Rice Pastry API

Class SplitStreamImpl

  extended by rice.p2p.splitstream.SplitStreamImpl
All Implemented Interfaces:
Destructable, SplitStream

public class SplitStreamImpl
extends java.lang.Object
implements SplitStream

This is the implementing class of the ISplitStream interface. It provides the functionality of creating and attaching to channels. This class is responsible for handling all channels that a local node is part of.

$Id: SplitStreamImpl.java 4654 2009-01-08 16:33:07Z jeffh $
Ansley Post, Alan Mislove

Field Summary
protected  java.util.Hashtable<ChannelId,Channel> channels
          Hashtable of all the channels currently created on this node implicitly or explicitly.
protected  int defaultMaxChildren
protected  java.lang.String instance
protected  int maxFailedSubscriptions
protected  Node node
          The node that this application is running on
protected  Scribe scribe
          The scribe instance for this SplitStream Object
protected  int stripeBaseBitLength
Constructor Summary
SplitStreamImpl(Node node, java.lang.String instance)
          Convenience constructor which uses the default SplitStreamScribePolicy.
SplitStreamImpl(Node node, java.lang.String instance, SplitStreamScribePolicyFactory factory)
          The constructor for building the splitStream object which internally creates it's own Scribe.
Method Summary
 Channel attachChannel(ChannelId id)
          This method is used by peers who wish to listen to content distributed by some other peer using SplitStream.
 Channel createChannel(ChannelId id)
          This method is used by a peer who wishes to distribute the content using SplitStream.
 void destroy()
 Channel[] getChannels()
          Returns all of the channels on this local splitstream
 Environment getEnvironment()
 SplitStreamScribePolicy getPolicy()
          Returns the policy used to control Scribe
 int getStripeBaseBitLength()
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected Scribe scribe
The scribe instance for this SplitStream Object


protected Node node
The node that this application is running on


protected java.util.Hashtable<ChannelId,Channel> channels
Hashtable of all the channels currently created on this node implicitly or explicitly.


protected final int stripeBaseBitLength


protected final int maxFailedSubscriptions


protected final int defaultMaxChildren


protected java.lang.String instance
Constructor Detail


public SplitStreamImpl(Node node,
                       java.lang.String instance)
Convenience constructor which uses the default SplitStreamScribePolicy.

node -
instance -


public SplitStreamImpl(Node node,
                       java.lang.String instance,
                       SplitStreamScribePolicyFactory factory)
The constructor for building the splitStream object which internally creates it's own Scribe.

node - the pastry node that we will use
instance - The instance name for this splitstream
Method Detail


public Channel createChannel(ChannelId id)
This method is used by a peer who wishes to distribute the content using SplitStream. It creates a Channel Object consisting of numStripes number of Stripes, one for each stripe's content. A Channel object is responsible for implementing SplitStream functionality, like maintaining multiple multicast trees, bandwidth management and discovering parents having spare capacity. One Channel object should be created for each content distribution which wishes to use SplitStream.

Specified by:
createChannel in interface SplitStream
id - The id of the channel to create
an instance of a Channel class.


public Channel attachChannel(ChannelId id)
This method is used by peers who wish to listen to content distributed by some other peer using SplitStream. It attaches the local node to the Channel which is being used by the source peer to distribute the content. Essentially, this method finds out the different parameters of Channel object which is created by the source, (the peer distributing the content) , and then creates a local Channel object with these parameters and returns it. This is a non-blocking call so the returned Channel object may not be initialized with all the parameters, so applications should wait for channelIsReady() notification made by channels when they are ready.

Specified by:
attachChannel in interface SplitStream
id - The id of the channel to create
An instance of Channel object.


public Channel[] getChannels()
Returns all of the channels on this local splitstream

Specified by:
getChannels in interface SplitStream
All of the channels currently being received by this splitstream


public SplitStreamScribePolicy getPolicy()
Returns the policy used to control Scribe

The Scribe policy


public int getStripeBaseBitLength()
Specified by:
getStripeBaseBitLength in interface SplitStream


public Environment getEnvironment()
Specified by:
getEnvironment in interface SplitStream


public void destroy()
Specified by:
destroy in interface Destructable
Specified by:
destroy in interface SplitStream

Rice Pastry API

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