Rice Pastry API

Uses of Interface

Packages that use RouteMessage

Uses of RouteMessage in org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer

Methods in org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer with parameters of type RouteMessage
 boolean BandwidthMeasuringTLTest.forward(RouteMessage message)

Uses of RouteMessage in org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.replay

Methods in org.mpisws.p2p.testing.transportlayer.replay with parameters of type RouteMessage
 boolean MyScribeClient.forward(RouteMessage message)

Uses of RouteMessage in rice.p2p.aggregation

Methods in rice.p2p.aggregation with parameters of type RouteMessage
 boolean AggregationImpl.forward(RouteMessage message)

Uses of RouteMessage in rice.p2p.commonapi

Methods in rice.p2p.commonapi with parameters of type RouteMessage
 boolean Application.forward(RouteMessage message)
          This method is invoked on applications when the underlying node is about to forward the given message with the provided target to the specified next hop.

Uses of RouteMessage in rice.p2p.glacier.v2

Methods in rice.p2p.glacier.v2 with parameters of type RouteMessage
 boolean GlacierImpl.forward(RouteMessage message)

Uses of RouteMessage in rice.p2p.multiring

Classes in rice.p2p.multiring that implement RouteMessage
 class MultiringRouteMessage

Fields in rice.p2p.multiring declared as RouteMessage
protected  RouteMessage MultiringRouteMessage.message
          The internal message

Methods in rice.p2p.multiring that return RouteMessage
protected  RouteMessage MultiringRouteMessage.getRouteMessage()
          Returns the internal route message

Methods in rice.p2p.multiring with parameters of type RouteMessage
 boolean MultiringApplication.forward(RouteMessage message)
          This method is invoked on applications when the underlying node is about to forward the given message with the provided target to the specified next hop.

Constructors in rice.p2p.multiring with parameters of type RouteMessage
MultiringRouteMessage(Id ringId, RouteMessage message)

Uses of RouteMessage in rice.p2p.multiring.testing

Methods in rice.p2p.multiring.testing with parameters of type RouteMessage
 boolean MultiringRegrTest.MultiringTestApp.forward(RouteMessage message)

Uses of RouteMessage in rice.p2p.past

Methods in rice.p2p.past with parameters of type RouteMessage
 boolean PastImpl.forward(RouteMessage message)
          This method is invoked on applications when the underlying node is about to forward the given message with the provided target to the specified next hop.

Uses of RouteMessage in rice.p2p.past.gc

Methods in rice.p2p.past.gc with parameters of type RouteMessage
 boolean GCPastImpl.forward(RouteMessage message)
          This method is invoked on applications when the underlying node is about to forward the given message with the provided target to the specified next hop.

Uses of RouteMessage in rice.p2p.past.testing

Classes in rice.p2p.past.testing that implement RouteMessage
protected static class PastRegrTest.TestRouteMessage
          Utility class which simulates a route message
protected static class RawPastRegrTest.TestRouteMessage
          Utility class which simulates a route message

Uses of RouteMessage in rice.p2p.replication

Methods in rice.p2p.replication with parameters of type RouteMessage
 boolean ReplicationImpl.forward(RouteMessage message)
          This method is invoked on applications when the underlying node is about to forward the given message with the provided target to the specified next hop.

Uses of RouteMessage in rice.p2p.replication.manager

Methods in rice.p2p.replication.manager with parameters of type RouteMessage
 boolean ReplicationManagerImpl.forward(RouteMessage message)
          This method is invoked on applications when the underlying node is about to forward the given message with the provided target to the specified next hop.

Uses of RouteMessage in rice.p2p.scribe

Methods in rice.p2p.scribe with parameters of type RouteMessage
 boolean ScribeImpl.forward(RouteMessage message)
          This method is invoked on applications when the underlying node is about to forward the given message with the provided target to the specified next hop.

Uses of RouteMessage in rice.p2p.scribe.testing

Classes in rice.p2p.scribe.testing that implement RouteMessage
protected static class ScribeRegrTest.TestRouteMessage
          Utility class which simulates a route message

Uses of RouteMessage in rice.pastry.routing

Classes in rice.pastry.routing that implement RouteMessage
 class RouteMessage
          A route message contains a pastry message that has been wrapped to be sent to another pastry node.

Uses of RouteMessage in rice.pastry.testing

Methods in rice.pastry.testing with parameters of type RouteMessage
 boolean RoutingTableTest.MyApp.forward(RouteMessage message)
          Called a message travels along your path.

Uses of RouteMessage in rice.pastry.testing.rendezvous

Methods in rice.pastry.testing.rendezvous with parameters of type RouteMessage
 boolean MyApp.forward(RouteMessage message)
          Called a message travels along your path.

Uses of RouteMessage in rice.tutorial.appsocket

Methods in rice.tutorial.appsocket with parameters of type RouteMessage
 boolean MyApp.forward(RouteMessage message)
          Called a message travels along your path.

Uses of RouteMessage in rice.tutorial.deterministicsimulator

Methods in rice.tutorial.deterministicsimulator with parameters of type RouteMessage
 boolean MyApp.forward(RouteMessage message)
          Called a message travels along your path.

Uses of RouteMessage in rice.tutorial.direct

Methods in rice.tutorial.direct with parameters of type RouteMessage
 boolean MyApp.forward(RouteMessage message)
          Called a message travels along your path.

Uses of RouteMessage in rice.tutorial.forwarding

Methods in rice.tutorial.forwarding with parameters of type RouteMessage
 boolean MyApp.forward(RouteMessage message)

Uses of RouteMessage in rice.tutorial.gtitm

Methods in rice.tutorial.gtitm with parameters of type RouteMessage
 boolean MyApp.forward(RouteMessage message)
          Called a message travels along your path.

Uses of RouteMessage in rice.tutorial.lesson3

Methods in rice.tutorial.lesson3 with parameters of type RouteMessage
 boolean MyApp.forward(RouteMessage message)
          Called a message travels along your path.

Uses of RouteMessage in rice.tutorial.lesson4

Methods in rice.tutorial.lesson4 with parameters of type RouteMessage
 boolean MyApp.forward(RouteMessage message)
          Called a message travels along your path.

Uses of RouteMessage in rice.tutorial.lookup

Methods in rice.tutorial.lookup with parameters of type RouteMessage
 boolean LookupService.forward(RouteMessage message)
          This Application always forwards its messages

Uses of RouteMessage in rice.tutorial.prioritylistener

Methods in rice.tutorial.prioritylistener with parameters of type RouteMessage
 boolean MyApp.forward(RouteMessage message)
          Called a message travels along your path.

Uses of RouteMessage in rice.tutorial.rawserialization

Methods in rice.tutorial.rawserialization with parameters of type RouteMessage
 boolean MyApp.forward(RouteMessage message)
          Called a message travels along your path.

Uses of RouteMessage in rice.tutorial.rawserialization2

Methods in rice.tutorial.rawserialization2 with parameters of type RouteMessage
 boolean MyApp.forward(RouteMessage message)
          Called a message travels along your path.

Uses of RouteMessage in rice.tutorial.remotesocket

Methods in rice.tutorial.remotesocket with parameters of type RouteMessage
 boolean MyApp.forward(RouteMessage message)
          Called a message travels along your path.

Uses of RouteMessage in rice.tutorial.scribe

Methods in rice.tutorial.scribe with parameters of type RouteMessage
 boolean MyScribeClient.forward(RouteMessage message)

Uses of RouteMessage in rice.tutorial.sendfile

Methods in rice.tutorial.sendfile with parameters of type RouteMessage
 boolean MyApp.forward(RouteMessage message)
          Called a message travels along your path.

Uses of RouteMessage in rice.tutorial.splitstream

Methods in rice.tutorial.splitstream with parameters of type RouteMessage
 boolean MySplitStreamClient.forward(RouteMessage message)

Uses of RouteMessage in rice.tutorial.ssl

Methods in rice.tutorial.ssl with parameters of type RouteMessage
 boolean MyApp.forward(RouteMessage message)
          Called a message travels along your path.

Uses of RouteMessage in rice.tutorial.timer

Methods in rice.tutorial.timer with parameters of type RouteMessage
 boolean MyApp.forward(RouteMessage message)
          Called a message travels along your path.

Uses of RouteMessage in rice.tutorial.transportdirect

Methods in rice.tutorial.transportdirect with parameters of type RouteMessage
 boolean MyApp.forward(RouteMessage message)
          Called a message travels along your path.

Uses of RouteMessage in rice.tutorial.transportlayer

Methods in rice.tutorial.transportlayer with parameters of type RouteMessage
 boolean MyApp.forward(RouteMessage message)
          Called a message travels along your path.

Rice Pastry API

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