrary Java objects, in the same manner as the ObjectOutputStream class.
XMLObjectOutputStream(OutputStream) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectOutputStream
Constructor which writes data from the given output stream in order serialize objects.
XMLObjectOutputStream.PutField - Class in rice.p2p.util
This class is an implementation of PutField which is compatible with the XMLObjectOutputStream.
XMLObjectOutputStream.PutField() - Constructor for class rice.p2p.util.XMLObjectOutputStream.PutField
XMLObjectStreamUnit - Class in rice.p2p.util.testing
XMLObjectStreamUnit() - Constructor for class rice.p2p.util.testing.XMLObjectStreamUnit
XMLObjectStreamUnit.TestByteSerialization - Class in rice.p2p.util.testing
XMLObjectStreamUnit.TestByteSerialization() - Constructor for class rice.p2p.util.testing.XMLObjectStreamUnit.TestByteSerialization
XMLObjectStreamUnit.TestExternalizable - Class in rice.p2p.util.testing
XMLObjectStreamUnit.TestExternalizable() - Constructor for class rice.p2p.util.testing.XMLObjectStreamUnit.TestExternalizable
XMLObjectStreamUnit.TestPutFields - Class in rice.p2p.util.testing
XMLObjectStreamUnit.TestPutFields() - Constructor for class rice.p2p.util.testing.XMLObjectStreamUnit.TestPutFields
XMLObjectStreamUnit.TestReplace - Class in rice.p2p.util.testing
XMLObjectStreamUnit.TestReplace() - Constructor for class rice.p2p.util.testing.XMLObjectStreamUnit.TestReplace
XMLObjectStreamUnit.TestReplace2 - Class in rice.p2p.util.testing
XMLObjectStreamUnit.TestReplace2() - Constructor for class rice.p2p.util.testing.XMLObjectStreamUnit.TestReplace2
XMLObjectStreamUnit.TestReplace3 - Class in rice.p2p.util.testing
XMLObjectStreamUnit.TestReplace3() - Constructor for class rice.p2p.util.testing.XMLObjectStreamUnit.TestReplace3
XMLObjectStreamUnit.TestResolve - Class in rice.p2p.util.testing
XMLObjectStreamUnit.TestResolve() - Constructor for class rice.p2p.util.testing.XMLObjectStreamUnit.TestResolve
XMLObjectStreamUnit.TestResolve2 - Class in rice.p2p.util.testing
XMLObjectStreamUnit.TestResolve2() - Constructor for class rice.p2p.util.testing.XMLObjectStreamUnit.TestResolve2
XMLObjectStreamUnit.TestResolve3 - Class in rice.p2p.util.testing
XMLObjectStreamUnit.TestResolve3() - Constructor for class rice.p2p.util.testing.XMLObjectStreamUnit.TestResolve3
XMLObjectStreamUnit.TestSerialPersistentFields - Class in rice.p2p.util.testing
XMLObjectStreamUnit.TestSerialPersistentFields() - Constructor for class rice.p2p.util.testing.XMLObjectStreamUnit.TestSerialPersistentFields
XMLObjectStreamUnit.TestSubExternalizable - Class in rice.p2p.util.testing
XMLObjectStreamUnit.TestSubExternalizable(Object) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.util.testing.XMLObjectStreamUnit.TestSubExternalizable
XMLObjectStreamUnit.TestUnreadData - Class in rice.p2p.util.testing
XMLObjectStreamUnit.TestUnreadData() - Constructor for class rice.p2p.util.testing.XMLObjectStreamUnit.TestUnreadData
XMLParser - Class in rice.p2p.util
This class is a memory-efficient implementation of most of the XML pull parsing API.
XMLParser() - Constructor for class rice.p2p.util.XMLParser
XMLParser.CharArrayBuffer - Class in rice.p2p.util
This class implements a char array buffer
XMLParser.CharArrayBuffer(char[], int, int) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.util.XMLParser.CharArrayBuffer
XMLParserUnit - Class in rice.p2p.util.testing
XMLParserUnit() - Constructor for class rice.p2p.util.testing.XMLParserUnit
XMLReader - Class in rice.p2p.util
XMLReader is a utility class used by XMLObjectInputStreamm to perform the actual XML parsing.
XMLReader(Reader) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.util.XMLReader
Constructor which takes the provided reader and builds a new XML parser to read XML from the reader.
XMLWriter - Class in rice.p2p.util
XMLWriter is a utility class used by XMLObjectOutputStream to perform the actual XML writing.
XMLWriter(OutputStream) - Constructor for class rice.p2p.util.XMLWriter
Constructor which takes the provided writer and builds a new XML writier to read XML from the writier.
xois - Variable in class rice.p2p.util.testing.XMLObjectStreamUnit
xoos - Variable in class rice.p2p.util.testing.XMLObjectStreamUnit
xor(byte[], byte[]) - Static method in class rice.p2p.util.MathUtils
Utility method which xors two given byte arrays, of equal length, and returns the results
xpp - Variable in class rice.p2p.util.XMLReader
The actual XML parser which we use


YES - Static variable in interface org.mpisws.p2p.transport.ssl.SSLTransportLayer


ZERO - Static variable in class org.mpisws.p2p.transport.peerreview.replay.record.RecordLayer
ZERO_LENGTH_NAME - Static variable in class rice.persistence.PersistentStorage
Special placeholder for the file whose name should be zero-length

Rice Pastry API

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