Rice Pastry API

Class Tutorial

  extended by rice.tutorial.sendfile.Tutorial

public class Tutorial
extends java.lang.Object

This tutorial shows how to setup a FreePastry node using the Socket Protocol.

Jeff Hoye

Constructor Summary
Tutorial(int bindport, java.net.InetSocketAddress bootaddress, int numNodes, Environment env, boolean useDirect)
          This constructor launches numNodes PastryNodes.
Method Summary
static void main(java.lang.String[] args)
          Usage: java [-cp FreePastry-.jar] rice.tutorial.appsocket.Tutorial localbindport bootIP bootPort numNodes or java [-cp FreePastry-.jar] rice.tutorial.appsocket.Tutorial -direct numNodes example java rice.tutorial.DistTutorial 9001 pokey.cs.almamater.edu 9001 10 example java rice.tutorial.DistTutorial -direct 10
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public Tutorial(int bindport,
                java.net.InetSocketAddress bootaddress,
                int numNodes,
                Environment env,
                boolean useDirect)
         throws java.lang.Exception
This constructor launches numNodes PastryNodes. They will bootstrap to an existing ring if one exists at the specified location, otherwise it will start a new ring.

bindport - the local port to bind to
bootaddress - the IP:port of the node to boot from
numNodes - the number of nodes to create in this JVM
env - the environment for these nodes
useDirect - true for the simulator, false for the socket protocol
Method Detail


public static void main(java.lang.String[] args)
                 throws java.lang.Exception
Usage: java [-cp FreePastry-.jar] rice.tutorial.appsocket.Tutorial localbindport bootIP bootPort numNodes or java [-cp FreePastry-.jar] rice.tutorial.appsocket.Tutorial -direct numNodes example java rice.tutorial.DistTutorial 9001 pokey.cs.almamater.edu 9001 10 example java rice.tutorial.DistTutorial -direct 10


Rice Pastry API

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